Travellers, What is your CREEPIEST hotel story (r/AskReddit)

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to all reddit travelers what is your creepiest hotel story my mom was traveling for work and sat next to a man fellow business traveler on the plane they had a casual conversation and exchanged business cards later that evening she's in her hotel watching TV and gets a phone call from the front desk that her husband is here and they want to know if they can give him a key to the room turns out the creep on the plane was pretending to be her husband to try to get into her room I was traveling out of the country right after finishing up a huge five-day work event where I had about ten hours of sleep total during the five days I got to the motel which is kind to run down in the carpet and blankets or damp but I'm so exhausted I don't even really think about it I fall asleep pretty much immediately at like 8:00 p.m. local time at maybe 11 p.m. or so I get a call from the motel phone saying there's been a complaint about noise I tell them that's impossible I've been sleeping they asked me if maybe it's someone else in the room and I tell them no I'm here alone so there's definitely no one else making noise they asked me again if I'm sure I'm by myself and not causing any noise I say yes again fall back asleep immediately when I woke up and thought about it some more I realized how weird the entire interaction was there was absolutely no noise I could hear anywhere nearby and I don't know why the motel staff would need to clarify so many times that I was alone apparently they never called so I assumed it must have been someone calling the different rooms to see who was in the rooms and how many people I've never been so glad to always always use the extra latch chain lock while in the Isles of Scotland we stayed in a B&B it was owned by a couple the bedrooms were extremely well done and beautiful but on everything there was signs to not touch to use the shower you would have to ask the couple and the internet ended at 11:00 p.m. the woman would also check on everyone at random times in the night we would hear creeping in the hallway to make sure everyone was sleeping and not doing any illegal things like using the internet when we checked out of her B&B she came into her room and said that we stunk and opened the window to prove this and demand it for money immediately another traveler was kicked out of the B&B because the checkout time was 10 a.m. and they were forced to stand outside she wouldn't even let them stay inside in the thunderstorm while their taxi came another traveler had to go and check we were in an isolated place to pay for the room and she took their bags and wouldn't give them back but on the way out she asked everyone if they enjoyed their stay edit so I took a look at their TripAdvisor page and the ownership seems to have changed to a much nicer couple since we visited it in 2015 however all of the negative reviews are from before the change location was Isle of Skye portree found a hotel in Yangon Burma the day we got there for pretty cheap they mentioned the rates were low because maintenance was being done on several floors we sleep fine wake up and head to breakfast at breakfast we met some Germans who had also stayed the night in our hotel they said they had not slept well because during the middle of the night someone woke them up to move them from the floor they were on we ascend the Germans found out later that they had been moved because they were on one of the levels reserved for maintenance and part of the maintenance included gassing the rooms for bugs during the middle of the night they were just going around the room shoving the gas nozzle or whatever under the doors and letting them run wound up killing the two people next to the Germans before they realized they'd accidentally booked people on that floor we weren't on that floor thankfully but it has always stuck with me how seemingly easy it could have been to have gotten mixed up in that family vacation 1:00 a.m. my brother and I had just finished watching The Shining on TV neither of us had seen it before we heard someone trying to open our door no one else was supposed to have keys someone tried to swing open the door but the hotel lock stopped them they kept trying to open it multiple times banging the door against the lock after a few tries they gave up the hotel desk clerk accidentally entered the wrong room for their keycards it was probably best way I saw The Shining I can't be scared more than that from that movie when I was 12 I was staying in a motel with my mom on a road trip we were in the middle of nowhere in Texas at a motel that had a decent rating in our guidebook and was really cheap so we went for it in the middle of the night the owner knocked on the door and told us we had to leave because he wanted the room someone else , my mom was outside arguing with him while I was gathering our things and I was terrified because I heard him start yelling I looked out the window and saw about half a dozen bikers in vests appear out of nowhere maybe a nearby room and start confronting the owner my mom came inside quickly and we watched them start harassing the guy things like she's paid to be here you're gonna let her stay tonight we don't want to ever hear crap like this from you again and the owner was saying things like I don't want any trouble everybody left fairly quickly and we didn't ever hear anything about it the next day at checkout we weren't able to sleep very well because we were so shook up but it was better than getting in the car again thank you anonymous biker gang oh I have one though this has turned out quite long to describe so mine takes place in a London hostel a few weeks ago I have two friends with me that are both male and we're staying in a nine bed mix dorm there's three sets of three-tier bunk beds I'm in the bottom bed of the right bunk friend one in the top of my bunk friend two in bottom bed of middle bunk so we get in at 2:00 a.m. and I'll just quietly get in our beds after a few minutes of Laing there trying to sleep I hear wrestling behind me I'm lying on my side facing the wall so I think it is just someone going through their bag and ignore it then I feel a hand on my hip over the cover I turn around and it's a random guy telling me to move over and trying to pull out my cover I initially thought he was drunk and wasn't sure which bed to be and so I tell him to go find his own bed and then he shuffles away to bottom bed of left bunk then he comes back again I again tell him to go back to his own bed and he shuffles back to his own again this happens another couple of times with me gradually speaking louder and getting less polite telling him to duck off so I'm shaking cause the situation is making me nervous and message my mate that's on the top bunk saying I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep that night he messages back casually thinking it's cause of someone's snoring this is when I find out both my mates have earplugs in and although they've heard me speaking they each thought I was speaking to the other friend so I tell him the situation and he starts keeping an eye out I hear the guy go to the bathroom that is unsweet but I can tell from the light he left the bathroom door open whilst doing so and refused to look my mate fills me in that the guy was walking round with his pants down and deliberately left the door open to get me to look but either way the guy goes back to his bed after and we think the situation is finally over then it happens again my mate keeping an eye out shines his phone light on the floor and shots for the guy to duck off apparently he was crawling across the floor again towards me the guy suddenly takes offense at my mates light shining on him and starts actually climbing the bunk ladder like King Khan to get to my mate on the top and was trying to take his phone they wrestle for a while with my mate actually kicking the guy in the neck to try and keep him away only for the guy to swing backwards and come straight back at him again I use this time to run for security who find the guy still hanging on the bed when they get there then call the police and have the guy taken away in a riot van and banned from the building whilst the police had dragged him outside waiting for the right van the guy even had but in the brick wall several times no idea what that guy was on cause it wasn't alcohol but definitely on something to take a kick to the neck and still act like nothing happened afterwards the guy kept trying to blame my mate when security came as well saying things in broken English like come up here and see how violent this guy is my other mate that had slept through the whole incident kept saying the next day that he couldn't believe how friendly everyone in London is edit please don't let this put you off hostels I've travelled in them alone around Europe and never had any problems before usually hostels are a great way to meet people or find activities to do in the local area a friend and I once stayed at a pretty fancy B&B for the night the lady who owned it was absolutely lovely but would appear out of nowhere we'd be sitting alone in a large room with one doorway and suddenly she was in the room with us either this joint had secret doors or something really creepy was going on she seemed to know things that we'd said or done as well the thing that tripped us out the most was hearing someone trying to open our door during the night she was super lovely in the building was beautiful but we were relieved to check out the next morning I arrived at a secluded coastal hotel south of Mara Maurice Turkey around 2:00 a.m. it had been a long day in Istanbul followed by a flight and long bus ride and tomorrow Maurice where I hackle dwith non-english-speaking taxi drivers who were not even aware that this small resort exists when the taxi pulls up to the hotel it's on fire when the owner standing out front sees us he opens the taxi door excitedly you come I have nice room for you I point out that the hotel is on fire but he simply gestures and says small fire no problem you come I am utterly exhausted I find myself following the owner into the hotel stepping over fire hoses waving away smoke passing firefighters as they run up and down a very nice staircase we pause at the second floor landing and the owner tells me see fire only on this side of Hotel this side no fire you come my exhaustion removes every ounce of common sense and I follow him to a room down the hall the room is indeed fire free I quickly scan the in case of fire message on the back of the door check the wind to escape and promptly pass out with my gear and boots on in the morning I awake alive wondering if I dreamt the entire thing I go down the smoky stairs past the charred other side of the hotel the owner is so happy to see me still alive that he eats breakfast with me I went back a few years later in the hotel had fully recovered did the thing with a friend a few years ago we are both big guys so typically feel safe everywhere we go show up at the house 60-year old guy opens the door while on the phone has only wearing sweatpants he signals for us to enter he continues his conversation and ends with and I love you he turns to us and says welcome and apologizes for being on the phone he starts talking about his GF who he was talking with and how she lives overseas he mentions he has several gfs and boasts about being a ladies man he then starts to show us pictures these girls look like they were 14 while sliding through the pic he accidentally showed us one of their passports this weirded us out a lot we were early 20s and didn't really know what to do so we said we were tired and wanted to sleep he walked us to the room while rubbing his belly told us he we make breakfast in the morning we decided to sleep the night but leave before he woke up my friend slept on the bedroom door so he couldn't sneak in we got up super early and bolted we got super weird vibes from the guy and just felt gross / weird about the whole thing stayed in a B&B in Pennsylvania that seemed cute enough they did have a wall of antique dolls in the main room but otherwise no signs of weirdness that's until we were settled in the room I noticed some scratches on the floor near a bookcase and after some inspection realized it was a secret door when I asked the owner who gave a creepy vibe if it worked he said yes and showed me that it opened to their office which was a cluttered room with a computer and piles or a crap it had a lock on their side and when I asked if there was a lock on my side he smiled and said no when I showed some concern that there was an unlockable entrance to my room that was camouflaged that they didn't tell me about he just kept smiling so that night no wax fear of cameras and I barricaded the ducting door and barely slept at it it was many years ago before FB / Twitter etc so we're racking our brains to remember the name it was near New Hope Pennsylvania is all we can remember at this point at it - New Hope is lovely except creepy place when I was 12 my family took a vacation to Europe at our hotel in Rome there was this amazing indoor pool and being a child of my age I would have spent the entire vacation there if I could during one such swimming excursion some random gentleman I think probably around 40 something comes over to me and starts tickling my feet my mother is with me but is preoccupied with one of my other siblings he speaks English as well and starts teasing me for being ticklish and telling me how I'm simply adorable through my giggles I keep shyly asking him to stop he doesn't and just keeps teasing me and touching my feet and lower legs this went on for maybe two minutes tops before my mom sees what's happening and goes into super protective mode and tells him to back the duck off I'm not sure if this qualifies or not let me know when I was like 14 15 I went with my family to Las Vegas and we stayed off the main strip in a two-bedroom suite it was a smaller casino slash hotel my parents left to go out and enjoy the night while I stayed with my younger siblings they slept in the bedrooms and I was in the living room watching TV I think I dozed off at around midnight and when I woke up I was in a stairwell outside of the hotel room I had no shoes on I had no cellphone no room key I went to the front office and told them I was locked out of my room and they believed me and gave me a key I still don't know why I was out there to this day I have never sleep walked I don't know what happened maybe I did sleepwalk maybe something happened during those hours that I cannot remember but it was creepy enough for me to share okay so I already posted this on another thread but when I was about 4 years old my family ended up staying at the Cedar Lodge motel where Kerri stainer worked right before he murdered four women my family drove to Yosemite and it was a long drive for us three kids all under the age of 7 plus two adults and a duck tan of mountains will do that by the time we arrived at the motel it was late we were all cranky and we couldn't wait to get out but the moment we pulled in something set my mom's teeth on edge and she insisted that we left and found another hotel reservation or not my mom has always had this like sixth sense and her gut has actually saved us a couple of times but my dad was tired and convinced her to ignore her gut and stay for just the night in the next morning we'd leave I can remember my mom actually refusing to let go of our hands making us stay right by her side as she kept looking around while checking in to try and get her to relax my dad suggested we go to the pool thinking it would calm her down well when we got there there were no towels so my mom called the front desk the moment the man delivering towels arrived my mom immediately grabbed us out of the water and rushed us back to the room the man gave her the absolute creeps and she says there was just this feeling of pure evil when he looked at us that night my mom and dad pushed the dresser in front of the door and had us all sleep in the same bed the next morning we left to go to another hotel but my mom couldn't stop talking about how evil that Motel was about two months later she and my dad were up late watching the news when they started reporting on a man who had murdered a woman and two young girls in Yosemite just as my mom began to say I bet it was at that motel they showed Carrie stainer 's face and said it occurred at the Cedar Lodge Motel Carrie stainer was the man who brought us our towels at the pool we've never gone back to Yosemite and my mom is always insistent that we listen to our gut feeling and when every bone in your body is telling you something is wrong gtfo TL DR we stayed at a motel where a serial killer Carrie stainer worked and my mom's gut told her he was a ducking creep not particularly creepy but pretty ducking bleak been in Australia about a week decided to go straight to a farm to tick off the farm work for the second year visa arrived at this run-down house with the internal walls covered in graffiti reminiscent of a crack den in the [ __ ] of nowhere all the other lodgers look like broken men told that the weekly shopping run isn't for two more days so here's a loaf of bread each start work the next day picking runner beans paid at a one dollar and ten cents a kilo busting my ass to make something like 50 bucks in 14 hours slept and crammed in beds in what we assumed used to be a living room with plain bread for dinner did a few hours the next day until my mate stood up like duck this crap I'm not having this and straight back to Melbourne we went ended up in an amazing hostel with great people earning $25 an hour with memories I'll never forget horror show averted yeah duck sorry about that there are some loose units out here in the country heard a few horror stories about backpackers walking into some cooked situations cousins mates started work on a dairy farm run by a father / son combo who were fighting around the clock fourth day there the old man tells the two girls that they'll have to go in and wake up the Sun themselves or they'll be doing his work as well they're like yeah nah no thanks actually ducked off and found a much better place to work where they were treated like employees and paid a decent wage [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 72,486
Rating: 4.8623481 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask reddit creepy, creepy stories, true horror stories, ask reddit scary, best horror stories, sir reddit, sirreddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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