INSIDE Teaneck Volunteer Ambulance Corps. | Station Cribs

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welcome back to heroes next door thank you all for watching today we're in northern new jersey about 20 minutes outside of new york we're in teaneck new jersey and this is the t-neck volunteer ambulance corps let's go take a look and see what they have [Music] we've been invited down here by izzy infield he is the chief of the ems service and this is 100 volunteer inside here we have chief izzy infield thank you for inviting us down oh thank you for so tell us a little bit about this place we've never been in new jersey so this is the first time we're here and you got a pretty unique place so we're the teenage volunteer animals corps we're about a seven square mile town we have about forty two thousand residents we're about a hundred forty members strong do about forty three hundred calls a year varying between medical emergencies accidents structure fires and various other calls for service okay you have how many members again about 130 to 140 active all volunteer all volunteer not a single person here receives any sort of compensation and you run 24 hours seven days a week 24 hours a day where our building is stationed again 24 hours seven days a week okay you have how many ambulances here we have five ambulances in our fleet okay and they all can get out they're all active ambulances all in service ready to go at various times different ambulances will be out for service but uh whatever ambulances are here we'll go out as needed okay been around since 1939 we've been in this building since 1970 which is centrally located in the township okay how many renovations has this building gone building has gone through one major renovation of our apparatus floor to accommodate the newer ambulances as they've grown and various interior upgrades to modernize the building as times change you know the one cool thing that i saw when i came upon this is it's not you know an 8 million dollar station this is a station that has been here since the 1970s and it it has that feel it has that camaraderie that feeling of you know family live here it's our building it's we we cherish our building it's how we spend our shifts here the building is always occupied so it gets a lot of use and it shows as the family we all take care of it together right right so um thank you for inviting us in we're going to take a look around i'm going to try to catch up to you a little bit later but we have a bunch of people here today we have 10 11 people already all volunteers that's pretty normal for you guys though uh it is even day and night weekends holidays you name it our building is staffed wow that's amazing you know that one thing we want to appreciate from you know the heroes next door which is you guys is that volunteer service across america volunteerism is being on the decline but you guys are able to maintain that and that's a testament to what you guys are doing here so once again thank you and i'll catch up to you soon the first room we're going to come to is their training room right now they are running some training with some of their probationary members so they got a couple people here they're one of their lieutenants is kind of teaching them some stuff it's gonna be a serious patient we're taking on a helicopter what are you guys talking about today so right now we're talking about some of the criteria for transporting patients who experience trauma to the local trauma center the hackensack university medical center looking at some of the things like how they were injured the mechanism their injuries physically the anatomy and physiology or other considerations very cool now you guys are all probationary members how long have you been in the service i've been here since july all right march thank you all for joining and we appreciate you we couldn't do this without you so keep up the good work keep on learning all right coming out of the training area to my left is going to be their crew room we're going to take a look at that a little bit before we continue on do us a favor hit subscribe hit notifications so we can keep bringing you more right now we're going to walk into their administrative office and talk to one of these guys in their administrative office we're running into their lieutenant this lieutenant is in charge of recruitment how do you do most of your recruitment around here um so we actively recruit we go out to the local schools um to the supermarkets we show off the ambulance uh we show their equipment how how it works we go to the pre-med clubs mostly um to students who are interested in that and we uh basically explain to them what we do why we do it okay and we go from there so they send out we have an online application on our website uh they submit it and we have a process where we recheck their references conduct an interview um and we get them on the name angles as quickly as we can is there any specific age group that you're looking for um anyone above the age of 15 and a half okay enjoying you don't have to be an emt yet uh we take you through that training process okay so you got young how about older people maybe second career do you look for those we have people coming uh post-retirement i'm looking for something to do uh or as a second career opportunity uh people coming to your crew training all the way from ages fifteen half we have active members up to age of eighty our um wow you know i was talking to izzy out front a little bit ago and you guys have a huge roster so you're doing a great job keep up the good work coming out of the administrative office we're making our way deeper into the building this is where their bathrooms are we're making our way back to the hallway which is where their bunks are you got to remember this company is running anywhere from 12 to 13 calls a day that's 24 7 7 days a week so they need a place to rest and they were able to do that by creating a couple bunks back here are there four bunk rooms they actually converted one to a storage area reason for that is the footprint of this building is pretty small and working 24 7 they needed enough supplies they had to convert one of these bunks into a supply room what's nice about this is it's small here you got a bed you got your own air conditioning but this little button here tells people what's going on so if i ring it once it's just information if i ring that three times the crews are gonna get on the trucks and start heading out coming out of the bunk area we're gonna make our way to the back of the building this is where their all-purpose room is and we're gonna run into chief izzy one more time so let's go take a look what they have in here hey chief how you doing pretty good so this is your all-purpose room has a lot of things in here let's talk about this real quick what is this about this is toddler one dollar one that's pretty cool you guys make that we did a couple a couple of members designed this in-house we have a couple carpenters and electricians and painters so we came up this couple years ago as we have many family members who have children as they're growing up and during july 4th all members and their families marched with us so came up with this idea uh for one child who loves the ambulances they actually live a couple blocks away and every time the amounts goes by you can always find them here so we designed this based off of his wagon right and uh it's mocked up to look uh as identical to one of our ambulances as possible that's pretty cool to have you know a lot of the firehouses they have their you know smoky dog and that kind of stuff not many ems have some kind of mascot this is a pretty cool idea to do so thank you for doing that and i'm sure the kids absolutely love it it's a big hit so in this room you guys have obviously a ping pong table to play and kind of hang out with but what else do you have back here an additional tv for anybody that wants to play more video games we do run training classes recertification classes cpr all kinds of stuff like that okay it's an additional hangout room for if there's a lot of people here especially with covid social distancing we've been spreading people out throughout our building good so this is an additional place to uh just come out we keep extra equipment and storage stuff back here okay you have a ton of lockers and those are for each of the members these are for our active members the ones that usually ride at night it's a place for them to store uh personal items and toiletries for when they're here for those long 12 hours right so it you know if you're looking at this right now look at the amount of lockers and active members they have this is significant for a volunteer service that's been as long as you guys have been here you guys are doing something right so again we appreciate you guys and thank you for doing that there was a little piece of history back here that you wanted to show me what was that about we have the insurance for the first ambulance that we bought used in 1941. wow that's pretty cool so total amount 71 dollars and 60 cents that's pretty cool to have so that should be up on a wall somewhere that's definitely history that the younger generation needs to know about so once again we're going to keep work working our way through here i'm going to make my way into your other crew room kitchens through the kitchen and we'll catch up to you a little bit later perfect all right thank you making my way from the multi-purpose room into their galley kitchen you might notice they have a doubles of a couple different things the reason for that is they're very diversified here they have muslim jewish people that all run here and they want to make sure that you know their kosher rules stand coming from the kitchen into their crew room we've been to a lot of firehouses on station cribs and every firehouse has a table they are no different this is their kitchen table and this is where a lot of the problems are solved we're running back into izzy again here and he's going to tell us a little bit more what they have in this room one of the things that i noticed is everyone at the table is having a laptop so you have wi-fi available for everybody wi-fi throughout the whole building high speed to accommodate the multiple devices including our owned equipment as well okay on the back wall here you have security camera so this whole build even though it's old you're state of the art we have full coverage interior and exterior of the building 360 degrees full coverage okay and on the walls you have a bunch of history just like the firehouses you take a lot of pride in your history too you know it we always gotta tease with each other we got dark humor i noticed a little ford sign over here and that was from an accident that put a vehicle out of service right correct you know nowadays people don't do that too much but that's pretty cool to put up on the wall and what else you got up here we have a flag and a thank you letter from new york city for our response to 911 being that we're only 10 minutes away from the bridge where one of the agencies that responded over during a dark time and provided our services thank you for that so who do we have here what's your name ma'am kayla kayla you've been here how long uh about 10 months so can you tell us what is one of the things that you've learned since you've been here um so of course i've learned a lot about medicine but here in new jersey we don't have our own gas i've actually learned how to pump gas even just the little things that you never thought you'd learn yeah you know where we come from we we pump our own gas but jersey doesn't pump your own gas at all and that's something that you learn it's kind of a life skill so you can move to some other state and you know what to do so once again we want to thank you for your service so we appreciate you guys and in the background i hear some noise there is some noise you have a training simulator yes we do all right let's go take a look so how did this come about being that we have members that have all different life skills and job opportunities we have somebody whose wife does house sales they came across a house that the family had purchased a arcade machine for their kids and it was time to sell the house they didn't want to bring it with them so it was put up for sale in the house nobody wanted to buy it so they offered it to us we came we picked it up and it's become our new driving simulator it's used a couple times a day right it's a fun thing for for drivers to you know hang out and play with right you know nowadays we've gone to firehouses that have the xboxes and the nintendos and all those kind of things you have a regular old arcade game that's pretty cool to have you know that's one of the things that i think is what doing you guys well something that we haven't seen you're drawing people the younger generations here because of these kind of things you have the internet available you have arcade machines you have a dinner table that can people sit down and talk with each other that's stuff we don't see nowadays we do have cable with all the movie channels it's just a way to get people here and keep them here right right so we got a couple more rooms but we're going to hit the apparatus bay in a little bit and let's go take a look at those trucks i think there's one more room we've got to see all right let's go take a look at that ambulance on the way let's go [Music] so the last room we're walking into is another little crew room this is where a place where they can get away from the bigger room kind of sit down and relax we got a couple guys here what are you guys watching we're watching some friends the perfect for a firehouse or an ems house this is a perfect way to do that i noticed that you guys got some couches here and you had four bunks in the back you guys could sleep on these couch just giving us a call because the apparatus bay is right here yeah that's the phone and go right for this truck all right cool we're gonna go take a look at those trucks real quick all right coming out into the apparatus bay they just got a call but chief izzy stayed back to give us a little bit more explanation how they used to dispatch their calls back in the day so what you have here is pre uh technology when everybody had a cell phone or gps a quicker way that our members came up with uh finding an address in town without having to actually look at a map was they developed this electronic system that has the layout of our seven square mile coverage area it's got every road in town main arteries are color coded in which direction or what type of road they are and it even has our highways with some of the the hospital in town the various schools and big buildings and you can see this green dot is where we are okay so we're pretty centrally located we're technically on the west side of town but we have easy access to the east south and north sides so what you would do is the driver would come out here grab the scanner and they would pull out whatever street in alphabetical order okay so they just got dispatched so you come out here you find the street you're going to and you find the closest house number and these house numbers are based off of crosstreats okay so you would scan and right there this red dot tells us it's going to be in this area from here we can plot out our route and know which end of the block it's going to be on which way we should approach whether there's a dead end certain streets tighter side streets and this way free technology we can map it out so this wasn't somebody you didn't buy this you had to make this this was completely customized and designed by a committee of our members wow that's pretty cool to have i don't think i've ever seen anything like that we've seen the card system at lebanon we've seen some of those but having that transfer over onto electronic stuff and give you a clear view you know who's around you can see who's around you you got hackensack up north or i don't even know where i'm at out west out west coast and who's the rescue route we have burton field to the north new milford to the northwest we have englewood and leonha to our east and pagoda and richfield park to ourselves so you got a pretty big area to cover i mean seven square miles but a lot of people here correct what's your cup what's your population again we're about 42 000 where i believe the second or third most populated in our county of 70 towns and you have some pretty major highways right correct ruda routes 4 route 4 routes 80 and 95 all run through teaneck route 4 is an artery to new york city as well as route 80 and 95 so the new jersey turnpike and route 80 if you get on it'll go right to california and that's what brings us to the apparatus bay we noticed that your trucks are pretty pretty large trucks right because of those highways you want to make sure that you guys are safe so you have five trucks uh two are out for service just getting work done uh but we're gonna take a look at one of those in a little bit uh for station rigs so stay tuned hit that subscribe hit that notification and we're gonna do a station rigs but for now let's take a look at some more of your apparatus bay perfect if your apparatus bay is fairly large because you got big vehicles was it always this big it was not when it was designed in 1970 they had smaller trucks that had a smaller footprint when our immediate first medium duty in 1989 was delivered they actually had to expand the bay a couple feet and raise it so that we could fit the trucks and that was just the way the trucks were going to go for the future okay okay so back here you have a status board yeah we have a status board for the five vehicles uh some extra store uh extra equipment you got extra stretcher batteries uh lucas battery suctions uh basically the status board tells crews what trucks are in service what position they're supposed to be rode out in and if there's any equipment or broken items and mileage okay so you know uh what you could see there and you got an engineer's room because you guys do a lot of maintenance in your own vehicles right so you know i see the tires back here you you know change your own tires you do you know light bars and stuff like that you can replace most uh most things found on the ambulance if something breaks whether it's a door handle a tire a headlight anything like that we can simply just pop a new one in and keep the truck in service as long as we can with minimal downtime yeah that helps with saving money too here you got a little storage cabinet with most of your equipment as far as the medical equipment right correct this is for a quick restock after a call you can find most items on the ambulance in here if needed we can go into our larger supply room and get the additional medications that we're allowed to carry bigger items and large quantities of supplies right and with your call volume you have the ability to go call after call after call so you stock your trucks pretty full right correct the medium duty larger rigs help with additional storage capacity our crews can go between three to five calls without having to restock for major items which happens quite often the truck goes out and you could be back four hours later so coming from your ems cabinet you have a lot more space back here what else do you have we have uh our additional supply closet that keeps all the additional supplies that don't fit in here and to restock this cabinet your extra ppe's and stuff like that up here you have a bunch of crutches and walkers and stuff like that what's that about we actually loan out certain devices to the public if they need a walker cane crutch or wheelchair we have various stock that people come down provide a deposit for and we try to encourage a donation to raise money out of it that is huge community service you also have a fridge a bunch of linens what is that this is just where we restock all of our linen on the ambulances provided by the local area hospitals as far as the rehab we have a fridge that we keep water um and a tent for fire rehab scenes uh being that we're the ems agency in the township whenever our fire department is operating at a fire hazmat or any other large scale incident or if there are no actual patients our role is rehab and scene safety so we'll come out there whether it's cold hot anything like that and provide refreshments along with the local canteen unit okay and the last room what's back there uh this is where we keep our spare oxygen okay we go take a look at that we have something cool back there as well all right with covid we needed additional oxygen so we had one of our members in-house come up with this design to keep all these oxygen tanks in an organized fashion as we were going through them right so we're able to cleanly keep uh about 60 tanks on average okay so do you guys fill them yourself or you send them out we send them out for a vendor they come about once a week and fill our truck tanks and uh portables okay very cool to have the one thing that i've noticed from walking through the front door making our way all the way to this you guys are very uh innovative you help your electricians your carpenters your all kinds of you built that little cart you know it's very cool to understand that this is a community with multiple skills not just for ems but for everything to contribute to this building we are a large second family to most we have tradesmen we have everybody in a very eclectic membership and whatever we can do in-house to help save money and keep our members entertained it's what works all right let's go take a look at your trucks so parked inside you have three trucks what do you got right here we have our famous ambulance 73 it's our 1989 gmc frontline ambulance it's been in service since 1989 it is not a reserve or parade piece it actively goes out on calls several times a week right next to it in the middle bay we have our 2001 freightliner medic master it's been in service obviously since 2001 okay and to the left here we have our newest ambulance it's our 2015 freightliner horton ambulance we currently have a new ambulance on order scheduled for delivery late this year to replace our 1989 ambulance currently not here are our 2003 and 2007 freightliner medic masters that are out for scheduled maintenance with how many calls you guys get a year what's the average mileage on these things um it depends on what status that vehicle is in whether it's in front line second third fourth or fifth currently four out of our five ambulances have reached a hundred thousand or more our 2007 has reached a milestone in our our history since 1939. uh it's the first vehicle to hit 150 000 miles we thought a hundred thousand miles was a lot for a vehicle but 150 000 is where we're at right now for our highest our our 2015 as uh 82 000 the medium duties and uh let us be able to keep the vehicles for a longer time period and get that mileage out of them versus having to replace them not only that you guys do a lot of maintenance to it yourself so keeping up on that having that knowledge and understanding what the vehicles are how they work is a testament to how well these trucks correct we actually use a smartphone app okay that's uh that's out there and it actually tells us in advance when a vehicle needs to go uh for service so nothing is delayed um everything is routine maintenance ahead of schedule um it's the only way to keep these vehicles operating right so just because they're older in age doesn't mean technology isn't helping out very cool so chief izzy how do you fund all this thing we operate completely off of donations we are a free service there is no billing for our services when you call 911 and we show up there is no uh bill to be sent to you we just kindly ask that uh those who get our services uh feel free to donate whatever they feel is necessary that's what helps us be able to respond to the next call and help the next person whether it's you again or your neighbor okay so do you do fundraisers and mailers and those kind of things we uh we send mailers out to all the residents twice a year we have some new fundraising ideas coming up this year we have a online donation service through our foot claw site and our website at it's pretty unique that you don't build for any of these services so again we appreciate you for doing that you know if there's anything that we can do from here is next door you please reach out let us know you have a website that people can donate to correct and you can do it through all of our social media on instagram and facebook you can just search the volunteer email score and we'll pop right up all right very cool once again thank you very much thank you thank you for watching heroes next door this is another station 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Channel: Heroes Next Door
Views: 70,466
Rating: 4.9346642 out of 5
Keywords: heroes next door, paramedic, firefighter, police, mike borrello, heros next door, hnd, inside, teaneck volunteer ambulance corps, teaneck ambulance, volunteer ambulance, volunteer ems, volunteer emt, teaneck nj, station tour, station walk through, ambulance, station cribs, heroes next door stories
Id: xbHwKKtXW8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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