What's INSIDE a $1,000,000 Heavy Rescue?

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welcome back to heroes next door today we are actually doing a station rigs tour [Music] we are at lurk fire company in downingtown they have three different trucks here first they have a 1999 engine 2000 gpm pump with 2000 feet of 5-inch hose to my right here we have a 2013 ladder tower that's a mid-mount has 95-foot ladder tower on it it also has 240 feet of ground ladders very cool truck to have but what we're really going to focus on is going to be this rescue behind me this is the 2006 heavy rescue at alert fire company it's 42 feet long but before i start going into this do me a favor hit that subscribe hit that notification button this rescue is actually designed to do vehicle rescue confined space rescue trench rescue rope rescue collapse and water rescue it's got everything that you need for any community that you want to serve coming out of the driver's seat here the first door that we come across is going to be the crew compartment they have one two three four five seats for crews plus they have a command module we'll take a look at that near the end we're making our way from the front of the truck to the back of the truck first thing out of this door is going to be all their stabilization stuff they have everything that you need it's all preset ready to go if you take a look at these very easy straps pull these out you got whatever board two by twos four by fours you got stop chocks you got all your struts so if you have a vehicle on its side or you need to stabilize something the struts are here to take care of that you got your high lift jacks you got some straps right out of the driver's door so the first thing when you're working about rescue you want to be able to stabilize the vehicle and it's right here you get to work real quick and easy the next cabinet here is actually going to be where the business stand is this is where they have all their hearse tools they have a spreader they have a cutter they have three pre-connected ones right here ready to go so if we put the lever down so you have your rams you have your spreader you have your cutter everything right in this tool so we're gonna stabilize then we're gonna start cutting behind that we have another cabinet right above the wheel here this is where all the electrical is so you got some reels you got your batteries and you have your hand tools for this so if we take this out you got your milwaukee sawzalls you got some more lights you got hand tools you got your lockout kit you got your electric saws and what's cool about this cabinet is actually it goes from side to side so no matter what side you're on you can pull all those tools right out this one is all of your hand tools and air so you got air reel ready to go reconnected hook it up this drawer pops out your air control valves your air chisels you got your some hand tools everything here ready to go man this thing is organized you also have some air bottles so you can use that to refill your tank on your back or you can actually use that for an air bag or even to run a hand tool final compartment on the driver's side here is going to be a lot of your rescue stuff so here we're looking at some bottles for either an airbag maybe if i got to do a collapse and i got to go below ground you can have some air there you got some water vests you got your helmets for rescue you have different size rope bags to throw your rope bags you have chemical extinguisher you have regular extinguisher a water extinguisher you have air ejectors everything that you need on a rescue is right down the side of this truck so let's make our way to the back of the truck and see what's back there coming around the back side of the vehicle we have another compartment this is actually where they're going to store some more of those power tech struts let me open this cabinet up for you real quick take a look inside these struts are able to reach out and stretch so if you need to you know maybe stabilize a trench these are the struts you're gonna do it you've got some extra lights down here you actually have a wedge so if you need to pull something up for now you got bottle jacks you got stabilizers you got your come-alongs everything right here they also have all your airbags now this one has to be plugged into power it's not right now but they got a power switch this drawer comes out and i got more choices for bags up on top they have a bag that actually is heavy enough and strong enough to lift maybe a train they do have a train track so they're ready to go if they need it what an awesome thing to have we'll pull this thing out because right now it's too high to the ceiling we're gonna take a look at what's up top there's a bunch more compartments up there with a lot more rescue stuff down below my feet here is actually a 24 foot ladder underneath this compartment here is actually going to be their stokes basket and some backboards you know the stokes backers are cool we used to use those as sleds but really it's a rescue tool so having that stored up underneath here easy access ready to go underneath this little compartment here is actually a camera and thermal imager that's going to go 25 foot boom come up so you can survey a scene look for people if you need to for any kind of search and rescue so the next cabinet we have here has a lot of their hazmat stuff this is where their oil dries are their boots their absorbent pads everything is underneath here this is if you have something leaking and need to be plugged they get all the boxes all the tools ready to go underneath this one is their water rescue actually this one's ice rescue very specifically designed for that so they're able to go out on a pond or lake and do any kind of ice rescue for you to my right is a lot of things here let's take a look here here we got some water bags uh so they got some more ropes they got a tripod they got a confined space bag got more water rescue these are regular rescues you got your inner tubes your ropes everything right here i like that they put them all in a bag they're very easily labeled easy to get to so even though you got to climb up here and grab it very easily taken care of so working our way forward i'm going to step right on the generator this actually is the generator that starts all those hearse tools and runs all that equipment we saw earlier next compartment we got here more hand tools and replacement tips or different kind of specialty tips to get into buildings so these are actually going to go on those purse tools so you got spreaders you got clamps cutters you got screws you got nails so if you need to shore up anything this is the compartment that you're going to hit too the final two things that we have here underneath this actually is their light tower if you take a look at the air light that we did earlier this is very similar to that it's going to go up 20-25 feet and it's going to light up the scene it's going to be like daylight in the night here is the thing that is really cool about this truck this is two massive airbags they can lift up to 72 tons per bag so like i said they have a quarry here they got some real big trucks they have a train rail that runs through their uh territory so you know if something goes wrong and they need to you know get someone out these bags are the way to do it how cool is that all right so now we're making our way around to the passenger side this is the passenger side rear compartment i believe this one also has rescue stuff but it's also set up for fire rescue so you have your k-12 saws you have some power generators and lights you have your fuel your oil dry little giant and this is actually pretty cool they actually bring out and have a lot of their tools here so this is where you're going to get your extra pipe poles you're going to get your crowbars you're going to get your bolt cutters uh your shovels your axes they even have brooms to clean up so if you have are on the scene and you got oil dry but you need to clean that up this is the compartment to go for that see what's on this one ah this is that pull through that i talked about earlier so same thing on the other side you have extra air bottles air connection hand tools air chisel this just pulls out whether it goes that way or this way you got the same amount of tools same thing this is the electric side you got more batteries you got all your different connectors no matter what you need electric reels and then you have your sawzall your cordless sawzall corded saws off more power jacks all right here cool thing about this truck is they're set up to do rescue on either side so no matter if you pull up to the left or to the right they can jump out and start right away captain will tell you we're getting on the driver getting on the passenger they have basically six set up ready to go if you have two rescues that need to be done they can do it these are the same hearse tools on either side so you get a spreader or a cutter all preset and ready to go so oh check this out they even have more uh this is all your stabilization so you again you got your your bricks you got your logs whatever you need to do to stabilize they even have the tarps so having mirrored images other than that back compartment that has some fire one has rescue on our water rescue on the other side this truck 42 feet long is identical on either side so now that we finish the side of the truck let's take a look at the front because they have two more connections up here on the front of the truck as you pull up to the scene and you need to do a maybe a rapid rescue or rapid extrication they have it preset here the reels are hooked up ready to go they got a cutter and a spreader so if that rapid application is needed here's where we're going so all together we have actually eight pre-connected tools so let's take a look at the command post on the inside and see what that's all about now we're making our way into the crew area this is where we had that one two three four five seats this is actually set up as a command module it was one of the first of its kind back in 2006 it was state of the art you back here we actually have a walk-in where you have a nice long seat you have all your radios you have cell phone service you got different radios for different companies set up to run any command center that you need but the other thing that i noticed when i was looking at this is they actually have an ems cabinet so you have all your basic life support stuff right in the jump bag here ready to go you even have pumps to make sure that the air quality is good alert fire company has been you know the leader in rescue they're actually part of the rescue task force here in chester county and uh this with truck back in 2006 was the leader that there are a couple more just like it now but without this one they wouldn't have been here so thank you for letting us come in and take a look at your truck we appreciate it this is another episode of station riggs thank you for watching if you liked it do us a favor hit that subscribe hit that notification button we keep building this channel and we'll get you some more trucks
Channel: Heroes Next Door
Views: 70,858
Rating: 4.9522777 out of 5
Keywords: heroes next door, paramedic, firefighter, police, mike borrello, heros next door, hnd, whats inside, $1000000, heavy rescue, station rigs, rescue 45, alert fire company, fire station, no.1, downingtown, pa, pennsylvania, rescue, task force, apparatus, fire engine, fire truck, pierce heavy rescue, pierce, pierce fire trucks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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