Camtasia Tutorial Mac - How To Record Computer Screencasts Made Easy (2020)

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What's up guys and girls it is about time We make a video on how to use Camtasia to record your screen aka and make a screencast for any instructional videos that you want to create I've been using Camtasia since 2014 now it is literally my favorite app if you open up my iMac, for example, there are all these Camtasia files that I've made that I use to splice into other videos Most of these are finished videos on YouTube and some videos even have complicated animations and little tricks and hacks within them Because I needed to do certain features to show things to my audience So in the next 11 minutes or so, I'm going to show you a basic sample of things like annotations transitions and animations within Camtasia So that you can use it to make your own finished product video and at the end will upload it to YouTube I do use some other fancy features like Final Cut Pro to make my videos even crispier at the end But Camtasia is more than enough to get you going and make a good instructional video for the world Which can even generate you some revenue if you do it the right way and showcase the right products Okay, so the first step is pretty important. I want to get you guys a discount So just open up the notes below the video and click on that link that says something like get Camtasia Discount or if you want to type it in manually, it's just gonna be dear bloggers org slash Camtasia and that's the page where I'll load up the latest and greatest Discounts that I find for you guys If you use that link Camtasia also donates a portion of the price back to my channel at no extra cost to you So you get to support the channel and learn something cool So I really appreciate it. Thanks a lot if you choose to do that And which brings me to my next point which is that Camtasia is not free, but there's good news, which is it There's a free trial and a 30-day money-back guarantee So right now you can decide whether you want to buy it outright If you do it you have this nice student discount here. Otherwise, you can just hover on products and click on Camtasia Then you can click free trial All right. So sue me. Most people want to get the free trial. We're gonna go this year out today just remember that you can use my link and get that student discount later on so you don't have to pay full price when you Actually buy the software. Okay, so let's get Camtasia to your computer and let's start creating You can either go with the Windows or the Mac and I'm using a Mac, but the steps should be pretty much the same So once you click that you're gonna get the automatic download All right, you can choose where you want to put Camtasia like maybe just on the desktop is good and save it And it came right in now you just need to open the Camtasia file And go through the process of agreeing set it up and then click agree drag Camtasia into your Applications folder So you get Camtasia looking all nice and cozy next to your other applications? In its new home like this Then when you double click it to open it It might ask you some basic details like your name email or even a product key Although I think the product key comes when you buy it if I can remember correctly in any case just go ahead and double click It and you'll be ready to start using it I'm not gonna Go through this agreement and set it up again though because I don't need two versions of it What I do need is actually to upgrade the software. So I'm gonna do that real quick with us right here I'm just gonna go to my account and then click on my products So you'll have all this going for you? Once you get Camtasia, the software key is located right here if you needed it and this also means in the introduction you got to see the older version of Camtasia that we've all been loving so pretty cool and I'm just gonna click learn more and upgrade because I want the latest and greatest Camtasia Also shows you that I'm putting my money where my mouth is So click an upgrade and I'll complete this step and then I'll see you right back in our Camtasia Alright guys so quick heads up before we start creating Camtasia is telling us that if we want to do the free trial a Watermark is added to our videos, which means it'll be like a little overlay logo of Camtasia on your finished product You might put on YouTube if you're ok with that go for it. However, I want our videos to be as professional as possible So I actually do recommend going ahead and buying the software with our discount today That way you can just have the final product look consistent for your whole career of making videos and maybe you can convince your parents to help you out with it or Buy it as a gift because this is educational software so it could be used for school or university So deciding to start the free trial now or like I did enter the software key because I purchased it Alright that software key is back in my account Products got to make sure I get the right one. So 2019 when I copy Just the letters and Then drop that in And unlock Alright then we're in So, hopefully you see this page too it's gonna say there's a few things you should know Register your license. So if you Okay, definitely need the microphone and the camera And it's the welcome video If you're looking for more in-depth tutorials that walk you through you okay so really awesome Um, maybe you don't even need me You know Camtasia is really good people but we're gonna show you all this how a real user uses Camtasia Which can be a little bit more beginner friendly because they're experts. All right. Yeah, your tutorials need help Stay in touch, and there's a great community here. So that all said let's start building We're just going to click on the Camtasia icon in our doc down here and Now we're gonna click on file new project Alright and welcome to your Camtasia dashboard kind of bring it in a little bit now what it could do is go through each individual tab and explain to you like the background behind why they need Transitions or behaviors or something? But I figure you'd rather to start creating a new Screencast video and then we can sort of stumble into these features and use them as we need. So let's do it So the first thing we need is something to actually record and a lot of my recording goes on in Chrome right here And I just picked out a cool YouTube video that we can play around with Just to show you the basic effects while we actually watch something cool Oh Lanza Oh at the hardflip Okay before I get carried away, all right, so we want our chrome window open We're gonna record this as if you were to make an educational video on the Internet maybe it's an instructional video about how to use snapchat or how to do something on YouTube or just how to use some sort of software Like some stock market investing software that you like using so you're on the internet you have that open You also left Camtasia open and to actually record. You just need to click on the red record icon up here that's gonna remove Camtasia and it's gonna give you this little quick bar and using this you'll choose what's on So obviously I mac recording is on we want to record our screen This turns on your face. So there M right now you can use your built-in microphone Which is just a microphone on your Mac or your PC, and I'm not sure what this does we're gonna leave this alone But what I always do is I use a different microphone, which is a Yeti mic connected via USB With more powerful really soft nice podcasting sound and it's great for beginners So I'll leave you a link to Yeti in the comments below if you want to get one they are a Total game changer and a life changer and your fans will definitely notice and like it So you always have to make sure you choose the right microphone if you have a different option and then what I like doing is just a sound test like You know Make sure the sound is actually working so we can see the decibel meter is actually changing when I talk which is good And I'm just gonna drag the volume to the right nothing worse than recording a whole tutorial and realizing your USB Wasn't plugged in fully or something and it didn't work? So you're almost ready to start recording but you do need to make sure that what you're recording is the right size Okay, so if we X out of this and go back to our main window I want you to bring your mouse over to the center panel right here And I just kind of dragged a little bit out with my mouse so we can see the window where our screencast will fit into So we're not going to be recording anything outside here or editing anything outside here It's just all in this main editing window, which is the darker black What I want to do is resize this so it matches the size of our internet browser and to do that We're gonna click on the drop down arrow at the top up here. Click project settings I'm gonna make sure your dimensions are set to 1080p which is in my opinion the best for YouTube 1080p is also 1920 by 1080 If you want to go for the 4k Ultra HD by all means do it I'm just not sure that'll work If you have a smaller laptop, so 1080p is what if I was done it gets you that nice HD setting on YouTube But when you actually upload your final product, no need to change the width height color or frame rate right now This is good to start creating and we're gonna click apply Okay, so next I'm gonna open up our internet and using this application right here, which is the window resize err I'm gonna make sure that the screen is on 1920 by 1080 if my screen is bigger if my internet browser is bigger then clicking on this and then moving to 1920 by 1080 will make sure it fits and that way when we're actually editing what we what we record It won't go like outside this black area Which is really annoying because then you'll have to like eventually cut off part of what you recorded If you're using Chrome, you can get the window resize ur for free. I'm just gonna click on the Manage extensions so you can see what it looks like. It's just window resize ur with this logo and it's of course free Okay, so let's record click on record Alright, and then let's turn our face on I'm also gonna drag the volume down. So it's not at a hundred percent I realize that makes the levels go a little bit too high and you might hear things like a car driving by or the rain Outside that you don't want so about half way should be good There'll be some other ways to change the volume after you make your recording as well, too so That should be good and let's start recording. So right away Camtasia is gonna go away It's gonna count down and then let you do your thing But if you're like me You might stop the recording right away like that because you didn't know what you want to say or something. Just didn't feel right So to stop the recording you can just press the red button like I did right there in the upper right corner of your screen Don't worry that I have the other red button right there That's because I'm recording a recording you'll just have one of them and then if things didn't go right I just want to show you How to delete the file and start over so you just click down here Anywhere on the chat line and delete and then click the other one and delete And then you could click the whole media file and just delete that. Okay. So now that we know what we want to say Let's try again record and Then one technique I find really essential is choosing a custom region for your screen as opposed to your entire screen So we're gonna click on the drop-down and choose custom region and then it's gonna allow me to actually pinpoint just Around the internet browser. In fact, you really just need to click anywhere on the screen you want to record? could be smaller or bigger and Then just click OK Alright, so now it's logged in around our internet browser width and height and we can just start recording Okay, so once you're actually recording a screencast within Camtasia it pretty much goes away and you do you you know, you're talking you're clicking Maybe you've shown people how to focus on the subscribe button right here because you want more subscribers You're opening up new tabs. You're using Google. You're getting some cool new software's and putting it all together You won't see Camtasia too much except for you'll see that nice line around your recording window If I were to actually zoom off my browser that recording window should get bigger However, if you take your browser outside the window, you'll just record whatever is behind it. So background of the desert Browser and I wouldn't really recommend dragging a window outside that box because it was fit perfectly Now you have to just reposition it kind of awkwardly. Alright, so our little recording is just the skateboarding video Cool, we can grab like five to ten more seconds of that Create job. M'kay skateboarding compilations Super cool. Unfortunately, it's just a little bit slowly now, but Wowzers what trick? Alright maybe record one more Ok great now we can just stop a recording because the point of this is really to use the Camtasia software So I'm gonna stop it Great and now we have a nice recording that we can edit right here The first thing you'll notice are the sound waves and sound waves eventually become your friend as you're recording You'll want to remove the dead space and you'll want to keep the good parts of you talking because no one likes Watching you to sit there and think so if I click Play and play by the way. It's a spacebar Then you can see what you made and you can click your mouse on top of the Track bar and click and hold and drag to see different parts of the video that's called scrubbing And now we basically have a video inside a video So that's pretty cool. Well, how do we actually manipulate this video content down below? Well, my first and favorite tool is gonna be the ripple Delete when you ripple delete something you get rid of a section and you make the sections that you want zip together Or ripple together to do that to do the ripple. Delete just hold command down on your keyboard click And drag and you'll probably want to delete both the upper bar and the lower bar The upper bar is going to be me talking right here. So this little window is the upper bar And then the lower bar is the screencast itself. So that's the internet So once we've selected the area we want to delete you're just gonna hit command delete and you'll get the ripple. Delete We can also hit command Z to undo it and you'll see that if you just hit delete like I'm doing right now You'll delete the right part of the video But you won't actually ripple things together if you want to do it that way You just have to click and select the upper bar then hit command or control on a PC On the lower bar and then just manually click and drag them back together Alright, so that's how to ripple delete if you just wanted to break up your recording. You can just bring your Cursor to wherever you wanted to break it up right click on top of the cursor and click split selected That'll actually make it so you can move one of the clips or a portion of it around to a different location I'm gonna hit command Z to get rid of that Okay, so clearly you can just click and when any clip is selected you can just hold your mouse You can just click and hold your mouse and then move that wherever you might need it. I Wouldn't recommend doing it like this though Cuz then you'll have audios that don't line up But just an example if you wanted to actually drag something around on top of the screen you do have the ability to click on Top of your editing window up here and hold and drag and if you publish something like this Then what the users would see would be a bunch of black bars around it And then whatever you left in the middle of the picture So we generally want to keep that nice and lined up around the edges. You can also click and move the portion of yourself I think they called that FaceTime and you can click and drag that bigger or just position it right in the corner Alright and again, I just press spacebar to play All right. So let's say you use the tools we covered so far and you make a really nice recording But you want to record again what I like doing then is just clicking on the move to the end button to move your cursor All it to the end of what you recorded and then just recording again. Alright, so we're gonna click record We have our custom region selected and we can just start recording Alright, so here we I'm explaining how to use snapchat or you know fidelity or how to play fortnight on the computer Whatever you want to do worked out really great So now I'm gonna stop the recording and now we have two media files in the media bin To line them up You just click on the second one right click and then add to Timeline at playhead At which point it'll jump in wherever your playhead which I call the cursor before is At a time when it playhead Might not line up perfectly in which case you just have to click and drag it down and pop it in Occasionally, you will get parts of the video that don't totally match up if you look really close down here You can see that there's the screencasting bar might not match up Perfectly with the audio in which case you can just click on one end and just kind of drag it in like that Until it lines up because you don't want any gaps All right, perfect. So now that we know how to look at the sound bars and do the ripple. Delete Let's cover some basic features like how to zoom in in order to zoom in on a part of the screen, we're going to need to use a animation So let's click animations and my favorite one is just custom You'll just click on the custom animation and drag it on top Of the screencast which again is the bottom bar? So the bottom bar is like the Internet window and the top bar is me over here So we want this to apply to the to the internet browser And what you want to do right away is just double click on the front of the arrow alright, what I'm gonna do also is expand our Entire track bar so that we can look at things a little More in depth from a granular point of view and we can see the arrow got a little bigger Okay. So the reason I double clicked on the front of the area was because that's where I want this animation to go It's gonna start at the back of the arrow and end at the front of the arrow because obviously time moves from left to right So make sure your track bar is right at the front of the arrow. Oops. Guess I clicked on the wrong part Make sure you check bar It's right at the front of the arrow and then let's come up to scale and let's just zoom it in a little All right after you zoom in you can click on top of the video window and just position it to where you want to zoom Look, maybe you want to zoom in on this like button right there And then once you've dragged your screen to the right place, just let go and let's move our track bar Outside the animation and play through it So I'm just gonna click spacebar to play through it and we can see we have a nice zoom Let's go back to the front of the arrow and let's go ahead and add an annotation So that would just be something like an arrow. We can click on the arrow and drag it, right? On top of the screen just like so in a super easy fashion. You can also drag on the boxes and resize it This is something that you'll learn second and before you know it all right So right when it zooms in it's gonna have an arrow pop in we don't need the arrow for that long So we're gonna reduce the time that the arrow is actually on the screen And then you can just change up the text here Which is a default ABC by double-clicking on it and writing click like or whatever you want to say Okay. Now let's play through that one more time. We're gonna bring our trackpad outside the animation click space and lay through it All right, very nice, so you just learned how to zoom in on the screen and actually apply an annotation There are wide variety of annotations and you can use your creativity to design these However, you want with different colors fonts themes. You name it. Generally I like to keep it simple Over producing the animations can actually distract people from what you want them to do with your screencasts So keep that in mind lastly, we want our screen to go back to normal We don't want to stay zoomed in for this whole time Right, so what we need to do is restore it so let's go back to animations and apply a restore animation Just drag that down to wherever you want The screen to come back to normal at again. Make sure you put it on the right bar So below is the white screen, which is the internet browser and the bar above is me right here All right, so we just applied the restore now. I'm going to go outside the whole animation and see how it works And Then the screen comes back to the perfect size, of course We don't want to wait that long so we can just drag our era. So it restores right after the click here disappears All right, not bad at all after you've made some good progress I was like saving our recording so just go to file save as and We're gonna change it from untitled to like the first Camtasia Project and save it they'll take a little time because these are larger files But that worked even faster than normal because you got the newest and best version All right If you have any questions so far it just drop them in the comments when we all try to get back to you the same day next I'd like to show you how to blur out part of your window because maybe you're applying payment information or doing something on a Screen where a part of it is like your social media crowd and part of it is what you actually want to show To blur how it part of your screen. You're just gonna go to annotations again and click on the droplet The droplet is a blur or a highlight so you can see you can use a highlighter But I just want to go with the most simple blur and drape it on top of the screen You can see that whether the blur or the arrow is like above or below Doesn't really matter. It'll still show up the same for your end user. Okay? so now let's move our playhead outside the animation and then click and See that it blurred everything other than what's in this nice little window here So it's a cool feature If you're gonna blur out most of the screen We can also delete that blur though and get the selective blur which will just blur out whatever session you drag this over So maybe you don't want something to see your video lytx over there Perfect. You've achieved a nice blur in case Just make sure that you keep that blur on the screen for as long as you actually need it Okay, great. So what if you have part of your Screen that needs a little help what if you actually need to put some text in to explain what's going on? Maybe you even forgot to say something. What you can do is go to annotations again. Click on the text and then Just throw in a little speech bubble so You can drag that in wherever we want Let's just called a call-out and then bring our playhead back to the Annotation itself and you can see we have a nice speech bubble. You can also get the background to go away Just by nope not doing that You just want to highlight the background itself, which is the Google which is the Google browser then come back to animations click and drag custom over in the right location again Dada the bottom Make sure you're double clicked at the front of the arrow and then just click on top of your window and drag and remove The background so it'll just kind of shoot over to the right one thing That's kind of cool is you can also rotate it say around a y-axis Just click on the Y rotation in your properties up here and just move it over a little bit. So Now when we play it over We'll have the call out And you'll have the animation Okay, so and that can really help your audience focus on your text or whatever you want them to do All right, of course, we want to grab a restore also, so our background doesn't stay all the way over to the right And just drop it in there the restore oryx magic All right by now, you're probably wondering what transitions are So let's go ahead and apply a transition from the first recording. We did to the second recording over here That's from nine. Nine. Twenty nineteen - ten nine nine twenty nineteen three. All right. Let's see what these transitions do let's grab maybe one of the more advanced ones like the flip and Click and drag and we're gonna want to put this one actually in between the two clips So instead of on top right in between the visuals Now we can move our playhead outside the transition And there you are Maybe you wake up or maybe you go from daylight to darkness or just from one room in the house to another in your recording That is how to apply a transition Speaking of other types of recordings like maybe in your living room or outside If you go back to media this media bin can accommodate all sorts of files such as from an iPhone or an Android To get one of those files onto the media bin. You just need to open up that file on your computer Alright, and I'm gonna have like a bunch of random videos here So this is just me talking in a different video and all you need to do is select import one selected then you'll get to your list of imported files and I like doing it the old-fashioned way by just clicking on the video file and dragging it to the desktop that Really isolates the action for me and that lets me know that that one video Actually came on the desktop and there it is. It's just a demo file So then you can go into your media bin right click and click import media and you can easily find that new movie on your desktop to select it import it and you can now work with a Different type of recording which I actually just did on my phone Let's click the end fast-forward button to go to the end of our recording and now let's just drag this guy in If it slows down like this, it probably means that file isn't quite in your media bin yet or it's still thinking So a better practice is actually to right-click add to Timeline at playhead alright guys and gals just a couple more tips and tricks here and then we're gonna learn how to publish our video to YouTube and also improve the video SEO So let's say you're sick of looking at yourself We have this little box here Which is the FaceTime of myself and it's also the volume of the video the volume is tied to it So we can't just delete that one Particular section. Otherwise it'll go silent, but we can remove it at any time. You can just drag your picture off the screen So now I would not show up in a published video or you can actually create an animation that will get rid of it. So Let's say we wanted to like say goodbye to everyone and do a hand motion Towards the left of my shoulder and then just get out of there. You can do that with a animation And of course, we'll use our favorite animation, which is just the custom So just grab the custom and now drag it on top of the face time of yourself Wherever you want it to go. Make sure you hear make sure your playhead is at the front of the Animation and then just click and hold on the face town of yourself and drag it off the screen ideally in a straight line So now when we move the playhead back and play over that's how it will go And like we said before that is because we made the custom animation end With the face time being off the screen and start and anything before the face time is on the screen Okay, pretty cool so the last feature I want to show you guys which is extremely important for instructional videos I don't use it a ton because I found that just having a mouse works well but if people get lost then Or if they're commenting to you that they can't follow along or if they're posting comments see that they can't follow along then you should provide them with a cursor effect and my favorite one is The highlight so let's see how that looks. Let's just drag it on top of our we Let's drag it on top of part of the tutorial We're going to use the lower bar because that's the part where we're actually messing around on top of the screen We can also increase the amount of space we have in our dock By clicking and holding and dragging up and now let's play over That part of the video bring your playhead back and let's see where that Mouse goes Okay, so the mouse left the screen but wherever the mouse goes it will follow you can also open up that particular Cursor effect and change the settings right here, or you can just right click and remove the effect. All right So what mouse is being pretty worthless there, but you get the picture of how to follow the mouse along on this game alright guys I think that's plenty for this tutorial because these are the main features I use when editing and publishing my screencast which have been Hugely instrumental for my own passive income. This is more than enough to create a great screencast tutorial using only Camtasia But how do we publish our video? Well, assuming we're all done and we like how everything looks let's just make sure that from start to end that everything makes sense And there's no extra footage or extra just Empty space where we're not talking and it looks like there is so let's cut it off Right here at the end. I'm gonna hit command and click and hold to do the ripple. Delete and then just drag So I'm just holding and dragging all the way to the end. And now I'm just gonna hit command. Delete All right, so we make sure that we know exactly where the video ends and we're good to publish So to publish you can click on the share button in the upper, right and then you have the options of doing Something like YouTube now I think when I published my first screencast which was how to make a wordpress self-hosted blog in under 10 minutes I tried the YouTube option just because obviously you wanted to end up on YouTube That seems to be the perfect way to do it and nothing will get messed up In fact when you publish to YouTube and in general when you go from one software application Like Camtasia to another one like YouTube both of which are constantly changing and updating. Sometimes things can go wrong It's hard to pinpoint what but I've found the best results are actually if you don't go directly to YouTube but instead take an intermediate step of going to your desktop publishing to your desktop and then Taking the file and publishing that to YouTube If you really want to save time try the YouTube option But I personally have had better results doing and what doing one intermediate step So if you want to do it my way. We're just going to click Share and then we're gonna go with the local file option click local file you can rename it if you want and you can see that we're gonna get the Mp4 file, which is perfect. That's a great file format to upload right to YouTube from your desktop Then we can see it's going into our document Let's just change that to our desktop. All right, and now click export So now's a good time to take a little break. It can take up to five or ten minutes to get this file exported Converting it from a Camtasia file to an mp4 so this is pretty quick and if you make longer like two hour two-and-a-half-hour WordPress tutorials, like I do then it can take about Forever to get this part done Alright cool or export is finished. Let's click reveal in finder might look a little different on PC. Sorry if that's the case and Here is where I'm going to show you two steps where you can increase your video SEO as I promised full disclaimer I'm not 100% sure these things work for YouTube SEO but they're certainly worth trying because I think they work and when it comes to SEO you want to do everything right that you possibly Can okay so the first thing we can do now that we have an mp4 file that we couldn't do if it went right to YouTube is right-click on the file and now we're going to click get info and here is where you can add a few keywords and a description to your video like Camtasia tutorial how to use Camtasia don't go too crazy, you know two or three or even four isn't enough and now you can add some comments. So this video Explains how to Create and publish a screencast using cam Page of 2019 great. Make sure you get the spelling right cool cool and That's what I like doing. Now, you can close it and it'll be saved and the second thing I like doing to improve YouTube SEO is Pretty out there. I don't expect you to do this But if you make longer videos, this step will reduce the size of it Which I think YouTube likes they have like all These millions of hours of videos going up so they would want the size of videos to be less I think we're gonna use a tool called handbrake for this All right, so handbrake is Something you can google and then download just make sure you get the right version I don't believe I paid for it, but I'll let me know any questions in the comments and it's just handbrake version 1.1 - I'm using so what we do is handbrake asks us what kind of file we want to grab So you're just going to go to your desktop? You're gonna find the project select it and open it and Then you're just gonna make sure the settings look good. So I like having web optimized Aligned AV start checked mp4 file and basically just looks like my window right here. Nothing too fancy, and then you just click start Camtasia will then go through Here, I'm sorry handbrake will then go through a process of Encoding it to a much smaller file it doesn't take that long and What you're gonna get is a file, which is hopefully in megabytes instead of gigabytes So again anything you can do to make youtube or wherever you're gonna host your video happy is a good thing We can see the percentage going up down here. Everybody who is getting there and while that's happening I'm gonna open up YouTube and click on the Upload video button upload it and get ready to drop in our new file Okay Alright then so it's put down the cocktail. Your first encode is ready Click on the notification and it should find our file Gonna meet a slightly different location than the mp4 was originally so we can see we're now in movies And what we need to do is just click on the correct file, which you can see is smaller so it's nineteen point one megabytes in the resulting file from hamrick instead of 181 megabytes which is a huge difference Really good to get that file size down, but keep the video quality. Of course and we just need to pull in that file over to YouTube and it will upload so I'm not going to do that because Well, you know who cares it's free and I got plenty time I can delete it later So here we are uploading to YouTube guys. That is the final step and I wish you all the best Publishing your first educational screencast tutorial to YouTube Vimeo or wherever you're going to do it I hope this video is helpful in teaching you how to create your own Screencasts and pass on your expertise to your audiences on the Internet If you want to part two Please make sure to ask it Please go ahead and smash that thumbs up button guys If you learned anything here that helps the channel a ton you can of course use my links below the video for any resources you need and if you want any more help drop me a Note in the comments. I'm there every day helping out this was a really fun project to make because like I said I use Camtasia every single day so much to make tutorials. I couldn't do it without them. So thanks for watching. Thanks to Camtasia I'm grading Ryan, and I'll talk to you soon
Channel: Greg Narayan
Views: 12,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camtasia tutorial, camtasia screencast, how to make a screencast, camtasia 2019, how to make an instructional video, screen recorder, screen recorder mac, screen capture, free screen recorder, how to record screen, screen capture tutorial, video editor, screen recording, how to record your computer screen, camtasia 9, how to make a screencast video, screen video recorder, best free screen recorder, record screen tutorial
Id: 1vQ2N6jHf1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 22sec (2182 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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