The Basics (Part 1) | OpenShot Video Editor Tutorial

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[Music] hello again this is Jonathan and in this video we're going to take a look at the basics so what we're gonna do is build a very simple video with a few different files kind of walk you through the flow the basic you know video editing flow very basic but I'm gonna try to keep this very easy and show you a few different ways to do things so we're gonna start out by we need to add our files to the project the first step of any video editing project is to add our files there's a few different ways we can do that the easiest is just open up your file system on your computer which has your folders and files on it and select your files and just drag them in to open shot so it doesn't get much easier than that another way you can I'm gonna remove them here another way you can add files is by right-clicking and saying import and even another way is to click the green plus sign and that brings up this little dialog and you can select multiple files but again the easiest way is to just drag them in so now once we have all of our files inside open shot the next step is to move them down to our timeline in some order so I'm gonna start with moon and it's just a picture of a moon so we've added moon that's the first thing we're going to put in our video I can click anywhere on this this bar here which is kind of like our like a ruler or a timeline these are different times 48 seconds 32 seconds 16 seconds so they represent the time of our video so things kind of runs left to right so the very first clip we added is our moon so the next one we'll see I will grab a minecraft picture and so you can see by just clicking and kind of dragging on this bar I can preview our video and kind of or if we can move things around it's very easy so kind of gives you the hopefully the idea that you can kind of drag your clips down so see you in my next one let me reorder these a bit so my next one will be clouds okay so that gives us three kind of cool pictures and then we also have a video which is Big Buck Bunny a fun video if you haven't watched it I suggest you take a look so this is just a video so as you can see we're just kind of scrubbing through it or watching it and then I have an audio clip up here and I'm going to drag that below my pictures and so this is where the magic kind of starts to happen anything that's stacked on top of each other like this audio clip in this picture they play at the same time kind of like you can imagine that red line is is what's going to play at that moment and you can have as many things stacked as you want which is pretty fun and you can do a lot of very creative things so for example if I want to play this back I can use our preview controls and hit play [Music] now it's not a very long audio clip it kind of ends right there but you can imagine if it was a longer clip it would continue to play play behind the you know behind all of our photos so that's that's one way it's just simply dragging files onto our timeline until we're happy I'm going to drag and select them all and right click and that gives me all sorts of fun menus which we'll cover in a later video but one of the options is remove and that will remove things from our timeline so let's let's talk about another way another way we could have added all of these clips is just simply by dragging our mouse and selecting them and right-clicking and choosing add to Timeline and this is a very fun little window these buttons down here can kind of shuffle or or let you move things up and down you can decide what track you want to put these clips on you can even do things like fading and zooming for example I can add transitions but let me go ahead and click OK and you can kind of see what happened it added all of those files onto the timeline in the order that we had specified which in this case was random and that doesn't really make sense but but if you had a for example a photo slideshow or a sequence of video clips that you wanted to play in a certain order you can um you can kind of imagine that's a very quick way to add them to the timeline so while we're talking about the timeline you can as I said before you can drag your mouse to select multiple things and then you can click and drag all these things at the same time so moving things around becomes pretty easy they kind of snap to each other to keep it simple so let's see that gives you some some basic idea of the functionality let me go ahead and highlight these three and I'm going to hit the Delete key which is going to remove them another way to remove things and I'm going to to zoom up on our timeline so this bar right here it's a very long bar this gives us our basic zoom control so we can we can get in real close we can pull it back and see a whole bunch of Clips at the same time so it's just changing our time scale if that makes sense kind of zooming in zooming out so we can see a little better so another really neat thing is sometimes you don't just want one picture to snap to the knit to the next picture you know you want it to kind of gradually fade so this is very easy an open shot all you have to do is drag one clip on top of another and you will see this little blue shape and that blue shape represents a transition and a transition I'll just hit the play button and show you so in this case it's just a simple fade and it looks very nice and you don't have to do anything fancy all you have to do so I'll do that again I will click on that and hit delete and I will separate them again so I just simply drag one over the other as much as I want to overlap them and let go and we've just created a transition just that easy so that is one way to do transitions and there are also and let me go ahead and remove that there are also hundreds and hundreds of transitions that ship with open shot and so you can click on the transitions tab and there are a bunch of them lots of very interesting when like puzzle pieces so let's try that one so adding puzzle pieces you can see we can transition between the two clips but it now instead of it fading its revealing the next picture through the puzzle pieces so pretty neat kind of get the get the idea there okay and lastly I'm gonna go back to our files and I'm gonna show you one more thing that's pretty cool we're gonna right click add to timeline and this time we are going to say we would like the pictures to zoom in and we would like a random transition between them so go ahead and say okay so now this is where it gets very interesting it put our video first so let's get here where it starts to fade now we have random transitions and we have zooming on each picture so this this is where you start to see the real power of being able to add multiple things at the same time and add effects and transitions all with one simple dialogue that was our audio clip of course so so that's the basic thing so let me let me move this stuff I actually let's just let's just clear this one more time I'm gonna highlight it and hit the Delete key so let's just drag moon down here this is and maybe minecraft those are two fun clips and overlap them so now we have we have a very very very simple fade between two pictures um okay so let's pretend that we have our video it is perfect we've put our clips and the order we want them we've previewed it with our with our little preview player and we're happy so the very next thing we're going to do is up here at the top of the screen there's a red button and we are going to click that red button and it pops up a very simple export window and without really having to explain all this you can pretty much give your file a name and hit so we'll say moon video we've created a well a moon minecraft video and so all we have to do is click export video and once this is done we will have a brand new video that has been created which is going to look just like our preview did but now we have our very own you know video file that we can upload to a website we could upload to YouTube we could share it with somebody email it to somebody etc etc so basically that is the the basic operation of open shot just to kind of recap we add our our files that we want to include we sequence them and put them in some order on our timeline we can zoom in and out of our timeline and when we are happy we can export our video as a brand new video file so it doesn't get much easier than that of course there's a bunch of advanced things you can do as well um and we'll cover those in future videos so I will see you in the next video you
Channel: Jonathan Thomas
Views: 487,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, openshot, open-source, official
Id: VE6awGSr22Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
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