Bette Davis on The Dick Cavett Show 1971, Nov 17th [complete]
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Channel: sunflower4morning
Views: 661,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bette Davis, Dick Cavett, legend, actress, hollywood, cinema, queen, 1971, Dick Cavett Show, talk show, Bette Davis interview, Bette Davis interview 1971
Id: jsKGXFuXbbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 48sec (3888 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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Oh yes! Bette was so cool all the time, but this era where she had LIVED life and seen some shit, and could just sit back smoke and tell the tales is old school cool for sure!
It is very, very interesting to hear her views and stories…she’s pretty darn cool.