What's The Best Disneyland Food? Taste Test

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I've never wanted a corn dog so bad in my entire life.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LouieSTFU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I agree best corn dogs I've ever had! Love GMM! Any other mythical beasts here on the DL thread ?!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zeepanda πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

That melted Dole Whip looked so sad! But I still think the soft serve at the parks is the best! Along with Bengal BBQ 😍

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GreenFaust πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm not really a fan of turkey legs in the first place but I can't image they'd be much better after being transported from the parks lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/howtospellorange πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I, for one, LOVE the DL Turkey Legs.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pretty good selection of DL treats.

More nostalgia for me but when I go to the park I love eating fries and enjoying show at horseshoe, and getting the clam chowder bread bowl at New Orleans Square. Defintely agree the corndog is one of the best.

Food isnt super great for the price, but anything anything in the blue bayou is pretty magical, just such a immersive experience.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Emelenzia πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
Today we're tasting food from The Happiest Place on Earth. Let's talk about that. <i> ( music playing )</i> Good Mythical morning. Yeah, today we're gonna do some yoga with giant snakes. Oy. And then we're gonna be discovering the link between Nicolas Cage and deodorant. - There is one, I'm told. - Yes. But first, we're going to Disneyland, y'all. Yes, Disneyland, the place where dreams come true, specifically food dreams, and I'm talking about the one where you and your eighth grade crush swim in pudding, not that I would know anything about that because it's definitely not a dream I've ever had. - No, - Holly? ...we're talking about the food-- not Holly-- at Disneyland. Disneyland is home to unique and intriguing food that can only be purchased on the premises, and that exclusivity makes me want it so much more, but is it all really great, and what is the best? It's time for... Now, we are going to be ranking them on this amazing board. We're going from the worst, which would be M-I-C-K-E die... All right, let's get started with an iconic Disney beverage, the famed Dole Whip. Here it is. The unique Disneyland frozen treat that people obsess over. Apparently-- I haven't had this one ever. Now, ours is a little melted. You know, it was acquired from Disneyland, and it was brought back. So we're taking that into account, the fact that we're not currently at Disneyland. We're not in the atmosphere. Some of these items have changed a little bit on the trip up from Anaheim. Mm-hm. It's basically pineapple juice soft serve but is it much more, as all the people rave about? It is good, though. It is good. And imagine you're out there, you've been waiting in lines. For a dollar more, you can make it a float. You got kids complaining to their parents that it's hot. This is the perfect remedy to that. I had this with the kids one day. You know, when it's sweltering, boy, this really hits the spot. It's amazing. It's magical. I think they're all gonna be pretty good. so I just think that all we can do - is sort of just put it in the middle. - Yep. - You wanna put it at three or four? - Yep. So I'm gonna go right there at four. Okay, all right, now, we're moving along to what I believe is the most iconic dish at Disneyland. - I know you do. - The corn dog. Bring in the corn dog. Now, listen. I actually-- we once took a Mythical crew trip to Disneyland, and I made everyone eat corn dogs for lunch. I was like, "I don't even care if you've never had one, I don't even care-- - We had to plan our whole trip around - If you're vegan, you have to eat one or you're fired. No, I didn't do that. I would never do that. It's like we had to be at the Corn Dog Castle at a time when everybody was hungry, and Rhett gathered everybody around and he was like, "I'm buying all the corn dogs." - Yeah. - He was pretty excited. Of course, this is in California Adventure. Now, this is 8.75. You can get it at the Little Red Wagon, the Stage Door CafΓ© in Frontierland, or the best place to get it if you're gonna get one the Corn Dog Castle. It's a friggin' kingdom that does nothing but make - corn dogs. - Um... I'm a mustard man when it comes to the corn dog. I don't like to defile it with ketchup. I am too. I don't like mustard on a lot of things, but mustard is perfect for a corn dog, and let me tell you. Oh, man. I have not had a corn dog better than this corn dog. What is the secret? Look at the batter. The batter is incredible, and-- It's so uniform. It held up. It's not lumpy in any way. It's, like, smooth. When you take this right out of the fryer, it's amazing, - but it's still incredible. - It's so good. It's really crispy on the outside, and kind of cakey on the inside, but not milly at all. There's no milliness. It's almost like cornbread consistency. - Oh, my gosh. - Don't let anybody make you feel self-conscious about enjoying a corn dog. Do worry about the GIFs that you're creating when you're eating it. This is already a tough choice - because they're so different. - Not a chance. No, the corn dog is way better than that pineapple mixture thing. This is a magical mixture, but this is a magical meal, which to me, I'm gonna agree. I mean, I'll put it above it. I'm not gonna go all the way to one. Well, no, there's no need for that yet. Right off the bat. Right there. Corn dog. All right, we're gonna get even more meaty now. The Disneyland turkey leg is a time-honored tradition of eating a gargantuan hunk of meat on a stick. Now, let's bring these suckers in. They are absolutely massive. Good gracious. I have not seen these. I see these at, like, a fair. Oh, I've seen people walking around. Me and you, I think both of us have a bias against turkey legs, because we've had this discussion before. - There was-- - It's like a genetically altered chicken leg. I think-- you know what? This all goes back to the one time at the state fair. Do you remember this? - Yeah, I do. - When we were in high school, and we thought these would be great, and we got them at the North Carolina State Fair, and we both took a couple of bites, and we were like, "There's something just too rich," or I don't know what it was, but ever since then, we've just looked at people enjoying turkey legs with disdain. It has this barbaric kind of-- I don't mind that at all. Of course I don't mind that. People walking around-- like five-year-olds walking around with this as big as their upper torso. ( imitates munching ) Normally, that's something I would be into. That's what I'm saying, so it's kind of weird that I'm not into it. but it's been many years. Let me go back. It's remarkably hammy. How do they do it? ( hamming it up ) How do they do it, Rhett? How do they make it so remarkably hammy? Now, Ellie told us that one of the secrets is that these are exclusively made by-- from male-- not by male turkeys. The male turkeys are not making their own turkey legs. These are male turkeys. Tom turkeys, they call those. And while a lot of other ones might be female turkeys, and there's a distinct difference in the taste of male and female turkeys, and for some reason Disney said, "Let's do male turkeys only." That's the secret, Link. That's how they make it so hammy. Does that make you like it more? I don't know, 'cause I am a man. I mean, I like a good chicken leg, but when I'm at a park of happiness, I don't wanna have, like, the animal parts in front of my mind when I'm eating. This is too not dissociated from-- This is so dissociated. It's like a beautiful package of-- Right, what part of the animal's a corn dog? So I'm just gonna-- I think it goes down here. I don't like it as much as the Dole Whip. I'm in agreement. M-I-C-K-E WHY? All right, now, if I had to pick one city for Disneyland to immortalize, my first thought would be Buies Creek, North Carolina, our homeland, but they chose New Orleans instead, which is fine. - Mm-hm. - If you visit that section of the park, you apparently must try a Cafe Orleans Monte Cristo sandwich. I have not tried this. This is absolutely incredible looking. Turkey, ham, and Swiss sandwich fried in light batter, dusted with powdered sugar, and served with a berry puree. How have I missed this? It's got a-- so it-- it starts out savory and then as it moves towards the outside, it gets it sweet. But if you dip it in this, the berry puree first, it starts sweet. Yeah. Oh, my wow. "Oh, my wow." Good gosh, it's like eating a meat-and-cheese-stuffed donut. It almost seems wrong. - Mm-mm. - You know what I'm saying? It's like when you're doing something that's wrong but feels right. You don't want anybody to see you. That-- that's what's happening right now. So many flavors hit you. - The fact that it's got cheese-- - It's got all the food groups. The fact that it's got cheese and it's got some sweetness... - Mm-hm. - I don't wanna dethrone the corn dog. I really don't wanna do it, but I'm really leaning towards it right now. I gotta taste this corn dog again. Who would've thought you could stick the sandwich in some berries? I think the corn dog is just a little bit better. Let me-- I'm coming down here. It's just more refined. Yeah, it's two things but it really becomes one thing. This is just like-- As the corn dog king himself, I feel like I have the authority to issue a new decree. You think so? The Monte Cristo sandwich is better than a corn dog. I feel like you've gotta go with me on this, man. You gotta ride this train. I am on the fence, so I will gladly go with you. I mean, I never thought I would say it, but it's absolutely incredible. The corn dog king has dethroned himself. Sorry. I mean, you can't be a king forever. M-I-C-K-E Must Try. Okay, now we are moving to something that is available in Cars Land, - which is my favorite place in all of Disneyland. - Love that place. It's cool, man. I've never heard of this either. It is the Bacon Mac 'n' Cheese cone Creamy mac 'n' cheese, littered with bacon bits, packed into a swirly golden bread cone. - Link: Whah... - I mean, how-- - I've been there-- ( stammers ) - How are we missing this? We're waiting in lines for rides, like losers. We're idiots. We're Disney idiots. - We're stupid. - Gosh, I hate us. It's like a cornucopia of genius. Can you hear the ocean in it? I can hear mac 'n' cheese. I can hear my future in it. Grand enjoyment. Oh, it's great. There's no denying it's great. You can't eat-- Like if you went to Disney, and you ate this and the Monte Cristo sandwich in the same day-- You'd keel over. Yeah, that's too much. 'Course, we're about to do it right now. Yeah, we'll do it. But you've gotta make a choice. You gotta be, "What heart attack am I going to have at Disneyland today?" It's really, really, really good. I would definitely get it, but in my mind, there's no way it beats either the corn dog or the Monte Cristo at this point. I'm a fan of the Dole Whip. I don't wanna move that down. Okay, I personally am more a fan of savory than sweet, but I made the corn dog king decision, so I'll let you do that. We're moving that one into slot number five. And now let's eat a churro. You can find them all around Disney, but we got our hands on a special edition churro. This one is the Rose Gold Churro that's found outside of Sleeping Beauty's Castle, which, by the way, is smaller than you'd think it would be. Yeah, it's bigger in your mind. Yeah, even now. It's growing in my mind. $5.25 for this churro. It's got strawberry-flavored sprinkles and gold sprinkles on it. Oh, that's magical. It smells good. And it is very pretty. Let's eat it. Now, again, ours has made the trek back from Anaheim. Churros really need to be enjoyed... Fresh off the cart. ...right out of the cart. But if we put ourselves back in that place... that's a very unique experience. It's got everything you would expect from a churro. I still think there's cinnamon in it. But then that strawberry hits you, and you're like, "Whoa, this is surprising." I really like it, but it's not a mind-blowing experience. - You know what I'm saying? - Not to me. It's not the kind of thing that I would gather all my employees up and force them to eat. You know what I'm saying? I'll do that with corn dogs. Right. And I'm kind of biased against strawberry-flavored things, because I usually don't opt for those, so if you love strawberry-flavored things, you're no doubt gonna put this higher than we're about to rank it. Um, so let's rank this, and then let's see what we're gonna do 'cause there's nothing in the number-one slot, and we're not gonna put the churros there, right? - We agree. - Right. I'm actually putting this pretty low. Ellie was talking huge. She loves this thing. - Maybe she was throwing us off. - I'm sorry, Ellie. I think this is your number one, Ellie? Ellie: Yes! But for us, I'm gonna put it-- It's better than a turkey leg. We'll give you that. I'm gonna put it way down here. But here's the thing here. We gotta talk about this. Well, Ellie pointed something out, and I do want to take this into account. She pointed out, reminded us, that the Monte Cristo sandwich is available only at a reservation-only cafe, the Cafe Orleans, and it's $21. 21 friggin' dollars. Whereas you can get this corn dog for 8.75, which is a lot for a corn dog, but you can get it at a friggin' castle, which is actually just a little booth, and two other places, so it's readily accessible, and it's the perfect thing to walk around Disney, so I think the portability and the availability and the affordability-- Is the corn dog king trying to take back the throne? I'm just saying-- the corn dog king can do what he wants. The corn dog king needs to consult with the hand of the corn dog king. Okay, all right, what do you-- Who is really the guy with all the power. - Let's be real. - What do you think? You're just a sniveling child who rants about corn dogs all day, and I'm making decisions for the realm. You think I 'm like Joffrey? Is that what you're trying to say? But I do agree with myself and the thoughts that I planted in the king's mind, We oughtta-- we gotta-- This thing is-- well, not in its current form, but this is a beautiful entity... It was a beautiful entity. ...that must be enjoyed. Move that to the number-one spot. And it looks like a number one. Move the Monte Cristo to number two. Move the Dole Whip, which I just can't get enough of, to number three. Then you've got the cone of happiness, the churro of strawberriness, and the leg of-- I say nastiness, but you might love it. - Forgettable turkey. - At number five. There it is. How many of you have we upset today? Let us know in the comments. I'm sure you will. And click through to watch us literally do yoga with snakes. Oh, it's gonna be scary. Link:<i> Whether you're at The Happiest Place on Earth</i> <i> or lounging at home, you can get comfy </i> <i> in one of our GMM hoodies and T-shirts,</i> <i> available at mythical.store.</i>
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,207,130
Rating: 4.9306731 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, mythical morning, gmm food, Season 13, rhett, link, mythical, rhett disneyland food taste test, link disneyland food taste test, rhett link disneyland food taste test, rhett link taste test, rhett link disneyland, disneyland food taste test, taste test, disney food, disneyland food, disneyland taste test, disneyland, disney taste test, gmm taste test, dole whip
Id: 67cWZ8c2Tbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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