Week Old McDonald's Taste Test

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- So smooth! - At first I thought this was the new one. And then I opened the other one and it was the same. - I was like, "What has happened?" - I love a smooth bun. <i> ( music playing )</i> Is there anything better than leftovers? I mean, seriously, I'm asking. Is there anything better than leftovers? Chase: No! Thank you, Chase! For being responsive. Okay, that leads to a bigger question, a more important question. Which McDonald's menu item makes the best leftovers? We're actually interested in this because McDonald's items are known to remain unchanged for years even without refrigeration, and if there's any doubt just visit oldesthamburger.blogspot.com to see Dave's <i> totally contemporary looking 15-year-old burger.</i> - That's my favorite website. - He found it in his jacket. So here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna bring in different items. We're going to taste the original, and then we're gonna taste one that has been refrigerated for a week. We didn't just leave it out. You know, safety's important on this show, right? You know that. And then the old ones have been warmed up in the microwave, you know, a minute or so. And then we're gonna see which on has held up the best and then rank them on this board. Right. Let's start with the Egg McMuffin. Go ahead and toss those in. Now for a control group, this is a fresh Egg McMuffin. So we're gonna try that. And then we have the microwaved versions here. So take a little bite just to refresh yourself. 'Cause you might wanna stockpile. So, McDonald's-- Well, now where do I put this? - Right there. - All right. So we've zapped this for about a minute. This isn't which one we prefer the most, it's which one has remained the same the most. And we're gonna rank 'em on this board here. Mmm. I gotta say taste-wise, - It's the same. - it's like 90% there. It really is 90% there. Mm-hmm. Wow! After a week in the fridge, that's not bad at all. - Aftertaste on the bread. - Oh, yeah? - A little staleness hit me. Little staleness. - Yep. The McMuffin part is hurtin'. Just put it in the middle for now. We'll put it right there in the middle for now. All right, bring in the next one. Chicken McNuggets. This the fresh ones? The freshies? Now, I have a theory that this is gonna be a horrible leftover. 'Cause even if you wait till the end of the meal, like you start eating the nuggets and you go to the fries, maybe some drink, something else, you go to the bathroom, you come back, you eat the nugget, you're like, "Mmm. It's not as good." 'Cause fried stuff doesn't hold up as well. - Okay. - But we've zapped these again for-- - for about a minute. - Oh, wow. They've really-- They've changed. - You've changed, nuggets. - Yeah. - Look at the difference right there. - Oh, man! - They're not as-- - Feel 'em. There's serious separation. Breading separation. It's really just peeling right off. It feels soggy. Oh, man! - These took a hit, boy. - Ooh! Flavor profile's totally different. There is no flavor. It's like bad tofu. - What happened, nugget? - Oh, gosh! All right, we gotta put those-- We gotta put those at the end for right now. - The chicken nuggets. - That-- That's horrifyingly horrible. Wow! Who would've thought that it would've changed that much? - Get rid of those. - All right, bring in the next one. Okay. French fries. Have you ever thought about refrigerating French fries for a week? - Yeah. - And then yanking 'em out after awhile? So again, we know what these taste like. Beef seasoned, goodness, crunchy. Famous for sitting around forever and remaining unchanged. They've also changed in color, though. - But-- - Those are golden. And they got whiter. Look at that. They got significantly whiter. It's like two continental shelfs meeting and it's gonna create a mouthquake. I doubt it. I'm shaking in my boots. Work with me here. Oh, gosh! - These have gone bad, too. - That's rubbery. Is it bad as the nugget, though? Not as bad as the nuggets, but I knew these were gonna be horrible. I wouldn't have predicted they would be better than the nuggets, but they are. - Let's get these outta here. - It's pretty bad, though. I gotta say it's getting worse. - If you like a floppy one-- - It won't stand up anymore. Don't be deceived. They're all floppy now and they don't have the good floppiness that people like me prefer. Get your continental shelfs outta the way. All right, what we got now? - Oh, gosh! Filet-O-Fish. - Oh, you know this is-- Okay, so these are the microwaved ones. First let's go with the control group 'cause-- Hold on. You don't some kinda parlor trick here? - I know, but I wasn't. - Here-- We've been doing the same thing the whole time, and all of a sudden now you're switching it up. - Well, don't-- - How do you know that that's a fresh one? It is! Right? - They don't know! - I know for a fact it is. - You did a switcheroo! - Well-- I didn't. I didn't. See, you can look. - Oh, maybe I did. - Look at what-- Well, hold on. Let's look at all three. Yep. Nope. Yeah, the fresh one is wrinkled. The fresh one is wrinkled. Did you just say that? The fresh one is wrinkled. This is the fresh one. Look what-- The old ones got taut, though. - What did you learn? - You know about that. Oh! Well, leave me some, Reggie! - Okay. - I like the Filet-O-Fish. I can't tell you last time I had one. It's the sleeper item at McDonald's. People who know what's up know about the Filet-O-Fish. It's not just for Friday's anymore, guys. I don't think it's that great. Maybe it'll get better - after a week. - I doubt it. But the bun has really-- It's doing some interesting things. I mean, look at that bun. Wouldn't you prefer that bun? - I know! I know! - You see that bun? So smooth. At first I thought this was the new one, and then I opened the other one and it was the same. - I was like, "What has happened?" - I love a smooth bun. Okay. It tastes like school lunch. The bread is bad. No, it's not. It's better. - What's wrong with you? - What? - As a person-- - Let me try this again. who likes the Filet-O-Fish, I feel like I'm the one who has to judge this. - You don't like it to begin with. - I know. Okay. The bread got better. The bread is like wine. - Well, the fish is not as crunchy. - But the taste-- I mean, this is really, really coming in strong. Filet-O-Fish coming in hot! Really? I'ma chipmunk that. I'ma eat some of this. I do not taste bad bread. I tasted bad bread on the Egg McMuffin. This bread has gotten some sort of youth serum. Did you Botox this bread? - No wrinkles. - I'm not backing down. I've had three bites now. Having both of them twice, I'm not gonna say it's better, but I'm gonna say it is virtually unchanged. Right. Except for the wrinkles. We'll put it at two right now. Probably gonna be number one. That's too much Filet-O-Fish. Had to get rid of some. Now, Big Mac. This is very personal to me because they used to do this special at the Big Mac-- At the Big Mac. At the McDonald's near NC State. - Where once a-- - In college. There would be this week where they did a 25 cent Big Mac. Hold on. It had to be-- You're talking four for a dollar? Yeah. They did a 25 cent Big Mac special. Because I got 12 of them. Three dollars. You know how you'd have those dorm fridges and the top would have that like freezer thing? Well, I would open-- I would come home from class and I would open it up and it would be jam packed - Yeah. - like crammed full of these boxes. - Yeah. - And I-- And he said I couldn't have any of 'em. So I would warm 'em up in the room microwave - So like-- - and I ate all 12. I made it through all 12 in a week. That's a magical thing right there. Hello again. So, Rhett's already been on record since college in saying this is an amazing thing. Now you wouldn't heat it up in the microwave, right? - You would go for-- - I think my tastes have changed since college. I think I got a little bit more discernment. It's got freaking lettuce in it. You would heat it up in the toaster. We had a microwave and a toaster - That's right. - and television, - No, toaster oven. - and two beds. - A toaster-- Toaster oven. - Oh, you're right. - It has a door. - Do I need to do a Google search and show you? No, I got it. You're right. Ooh! Look at the blackness of that burger. The edge of it. - Was it always that way? - I hope so. Nope, it wasn't. The beef is bad. Yeah. I gotta say-- Man! I mean, what you said about the bread before-- 19-year-old Rhett didn't know what was up. The beef is bad. I don't think it's gone-- It's gone bad. The bread is the same. Okay, but hold on. Okay, I think-- I think this is clearly-- It's better than the fry-- I think it's better than the fries. Yep. Yep. I agree with that. Move these to-- I mean, this is controversial. I'm saying that the Filet-O-Fish holds up better than the Egg McMuffin. I recognize that this is a controversial decision. I'm open to it being changed if you feel strongly about it. The McMuffin got a little crustier on the top. The Filet-O-Fish got younger. The bread got younger! Who knew that Filet-O-Fishes got younger the longer they sit out? Yes, I'm in 100% agreement. As much as I don't prefer the Filet-O-Fish, if I'm gonna eat one, I'm gonna wait a week after purchase. Yes! I love it when we discover something meaningful on this show! Did we discover something meaningful? We learned a lot, haven't we? Haven't we? - Chase: Yeah! - Thank you, Chase. - Chase had my back. - All right. Keep watching, because we're about to show you the craziest prank fail videos that we could find on the internet. Rhett:<i> Let's taco about that.</i> <i> Get this "Will it Taco?" T-shirt at Mythical.Store.</i>
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
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Keywords: rhett and link, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, mythical morning, gmm food, Season 13, mythical, rhett week old mcdonald's taste test, link week old mcdonald's taste test, rhett link taste test, rhett link mcdonald's, week old mcdonald's taste test, taste test, mcdonalds, mcdonalds taste test, mcdonalds food, old mcdonalds food, old mcdonalds, gmm fast food, fast food taste test gmm, fast food taste test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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