this guy tooted on me...

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hey guys dan here and welcome back to the dantdm live channel today i've got a very special video from the guys at epic games playing a game called ooblets thank you so much to epic gamers for sponsoring this video we had a great time on stream playing this game it is available right now in early access on the epic game store and you can check that out in the description below and since it's with the epic game store as well you can use a creator code uh if you want to use mine then use code dan tdm but you can use anyone's creator code just make sure that you do exactly the same as you do in games like fortnite you can use that in the epic game store as well ooblets is very pokemon style game it's like pokemon and animal crossing fused together you farm and grow your very own ooblets who battle in dance-offs it's actually a really cool game i had a lot of fun playing it and the art style is just adorable so um i hope you enjoyed if you're new around here hit that subscribe button that would be greatly appreciated hit a like as well just before you start watching and enjoy the video today we're playing ooblets i've wanted to play this game for a while and then um they reached out and were like hey we want to sponsor your stream give you the game and show it to your to your followers so i was like sweet you know what let's play this let's go and um i just want to make sure i'm saying what i'm supposed to be saying so uber is available now i think right now it's available now on the epic game store in early access and you can purchase it from the game store using the link that's going to be in the description of the video that i make from this or it's going to be in my about tab on the um on the twitch page i know they've changed the layout of the twitch page recently but it's one of the blocks on there you click it and you can be sent straight to the uh straight to the game and also use a support creator code if it's mine it's dantdm it's exactly the same as the fortnite item shop but you can use it in the epic game store uh make sure you use someone's code doesn't have to be mine but they get a share of uh whenever you buy the game so definitely do that and thank you so much to epic games for sponsoring this stream i appreciate you thank you i think that's what i have to say you know should we play and then we're going to play i kind of want to play with the controller but i think i'm going to go mouse and keyboard so let's hit new game and let's go the music is a a straight vibe all right is that too loud or is that good yeah rocket league's free to play now i'm actually gonna play it on saturday i think right what's your name buddy spell it out i'm just gonna go with dan you know what done it the way they like speak is hilarious uh right who is this hello what what face was she making just then i'm gonna ultra pale because that's me [Music] can i turn this guy around i can't turn around okay there's not a lot of hairs i think you can unlock stuff on this a bit lower it's quite loud in my headphones is that better that's fine uh so do i what hairstyle do i choose guys what do i choose make yourself bold i don't think you can do bold you can do bold with the side bits like a monk i know you're going to choose grandpa i know it are we going to do this the space buttons they're kind of nice too [Music] what i love about modern games is they don't make you pick male or female now i i kind of like that it's really good animal crossing nailed that anyway you're going to make me do this on you oh we could do we can do poll we can do a poll let's do a quick poll to start this off um which hair so we do one to five is left to right this come up yeah still comes up type one two three four five so one is this one two is this one three is this one four is this one five is this one vote please one two three four five what are we doing what we got oh actually you've been kind you've been nice to me you've been nice to me too tall thank you for eight months eight months strong indeed thank you my friends i appreciate you getting close to that year hey didn't this fan thank you for the 100 bits gex five thank you for the hundred bits page thank you 100 bits as well i'm sorry about that i think a lot of people are struggling at the moment but um hopefully streams immerse yourself and stuff you enjoy will help gx5700bits architecting yourself as well you're out of advanced story of the year i have i love pop bank genre ever since my brother my first content forever the sickest kids that's the throwback that's an old-school one i like that that's a good first show to go to yeah i'm a big pop punk fan uh jesus thank you the tier one sage naruto with the tier three out of nowhere okay thank you very much i appreciate that buddy thank you right i'm finishing the poll you guys been nice to me if it was my decision i would have picked the the grandpa here but you've gone for this one i think i'm gonna hit let's go for the pink hair let's go let's get you some clothes [Music] uh uh this kind of looks like a christmas jumper i wanna go for this one's probably my favorite let's hit this one i need to hide the ball be gone paul you're gone all right let's actually play geez i'm all over the place you look pretty good dan i appreciate it i feel good let's go so this game i haven't seen a lot about it to be honest but oh your life has been a giant too so far you spent all of that tutti life on the isolated acro islands where the people are stuffy and there aren't even any ooblets i'm a toot why am i a toot are they are they saying i'm just a ball of gas that's why you decided to leave they're calling me a a green ball of gas that's what happening beaut i'm tooting you're off to the distant shores of mainland ooh so ooblets are kind of like it's kind of like pokemon i think like a creature collecting game but they do dance-offs and stuff i'm pretty sure yeah just toots the perfect adjective for life a place you've only heard vague tales of have a fabled land of oddity creativity and cute i think it has animal crossing vibes too number two oh boy major maya tint tinsel i'm gonna say tinsel because tin's tool is hard to say are you from ooblet high council is this a surprise inspection did i fail uh no i'm down for ah rock island ah then how do you welcome to badge town oh is that new blue did you see that guy in the background that's hilarious my name is tinsel oh and i'm the mayor what can i help you with i'm looking to start a new life somewhere possibly here question mark splendor were you looking to buy a house maybe invest in the local economy well i have no money or skills or personal possessions so i'm i'm mad useless a true entrepreneur then i can work with this though yeah i've been needing the help of my ever expanding mayoral task list and there's an old abandoned farmhouse you can have if you help me with the junkyard around here you in three houses don't just go off it every day facts i'm in what can i help you with first nothing to do with toots please look at this ooblet it's wearing a crown where are your ubelets i don't have any they don't have ooblets where i'm from not even in the oogum it's going to be tough to do much without ooblets here or your local uber club will probably be able to give you one what oobleck club are you in we don't have oobleck clubs where i'm from either what is wrong with our heads it is moving strangely actually uh what no bother you can join one here let me fetch our local club leaders you can introduce yourself to some townsfolk in the meantime i i'm down talk to eight people oh look how cute i am ara talk to me digging your whole dealie you got going on very confused chic i'm dan and i'm new here my favorite type of person one i don't know yet i'm ara hello ara i like your ooblets very cute okay we can run this game is really cute man he's a highlight but i don't think he'll do anything with him just yet i speed run talking to eight people milo i'm milo i saw your boat pulling so are you some sort of rich tourist comes by a lot of postcards no no with the t-shirts no i'm dan i'm looking to start a new life i'm actually quite the opposite in this game we're we got nothing absolutely nothing what am i supposed to do with these novelty t-shirts sell them to uh to arrow here this game is this game is really cute hello i just spotted a lump stump what a great name as well wow we've got a wiggle whip down here as well look at charles you're standing awfully close to me okay sorry i should have social distance i apologize oh hi i'm dan i'm new in town i suppose you'll be wanting to know my name now huh that's okay you can tell me when you're ready even though i can see it above your speech bubble okay fine i'm chelse i make clothes at my shop kibon mon i'd shake your hand but i don't want to do that he's very uh he's very woke isn't he this man he knows what he knows what's going on in the real world oh look at this this is cute it's called dumber there's a guy sleeping in a vending machine i don't think i can use this just yet why is there a man in a vending machine is everyone on this island okay i left an island because i didn't like the people but i don't know about this uh dumbbell i'm calling my parrot that oh no are you the research assistant i requested three years ago no i'm just new here i'm dan introductions okay sure i'm ragnolia and i operate the learnery which observes a variety of purposes too complicated to get into right now and if you're going to be sticking around you should have this i've got a grumboir all of these names definitely are uh are in my brain right now gimme it keeps track of your tasks items friends and that sort of thing how does it do all that science magic and junk explains the world right there open your grandma with tab ah friends booblets badges almanac oh my goodness my brain we can make hot dogs with a carrot instead of a sausage i mean game of the year i want to see who this this person is right here is taffy taffy do yes it's true okay then i'm done go away what excuse me howdy dude you're looking for a bun i don't think so i'm just moving to town to batch time well i'm oh local bungle bee delivery fella here's a little gift from the bungle bee company town to welcome you nice and soft a good source of energy contains 40 energy look nice mad q this game is overloading me with kawhi right now finest pre-packaged bees in eat bungle bee buns for quick and easy boost your energy and mood probably probably don't know about the side effects is that a nooblet in a pirate hat i think it is how do you do my numbers not up is it i'm done i'm moving to the old farmhouse what's that noise is that a voice oh we can sell stuff to her nice you start asking too many questions tell me first all right well you need one more person i'll discover all these boobies hello double a customer what can i get you bean juice breasty sorry i don't actually have any money i have no money i have nothing to work with here not winning customer of the month so far but when you do scrounge up some money spend a hero cuddle dogs i'm double and i serve the best and only been juicing town right who's who is this guy what's going on i need this as soon as possible look at it explain that everyone is here now so basically uber clubs are little social groups that have their own themes and personalities these are our local uber club leaders i thought i'd let them each give you a quick pitch to see what they're about i don't need a pitch yeah this is kind of adventure time uh vibes as well i don't need a pitch i'm going for the guy in the the fish bowl why are you freaking me out front buns and tud we love to have you join from with the light fall the club for sweet cuties who love cute things could be me i am a sweet cutie peek snubs don't do pictures you should probably be pitching to me born leaders strong competitors and just generally successful people oh man oh here he is the guy here's the dude the club for clever people who aren't very good at social interactions i mean the latter applies to me the former does not apply to me at all um if you like adventure the outdoors in no i'll nature in my office okay so i kind of want to decide just on the ooblet i feel like this is like a starter pokemon right [Music] side key orbital i know this guy is like competitors and just generally successful people i'm putting another poll up i'm doing it i'm letting you control this all right which i think this is like choosing our starter so i'm going to put which starter do we want bitter who is this bug right here or do we want who's this lad side key he's like a little robot one or two i need to know i need to know uh let me catch up with these as well this is great timing uh naruto thank you for the 500 bits as well topping up that tier three you're crazy in the best way possible uh choose which one we want we'll admit uh we want side key or we want battle do we want this guy to lead us what do you want this guy to lead us he's found a um a fish bowl big enough for his afro i respect that uh demi phi thank you for the prime anna thank you for the six months as well price money thing of the hundred bits page 300 as well lay waste the poet i am good thank you how are you six months when are we getting that mad sick tony hawk pro skater game play i forgot that that was out that has to be soon it has to be oh that's noted i think it's from the epic game store as well so i will play that definitely i hope you're doing good man thank you for the six months we're doing good over here tdm fan thank you for 100 as well sage naruto thanking the gifted sub thanks for the love today and winch us think of the hundred bits too right who we got oh you want psyche real bad okay low key psyche let's go thank you for the votes my friend [Music] let's uh let's choose we're joining join mimpins yup i didn't am pissed even say it anticipate you'd pick me i can't i can't say all these words anticipate it's a real word but not mimpins well hopefully you'll be satisfied with your choice i've chosen an ublet for you that i pretty will be an acceptable companion here he is okay he's cute good choice guys good choice he's got a little mustache as well are you like a perfect match and they just they just leave now that you've got an uber you should try getting into a dance-off has she seen my just dance videos she's in for bubbles are mysterious creatures and apparently love dancing is very important all we can do is support their interests up elaborate contrived competitive dance scenarios for them to show off you'll be amazed at the sort of conflicts that get resolved through the medium of dance if only we did that in real life huh oh here comes a worthy competitor to let you practice oh no dance challenge from lump stuff yup here's where you pick which obelisk you want to dance you only have one so far so it's an easy choice oh it's going down oh it's going down each turn you do a random dance moves for you to choose from you have some basic moves that will always be available each ubler also has its own unique move with some experience they can learn new moves moves cost beats and you get fresh beats to use every turn okay that makes sense to start with you'll draw full moves and have three beats per turn so moves increase your points lower your opponents or do other junk okay so it's like a typical rpg battle system with cards but we're dancing oh my god on the right we swam backwards and forwards love in life uh the goal is to set this number oh i just want to check that i changed my um yeah i did change my thing okay good good good you always get this number of points before your opponent so yeah you can see that right there 20. pick a dance move to perform what we going to slay with it's like oh this is like tick-tock pokemon uh finite loop play next move twice earn seven points i don't know what do we choose steal three points they've got no points let's do a flip floss right now perform that look at that let him go so now we need to wait for them or we have to end turn with the end turn [Music] they're only one hype i have no idea what that does two points four points oh wait your hand shuffles every turn okay okay so we could do this first and then we get another card we can't do that one though we can do this one that's good a two card for four points that's pretty good uh now i have to admit okay this makes sense i like this third person tick-tock this is that cool this is like are we winning i think we're winning if we play the next move twice yeah let's do this our next move is going to go twice so we earn four points and do that twice i think we almost won oh we've got one more to go oh i was so close i don't know what the hype is maybe they get extra points oh wait they're actually getting some decent points stop i think we've won though and we perform that bad boy i think we won we want our first dance off let's go this is fun i like it very casual side key get seed from lump stump what does that mean it sounds a bit good job little lump sum you did great wait uh okay that's fine that's fine with me poop that out shoot that out even um plan me to grow new friends oh wait do we grow these guys so we dance battle each other and if we win they fought out a seed game of this this game is amazing uh head to your farmhouse and get settled in i'm going i'm out of here meetings with the farmhouse let's get out of here oh he's following but he's so smokes his legs are so tiny i shouldn't go running off yet oh is there a map or something oh here's my ooblet hollow babies home babies the way the casual talking is hilarious oh show me i'm going this way past the cute burbs i want to see what kind of free house we got i mean stop it her head is so weird why are you guys freaking out about what's wrong with their heads house thank you it's not much right now what do you expect for a free house i'm sure you'll be able to fix it up and make it real pretty maybe add some bunting bunting always helps wow what a junkyard i mean very unique property with a lot of potential please i bought you a couple of things to get you started with your farm sweetie bt seed a sweet root vegetable which can be used to create fructose takes three three days to grow um all these names are actually hurting my brain but i think we can get through it together um okay i got a scraper nice give it a shot don't dig deeper than six feet down anywhere around here [Music] what [Music] sauce that's sauce uh oh that's kind of nice press q to enable farming mode this will help you land select the land you want to work on have we got an emergency button around here i kind of want to press it mib's giving me weird vibes she's the imposter she's so is press space to use the scraper on the piece of land highlighted in the viewfinder thing all right okay where do we want to put this i'm just gonna put it like i'm gonna put it here use the dirt scraper on this sweet now i want to bury the seed yes aren't those sweetie btc's oh i've actually planted the wrong thing okay nice that's a good start on this and this come on this this and this hey someone give me a watering can please now you just need to water it here's a dribbly can dribbly can that's what i meant uh paige thank you very much you are on the bitboard enjoy manic uh maniac thank you for 100 bits how are you doing you're irish hello have you ever been and have you did you enjoy it also what's this game was about i have been to ireland yeah wait have i yeah i have been to ireland yeah i went for a random conference once i didn't get to see much of the city though which is a bit annoying um this is ooblets this is like a pokemon style creature collecting game merged with animal crossing where you and we're just learning how to farm now uh fabian sing 100 bits dirk thank you for the prime pacing 100 bits as well and nelly thank you for the five gifted subs that's super generous of you i appreciate that thank you all right let's dribble all over this put a little water from the tap here and then use it for your seeds she's if she's not if she's not put in prison by the end of this game we need to ring the police ourselves something's going on here and i don't like it this is cute though i like this game the house is crying this is my house this is my house my house is crying oh man three days and then i'll be like three real days we're getting the full i think she gave me an ubelet all we have to do is war the crops each day and harvest them once they're fully grown it's night time why am i with this creepy granny in the garden in the night time i i don't have an emergency meeting button you're already a pro at farming maybe semi-pro you'll improve thank you get some rest and i'll check on you tomorrow morning don't leave me with oh she's gone thank goodness whoa this house can't really be a scam because we got it for free so it can't really be a scam i'm gonna fill up my water real quick just in case she weird all right let's see what this this shack looks like inside could be worse could actually be worse there's nothing in my luggage oh well i can make like different recipes that's kind of cool let's just sleep hello sir i forgot you were here take a little sleepy sleep this is fun it's really cute and really random as well why is her hair head bob like that i don't know i don't think my neck and her head is like attached well at least the granny wasn't outside waiting to destroy me right let's go q space actions i wear and use up your energy oh no you can see how much energy you have here you can get your energy back by sleeping drinking bean juice and eating certain foods i think we got some of those didn't we got this sweetie wheaties or something else i can't remember go explore around a bit or something this game is full of little sass i like it stuff a bungle b bun yeah so this gives 40 energy so we don't need that just just yet let's see what happens that is why your head is so weird okay i get it who's this the government never wants you to have any fun okay that's a touchy topic i'm gonna leave think what you think what you want oh wait they're dance demands two muzz i won the bird though what is this i don't know what this empty shop is gonna be all right so i think it expands as well i need some clothes i got no money i'm getting some clothes oh yeah water the other plant you're right actually what's a this i don't know where that came from oh look this is where you buy stuff do you pay for it with like turkish delight that's what it looks like i could talk to this dude oh charles how though i like your story charles is full of sass as well it's a very sassy environment to be in i'm down it's gummies okay cool so i need to buy i need to get carrots for you what about you planklets oh man this is kind of crazy help tinsel with this task gets you access to the taskboard yeah 100 nice you found the town again you probably noticed my open office layout and that is cardboard turns out an aggressive little clicky claws has made town hall it's home every time i tried to go in it starts biting my ankles i guess i voted for the other guy maybe if you make a big show beating him in a dance battle it'd be enough to get him to leave so i can start using my office be prepared they're right on the other side of this door what she making that faces out um well there's a policeman here as well his his ooblets have little hats look at the way he moves is that you probably oh actually i'm here to report some suss the granny is the granny's acting weird around me officer very weird is that you now you're no plebard who are you i'm dan i just moved into town hello i'm chief officer chief of police he's he does a lot of things welcome to town let me know if you find out whatever happened to bubbard i think i could tell you i think i could tell you what happened to blob odd oh i found a gummy i'm not trying to be walking into people's houses like this a recipe piece nice give me a little door must seed ah yes so the mudslide is what i need for um battling one of those ooblets precious little bits don't use those a resource what does slurry mean have any of you played this token as well yo i just stole a lot from your house to me i'm really sorry i'm so sorry i just saw all that stuff but i'm gonna leave now oh we got up here the liberty is that's like a library hello we've met before actually how's the grand bar working out for you no unscheduled explosions i take it the magic book thingy i gave you i'm pretty useful also inert i don't i don't even know what it means do you guys know what that means i need a i need a dictionary up in here initial contact made with ubernoid variant what variant designation are you huh your name by local standards i am that oh he's a bit strange referred to me as video that's a great name hi i guess another video he's our leader [Music] for nothing to steal here see you later guys this game kind of cute it is i kind of wish i was playing with controller though playing my keyboard at the moment so that's like our team's hub which is nice look at the way my guy runs oh that's how i run in real life oh wait what's this i can pick stuff oh wait it's made out of molds do i really want to eat that though oh this is these are the different clubhouses dan spann i'm gonna pick all this stuff up i know i'm stealing i don't care i need to defeat the people in um town hall though i don't know if my guy by himself can do it ever in gernard's house should we just see if we can do it the first one was pretty easy let me see if i can um i can win this wait what about all these i have no planklets all the things i did have one muzz seed all right i'm going in we're going for another dance off let's do it where are they where are you punks [Music] that's not what i thought the clicky claws would be this little thing is biting her ankles oh man at least it's just one i think we can do this look what look at the group as well look at these glasses going on who's this guy at the back vibes okay steal three points i can do one of these in one of these so i'm going to perform this perform the shake down hit the boom oh we stinking up the battlefield and let's end our turn on that charlie's trembling yeah look at this goat one the goat in the background is really cute they got four points we got six gain eight beats pizza points you spend perform dance moves uh let's do this and then we're going to combine some of these actually i kind of want to steal some points [Music] okay we do this and then we hit this actually gets a decent amount of points i like this i like card games i'm a sucker for a card game so this is this is my kind of jam and it's really easy to understand as well so they got hype i still don't know what hype is can we win oh seven points that's nine steal three hype increases the power of dance moves uh i'm gonna do this and then i'm gonna do the other one oh no you don't keep your cards do you i'm an idiot i've never done that i keep thinking you keep the cards in your hand but you don't i came two points well that was that was a special card oh no oh they're going in wait we're equal now oh it means eight points i've won off one get out here they're gone i won the dancer let's go show me the toots show me the toots who's leveled up as well oh no he hasn't get seed from do you know what is he straining is he straining in the middle of the battlefield ready to toot this i think he is good job little clicky claws she did great but not good enough because i beat you there it is okay we need to plant these i need to water the other thing as well i knew you could do it totally and come to terms with the permanence of my cardboard outdoor office now that i can use town hall we can get started on all the projects i have planned to save that down is what i'm thinking what you're thinking huh fix the friendship sticker repair the old farmhouse help brognolia start her uber research reconstitute all mystery cans what should we do first get served into town by fixing up your musty shack into a less terrible shack find the beacon for this task in world to accept it okay we have to find certain beacons let's go home and plant this ooblet fix up your house it's an eyesore we'll see what else needs to be done by walking around town okay so we're two for two right now we've won two dance off enjoy your new office yeah they call it a farmhouse but it's more just a really terrible shed i like the little uh celebratory confetti that's great oh we can shake this tree for 10. quibs how many of those do we get three i think can we fight someone for the quibs the roots oh it might be these oh please be the bird please be the bird i was mars i'm sure that was someone for cribs first time on a live stream welcome to smart husky uh fabians thank you for 30 bits what do you call a pig that does cry a pork chop shout out shout out to fabian oh i need this guess out into town let's do it oh i need a cloth lit and some plank lets i can add the nernies though it's fine i've got mail as well it took me way too long to figure this out so you might not know yet you can find nernies in rocks i need some nernies uh teeny streams thank you for 100 bits how are you doing uh moxie mills thank you for the 200 bits she has a weird granny jg what's good you can get shiny ooblecks make sure you save up your resources you'll need them later for people's tasks thank you for the uh the tips did not know you could get shiny ones that's kind of cool brendan thank you for the six months as well when's minecraft i've got a couple of collabs lined up so i'm waiting to do those i promise you they'll be epic well tomcat thank you without your bits uh my eight-year-old is mad you said happy birthday to her brother but didn't like her drawing of you on twitter it's so much fun having kids i'm so sorry tell her i loved her drawing my twitter notifications are kind of broken though i get a lot so only like it only selects a few that come through oh wait nice i didn't need them but thanks say hi to her for me then it'll make it even i need to um water some of these and plant some of these let's plant um this one upon this it was this for this okay they're all ready let's go sweet so we need plank lids what did he say about rocks i've like forgotten right did it say how to bash rocks what is going on why is a coral reef on my farm did it say something about um about rocks i'm pretty sure i did maybe i can buy stuff actually let's go in here need seeds pikachu they give the kind words appreciate you oh look at this golden dribbler very weird thing to say actually i would say this freebie thank you oh trade what do you want to sell to me [Music] oh they don't actually go for much that's not very many gummies at all considering this is 250 gummies sweetie btc don't really need those muzz seeds cloth plant ah didn't i need those no i did oh i did clothlits i need to buy those but i haven't got 32 gummies the boys got two back up dirt scrapers did these break oh they don't break and get a carrot seed hmm [Music] this guy awake yet definitely not i feel like i need to oh maybe go up actually wait a second sweetie bts am i i'm growing those aren't i did i not plant this how do i planted this [Music] sure i bought it this oh it's a clicky claws one okay let me do this let's tell and let's move the must seed i'm getting the hang of it watch out so those take a few days i don't know how i i can't remember how i get the uh wait what's this i can't do anything with it just yet let's go all the way up hello grid i heard you're moving to town to help clean it up yeah i'm dying i'm outraged glad to have you we could use all the help we can get the mystery cans listed all over town are becoming an ecological disaster that was one of my tasks actually i'm gonna steal this mushroom just letting you know what's happening here then i kind of want to get i feel like i need to go to a wild area something really weird happened in the wildlands the whole town heard a really loud noise but by the time we got here there was nothing to see nobody's really sure what happened but whatever it was sure freaked out the local ooblets most of them ran off and the ones that stuck around to become really skittish i'm hoping to revitalize the area and provide friends for the native ubers by repopulating with more little powers if you'd like we can release some uber as you've grown into the wildlands you won't be able to go in there after them for a while but it might be beneficial if you have too many ulets taking up space on your farm uh no wait uber is a lot safer than the real world never abandon real pets in the oh i see i see i like that let's not do that i've only got one i don't want to send it out away that's not a good idea let's check out these houses real quick oh that is i'm not sure if that fancy mushroom but i see where you're going oh locked i'll both of them a lot so how do i get clanklets and nurnies can i have a look here i feel like they're in yeah look they're found items from somewhere what are sturdy gates yeah someone doesn't want me in there shake this let's get as much stuff as i can i wasn't paying attention to what it said about the rocks but i haven't seen any rocks i can smash this yet so i'm not sure what i can do why is this guy poking trash avenue you good bro i just want to be recognized as the genius i am for my taste in pop culture oh these are the cans wait where's all this trash even coming from oh wait this is one of the tasks give me all these cans arvin i'm sorry buddy i'm just gonna take all your stuff it's not cool if you take this well there's something else in there is there a book or am i tripping yay [Music] i thought i saw a book for some reason a recipe piece as well nice [Music] but there you steal his cans they look suspicious oh here we go how many cans do we need i've already got 14. please do not lick the recon tutor i wasn't about to do anything like that apologies you've had some prior issues with invalid constituted inputs what is the recon scooter it's a machine that transformed he's got a crown on his what he's got like a little full guy there can you see it it's cute see dangle bit oh okay so it changes like it's like a recycler basically see dangling so we can fish as well nice we're going fishing try it yourself it's very simple even for you thank you for the bait i appreciate it thank you use the sea dangling spot to catch something should we dangle let's do it choose your bait and cast your dangle what do i have to do please don't scare me i know it's click what do we get woods yes five planglets i actually need those let's go oh this little minion thing is well cute uh let's go again let's just fish up all this stuff and see what happens why is he pushing the old granny she's it's looking at his back very uh affectionately you collect mystery cans put them in the reconstitute to get more bait and again do not lick it i remember that okay how many designees oh five i need 12 hello nernia what's good i'm busy where's wait hold on a second how many of these does it make ten slurry makes one bait i'm gonna put all of these in here it takes a little bit of time this game is really cute though it kind of makes you want to do stuff because it's satisfying like even putting stuff in here is really satisfying what did you miss at the start of the stream me eating an apple so great content to be honest this game is new i think i don't think it's really new it's probably in the last like two months i think it came out i need slurry and i need 10 of them to make uh basic bait actually can we leave that yeah oh done it ah nice there's a lot of people here you okay fig you good a pretty gift from the sea i like this uber up here i can't even talk to him oh spore bits i can actually i only have one of these but i could dance with them if i find some more then you have to grow them that's the problem you can't you don't just get them straight away you have to oh is this gonna give me planks yes five planks okay now i know what i'm looking for i just want to be i want to be cuddled up on a sofa playing this game and kind of like i'm gonna do my my new setup tour soon that's kind of what i want to do over there so if i had another camera over there but keep my setup like have another setup over there oh there was a map this whole time hilarious and it shows me where my tasks are too yeah just having like a little cozy thing would be a cozy cell would be nice i've never got 15 oh actually we need nurnies now i don't actually know what those are but these are needs any cloth cloth blitz see if it's here must be a found item somewhere i'm just not sure where oh i could battle these as well um i'm just going to pet him for now we got here oh that's a cloth okay sweet so they're like the little the incident was removed i think i just found a new you find a new badge i was gonna say i i thought i found a piece of fortune cookie without the fortune cookie i just found the message i need to find more of those little things that are sticking up now that i know what i'm looking for i can see all the resources everywhere no can i battle you you got the glasses i want i want you i need another one of these i need eight of these though i don't know five five would be right i'm hoping slime rancher is good it's kind of it's similar cute vibes i'll chop this up just because it's here and i need more of these to take on one of the ooblets too i've got three i need two more but yeah well they only up here i might miss them oh the energy is going down as well anyone got any sneaky flock blitz in their garden i can steal oh there is one here i'm guessing they're gonna put five out somewhere is there one behind here [Music] other actually isn't it i need one more is there any more there must be another one oh my gosh such little legs you can't really keep up i feel really bad these guys really want to dance about me i i want to pick up everything but it uses energy so i just need to grab the um [Music] lost one of these unless i can grow another one or sleep baby don't think there is another one around here let's go sleep run out of energy i can't even run right now we're close though uh caius thank you for the prime rebuilt thank you for the four months shadow samurai i think you're in the two months as well ever thought of streaming or recording a zelda video i have done one before let's deposit all that we need one more of these then we're good [Music] i thought i stood on it i thought it was gonna break you earned your first badge what bad should i get oh it's exploring looks at ten thingy doodles thank you and some wish tokens look at this thing mad cute but i'm going to go sleep i want to see if a new day brings new thing in my bobbies yeah uh i have recorded a zelda video before but zelda is a big um a big commitment and i'm normally not very good at big commitments uh sienna thank you for the eight months sleepy phoenix think of 180 bits as well it's like youtuber's life it does have a similar art style wait i kind of want to have like an actual sleep there we go creeper craft thank you for the two months anyone crossing a game question mark if so can you come to my island i don't know to be honest with you there's lots of games coming out oh i can level up as well uh teeny streams things hundred bits the forest i have seen the forest elite dangerous i've heard of as well i'll check him out thank you buddy let's continue next day these ooblecks have been spotted i think we came across all of the do you come across these there's the goat as well oh these are the today's ones i want that goat i want it more youtubers live i've completed it though stock have been start collecting wishes you can dance tournaments ah okay i get this spin wishes at the wishing well and you can get more stuff nice there's my badge okay let's go and see how all our um stuff's getting on we've got mail is this ray what rain is this oh look at these they're almost done as well clicky close we'll have two more members in like zero what's 0.25 days how long is that someone do the math for me i don't need to i don't need to water them because it's raining right i need to find one more of those plants look at this rain it's super nice keep an eye out for that plant need it and any of those are the goats are here the goats are here [Music] sweetie beeties i need sweetie beeties this guy's still poking cans are you good bro i'll say this i'll take all your cans rainbow rain doesn't water them by the way okay it rains rainbows i didn't know that was possible is this like rare or something [Music] it's like finding a shiny pokemon without knowing shinies alright shovel these in here [Music] we can do some baits as well when i see one of those one more of those plants someone's garden's gotta have well can i plant them wait am i looking for i've already deposited them haven't i there's reds another twig why doesn't he get lucky are other activities we can do oh there's there's not any here i just want to upgrade my house bro right let's see what um what other activities there are we've got tinsel tasks up here so means go right up and it's just on the right [Music] what's this ara's house buy them from the wishing well i'll go to there in seconds fix the friendship sticker pruning press help the town folk remember to be nice to each other by fixing areas printed press and getting friendship stickers circulating all right what do i need i use it to make friendship stickers but it's all goofed up oh they can give each other stickers to signify their friendship the more stickers you have from someone the closer your friendship with them is oh so it's just a friendship system that's kind of cool what do you needs out throughout oh we're gonna need more resources on the ship it's just looking really serious then wait what do i need spool bits ten nurnies and one sweetie bt oh my gosh i'll say that i'll say this as well any other things to borrow and that's what we can borrow i like our room good vibes good vibes but let's go and find oh we need so many resources for this i'm gonna just gather as much as i can then thank you i can't believe i just need one of those plants and it wouldn't let me what is that uber doing up here are you okay sir hello milbert you good i'm still looking for a vitamin supplement to solve all my physical emotional financial problems aren't we all buddy aren't we all there must be another task around here somewhere hello you're still here if you're sticking around you might want to be on my good side might come in handy why does everyone sound like they're going to murder me are they okay they're all making me extremely nervous i'm gonna put that out there right away rusty's i wonder if i chop this up oh what have you got for me another badge thank you for the delivery oh wishing well let's go to the wishing well where is it though let me check the map i need to get used to where everything is wishing well wishing well is it in the middle is it here we tend to task in there i need to go top right as well okay sweet oh i need to go in the middle what am i doing it's like donut country i remember that game that video has a ridiculous amount of views i don't know why i think the thumbnail was good maybe ah here it is wish you well so we can buy oh what's this unhoney honey honey clicky claws and ugum will move to badge time i've already got i've already got clicky claws oh you can buy cloth lips yes done right i can buy a hundred gummies for 50 wishlits as well that's a cool system i like that whoever said that whoever said that with the um buying it from the wishing well you're a legend thank you i can't remember who it was i'm sorry all right let's deposit this we are done let's see what it transforms the farmhouse into with those kind of oh wait patch up them holes my ooblecks might be ready now as well oh here she is it's really weird i thought i heard the ulcer tones of amateur construction your place looks amazing i can't believe you did all this well fancy shack the uber high council will have nothing to complain about with this anymore but if you like you still decorate it and buy all sorts of furniture to spruce it up nice so we can use the stars to buy gummies which is the the currency let's check what we got here as well we might be interested i got a few fanny packs in store if you're looking to increase how much stuff you get oh nice okay this is almost done i don't know what time of day is i've got so many twitter notifications i'm scared i think i'm good we're good um so you can increase the stuff we kind of have a decent amount oh you can go straight here you don't even go to it oh okay so we need to go to the top right as well okay i'm getting the hang of this in the hang of it excuse me officer nothing weird going on here wait i could dance with not those there was another one there was another character that needed the twigs oh here it is research project let's begin triangle task is done [Music] ooble physiology can i help out oh yes definitely have you got a background in meta graviton counter physics should we say yeah i think we should say yeah i don't think so but okay maybe not well you might be still going to tell i've been having a hard time collecting ubuds myself so i could use a research system to find specimens and give you a reward of 50 gummies for each unique oobleck oh nice okay we're going to be in the money rare or gleaming variant of each ooblet type i'll give you so glimmie must be shiny i think that i think that's what that is nice i like her little uber as well that's cute [Music] okay let's scan the one that we've got uh mark thank you your brother is your big fan i want to say hi he has no can you please say hi hello hello to your brother you didn't put his name but hello how are you [Music] and say hi to uh your dog louie hey louie that's good thank you for the 200 bits dude have you got some new ubers i do it's like an interesting specimen let's get a scanning don't phrase circuits or anything i'll be upset side key scan complete easy money easy money oh nice they give me a little figure each time all right we should do two more of these and get some more money but one more task to do as well so i just need the resources for it all right let me go i still want some of these birds these mushrooms i can dance but i think i need spore bits for something else right i go to spool bits i need six i've got seven i get a little bit more i think what i should do is collect everything that i can so i don't do that i'm gonna regret it what do these birds need mozzies okay moses is something i haven't actually gathered yet shake the tree crumb berries there's like a shiny shell down there wait a sec [Music] what is this uncommon seashell i'll take it can i sell these things all right my energy's getting a bit low i'm gonna see if i can get my my ubers real quick i'm pretty sure i've got them by now they should be here then we need to collect blitz so we can make money we've got this guys we've got this easy collect everything okay thanks for the tips that fred frd hey we go let's see if we can pick this what's good bro it's clicky close hello lumpstomp welcome to the gang it's sold up i love i know it give me all right we got two oh yes how many gram in our party actually i'm guessing four nice dude now when we do a dance off we're going to have loads all right let's go where do we need to go we need to go to the lab and then we get 150 and then we start buying something oh no no i don't want to get addicted to another game but i think i might this is casual though i love it i've been looking for another way [Music] oh wait i'm not around right now come back later no ragnolia what are you doing to me why would you do that do i still need i need nurnies i don't know where i'm gonna get nernies from never mind i have ten already we're good sweetie beatty can i pick up one of those i can't remember if i did [Music] more available level two i got 100 gummies for 50 wishes that's quite expensive use on any crop to increase growth by a day that's pretty nice automatically what's the three by one error on your farm nice hello why is he angry at me because i ran past you chill so i need i literally just need the sweetie bt did i plant one already am i planting one already i might just sleep to skip it yeah i knew i i knew i'd seen the i've seen it somewhere say 1.5 days though how much was that thing to increase it oh five i'm gonna buy one of these i'm gonna use it i'm gonna use it on this one that takes 0.5 days now if i sleep i should be able to get it yes i'll see what clothes i can buy actually oh that's just in my storage wait oh no furniture either nice you're not even sleepy oh you can't just skip i see what how it is just for this then i might spend five more wishes just to speed up want to complete these tasks now that's ready to go look at the size of it i should be able to grab this now right yes all my tasks going to be complete real fast wait this is a sweet db isn't it it's saying red here it [Music] was it is yup yup now i can give friendship badges to everyone even though no one likes me here thanks you have the town sticker supply flowing again in no time glad to be of service the way she dances as well it's like a really terrible version of the floss okay all the tasks do be done let's go so i can't sleep if i'm not tired so i need to do tasks right oh these these i i can't i've already got one of these though i want to get the guys that i haven't got yet [Music] let's do a little bit more tasks [Music] grab some baits let's do some fishing let's try this dangle let's go is this new it's fairly new yeah i'm going to use this bait cost we go and get i don't think i need to do anything for this which is nice uh not jack thank you for the prime sub i appreciate that what on earth have i just caught a speedy grow pro that looks good to me kathleen thank you for the 100 bits as well we're doing great thank you how are you negative aaron's thank you for the prime dragonfx thank you for the prime as well uh let's go again do you get items from this not fish maybe we'll get a um [Music] stay soggy use on a crop to increase growth by three days wow stay watered for two days that's kind of nice how are you doing nirna the more seriously you take video games the better chance you can convince your parents you're making a chore of playing them nadia you're talking to the right person you are talking about the right person we're fine over here taffy what's good i like taffy oh so this is the sticker system i don't know if you saw that it's by my my face cam but every time i talk to them their little uh what's it called comes up little stickers come up okay what is next i've got two more ooblecks i wonder if she's back in our lab yet there she is oh wait are you what's going on how are you are you stuck i think you might be stuck no one in oh okay i want to scan my oobs yes i've got two more that means to 100 pounds 100 gummies where they're called their little noises are really cute thank you for my dis what's it called disbursement [Music] thank you my figure new badging coming as well nice we're making some progress guys wait [Music] what's on the bottom left cook one hot dog for constitute items buy something from cuddle cups cafe gets me five wish stars let's go inside and push someone let's put someone in here it is the place to be what is that dance and stuff are you good thanks to my medal thank you very much they are 40 of them that's insane i didn't mean to do that 80 an energy boost for a sophisticated uben contains 60 energy and increases run speed by 40 percent i don't think i want to spend that much that's a lot it's a lot of mula i'm not gonna spend that tell us the game there's always whenever i do a stream guys there's always a um i'm always in a category so you know what the game is below but this one is called hi there sorry hi i'm dan i just moved to town nice nice oh yeah i'm paddling i run the hair salon well barbershop it's nice meeting you and we actually oh we changed our hair wait oh we can buy back this right this might be the first thing we spend money on what do we want to go for can you do colors as well you want mohawk the mohawk is pretty fire it's either mohawk or this i kind of want to spin them around but i can't [Music] what do we do mohawk or bottom right another pole yeah i guess i could do another ball let's do another ball real quick oh right which hair what do i call this what do i call this i'm just gonna call it long mohawk or long one or two [Music] so this is bottom right right here or mohawk which one should we do between these two [Music] these two only while i checked my discord to see if um see if anyone's up playing among us later if not i could sleep we just got justin in okay wait wait wait [Music] we got one two three four we could we could have it among us later we could have it with some new people as well it's nice so you guys voted along i don't blame you the mohawk is pretty nice though i do like it i think in blue it would look pretty cool but for now let's go for bottom right we're gonna purchase a new hair can i change the color that's good oh that's a good hair nice can i change the color [Music] [Applause] change facial hair recolor oh wait let's check out beards and stuff oh that's a meaty beard [Music] look at the beard on that that's amazing right let's change the hair color they got some good colors i think i'm gonna go for the blue i'm gonna do blue right i definitely should do blue this is ooblets i should do a blue to the an ode to the old hair right oh no it wasn't my public discord it was my private discord where we're collecting people collecting sus people to play among us uh four day attic thank you for the prime ben shark playing the hundred bit barges thank you for the prime as well [Music] put in blue yes it blew my hair goes bold before it changes there we go thank you my friend nice to meet you dudes did it we don't need a pole for that one right so there is a way that you can wait let's go in here i want to see if you've got any more tasks for me real quick where is she oh wait i can put these in [Music] yeah oh this is nice all right lump sum can go here i've got another one goes over here side keep looking good side key [Music] ah here's our office okay nice she reminds me of princess i don't know what have you done where it where is she where's she go oh look we've got the purple under fade that's sick what what have you done bernard what evil lucha happenstance is led me to being tired every morning and not sleepy at night i can relate to that to be honest where has she gone but what i was gonna say was um she reminds me of princess bubblegum from adventure your eye on gurnards she's a weird one oh this one i want this this right here [Music] yeah i'll talk about my private discord sorry guys i got you confused hobby has gone on new shows and pretend to be an expert in whatever they're talking about those shoes might not last long on the trail but they look nice thank you he's poking nothing arvin's got an issue but i need to look at i can look at oh i want clothes i want to spend some money oh furniture as well wait i don't really have decent amounts of money or a decent house to put it in i could respect some furniture treasure chest oh these are different colors you could get soft stripes paint a bed is 150 [Music] even bigger house is 3 000. fabric cutter a wooden path i can already use wooden parts so i make a house cost you 2 000 as well okay so that's the goal that's the goal that's kind of like the um what's the chords i like the loneliness i'm crossing is this the outfits any close yeah here we go wait a second little recipe there's a mask are you kidding me it's zero face mask has been added to your wardrobe no way did they add that they must have added that right they must have done it because you see in ghosts the bum bag is 250 oh the nog warmer but i don't it's cute but it will cover my brand new hair charles everyone's suspicious of everyone in this town everyone hugs you cool you okay what's going on right i kind of want to sleep i'm not tired yet in game i feel like i need to water something [Music] yeah mars i'm gonna water that's embarrassing i know all my darcy is barking why are you looking at the scene don't freak me out like that please [Music] i'm convinced the dogs can see ghosts this is still got a little bit of time do i have anything else to plant why is she walking is there a ghost i don't want to get i'm scared i've just figured out what the time of day is as well okay oh seeds yeah this is where i need to go that's where i need to go yeah this is ooblets we got cloth plant seeds i need more muzz i think i'm gonna buy some muzz let's buy i think i just need one of these i need some sweetie beaties as well what does this do drips faster indeeds carrots what needed carrots [Music] oh and you can sell these as well well these are worth 12 okay why wait how much that's worth 100 do you need the shells for anything or no [Music] do i need the shells let me go and plant these [Music] right and switch out this [Music] actually we can plant stuff right here we need i want to make this a little bit spicy i swear if there's ghosts let's put this in like a five well i can't do it there one two three four five [Music] and then [Music] i wonder what the rainbow rain is about seems a bit random it looks like it looks like i watered the tree guy i'm sorry little tree guy all right so let's take 1.5 days there was one of these ooblets that definitely um took the carrots i'm just gonna i'm just gonna check the ooblecks randomly turn up this is the muzz i need to plant the muzz as well come do those but i don't need those what was it these guys sweetie bts spool bits okay one sec these don't close we don't need these to close oh it's an empty shot i was like no [Music] we should discord i don't have a public one i was talking about a private one these sweetie beaties i think i already have two but is it two that i needed to quickly check moz i need to plant let's check these those are spool bets what's this guy yeah two sweet bees i bought some anyway i'm just going to collect everything that i see as much energy that i can spend throw the beard out i just shaved it today it's been cut back so what do we have here that's muzz so i'm going to plant mussy mud's there oh these are sweetie bts already that's fine then we need to water them okay bro getting the hang of this it's getting real dark i don't want ghost in game to get me either you saw it goes through my chair stop stop this nonsense let's put some of this stuff away i do not have that much space do i all right how are we doing i think we're doing good benny mouse hello sir welcome back thank you for the hundred bits zesty creeper thank you for the tier one as well moof and link thank you for the hundred bits as well glad i can still watch your content glad you are still watching welcome back i leveled up there are newton's tasks yes increase exports by fulfilling three plenis orders turn on the badge town ublet tower and serp the hankerbot i think we talked to hangar earlier right these are the ones that have arrived so we can still get the bird we still get the goat and this shrub thing but i need the right amount of stuff let's have a look well there's something for 20 wishes as well plant 20 seeds talk to the mayor harvest crops but we have a choice in the harvest in the crops business use mouse wheel for this ah so much better food 0.75 days one day that was a car route for something i can't remember which one i might buy speedy grow those i want to use that on this muzz so it equals it out yeah there we go i was dropping some stuff over the dogs inside again a little sea dangling call this speed i just used one of those man thank you eight oh means clutch what's padre got me a cupcake oh thank you okay people are acting real nice to me now why is that how long do these need i'm gonna fertilize both of these now so i can go and get that that's all the seeds i have for now all right let's go and catch a noob let's do a dance dance off dance off with three as well i don't know if it's gonna be one-on-one but we can at least use someone new oh this is the guy sleeping away oh at one second i'm getting distracted i just want to check this real quick oh yeah this this is plenty's bulk order office hi plenty wait that's invoice i like the name our resident sleepyhead he's the regional distribution coordinator so what is plenty it's a company that stocks a myriad of automats around so many automats so you can make good money selling your produce to them just check out open orders ah 10 must get 65 so if you do these ones you get more money for them which is quite nice i think we already got these that's cool though i need to come back and check okay i think i get the the premise of the game it's really starting to open up open up now which is nice i want to go oh incidentals keep cleaning up the planted evidence so we'll need to bring more in wait something weird's going down here they're talking about covering something up for sure some more moldy canes whoa wait hold up what's happening over here hold on let me just put these cans away what is happening here oh these are the crews i knew it right here we go we're going into a dance battle with these guys it's oh there's three of them clompa and friends so we can get two of these nice or do we have to choose one right squads let's get it here we go dan's battle coming in three on three i'm scared we gotta get to 30 this time but we've got four to use so i'm gonna think about this i'm gonna use hype then we get powered up moves big brain so now that's five that's right and then we're done we've got five in our first one they've got up as well team clumper play the next move twice i wish we had the seven one uh let's do this again we've got another hype so we'll hype up and then we can use this to get four points in one go [Music] still four little punks uh nine points if i play this first i'm gonna destroy them with 18 point gain if they didn't steal points i think i would have uh go to one straight away right oh look at that 23. no they only stole four okay it was close though stunned target for two turns wait what and two points okay wait am i stunned or not oh one of them is they stunned my dude all right play next move twice let's think about this for a second i think i've won if i play this one i think i'm one pretty sure i won do this twice that's 12 right oh yeah get out of here get out of here we did it he's up to level two now i think i know what that means well done friends his ego has gone up oh new move stun target two turns that's what just happened to us if your claw's chilling you're stunned but you're fine you get experience as well get a seed from clompa yeah so you get the one from the one you interacted with good job little dude chew this this boy out for me plant me to grow new friends there's a classic seed right there ggs we do not eat over this no no we do not right hello they kind of freaked me out when they say hi to me i don't know why i need some small bets oh it's you did you dump a body in the ocean or something gurnards you won't even talk to me why why don't you talk to me she won't talk to me she's a weird one to be fair i'm the one harassing her let me see if i can get any more of those all this one up here i'll do another dance battle real quick one more sport oh there's one right there yeah i'm gonna do that dance val let's go i want a mushroom actually i'm gonna plant this this new one this new guy pusher in the what i tried i tried not sure that's the premise of the game i tried how long does this take one day should we just should we get this guy now should i speed it or no what should i do the fish is back you earned couldn't get okay what about 15 seeds it's 80 wishes that's a lot what am i more ooblets so i can get clicky claws oogum is kinda cute oh plenty's level two advanced orders hom produ juice more energy more home decor obsidian rare mystery pebbles supposed to be a hardened product created by gleamies wait what does obsidian do oh it's because i leveled up wasn't it from gloom is that increased gloomy chance maybe [Music] maybe it increases the gloomy chance even okay i'm distracted what should i do oh yes use the speed up thing oh gifted these anyway come to the team boy come on clumper there he is his goat boy was good bro his aggressive name belies their gentle nature right we got the full full gang right now we can go and take on the other dance crew let's go when it's among us i might if i can get a crew together tonight i'm gonna i'm gonna play something tonight even though i'm mad tired and that's because of a manga we'll work something out i want this shell because this show is worth a dollar where my little yeah these guys oh there's little birds as well this is a four or four dance battle let's go oh we get more cards as well nice oh this is we got more special cards too i completely forgot gain three points and one hype that's pretty nice so we do two three three points uh let me do this quick we get the right card off this what do we get the flip floss [Music] we can get 17 straight away i'm gonna do this and then this i think yeah i'm gonna do that next move twice we're gonna stack up the special moves all right and then we should get six and two hype so we play again and then we play this one [Music] so that's eleven and two hype let's go dude it's done target for one turn it's very mean but oh five that's a pretty that's a good card 1.6 what a good crew here guys we've got a good crew steal five i might do that yeah i'm going to do this the taki tap thank you very much and then we're going to do this fix it to 22 enter [Music] oh they're stealing as well [Music] five next move twice 18 plus nine oh we're going to 35 what's 18 plus 19 that's enough right i'm pretty sure do i do this and then this we win [Music] yes we do that card is insane whichever one that is with hype you get so much extra from it you hear no sounds maybe refresh look at our boys the goat has done us proud look at him he's beautiful i don't know if these guys evolved by the way i'm not sure get siege give me that seed he's going to get our money for the new ooblecks we found dude as if they chewed it out bro i need to go on that was extremely successful that went fast as well i was going gonna put on this boy this little boy how are we looking i'll swap out the cupcake on that it takes one day uh i'm gonna save that then or i'm gonna fertilize it i'm speed running i'm speedrunning the game oh look it's feeble hello oh you actually have five that you can do [Music] success oh wait they can wear stuff i'm just gonna pet it real quick welcome to the crew all right let's go and get some uh let's go get some money [Music] oh five little wooblies so let's scan them and then we should be able to we might be able to go into another fight you know i need the muzz i'll go back and get the mods i mean get the bird as well i'm gonna go do that now i'm doing that now and we can do a massive dance off five on five for the birds i still got 40 speed up seeds i feel like i should probably wait and not use the uh the seeds but only got left 0.5 they just went down to 0.25 days i take a nap speed that along a bit not even sleepy i'm just gonna speed up well that seems like a waste actually do i i have one muzzle on me or did i use it did i use that muzz from before guys i can't remember am i pretty much storage they soggy speedy grow pro oh maybe not maybe i didn't i and drift thank you for the prime official mythics thank you for the prime envy i see thank you for the prime as well and pj's go welcome back how are you thank you for the six months half a year on a nut oh we're going to sell today must see both pawns seems to be worth quite a that'll be good bit [Music] i just want to see where my other tasks are actually we say we just go over to here we go there anyway and up to the top all right let's see what our next task is [Music] get bad sound reconnected is this gonna be resources this is the old spooky ubnet tower it's been our commission since way before i came to the mayor so it's not my fault [Music] so this is oh they have like no internet they got a wi-fi [Music] yeah they need more in they need internet they need it there's a big lever in the back that looks ripe for flipping i'll do it myself but there are some rowdy ooblecks that made the tower at home and i can't get past them let's go let's go i'm heading in i'm heading in what's gonna await us what's gonna jump out us what is it oh clumper okay i can only choose three who do i choose i'm gonna go for this because he's got the double card uh let's try our new guy and let's go go as well dance dance dance oh this is like this is a dirty beat uh petty information add one fluster to the opponent's team the the image for that is so cute man um i got four i'm gonna add one oh look at the dude in the back can you see that guy watch when he turns around turn around come on bro turn around stun target for two turns this is not a good set of moves there he is look i want him [Music] uh i just have to do this in the end i think not a good combo steal four points well you took two stun target oh no he's doing it maybe i should have used some of them i've got four to use i'm just getting a little collection of points going i should use the stun what am i doing [Music] on four okay we're still winning just by a little bit never mind you fix the mic it sounds weird what's wrong with it add one fluster oh no i'm gonna have to fluster as well i don't know what fluster means though do i do one two three four let's do this one first i just find then we'll do bluster i'm gonna choose a random and then we'll do this one as well this is a tricky dance-off they got some some dodgy little moves there i don't know what the fluster means they're on 11. [Music] oh no dude they're destroying us i can do this though let's do this please catch up oh no oh [Music] no they're still winning as well oh never mind we're good right they're doing three points that's 18 to 20 one point [Music] oh what they keep using that card i only have four to use i'm gonna have to fluster i think uh one two three four let's do this [Music] if i do this two three four i get six points it's gonna be close i think i need to do this let's try this this could be a bad move no that was a good move that was a good move so this was oh no oh wait they're on two down though one point i can deal with that yes normal sabotage [Music] needs to get 10. we can steal eight points i'm gonna do that i'm definitely gonna do that [Music] give me a point give me him i like this music it's slapping a little bit [Music] right okay we're still good sweet so now we just need to do i think we've won and we if we just use this one that was a bit stressful oh we're good we have unlocked the tower the keepers of power weren't as aggressive as i thought they would be they're out of here everyone's leveling up as well i think that means they get extra cards he's got stun target for one turn zero that's nice why would i not want the seed i think i'm going to get the seed anyway i kind of wish it was from this bug guy because he's one of the stars but obviously there's a reason they don't give you that terrifying turds what a username thank you for the hundred bits jwa single 100 bits as well 105 actually thank you uh sam the waffle man that you 100 bits as well welcome to gaming college that's actually pretty cool i hope it goes well for you a free shadow thank you for the two months thanks for the continued support it feels like a shrombo's a bum in here isn't shrombo this guy this is all the interesting dialogue in this game wow did it work it'll work how did it work i guess there are oh there's other towers the nearest tower should be a mommunia when you're ready you should have over there and turn that one on too use gimbal's balloon oh i saw the balloon [Music] right that is done and a new badge thing coming this one looks oh that's cute oh there's two fish five dance bells a hundred wishes yes bro is this mine as well [Music] i mean a lot of issues right now 60 how many have i got now 345 nice okay let's go and see if we can go to that next town now so i think that'd be pretty cool to do right away it's this way gimbal powder sprouts you're like you're up for an adventure i just moved to town my name is dan sounds like you're already on an adventure i'm gimbal once i get my hot air balloon fixed i'll show you around oob what's wrong with this what's that looking hot air balloon you say the one will blow this tubelet town i'm saying the word why is it broken why can't i fix it for you i thought we're gonna be able to go there straight away let me see what the other task is far right i want to register these anyway let's go magikarp with legs it doesn't look like that i want this bird need the muzz elbow oh no he's got the hats as well but let's register these guys get some more money and then we'll go back speed up the muzz or it might be done already oh she's not here oh wait this is a contribute to science and increased talent happiness i could do that with a happiness man [Music] not very sociable is he that's because he's dead oh my goodness what a line what a line we're not dead so much is never alive and also not really sentient if he was it's my unfinished prototype for the hankerbot [Music] every day i can figure out what someone probably wants to give it to them my studies have shown that giving good gifts to people makes them like you although i've never been concerned are you going to finish building the handkerchief um 10 nernies obsidian quibb c-plop clothlin sporbit oh no that's a lot of random stuff 15 nernies one obsidian i could buy that here right hundred wishes yeah i can buy one of those waffles to ten spool bits sleep flop and squibs sleep i got one oh quips i was six i'm not too far off that i just need the nernies give me your nurnies right let's go and get any muzz let's get the most wait oh there's a clubhouse in there to the muzz uh fake twitch thank you for the prime i appreciate you man uh a ham named sam thank you as well for the 180 bits and the kind words thanks for making my childhood amazing thank you for your kind words that's awesome thank you right what was i gonna do oh yeah check these oh i already have 0.25 days left i need to go and do something let's go fish maybe do something that uses energy i need to take a little nap it's a little one little nap little nap oh look those cute little frogs in there gonna get some bait we're gonna do some fishing car step up yeah what are we going to get what are we going to get [Music] uh oh i stay soggy bag that's what i wanted so notice there's a little raft down there as well [Music] see flops i need i've got a c plot though for the ones i need i need to collect stuff i kind of just want to speed up time it doesn't move that fast because of carrots do we have this guy i don't think we have this guy no we don't two carrots i could go speed those up [Music] let's go do that there's six of them though a six six person dance off that worries me a little bit i'm good gamer monk how are you 0.75 that days i'll do that one i got two carrots i also have another these i want to use up my energy right now i don't know if i need to water these i'm just kind of doing it to waste the energy for now water my pretties right here we go i'm gonna go and do the the one on the beach i think do these little turnips down here here they are hello friends let's go it's a five one it's a four on four okay who do i wanna who do i wanna keep i don't think i've used his special move yet i'm sorry little mushroom sorry let's go oh they're level twos oh no got five choose this i'm just off with some big points we do that twice and effectively we've done that three times in one twelve points to start not bad uber's evolved i don't actually know the answers to that yet they can level up so i'm assuming they can but i don't know oh yeah he's got this card now let's go no let me do that so what do i want to do two essentially i've got six two three four five okay yeah we're gonna we're gonna go big on this town big so let's stun those let's choose infinite loop i use all my cards this turn oh man [Music] let me do that again oh and then this one another two points using all my cards add three trepidation useless cards oh wait add useless cards okay this is gain one point i game one i've got six okay let me do that [Music] adults here i'm gonna stun so we got two stun now what is this oh wait i did the mass completely wrong on this one they're doing that again that's horrible can you edit your deck i don't actually know uh d-bomb maybe try refreshing dude oh there's the useless card i see it i see it how many we need nine that's done [Music] do this i think we should be able to win with the right cards we should win next turn [Music] pretty sure that's good cheer squad ready for skate four i'm ready dude ready still three plus two is the correct mass deck is too powerful too powerful ambush no worries buddy welcome welcome along easy easy we've got some level ups as well so we should get some new cards and stuff game one hype for one not bad like that lumpy stomps going up as well [Music] gain six points and two hype nice and we can double that for 12 points and four hype that is op what a card what a card advice hey dude thank you for the six months to collect the wiggle whips thank you for the support of the six months dude hope you're doing well little toots give me the seed guys i'm out there i wish i ate my protein bar earlier i'm mad hungry and this game is very like food heavy so i'm feeling hungry all right let's plant this how long does this take [Music] one day i'm gonna speed up [Music] give me your wiggle whips spoopy whoopee was taken thank you for the two months dude so much i love your vidspods and streams thank you i really appreciate that i'm glad you're loving all the content i'm loving streaming right now right we've got six oobies six of them [Music] six so what did i need i needed the i need this is this done yet oh man why are you gonna do this to me i don't think i can nap yet either oh i just wanna nap or could spend some time you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna chop up some land real fast well you can actually waste it like this it's kind of funny still got some time but let me see if i can take a nap now okay hopefully this will i didn't want to waste the two power-ups say hi to adele and olivia adele olivia how's it going hope you enjoyed the stream videos are you done how is that not done yet it looks like it's oh this one's still taking a little bit though another nap i'm going in for nap number two [Music] not even sleepy oh i'll make sure that this one is done i need one more muzz the tiniest time as well they're going down so slowly one more nap please [Music] i don't know if it'll take me to night time i just wanted to get that bird i want to try a six on six dance battle but i don't think i'm gonna be able to we've collected major ooh blitz today though major how is that not even done yet that's got to be finished soon i'm going to watch it it's like the that's literally a pixel it's a pixel spoopy would be thank you for this two months again i appreciate you man come on if you're new around here as well guys if you click the follow button that'd be great i appreciate it i might be streaming later i don't know um it depends on my energy levels come on it's the slither slither right there blitz can't evolve okay i guess they stay cute forever i mean this is growing yes let's go get some birds i don't know if they change at nighttime burbs burbs where have they gone they actually left i think that let's dance fellas oh there's one two three four five there's six there's six this is a big bow let's go big battle oh no there's there's so many of them too right gain one point game one hype add three oh we got this gain one hype i thought we should do that yeah let's do this we want to hype up all these moves then we do oh we got game two points just for free [Music] outputs up to let's do that one it's free why not we'll get to 40 points though let's do flip floss 13 points in one round and an extra hype let's go and this oh they have a stunning one oh no oh though they did three stuns [Music] i think i might do that let's keep getting hyped that would have been worth way more before i'm gonna get up there with the points i think i've got a decent lead i think don't keep stunning me though their special card is already worth one one trepidation that's fine the bird is really cute [Music] oh silla is worth one only stands for one turn i think we got one stun though that's good we're doing 26. right five to spend i can gain a beat and gain three points from amber [Music] that's three hype five points this gains four now i think we've won i'm pretty sure we've won uh miss random that's cool say hi to her for me i think we've won we gassed ourselves up and won yes easy uh spartan trade thank you for the prime yes this is moving on youtube tomorrow i think what's the performance well done fellas that's what i say what does it say would say increase opponents be cost by one per move the rest of the battle that's strong it's expensive though easy club i should get another card for this dude now as well stun target for one turn that's what they were using on us so it's kind of good give me the seeds give me i wanna grow you well that's a weird scene did not expect that at all winners i think we've collected pretty much every ooh look we could have already that's pretty wild all right let me quickly go and i think i'm gonna grow this dude one day let me go to sleep let's see if we can grow him straight away sleep till morning yeah we've oh what's this is that a rare one there's a round one there's a real one i'm pretty sure there's a real one i'm gonna speed you up buddy [Music] welcome dumb very very cute oh he's oh he's twerking whoa calm down hey go chill from the sense of my stream oh you can have seven following you what i wanna see if i can find this rare dude there's red ones normals normals hands over there i don't know if you experience them when you run into them look at my crew though who is chilling there's a lot of these guys around so we could farm for them there they are one two three four five one two three four five i think i want to try out instead of this wait was this one good too all right let's go let's try and get this red one and then we're we're good i think we high levels though i'm worried or five to work with let's gain a height we've got four to spend oh okay okay and then let's do another stun oh man that's gonna put them down what's this giant radish in the background as well what serpo live thank you for the prime i appreciate you thank you how's it going i think we're done where did these viewers come from hello how are you hit the follow button if you're new all right they're definitely gonna get we have a similar crew actually i just want this red guy i'm gonna steal and do this and steal some points oh no i didn't oh i should have done that i could only steal four let's do this perform this get six and then steal four we got it we got it we got it i'm doing among us i'm gonna do another stream later maybe if i can get a crew together so now i want to do steal four points [Music] oh here it is six points and two hype for three let me do this 100 [Applause] now these are six for two that's such a powerful card [Music] there red guy's done anything just stunned him i've been getting three for free might as well or wherever halfway we got this more hype yes i'm using all these oh these are five for one now five points for one spend that's crazy perform this let's go i'm really enjoying this game by the way it's so much fun we've got a great squad that guy their main guy is still stunned okay nine points in two hype that wins it straight away we win look how much hype we're on [Music] okay 80 experience let's go so we should be able to get that red guy now stun opponent team for one turn gimme lots of stunning coming out my team as well right so we should be able to get is it going to be a red seed it is unusual lump stump seed so this should give a red one look at that let's go let me run up here real fast i'm going to plant this and just use the speedy thing that i got i want to see him i want to see if he's rare or if he's gleaming i'm going to guess it's rare so if we plant this only takes one day speedy grow so it doesn't take any longer but there he is he's red [Music] who's that oh you could have all of these for how many can you have following you okay so if we go to ooblets no the almanac yeah there you go uncommon we got an uncommon one that's kind of sick it says uncommons of each one and then a glimmie nice i'm about it look at our army we could go on seven on seven i'm guessing i don't know how many could follow you i thought it was gonna be six but there's eight following me right now eight that's insane yeah i don't know where these viewers came from i think we're front page right now which is bad timing because i gotta go i gotta go guys thank you so much for watching this stream it's been a it's been a pleasure and thank you for epic games for sponsoring the stream as well ooblecks is right out right now on the early access for the epic games store so you can click the top of my info panels or my about panels if you're on pc or or mobile or if you're watching this afterwards you can check out the link in the description below and yeah go check out ooblecks make sure you're using the creator code as well thank you for joining me for the stream follow if you're brand new because i might do another stream later on among us because i'm excited to play that game but um i will see you guys soon thank you so much for let me see my save yeah save and quit yeah thank you so much for joining me i know a lot of you are at school thanks for watching me in apple at the beginning that was kind of fun thank you so much for watching and i'll i'll see you soon love you all thanks for all the bits thanks for all the subs thanks for the followers bye
Channel: DanTDM Live
Views: 1,370,495
Rating: 4.9347615 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm live, gaming, video games, ooblets
Id: _lNiaXm1A7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 4sec (7984 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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