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Wow you guys, love Chuchel as much as I do let's look at him he's so cute! I'm probably Gonna, say that about 500 more times during this video but um hey How's it going, Dan here. :) Welcome back to the one and only Chuchel the point-and-click adventure where our goal is to get this (angelic sounds) cherry If you haven't seen the previous video I highly, suggest, checking it out, but you can Also, stay tuned and see the fun that we're Gonna, have today now I say fun but We left last time on a very precarious Looking decision which features a skull and crossbones a lightning ball a ghost of warning sign and a note touch sign We, also got the pink hedgehog, back He's just gonna run, away We're, gonna, stop him from going there and tell them off Quite rightly so right i guess we're. Just gonna go and touch it and see what happens, oh? oh He's gonna move in even further, away, you stay right yeah Is he gonna keep on going for it no don't touch it don't touch it you start stick, oh? Good, okay, we're fine looks, like we're Okay, so i'm guessing if we touch it the big hand will come back in oh wait A second he's gonna indiana, jones it that's not talking about now We can, leave the pink hedgehog behind and never have to see him, again see you later buddy, no no no no? No, don't don't jump doe no! Yeah, now he's turned into the letter, u and the big gorilla hand is back it does look like a gorilla hand or it imagine Like, what a end of a spider leg, would look, like if it had fingers, maybe. I'm not too, sure but here, we are? Through, some random forest Oh my goodness! Look at this Sloth, there's actually a warning sign that says no Chuchel That's slightly, offensive and kind of upsetting you you look, quite cool, but you, do have an Ear that's slightly too high on the side of your head Right let's see, what, we can, click let's click, these, guys We can, get them to shut up (wierd noises) Kind of, let's get rid of that sign, no one likes that, oh? It's not even a sign it's someone's head, oh? Wait a second, we can go back, oh i see, okay the pink hedgehog is back which is always causing, me some kind of trouble Looks like we've got different fruits Are we gonna plant him? Is he a seed? It's due to seed can, we grab any of these fruits Uh.That looks like a golden apple up here but, we can't grab any of them Maybe, we can, throw the hedgehog, to try, and grab it let's see grab. You, and then i'm gonna throw You to get the apple go Make, yourself useful xD Or not Wow. Maybe we can, take him over here he is one of you one of you can I put him in here? Let's see, what he does. xD it's like No we lost the pink thing again D: I'm so confused so very confused, oh there's a Blue berry up here we definitely can't grab it let's see what the the sloth does just gonna, ask him to borrow the cherry and he says no this guy is Outrageous, it must be something to do with the pink guy it just must be oh Yeah, she did yeah We got it he's cheering us on he's all happy let's grab this and eat it You aren't supposed to eat it xD I've started to a duck, my lifelong dream has been realized I finally turned into a duck let's. Grab him And let's ride him up into the distance No, i didn't mean to, do that right let's turn, back into a duck, and see if we can, fool this guy, hopefully He won't realize, who, we are we can just walk straight past him and hopefully he likes ducks let's go Let's go walk straight past you buddy, quack quack i'm a duck yes Love the music in this game it's so cool Yeah, i liked it You're, welcome sir you're welcome now give me the cherry thank you hey No, he still recognizes, me that's annoying i did a dance for you and everything are. You gonna treat, me like this right What's next we've got that's good for the golden apples even you shake, this tree i'm gonna pick the tree instead okay (weird clapping) It seems me one tree missing the golden apple, is attached to something else What does this turn us into? a blob Okay, we've got a little bit fats that's not good let's try And shake this tree instead i know things being fat is gonna help us here yes This, is the most unattractive looking, beam i've ever seen, let's eat it what are you, gonna become big blob, there we go, oh, my, goodness um Yeah, i wasn't expecting that no, no don't do it don't do it okay If we them in different orders they do different things They must do ah! There we go right let's eat me a pink one? Let's see if it changed us into something else or is this gonna make us real fat may it make us into a fat duck No, just the duck it's gonna give us a hint as, well i'm looking for an orange branch is there an orange Branch through here there is shake the street there, we go this should work Yeah, there it is the golden apple if my, um if my experience of golden apples Is true this should be the correct thing they're, usually pretty good, oh? I guess i'm a spider now, let's see what happens i guess, we can Also, shake this branch right here to see if he eats the blue Will that happen (weird noises)Shake it spider shake it that's not what you were supposed to do you, made it past him For at me right let's see what kind of dyes we can, do for this guy Now i am definitely not at ritual i'm just a little spider i'm just gonna poke you and He's gonna, hit me with a, cherry, okay he's definitely Smaller than you look, city, you, wanna try eating this bean and see if i become a giant Spider let's see what happens or will i just become a giant blob, oh? nothing Where did you come from or just happens, okay, so it definitely does different things um Let's choose, this, one i'm so confused green let's do happens if we the green as the spider Seems like different things happen, every time No, okay remember, in that i'm gonna have to get a hint guys feed him a Feed him a giant orange How do i do that, oh do i need to fees this The golden apple, go, and eat it eat it do it yes Literally around it down his throats Did anything happen Is he a mute nope he's turned into a spider I'm not sure that's what i was supposed to do, okay he's taking the spider with him what else could, we do with This, guy, oh look it's changed so he can, step on some of the green things and then maybe i can Step on him how, many is there once before yes of course, ok, so there's 4 Times 2. And then we can, step on the other ones as, well let's see what happens when, we become the spider the? Gold ones, the spider isn't it become the spider chuckle do your best buddy, grow. Those legs smoke you don't really grow Legs you just change two of your arms or legs and then luke was here We can, shut up the rest of the green things and then i don't know, what happens There we go? He's singing, oh he's falling asleep. Oh geez, what, do we do now? oh You've been absorbed can, we sneak past now please be super quick come buddy go go go, go every time every time He's gonna, take the cherry, away i wonder i really, want to know, who this guy, is with the giant hands See i knew he was nice all along he just wants to play as ukulele it's Jelly, man don't eat it don't do it don't eat it that's mine, well it stretches but don't eat it please let's try, and talk to him, maybe i Didn't think he, was gonna give it he's an absolute punk you think you're a punk i look, your tiny arms how can you do anything like, that tiny arm he's teasing me It's not very nice buddy You, told me again, this guy's an absolute punk Little t-rex arms you think you're funny, huh, okay, i think, we can go this, way I'm out of here let's just leave, oh maybe, we can, grab his little tiny arm Or scare him this is like the worst sneak attack, ever okay, so if we run, this way, he doesn't actually know, where we are? We can't just go and grab it because We tried that last time what about if we steal one of his eyeballs maybe that doesn't seem to work either he just spots Where, we are sees a giant round jelly man he ate it What the front man, oh? Why, how am i supposed to get outside of your tiny stomach, oh i could dive inside Okay, he is jelly let's see if this happens if we run this, way Can, we dive into his stomach Because he's not looking yes haha i am sided jelly, wants the stomach i did it and now, we could have a, little dance party Perfect, and oh? For goodness sake every time what whose side is this hedgehog on, oh? my, goodness Look, at that egg That is the world's obvious? Egg and now easy in my cherry and my hedgehog Weird take the spoon, crack this man open, and get the stuff out come on shut your you've got this buddy come on ah It looks like his head has just got too big for his eyes so creepy right let's try, and smash this guy open What am i doing, oh i can lift it up i can smash it smash, it i'm controlling this now hit it yes i Kind of feel? Bad but kind of not at the same time hit it you've got my friend and my object of food that i really really want Okay, he gave me back the pink thing i kind of want something else this is solid lift the spoon And smack him hit him there we go crack, this, bad boy open What's inside the ugliest leg, of all time we're just about to find out, oh a fried, egg i'm not sure that's how It works ready, but i'm guessing the more objects, we get out? Of this guy the better kind of i don't know. The better power, we have with the spoon Yes i'm so, sorry just give me, oh What's inside the ugliest egg of all time the ugliest chicken army a, whole time Oh, goodness haha, and he's just got had to prepare himself for next time wait, what, oh? We got the cherry, back anyway i didn't even spot that, did they grab it Cherry, i don't i think this is a fake one buddy, don't get too excited it is watch out You're, about to eat someone's face don't do it don't do it Just, stick with a small one you got greedy, choo, choo you got too greedy put him out what about My, body, well the other half of me there we go, now i'm just like the egg Don't put yourself back together. Cha, cha, what about your hats you've lost your hats yeah i thought i'd be worried, about his hats This is always exactly this as the egg situation, oh you know, what actually, like, that you look, good buddy He doesn't think so he's got another, bowler hat cowboy hat which hats Did you get her back there we go? finally never trust, always been ian, again, we're just back at square one This, guy just can't stay out of trouble right, okay the cherry, isn't another location looks like We have a sling shot and the goal to hit can, we get inside this, bowl let's try it come on to chill Okay, we're gonna fire the hedgehog instead that, did not work get in yourself, we can put it back let's fire him, go go wow Do, we have to get it over the top of here, oh? yes Wait it just bounced off i want the cherry, though ah look Someone else has been added to the mix okay, that's aim for this guy, and see what happens ah Yes yes i did it he's still got the cherry, though, so i'm not quite sure How, we get this thing this is so many of these what, what is happening it keeps on moving? do i need, a time this as, well No, that didn't work, oh? what happens I have no idea what i just? Did but i think i made it i just needed to hit every single one at least once go and grab the cherry he's gone Forget about the triangles and stuff, we completed how. Did i how but, we did all right what's gonna happen next ritchie where's your cherry, gone You, making a speech Okay, beautiful, why are you singing though and so confused. Oh wait i can click him get off the stage, boo How did i know. How. You and throwing rubber ducks and everything Random i got number one trophy i don't know what that was for probably for the best singing ever But it's. Okay, there's the cherry That's better than a number one trophy right eat it no please you are like the bane of my life noooooooo This, pink hedgehog bup is so angry It always getting squished, by different letters, oh? Look, at those biceps dude and eggs, eggs seemed to be the theme of this section dude look Battle robots. Oh this, is sweet let's get in? You've got this okay, we actually need to control this, we can, go backwards and forwards we can, use up-and-down to punch Bam yes got it go ahead punch it i've got a bunch of even father, yes What what you got me are you kidding i think it's whoever gets knocked over because you kind of tip as soon as you move She need, to be super careful but let's keep on pushing about. Yes i've got you You are not the king of the bathroom odds i am, oh? He's got a mind of his own now see i told you robots are gonna take over the world guys even in churchill worlds, oh? Bad my robot got absolutely, smacks but mine can. Apparently, do flying kings which is okay that's? Okay, with me Everyone loses yay apart from churchill, who gets the grand prize of the cherry Until, this guy comes in of course come on go on steal it If i just squish, this guy, my, problems will be over? Nope, he's gonna steal it get out of here come on let's follow. Him trichy, oh i Thought, this game was cute last time and now it's turning into an ugly fest wow, oh? I'm so, sorry sir his eyeball is falling out, what do i choose eyeball or cherry cherry or eyeball or hats let's use hat You, can't even see maybe we're the ones that need an, eyeball let's try The, eyeball, let's just let's let's repay our debts there we go put the eyeball back in this guy's head because i feel a little bit bad Wait you stole my actual hat, we swapped hats i mean stop eyes? No, judge or don't walk. Away, oh, dear what is actually going on everyone is so confused? No one can, see at least, my hat came off and i've got my cherry This, game is crazy it used to be cute now it's got crazy and a little bit ugly as Well things have got a little bit mad haven't they can You just grab the cherry, and get it over and done with i don't even have, any limbs left You know if we could take, this guy, to the end that'll be perfect No, the pink guy is gonna steal it again Okay, now you've got a radio a cherry in a cage and a jester outfit let's take a shower shall, we uh? We can eat the shower Why, would he want to eat oh, we can, put the water mouths Okay, you can stop now at least you're, well hydrated buddy, oh? No, no i need, to go to the toilet, is that true, is that what garage need to do oh, no Problem is it you do look, better though i like that how on you, oh? it changed at the north pole but, where's my, cherry gone Whoa, so whatever hat you put on changes the weather that's pretty cool, hey mr., snowman i'm gonna pee on you now You peed on a snowman that snowman that's evil you know he's be careful, oh no it rides get smacked Run, i thought it was gonna hit us with his, stick he just ended up kicking us and he doesn't even have Any feet right let's uh, make friends with the snowman let's wait he got the cherry, oh the cherry is his hat i didn't notice? This, guy, does not like us right now first, we pee on him then, we try and steal from him This is not it's not the best day for the snowman, let's just try and talk out say Sorry, apologize for our actions and hopefully he'll forgive us no okay fine Understandable what about the penguin okay That was not what i was expecting to happen it's like. A little snow globe though that's Cute let's change to the, jester maybe this will take us to medieval times No it takes us to Weird characters land all right there's a big red, button let's press it always press the big red, button It doesn't even what, oh it does work whoops no, oh? Gee i'm so, sorry this must have something to, do with the story, okay, you can just fix himself that's fine What is this a toadstool? Let's see, what i can, do to it Laughing, it that's mean It looks like a plug socket stop playing around with it buddy it's watch out See you need to stop making fun of people is not nice and now You're, gonna lick him you're, not making anyone happy today are you whoa Whoa, it had some kind of substance on it that made him go crazy, oh, my, goodness jules having, some kind of trip Never lick wild mushrooms guys, oh, we give us i didn't even know, what to do he's just having this trip And he's he can't come out of it are you, okay? Yep it's fine, okay, never look a mushroom that's not a good idea, what is cactus? Boy got to say probably shouldn't Climb him he's got spikes all over anything, yeah there we go, what did i just say, again Let's use the power of words to try and get this back No, he doesn't seem to speak, any kind of i was gonna, say, he doesn't seem to speak english but Churchill, was definitely not speaking than this right now Just grab it grab the cherry no Such an angry, little fluffball, isn't he, okay, let's switch, back into the other hats Where we've just got the cherry, and the radio let's see what happens if we turn it on? Okay, it's dance, oh, we can, change the music Hey, there we go you found, what he likes right the music is on what else can, we do to it bullshit Pushing, doesn't seem to work you definitely need to get some muscles on those spinny little arms buddy, maybe, we can just swipe it They'll, be way too easy of a puzzle though right, yeah it's not gonna happen What did i say about going to the gym ritual you need it Stop kicking things looking trying to grab it it doesn't go through the bars what be careful of why's the the little Stick will come off the stalk whatever it's called the cherry handle let's see if this has changed anything Maybe the cactus will dance or something Yeah, they're, dancing, they're actually dancing He's not gonna, do anything maybe the snowman or the penguin is dancing no no no no no? No, angry, ah look, we can touch the snow Let's see what, we can, do with this Okay, that was a bad idea? Eat it eat the snow if in doubt lick it no no twittery should you you messed up you messed up buddy Last time you licked something it turns you a little bit crazy and sent you to rainbow Land, oh, my, goodness churchill this is not good Your tongues for me that long forever now, maybe the big red, button works, oh? Yeah, now we know, what he does we could? Okay, maybe not looks like i'm gonna need a clue guys Something, about the tv Okay, you need, to put water in your mouth again, who do i need to Spray with the water though because last time you just needed to pick where you gonna pee on someone else are you kidding me Who, do you, want to pee on now. This guy Why can, i why can i pee on everyone this is so weird, oh my, goodness it's gonna go in his mouth No, no way, no way i just grew a mushroom I'm just gonna take this cherry, and run it's got spikes on it those two be careful Just keep on just grin and bear it buddy it's, okay? No, don't lick the mushroom remember, what happened last time Exactly geez, okay so i can't pick up the cherry that is a problem Let's even go to snow land and see what happens, ah, okay it's the same they've, also gained a polar bear and a walrus hey What's this, guy's problem there's something different, about the snow Globe does it do anything different or is it just getting more animals i think it's just capable animals right i think i know, what to do i need, everyone to dance then i get the cherries go on the floor then i come Back to this land because i should have done and then the cherry will be outside of the cage Hopefully, that's what happens gone dance your life, away, little cactus, you've got this There we go? Falls to the ground and then We're, gonna touch it it's gonna hurt and then if we switch to this hats there, we go the cherry is outside of where it should be yes that was a cool puzzle i liked that i didn't realize i had to pee on more than one person And now he's trying on that as, well i don't know i thought i completed it run to run One no no no no, no, no, why is this little pink, hair talks of smarts Oh, geez, what is this whack amole, no way right it's time to play this, is what i've out? This, is what i've wanted to do the whole time i want it to whack this dude so let's give it a, go Kapaa, go get him, get him in every single section be quicker though, way, quicker i'm gonna Guess it's two of them, is three there's four there's how. Many Now, they're, blue are you, still having the effects of the um i was gonna say the sausage the mushroom What is happening dudes this is like one big? Mushroom journey isn't it oh, my guinness. Jojo you're never gonna get this cherry back, oh don't Be sad it's pretty, ok, wait wait that's not, no, don't hit it oh, no We're, gonna, be in big trouble Just run, away you've already caused, way too much trouble then you can, fix just leave and now he's gonna steal the cherry, again This, world is so awesome i love it i wish i could, live here apart from the giant, like under the floor slug But you know, what i mean how, did you get the cherry back You must have run fast, oh? Ufos ufos have arrived and it's landed on top of the cherry Hey, that's the grossest alien, you've ever seen right It's trying to use mine powers No i expected you to look like He's like claim to the land that we're standing on i don't like, this i'm gonna have to take on an alien race But next time so guys i think We have about third of the game left i love this game is so much fun and i hope you enjoy watching it too if You, do and are excited to see, some more churchill, where we'll take on this really creepy looking alien Hopefully, save our cherry, and get right to the end of find out, who is behind the giant Hand that keeps on grabbing our cherry and just because of the rest of the game it's not gonna be who? We expect it to be at all it's gonna, be like the tiniest, bird with the biggest arm Anything, absolutely anything, by i'm excited to find out if you are to be frank like Would be greatly appreciated and why don't you if you haven't done so already subscribe and to join team Tdm today for daily videos partner that guys thank you so much for joining Me and turtle on another little adventure and we'll see you guys next time goodbye
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 6,230,757
Rating: 4.8847361 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm chuchel, chuchel dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, chuchel, cute game
Id: xLeOhS92gII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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