What's My Line? - Bette Davis (Oct 5, 1952) [W/ COMMERCIALS]

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and now What's My Line brought to you by stop n spray deodorant whoo there goes perspiration poof deodorant body powder the body powder you spray the nest shampoo the new flowing cream shampoo all in the first truly functional cosmetic containers far easier to use all created by dr. Jules modern a the famous cosmetic chemist time now to enjoy What's My Line you know what's my line personalities you already know first the popular columnist who's voice of Broadway appears in the New York Journal American and papers coast-to-coast miss Dorothy Kilgallen a gentleman who's very very funny new book good for a laugh will be on sale all over the country tomorrow morning mr. Bennett search my left is a very glamorous young lady who was one of the chief inspirations for that book Miss Harle in France II able to watch the ballgame today because his television set what on the blink how sad sack blocked so Thank You Eileen I was I won't say that my set was under bum those bump were sure all over the set and on my left but my favorite baseball fan this is a man that just came from the dentist and he's still worrying about the Yanks John Daly good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to What's My Line presented by stop it once again tonight we've got some friends who come in from the several states of the Union all of them with varied and we hope unexpected occupations to give our friends in the panel a run for the money they hope to carry home some prizes we'll also have a famous guest challenger before the panel a bit later in the program but now to start things rolling it's time for the experts to meet our first challenger whose job they've got to spot so will you sign in please sir John John Butler right mr. Butler would you be good enough to tell us where you live San Diego California San Diego California Wow nice to have somebody from California with us our friends on the panel there I sure are not strangers to you but they want to know you even better than they do so would you walk over there thank you this is muscle Oh Stephanie yeah and muscle all right mr. Butler if you come over here and sit down next to me now on the basis of that fine firm strong and confident handwriting of yours and that small trip you've just took in front of the panel we give them at this point one free guess as to what your line maybe we'll begin the free guesses with Miss Kilgallen I think he's a champion golfer a champion golfer mr. sir I think he's younger brother of Rhett Butler from gone with the wind miss Frances I think he's a government astronomer I governed with his calendar mr. block I think he puts chlorophyll and cloth drop for people who have a stinking cold rain nobody has the right answer we let our viewers at home have a further look at mr. Butler at the same time we'll tell them what his line is but the battles got a day mr. butters every time you'll give the panel of no answer it costs the panel $5 we keep the record here ten knows you won the game one more bit of help for the panel mr. Butler is salaried with that we begin the general questioning with Miss Francis mr. butler are you associated in the kind of work that is indigenous to California I beg your pardon I'd say no no I would say you can do it anywhere what you do yeah you could do anywhere what he does that's what that a nine to go mr. block you're doing services yes are they service something that maybe have to have some kind of training for no training is necessary no it is you mean this is an untrained one now actually I think that in the term of training as we use it I'm not using it that way we'll accept that it's being used that way actually a specific kind of training is not necessarily a specific to practice so and I did better with indigenous well the whole thing is really indigenous there's no arrest about a 2.8 to Gomez Kilgallon and mr. partner when you do your work do you ever wear any other type of garb and what you're wearing now give me other than normal street clothes mm-hmm no that would make a 3.72 go mr. sir mr. Butler of our husky specimen does that strength and athletic look about you have anything to do with the work you do' no no wait a minute biscuit pardon me we could have a conference we just had a committee meeting it's no board six the government said thank you for the consideration do you work for profit-making organization no I sell that looks like you very profitable no no no profit makes that makes five down and five to go mr. block well could a person like myself ever get into your prison I wouldn't think it was possible no but we must always assume that mistakes can happen so we'll give you a qualified yes well the last time I said that it was in a racket of some type it was uh I think somebody that had a roulette wheel in Reno it is your business at least legal it's legal here and so funny well is it something that women use yes what do you do they have to come to you sometime I think Dorothy is a little better what moment you alright you passed miss Kilgallon I don't even know how we got into anybody using anything you do you mean in women use your services mr. Butler yes um do you ever talk to people is that part of your work yeah it does your elephants have anything to do with your work yeah I guess yeah forgive you yes on that mr. Potter do you work for any branch of any government yes is it either local or state as opposed to federal yes now I just have to find out whether it's local or state is it local yes are you an arm of the law in any sense in any sense I guess in any sense we do happy phrase that in any time I don't think it's helping me much and yet you never wear a uniform no do you work indoors sometimes yes is it possible for you to work out of doors too yeah do you deal with men as well as with women yes are they ever in trouble when you see them sometimes and do you help them get out of trouble sometimes uh would it be that sometimes they might be punished after they see you for some miss no no I wouldn't think so in a specific of the question I would have given order six down four to go mister sir mr. Butler your work got anything to do with health or sanitation yes well I'll make it easy for dr. ilene is it something do with sanitation it has something to do with say something here with sanitation well you connected in any way with the San Diego Department that cleans things up in the way of removing garbage you mean the specific connection I think we'd have to give you a note seven dot and three to go miss Frances do you mean that therefore apart from health and sanitation mr. Butler may do other things other governmental things in his job their health and sanitation is not the only thing yes we got it down to local government wasn't it already can is it city government then that you are involved in yes do you have an important position in city government yes uh would it be in the top echelon of jobs then as people that direct the city or work for the city you'll be considered one of the head men would you well maybe be a head man like the mayor our mayor the mayor of San Diego California would and I'm quite sure that you will know a friend of mine there Paul Wight who was the head of the great CBS Radio News Service and to work with us in the convention I'm sure he had a lot of fun because it took the panel so long to get you I do think it would take him so long you've done fairly well with the prizes but more than that we hope you enjoyed your bids if is nice to have us together your honor when you come out please and sign it Carl Milles would you be good enough to tell us where you're from Atlanta Georgia Atlanta Georgia well nice to have you with West from the south so will you go slightly east please walk down in front of the panel for me mr. Mellott you look as though I want to look at your hands thank you all right mr. Mill's would you come over here down sit down next to me and at this point is you probably heard we give the panel one free guess since they've had a look at you and had a chance to hear your voice briefly one free guess as to what your line maybe we'll begin the free guesses as usual with Miss Kilgallen I think mr. Mill's is a preacher a preacher mr. sir I think he must be connected with coca-cola if he was in Atlanta miss prentace I think he's in the magnolias growing business mr. block I chased a secret accountant he deals with secret funds now I'm afraid nobody has it right well let the folks at home have a further look at mr. mills at the same time we'll tell them what his line is but the panel has today mr. mill do you know how we play this game we keep the record up here and every time you can give them a no answer custom five dollars ten dollars you won the game all right mr. Mills is salaried with that let's begin the general questioning with mr. block mr. mill do you dealing services yes do you have a certain place where you work yes your customers come to you but we have sort of a steady clientele must be a nice place dear Oh quiet I can't think you have ever have music finder yes you serve food there yes well if if I developed an action what the Georgia could I use some of your southern hospitality you write to Georgia you probably get some of it in fact coming from you could there ever be could your customers ever be sort of boisterous they're rambunctious people they might hurt me they could big we don't like to think that they would but they could be in other words you will also serve beverages well do you have anything to do with curbing their voice personĂ­s yes are in any well-run place you would you know when these customers get up to dance together get out of line you ever thrown out of the joint that would be one he doesn't know I think he's that's just a flat belt ooh that one alright this Kilgallon mr. Mill's despite all the yes answers that mr. block got about the music and the food and the steady clientele may I assume that you do not run a nightclub yes you may assume that mr. Mill's does not run a nightclub uh is it more like an institution but you run yes it's more like an institution wouldn't you it is it a large building reasonably doesn't have any bars in it would you care to explain what you mean well I mean is it a prison type place or penitentiary yeah I guess it is our people held their incarcerated against their let us say will well they don't actually a petition to get in are all these people prisoners let's say this what does mr. Mill's run a prison or get a century so what do you want many the prison one about your southern hospitality I may not come out there answering no is it the federal candidate Noah's not terrorist mr. Brian to the state president branch of the state well I must say in the movies they never make the wardens that good-looking he's also a very fine gentleman to sit and spend some time talking to I'm sorry that he couldn't spend more time with us well I'm not sorry I would not like to spend much time with him at all let's suit you see I figure I can spend time with him outside of the bars but I know how you feel Helen thanks very much for coming it being our guest it was nice to have you and now in just a moment ladies and gentlemen will introduce our mystery guest but first here's a young lady you already know Barbara Joyce this is our regular commercial time but tonight I'd like to read you something from Glamour magazine it's an article called the doctor does it again and quite naturally the doctor is our own famous doctor Jules montagnier let me read you the first paragraph dr. Jules montagnier famous as the originator of stop at spray deodorant has a new product which promises to be a sensational and stop it this latest edition is finesse flowing cream shampoo a gold-colored cream highly concentrated so that a little makes abundant leather finesse removes dirt and excess oils from the surface of the hair and scalp in one sudsing and finesse cleanses by floating action tends to leave natural oils on hair and scalp where they belong the result is clean hair which retains its natural luster the unique container for finesse is of molded unbreakable plastic that works with the bellows action like an accordion slight pressure on the sides of the bottle flows this new cream shampoo directly on the scalp the article goes on to explain how much time and effort dr. montagnier has put into this wonderful new kind of shampoo it is a sensational success and you'll know why the first time you use it as Glamour magazine says finesse flowing cream shampoo is available at cosmetic counters of drug and department stores throughout the country if you haven't tried it yet you have something wonderful to look forward to and now we come to the regular feature of our program the appearance of our mystery celebrity since my friends and the panel would recognize our famous just immediately we've provided them with blindfolds they all in place panel yes smell good will you come in mystery Challenger and sign in please battle as you know in the case of our mystery celebrity we get right down to the general questioning which we will begin with Miss Dorothy Kilgallen are you in show business yes have you ever appeared in motion pictures are you better known for motion pictures than anything else have you ever appeared in a film musical yeah what about a nine to go mr. sir well I think it's important to establish something right off the bat which I'm not really sure of are you a female put it beneath us are you are you American are you I don't want to be on Cheverus but are you under 40 do not a date to go am i right in assuming that it's not your regular boss there you have been in pictures for some years yes you do not sing and dance are you a dramatic actress what you're both you're both dramatic and an actress well now the answer is there that our guest is both the dramatic actress and can also do lighter elements singing and things our guests could also be a comedian mm-hmm she certainly is now uh have you been associated with one studio in California that nation three down and seven to go mr. block I love that voice you know when I was a kid I had a voice that high my teacher made me sit with the girls when I get old enough to enjoy it my voice change have you been in the picture within the last two years for the very high ranking picture have you been in the picture within the last year last six months tomorrow yes - that - you go ahead mr. block ah it hasn't been determined that it hasn't been a musical it has been determined that our guest is not done it's a musical in the movies here have you been a favorite let us say for say 10 or 15 years yes the big favor never place not wait a minute years and within the last six months you made a picture yes and your voice is like that how I don't know fading an appearance on Broadway are you Betty Davis thank you very much let me tell you very briefly that if you would like to be on what's my line and try to puzzle our panel with your occupation send us your picture a snapshot that you can stare your name your address your occupation let us know when you're going to be in New York and send all of this information up to me that merely delays it send it to What's My Line cbs4 85 Madison Avenue New York 20 - New York now the final challenge will you sign in please Irene correct is that right where you live I live in Indianapolis in the end Indianapolis Indiana would you be good enough to walk down in front of the panel turn right around and come back again because time is getting short just right near Chicago all right and now would you come over here and sit down next to me please right right over here strip and on the basis of that handwriting and that quick walk we'll get the panel right into what you must know happens now the free guess as to what your line may be and we'll begin the free guesses with mrs. Kilgallon I think she's an expert in the poetry of James Whitcomb Riley good heavenly days mr. son judging by that mink rap I think she does something for the government I think she runs a small hotel in Indianapolis mr. block I think she's cute that is the answer we were looking for so we let our viewers at home have a further look at mrs. correct and at the same time we'll tell them what her line is but the panel has got to work well you've got just about three minutes to get it in we'll give you one more bit of help mrs. carrete is self-employed with that then it's sir suppose you pull your six feet up to the top height and go to work and the general questioning this is covered you're self-employed yes do you perform some kind of service yes is there any product involved in the service that you perform yes there is is this part as a service performed for both sexes yes indiscriminately indiscriminately yeah do you ever perform it to both sexes at the same time oh yes oh you do would this would this service did you perform have anything to do with your extreme good bucks Clarence does your appearance help you in the workingman question a very fine quit stealing sir what I'm not going to go repent is the product or that you represent is it found in the home yes is it something that might be decorative in some way yes I would say is it also useful yes is it found if one had a two-story house would it be found on the first floor yes it would it be usually found in one specific room no we do now debate to go mr. block is it something that could be carried around yes you could get up yes it's small enough let's say to carry in your hands now let's get down to the room is this a room you say it could be in more than one room yes good I see is it something that has movable parts that would be three down and seven to go mrs. Kilgallon is it something that could be worn no that would be four down and six to go mister sir mrs. Garrett has anything to do with providing amusement for people no five down and five to go miss fences is it something that you might have a showing in your house if you had it is it something that would be out on display yes like a petticoat is it something that would be put on something else yes would it be put on a table No four to go mr. Dawkins well it's something that sometimes has to be designed yes is it something that's put on a lot of furniture on a lot of furniture that would make it seven down and three to go and miss Kilgallon does object have a specific use yes is it solid yes years but it's small enough to hold in the hand yeah it could be held in it ah do you make this particular thing yourself no that makes it eight down and two to go and I'm afraid our time is up mrs. Coretta is a paperhanger how you doing kid favorite hangers you started doing for fun I loves it and makes brother substantial increments should we say every year since you won by default you get the full price thanks a lot for being our guest too much money a preview of one of our guests whose line our panel is going to be asked to try and identify our next week program but first here is a young woman who knows what she wants stop F asks what's your line I've got the busiest job in the whole world American housewife that means being on the go all day long and it means looking my best at dinnertime too that's why I always you stop that spray deodorant it gives me protection I can be sure of no matter what my day schedule calls for it's so quick and so wonderfully convenient just a squeeze of the bottle and proof they're both perspiration while the bottle upright and you get this fine misty spray yes here at last is the truly modern deodorant no sticky fingers no mess no waste oops but don't worry that marvelous stop that bottle can't break leak or spill find out for yourself why millions have turned from old fashioned deodorants to the new convenience new effectiveness of stop act at your favorite drug or cosmetic counter ask for stop at spray the odor Fair grows perspiration and next week at the same time our panel of experts will be asked what's my line by this young woman would you know what her occupation is could you spot her line for the answers to these and some other interesting questions be sure to tune in again next Sunday night at 10:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time when once again stop at invite you to play what's my line for other localities check your local listings for the date and time of our weekly series until then this is John Daly saying good night Dorothy good night Bennet you're just thinking hippo as a paperhanger haven't I gotten nice good night now happy paper hanging of Georgia jail good night ladies and gentlemen and thanks for being with us on what's my life this has been a mark Goodson bill Todman production an association with the CBS television network you
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 405,324
Rating: 4.8136148 out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Game Show (TV Genre), Hal Block, Dorothy Kilgallen, Bennett Cerf
Id: KiHq36JTWJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2013
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