How to use TV series to improve your Writing and Listening

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all right I think in life I'm not sure if it's working I've had some problems with my cell phone I'm very sad it wasn't working I don't know why but let's see I'm gonna check my phone to see if you guys are connecting I hope you are and hopefully it will work now so one second and well I see that are some viewers already this is wonderful I'm sorry something went really wrong with my phone I don't know why it's updated but the the app was crashing so I'm using my computer the quality is not so great but I hope we can enjoy the video and have a good time I'm trying to see the messages right now I'm not seeing anything so let's see I'm gonna try to work this out one second guys where are you well I think I can see that yes I can see the chat hello guys hi Eddie hi Jaggu hi Duffy hi Anna thank you all for joining and I am sorry that I started a live streaming and then I had to stop the live streaming because my cell phone walked out on me you know it stopped working so thank you all for being so patient and kind today is the first live video of 2018 I'm very happy to be here during this live video for you and I hope the subject can help you because I think many people here watched TV series right tell me what is your favorite TV series which ones we watch how often do you watch TV series and are you trying to watch TV series to learn and to improve your English and if so you have to watch this live stream you have to pay attention take notes because here I'm gonna tell you a little bit about how you can improve your writing and your listening by using TV series I see my people are joining someone from Barcelona hi Lloyd thanks for joining Khan thank you so much for joining alum in Thank You Brad thank you so much for joining Eva I'm not a tour ever I'm not sure I'm pronouncing your name correctly Jamar said he loves Big Bang Theory and let's see who else shares with me what your guys are watching as TV series okay anyways I watched TV series all the time okay guys I really like to watch TV series I think that it's a wonderful way for you to not only learn English but also a little bit about the culture of those countries okay I'm it's not only American TV series they I think today we have amazing Canadian shows a British shows so it's nice to give an opportunity to show suitabie shows from different countries now I think that by watching TV series you're not just learning English you're learning so much more you are learning how you're learning how native speakers have their daily life their daily routine how they communicate with one another how they talk in more informal situations how they talk in more formal situations what kind of slang they use so it's a very interesting opportunity to use TV series in your favor okay however the first thing that I want to talk to you about is why do I want to focus on TV series today to help you improve your writing and speaking and listening sorry because you know I've had so many students and I think that the biggest difficulty many students have is to organize ideas okay many students have problems to organize their ideas when they are writing and especially when they speaking I always give video activities to my students short video activities and the first thing I ask is okay you watch it the video summarize the ideas for me and I noticed that very frequently students struggle to organize their ideas when they are explaining a video they watched when they are summarizing the the ideas of the video the main ideas details they don't know what is general they don't know what is detail they get very confused alright and I also noticed that the same happens when I talk to my students and to friends as well about TV shows many know native speakers have trouble explaining talking about a TV show because let's be honest it's not that simple okay depending on the depending on the TV show it can be very tricky to explain and to talk about it so by using the TV series to help you practice your writing and listening you will be helping Yuri speaking as well sorry you will be helping your speaking as well because it will help you organize your ideas I guess that the main goal of this tips is to help you better organize your ideas when you're going to speak when you're going to write alright so as I said the first main difficulty is to organize ideas alright so you're going to watch TV series if you're going to watch TV series to help you improve your writing to help you improve your listening let's forget about the entertainment part okay because one thing is to watch a TV show to relax to chill to have a good time you know Friday night and you want to relax you grab a beer or a chocolate why not and you just want to enjoy the moment this exercise is not for these moments okay please at this time you are going to relax and enjoy the show so if you want to use my tips here today to help you try to set aside some time to do this exercises because when you watch TV series this way the way I'm gonna suggest it's not gonna be very entertaining okay so if it's your favorite show I wouldn't recommend doing it because you then it would feel a little tired a little bit down because you're not having so much fun watching TV shows for example I love watching Grey's Anatomy I don't use Grey's Anatomy to help me study English I just have fun with the show cry watching the show and that's it now other different shows I use to help me learn English so try to measure that okay and make sure that you know when you're using the TV series to have fun and to relax and when you're watching TV shows to study English to improve your writing to improve your listening and consequently your speaking okay good so you have to know that it's important to set aside time to do studying rather than entertainment and how are you going to do that to do this exercise I'm going to suggest you it's better if you choose a short episodes that are short okay most of the times TV shows are about 40 minutes to 1 hour so I do not recommend doing these exercises with very long shows you can do it if you want but it's just gonna take a very long time what is best in this case use TV shows that are shorter that whose episodes are like 20 minutes up to 25 minutes this is the best kind of episode that will be the most appropriate one for you to work on your English to really study okay excuse me so what kind of TV shows am I talking about friends How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory what else the good place these are all very short shows and consequently it's easier to keep up with these shows and do exercises that are going to help your English okay very nice now that you know that it's difficult for you to organize ideas for most students it is if you haven't paid attention at that yet think about it it's hard I sometimes have problems to summarize some shows i watch because they're so complex so this requires constant exercise then I I moved on and I said that you need to consider the entertainment and they study time these are two different things don't use your favorite show to set English you may get a little bored or upset because you can't continue watching because you have to study so choose things that choose some time to just dedicate your study then I said that it's important that you choose short shows if they're too long the exercises are going to be too long therefore not all of you are going to have time hello to everyone who is joining right now thank you so much for joining I hope you enjoy I'm talking about how to use to the series to improve your writing and listening anyways now let's get down to business all right how are you going to do this exercise if as I told you before shows that are up to 20 to 25 minutes these are the best shows and what are you going to do first if if this show is new to you it's nice to read about the show okay so if you've never seen if you've never seen anything about the show please make sure to check maybe a video trailer and introduction talking about the show or read a little bit about the show and reveal about the show so that you get the main idea of what this show is about whenever I want to watch a new show I always do that just out of curiosity I want to know what the TV show is about okay so I think it would be nice for you to check what the show is about now that you have found the show you really know what you're gonna watch the episodes are not long they're short okay about 20 to 25 minutes you are going to divide this episode into parts okay that's why it's better if it's 20 or 25 minutes because you're gonna divide it into small chunks of 5 minutes that's gonna be a good way for you to work with the episode and remember here we are exploring every bit of the show so it's not really for entertainment it's also important that you have a piece of paper a pencil or your cell phone my cell phone abandoned me today I don't know what's going on or your own computer ok open up a Word file so that you can type things as you start watching that's why I recommend a piece of paper a notebook because if you're watching on your computer you're watching the show then you have to switch tabs and go to the word file so it wouldn't be ideal so when I do that I use a piece of paper I read a notebook and that's how I work in this at this moment ok so you're gonna watch the first 5 minutes what happened ok then these are the questions you have to start asking yourself you're going to take notes what happened during this first 5 minutes of the show ok you can write key words remember I think in my previous video did this week's video I talked about how to improve your listening and I told you about the importance of keywords content words verbs adjectives w8 questions these are all key words that are going to help you understand the main idea of the video of the out you're listening to with the TV show is not any different so during this first 5 minutes you're going to watch take notes of key words you're listening to what is the main idea of this first part what is the main plot who are the people that you see in this first 5 minutes it's really important another thing I noticed is that when we're watching TV shows in English we don't always remember our names of characters who they are who they're friends with who they're dating so it's nice to start working on that of course when it's your favorite show it's easier to remember everybody but when it's not I have a noticed that when students are using TV series to study English they have difficulty remember who people are okay so during the first five minutes you're gonna see a lot of people who are they how relevant to the story are these people so write it down here you are going to be working on your listening and your writing so it's okay if you need to pause the video this is practice this is not the real world in the real words we can't pause we can ask people to repeat but we can't really pause all the time but here you're practicing keep that in mind okay so doing the first five minutes you're gonna pay attention to the characters what is happening in this part of the story and here this is the moment when you have to be honest with yourself could you understand this part of the show could you understand the the introduction part the introduction to the story could you understand that if the answer is no you have to watch again you have to repeat that scene until it's clear to you so that you can move forward to the next five minutes alright and this is also a moment when you can check the vocabulary in those first five minutes because if the vocabulary was not clear to you how can you move on remember this is to practice this is not entertainment so you can't just move forward if you're having trouble with the first five minutes another thing that is very important here the ideal is to use subtitles in English so if you are a very early beginner or a false beginner you may have problems with subtitles in English so I recommend that you use subtitles in English to do this exercise okay because that way you're gonna listen to the outter you're gonna listen to people speaking and at the same time you can check the vocabulary so that you can pause and write things down so this is good all right now you got the first part the first five minutes was it clear to you you understand the main ideas so is it time to move forward yes but why don't you write a short summary of what you understood of this first part and then you can write in first person okay in this first part I saw this character her name is Jo Ain she is a doctor and she's in a hospital she's running because she's very busy so ask yourself questions there are so many things you can practice by writing a summary a short summary you are learning how to organize your ideas and believe me when I tell you have more than 10 years of experience this is very difficult for non-native speakers to do in English or in other language they're learning to organize ideas to explain things okay hey Shia me thanks for joining long time no see you thank you very much for joining so first part is off now you move on you're gonna move on to the second part if you repeat it many times you're probably tired by now but remember it's an exercise you're going to be practicing your writing and your listening and the first part of the of this exercise you're probably going to be watching from five minutes to ten minutes from six to twelve and you're probably gonna have more information more explanations on what is happening to the in this episode so it's also important to pause so that you're right okay what is happening what is the main plot are people fighting or are people doing something are people going somewhere so what do you understand in this part of the episode it's really important that you take notes so the story is probably developing right now the the plot is is happening in more details so it's really a good idea to pause in all the 20 minutes of this of the episode you're gonna watch you are gonna need to pause and take notes and this is gonna help you with your listening and one nice thing you can do while you're doing this exercise is you can deactivate the subtitles and then activate the subtitles you can check your listening to see okay do they really understand what they were saying because they sometimes people who speak way too fast so you can check you can test your listening skills by choosing like 30 seconds and removing the subtitles just to see if you were really able to understand to catch the main ideas this is a very nice exercise to work on your listening skills because it'll be native speakers they are not teaching you English they are talking about random subjects and this is the best opportunity for you to test your listening skills you test your listening by watching videos or listening to podcasts listening to podcasts that are completely unrelated to English that's how you test your listening skills and how much you're going to improve that's how I check my listening skills if if I want to see if I am improving maybe I'm trying to understand a specific accent i watch the videos that who's the speakers have the accent I'm looking for and then I make sure that I understand all the ideas and that's how I test my listening and these videos are usually about different subjects they're not really teaching me English okay very nice one ideas that I have for you while you're doing this exercise because at the end of the day you will be repeating this process in all the parts of the episode now here you will be able to work on listening to general ideas and listening to details what do I mean by that during 20 minutes of an episode there is a lot of information okay you're gonna listen to everything so you need to analyze what is relevant to the plot of that episode and what is not what is just a casual conversation at a bar or at a coffee shop so you will be able to tell by watching the the TV series in parts what is relevant to the episodes to the story of that episode and what is not so important these days listening to details and listening to general ideas okay during a specific scene of the episode you will be a to know if it's very very important and really relevant to the episode for you to understand well the episode is about or if it's not so important and this is a good thing for you to write down as well okay so in this episode there were a lot of things going on I am imagining this writing okay so there were many things going on there were two important characters okay a John and Mary who's John is John the teacher do you know if John is a teacher do you know if John is a driver or do you know if John er John is a police officer and who is Mary as he is she his ex-girlfriend John's ex-girlfriend are they friends are the siblings so you will be able to learn in every episode a little bit more about the characters a little bit more about the plot of the story and by doing this with the episode you will be able to organize your ideas more clearly work on your listening because you're really doing an exercise here and really helping your e speaking in general because imagine when you have an opportunity a real opportunity to sit down with someone and talk about your favorite show you will have maybe this is not your favorite show but it's one show you can talk about and this will help you boost your speaking skills because of all this preparation you are having in advance okay so this is something I recommend my students and all of you guys because you are all my students right now we have 18,000 subscribers this is so awesome and I'm so grateful that you're a part of this so thank you so much for joining and if you're enjoying this video don't forget to hit the like button and maybe share this video with your friends on your social media okay I see that some of you were saying we're talking about some shows that that you like to watch like friends friends is definitely a nice show there were some other shows like Big Bang Theory someone said Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother is this this is a very nice show I definitely recommend to my to my students because it is really great okay now now that I gave you some ideas of how to improve your writing and listening what is the biggest challenge with doing this exercise it requires time and dedication okay it's not always a fun exercise to do and you know I'm always trying to give you let's see what happens did I miss the oh I think it's working um let's see can you guys still see me is it still there because I got a weird message yeah it is so I just overreacted out of nowhere all right as I said I'm always trying to bring you ideas of things you can do that will help you use your time the best way possible and also have fun with with the activities however if you want to practice your you're listening and you're writing at some point you're gonna have to do more exercise that are a little bit longer oh as you are saying by the way John and Mary are hunters of witches ah yeah that's a I hadn't thought about that anyways this exercise will require a little bit more of discipline and dedication on your part and one thing that a students always tell me when I recommend some shows oh oh but teacher this show has ten seasons I'll never finish if I study this show by doing this remember the idea is not to finish the show the idea is not to watch this 1000 episodes that's not the goal the goal is to watch that single episode so if you can do this once a week awesome okay you don't need to do this every day remember learning a language is about balance so you don't need to do this exercises every day but if you start doing this exercise once a week that's already a win okay it's already great if you do this exercise once a week and if in the future you can do this exercise more often wonderful the more the better but the idea here is to keep in mind that the goal is not to finish the show in one month or two months or like in a week not at all the goal is not to are to quantity the numbers of episodes but quality it's to to help you be able to really talk about that show confidently because sometimes depending on the show I can't really talk about it because I don't remember the names of the characters I don't know the main plot I don't know how to explain the main plot I think this is the biggest challenge not everybody knows how to explain the main plot of the show Jamis say is talking about a young shell though it's a new show very funny I like this show as well I started watching I need to get back to it I think I saw the first three episodes it's really good so the idea here is not watching many episodes but focusing on key episodes another thing that I see many people talking about on on Facebook groups on Google+ groups is about watching the TV show and using the subtitles in your own language I I recommend that if you are a beginner like 100 percent beginner if you've never watched it shows before if you're listening if you have real trouble with your listening then should we start I recommend watching the show with subtitles in your language okay but as you move as you move forward as you start to make progress this is something that you should stop doing as soon as possible okay this is their recommendation I give my clients a recommendation I give my friends that sometimes ask me for some advice on how to watch TV shows so keep that in mind if you need subtitles in your language do it but don't stay there forever the idea is to track your improvement and if you're watching the TV show in English but with subtitles in your language you will never really know if your listening is improving because every time you look down you see the translation so how do you know you were really getting what the characters are saying you do that by removing the subtitles completely yes at some point it's a good idea but remember the idea here is to help you improve your writing organize your ideas have a better listening and all of these things together will help you with the speaking because the amount of vocabulary you were going to get is unbelievable I have a student of mine he had never watched friends before and he asked me to to help him find the show and watch with subtitles in English and I helped him he has the shows now and after one month he he comes to me with this notebook and he shows me all the vocabulary he's learning all the expressions all these linked his intonation got so much better because he was Fozzie and he was trying to repeat after the characters this is another thing you can do because now you're not focusing on the entertainment aspect that's there's so many things you can explore and he sometimes he would sometimes faster show play one only one part and then he would repeat after the character repeating the intonation and try to say the same thing because he had the subtitles to see and let me tell you his English improved so much after he started doing this exercise the exercise I'm telling you he improve it like dramatically his intonation was much better his pronunciation was much better he was using vocabulary that native speakers use and other problems that native speakers have is this sometimes you learn stuff at school that you don't really use in real life sometimes you learn things in books that you don't really use in your life and how can you get closer to real life English if you're not living in those countries TV talk shows TV series movies music all this vocabulary they use it's very close to the reality you're gonna face if you go to these countries that's why I really recommend this exercise this shouldn't listen to me he did it his much better every week he talks to me about a new expression he learned or every class I noticed that he is really trying to become a native speaker you know he makes some jokes he uses some sentences that students in in my country at least don't really use but then they say that her favorite TV show is the originals awesome I love this show I can't wait for the new season to start this is another show that I only watched to have fun I don't watch this show to study I like to use friends a lot to study because they're short episodes and there's a lot of conversation a lot of everyday conversation so that's why I watch friends a lot How I Met Your Mother is also a very nice show because you get to see a lot of everyday conversations between friends friends going at a bar and it's really cool to see this kind of conversation Zito's yet I'm not sure how to pronounce your name is say my favorite one is the Walking Dead it is so cool I love The Walking Dead it's like amazing I love this show III would have many recommendations to to give you Eddie you love How I Met Your Mother me too I didn't like the ending very much did you like the ending let me know so these are very effective exercises you can do you will see that another thing that you can do after you practice writing and listening to this show dividing into parts is record yourself everybody has a phone today in a phone that usually works can you do download a recording app and after you watch the show record yourself explaining talking about it ah teacher really should I do this I do it when I'm when I'm working on my listening excuse I do some specific exercises to help me summarize ideas okay in a spoken language in written and a spoken language this is a very challenging exercise that many people don't know how to do summarizing ideas and being able to tell other people the most important aspects the most important pieces of information of an audio of a podcast of a movie of a short video this is a big challenge I practice this every week so I listen to the audio I do my I take my notes I write it down then the next thing I do is I record myself explaining what I watched or what I heard and then after that I listen to see how bad it was because sometimes you make mistakes you know sometimes you get nervous and you can't explain sometimes I time myself can I give an explanation in 30 seconds how can I explain this in 30 seconds or how can I explain this in one minute or how can I explain this in two minutes get creative especially if you're studying alone if you don't have a teacher if you don't go to school if you don't have private classes you need to get creative to practice your speaking and I see so many of you ignoring the the power of technology today recording your voice and comparing to original files and checking your listening to see how clear your sound is a very effective exercise you should start doing this you should keep doing this if you already do it and if you're not you should start doing it because I promise it's something I do I study by myself I don't really have a teacher right now so definitely work on that aspect okay anyways guys I just wanted to say thank you very much for being here tonight again I apologize for the life issues that I was having at the beginning I started it and then I stopped doing the live video it would stop working for some reason but I'm happy that I was able to do this life video for you guys it's not the computer the quality's not so awesome but I really wanted to do this for you and I think these ideas will help you change a little bit the way you use TV series okay keep in mind that just watching TV series as entertainment will not really help you improve your you're listening and you're writing you're speaking you have to be active you have to do a little bit more and that's my goal here tonight to show you that there's so much more you can do with simple TV shows okay that's a good which it's a it's a good way to start so I want to thank you all for staying with me Brandeis I already Jumma Adriano all of you guys that stay tonight and I will be making the live videos twice a month now this month I've been a bit busy at this beginning of the year so I'll be doing the live video on the first Friday of the month and the third Friday of the month so next Friday no live video but then the following yes live video okay so I hope you all have a wonderful weekend yes I'm the in two weeks next Friday no video the following Friday video and it'll be at 8 o'clock ok 8 p.m. Brazil summer time guys thank you all so much for being here thanks for always supporting me you'll enjoy this video don't forget to hit the like button it really helps me when you do that and sharing it also helps me a lot when you share the videos on your social media ok thank you so much have a good night you all and I'll see you very very soon thank you friends bye bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 7,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use tv series to improve your english, tv series to improve your listening, tv series in english, best way to use tv series to learn english, learn english, como usar seriados para aprender ingles, aprender ingles com seriados, como usar seriados para melhorar o ingles, pratique ingles com seriados, teacher prix, aulas de ingles para iniciantes
Id: VL0q7iCPOys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 21sec (2121 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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