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before we start this I have a question for you have you ever wanted to be an octopus no well I have and that's why today we are playing Octodad dadliest catch now this game is by no means new it is quite an old game now but it's been requested on and off for the past few years that I've done YouTube so I thought you know what let's play this and what is Octodad well Octodad is the story of an octopus posing as a dad and he used to be as normal as possible but that ends so easy when you've got eight arms so you know what let's just get straight into this new game here we go let's see what it's like to be an octopus shall we I'm actually really excited to play as I went to plays for so long and never got around to it so I am hype here we go I think I think that's our lovely wife I'm pretty sure I'm pretty good at an up I should probably turn up oh don't be sad it's okay he's just running late he's always late exactly exactly I'm always late earth is keeping him I have no idea what is wrong with me is that me mr. GRU the world is starting are you ready ah there's me you're not even dressed no presentable she's waiting for you oh geez see I told you a life of a squid getting dressed is that a joke okay so move the mouse to control octodad's arms so as you can see this is going to be insane watch this ah get up get all this junk off I don't need that or need that why is there a baby's bottle that's really interesting there we go ha ha remove the cushions left click to grab left click again to drop the held objects so the cool thing about this game is that you've got this crazy tentacle arm that just doesn't do exactly what you say it wants to do so you have to kind of control it and do all these missions and it's really really funny so let's grab this and remove that get off get off how do I get how do I get it off me go oh went back on come on get off there we go nice ok and that and that as well oh there's a key unlock the cabinet using the key how do I move around hold the right click and move the mouse or use a scroll wheel to raise or lower your arm okay so we can how oh I see there we go nice all the cabinet's in front of us I was like what all right let's see if we can do this can we do this there we go oh we have to knock the bottom one as well life as a squid guy's life is this good we get it though but now we have to open the cabinet ok things get a lot harder Paul oh um ah was that supposed to happen I mean this was probably a very expensive wedding venue was was this supposed to happen huh click the middle mouse button space while switching to the legs mode oh no oh no hold the right mouse button it will gradually lift the right leg there we go ok I don't know Jesus he's got very high and what about the left one ok there we go not too bad how do we even walk holding the left mouse button will gradually lift your left leg oh my goodness this is gonna be insane how am I suppose to go out the door shall we let's go out the door let's go there yes I got a tie do I need to tie I need the tie right can I pick up this check I can the good jaws of this are so awkward that really awkward right let's open this let's not break it this time though come on walk forwards walk forwards walk this way octopus listen to me what are you doing your leg is stuck to the flowers get it come on move it move oh no the chairs coming with us oh no find them where you are tux I want to get rid of this um what am I gonna what am I gonna do how am I gonna explain to my future wife that I've destroyed everything oh geez right let's try and go this way shall we the way he walks we've got banana skins to eat and watch it oh wait wait wait wait I want to see what this red button does what is the red button do let's have a quick look push Hey no we need to dance we need ads there we go that's what I'm talking about that nice oh wow oh wow yes I think that's enough of that stop stop there we go oh geez I'm in so much trouble oh I found the dressing room though the dressing rooms over here come on just find our tuxedo there it is you sneaky son of a gun right let's walk over to it casually careful careful and we grab it there we go tuxedo tuxedo only and look like I was beak unlock the whole door okay let's try this shall we or no she's gonna be happy with me or mad well when she sees this she's definitely going to be mad but where is the hole is that the hole I think this is the hole the balloons everywhere my cutest I'm in so much trouble right the see if we can reach it from here hurry check there we go nice check go away I don't go away chair chair go out the way please geez okay you know what you can come with me come with me to get married find your bowtie um oh no oh no is that is those banana peels those are banana peels ah be kept oh I was gonna say be careful don't touch that is my bowtie on that podium I think it might I might going to slip on these let's see I'm gonna slip I mean that's it yeah I'm gonna slip I got blown by that thing as well oh jeez this is gonna be so challenging is this my bow tie bow tie is this a bow tie no that that's that's a book I don't need that what about this don't need that either where's my bow tie bow tie bow tie um there it is of course it is it's it's on the stained-glass window it's telling me to throw things let's do that throat throat scoop get out up get out of here presents no we don't need those right now hopefully there's no breakables in there jeez all right let's see if we can grab this bow tie shall we it's so difficult to control no oh no this place is gonna be so expensive oh geez right we need to move this glass as well I'm sorry grab the boats aye sir grab the bow tie there we go stick it on you stick it there we go but get past the hall door what you mean this I need to get past this oh my goodness how do I do that is there like a lever or something let's see if we can pull it apart No smash it smash it open the door open the door for me there must be a switch somewhere event this way um I'm guessing that's my wedding oh this is the door that I need to get past no one I'll wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait do I look good do I look good I can't quite see myself right now there we go do all the goods I think so let's carry on lift that gate Scott lift it lift it there you go buddy not too bad I'm stuck I'm stuck oh hello let go let go let go oh my goodness formal attire only I think I am pretty good to go here right it's wedding time suckers oh goodness sake really I appreciate the gifts but please just leave them in a better location next time thank you very much I'm gonna go get married here we go invent this harmony our only place oh wait wait wait wait wait wait I need this I need my I need my hat give him a hat there we go put it on nice I look even better now even better wait did I do it did I do it I don't know I can hear the music here we go walk down the aisle safely people are watching if you make a mess they'll get suspicious of you too much suspicion and you'll get caught oh no that is that is awful that is really awful let go of the door I need to be so careful all I need to go like how am I supposed to get right here we're gonna have such beautiful children like a human and is that a fish well that's a fish why is there a fish here maybe maybe my parent is that fish right that all I think I'm doing that I'm doing it either does it don't touch it just just go very very carefully there we go I think I've got this guys I think I've got this there we go will you stop being so mean to me please are these bananas though are these bananas are gonna be so tricky there we go nice we made it over the first one don't judge the vardas and go no although it's so close that was so close the thing we made it we made it ha we made it let's get married he sure seems slimy enough nice thank you thank you so much let's go let's go retrieve the ring oh I have to do literally everything where is the ring gonna be though is it in there ring ring why Oh seriously is it in here I think it is in here what why is it in this box of jewels do they just like randomly have a ring that you want to pick I have no idea right it's grab the ring there we go we can get marries now don't worry if you haven't got one it's all good so good I don't need a ring gonna be so handsome I'm so much give the ring to Scarlett there you go yes it's massive it's literally the size of her head haha we did it we got married we got dressed and got married see how difficult this is gonna be it's gonna be pretty difficult there we go look at that fabulous squiddy mustache as well very nice indeed well guys there's your first taste and my first taste of octo duck we control this guy I can't control I can't go to him look put I can controlling through the credits yeah let's spin around the spin around there we go I miss every letter give me your letters ah there we go that's what I'm talking about you didn't make this game you make this game get out of here so yeah the first taste of Octodad what do you guys think if you're enjoying it so far would like tea small and please leave a thumbs up that would be awesome but the video is not over yet do not worry we're gonna be playing some more when we land on earth I guess hey into the sea perfect we live in the sea or the human land and I do because I'd like an underwater base or something like that that would be pretty snazzy not gonna lie right here we go here we go we are feeling pretty groggy get to the kitchen oh look we have got kids um at least they don't look like squids I mean geez that would have been horrific can I get up please there we go get up dad it's okay I feel like we should give him a name or should we just call him Octodad let's just call him dad because otherwise it can be a bit weird right that's Jonas it's 2 p.m. you woke up so late right let's turn this off smack smack it smack it no that's the drawer you don't oh no no no no no you don't the drawers stop it that looks that works what else is in these drawers we've got another tie can I wear this tie I want to wear it I want to change ties number one dad yeah that one's better I like that and what else have we got let's have a look in here we got some shirts and stuff but swear that we can't wear that let's throw that and what's in the last drawer more shut how many shirts does one guy need I mean seriously we're not even wearing the tie I wanted to wear the tie all right which one's the kitchen I'm gonna guess this one yeah dad's up for some reason I don't dry out either is there is there a reason for that I don't dry out hey buddy dad are we going to build a tree castle this summer you mean a tree house there we go set it straight away no where's our princess in her castle yes they do so they don't even suspect that I'm a squid either an octopus that is very strange the sea I don't even speak I don't even speak this is a very nice house actually I like this but see you later kids enjoy playing I'm gonna go and be an optic Yuman in the kitchen yeah we hello thank you make some coffee oh that's gonna be tricky that's gonna be real tricky what is that what is that that she served it's like green eggs how do I make coffee um okay there's coffee up here I think let's try and grab this oh no no no no no be careful be careful I've got the coffee I've got the coffee I'm swimming everywhere we've got more somewhere right I don't care I'm sorry I'm bathing myself in coffee right now so I think I put this in here there we go not too shabby see how do you trim a squids ha ha right let's try this oh I need a cup I need a cup I need a cup or do I let's see what happens oh oh oh oh do I need to put this here I need some I need I need a cup we own no cops we have no cops or swivel what about this that work Hey there we go my wife is talking all kinds of strange things right now about UFOs you're married to a human squid things Tacey some milk oh honey did you read my latest radical no review with the mayor and I tore him apart you absolute savage chocolate milk I need to go and give this to Stacy oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no I'm stuck I'm stuck oh no no ah she didn't even turn around uh I'm just gonna I'm just gonna carry on with my day don't even look at me though nothing happens I heard some crashing from the living room mister no you didn't know you didn't you didn't hear anything you did not hear anything right Stacy you on your milk are have your milk have your milk and eat I just throw that kid I'm so sorry no for the chair doubt I was supposed to put it in a cup I'm such a bad octopus actually I'm a very good octopus but a very bad dad how am I supposed to get it in a cup that's impossible there you go try and get it in the cup somehow please yes ah no problem I want some too so far so good here we go I'll be out of town on an assignment whom you gave me my coffee thank you very much he saw that tartar sauce what are you making ocean jokes because that's not funny it's not funny jeez the table the table is having a fit ha ha the tables got crazy oh I saw inside our brain this is incredibly old this is incredibly awkward very awkward so we have different chores that we can do we can grill and serve burgers weed the garden get the mower from the shed and chop some firewood does anyone really do that I mean I'm not too sure but let's see what's going I just waterslide yeah I'm sliding so very slowly all right let's see what is inside the shed shall we oh of course what why do we have so many of these I mean there's baseballs there's footballs as basketballs I want this molar though can i grab it I need to grab it there we go got it I got it no no come here I got it let's mole alone okay oh my goodness you have to get rid of all of these grassy patches I think we do this is gonna be so odd and then we can go on the seesaw oh no no I didn't I didn't mean it I didn't mean I didn't mean to mow the flowers I'm sorry I'm sorry do I have to do all of this it's very difficult just two more to go they're possibly the hardest one so far they're to me just fling it around get it get it get it oh it came off go on just two please just mow it just mow it hey we didn't now let go of that thing please weed the garden so we need to plot all of these out can I throw them can I throw them right grab it there we go and can I throw it I want to throw it over the wall at the neighbors okay this one's not too bad we can't really mess this one up too bad oh yes I can yes I can apparently I care as anymore weeds is it there we go I want to take this gnome with me as well let's not step on the flowers otherwise mum will get mad it's on another tie there's another tie on the roof how do I get that get it for me no get it you didn't really do a good job did you right grill and serve burgers let's do that because everyone's gonna be hungry and what else have I got to do chops at us chop some firewood first and then we can deal with our hunger afterwards oh geez of all things an axe I have to use an axe here we go let's try it ah ah gotcha that's what I'm talking about do I have to keep putting oh no this is about this as bad news this is really bad news I'm almost chopping my ah ah no stop okay chop number so there we go do I have to chop all of these there's only there's two more to go okay I think I can do this these controls though ah ah come get him get a blessed oh is this so difficult one more to go big swing and key ah yeah that's what I'm talking about now what we need to do is grill and serve some burgers but first I want to do a little bit of play on the slide let's see if we do this here we go I'll do the slide I want to use the spy please is this how you do it humans ha ha what is his legs doing oh that's so freaky whoa whoa whoa I think we get the tie get the tied get it oh jeez hold on a second what is this stuff that we are eating I mean everything is green like really really green are the burgers over here sorry sorry I just need to get past you can you move please so rude okay let do this we need to open this there we go oh sorry sorry I'm into it by the time ah this is so difficult Burger Time there we go nice right let's put this way it doesn't matter it spilled on the floor don't worry about it and this one as well it's burgers for everyone I wanna keep falling off why this one that one is like on its end I don't even know how I did that get on there there we go did it Joy's I don't even do that what happens burn I think all of them are gonna burn I'm just a squid and octopus whatever you want to call me I can't cook I think I have to put them on the buns as well so let's try that shall we no I don't want the class put that down here we go here we go plop it on - haha no ah there we go now one of them is there although they've all been on the floor at some point let's see if we can throw it on there you ready huh no all right last burger for you little lady here we go chores done what they taste like magic well that's what happens when you get an octopus to cook for you what is this oh it's just a birdhouse I'm so confused for seconds I need to put this on hook put it on the hook on the hook there we go boys water once what just happened did it what's that just that is lit something chef just came out of nowhere and shocked me up all I was doing is put up a birdhouse I might have done it very well but there's no need to actually kill me I mean geez put it on there we go no move move Oh suppose a god I see how am I supposed to do this umm umm wait grab something grab something quick knock it knock it down knock it down and go into leg mode ah ah let's try knock the the gnomes off there we go No nice yes ah you jump honey what's going on over there uh absolutely nothing anyway I have a surprise for the whole family a free trip to the aquarium I don't want to go back there I know you think aquariums are festering prisons of iniquity but I've got to write an article for the paper Oh can't you accept in this time the blackmail the blackmail Wow with me oh ah groceries we need to go to the grocery store we need things like cereal are you lying to me right kids well we already have cereal we need so much cereal then it's settled we're all going to the grocery store great that will go perfectly fine without a hitch I am sure just yeah Pizza sounds good chocolate milk yeah okay we're going we're going okay fine the frozen pizza barn we're gonna have to wait until next time I'm really sorry guys this has been an experience it's been very very fun indeed but this is kinda like a pilot episode if you guys want to see some more octodad then please do let me know by leaving a big fat thumbs up that'd be greatly appreciated and it's them to be the first video seen by me please do consider subscribing through drawing team TD ends April daily gameplay videos Bhavna hope you enjoyed being an octopus with me today and I'll see you guys in the next video good
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 7,485,184
Rating: 4.9133801 out of 5
Keywords: octodad, octodad dadliest catch, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, challenge, app, free app, free app game, free game
Id: 1Ajt79EQfkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2016
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