What's NEW in Camtasia 2020: Review and Feature Demos

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the new Camtasia 20/20 release is now here and I must say it's one of the most value packed releases ever a big thing with this release is the ability for you to create your video content in your projects with great ease and speed and then scale your work with consistency and quality through the use of features like placeholders replaceable media templates and packages and for the special creator in you there's the new track mats mode feature with this feature you can dive into creating video assets with alpha transparency and add more coolness and sophistication to your branded assets like titles intros outros and transitions and there's so much more in this release beyond that yes this video is a long one but well worth your time because it's loaded with great practical examples to help you get off to a great start in using Camtasia 2020 whether you're a newbie or an experienced user let's dive in the first feature I want to share with you is something called replace ability now notice on the timeline I have a sequence right now that has three pictures and a couple of video clips in here and what I want to do is actually play around with some different footage and see what Clips I want it to keep or not keep and switch up whether it's the pictures or the video clips but now I'm going to take some media from the timeline and I'm gonna go and replace this video clip here with this one that's 25 seconds notice as I drag it down and a click and drag operation you can see it's longer than the piece I'm about to replace it with on the timeline and when I drag over on top you see the green frame appears and once that appears there's a plus sign and if I let go of the mouse button I now have options for how I want to replace to work well we know what's longer so one option is that I can replace it just the full thing and you're gonna see it's gonna stretch the timeline to fit exactly and we didn't do anything and that's called ripple replaced so I'm gonna do that first so see you now how the timeline expanded and this clip here has now been put in place from its write from its start right through to its finish and we effectively have a longer timeline sequence now I'm gonna undo that with control said I'm just undo and what I'm gonna do is bring the same clip down but now I don't want to change the timeline to be longer in duration I just want it to be the same length but I want the clip that I bring down the same clip that we were just looking at that's longer bring it in the plus signs there I'm gonna say rip replace from start and what that's gonna do is replace it and you'll see the clip starts just as the full version did right from the beginning but the end we'll just get truncated at or trimmed at the lengths that fit the media that was already on the timeline so that's very cool now our time line length is preserved and that was another option on replacing so I'm gonna head and do that up again and we can also bring the same clip on again but now I'm gonna choose the option replace from end and what you're going to notice is timelines the same length but now when we go to start where that clip comes in you see our fade transition go but we're already well into the clip and now it ends where in would have at the normal full length so you can see we didn't have to pick these pieces on the timeline separate them move them back together with this replace ability it's amazing how fast you can do the assembly now likewise I could just as easily wear this images in the front take another dog clip and replace the video over the image and I'm gonna have the options again and because it's video I have all these four options to choose from I'm going to say replace from start but now as we saw that means just replace to the length of the media on the line so that picture is only there for five seconds so this is gonna be very short click replace from start and now we actually have a video clip in place that's just the first five seconds there that was that represented what the picture was so you can mix and match the media replace and it's extremely powerful I'm gonna undo that and now let's look at another example to see a few more features of how the replace works in this next example I want to show you a social media video clip that I've put together it's nicely packaged and I'd love to be able to replicate this and use it again and again so technically I can use the replace ability feature to replace a lot of the elements in here and then generate another one very quickly so if you look here I have this little clip it's got some borders it's got some kinetic text that comes in it's got the the dog clip and then it ends right so let's look at the construction down below just to appreciate the features and what the replace ability feature is gonna save us in time so right at the bottom here I have the the clip the video clip of the dog and in there there's two little features where I've put in custom animations where I zoom in at the beginning and then i zoom out towards the end plus there's a music clip in here underlying where I've done some fading in and fading out I have border said and then I have text that has you know a scaling on it so that you can see how it comes in there at the bottom okay so this is all built now I want to change this let's use the replace ability function so I already mentioned I have my my video clip on the bottom so let me just close that down I'm going to take a different clip in here so we know we already have this long clip but as I bring it down and put my cursor over with the drag I have the options to replace so in this case I'm gonna use replace with clip speed the one thing we didn't do last time when I could choose replace with clip speed it's going to replace that media that's there on the bottom with the new video clip that's technically longer but it's gonna shorten the clip up get the full thing in and adjust for the tightening up by making it run faster so we're adjusting with clip speed so I click on that notice the duration didn't change at all and now watch that how this clip has sped up see how the dogs running much faster so that was so quick and you know I'm building something new next just say let's just say I don't want that music so I have other music in here that I've been putting together so this one's called boat party let's go with something that says back the back story one so I bring it in here now watch I'm doing a replace of music with music the plus sign appears and I can actually have the music play just the beginning the front or the back end or I can even do the replace with clip sweet but I just want to be able to replace this and and have it you know work to the same length but I don't want to mess with the speed of it so I'm gonna say replace from start I click replace from start now look you see the new wave form we have a different piece of music but we still have the fade in and out so that's now replaced and then I'm gonna do one other replace before we give it up a spin I'm gonna change to a different board or set I'm gonna take these dark or colored ones and go over the timeline asset there notice that nothing popped up because it was an image this is a PNG image the border set and when you an image is replacing it and another image there's no decisions to make like that because it just will automatically get the duration that the existing piece of media on the timeline is I could have put that image on top of a video clip the same thing would have happened now watch I'm gonna run this for a few seconds so it has a totally different feel different frame set and different music and see how quickly that's done and all you have to do is render it and post it so I wanted you to see now that we're showing some building block principles and now we're gonna go on to take a look at placeholders and see how we can take this to the next level the next feature is the placeholder media type what you can do is add that media type to your project just by clicking on the right mouse button on the timeline clicking at placeholder or pressing the letter P in this case because I'm using Windows and you can see it's now on the timeline and it has some properties a title and a note we're gonna look at that in a second but I could also have added it by using the add placeholder and you item here under the edit menu and there's also a feature called convert to placeholder which we're gonna look at closely so now when I come back here to the timeline this placeholder is a building block an element that's going to be part of a template and we use these placeholders to give people information so they know what kind of media they can drag into the placeholder and what to do the cool part is placeholders can be created from something you've already created and that makes it much faster so for example which we're going to do now I'm just going to get rid of this placeholder sample here we already have something we just created right so now we want to look at this and we want to look at it with the potential to make a template out of this and the way we want to do that is to convert the elements in here to placeholders so I'm gonna go to the bottom one here which is the doggy video clip I'm gonna click right mouse button and use that feature I said we were gonna talk about Kok convert to placeholder watch what happens when I click on convert to placeholder now it says placeholder so it's a placeholder media type I'm just gonna slip this out for a moment for us to look at it a little more closely so now you can see that notice how like with replaceable media that we've already demonstrated it inherited the properties that were in the media that was here in this example that we were building so we now have a placeholder that has those features in it it even has the animations that we put in and the transitions okay so these placeholders have follow the rules of replaceable media and they will feature any kind of you know animations transitions position you know those kind of details effects they're out there all they're all present and that's very powerful because we built something that we were using and now we're going to make a template out of it so as I mentioned there's the features up here so because I know this is going to be a doggy video clip I'm just gonna call it dog video clip and I'm gonna tell people that dimensions are 1920 by 1080 so now when I press enter notice the titles on-screen so that's a visual cue for this item when it's in a template and then I may add something like this is a you know insert video clip of dog our dogs playing ok so now we just have a visual cue and the media type and the attributes that were there in terms of how it functions see even though the zooming is there through the animations and the transition fade out so there I've just converted one element in this project that was going to be something for social media into something for a template now let's take a look at what the finished version of that looks like so to speed things up what I did is I in essence took this project that we've already made which is our little doggie video concept and then I convert it to placeholder all of the items here and then I went through one by one and filled in the properties with titles and notes ok so if I click here to the finished example we see here I entered bottom border text enter text message for dog video clip and drag in text annotation ok so I also just want to show you you could actually separate these things out on the side to see what each each thing looks like if you wanted to because it gets a little confusing with everything being one color hopefully in a future release there's going to be a way to more easily discern the layered elements that are here and you know here's the daug video clip you know so that would fit in there okay so let's let's just do a few changes as an example drag the media on to the timeline so this says to drag an annotation for the bottom border text but before I'm gonna do that I know I need the PNG border okay so let's just go into our assets here in our media bin and I'm gonna choose the blue border again just because I want to but I dragged it down held it and then because it's an image it just goes in place you know it's not a video clip that we have to shorten lengthen or whatever so but just because there's an overlay here I'm just showing you that it's there in place right now now the bottom text board or text we're gonna go get an annotation so go to annotation I'm gonna go to I'm on my text here bottom text and I'm gonna drag it on and then that go but the text annotation you can just do that okay again and see it's already here so I can type on here you know roaming bliss okay alright then now we're gonna go top border text so we also gotta go grab one I'm gonna do the same to hold let go top border text is there and we're gonna call it dog days of summer okay so now we got those on there we need a music clip so we're going to go into our media bin and scroll down and we're gonna take the backstory music clip bang hold on let go and because I want it all to be the same length I'm just gonna do the place the music from the beginning and then the last piece is our dog video clip so we're gonna go up to where we had our clips for our dog videos and we're going to pull this one in and go down hold and that I let up the cur of the left mouse button and because we want it to be the same length we're gonna say replace from start and there we go and now wow we got our finished product how awesome is that so this was just like it you know a template with the placeholders that we followed the direction of and got our finished product now let's look how this all comes together in terms of managing things as templates before we dive into the template management I just wanted to mention that as with any project you can save the project or you can also export the project or and so that it can be imported by someone else and you can also add the content to the library so here I highlighted this section I could just as easily have gone at timeline selection to library actually I did do that you can see here I kind of have this template style thing with the flood placeholders this was the last item i added but that we're sitting here were within the instance of camtasia and yes we could have created an export file for the project to the dot zip and an export to get the dot live zip and then manipulate those but what i want to do now is show you how camtasia 20/20 has evolved a new ecosystem for template and package management as an example so let's go take a look before we actually dive in and start to save off our creation as a template and do more with it just want to mention and share a few points about the system that's in place to support the templates as i've mentioned before one of the goals of templates is to help create a consistent project that has all the assets in a single file so this is going to be achieved now when you export out your templates and create a dot cam template file and if you then also include those in a package there's something called a cam package file related to packages you're gonna see that you now have a lot more portability and the ability to share put on another computer or share with your teams or distribute throughout organization and we're going to see how that's facilitated and our next slide what you can see here is that there's a Camtasia menu items that have been added on there under the file menu a whole bunch of them to support what we're going to do with templates so for example you could add a new project from template you can save the project which is the first step we're going to do save it as a template you can also export and import the templates as you can see this is all built out here in addition there's something called manage templates which will bring up what's called the template manager and we're going to take a look at that in in a few moments but there's a picture in a nutshell which allows you to do things like download assets from the TechSmith library which is very cool you can import templates in right through the plus sign you can select a template on the screen and then spawn it by just clicking on new from template it's very powerful and very user friendly so the first step in saving a project file as a template is to get rid of the stuff you don't want in the project file to make it nice and lean so we're just cutting out the piece that we built what we're left with is the placeholders and then the nice front image and then as part of that process you want to look and see what media is going to be deleted that you don't want as well if you use the delete you media unused and that's what we're gonna do and then you would click on delete unused media for our demo I'm not gonna do that step now I'd be ready to save my project file is template and now let's do that I can I put in a name here for our template video dog video mean version 3 click on that and now it's saved of course I would have also saved this project file if I wanted to again for the future okay now I've saved that and now if I wanted to I could now select to create a new project from template now you see that look our video meme is here and look at this we have a one beside it and that's because there's a built-in safety that you can't accidentally club or something you've created and it gives a one so that I now know that this is a copy because I already have it in in a previous iteration right here so now too I can choose this template to start a new template and on bottom right here you see is a button called new from template so now watch how this works I click new from template okay see I'm already asked to see if I wanted to save my project file so I'll say yes so that I save those details okay and then the project files saved and now look here I've got my fresh new template that I'm working with and it's in an untitled project file so now let's just say I wanted to I did some kind of an update and I want it to save this off I'm gonna say top border and just call it title up here just for the sake of doing a little change all right and now I want to save this template again so I'm gonna go file save project as template I could go through the same process but right now I'm interested in doing an export so I want to export the template this time so now you can see I've already set things up I have a templates folder and you can see we're creating that new cam template file so I'm gonna call this similar to what we call the project file we kind of call it a video and call it dog video video mmm and then we'll just leave it at that that's the original and then click I press ENTER and now we have a template that we can actually import so I'm going to go file import template look at that cam dog video meme template I'm opening it and it tells me now that the template has been added to the Camtasia templates and I'm gonna spawn one from it so do I want to see the project file no because we're just going through things a little more quickly to show you what's going on and now again here it is we've just spawned a template coming back in again and we knew it we know it's the new one because it just says title at the top I changed that in here in this particular placeholder I changed the word to title and there you go okay the next feature that we're going to look at the next few features are actually presets and favorites before we look at packages and the reason for that is because packages allow you to bundle these items in for deployment so let's just see how Camtasia 2020 has implemented a concept cult presets as you can see here on the right side I have an example here with a visual effect we often use remove a color to do things like green screening and in my case I often customize it so you can see here the tolerance is at 16% instead of 10 which is the default when we can see I've also adjusted the softness a bit well now I want to save this for reuse as a preset so all I need to do is click on the plus sign up here and up will pop and add visual effect preset and then I name it in this case I named it remove a color for a particular client and then when I click OK you'll now see that in the presets for visual effects there'll be another one for remove a color so now we have both of those there and the way we know that this is a preset is because there's a little icon in the bottom left corner which is an indicator that it's a user-defined preset Wow this is very powerful in addition to presets we have favorites as you can see on the right-hand side here there's a tool now that's called favorites and in there there's transitions behaviors animations visual effects audio effects whatever we've designated as a favorite and favorites are very easy to set up you just need to click on the white star here in the in the top right corner and it turns yellow and you know that's a favorite and then it'll automatically be in the list of favorites this is so powerful because it allows you to sort of focus in on only using the tools to use most often whatever ones you to designate as favorites very powerful and these are also something that can go into a package now let's look at Camtasia packages as you can see packages has been implemented through Camtasia through the file menu through an export and an import function and you see packages listed there what's so cool is packages this very powerful tool that brings together your ability to deploy a whole set of things that you've created inside Camtasia so for example if you're a user and you have a second computer you may want to replicate what you have on the first computer in the second computer so you can create a package and export a whole bunch of things and then likewise if you're an organization and you want to start to set up a consistent set of tools and branding elements and templates and you know favorites and just how to do things to execute as a standard throughout your organization you can use packages and then you have these files that are self-contained and you can use them to deploy throughout your organization through your teams and it's a very powerful and you can even use it for things like backups and archiving now let's go take a look how we can put packages together and include favorites and presets in order to demonstrate packages I need to show you the current status of a few things so that you know when we make changes that the export that I bring back in will replenish and bring back what what we did so first I want to show you that under favorites I have we go back into favorites I've text typing and explode as favorites so I'm gonna want to I'm gonna actually turn those off as favorites in a moment but I'm gonna go into visual effects and show you that we have boarder medium and border thick and my intention is to remove those so those are some changes we're gonna do and then I also am going to check the status of our template library you can see the last one here is the video dog mean but I'm going to export another copy of this easy presentation one to bring back in so that's the status of things so what I want to do now first is do an export of our current state the way it is so going to export package and then I'm going to come down and I set into the templates I was going to take easy presentation one and in favourites I'm going to take the favorites and the custom presets export we're going to save it here and we're creating as we've mentioned before a cam package file and I'm gonna call this G I original okay so we've done no changes yet and that's a nice export file we have so that we can bring re-import that that package so now let's change our environment so first off I'll go to the favorites and I said I was going to unfavorite text typing and explode so now those are totally gone from the favorites then we're going to go into our visual effects and I'm going to remove this border medium which happens to be a favorite and a custom preset we're gonna delete that and we're gonna take our border thick and we're going to delete that one as well which is also a favorite and a custom preset so now we've done those things and now they're all gone now let's import our package that we exported and see what we get our original package here open and it says do you want to replace the existing template yes so that was our easy presentation one and it says do you want to replace your current favorites with imported favorites yep so we're placing everything there likewise on the tool presets okay so we're all done and it tells us here in a nice less easy presentation one installed favorites installed and tools installed now let's go back remember I said in favorites we had lost a right I had unfavored it exploded and text typing there now favorites again and then when we go into our visual effects you can see we've now restored our border medium and our border thick and they're both favorites and custom presets as well now let's go check the status of our templates so if I were to go and want to do a new template look here easy presentation one so we've read the and now we have a fresh copy here so how cool is that now we're finished the demo on templates so while we're still here in the template manager let's take a quick look as template or two you can see here this one Camtasia 2020 default this is gonna come with your installation let's open it up we don't want to save this project here we just want to load this and see what we got and giving an example of the power of some of these templates so see here we have an intro and it's got a spin with a logo and a title subtitle followed by a video clip and then an outro so this is a cool template something simple let's click on the intro and if you notice they have these quick properties here and you could change this by doing something like this let's just go in and put in Gord iseman and then let's put a subtitle in and call it Camtasia Camtasia tasia 2020 demo BAM that's done and then see how it executes comes in with the logo gourd eyes on Camtasia 20/20 demo so see how quick that was these templates are very powerful some of them have quick properties and you can change things up very quickly and get moving so let's take a look at one more and I want to show you a little more sophisticated one so let's take this one this is also something that I believe is coming with the install product overview web service we don't want to save the existing project we come in and this one's going to be I think a whole other level of sophistication but I want you to get an appreciation for all the moving parts here so again we have like a fancy intro in here and then we come into a spot where they're giving you a placeholder with instructions to put put information in and and the video clip and then we have a transition built into this and then another video placeholder and then then we come to our exit a nice outro where you can enter information and again there's quick properties to take care of that so just to give you an idea templates are very powerful and they can be managed through things like packages and deployed throughout your organization and enjoy now we're going to look at the new feature called magnetic tracks and I want to demonstrate that by showing you have two tracks here track eight and eleven that have media on it it's the same set of media there's just some gaps on track eight so we're going to magnetize this track but first observe how the annotations are and where they're sitting so when I click magnetized on track eight boom everything slides in to the left and you can see these Chevron's on the right to the right of the track that indicates that you're on a magnetic track but look the annotations didn't move so you really only want to play with magnetics on the track where you know you're doing like raw assembly and pulling things together and not dependent on layers above or or you know transitions on top that you may have created or other layers to the to the video so that's how you set up the magnetic track and now I'm going to get rid of these annotations and then in addition now that because of the nature of the magnetic track there's never going to be a gap between the media so I'm gonna pull one out and see what happens that just popped out and everything slid over likewise I can take this photo out bang everything kind of moved out moved over automatically now there's something called a ripple insert and here we're on the magnetic track so I'm gonna move this photo back in place but watch I'm gonna pull it in between the two media and drag down and you see that line that comes up bang it automatically now drops that media back in place and then I'm gonna do the same here and we're going to get it in whoops let me get that back and try that one some more there we go so that's called ripple insert now there's also something called ripple trim and the way you manage that is by hitting the shift key when you get the double arrow towards the end and now I'm going to drag to the left to shorten the length of the photo in the timeline so watch as I go the things can tighten up which is nice and I undo that and if I'm in a video here I'm gonna do this I'm gonna whoops click the video get the double head arrow drag to the left and you see that contracts and then I'm gonna go to the right to expand it back and then here's a photo same thing click drag and now I'm dragging to the left and so what that's doing is actually trimming shrinking the length and duration of the photo on the line okay so that's a demo of magnetic tracks and a few of these other features like ripple insert ripple trim and and ripple move the next feature I'm going to demonstrate is the ability to detach the timeline this is a godsend for people like me that now got a second monitor and I have two monitors I'd love to be able to detach the timeline so I click here right mouse button detach timeline and now all of a sudden you can see it's like a window I can expand it and keep it here or I can move it to my second monitor which I can do but you can't see it over there but then I'm gonna bring it back and then expand it and then you have the ability to while you're in here you can attach it back or I can actually maximize and minimize the track so if I wanted this track here where the mouse button is to be maximized Wow look at that it spreads it up nicely how to for a big view and then minimize the track and while we're here I just want to show you why I'm on the magnetic track I forgot to mention that you've the ability to disable that magnetic track and then you see the Chevron's are gone and then you can re-enable it so just another way to magnetize and demagnetize your track so let's attach the timeline back now so I'm going to click on the right mouse button and touch timeline and then bang everything is back in order the next set of features were going to look at relate to changes around the media pin so first off if you're in the media bin area and you double click you're automatically in the important scenario so import media so now we're going to just grab an item toss it in how easy is that very quick and intuitive now next item you can see we have our icons we now have an ability to jump between different kinds of korie's go back to type but we also this is my favorite we have a whole set of ways to change the view look here so here we now have the categories with the names written across then we have small icons then we have little larger and then the view I was using and then last but not least a big one so imagine now you can like see your media in bloom in detail so that you're not going to have trouble finding things so I think this is a really big time-saver for helping people to do their editing now there's a few more features inside the media bin how about this we're on this particular photograph and I want to now possibly replace something on the timeline so down here I have selected another photo so this uses the replace ability features we're familiar with that we learned about earlier so click replace BAM that automatically just replaced that on the timeline I'm gonna undo that likewise I could do the same thing with a photograph I'll select that media and then here under in the media bin we say replace selected media and timeline and this is you know the same kind of options we saw earlier so that's very powerful we can extend this even further and now pretend we're on this picture we want to do something else we want to select it on the timeline so we can quickly find where we're using this image bang now you can see the the areas that are using it have been highlighted so that's quite powerful likewise you can work in Reverse the same way so if I selected the media down here on the timeline and I say select media and bin bang there it is so you can see there look so many you know neat little conveniences added that all add up to make your experience that much more productive the next feature is the Camtasia recorder Wow they've done some really cool improvements here to just make it easier to use and get my little better quality result so I want you to see that the recorder has been simplified up here on the right side you see that to the inputs now whether it's the screen the camera the microphone or the system audio you can toggle any combination of these on or off so for example if you don't want the screen recording you could click on here and it won't record you know as compared to the 20:19 recorder you were just you know focused on choosing fullscreen and a resolution and turning the camera on or the or the microphone well now you've got a little more control and in 2020 what else is really cool is that the screen recordings and frame rates are higher you know I can go higher inside Camtasia 20/20 and that's controlled inside here when you click on the screen feature and also the webcam capture has also been improved with higher resolutions and frame rates for someone like me I'm now using the Logitech Brio 4k that's helped a lot because now it can take advantage of the capabilities of its 60 frames per second if I want and as well in my screen recording I have a bigger screen and as you can see on the here I've been using my screen at 2560 by 1440 so it's great to see these enhancements the next feature in Camtasia 20/20 I want to look at is an enhancement to the manage themes in the theme manager here you're going to notice now that there's a when you click on the wheel that there's an export and import theme now you can actually save off your themes so for me I like to save themes for client work and then I can now share them out and you know in organizations you can now deploy those throughout by by using the this facility for import and export so what I'm going to do is I'm going to export my GI branding I have a little themes folder here notice that it now has a cam theme file extension click Save so that's now saved and then I'm going to delete this here we go delete GI branding so now it's gone from the list you just going to see it's not here and then we're going to re-import it importing GI branding cam theme open now it says it's been added we can view the theme there we are now let's take a look at the feature called reverse transitions so on the timeline here I have two clips and their dog is running it's the same pair of clips and I'm just gonna show you a few different examples so if we take here something like the spiral transition I'm gonna put it on two versions of the same clips you can now see that dogs are running and as they're running the spiral happens it goes from outer to inner now if we do it in the reverse I'm gonna click on the transition and here up top you can click on the reverse button this is where the feature is implemented now we click play now you look it went from the inside out transition it was reversed one more example first delete the transition we have and that's my favorite whip spin because we are dealing with a scenario here where the dogs are running in a certain direction you're gonna see the effects gonna be very different so that's why now having this option is great on the first one where we're whip spinning in a clockwise direction and in the second one we're spending and we're going to spin in a counterclockwise position and to to set that up I got to click on the transition click the reverse and then you're gonna see it goes counterclockwise and here's a clip I rendered and you can play and play and we'll just take a quick look here's the normal way with a clockwise spin and then that Clips going to end and now we're going to go into the second version of it where you're going to see the counterclockwise whip spin this next feature is one of my favorites and it relates to call-outs here I'm dragging one of my favorites on this collar to something I use it's got a size of 96 notice here that there's something called to auto resize text it's turned on this is a new feature in Camtasia 20/20 with this turned on it's the same as how things functioned in Camtasia 2019 so when I type text and I've filled up the bounding box area and I failed the box area the text starts to shrink show so you know that's nice and small now but I don't want it that size and I doubt you actually want it somewhat bigger so I have to make the Box bigger and then you see it goes bigger and I got a guess where the font size goes that's a pain in the neck instead what I'm gonna do is now turn the auto resize text feature off for my next one and just type away and it sets current size data size 96 so the font type here doesn't change size but the text gets a little hidden so you just have to open up the bounding box and everything's there and if I wanted to you know clone this and do some more text typing the same size and in another I'll just copy and I'll paste it bring it down and I can type with the same font size so as you can see if you're doing bullet points and things that need to align this is going to be a big time-saver and it's a feature I think it leads to a lot of productivity in Camtasia 20/20 a great feature for advanced users that's going to just help them unleash their creativity is called track mat modes now we're taking a quick look here at the timeline where track mat modes is implemented and you're there's a lot of features there but I want people to understand that with track mat modes we can create static and animated masks that define how the contents of different tracks get displayed so you're going to find that we can use things like call-out shapes and text to mask to see things from the layer below and apply animations it's going to be very cool but first we need to quickly understand what the timeline looks like with all the features for this implementation first off a track mat is identified by this pattern here that you'll see on on a track if it's been turned on and to turn it on you need to go over on the left hand side whether the track header is and you'll see the eye icon and if you click your right mouse button while there this a menu will pop that gives you the four different track mad modes alpha alpha invert luminosity and luminosity invert and we're going to just look at the alpha one for today now as soon as you turn it on which is indicated here by the check mark you're gonna see that there's a track matte mode indicator you see this on the edge here and then down below there's another little edge indicator that shows the track that's affected so now you can kind of get the lay of the land of how it's going to look on the time line when we look at the example and let's go take a look our first track matte example is going to be a simple logo reveal right now we remember when I said to set the track matte on you do the right mouse button over the icon you set it to alpha you see the indicators there and now you're gonna see our simple logo reveal Camtasia local comes up and then it disappears it vanishes under what looks to be like a line so how do we put that together I'm gonna turn the alpha I'm going to turn the track map mode off for a moment so now we can see we just have two things here on top which is going to be the layer through which we're gonna see through for transparency all it is is just the Camtasia logo appearing and then it just goes off there's no animations or nothing there and the layer below happens to be where an animation is being done so the logo is actually starting below going up to the middle and then it's going to come off go down at the end so that that's the end of the reveal okay so it's quite simple now when you stack on top a copy or a replication in essence out of the logo and now you run across you can see that it looks like the logo just comes up under and below now think of the layer on top as the window to look below and if that was the case you'd be able to just see what was coming up when it came up and as it was fading out so now when we put the track matte on the Alpha track matte you're going to see so consider that that square is all the area that we're going to see through and that's green going up the logo going up and then the logo going down with the animation to move it out and you can see here the beginning and end by the bounding box where the animation goes to go down and likewise where it starts and where it ends to come up now we're looking at our track mat example to our second alpha track mode example and I have two layers here the top layer is going to become our track matte or alpha track mat but first I just want to show you what I have composed here so I'm gonna first hide this second layer and just play it for you to give you a quick idea CC we have a dog running along the beach and then we exactly the whip transition that doesn't show too well then the other dog running and you know that's it it's that simple so two two little video clips put together with a whip transition in between then I'm gonna hide that track and then play the top track and what you're gonna see here is the top track is just some call out text with some behaviors and some transitions to look pretty cool just to get a message across now interestingly enough all you need to think about is that what you see on top here in the text and the movement and the animation is a mask and that mask is going to become transparent when we make the second layer a mask and just first before I show you is there was a fly in and you saw how the text came in nice and then we have our transition to fade out and then in the second one we also have pulsating is in both of them in the middle and then in the end here it's just going to fly out okay so without we don't need to go into details of how the full animation was put together but now I'm going to make both layers revealed and make the second one our alpha matte and play that was a whip transition but got a little laggy but I think he get the idea it's pretty amazing what you can do now before I would have to create video clips outside bring them in play with green-screen now it can be achieved so quickly and this is just scratching the surface there's so much more to dive into in track mats and I intend to do a lot of tutorials on that in the future and here are some additional features the first set here applies to both Windows and Macintosh we now have Pro res media which is huge because for a long time even wanted to be able to do alpha channel stuff inside and the previous codec that sort of worked wasn't special but the Alpha pro res capabilities yeah which is based on the Apple codec now gives you alpha transparency so we can bring media in that has out for transparency that's really sharp that's a big feature next the scope of fonts has been expanded inside Camtasia we also have call-out annotations that have a theme styling drop-down so that we can apply them and just choose some pre-made themes and import those we already went through that theme management import/export facility earlier now we also have a gif loop count feature so that's added so that we don't have to have our gifts play infinitely we can actually restrict how many loops they play for and now a few features specific to the Macintosh platform the remember last easing used feature is very cool because now when we add our keyframes to the timeline and we adjust our easing that easing that we set will be remembered for the next time that we use the easing to tune it and that's just another time saver and because it always defaults to auto normally then there's also track reordering so you can drag and drop tracks which makes it easier than having to select all the media if you want to move it on a track and lift it up so now you can just drag through the track header the tracks up and down solo tracks is another great feature to help you isolate tracks for visibility and doing things so another powerful added item width and height properties also help on native text call-outs and shapes in the properties panel so you know a lot of little extra cool things there and and a vu meter on the Mac as well Wow there you have it a walk through with demonstrations of many of the great new features in Camtasia 2020 and remember to keep an eye out for my future tutorials to come for those of you who currently have the TechSmith maintenance plan Camtasia 2020 is a free upgrade for the rest of you maybe it's time to dive into an upgrade and enjoy all the new features and productivity gains to be add and if you're new to Camtasia there's no time like the present to enjoy the awesome power of this video recording and video editing software thanks and I'll see you in another video soon
Channel: Gord Isman
Views: 18,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whats new in camtasia 2020, new features in Camtasia 2020, camtasia 2020 what's new, camtasia 2020, what's new in camtasia 2020, camtasia 2020 new features, camtasia 2020 review, new camtasia 2020, camtasia review 2020, camtasia studio 2020, camtasia studio latest version, new camtasia version, latest camtasia version, gord isman, gordisman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 19sec (3019 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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