Camtasia: Full Tutorial for Beginners in ONLY 18 Minutes

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welcome to this Camtasia Studio 2019 tutorial for beginners where in only 18 minutes I'm gonna show you everything there is to know about how to make amazing videos my name is Edward stinger founder of video plasti and let's get started alright so people use Camtasia for two reasons on one hand it's an absolutely amazing video editing software it's user-friendly and I absolutely love it and on the other hand you can also record your screen to do one of those screen capture videos to begin with I'm gonna show you how to edit in Camtasia and then at the end I'm gonna show you how you can do a screen recording also on the opening screen as well you can see some tutorials here if you want to find out more but let's just click on new project and start editing a video alright so now let's understand a bit the fundamentals of how video editing software works you have three important screens here on the left you have the media bin with a lot of other tabs as well which I suggest you feel free to explore a bit later on the right where right now it's completely black we have the preview screen where we're gonna see how our video looks and behaves and on the bottom is basically the heart of any video editing software this is called the timeline and now we have multiple tracks and this thing right here which we cannot drag right now because we don't have anything but basically goes from 0 and all the way to 15 seconds 30 seconds and so on depending on how long our video is alright so first things first let's import some footage or media files into our project so I already have those two videos selected here I'm just gonna drag and drop them here in the media bin and as you can see here to make it super easy for us Camtasia already generated some thumbnails so we know which video is what and if you if you hover your mouse over the video and just do this you can actually scroll through it to see to see what this video is actually is but about which is pretty cool all right so in order to add this video I'm just gonna drag and drop it here on the timeline on the first track and then I'm just gonna drag and drop this other video here as well you can use this right here with minus and plus to zoom in on the timeline or to zoom out depending on how long you make your video but I'm just gonna zoom in so it's a bit easier for us depending on the media footage you select it can have some audio in the background like it does here you can see the waveform and this other clip right here doesn't have anything and the way Camtasia works it actually imports the video and the audio on the same track but for easy to make it easier to manipulate those you want to separate them into different tracks so the way you do that is you're right click on the video here and click separate video and audio and there we go it generated this new track which is just the audio and as you can see here with the waveform we can just play around with this to control the volume make it louder or just make it quiet in the background and now for example if you click play you're just gonna see here in the preview window how your video looks like and it's gonna start at this point right here so this is the tool that you use to move through the video and start in the beginning or just check how it looks here 15 seconds in and so on so you just you can just click play and see how it works all right so for this one is just right just a guy playing the guitar and yeah pretty pretty standard stuff for example we can just make this a bit more quiet in the background all right and here's the place where you start manipulating the videos you just move them around maybe you want this to start a bit earlier for example or what a really important tool that I use all the time is let's say for example you just want to use this much of the video all the way to here with this aerial show that looks pretty cool and you use this tool right here called split and what it does is just gonna split the video in half and you can just move this to the right and just right click delete it and just use this part right here but say for example you change your mind later you can just use the end right here and just click and drag to extend it all the way to where it was initially or for example you want to use this clip again in a different part of the video you're just gonna right click copy and then just move here for example and just kind of paste the media at the playhead and now we have two copies of the same video but I'm just gonna delete this one so basically that's a super easy way to just make your media files longer shorter and just play around with them and see and see what works for you now a really important concept to understand is the order of the tracks right here the way the way Camtasia and basically any other video editing software works is it's gonna use this as the priority in which you want to see the videos so this one right here on track number free because it's on top of everything else it's just gonna play here before everything else so the way it works it actually like because this video is here on the bottom it's still placed but it's actually behind this oops it's actually behind this this other video on top right so if you if if you play it back right you can see both playing but only because I resized it so basically that's how the that's how the track order works but in order to understand it a bit better let me just go to the library and drop a transparent icon as well let's just say I don't calculator drop it here alright so yeah as you can see the calculator right here because this one is transparent it doesn't the whole screen even if it's on top you can still see behind it because it's transparent transparent and there's just a small icon however if we move this track on the bottom below this aerial shot all of a sudden we don't see it anymore even if technically speaking the calculator it's still behind right there as you can see it here and on top of the guitar and the background now as you can see if you go here you can already start manipulating the videos by dragging the corner for example but to gain even more flexibility what you want to do is you go here to properties and you're gonna see here on the right actually let me just import this guitar video again here and use this as an example so as you can see here on the right we have two properties here we have the audio properties for this video which has the audio as well you can just play around with the volume as you can do here at the same time on the timeline it's the exact same thing and if you go here you have visual properties which are basically scale you can just play around with this you can play around with the opacity and make it transparent you can just rotate it you can do a lot of things with this and just be a bit more specific with the position from here but to be honest is much easier to just manipulate it like this in order to rotate it you can just use this and they're just gonna snap where it's more natural like 90 degrees 45 and that kind of thing also you can use the corners to drag it around and resize it it's super easy and the for example when you're when you're done with a with those changes and for example you don't like them you can just go here on the right and click this button to just reset all the settings and go all the way to the beginning also sometimes you might want to crop the video and the way you crop the video is by using this tool right here so now you can see if we move this selection is just gonna keep the same scale but cut everything else so for example if we know this aerial video in the background as you can see that's the way that this crop works to reveal what's underneath the video so then you can just use this and move it around here for example alright one cool thing about the properties for audio for example is that you can control this over time by adding keyframes and the way you do this is you go here for example and you just double click and you start adding a couple of points so now for example I can just drag this all the way down for whatever reason and then it's gonna go back to a hundred percent volume so let's see how that sounds like yeah I mean you can use this to create a fade in when you start the track and then maybe at the end you wanna you want it to slowly fade out so I'm just gonna add another point here drop it all the way to 0% and there's just a nice fade out of the music [Music] also for example you might want to play around with the with the speed of the video for example so the way you do that is you right-click on this video and just add clip speed and what's gonna happen is you have this thing right here and you can just drag it to the right right now at 1 X speed is basically the normal speed but let's say we want that at 2 X speed it's just gonna be double double the speed but half the time basically alright that looks a bit up it looks a bit weird at the same time you can also make it you can also make it in slow motion so just drag this to the left but I just need enough space too all right I'm just gonna move things around for a second you need a bit more space so let's just say almost 0.5 X which is half the speed and let's just remove the calculator and now if you play back it's a bit more in slow motion you can just play around with it and see see what works for you another thing that's really cool in Camtasia is that it's so user friendly and has a lot of really cool things that you can use such as a library of elements and just feel free to explore all these tabs right here there's stuff there's absolutely nothing you can break but unfortunately we're not going to be able to cover all of them in this short 15 minute video but let's have a quick look for example you can use a couple of music tracks right here like this one you're just dragging to up it here if you need some music for your videos but what's really interesting about Camtasia is that it has those things that you can actually add it like a lower third for example so if I just drag and drop this here it's a basic lower third as you can see it's gonna show up here but if I select this and go here the properties I can actually add it to this and say come Taoiseach tutorial and also I can change the logo to something else I can I don't change the shape just do that whatever I can change the color to black or white whatever I can change this other color here to red and this white here I can change its to black and all sorts of things I mean black doesn't look that good but you get you get the point right it just makes it so easy to use you just drop it do a couple of quick edits and it just animates automatically super super useful I'm just gonna remove it another thing that you want to look at is transitions because those are absolutely amazing well in most cases you want to use a fade because it's pretty much the most elegant thing you can use but for example you know just play around with this let's say we want to have a look at flip right so the way you use this is you drag and drop it to this clip on top Ariel for example and as you can see here it already created the transition and I can just make it longer or shorter in this case it even tells me how long it is let's say it's two seconds so let's have a look at how that actually behaves so we start with this video in the background and I just click play and we're gonna see the other video flipping there you go pretty cool stuff and of course if you want to add a fade out at the end I mean not a fade out but like another animation whatever whatever whatever you're into I don't know just say cube rotate I just move it here let's see let's see how that behaves there you go and there's a lot of other cool things as well that you can add just feel free to explore we're not gonna have time to cover them all here for example you can just play around with this let's say you want to add this this this visual effect right here so I'm just gonna drop it here and as you can see it changed the color of this of this video and you can play around with the settings here just adjust the intensity maybe you wanna ease in which basically means it's gonna start after two seconds so for example let's let's remove the transition to see how this effect is gonna start now so it starts as a caller the video as you can see but after 2.8 seconds it's gonna slowly start changing the color as you can see and maybe you're not happy with this and you just want to remove it so you just go here and click on this X button to remove this filter alright that's all for editing videos in Camtasia it's pretty straight for what you just have to play around with it and now let's have a quick look at how you can record your screen and do those screen capture videos one way to do it is to use this button right here or if you go to the main open window when you start Camtasia just click there let's have a quick look at that alright so back to the opening screen if you want to do a screen recording you're just gonna click here on new recording and here you can you can play around with a lot of settings if you have multiple displays you can just select them here or you can just resize this window in most cases I suggest you just go for a full screen recording I'm just gonna go back to what was it the name of the display if you have multiple displays it's gonna show up here you can also select what microphone you want to use to record in my case I'm just gonna use the blue Yeti compared to the built-in microphone because if you have a separate mic it's just gonna be much higher quality also you can select to record the audio of the computer as well or not just disable it or enable it according to your needs and if you want to do one of those screen recordings where it records the webcam as well on the bottom right you can do so here as you can see so let's just do a quick recording and see how that's gonna behave alright I'm just gonna move this around open this alright and then when we are done I'm just gonna right click here and stop recording alright so now we are back in Camtasia and as you can see we already have those two video tracks here on the timeline and the cool thing about doing this in Camtasia is that if you record your webcam as well it's just gonna add it here as a separate track which basically allows you a lot of freedom to do whatever you want with it you can just resize it make it larger change the corner maybe you want to put it in the top left corner for whatever reason but most people just do it here bottom rights just because I don't even know actually it just looks good there but basically gives you a lot of freedom to do that and that's pretty much it like you're gonna edit the video if you need to edit a couple of parts out maybe you want to remove I don't know whatever part here you do it the exact same way that I taught you a few minutes ago and now let's talk about saving the project and exporting the video you gotta understand the difference between saving your project in Camtasia by using this save tab right here this is just gonna save the project file so you can continue editing the project layer but when you're done anyway you want to export the project into a video what do you want to do is you go here on the top right where it says share and you have a lot of options as well but we're just gonna stick with local file and just title it Camtasia tutorial export or whatever file name just browse on your computer wherever you want to save it and in terms of settings I would stick with either mp4 or MOV and for the options to be honest unless you know what you're doing I will just leave everything as it is by default and then you click export and it's gonna take a while because exporting videos it's not that easy on the processor but that's basically how you do it alright I hope you enjoyed this contagious Studio 2019 video tutorial for beginners be sure to smash that like button if you enjoyed this video it really helps with a youtube algorithm and make sure to subscribe to this channel for more tutorials on how to make amazing videos and if you're interested to make some sort of animation in Camtasia be sure to check out video Placid calm and see all of the stock animation that we have available it's basically pre animated elements that you can add as Ally in in Camtasia and then you just drag and drop them on the timeline super easy to use and super super amazing alright my name was added singer from video pasty and I'll see you soon
Channel: 🎬 Eduard Stinga (
Views: 246,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camtasia, camtasia studio 2019, techsmith camtasia, camtasia studio 9, camtasia studio 8, camtasia tutorial, camtasia tutorial 2019, camtasia tutorial for beginners, tutorial, how to use camtasia, learn camtasia, camtasia how to, camtasia guide, camtasia beginner tutorial, camtasia for beginners, camtasia 2019, camtasia studio, camtasia 9, camtasia beginners, crash course, course, camtasia crash course, camtasia 2020
Id: DgtDyIwfdyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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