Doctors, What is something that you wish everyone knew about their body?

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askreddit doctors have read it what is something that you wish everyone knew about their body you need some kind of exercise doesn't matter how you feel right now sitting for 12 16 hours a day will have negative consequences that administering cpr compressions asap is one of the greatest indicators of successful outcomes had a guy role in post torsad's arrest the guy behind him at the dmv when he went down was an ico nurse who started compressions within seconds and got the yid attached patient came in talking with his only complaint being chest pain from the compressions i wouldn't have believed it if the medics hadn't given me the rhythm strip don't do diy surgery or hold off on reporting things that are obvious warning signs don't be the guy who tried to remove his skin cancer with a knife doctors hate him they really do your kidneys and liver cheerfully do all the toxin elimination you'll ever need cleansers and other detoxifying products are [ __ ] woo and a waste of money the people who sell them are predators who only care about your money becoming theirs how to check for skin cancer if you see any moles or anything that are a asymmetrical b border odd borders like they're jagged or something c color different colors d diameter grows e evolve well evolves go get it checked out it might be skin cancer i remember showering one day and noticing a mole on my foot and thinking that's new and also a weird place for a mole then every so often in the shower i'd notice it over the course of a few months it started to change rapidly and i kept putting off seeing a doctor about it busy with work life etc i finally got to a skin specialist he took one look at it and said that's got to come out i'm thinking yep sure buy c blah blah and he's like no that's definitely skin cancer i'm not freaking out but mildly concerned it gets taken out and sent off couple of weeks go by and i get a call asking if i can come back in to discuss the results i already know it's skin cancer based on the initial reaction but i was not expecting to get there walk in the room and see another doctor there an oncologist stage three see skin cancer that i was not prepared for they basically said that i was around one month away from being stage 4 terminal with a life expectancy of 5 years that was 18 months ago i've had three major surgeries plenty of tissue and eight cancerous lesions removed since then for now it's ongoing maintenance and checkups every three months long story short go and get your skin checked at least one year no excuses that they only have one and their behavior now drinking smoking not taking medicines or whatever will impact their life quality and expectancy sounds logical but very few patients really realize it sadly the thing that sort of made this click for me was when someone basically said what if you only were allowed to have one vehicle your whole life you'd have to take care of it change the oil filters fluids tires and much much more and a vehicle is infinitely less important i still do a terrible job but that comparison made me think about it differently i'm a vet but i'm sure some doctors will have come across this too amputated limbs do not grow back i've had far too many people asking how long it will take for their pet's amputated limb to grow back so i'm assuming a few doctors out there will have had patients asking the same of their own missing limbs maybe those people you've met think all animals are like lizards jk i think sometimes it's shock or fear of what might be ahead and how things might change that makes people say that and then again some are just stupid or ignorant also thanks for what you do as a vet taking care of vulnerable creatures your mental health is just as important as your physical health if you could keep track of the assorted parts you've had removed or added that'd be very helpful i'm not saying you need to know whether your fund application was in a sin or a door but if you're complaining about belly pain it would be nice to know that the last time you had belly pain they took out your gallbladder slash appendix sigmoid colon and if you've ever had something implanted and they gave you a little card that's not warranty information that tells us if you're going to explode if you go in an mri bring it otherwise it will be googled ejaculating blood happens to most people at least once in their lives and in 99 of cases it resolves without taking any action within a week it doesn't even warrant a doctor visit peeing blood for both sexes is a serious medical emergency and you should immediately go to the air people think it's the other way around wtf thanks for a new fear some people seem to think that if you act healthy for a bit it'll make up for being a wreck there are so many things wrong with this just one example antioxidants are like gas for your car you can store up a certain amount of vitamins but your tank can only hold so much if you binge and overfill your tank it doesn't do anything you excreted out as waste and you can't expect to go the next several months without gas just because you tried to overload it before you're going to still need to get gas same goes for your fruits and veggies had someone tell me he went vegetarian for a few weeks which meant he was done for the year he was dead serious had a patient at risk for heart failure try to insist that if she stayed away from salt entirely for x days weeks she should be able to have her fill of mcdonald's fries and ramen had a smoker argue that if he stopped for some time he should be able to smoke freely for a while with some digging stopping turned out to mean a couple less cigarettes a a doctor but i'm a trauma nurse motorcycles are ducking awesome but they are also death machines don't ever get on a ducking motorcycle but if you do anyway wear a duck eye helmet not just a helmet but all the proper gear leather jacket motorcycle pants and shoes a t-shirt and flip-flops will not protect you if you go down not a doctor but this information could save a life in an emergency situation where you are giving first aid cpr to someone instead of stating general instructions to the group of inevitable onlookers like someone call 911 get a defibrillator point if able otherwise some other form of direction to someone and say you call and you find a defibrillator this prevents a bystander syndrome where people think someone else will probably do that and gives clear instructions allowing for a more efficient process where literally seconds could mean life or death sorry i know i'm joining late i had to make an account actually a doctor i wish people would know that when i say i don't think cpr is in your slash your relatives best interests i am not saying i am going to withdraw all treatment immediately cpr is brutal and it has a much lower success rate even if done promptly in hospital then the movies make out if you are old or have a lot of medical problems then the success rate goes down even more if i don't want to do cpr on you it's not because i want you to die it's because i don't want to fracture your ribs expose your body to a huge group of people you don't know everyone loves attending a crash call and repeatedly assault your dead body for nothing i want you to die with dignity and care if there is no chance of bringing you back in summary cpr is great and everyone should learn how to do it it does save lives but if a doctor suggests it should not be performed please give serious thought to that we don't suggest a dna cpr for no reason that there is a wide range of normal don't be embarrassed by your body having said that if you are concerned about anything ask your doctor we have generally heard it all before and trust me we have nearly always seen it all before maybe you have something that has been bothering you for ages but you were too scared or embarrassed to ask about it just ask it might be nothing and you have been stressing about it for no reason and if not then you are at least one step closer to getting it fixed no one can help if they don't know there are no stupid questions so ask away i'm always amazed when i have been asked about something that has been bothering a patient for years and years but they were too embarrassed scared to bring it up most of the time it is nothing a completely normal body function feature other times it is something that should have been discussed right away you know your body best so speak up don't wait for the doctor to ask the right question tell us what drugs and alcohol you're on we aren't gonna tell the cops we aren't gonna lecture you but it might change the anesthesia i give you some stuff i give you might kill you if you drink a 30 pack a day tell me my stepdad is a painter he was in a house fire at the beginning of the year they had to put him under to remove huge chunks of skin from his arms neck chest and the majority of the skin from his hands he also has a meth problem for information's sake that's not related to this house firework accident he wasn't coherent enough to answer when they asked if he used any drugs and my mom wasn't there so i told them the truth when my mom got back she was pissed apparently my being honest with the nurse ducked up his workman's comp case duck me i'm sorry i didn't want him to potentially die from an interaction with anaesthetic this one is more about medication antibiotics only work against bacteria they are not some kind of wonder potion that cures anything and they should not always be given please please stick to your prescription the doctor gives you even if you already feel better don't just stop unless the doctor says you can stop a lot of medication needs to be taken according to the prescription in order for it to be effective because you build up the doses to an effective level stopping or not sticking to it really decreases effectivity my mom tells her teen patients parents a lot that the acne isn't the teen's fault but runs in the genes sometimes when it's bad that psychological states may infuse bodily symptoms and that saying so isn't dismissing that the symptoms exist in males there is a vestigial remnant of the uterus located in the prostate it's called the prostatic utricle it is a duct that leads nowhere it sometimes has some remote endometrium in it and can produce one drop of blood every 28 days source embryology professor in med school so yeah guys can get pms too but it's probably better to call it bms or bra menstrual syndrome whoa you made it to the end you're a ducking beast i'll cast you a deal smash like and subscribe for more curated content bruh it's free and that's a great price [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Sir Reddit
Views: 23,910
Rating: 4.9820628 out of 5
Id: QnYw583lbtY
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Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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