Calorie Countdown Challenge

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I think this is one of my favorite episodes. I swear I can't not watch it when it comes up in my recommendations.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/commotionland 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

Rhett being 5 calories off was great and who doesn’t love seeing Stevie’s beautiful face?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Imprettystrong 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2018 🗫︎ replies
Baby got snacks. Let's talk about that. ♪(intro music)♪ Good Mythical Morning. Mythical Beasts, we asked you to ask us questions about snack advice, and you did not drop out of law school in order to become a ventriloquist. What I mean by that, is that you did not disappoint us. Oh! Nice. Kayla Pagan asks, "Who knows their snacks better, Rhett or Link?" Well, Kayla, that is an excellent question, which brings us to another installment of, - ♪(electronic music)♪ - (Link) All you had to do was ask. Now, Kayla, when you ask who knows their snacks better, we assume that you're referring to how well we know our snacks - caloric value. - Yes. So that's what we are going to test today. And our friends at Amazon asked us to use the Amazon Echo, the hands-free speaker you can control with your voice, to help us help you answer this question. And we have gone ahead and enabled the Nutritionix skill, which allows us to log anything that we've eaten, on the Echo, and then the Echo will then keep track of our total caloric counts. So we're going to use that skill to test our calorie knowledge in, - ♪(upbeat music)♪ - (Rhett) Snack Blackjack. Wow! Look at this. We've got-- It's like we're in Vegas. - We got a green-topped table. - Yeah. Some plates. Where's the buffet? Well, where's the dealer? That's your cue, Stevie. Where's the dealer? - (laughs) - Oh, there's the dealer. - Hello. - Look at that. You look like you've done this before. Have you? Stand up, like-- Yeah. Yes, I have. You have stood up before. Okay, we're each going to have our own Echo in this game, because we're each going to have our own calorie count. The wake word for my Echo will be, Alexa. And the wake word for Link's Echo will be, Echo. And we're basically playing blackjack, except we're not using cards, we are using food, and we're not using card denominations, or numbers, we are using calories from the snacks. And Stevie's going to give us a target calorie count for every round, and then we have to use foods, to combine them, to try and get as close as we can to that calorie count without busting. That means going over the limit. Three rounds, best two out of three is the winner, - who wins a very special prize. - Oh. ♪(electronic music)♪ Guys, welcome to the sandwich round, round one. (silly voice) Sandwich. I've eaten one of those before. Yeah, it's going to be a good one, I can feel it. I can feel your sandwich vibes. Do you want to know your calorie count for this? I do. That's an important detail. It's five hundred. - (both) five hundred calories. - Sandwich, huh? I don't think Rhett's ever made a sandwich that's probably below, like two thousand calories. That's not true. I rarely venture below one thousand, though. Of course, I don't know calories. Exactly. Okay, I'm going to give you each your hand. Do it. Link, I'm going to give you your hand first. Hit me with my hand. Let me just say, I washed my hands. - And this is your-- - Are you just saying that? (Stevie) This is the hand that you've been dealt, via my hand. A slice of tomato. I do not like tomato. And, Rhett, two slices of wheat bread. That's a start to a sandwich if I've ever seen one. Okay, so for this round, Link, you're going to ask for your item first, and then we're gonna go back and forth. So, Link, what would you like first? Hit me with two slices of white bread. Oh, hmm. (Stevie) Two slices of white. Stevie, hit me with a half of banana. (Rhett) Now that's normally not how I put it on my sandwich, but, listen, time is of the essence, so that's fine. Hit me with some pickles. Three pickle slices. Please actually hit him with the pickles. Oh, those are big ones. I have a philosophy for this sandwich. Hit me with one ounce of Nutella. (laughs) A sweet sandwich, if you will. I'm making a sandwich I would never eat. You're making a sandwich that, hopefully, you're going to feed to me. (Rhett) Yeah, right. I'm going to go with-- This looks like one ounce, right? Yeah. Sure. (Stevie) There you go. I can tell you right now, that you're losing. (Link) Five hundred calories. Hit me with one slice of turkey. I don't wanna bust. (high voice) One slice of turkey, gingerly placed upon my sandwich. Hit me with a compliment to the Nutella, one ounce of marshmallow fluff. Ha! This sandwich is getting better by the second. Yeah. (Rhett) Put it on that side of the banana. (Link) Are you making a sculpture, or a sandwich? Get with it. (Stevie) Alright, that'll do, right? (Rhett) That's good. Stay. Huh. Four hundred and ninety nine calories, right there. (laughs) Not true. What are you laughing at? This is how it's done, son. Hit me with one strip of bacon. (laughs) Yeah, keep it going. Pile it on. Where would you like this strip of bacon? - Just, crisscross with the bacon-- - This way? (Rhett) WIth the banana. And I will stay and enjoy. Oh. I will not-- I made this for a loved one (Link) not here right now. - So you're both staying? - Hm mm. Let's see how you did. Link, go ahead. Echo, ask the food tracker to log one slice of tomato, two slices of white bread, three pickle slices, and one slice of turkey. (Echo) I successfully logged tomato, white bread, pickles (Echo) and turkey, totaling two hundred calories. - (blows raspberry) - Oh! Little shy. That's not five hundred, Link. I didn't bust. Alright. Alexa, ask the food tracker to log two slices of wheat bread, (Rhett) a half a banana, one ounce of Nutella, one ounce mashmallow fluff (Rhett) and one strip of bacon. (Alexa) I successfully logged wheat bread, banana, Nutella, marshmallow fluff, and bacon, totaling five hundred five calories. (buzzer sound) - Oh what? No! - (all laugh) No, you can't give it to him. That was almost so-- That was so perfect. - Five calories? - Don't talk to her, talk to yourself. You take in five calories every time you breathe. It doesn't even count. It's called Blackjack. That's called precision, man. It's called bust. - I'll come back. - One point. ♪(electronic music)♪ Guys, welcome to the snack round. Thank you for having me, I'm winning. I'm not winning, 'cause I got greedy. You have two more chances, it's gonna be okay. - Bacon got me. - Calorie count for this round - is very specific. - Okay. Seven hundred and seventy nine. Okay, let me log that. This round, Rhett, you're going to be going first. So the hand that you are dealt with is cheese puffs. Oh. And, Link, for you I have - Snack it up. - A cup of milk. Okay, how do you know it's a cup, though? (laughs) (Stevie) A cup of milk. I'm off to a good start. I created a cheese puff base. - (Rhett) A foundation if you will. - (Stevie) Yes, great. What else would you like? Hit me with that can of anchovies. Yeah, what you looking at me like that for? You snack on anchovies? Prepackaged means precise caloric measurement. Don't let him-- Don't you be reading the calories on that thing. - It doesn't matter, I've already chosen it. - Okay. - (Link) Eugh. - (Rhett) Oh gosh, it-- (all make disgusted sounds) Is this like a special recipe of yours? Do you want a utensil? - (Rhett) Nope. - (crew laughs) Okay, ah! Hit me with some Mini-Wheats. Inside? Nope, the whole box. - Oh, come on. - (Link laughs) The whole box. I'm not going under, - but I'm not going over. - (Rhett) Yes you are. I'm not going this far under. Okay, I'm going to have to grab from back here. (Link) Grab it. - Yeah. - Thanks for that, Link. Welcome to my world. The world of going way over. (laughs) Stevie, hit me with four baby carrots. - (Stevie) A one, two, three, four. - (Rhett) That's very nice. Link, I suggest that you stay. Oh, I'm staying. (laughs) You stay right there and enjoy your Mini-Wheats. I'm staying in my happy place. Stevie, hit me with one ounce of potato chips. There we go. Stevie, hit me with six Starburst. (Stevie) One, two, three, four, five. And, finally, Stevie, hit me with a serving of beef jerky. Hmm. (Rhett) That'd be great. Just right on the top there. And that is where I stay. Alright, you're good? You're good? Standing tall. Let's see how you did. Rhett? Alexa, ask the food tracker to log cheese puffs, a can of anchovies, four baby carrots, one ounce of potato chips, six Starburst, and a serving of beef jerky. (Alexa) I successfully logged cheese puffs, anchovies, (Alexa) baby carrots, potato chips, Starburst, and beef jerky, (Alexa) totaling six hundred eighty three calories. Woohoo hoo! That's how it's done, son. Didn't bust. Now you must. Man, that's pretty close. Okay, Echo, ask the food tracker to log one cup of milk, and eighteen ounces of Mini-Wheats. (Echo) I successfully logged milk and Mini-Wheats, (Echo) totaling one thousand eight hundred and seventy calories. - (buzzer sound) - (laughs) - Went a bit over there. - (Rhett) You see what I was talking about? You know what? I know what it feels like to bust, - (ding sound) - but still be happy. Okay, we're even. ♪(electronic music)♪ - Welcome to the desert round, fellas. - Thank you. So your calorie count for this round is eighteen fifty. It's a high one. Well, these are deserts. Yes, exactly. So your hands are, Link-- - Bowl full of-- - Three scoops of chocolate ice cream that I'm going to make you scoop for yourself. Okay. (Rhett) She's a dealer, not a scooper. (Rhett) You can't blame her. You really can't blame her. For you I have a chocolate brownie. (high voice) Oh. Can you just deposit it in that bowl for me? There you go. (Rhett) Look at that. You didn't make Rhett deposit that in his own bowl. I'm over here, laboring away, breaking the ice cream scoop. (Link) Alright, that's good enough. Alright, Link, it is your turn first. What would you like? ♪ Hit me with some boba. Boba for the hits. ♪ Ten scoops. - (Link blows raspberry) - (Rhett) It looks like fish eggs. - (Rhett) Oh gosh. - We'll just call that ten scoops. - (crew laughs) - Give or take. I feel left out, over here, so hit me with three scoops of vanilla ice cream. It's only fair. Yes, I'll do it myself. (Rhett) Oh, soft. (Link) I need some sauce up in here. Three tablespoons of chocolate sauce. Would you like to use you own method? Or... No, just-- You're a measuring genius. Okay, yeah. Chocolate on chocolate, with a little boba. I'm going to continue to follow your lead, Link, hit me with four ounces of dark chocolate. That's less calories in dark chocolate. (Rhett) Oh, whole bar. And I karate chop that sucker. (Rhett) Fold it up, stick it in and sail the sundae seas. (all laugh) I want some Reddi-wip on here. So, hit me with some Reddi-wip. I'll tell you when. (Link) I'll know it when I see it. Keep it moving. More? Keep it going. Don't stop while you're ahead. (Link) Here we go. (Link) There you go. (Link) Are you ready to be whipped? - Reddi-wip-- (laughs) - (crew laughs) I didn't mean that in that way. Yeah, keep it going. Pile it up. Ah, the calories. (Link) I got to get to, what? Eighteen something? (Stevie) Oh no. (Link) Keep it going. That's not really effective, I gave up on that a while back. - (Link) Ah! Bring it! - You guys are doing nothing. (Link) Hit me. Woo! - That's it. - Woo! Okay, wow. Yeah, that's what it's for. (Rhett) That's what the can is for. It's a smoothing spatula. Okay. Went with the whole can, huh? Okay, I'm going to keep the game going. I want a whole head of lettuce. - (all laugh) - What? Oh yeah, that's what that thing needed. Yeah, you can't be the only one that gets to do whole things. Well, there's not lettuce. Lizzie's got lettuce over there from round one. - Are we allowing that? - Yes. - I would gladly allow it. - Okay. - (Rhett) Look, and it's like a garnish. - (crew laughs) It looks like a house plant now. - Yum. - (Link) Eighteen fifty. (Rhett) Look at that. It's like you struck land. Sailed into land. I've got a metaphor going on over here. Alright, Link? Three Gummy Bears. (laughs) Okay. Gotta be precise. Now you're just getting cocky. (Rhett) It's a little Gummy Pow wow. (Link) Now, the stuff that I'm eating right now, doesn't count against calories. - It doesn't - It's like eating off of someone else's plate. Those calories don't count. You know, there's a lot of volume in this, not a lot of calories, I do know that. (Rhett) This is really just for show. So I'm going to go with two spoonfuls of walnuts. Okay. If you could just drop the walnuts down in there. (Link) A little lettuce tree. (Link) That lettuce loves to eat walnuts, doesn't he? Yeah, he's like a Venus flytrap. It's a lettuce walnut trap. (Rhett) It's a rare species. I think people are going to be wanting this recipe. Well, you've seen me make it. We will put this on our Tumblr. Link? You know what? I'm gonna sit tight. Okay. Rhett? Touché I stand as well. Alright, it is time. Link, you wanna go first? Yes. Echo, ask the food tracker to log three scoops of chocolate ice cream, (Link) ten spoonfuls of boba, three tablespoons of chocolate sauce, (Link) seventy four servings of Reddi-wip, and three Gummy Bears. (Echo) I successfully logged chocolate ice cream, boba, (Echo) chocolate sauce, Reddi-wip and Gummy Bears. (Echo) totaling one thousand eight hundred and eight calories. - What? No! - (laughs) You got so lucky, man! What is that? Forty two? - I was forty two under. - You had no idea how much that was. I know exactly what I was doing. My tree's dying. - Yeah it is. (laughs) - My hopes are diminishing as well. Alright, want to try it? Okay, here we go. Alexa, ask the food tracker to log a chocolate brownie, three scoops (Rhett) of vanilla ice cream, four ounces of dark chocolate, (Rhett) a head of lettuce, and two spoonfuls of walnuts. (Alexa) I successfully logged chocolate brownie, vanilla ice cream, (Alexa) dark chocolate, lettuce, and walnuts, totaling one thousand (Alexa) four hundred and forty seven calories. - Dang! - (ding sound) That wasn't bad, but you're not as lucky as me. I've run aground. Wow! - (ringing sound) - Congratulations, Link. (Rhett) You won, man. Who would have thought? You get to enjoy a whole can of Reddi-wip, too. I would have thought. I thought! Congratulations. So I win the prize in More, but for now. Thanks to Amazon Echo for sponsoring this episode. And thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing. You know what time it is. I'm Sarah, and this is Amanda, and we're in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the Bellagio. - And it's time to spin the - (both) Wheel of Mythicality. You, too, can ask Alexa to log your snacks for you, and more instantly. To get your own Amazon Echo, click the link in the description. And click through to Good Mythical More, where I'm going to enjoy my prize, it is a snack Jack Black. A black Jack-- A Jack Black, made out of snacks-- The actor. - ♪(fanfare music)♪ - It's a Gif. The Gif of the day. It's-- What was that? That's an octopus with a-- - Dancing cheetah-- - That's a leopard. (both) That is a leopard. - That's a dancing leopard on-- - Yeah. - A cheetah cannot dance on an octopus. - Definitely not. But a leopard can. [Captioned by Jack GMM Captioning Team]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 7,892,861
Rating: 4.9351149 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, season 10, Calorie Countdown Challenge, Calorie Countdown Challenge good mythical morning, good mythical morning Calorie Countdown Challenge, Calorie Countdown Challenge rhett and link, rhett and link Calorie Countdown Challenge, Calorie Countdown Challenge gmm, gmm Calorie Countdown Challenge, snack jack, black jack, calorie challenge, countdown, snack, calorie
Id: 0GqbbVHsbKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2016
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