What's the best forgot to turn off the mic story during online school?

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r ask reddit students teachers of reddit what's the best forgot to turn off the mic story during virtual learning well it happened in one of the classes the teacher was going through a rough time and the class could feel it we assured her that we had done our homework and that she could take rest for the time being she agreed and told she would switch her mic off and sleep for a while as we did whatever her husband was right beside her and the mic wasn't turned off she told i am so lucky to have these students and started sobbing to her husband we all heard this but kept quiet to prevent her being embarrassed she slept well during that time and we sent her a thank you gift collectively i teach for an online university that requires me to conduct a weekly live session one morning i was lecturing and a student popped in late i said hello student name thanks for joining us he said don't say my name beach just before she realized her mic was on and turned it off i just laughed ironically my i.t teacher forgot to turn off his mic and camera and proceeded to get in a very heated argument on the phone with his ex-girlfriend who he has a kid with did i mention that she's also a teacher at our school yeah most awkward five minutes of my life before he realized i was producing a video for some university professors on a specific medical thing for a virtual learning course i was all set up to shoot the process and the teachers excuse themselves to the next office to regroup and have a chat i already had their wireless love mics attached and fed to my camera so when i sat down at the camera and put on my headphones i immediately heard their conversation they were criticizing me saying they couldn't believe they hired someone so young inexperienced in that particular medical field how i looked how i asked questions etc oops at least i made them a fine video these days i don't put my headphones on until we're about to shoot in a math class i was in last year we were taking a test which you have to turn your mic on for their way of trying to prevent cheating some girl apparently forgot that hers was on and started belting out stand by you by rachel platten at the top of her lungs it went on for the entire song and she was still humming it when i finished the test and left the call my sweet old russian professor had us do the same thing for our final at one point text to speech for google translate goes off saying 2011 which was one of the years we had to translate into russian the girl got away with saying oh sorry siri went off for some reason dude my one teacher forgot to turn off his camera and his son was changing in the background and the sun kept on looking at the camera when i was doing an online algebra camp the teacher forgot to turn off his mic while we were supposed to be doing some problems he said i ducking hate math as a math major i can confirm that the better you are at math the more you hate it girl forgot to turn off her mic and started screaming at her parents in chinese i wish i understood what she said after a few minutes she gasped loudly when she finds out she didn't mute it good thing not many people understood in a thermodynamics class one of the students said holy [ __ ] this is so much after covering a large set of equations related to fugacity everyone found it relatable in one of my classes this girl wrote in the zoom chat this is so ducking boring not realizing that the professor could see it how stupid do you have to be to do that i mean it literally says to everyone not a mic but an elementary student left their camera for a moment and the mother walked by naked guessing she asked him to leave the room so she could change or something not realizing the camera was left on edit i just got back on reddit and saw the reaction wow far and away my highest upvoted comment would not have guessed that this one would blow up reddit is too thirsty so i have one i just did eight hour zoom calls for seven weeks training for a new project on the second week a man unmutes his call farts the longest fart i've ever heard in my life then when he finishes mutes a call i can see others laughing while muted at his fatal error of thinking he wasn't muted and so he went to mute his call i found this to be the highlight of the week but the following week the guy does it again honestly the second time i laughed but then started to wonder if it was some kind of power move not virtual but i was a guest speaker at a music college last year my mic was still on when i finished went backstage and said well that was ducking horrible i wasn't called back to speak again edit for those curious of the aftermath i heard it out of the speakers and an immediate uproar of laughter ensued i would have lost had i been a student but as a working professional it was one of the single most awkward experiences of my life i had a student give a smartass response to a question i asked and before i could respond his mom starts chewing into him and hitting him with a chandler his mic and video was on for the whole thing edit for all those asking i did not report the single mother who took time off from her only remaining job during a pandemic so she could make sure her sons were able to access their education didn't strike me as abusive i did call her after school to talk and let her know i would keep her updated on how her son was doing in my class so that hopefully between the two of us we could keep him out of trouble some of you all clearly didn't grow up around hispanic families la chancler is part of the culture edit too clearly hit a nerve with the last one abuse is not okay i have reported and will continue to report abuse what i witnessed was clearly not abuse context is important i had a student's boyfriend both college walk up behind her on zoom reach into her shirt pull out her breasts and start doing a little boob dance she was just laughing and playfully slapping his hands away this was probably 30 seconds after i had just gone through my whole speech of making sure there was nothing in your browser history google search history or names of folders that could be embarrassing or offensive a student's mother had the habit of standing just off camera and very closely observing her kid i know this because one time the student forgot to disable the mic everyone heard how the mother was coaching the student how to act don't look my way smile pay attention it was next level helicoptering right on the edge of abuse in my opinion our school has a good counselor and the student is getting help all the teachers have been advised to limit contact with the mother and not make waves lest she withdraw the student or redouble her controlling behavior i worry about it a girl's mom who the duck you on the computer pho this early in the morning and asking the same thing over and over teacher i think your mic is on this is the one thing i did not sign up for as a teacher i'd be doing office hours or one-on-one conference with students and their parents would be screaming at them to stop playing games and ducking around and come down to do x y or zed one father shoulder rushed into the student's room to scream about a dirty mug that was in the sink then started screaming questions about who they were talking to and was this a sex thing your kid is 20 and taking college classes and trapped at home because the dorms shut i'm a student and my teacher was talking to his wife at first pretty normal right well she leaves then he gets on the phone and says yeah honey my wife just left wanna come over the entire class went batshit bro heard the clapping sound of a kid jerking off his name lit up and everything english zoom call teacher was holding us like 15 plus minutes after the period had ended she said something along the lines of keep working arduously and i responded with if she says arduously one more time i'm going to flip a table i was not on mute did you obviously flip a table so we were making our classes as phone call on an app called teamspeak i think anyways i was using my phone to talk and my computer to work and sometimes check discord at a point we were supposed to do some exercise on our own and i left my mic on my friend sent me a message talking about the fact that he got a girlfriend so i sent him you did it you crazy son of a [ __ ] then i wanted to add some emoji so i tried to edit the message and i hit the text to speech button instead the computer literally yelled you crazy son of a [ __ ] i had to defend my thesis over zoom and many professors came into the call to watch my thesis was about immune response in fish to parasites one professor joined late and forgot to mute oh mike and we got treated to this little gem shhh mommy is learning about fish parasites which is what you'll get if you don't stop being in the koi pond i'm a tutor and my student forgot to mute themselves before leaving for a five-minute break she had a beautiful conversation with her brother about how much of a dump i was and how much i sucked and how poor i look my house look luckily i always record my tutoring sessions so i finish as if nothing happened and sent the clip straight to my supervisor she got booted off of the tutoring program as i'm the only tutor advanced enough for her grade that is able to take her edit spelling someone in our science class didn't realize he was unmuted and called the widely disliked kid the hard rn word somehow he didn't even get in trouble this was a conference call for work but it was a big call with like 12 people and i'm newish so i was really just listening as the senior analysts were discussing something call was going on for a while so i took my laptop into the bathroom with me to take a [ __ ] flush the toilet and everyone just stopped talking turns out i didn't mute my mic and everyone just heard a toilet flushing in the middle of a meeting luckily no one cared and they all laughed about it but i was mortified while giving a lecture on the heated arguments among different schools of psychology our prof screamed fire fire there is fire and most of the confused students included the teachers pets replied i agree those were some lit points things turned out funnier and scarier when the prof went on with the screaming and we could hear her calling her house help and brother alarming them of a fire sparking upper switchboard so yeah a confused concerned class of 50 sat through the entire episode of turning out the fire while our prof revealed every dynamic of their family through her freaked out screams and 30 minutes later she comes back to her lappy to unmute herself only to find a hundred are you okay texts in the chat box edit thanks for making this newbie redditer's day with that award i know it isn't close to answering the question but i have to share we recently had a meeting with our whole team where the host forgot to turn off screen sharing so we all saw him respond positively to a job offer funniest thing i've ever seen or it would be if the offer hadn't included the salary letting us all know that this grossly incompetent worker was getting paid way more than the rest of us still we were just glad to see him go not really anything super weird was in a beating with my class for the first day of school and i had forgotten to mute myself i then proceeded to start noisily baby talking my cat who was in my lap at the time embarrassing i wasn't the one on class but my brother he was in class while i made lunch but it was my first time making rice on my own so i asked him if he could go and see if it's done he didn't hear me so i screamed at him the same question he then turned to face me and screamed what it's not done wait a minute and when he looked back at his class his teacher was telling him to turn down the mic he almost got an edm popped sorry if i can't explain it better english is not my first language some guy's mother started yelling at him turn down the freaking sound i am so sick of listening to your classes the whole day go to the balcony and continue from there or just bloody drop out of uni along with a set of few swear words our professor muted him so i don't really know what happened next gr3 kid stopped in the middle of the class meeting and took his laptop to the bathroom with him he sat on the toilet for the rest of the meeting it actually happened on friday i have to take a training at my new workplace and it's online via zoom i had a horrible diarrhea that day and i could barely sit in one place therefore i turned off the camera and the mic so the instructor didn't see my suffering and turned the mic on when i had to answer a question or something accidentally once i forgot to turn it back off and when another diarrhea rush came i started to say something like come on beach hurry up let's go to a break or i will die i don't know if she heard it but i think so because a couple of minutes after we took a break kids brother got yelled at for watching porn we heard the video start because it was hooked up to a bluetooth speaker great times no one is going to have a story nearly as good as greg davies not virtual but a few years back my roommate was in a chemistry lecture and the professor excused himself and left the room but left the wireless mic on he proceeded to fart and came back into the lecture hall to see all his students dying of laughter during our faculty meeting about coming back and safely our principal said if we're out sick they'll get a sub one of the teachers said ain't gonna be no ducking subs principal did someone say something one of my friends was on a zoom tutor video class when people broke into the tutors home luckily the student knew where they lived and could call the cops for them not an accidental unmute but i thought it's worth telling not a teacher student deal but my mother was in a work call she does tech stuff with a hospital lots of people in it my cat was up on her desk trying to get attention and me out this deep loud meow right into her mic the call proceeded with every time my cat me out her co-workers would be like good point or haven't thought of that or like yeah that sounds right my mother was so embarrassed but she couldn't get her to leave her alone whoa you made it to the end you're a ducking beast i'll cast you a deal smash like and subscribe for more curated content bruh it's free and that's a great price
Channel: Sir Reddit
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Id: 5Cvt4PKiWL4
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Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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