OpenShot Video Editor Tutorial - Designed for Beginners

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hi there Jamie key here today at teachers tech hope you're having a great day today today I'm going to be taking a look at open shot I'm gonna do a beginners tutorial kind of showing you all the things so you can get ready using open shot open shot is a free very simple to use video editor that you can download for your Windows Mac or Linux systems systems so we're going to go through it I'm going to put a time my time stamps down below in the description so you can jump around to any part I'd really like to know what type of video editors you're using for free if I can fly and find some more as I continue this tutorial series on free video editors well anyway let's get started today on this beginners tutorial for open shot video editor first off if you haven't downloaded open shot yet just simply go to the download and I'll put a link to this it's going to auto auto find your system your operating system that you're on you can see today I'm going to be working on my Windows system but you can just go ahead and pick your own here too so I'm just going to go ahead and close this it's a really easy install when you open up open shot this is the screen that you get it automatically starts into a project whenever you're saving anything you can just go up to the top to the menu and you can see where we have save save project up top and you have your different shortcut icons right up top too so first of all let's look at the Preferences to here because you might want to change and know a couple preferences that just might make this easier for you and open shot so if I go to preferences under edit you can see under the general here we have languages so defaults with the English but if you're looking for a different language to work on just do the drop-down and pick which one works best for you the other thing I want to show you is the keyboard shortcuts here so you can just simply go through so you under know what all they all the different shortcuts are this can save you a lot of time if you start using this program a lot so I'm just going to go ahead and close this first thing I want to do though is import media here and it's very easy to do this I'm going to show you this in three ways first of all I'm just going to change the size of my screen I have some video audio and images ready to go here and a file on my desktop the easiest way to import this would just be to grab them and just drag them over and you're gonna see it goes into the project files right beside I'm just gonna make this larger again the another way that you can do this is just simply hit the green plus sign import files and then you can just go to the file where apps and this is the same file and I could import them all again and another way would be to right-click and import file so very easy to get to get your files in so you can see this is going to be your project files where you're going to be working with your video your audio and your images the is your timeline down below where we're going to be dragging things and I'll show you that in a moment and this is where you're gonna preview your work on the timeline a lot of other editors you'll see another source window to preview these ones but that this one doesn't have this what a couple other things I just want to show you with the setup here you can drag you can grab and drag these around to get your if you wanted things in a different place feel feel just comfortable by just grabbing the top of it and dragging it to wherever you want you can kind of lay it on top but you can see it will adjust and you can play all around with it if you get things kind of messed up you can see how I can close down any of these windows that maybe you've closed down too many windows the other thing you can do to simply get back to where you were before go to the view and then go to views here and if I go to simple mode you're gonna see that it just jumps back to where I was before and I can resize it here so very simple to get back if you've made some adjustments that you that you don't know how you made them so let's go on and take a look at our timeline now how we can start bringing these clips down into it alright let's put some things to our timeline I'm gonna show you two different ways how to do this here and then I'm gonna show you some of the ways just to get a different view of your timeline so first of all I'm just gonna grab a video here I'm gonna grab this one and just drag it into a track track 3 I'll grab it into and now I'm just gonna go grab my playhead move it a little closer I'm gonna hit the green button here to play it and you're gonna see and here there's audio attached to this it's just a video clip recorded on it I can bring down audio the one thing to note a lot of video editors will have a separate audio track for it these are just called tracks or one-two-three-four if I bring down audio I can bring audio into the same track and have a play after or I could bring it under like so so it's not a seperated audio tracks you can just bring it all the tracks you can use them how you'd want you can also bring images in so this is just an image I have if I bring this in so now I've brought in a video an image and some audio here though I want to talk a little bit about the views here so at anytime you can zoom up so you can see right here there's the plus here if I just hit the plus a few times it will zoom up or I can drag this bar to go zoom out or in so if you wanted to find a specific area of a video to work on to get more detail you might want to zoom in and out on it this one over here the snap tool here I'm just gonna move I'm gonna zoom all the way out here to B so you can see more the snap tool how it works so if I grab this image and if I was bringing it over notice how it just floats easily over top of the video this snap tool here allows me to kind of bring it to the edge and snap so snap it makes it a little bit easier if you're fitting all your videos or image in the videos together this is a razor tool right here the scissors so it's something I can just cut my video clips up with or audio I'll show you that a little bit later this is to add markers to this so if I go ahead and I wanted a marker I could click the blue and then I can jump I already had a couple of markers in and I can jump to the next markers too so a little bit about the tracks now and I mentioned it before you can you can see 0 1 2 3 4 you can add more tracks very easily this right here hit the plus and you can see I have track 5 now I could right click also if I go ahead and right click I could add track above or add track below I can rename it so if you're working with overlays or if you wanted maybe to name your music you can go ahead makes a little bit easier that way to just recognize what's on each track locking track if you know you don't want it to be messed with go ahead and lock it and then you won't be able to make any changes to it and you can remove the track but be careful in case you have anything on it that you don't remove it there so that's just a little bit about the viewing options on this so that's how one way you can bring your all your different audio video and images to your timeline another way to do it if I select all of these or I could select maybe 2 or 3 of these I'll just select 3 of these for it out like this I can right and I can go to add to Timeline so if I go to add to timeline what you're gonna notice is I'm gonna get this window that pops up and this is a handy little feature to make it easy and I could really see it if you were having if you had something with images and you just wanted to make a slideshow this would work we're really really easy on this one right so it's the three different audio tracks here and then what happens is you can see I can pick the track is here everything's I can tell what tracker wanted to go to the start time I can even add transitions into it or animation so I can just go through and add them to this one so if I just put random I'll fade out just to give an example here like this and I'm gonna hit OK on it so go ahead and hit OK takes a second sometimes you can see so all went to track 5 because that's where I selected it and it just went through and put it I'll play it and you can see now how it's adding the transitions and the Fate different fades in on it so very very easily if I would have taken a little bit more time to do this you know I could even get it more exact when you want to remove anything out of this just you can simply remove one at a time you can right-click or remove clip or you can just hit delete on your computer too so if you select a clip and you just go ahead and hit delete it's gone if I wanted everything out of here highlight over everything I'm just gonna hit delete and it will disappear so those are just some things to get started with the timeline different ways to drag it in and different ways to view it so let's get moving on to different ways we can do some editing in open shot now so now I want to show you how we can quickly add some transitions some animations and some fading on your Clips very easily an open shot so I'm gonna drag down a couple Clips here I'll just drag down this one couple shorter ones and this one here so first of all let's do a transition with transition all I have to do with the clips and this would work with images or anything I have on it if I drag over and then just stop your you're gonna get this transition where that blue area is right there that going to be the transition so if I I'm just gonna scrub it over and I hit play you can see now we had a nice smooth transition in between it just kind of did a dissolve between it I'm gonna go ahead and click on this transition you can see I can make this transition longer if I wanted to I have some options here if I click on the little arrow I can copy it I can reverse the transition I can go to my properties I'll talk about that a little later and I can remove the transition too I could also just hit delete on the transition so I did delete it because I wanted to show you all these other transitions that you have up here so if I wanted to find a certain transition I'm just gonna pick on one at random here I can drag it down on top and what I'm gonna do is just make this one shorter so now if I play it you'll be able to see the transition through it so very quickly to add transition between clips another thing you can do in just on a note remember you control Z on Windows or command Z on Mac will undo your last ones the other way you do have the undo arrow up top if you wanted to go back and undo your last steps so if I'm just gonna take these apart here because what I want to show you now is some other things with animation so let's go actually I'm gonna go to this clip here this first clip and I'm gonna add an animation so if you right click and this is how I work a lot inside open shot I just go up to animate and you can see you have all these different options to quickly animate your clip so maybe I wanted to I'm gonna at the start of the clip I want it to edge right to center so you can go through and pick what works best for you here so I'm just gonna go click at the beginning here move over to my beginning and I'm gonna hit play and you can see that it added that animation to it here on this one if I hit play it did it too because I had both selected on it if I right click and go to animate I'm gonna go to no animation you can see I've taken it off that one there too so animate really sad the other thing is to add is are the fades so if I go if I wanted something maybe at the end of the clip but we'll go start of the clip to fade to fade in slow so if I bring it up I'm gonna bring this clip and then I'm gonna hit play and you can see there is this low fade in so just some quick ways to add some effects before we get into other types of editing so maybe you have a bunch of images and everything that you wanted to add if you go through like that and remember the other way if I go back and what I've showed you before if you wanted to add automatically just go ahead and add to Timeline and you can adjust all these things right through here and they'll be added to the track of what you want the way you wanted all right so let's do a little with trimming slicing and splitting here with a few video examples I'm just gonna start with this video up here and I'm going to do something in the project window before I drag it down into the timeline I'm gonna right-click on it and you can see there's split clip when I click on split clip you're gonna get this window that opens up and what this window is allows you to do is find a certain part this works really well for longer videos to find a certain part of the video and you can hit start on it and you can watch it for I could hit play or I could drag it and I could hit an end part and then when I hit create it creates that mini clip that I selected out and puts it into my project files and I can continue on with a clip so if I go over to a different part hit start drag it again hit and hit create you're gonna see another sequences there so it works really well a long movies works with audio I'm gonna had it go ahead and hit close on this one remember you can have these Clips really quickly if I just right click on it split the woops sorry wrong click there right click on it and add to Timeline and I can just quickly add them to the timeline with the with my setup presets that I would like to have now another way that I can do this is I'm gonna take this video right here - I'm just drag it down and show you a different way that you can trim so trimming I can just grab the and drag them in so this actually cuts off the end so I'm making this shorter so again just drag the ends and bring them in but you can either work on both ends of it a different way that you can split inside the clip so if I drag the playhead over the certain clip if I right-click what I can do is notice that there's slice all so I can keep both sides keep the left side keep the right side so if I go ahead and you keep the right side you're gonna see that this will disappear over here and it's just left with that so I like I like to use that one when when I drag over you can see if I just right-click on the clip and then slice and I have those same options if I'm not on the clip when I right-click on it you won't have that slice option on it I'm just gonna go ahead and delete this one so if I drag I'm gonna drag this full one back down here before it here so another way that you can actually I'm going to drag this long one just so I can show you how the slice tool works so with a slice tool now the slice tool isn't as perfect I would find as some of the other ones it's right here I mentioned it before but if I click on the razor to sorry the razor tool now you notice how it's like a little scalpel if I select pick out a pick a different part I find if I could have the playhead in place and I click on it it gives me more of that exact place where I might want it so I went ahead and clicked there and you're gonna see it spliced spliced it right there so I could go ahead and now remove certain clips from it and I could splice this all up and into different parts and go ahead and remove different ones on it now another thing you might want to do is change the duration so maybe you wanted something to be faster than it was I showed you so far trimming but if we take a clip let's say like this one right here now if I just wanted it faster if I want to make sure I turn off my razor my slice tool here and I right-click on it notice we have time so if you want to speed it up or slow it down just right click and go to time and you can see how we can go if I wanted it fast forward maybe at 4 times the speed this we'll get shorter here as it goes through and processes that a little clip and then it's going to go ahead and get shorter and then it's going to be you can see there and as I play it now I'll hit play on this one it's much shorter as it plays through so if you want to adjust the time just a go ahead and simply right-click on it another thing that I want to show you to adjust and I'm gonna take this one again and I'm just gonna drag it down this one has audio with it so if I go ahead and click on it you can hear the audio and maybe you don't want the audio in it right-click on it and you can see that you can separate audio I'm just going to go to single clip here and this way I can actually move the audio separate from the video on it so you're gonna see it's going to create the other audio track right down below so if I don't want if I don't want the audio track there what I can do is just simply delete it here so as it pops up should pop up in any second there it is I can go ahead and hit delete on this one so if I hit play now the audio is out of there so that's just some kind of the basic editing editing with some splicing or some splicing some trimming and some cutting and some separation of audio just to kind of get you started and your duration of time so let's now move on and let's take a look at how to add some text effects to everything here all right so I'm going to show you how to add some titles to your open shot timeline go up top to title right after edit and you can see that we have two different choices we have title and animated title animated title you do need blender installed on your computer and I'll show you that in a moment I'm gonna go to title first and you can see all the kind of the presets examples that they have ready for you to go I'm just gonna pick this last one here and you can go through and play with them but this is where you're gonna fill out your different information so you have your file name here what do I want this to say I'll just say hello world here yeah I'll just say that and you can see I can change the font if I want to pick a different one here and I could change the sizing and different ways so you can go through and guess that the way you want I have my text color that I could choose and you can see background color and you have an advanced editor but I haven't installed Inkscape on this but I will show you how to install blender on this I hit save and what's going to happen you get the title up in your project so now what I can do is drag this down so if I move my playhead over you can see that I have the title on top I can resize this so if you need this longer you can just simply drag the ends of it to get where you want and it will play for you there so very very simple to add your titles now we also have if you want some cooler looking titles here take a look at animated title here now I have already have my blender installed on this one here so just so if you don't know blender you have to go download download this and put the path in your preferences here so how you do that here is I'm just going to cancel this for a second and I'm going to just change the size of my screen here so I have this blender folder so I just went to blender I downloaded this for this is the same file that I came into I just put it on my desktop you get you can put it anywhere you want so what you need to do at that point is open that file up you can see here that I have the executable file here exe file what I need to do is go to this I need to right-click on this one go to properties and I have this path so I have this path right here because that's what the folders name I would probably if I was doing it longer I would change the name of the folder and probably put a head and put it somewhere else but I'm just going to go ahead and copy this one and I'm just gonna close out of there and I'm gonna go up to my edit preferences and I already have this in but you need to paste that right in there so then once you have that you're not quite done yet because what you have to add is the slash and then go blender e.x e so that's the file name that it needs to connect to and you can see with the events Inkscape this is where you set it up for that one too but I just wanted to make sure that you had blender setup right you could do the same thing on the Mac when you go get your file information for it and get the path and put it into your blender command path here so I'm going to go ahead and hit close so I'll just Mac side make this larger again so when I go to my animated title now if I was picking one and I'll just I'll just pick this first one you can see how it opens up blender just with these windows opening opening up right now so I can do the same thing I could give this I'll just write example I'll just say hello on this one and you can see how it changes I can go through and make changes to all these different things and so this is what what blender is going to go through and do I have my colors I'm not gonna mess around with this I'm just gonna go ahead and hit render and this date does take a few moments here you can see as it renders I met 26 of almost like over 10% here and then when it's done it's just going to come up as has a thing to enter in the file so I'll just speed this part up here or edit it out so now this one has been added to it so I'm just gonna move this one out of the way and drag down the animated one that I created and you can see in this was pretty simple but you'll get an idea I'll go to the beginning here and then this the simple animated one that I created through the connection with blender on it here so let's just keep on going now with looking at some of the effects that you can add to open shot so before we get into the special effects I just want to talk a little bit about the properties of each clip so I'm gonna bring in this surfer one right here and bring it down now I already have properties open on the side if you're trying to find it just right click on your clip and you click properties and it will come up there now properties is an important part to make these little adjustments to your video or to different Clips whether it be audio or transformation or where you want it on your screen if you go through the large list on it you can see all the different things there's rotation position now with any of these I can just drag any of these or I could just enter a number two I could go in here if I put in a number you can see it just sets it as that so if you want to just kind of add those fine details to it just go through properties of it the other thing that you can do on a clip and I'm just going to put in a different clip real quickly and I'm gonna right click on it is to go and go to transform so when you get I'll move my playhead over top when you go to transform you're gonna get these handles so what the handles allow you to do I can shrink I could shrink a certain part of it let's say I'll just go like that and I can move move it around now where this comes in handy if I had it on the top layer you'll be able to see that I have multiple things happening because they're ready change the properties on the one but I have this picture in picture now if I go back to this one if I take a look at the properties you can see how things have changed in this one so I go to the Siegel one I change the location by moving it up top and I've changed the scale of it by making it smaller I can always drag and you can see how it adjusts the XY depending on how I how I want it and I can as I said before I can make those adjustments just by putting putting it in so do pay attention to the properties to make those adjustments those fine adjustments to each clip all right so I'm gonna delete these and I'm going to enter another clip back in again here so I just want to talk about adding a few effects here so I'm gonna drag the playhead to the beginning now it's important to I'm gonna click on effects here and it's important when you add your effect that you have your playhead in the right place or the red line because if I have it somewhere else on the clip that's where the effect will start so if you wanted the beginning make sure you have it at the beginning if I was just gonna use blur I can drag blur and click on it and put it right on top and you can see that I've added it here to my clip and if I go over if I click on blur you can see that I have the properties here where I can make adjustments to it just like I showed you before is drag or and in certain numbers so now if I have it you can see how this is slightly blurred here this is 10 times takes a little bit of processing time I found in my computer to it but you can see how the adjustments made and that will be done very very quickly now I want to show you one more effect here so if I go back to project files I'm going to just use the same clip again I'm going to put it in here and this time I'm gonna take these chickens that I have and I'm gonna put it on the top layer so understand with overlays whatever you want to kind of show on the top if I click on this one you can see all I can see is the green chickens because that the green background because it's on the top layer and I want that green to disappear what I can do is go to my effects and I have chroma key so if I drag chroma key over top of it this time and place it on to this layer here you can see now I'm gonna open up my my properties on this one and I'm gonna have to adjust my fuzz it's called so I'm also my color on it so I'm gonna go pick I'm gonna click on the color here where's this key color I'm going to choose my pick screen color and I'm gonna try to choose something really close to the chickens I'll go right there and I'm gonna hit OK and you can see how it's taken away a lot of the background then if I need to I can make my adjustments to the fuzz to get it better and better on this sometimes what has to happen and I'll put in a large number let's see what happens if I put up 100 in here and then you can see it even got a little better on this one so maybe then you go back and you go to transition if you want them a little smaller if I go to transform I can make these if I make them maybe I want them smaller on the beach oh that was a little too small here I'll make them a bit bigger but then I can move them around and so with the green screen effect you can see now they're eating on the beach like this so sometimes what happens is not all the green or the color that you want is out of the background so what you might have to do is go back and then drag another chroma key fact onto it you notice you'll get a second one so you can add more so if there's a certain color that still wasn't going away you can go to that one and then get that color picker and select that color and then get it better and better all the time so those are just some adjustments with the effects on open shot let's say I have a completed movie here in my timeline and I want to export it so what I do is go up to the red dot up here the red circle and click on this so I would give this a name here I'll just say example one and I would find out where I want to put it so I'd hit browse I'm just gonna leave it where it is here and then the then I have for my formats and then you can go through and pick your target and your video profile so you do have lots of choices how you want to export it out whether 1080p I'm just gonna leave this one at 720 here because it's just an example on it you can see quality here so when you're done you just go ahead and hit export and then if you're uploading to youtube you just would log into YouTube and grab that file and drag and drop it or upload it to your YouTube channel if that's how you want it and place it in your correct playlist so I hope you like this open shot tutorial today this beginners tutorial I try to cover a lot of different things if you'd like to see more in it please let me know in the description down below remember I do weekly tech tips and I'm going to continue this with continue a playlist on free video editors with helping people trying to find the best one for it so if you have liked everything please hit that subscribe button thanks for watching this time and I'll see you next week
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 688,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: openshot video editor, openshot, open shot video editor, openshot tutorial, teachers tech, openshot effects, openshot video, how to use openshot editor, how to use open shot, openshot blender path, free videoing editing software, hitfilm 4 express, lightworks tutorial, how to edit youtube videos, best free video editors, open shot, openshot 2018, openshot tutorials, open shot editor, best video editing software free, free video editor, free videoing editing software 2018
Id: l_r12b99TIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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