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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to belt Matic a factory game all about maths and making different numbers so for example we can use an extractor down here if we shove this on this two this will start extracting twos so we can grab a conveyor belt come out of there and look twos are flowing along until they get to the end where they got nowhere to go now if you were to add another one down here and then grab one of these in the middle and Adder don't worry it's not a snake we can then shove that like there see with these conveyor belts we can go over to there into there make this one go into that side so they're going into the A's they're going into the B's so a + b 2 + 2 it equals four so fours come out this end and then we send them to our main base which we've got all the way up here and you can see last time we ended up making a whole range of different numbers which unlocked us all of these things like the adders and multipliers but also allowed us to buy upgrades such as making our belts faster and extractions faster now as well as those upgrades we've also got if we look at our base in the middle we've got to get 44s into here we need 450 of them and that would unlock US extractions of sixes so if we look around here we've got a huge map it's absolutely ginormous you see the numbers in sort of bold are unlocked so we can put our extractors on them but the ones that aren't unlocked yet are like that so the six so that's what we're unlocking next and basically that will allow us to make like larger numbers easier cuz there'll be less well less ones and twos we got to add together Etc cuz we have a six so to make a 44 let's start with I mean there's fives and twos over here if we extract a five extract a two so we could multiply these two together that will get us coming out the middle a load of 10 and actually looking at this I think the multiplication is actually quite slow does it tell us anywhere like how fast they are yeah so in the upgrades thing the multiplication takes 0.2 seconds Adder only takes 0.3 seconds so maybe it'll be quicker to add fives together don't know but we got 10 I don't think I can can I make 44 with just these I can make 22 and then times that by two is that probably the most sensible way if I add like another multiplier there I can then I can take fives off there and bring them down I can take twos off there and then Bridge them over the top like that so that yellow thing is a bridge just allows the the numbers to jump over each other so then we got 10 coming down there so if I then grab an adder and me just flip that so the numbers are up right so add and then add a again I can basically just add everything together so a 10 goes in there 10 goes in there that makes 20s coming out the bottom I can then take twos down this way and if I shove that in there then 22 comes out the bottom there it is then I can just add my multiplier here then take twos from up there down so this will do 22 * 2 which makes the 44 and we've just done some maths quick math so then we just got to take this over this way and I think if we just Connect into this conveyor belt can you see this quite a lot of space on there there's lots of gaps so that should just allow this to come in that's got twos and 34s oh and 26 is coming in all numbers I had to make earlier and I think all numbers that sort of add up to various upgrades we got to make ones 19s two 16s 3 14s which I think we are making all of those aside from the 75s so would it be worth trying to make a 75 just to add we got an extractor of fives down here I can pretty much just multiply this over and over right so if we have two loads of fives coming out into a multiplier and that makes 25 we can just do that three times and add them together or if there's is there a three nearby there's not a three nearby where are the threes what that can't be the closest okay I think this is the closest three but I mean thankfully conveyor abouts don't cost anything so we can just take this as far as we want to but it's a long old wait yeah I think it makes more sense to do the threes just so we're not like waiting on something cuz as we saw the the multiplier does take quite a long time to do anything but as long as we just wait for these to come across like look how many threes are coming it's it is pretty rapid and then once they're up here that should all be good to go in fact it might be worth just adding a bit of 25 storage space like if I do a bit of that that starts backing up the 25 so that by the time the threes get here we should be able to do a few of them storage space for your numbers this is the math of the future but yeah then I'm just going to Wang that onto that conveyor belt cuz then that will take 75s as well as the 44s onto here and you can see there's still quite a lot of space on this conveyor decent right there's our first 75 as well look at it go look at it go okay something else I might want to do as well just to sort of speed this up a bit because the adders are faster than the multipliers and we've got two multiplication things making the 10 coming straight in it would probably be worth trying to make extra 10 I could I could make two more yeah I'll make two more so we'll split the fives off over that way so they can go into there and there we'll split the twos off they can do the same then 10 down here I'll take one back over to like there and then the ones from here can go onto that conveyor belt so now we got twice as many tens being made which should mean they start backing up behind this Adder which is what we want essentially so that just makes the 44 slightly faster okay we're good we're looking good so 44 man we've only got 56 out of 450 now what we can do what I love about this game you can use the copy and paste function so I can literally copy all of this like that and then I can paste this again and just line up like the other stuff I mean there's the is there a mirror no there's rotate but not a mirror that' be quite handy if there was a mirror but anyway if I shove that there all I've got to do is link up some fives so I can take fives off there and go up to the top twos I can come off up that way and then just bridge that over and connect up to there and then this should make 44s again so I can literally bring the output down and just Wang it onto that conveyor Bel and then yes it will take a little bit of time for this to get going but once it is we've just doubled our 44 production but why stop there I can triple it so we grab all of that we then copy over TOS it man it' be so handy if I could mirror stuff yeah I'll shove it there and then all I got to do is take a five out and bring it over to there I can then I can delete those we don't need them and the fives come in the twos can come in around this side up to there and the 44s come out the bottom they can go down to there we just got to make sure there's still space on this conveyor there's going to be a lot more numbers coming in looks like it oh look we're making 178 as well are we meant to be making them how do we make 178 I have no idea anyway nice you can see the new one is making 44s there so yeah we got all three of these making 44s they're up to 100 already that's three times faster so that is really good we can remember we can speed it up by doing these upgrades should I try and make more 75s I think that was quite an easy one wasn't it so 75s yeah I just need that coming off some five so literally if I just grab that I could rotate it and shove it over there hang on hang on hang on it's ah it's messed up all right threes go around that way I don't want threes on there but we've got them for now so the threes have to come around and go into there like that hang on these Corners are annoying me I just need to delete those it's nice and neat now but we've basically just doubled the number of 75s if I do that again I can like do it down the bottom I think I'm going to have to just delete these threes quickly so they don't get in the way but basically I just want to copy that rotate it that way all right so then if we've got that we have a three that comes into there like that the other three has to get over to there so that will just go down the bottom so I think yes 75 is at the bottom again so 75 come around there connect onto that one so we've just made a whole load of 75s and if I want to copy that again I can literally grab all of this stuff all I'll then have to do is find a three input but if I go find a five somewhere so like here's a five I can shove that on there I mean I could I could even perhaps if I copy that bit and rot at around to there yes we can have it fully surrounding the fives so that's going to make us 75s like four different ways we just got to get some threes in now down here there's a three extractor so we'll literally grab that belt it up then we've just got to make sure all of these have threes coming in I think they do now yeah that's good and then the 75s can all just come out like over to here and then we got 75s to take back to the base and yeah I can literally just copy this and then shove it on other fives if I want to make it quicker which I probably do copy all this try and find another five there's another one there shove that on we've just got to bring threes up now the threes down here they're not all in use so we can just take threes around there bring them up I think shove it into that section and then this is going to be making 75s as well that was really quick copy and pasting is fun so let's just check that 75s come out of here I see it once the threes Come Oh look The threes there are actually gaps in there I think because we're using up more threes than we can produce I mean it maybe that I just do an extra connection like over that way so now we got two conveyors coming out the threes yeah that's made things way quicker there's no gaps anymore and then up here yeah look the 75s are being made out look how fast they're being made that's decent um and while all that was going on we've actually got another upgrade so speed two belts that's because we've got 22s and 1,6 so if we click that we've now got speed three belts so all of our belts are moving slightly faster now decent down the bottom as well multiplier level one that makes the multiplier faster so if I upgrade that I think it goes from 0.2 per second yeah to 0.3 a second so now we are multiplying way quicker so that's good we need to make 49s we need to make 16s a lot faster we need 26s so are there any fours I mean fours is a really easy way to make 16s yeah here we go so I think here I can pretty much do what I did with the 75s so if we bring fours out we can then put them into a multiplier all right so coming out of there we've got 16s so let's just copy that and then rotate and then oh yes look at it look at it so many 16s if we just wrap them all around like that and we can take this back to our base which is all the way over there so let's go over that way and then down I yeah I may as well just shove it onto that conveyor so nice 16s are made as that was so easy I might have to copy that onto another one so any fours around right there's another four it's all the way up there but whatever right so then we can bring bring this down and I'll literally just shove it onto that conveyor there with the other 16s so now we got 16s for days and what I quite like about that we can shove that on other numbers ooh six oh we just unlocked the sixes have we yes we have okay so we got to get 58 now to get to level 10 oh that doesn't unlock US new numbers it unlocks belt priorities so how do we make 58 out of the numbers we have we have numbers 1 to six available uh it's annoying we don't have sevens sevens would be handy right now but I guess if I can find an area with yeah three and fours then I can make sevens I can make eights yeah let's have a go at this so three and fours you want to add those together I might do that like four times I'm just thinking speed if we shove those into the a like that and then the fours they can go into the B's like that then coming out of here we've got a load of sevens then we got fives and threes there so I can make eight by doing the same thing so obviously I'm just going to copy and paste this stuff and down here I'll do I think probably just two oh no I should be able to do four let's try and do four we'll try and do four adders I think if I take these and then just split them all apart it should work fine maybe so if we do that we got the Sev going in there I'll do the same with the eights so the eights just come off to go into the B's oh no I've just realized I don't want to add them I want to multiply them and multipliers take up more space so that's sort of messed everything up although I can just just do yeah I can do it like that and then the eights go into the A's the sevens can go into the B's there you go yeah I've done it I've done it then coming out here there were the 56ers there we go so now we just got to take that back to the base this thing is slightly in the I might have to move this it's sort of in the way of all my my entrances yeah bring that down oh no I meant to make 58s I thought it was 56s no I've made the wrong number psych that's the wrong number right there is a two there though so what we can do extract sh an add there quickly B saved myself I saved myself no one will ever know I always meant to do this so now so now that will be making us 50 58 which is what we wanted um I think I'll add like another adder or should I do the four we should have enough to be able to do the four right I'll just put all the 56ers into the B's like that then from there the twos can go into the A's and then they just all connect back up again few I think you got away with that I don't think I don't think anyone thinks I'm an idiot so nice we just got to make 500 of those 58s man copying this would be a bit of a pain actually cuz I have to find an area with five threes fours and threes 5 three 4 oh actually there's literally one right above okay maybe maybe I can make this work let me just copy this up to up to that then I just need to add extractors to all these other numbers so the threes the threes and the bibes and I think I just extend the belts so they all reach you go to there you go down to there and then that makes us 56s again then we just got to add the twos again which should be possible from down there as well man that worked out all right how did that happen so I think down here as before literally just copy all of that stuff rotate it so it comes out the top oh no I want a mirror why can't I mirror is that something I unlock later it must be yeah I'll just do this one like myself manually like a like a peasant one 2 3 4 56s can go into the bees like that can go into the A's then coming out of there we got a load of 58 bring them all the way down oh we just unlocked an achievement deliver 100,000 numbers in a single game that's a lot of numbers right I've just noticed actually there is a slight annoyance with how I've set this up I think the way the Splitters work they split evenly if there's space so it means this Top Line is getting like way more sort of numbers than like the bottom line now it might not matter it might not actually change anything but I feel like it's probably best like split that up a bit differently so I think for like the bottom one if I just demolish like that then I can come off the first line like there put that in so that should mean they're split like way more evenly so you probably have to do the similar down here as well so basically demolish that and then actually I might just take him off oh know I want to take him off there don't I yeah actually so yeah if I do that layout I think that's made this more even so all of these should be working faster and look at the number of 58s we're making yeah oh man we're already there so excited I can't talk we're already there nearly we just going to get to 500 they're going up so fast we've also got a new upgrade unlocked belt level 3es so to boost that is unlocked oh we got to get 158 now well we do have 58s being made we could add them to 100 cuz a place we could use 100 like over here look how many 10 we got o priorities set input output priorities for belt intersections by clicking on the Belt Direction ah so you can choose which one to priority yeah that's pretty much what I needed over here but I think my crazy sort of system has worked anyway anyway since we don't need 58s anymore let's use them we'll take some T off here bring them over this way and then we'll multiply the 10 together in fact I might do that a few times so that we're making some hundreds and then I want to add the hundreds to the 58s so 58 come off there go in there come off there go into there and then we got 158's coming out the bottom they can go back on for the conveyor all right and now we're making both of those numbers we making them reasonably quick could do with some more tens we've properly rinsed the amount of 10 we're making over there I mean we're using all of this to make 10 I could just do 5 * 2 and then that would be so much quicker so maybe it's worth losing all that yeah cuz when I only had access to twos that was my only way of making 10 I'm actually going to I'm going to delete all that so all of that Bo demolished and then going to extract twos from there fives from up there do the same over that way as well right then we just multiply and then shove that down into that so now we're making the 10 again we can make this way quicker by adding loads of these so rather than just one we've got that many which is pretty much the limit you can tell like if you've if you've done too many cuz at this end the the other numbers don't start backing up although yeah the fives and twos have started backing up so maybe I could add some more to the end but yeah essentially I can just grab this row and then add like extra conveyor bels coming off the twos coming off the fives if I wanted to make more 10 the thing is look at look at all the 10 coming out like there's too many there's more 10 than we know what to do with so let's use up a few more by making more 158 we do that by making more hundreds and these hundreds can go onto the existing hundreds we've got going on at least until the hundreds start backing up I think though yeah they're being used so quick I might just have to take them all over that way yeah so there we go anyway we are making 158 a bit quicker out cuz we're not waiting for any of that multiplication to happen uh what do we need next we want to make 600s so we can unlock seven extraction I mean to be honest since we've got so many 10 maybe we just do like 100 * six if I take these up that way do multiplication down there if I Wang all the 10 in this will make me a load of hundreds you see out there all the hundreds are coming over here we've got sixes so if we bring these down this way we could then put all of those there so it will be 100 * 6 because we got hundreds going in that way the six can come around here go into all the bees like that so that does 6 * 100 which obviously is 600 so then we've just got to take this down to our base which is we'll go down that way into there and then yes loads of 600s and man we've actually got quite a lot of 600s so that's worked out quite well nice while they're being made let's have a look in the upgrades again so we got 158 or we need some 49s as well as some 42s 42 hasn't been done I mean maybe for the 42 I can wait for the seven to be unlock cuz then I can just do 6 * 7 which is quite nice for the 49 though oh I mean 49's is the same 7 * 7 isn't it so yeah I'm going to wait until the sevens are unlocked so oh no I'm an idiot I'm actually an idiot how quickly did you guys spot the 600 thing I meant to be making 74s I got to make 600 of them not 74 600s so yeah that 600 thing completely pointless oh I cannot believe that to be fair I'm actually playing this on a fr Friday afternoon and in our in our like engineering industry we'd say if a job was ever done badly like we usually describe that as like that was probably a Friday afternoon job cuz Friday afternoons your brain is Switched Off it's ready for the weekend already um right how do I make 74s it's annoying I don't have a like a subtractor I only have an add it um I guess I could do 6 * 6 which would be 36 and then add that to 1 that will get me 37 so let's just try that quickly so 6 * 6 gets me 36 right yeah at least I got that right there we go we then extract the ones from there bring them down we can add those together to make 37 and then we times that by two I think and that will make us 74 so I'll just bring these over to where this two is so we got two there two comes out into a multiplier so 37 * 2 should make us drum roll please 74 and that's definitely what I need right yeah 74 good okay so then 74 I'll just bring that it's sort of threading the needle a bit things are getting complicated bring that down to there and then shove it in and then I've just got to try and make 74s a lot quicker so as we learned before we can have way more multiplications coming off if we just add a few more adders up there as well then nice I can even use my priority thing so I can click there to make it green so that prioritize is one's going this way until that's filled up so that means that these three get filled up before that top one so I think that's the best way of using the priority thing in this situation but yeah then 37s just go onto this so there's loads of 37s coming along this conveyor belt they end up down here we can then just add a load more multipliers and 37s will go into the bees so we'll just split it like that again probably worth priority putting them over this way first just cuz there's three there rather than one straight ahead and then the twos can do that and then connect them all down the bottom that's where the 74s come out and we've just quadrupled how fast we're making 74s I can't believe I made 600 I still can't believe that and we got a cheeky upgrade the adder is going to be quicker so we currently add .333 a second now we do 0.4 a second if we want to make it faster we got to add 67s into the mix also I don't know what why is that why is that there why have we got 20s I don't I don't know let's delete those yeah look at this look at the mess made already it's beautiful now if we click on this number by the way you can see all the numbers we're delivering so the ones that are like completely white they're the ones that we actually need the ones in Gray they're what we're delivering that we don't need so yeah the 600's nearly one a second and they're pointless all right so back at the base you can see the 74s we've nearly got 600 of them so then we can extract the sevens and that will unlock us a whole load of new options that will make things way easier so boot it's unlocked we got to get 171's so we can unlock eight I think I'll do that in a bit I might work on my upgrades first so let's do the 49 cuz that's easy just 7 * 7 we copy that layout we should make a load of 49s already yeah look there they are so quick and easy right 49's then we've just got to get them down to our base see we're at the point where we got to try and work out routes to actually get our numbers down how many of these do I need a, okay let me just copy this onto another load of sevens so there's a seven there so here come the 49 decent so that's that done pretty much the other number we wanted to make was the 42s then we got to find six and sevens close to each other so if we go like there you can see the six is down there the seven is up there so seven just bring that down shove it into that one the six bring that up shove it into there and this should make a whole heap of 42s there they are nice so then we bring the 42s over to I mean we got to go to another another input really where's where's a good place to input I mean that one's right yeah the ones were the 600s the 600s that we don't need but yeah they should come down this conveyor up there so there they are 42s parallel with the 49s so that's two loads of upgrades we should get soon should I work on 67 67's hard I mean I guess I could do like 60 + 7 so extractor there extractor there this will make me 10 if I then just multiply these right and then I can just do the multiplication from there and I think the sixes can come in from the bottom it doesn't matter what way around they go so if these sixes just go into the bees we do something like that so that we've got 6 * 10 loads of times then coming out the bottom we've got our 60s so then we've just got to add seven onto them and over here there's a seven extractor so we can literally just bring that across like to there is then if we just shove adders beneath and then we put the seven into the B's the 60s into the A's then we've made a whole load of 67s so then all we've got to do is bring these back over I say all we got to do this is actually becoming like the hardest bit now trying to find Space to get it back to my base but yeah there's all the 67s it's so far and then so complicated down here so there is a little Gap there so if we bring conveyor belts like around this side I'm starting from the bottom yeah we'll just bring the next of these 42s oh the way down to that and 67s are coming down they'll follow the 42s like right next to them and they'll come all the way down all the way down down to here so that's the 67s done which is going to be all the upgrades we've actually got a new upgrade for the 49s click to upgrade to four belt what does it mean four belts if I upgrade that oh does that mean like how many numbers cuz I don't know if you remember like the first episode we discovered you can only have like so many of these coming out until they like slow down yeah extract level four that's probably what it means so we've got the speed for four belts maybe anyway oh we need 462 here I think I'm going to stop on that one and instead focus on trying to get to level 12 unlocking extraction of eight so we got to make 171 so I could do like 100 + 70 + 1 I could do like 9 * 19 possibly but I don't know how to make 19 I don't really know how to make nines either I think there's actually quite a few ways I could do it I feel like the easiest way is using like one of these so if I were to just multiply I think my highest extraction number is seven isn't it so I can make 49s quite easily so copy that find a seven so there's a seven I'm thinking if I just bring them over to like two multipliers over this we I can do something like that then I just need threes to come in to multiply into those so any threes about I found a three just shove the threes into the other numbers like that so that would be 3 * 49 so then I just need to add 24 now to make 24 6 * 4 which means we can just do that down the middle shove the 147's into the A's 24s into the B's then coming out of here if I have done this correctly oh no I've multiplied them I was meant to add them quickly demolish them before anyone notices these are meant to be adders yes okay I did it I did it I know Ma okay 171's are coming down now we need 800 of those so that could take a little while still I think that's fine to be fair that's like it's already an eighth of the way there it means I can spend a little bit of time trying to make like 460 now let's just make let's make 15s we're a bit slow on 15s how fast are we making 15s yeah not. 3 a second so let's speed this up we'll do 5 * 3 do like four multipliers so we just belt them all up like this this game's like so I don't know satisfying is that the word yeah there's the 15s we'll shove them onto the conveyor belt down there then we should see 15 rather 0.3 a second if we leave it a little bit we're making 1 and 1 half a second big increase I maybe I should do the same with 14 that's quite slow so 7 * 2 got a load of 14s so 14s go from 0.4 a second up to nearly 2 a second right shall we try and get extraction level four 462 we got to make now up here didn't I make like 60s quite easily yeah we got 60 67s being made and they're being created by adding 60s to sevens so I could make 66s and then times that by seven so I need five twos and sixes man this is this going to be complicated so if I just copy all of this I mean I could perhaps just shove it down there and use like the same extractors yeah let's try it let's try this so the top arm we still want fives coming in so we'll grab a new line of fives like that bring them straight down this arm down here we want those no we don't want those to be sevens we want that to be a six the two though does want to be over there so there is a six down here so we can bring this up and over so then this should make me 66 we might have to wait I've just I very much winged this and as it's Friday afternoon I I don't trust myself yeah oh yeah there we go 66ers so 66 has come down there if we times that by seven now there is a seven extractor there so I probably could just take that out and bring this over like there so we got 66s we got sevens so we just got to multiply those together but since we have so many it's not worth doing it hang let me just check my matters right first does that make 462 yes it does you know it does yeah let's add like quite a lot of these we do all the sevens down there and all the sixes down there I mean I should probably make a lot more of these multiplayers still that will definitely be enough at least for now so I've just got to get them down to the bottom which is the hardest part if I add an extra an extra arm there can follow the 67s yes I'm working backwards then these 462 head along there head down there and they they should head all the way to the bottom which is lovely and look we've also completed the next one ooh 257 we unlock a subtractor now looking at that I reckon that's probably a prime number so there's no multiplications to go straight into it so we're probably going to have to do like well 250 plus 7 seems a sensible way of doing it but yeah I think for now this is already like look at the size of this I've never made a factory that's big in any game I don't think and this is just a simple Maths game but yeah if you enjoyed be sure to boost like button for now I'm going to say peace love and a whole load of numbers bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 98,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer, beltmatic
Id: 9g2MGRt_5Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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