Firehouse 32 - Station Saturday

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he's taylor that's mark this is south metro station [Music] saturday [Applause] [Music] uh station 32 is one of our newest stations it was built in 2017 um replacing an old station that had been on the same uh corner since uh the late 70s they decided to build a station for more longevity be able to accommodate more folks and then an eventuality of more development in the air we might be adding more rigs as well basically a bunch of computer workstations we do have a lot of online training that drops down so we got to keep track of certs we got to do a lot of online training uh report writing specifically for the paramedics they're always having to keep up on writing medical reports too so they've given us a really nice spot to keep up on all paperwork the the firefighter office in the in the old station was pretty much just a computer jammed up against a wall in the day room so this actually does allow especially for the paramedics to get a little bit of peace and quiet while they concentrate on getting their medical reports written um and then if you have to do any sort of online training or anything else like that it is a really nice box to be able to break away from the from the melee of the crew and get it done all right so from the firefighter office we'll just go right across the hallway to our training room we're more of a centrally located firehouse so a lot of times we'll have other crews come meet us here if we're doing a larger training and the chiefs or whoever's giving us the training will be in here we've got plenty of tables in the closet and we can set up for larger trainings like engine 33 engine 31 engine 14 can come over here and we can get some good training in and then our wellness department will sit up in here we do have a yearly uh physical process that happens so uh they can set this all up to be able to uh have the docs and nurses come in they'll do blood draws for us they do some uh heart scans and things like that all right if we go down this hallway we've got a couple offices we've got our battalion chief office here which is battalion 3 and our captain's office they've got pretty large nice offices compared to the old firehouse where it was just a little cubby in the wall so if you look in here we have our captain's office and right behind the captain's office we actually have our captain's wall of all the past captains of the new firehouse and the old firehouse and then one more down door down we have battalion three's office come into our main hallway down here kitchen to one side base together and then back towards our workout room stations generally these days are designed that everything funnels towards the bay try to cut down on response times uh we'll come into our kitchen right now so kitchen is kind of the the central point of the fire station this is generally where most activity happens this is where a lot of training happens formal and informal a lot of uh just department lore is handed down this is where a lot of uh a lot of our young folks learn the cultural stations hear a lot of good war stories both real and embellished and then uh the kitchen's working almost all the time so we do eat meals together at least on this in this station in this crew so you will see that uh this kitchen is working just about all the time dinner prep lunch bread breakfast spread brunch prep snacks and all that we do have a a ladder company a staff of four uh a medic and a battalion chief that run out of this station so bare minimum staffing you're gonna have seven people working and working in this station and then occasionally if we have paramedic students or somebody's working on a packet or something like that we may have additional folks as well so that's we have four refrigerators lots of cabinets big table because we always have a lot of a lot of folks to feed uh currently we're uh having uh chief seguro is preparing us a meal you may recognize him for such videos as day in life of bc or pretty much every fire vlog that we've had kitchen rolls out into our north patio right here uh we do uh tend to do a lot of barbecuing and then we also do have trigger smoker so the smoker the barbecue is going almost all the time as well taylor can show you the rest of it back here here's our smoker right here we've got enough sunshine here in colorado that we can be out here almost every day grilling old grill from station 32 actually survived pretty good one all right we'll head on to our day room now so in here we've got our date we call our day room we've got our tv speakers all that and our chairs we try to do a lot of online training in here we get a lot of online training submitted to us to complete to go then do our hands-on training we end up not spending a whole lot of time in here just because busy training cleaning or running calls okay we'll head around back to the main towards the main hallway here so one of the only things preserved from the old station is uh this painting so this is actually was painted in the old station and uh it's on drywall and uh the crews were adamant and the contractor worked with us and they actually took we took down this wall and a contractor uh stored it for us and when we built the new station we had it mounted on here so uh it was painted by one of our old firefighters and uh probably back in when the south metro was known as castlewood so even pre-name change to south metro and pre-all the merger so nice bit of history from the old station making it into the new here [Music] all right we'll now move into our weight room so in here we've got an awesome weight room much better than the old station the old station used to be in the bay behind the truck all it consisted of was a squat rack and some dumbbells so we've got some awesome treadmills and cardio equipment just to stay in great shape for our mets tests that we have to do every year we also have a lot of weight training equipment here the truck companies we are typically known as the bigger stronger guys here compared to the engines so we've got lots of weights here all right all right so we'll head upstairs next um this is a two-story station the old firehouse was a single story station and it was maybe the size of our current bay the footprint of this one is much larger so we put it up on two floors here right here you see we have our fire pole so we can get down here much quicker than if we took the stairs at night so up here in our bunk rooms we've got 12 different bedrooms um compared to our old station which was an open bunk room with half walls and curtains in between each bed now we each get our own individual bedroom also up here you'll notice there's pictures of significant calls tower 32 is on as we go around and take our tour so we got quite a few bunk rooms up here like mark said earlier um we have seven people here um with the ability to expand to another rig other engine if we need to or another medic unit just a standard bunk room we have and then each bunk room we share a bathroom with another firefighter and the amenities here are much nicer than our old station all right so up here we also have a laundry room where we'll wash a lot of our linens for our beds our clothes and any towels we use in the station we have a second laundry room down in the bay for anything we don't want to bring into the station that may be dirty with soot or any kind of oils or gasoline so continuing on the bunk room they did give us a nice bonus room up here it's just a nice study you can come up here if you want to get away from some of the noise or people are playing you know have the tv on or anything like that at night it's good to come up here and read or just kind of relax in the evening wind down i come up here between calls just to wind down sometimes as well so nice big windows here you can watch kind of life go by makes you feel like you're not entirely trapped in the station for a couple of days so it's not it's a pretty nice spot to have a station so we do get that middle of the night call you can jump on the pole and save time getting down into the bays all right back down here on floor one by the kitchen and we just ran into a couple of our other crew members here hi i'm engineer uh curtis moxley this is herbie herbie is one of our pure sport dogs uh he's worked for c shift and uh he could come with me everywhere i go and we get to just uh love on folks and he is a great pup and a great addition to our department the station does have a basement as well and you've already seen the pole and you've seen the stairs so we'll take the elevator now the basement [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign um basement is mainly for uh station mechanicals but we did take some space to build a firefighter maze and confidence course so still a work in progress but uh it does allow for a little bit of limited profile stuff eventually we'll have some wire strung to it for a limited profile and snag removal and then maybe some disorientation training and things like that alright we'll head upstairs now go ahead and look at the apparatus bay so all right so out here we have our apparatus bay this bay pretty much sits where the old firehouse was and the footprint of the old firehouse was about this bay maybe a little smaller so out here we've got a lot more space normally right here would be our medicute at medic 32 tower 32 right here and then on the other side would be battalion three but both of them are out right now if we head this way you can see our gear room here at old firehouse 32 we had just a couple of closets that we all of us at the station would shove our gear into now we've got these nice lockers and it's a pretty big gear room now and enough room for us to keep our primary set and our backup set when we get a fire we change out into that backup set also from here we've got a garage door that leads to our workout room so sometimes we'll do a big crew workout we can raise this garage door up and bring a lot of that weight equipment out here and do a larger crew workout together in here we have our we call it our decon room or our other laundry room where we've got our gear washer for our bunker gear when we get a fire we can wash it get all the carcinogens off and then we'll change into our backup set and then another washer and dryer in here for any truck towels if we head this way behind the truck we've got our shop room so we do a lot of maintenance on our hand tools and anything we carry on the truck in here we've got a pretty nice tool bench and a tool chest so if we had look over here right here would normally be where battalion 3 is and then a spare bay here for if they ever give us another engine or another truck or a medic here or if they have the fleet services has reserved rigs they want to put here also in here we have an scba compressor room so in here we can fill our air bottles after a fire after training so if there's a fire in battalion 3 the station gets pretty busy with a lot of the crews coming here to fill their air bottles here and wash their gear and then over here we've got some training props for us we've got a pretty nice forceful entry door that we use and then some area to throw ladders all right we'll walk this way we'll look at the front of the rig and we've got some special bay doors here that only one other firehouse that south metro has so here 32s we have got some different bay doors these ones don't go up they go out the advantage of these is they're much quicker opening and closing for when we're running on calls as soon as we hit it they're virtually open and as soon as we leave they close very quickly and then our final room out here in the bay is our ems room we have a medic unit here with dual paramedics on it and then our tower company has all the appropriate ems equipment that a medic unit would have on it too so we've got a pretty robust ems supply room so we've got multiple different supplies if we run any significant ems call to restock either the truck or the medic unit and this is the part you've all been waiting for the end i mean figuring out what station we'll be doing next saturday pull it out that's not it the actual station is 45. you may have noticed the head showing up in various shots throughout this tour uh i believe the head was an old training prop for the dive team and uh somehow it ended up in our possession and he's been showing up in various spots throughout the station for a few years now generally just to scare or annoy other members of the department his own outtakes right now isn't it yeah oh yeah
Channel: South Metro Fire Rescue - Centennial, Colorado
Views: 62,874
Rating: 4.9658952 out of 5
Keywords: SMFR, South Metro Fire Rescue, Station Saturday, Firehouse, fire station, 32, fireman, firefighter, tour, what's inside, how it's made, home, decor, modern, new, cutting edge, greenwood village, centennial, denver, aurora, colorado, cherry hills village, englewood, lone tree, parker, foxfield, bow mar, columbine valley, highlands ranch, rescue, ambulance, tones, emergency, 24 hour, shift, house, kitchen, bedroom, gym, behind the scenes, funny, humor, tradition
Id: pLKzzGxZ8os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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