What's INSIDE a $1,000,000 Heavy Rescue

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welcome back to heroes next door today we're doing a station rigs we're in millsboro delaware and this is their rescue [Music] this is our first station in delaware we're going to be doing a station rigs and a station crib so pay attention to that right now we're going to run into their assistant chief who was a past chief this is matt and he's going to kind of walk us through this truck this is a 2018 e1 rescue and he's got all the details thank you for inviting us down matt we appreciate it so let us know what's inside here what do you got so this is a 2018 e1 rescue truck it's a walk-in variation so up front here is just the driver and officer seating multi-screen displays on both sides to operate the apparatus mdt on the officer side and uh 800 megahertz radios for communication okay so you can you talk from front to the back so you guys know what's going on yes we have an intercom system and a camera system from the front to the back that we communicate with right and the one thing i noticed that right away is this is a push button transmission you don't have the old transmissions yeah everything is uh everything's push button very cool so nice and simplistic on the inside here but you guys i got a ton of stuff on the outside can you walk me through what's on the outside sure we're just going to go cabinet by cabinet and right behind here is what's what's what's behind this door here so this is the uh driver's compartment and here's a place for the driver to store his turnout gear and an scba for his use and also our lockout kit and dot equipment yeah very simple very clean behind that we have what behind that is our first body compartment holy cow you got a lot of stuff in here in here we have our uh built-in toolbox some portable toolboxes a battery powered 32-inch hurst spreader and then this is where our fire suppression system deploys from okay you have water on this what can talk me more about this thing this is the first time i've seen uh a small tank on a rescue so this is what is called a burner system uh this deploys a small tank of water and foam solution it's about 75 to 100 gallons it also has two air bottles what occurs there is we turn on the air bottles compress the vessel with the foam solution and basically we have a calf solution that comes out to the extent of about 1200 gallons of finished foam through a one-inch booster hose okay so you're not using this as a fire truck but you can if you show up on a fire scene of an auto accident maybe you know it lit off after they crashed this is a perfect thing to have because the foam can suppress those vapors uh of the gas and things like that is that what it's designed for correct this is for uh for the purposes of car fires that we would respond to associated with a car accident where the truck was due to respond okay the other thing i really like is this toolbox this first time i've kind of seen a toolbox built in it's nice and clean labeled nicely a lot of them we have the you know the portable toolboxes that we take out but having one that's permanently mounted in there that looks really nice yes so it works out well now i notice you have a battery-powered hurst tool do you have hydraulics also we do so the second compartment ah houses a a hurst pump with two hydraulic tools as well as the rest of our battery-powered complement we have a spreader a combination tool and a ram and then again the same for the hydraulic end so why do you have both hydraulic and electric so historically we've always used hydraulic tools when we purchased this this truck in 2018 battery-powered tools had become popular so we wanted to try them we weren't comfortable with the battery being the only thing that we had at the time so we we stayed with what we knew and then we added to it with the battery tools as well okay now i hear that the battery power even though they're portable they're heavier than the hydraulic they are heavier they are more cumbersome they're about as portable but you can go anywhere you want to go with them we do have the ability to plug them into a shoreline okay so if the battery were to die in the middle of an extrication and we didn't have a spare battery we could plug it into a cord reel and and keep operating okay so you have the best of both worlds here yes so it's almost like a fail safe redundancy yeah redundancy and firehouse is all about redundancy we want to make sure that you are safe right i'm safe and we can get the public out when they need to be one thing i missed back here you have a light system up top is this where you control that light yeah this is a controller for the wilbert light tire which is mounted on the cab roof okay it has six led heads on it it will raise up i think uh 12 feet and then it'll pan around to whatever angle and area that we needed to go to okay okay it's almost like it's on air light then too yes you got plenty of lights for that yes so underneath here you what do you have underneath here is extra storage okay for pads for stabilization they come along and then the same thing in there is extra storage for uh stabilization pads and tips for the uh the 32 inch spreader okay okay that's cool and then behind here i assume these are going to be air bottles these are all air bottles yeah we've seen this a lot you know using this space above the wheel well is pretty cool you guys put 45 minute bottles in here though yes so you have what three on each or three here two back here three here two there on both sides of the apparatus okay give us the spare bottles for all the packs on the truck right okay and then up here what do we got so over the wheel well is uh some additional large stabilization and then our complement of uh soles we have a k12 chainsaw and then a vent saw right okay so what would a k12 what the big circle like this what somebody use that for so we would use it for metal metal roof where we're trying to ventilate a metal roof or if we're trying to gain access through a garage door cut through a fence any any kind of metal cutting okay realistically okay okay and i like how the drawer comes out folds down yeah so even you know the shorter guys can actually get up and get to the vehicles so where do you keep the fuel and stuff for this right here so we buy the the canned fuel for it it it has no ethanol in it and we just store it right here in the compartment so that it's so not having alcohol you don't have to worry about going bad right we don't have any carburetor issues with the ethanol free fuel right right so we're able to buy that commercially and we just keep it i also like how it's organized really well it's not packed with a bunch of stuff it sits in its own little compartment it's secured there uh it looks very nice thanks what do you got back here so this is our stabilization cabinet okay this houses all of our vehicle stabilization equipment this is one of the first rescues that i've seen that hasn't used wood as their cribbing you use composite kind of material why is that so historically we've used wooden cribbing when we bought this truck the cribbing that came off of the previous truck had become aged and started absorbing some oils hazardous you know gasoline things like that and also had glass embedded in it from years of use on the ground underneath vehicles so we opted to to start fresh with the composite cribbing with the hopes that it won't absorb any liquids or or have anything attach itself to the cribbing that might injure one of the firefighters right yeah that's definitely forward thinking you know and especially nowadays we talk about wood wood is expensive right so you know buying this composite it's very durable it doesn't soak up stuff that's a good way to go it works out well for us so all right let's work our way around back you have a walk-in which is unusual a lot of the rescues nowadays are you know up top and stuff like that we're going to come back to this in a little bit let's circle around to the other side and let's go down the passenger side of this vehicle okay back here what's in this compartment so this compartment is primarily hand tools there are two slide out trays with a an assortment of uh hand tools axes pry bars roof hooks things of that nature as well as our uh junkyard dog yeah the staple of any cribbing and then with the junkyard dogs comes on the mirage of assortments and attachments that we keep and then we have a shop vac as well i think this is the first rescue i've ever seen with a shop vac so you know cleaning up after yourself you know or cleaning up an accident is pretty cool do you use that often not often there are times where we would have to clean something up if there was a you know a liquid spill or glass in a vehicle that a child was locked in something like that where we just try to be neighborly and clean up so that they can be on their way without any unnecessary hazards right so you know as you as a volunteer that's been doing this for many years you are really thinking ahead of the game you know it's all about customer service it's all about taking care of the community so even just putting a small shop back on a truck right it's pretty cool to do right so behind this you got two more compartments for your air bottles right more air bottles back here okay same as the other side gotcha and up above the wheel is above here we have another tilt down tray okay with a battery-powered chainsaw okay as well as an additional uh gasoline chainsaw okay again nice easy to get to it comes down it's organized well we got some big shovels to clean up you know any oil dry or any other mess that you need to do correct scoop shovels yeah very simple very clean yes it's anybody that wants to come volunteer with you can come down here and with a matter of couple shifts we know exactly where things are it's not so packed full of stuff yeah that it's hard to figure out what's in it it's pretty straightforward yeah what's behind here so this is our officer side complement of hydraulic tools it gives us the ability to to stretch hydraulic tools off of either side of the truck or in the event that we had multiple entrapments at a crash seam we could park the truck in the middle and and attend to both vehicles at the same time right right yeah it's nice to have you know two sets you know not just as a backup because you have the electric and you have those right but you can fight two scenes or if something goes bad you got another one available more redundancy yeah more redundancy also a sawzall yeah what's a what's this so this is a stay dry bin okay so the way this operates we have a couple buckets on hand there is a trap door at the bottom we simply put a bucket underneath and we can fill it with the with the trap door in the bottom okay this holds 250 pounds to stay dry or absorbent and it fills through the top here heck yeah that's awesome to have you know every truck that i've seen whether it's fire truck or rescue so far always just has the bags right you have some storage bags underneath you know but you have a way to actually know how much is in there and you can get to it very quickly right yeah this is a lot cleaner and and a lot more usable this is a custom-made piece it is e1 made this at our request when we had the truck built okay okay and it was your brainchild or did you see something like that before we brought the idea with us from a previous we had a 1996 four guys rescue truck that it was built in an overhead compartment came down through a large hose and it was a good idea but the you know the employment of it was a little tricky okay and getting the bags to the top to fill it and whatnot so we wanted to bring it more to a ground level so we can fill it here deploy it here and not have to take our feet off the ground to do it right right very safe good way to do that also i think that's pretty cool i think a lot of the trucks should start going to that very easy to use yes so you got two more compartments here we got this one has what behind it so this compartment is our primarily lighting compartment okay some led scene lights a generator light we also keep our positive pressure fan electric fan we have a backpack blower for debris cleanup at crash scenes okay brooms and then an assortment of hearse chains so this is a pull-out drawer just like everything else is that how you fill the water for the the system yeah this uh this drawer is a traverse compartment drawer and it'll go out either way okay halfway okay so when the burner system is utilized we can we can pull the tray out this way and fill the water tank that's awesome again look how well organized this is if i stand back and i look at this truck just down all these open compartments i can tell you exactly where it is and i don't even work here right so very nice to have especially you know as those volunteers come in hopefully you're getting the newer generation you got a couple new members or junior members coming up right this is awesome for them to use and take a look at and help out with you got one more compartment here right ah so this is your little giants this compartment yeah two little giant ladders uh three backboards a stokes basket and uh light poles for our scene lighting okay now are you running ems personnel on this are you running fire uh just fire okay we may incidentally have an emt on the truck but we don't run it as a as an ems type rig okay but we like to have the the capability to backboard patients at a crash scene if uh if an ambulance hasn't arrived yet right it gives us a little more flexibility and i like the webbing on it you know these things can slide around at times and stuff like that so having it nice and secure yeah and well organized is very cool yeah that keeps it from pinching the door if if everything were to shift sometimes you wouldn't be able to get the door open right so that keeps everything where it needs to be so before we get to the back side of this let's take a look up front you got a couple more things up front there are yes there are winch receivers all the way around the truck front rear and both sides okay inside here we have a warren winch portable winch that will fit into any of the receivers as well as a extra electric line and a extrication bag for for anything that we need for preparation for a vehicle extrication and your little glass masters to break open the windows you know get in that kind of thing so this is a bumper that i haven't really seen before because most of the bumpers either have hose up up front or they have a hearse tool something like that you chose to actually just put your wench in here why is that well we wanted to keep the winch out of the weather so to speak and and this compartment fit well for the dimensions of the winch so it keeps it right here in front of the winch point and keeps it out of the weather and dry for when we need it right right and the that new hurst tool probably doesn't fit in here real well does it no no i mean you got these rails that come all the way up front you know for stability and stuff like that so you know trying to fit something in there that big right with the frame rails to contend with it it wasn't advantageous for us to try to squeeze the tool in there because it would have been too much trouble to try to remove it when it was needed right so we went this avenue once again well use of all the space on this vehicle so all right let's go take a look at the back and see what you got inside okay as we move to the back side do us a favor hit that subscribe hit that notification we're trying to get 50 000 mark so this is the first time we've seen a walk-in rescue that's this new you know back in the older days we had a lot of walk-ins and they kind of got rid of those instead of going to the you know storage up top and stuff like that if you go back to one of our videos of alert they have a nice big rescue too kind of got a little walk in but it's more of the rescue stuff up top what made you decide to do a walk-in so we had a walk-in rescue truck up until 1996 when we purchased the non-walk-in this unit replaced the 1996 there there were a lot of features and and things that we could do with a walk-in years ago that everybody for whatever reason got away from we decided to go back in that direction because of the the usability of the of the space that we we liked years ago right in a more modern and safer fashion now right so we decided to go back with the walk-in to to be able to deploy it for an air-conditioned area heated area you know for manpower we can use it as a command center our divers can use it to transition in and out of their dive suits it just gave us a lot of functions that we wouldn't have with it with a standard crew cab rescue truck right you actually get more seats because there's eight seats back here six of them being air bottled right if you had just a standard cab truck with a walk up and up top you don't have that kind of seating for most of the rescues no we would probably have four pack seats in a conventional cab with a couple extra non-pack seats but this does give us the opportunity to put more packs more pack seats and more firefighters on the truck right and transport them very safely right in here you got a bunch of things too i see behind you you have some of your uh airbags airbags to for rescue what else you got behind the mesh there so we have absorbency pads on one side the other side we have some dry suits for ice rescues some other ice rescue related items as well as more additional air bottles okay a positive pressure fan as well okay yeah that looks like one of the older ones but they still work don't they smoke ejector there you go and up here i mean you got a nice cabinet you could put a command module up here if you needed to yes we can take our tablet from upfront transition it back here and use this as a command center you know we have a mobile radio and and we can move back here with with whatever we need to run a larger scale incident and and be out of the weather so to speak sure sure so you got your lights as we work our way forward you got your spare batteries you have a flear or a thermal imaging camera uh and then we're heading back towards the back of this truck when you have these cabinets have other things in it too like what so we have the gas detection devices um electronics you know spare parts for the truck as far as the battery systems and and accessories i'll call them for for all of the uh smaller devices that we carry okay and over here it's kind of your rehab area you got a coffee maker and a little fridge it is with all your refreshments so you know it's not just a fire truck or a rescue truck it can be used as a rehab right so some place to get out of the weather whether it's hot or cold they can get a hot drink a cold drink and you know relax for a moment right the other thing that keeps coming up and you know as i'm walking through and looking at this just because you have a lot of space on this you haven't filled these things so full that you don't know what's in it you kept it very simplistic very easy to re read when they are labeled very easy to see where all that equipment is yes so once again kudos on you for keeping it very simple but effective right back here you have some more rope bags yeah this is all rope bags of various uh sizes lengths and configurations for uh for various hazards that we encounter as well as our uh our rip bag okay now down here in millsboro and delaware you're pretty flat in success county yes you have the ocean on one side you have a bay on another side you're kind of in the middle of things where would you use ropes mainly agricultural incidents so this area's is mainly agricultural once you move away from the beach area we have a lot of green silos chicken processing facilities things of that nature that are spread around that could present an issue with below grade or above grade rescue okay okay and once again you're thinking of it at all right behind me is last but not least cabinet is your ems cabinet that's you know kind of near and dear to my heart being a paramedic right but you have your aed's you got your ppes for all the stuff that's going on and your emergency equipment so yep a little bit of everything so once again this is a 2018 e1 rescue uh we're down in millsboro delaware this is our first fire station in delaware to do so thank you all for watching do us a favor hit that subscribe hit that notification so we can keep bringing you more
Channel: Heroes Next Door
Views: 28,062
Rating: 4.9542336 out of 5
Keywords: heroes next door, paramedic, firefighter, police, mike borrello, heros next door, hnd, whats inside, $1000000, 1 million, heavy rescue, rescue, 2018 e one, e-one, walk in rescue, fire truck, large, red, millsboro fire company, millsboro fire department, station 83, millsboro delaware, volunteer fire station, millsboro, delaware, vehicle tour, station rigs, tour, test drive, heroes next door stories, heros
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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