What's The CREEPIEST Thing That You've Experienced?

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what is the freakiest creepiest thing that's ever happened to you serious in 1991 I went to a 7 - 11 by myself when we were at my grandmother's house there was another kid there about my age we looked similar etc I bought a Slurpee and walked back to my grandma's house and that was that the other kid was kidnapped and murdered pretty much right after leaving that 7 - 11 the only thing I can think of that kept it from being me was maybe I want some sort of cosmic coin toss the police are pretty sure they know who did it but couldn't prove it and to this day it still wigs me out I'm 41 now and live in that neighborhood I've told this story before but it is still by far the creepiest thing to happen to me when I was 16 I had just gotten my license as well as my first after-school job since school ended about an hour before I had to be at work I would sometimes park in the adjacent parking lot and take a nap this was a shopping strip with a grocery store restaurants and a bank on a fairly busy Friday afternoon as I'm sitting there drifting off I see a black denill eople up behind me blocking my car in the spot a gentleman jumps out in a business suit and asks if I can help him he looks nice enough and I'm assuming he is looking for directions he starts to explain to me that his wife and he was supposed to be signing for a loan at the bank behind us today so that they can purchase a boat but she is stuck in a beating and can't make it he then asks if I wouldn't mind posing as her and singing the documents for her I'm completely blown away but super Shayan feel the need to let him down easy stupid I know so I tell him I don't think they'll believe I am your wife he then tells me it's fine he has her license with him which he shows me and she has the same hair eye color as me so they won't know at this point I'm freaking out I start to notice how disheveled he looks he's sweating and surprise surprise no wedding ring I just want him away from my car so I start telling him I can't help him that he needs to go ask someone else he says it's fine it'll be quick just jump in my truck and I'll take you over there like I said this Bank was in the same shopping strip there would be no need to drive to it even in my gullible teenage mind I know the story is complete bull I'm telling him now over and over while scanning the parking lot for anyone who might be noticing but of course no one has he then starts getting irate telling me that I'm perfect and the only one who can do it how beautiful I am can he at least take me to dinner and so on I start trying to close my window and he reaches through grabs my shoulder and starts trying the door handle which was luckily locked I'm so frozen I don't even really react I can't go anywhere as he's blocking me in suddenly and I'm not really sure why I just blurt out that I'm only 16 and for some reason that freaks him out he slowly backs away get in his truck and leaves I call the police afterwards but they never followed up with me but I just know he had found that license and made up that story as a way to lure women into his truck and it scared the hell out of me that he could have convinced someone before years later I spotted him on the S offender registry for assault one night I had a dream that a co-worker killed me with an axe and when I got to work the next day she was telling a fellow co-worker that she had a dream that she killed me with a knife sort of an odd coincidence she never did try to kill me but it was a little bit creepy when I was about 5 I was visiting my grandma in the city with my mom dad and sister we were walking towards the city center so it was pretty crowded I remember letting go of my dad's hand and then feeling him grabbed back hold of it a few moments later I kept walking I don't know how far I hear my dad shouting from behind me and grabbing my other arm I hear him say sorry and I look up and I realize I was holding hands with an old man that I didn't know my dad assumed that I'd accidentally grabbed onto this mantan thing King he was my dad I remember him pulling me away all embarrassed and I was just thinking but the man grabbed my hand so basically I think some guy tried to snatch me out of a crowded area I still don't understand why my dad thought I grabbed onto his hand my parents were normally quite paranoid about strangers he must have been distracted when talking to my grandma my cousin and I were probably targeted for a scam but I still don't know how or why we are six years apart but went to the same high school at different times small school graduating classes about 60 years later we are on a road trip together several states away and decide to stop at a huddle house for coffee we walk in and the guy at the next table turns around and smiles and says you went to any town high school right when we say yes he says he and his girlfriend also at the table smiling and not talking went there too we didn't recognize them but smiled politely commented it was a small world he starts to rapidly talk about different things from the school just disjointed comments that were a bit odd he talked like a Salesman almost at first we smile and nod but he had weird facts wrong so we asked what year he graduated he claimed not to remember so we asked follow-up questions and he gets cagey suddenly the girlfriend oh yes this isn't working and they suddenly pay and leave food and touched we since have determined they didn't go to our school and have tried to figure out how he knew what he did to no avail I could hear a woman's voice singing almost inaudibly on my daughter's baby monitor it happened a few nights in a row I began thinking back over all the doors that opened on fire own and weird noises in the house after a week I had almost convinced myself the house was haunted then one night I heard the woman's voice singing clearly for the first time it was Taylor Swift singing bad blood turns out I just live in an old house and my cheap Chinese baby monitor can Jalandhar worst hardly pick up the local pop station if it's a clear night I had a roommate who was always a complete a-hole never was polite or kind to anyone one night after I helped his druggie to bed he turned to me and said I really appreciate you and I know you don't like seeing me like this you've been a good roommate and friend thank you I found him dead the next morning due to an undiagnosed heart condition that alcohol had amplified not creepy or freaky in the normal sense but I will never forget how serious and genuine he was in his last words spoken ever it was the first time I had ever heard him compliment anyone I was alone in my house with my stepdad I went to the bathroom when I sat down on the toilet that's when I saw someone was trying to open the door I pushed it and said occupied but whatever was at the other side kept trying to open the door I called my stepdad and I heard him from the kitchen saying there at that point I was terrified it suddenly stopped I checked the whole house for anyone other than my stepdad didn't find anybody I went to the other bathroom and then used it still don't know what the hell was at the other side of the door I was probably nine years old in about 1995 at that time all the schools and parents were warning us a stranger danger it seemed like a lot of kids were getting kidnapped because they were being tricked into helping the kidnappers find a lost pet one day I was at riding my bike alone on our street a fairly populated street lots of kids out playing and whatnot and a green two-door car pulled up with a woman driving and a guy in the passenger seat the guy calls out the window to me hey kid we lost our dog can you help us find her I can still remember the feeling I felt it was like sirens were going off and I thought for a split second that this was it I was going to be kidnapped a rush of what felt like burning hot Adrenaline's through my body I felt like I could hear everything 10x louder and see everything 10x better I've never felt anything like that before I hopped off my bike pulled the front tire up so I could turn around faster and I booked at home I was shaking and tears were pouring down my face even though I wasn't crying I got home and told my mom what happened she called the police but I'm not sure if the people were ever caught crazy I came downstairs to tell my grandmother that daddy is sleeping with his eyes open he is type 1 and had been drinking he took insulin to counter the rise in blood sugar but wasn't paying attention and took too much when the ambulance finally got there we lived on the outskirts of a small town that didn't have a hospital he was about five minutes away from death if we had waited any longer he would have died please take care of your diabetic pals if something doesn't seem right it probably isn't know what to do in the event of a high although sugar problem mom died five months ago and I moved across the state into her apartment to be closer to family I swear I heard her call my name one night it felt so natural hearing her voice in her own apartment but she'd been dead over a month I'm sure it was just a nearly a sleep hallucination but it was spooky my grandpa died almost a year ago my grandma says she hears him call her name in the mornings fairly often just the way he used her to wake her in the mornings she thinks it's grandpa visiting her had a dream that I was going to get into a car accident woke up and the feeling that I was going to get into an accident just kind of stayed with me later that morning somebody had ran a red and t-boned the car I was in one evening for some reason I thought about a person that I had gone to college with that had not seen in more than 30 years so I decided to google her name to see what she had done with her life I found her a battery it had been posted earlier that day if I had googled her one day earlier I would never have known that she had died I would sleepwalk as a child usually I'd wake up in the living room or I would freak myself out and wake up in the basement on one occasion I had wandered outside I was 7 or 8 and I woke up standing in the middle of my backyard on a super foggy morning right around sunrise I quickly figured out which direction my house was and ran back to bed I never told my parents about it because I figured they would be mad at me for going outside when I should have been asleep I have a very vivid memory of waking up terrified in the middle of the night and running to my parents room because I saw a ghost when I was a kid he followed me and stared at me from the doorway as I crawled into their bed and hid and other covers we looked at each other for a few minutes and then he left I was so shaken that I stayed awake the rest of the night until my parents woke up in the morning I was an adult when I realized that it was not a ghost and actually someone scoping out our house in the middle of the night I see opening this thread while lying in bed was a mistake I was home alone laying down on my living room floor and hardcore facing out of the ceiling I heard my mother scream on my front porch I rushed out but she wasn't there I ran around the outside of my house not a single person in sight it 10,000% sounded like my mom and it curdled my bones because it was so raw and animalistic in its sound I called her right away mom picks up the phone and I asked her if she is alright she responds that she is in tells me to hold on for a minute while she pulls over into the parking loss of a business she was driving and didn't want to talk on the phone at the same time seconds later I hear a lot of noise and my mom screamed an eternity stretches on before mom is calm enough to say anything coherent she goes on to tell me how the car in front of her and the one behind her before she pulled over the ones that continued on the same path of travel that she had been on had been struck by a speeding semi that ran a red light at the next intersection it was a terrible accident with extensive injuries the semi clipped the rear of the front vehicle in front of the rear vehicle my mom's car would have been hit dead center we always joke that we are psychic as this is not the first instance like it that we have had but it was definitely the most freaky of the bunch TL DR I'm psychic and saved my mom's life [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Redditors
Views: 954,440
Rating: 4.8891802 out of 5
Keywords: r/askreddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, reddit, ask reddit, best of reddit, top posts, reddit stories, reddit cringe, reddit top posts, tz reddit, top posts of all time, reddit story, brainydude reddit, askreddit scary, best thing about being single, reddit funny, updoot reddit, r/, funny askreddit, comment awards, askreddit stories, r/ askreddit, dankify reddit, askreddit comedy, askreddit stupid, reddit and chill, people of reddit
Id: ZvkInBxSQLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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