Junk Food

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Is this the first time he ever mentioned his dad?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
today's video was sponsored by carrots actually alright if you put other stuff on us I wouldn't consider my parents health nuts more like health kernels they would never buy unhealthy snacks but they wouldn't force me and my siblings to go outside and play because it was always burning hot and we just licked the melted candy off the sidewalk anyways they would never buy sugary cereal the most sugary cereal my parents got was honey nut cheerios but my mom would mix the honey nut cheerios with regular ones to make it more healthy or something so I would start every day spending 15 minutes picking out the regular Cheerios from the cereal bowl that's right my parents didn't buy a stable Cocoa Puffs or candy my life sucked we were allowed to eat sugary cereal for one day out of the year and that was on Christmas morning it's a fun tradition and we still do it to this day as a kid I would always get jealous when my friends would pull out their Lunchables and tell me how much their family ate out and all the sugary cereals they got to eat meanwhile I had a PB&J sandwich on wheat bread with the crust still on but it's okay cuz I like the crust but now looking back I'm just so grateful that my mom cared enough about my health to instill these healthy eating habits into me at a young age I mean I don't follow them anymore because I live on my own and I don't know how to cook in Bagel Bites tastes so darn good but I'm still thankful my mom taught me what I should be doing now if there's any parents watching this going hmm I like the way this James's mom character thinks good I would recommend to all parents that you should be teaching your kids healthy eating habits as soon as possible I definitely didn't appreciate it at the time but now that I'm older and wiser I'm thankful that I like the taste of wheat bread my parents had a saying the wider the bread the sooner you're dead they would always get wheat bread even for hot dog and hamburger buns they got wheat some of you might have had to use sandwich bread as hot dog buns you're poor I get it but at least you didn't have to use wheat bread however now that I live on my own I still get the wheat bread because I don't want to die young I still have youtube videos to make some things never change I guess except I do get the white hotdog buns the wheat ones are still gross when I was a very little kid my dad's work was throwing a barbecue get-together thing and I got to eat as many hot dogs on white bread as I could handle but the best part of it all was I got to wash it down with soda listen I was very sugar deprived back home I had to catch up on all the sugar I was missing out on I don't remember what the soda was exactly but let's just say for the sake of this story it was an original bottle of coke from the 1800s it might as well have had cocaine because I was addicted to all the white powdery stuff they added in that drink pretty soon my tummy started to get the rumblies and I had no idea what was causing it so I told my dad dad my tummy hurts and he said hmm it's probably because you're dehydrated here have some soda and I still respected my dad at that age and thought he knew what he was talking about so I drank more soda and then I threw up and my dad said we should leave I mentioned this next story in my first book available in bookstores near you be on the lookout for book number two coming out at the end of March but one time my mom bought a giant three pound bag of Skittles I forgot what she bought them for but they definitely weren't for us she locked them away in a closet because she knew what us kids would do if we got our grubby little hands on the skittles this wasn't the first time my mom had to hide candy from us but this time she forgot to lock the closet leaving the skittles unprotected and me and my older brother ate the entire thing and we would have gotten away with it but then something came up puke I threw up on the family room carpet my mom saw how rainbow the throw-up was and immediately put two and two together and knew that we had gotten into her skittles the funny part of this story is that my older brother got punished but I didn't because according to my mom I had already suffered enough and that's why that story is in the chapter titled perks of being the younger brother anyways don't eat so much candy that you throw up okay I'm gonna be talking about M&Ms for a while so to make it go faster instead of saying M&Ms I'm just gonna say mmm and one of my older videos I said that my favorite candy bar was mmm-hmm and every time I would tell people that they would always say that's not a candy bar I just I just can't do this anymore but then something interesting happened a year after that video was posted mmm actually released a bar version of their candy so now I can absolutely say that mom is my favorite candy bar and not get any weird looks someone at the marketing team sent me a box of candy bars and I think they wanted me to promote it but because I said that moons are my favorite candy bar whenever I go to a convention sometimes you guys bring me mmm candy which is very thoughtful but you know I like other things too like Oreos and Twix and money you know I'm just saying you don't have to bring me all the time when I was visiting London I went to the store with my friends Adam and Mads and if you don't know about the London store it's four stories tall 35,000 square feet and according to Wikipedia the largest sweet store in the world so it was kind of big once I stepped inside my first thought was okay this is too much it was like the candy forest scene in Willy Wonka except it was all chocolate and expensive in one part of the store you could make your own custom moons with a picture in two phrases so for the picture I googled my cartoon self held up my phone to the camera and it bloody worked bite and for the phrases naturally we wanted to write something that was meaningful so we wrote mad stinks and Adam smells but the employee didn't allow us to write that because it was too negative and went against the brand so knowing we were not allowed to roast each other the next phrases we decided to print was get Mads and something else whitey it wasn't creative but without being able to make fun of each other we didn't have a lot to work with but those phrases weren't allowed either because they were the names of some youtubers so they got flagged by the system and they told us you'll need permission from the youtuber even though you're both right here listen boys I'm just an employee I don't want to get sued on one hand I'm glad that has a system in place to prevent people from stealing but on the other hand it's just hands what do you think we're gonna do with them so after two failed attempts at getting the phrase we wanted we settled on getting and Mads at least I still got my cannonball guy printed even though technically this image is copyrighted so mmm you'll be hearing from my lawyers soon one of the disadvantages of being a youtuber is the lack of benefits we don't even have dental and with all the junk food I'm eating and the flossing I'm not doing I should probably see one can I confess something I didn't know dentists who are optional I thought they summoned you to their offices like jury duty that's what it felt like when I was a kid I've never gotten a cavity though at least not one that I know of so at least I'm doing something right now comes the part of the video where I give you advice on eating healthy but I'm still working on that myself and when I don't know what to eat I can't help but biting down on a delicious carrot carrots are the most popular vegetable in the world having been nominated as the best orange thing ever use code odd one next time you purchase a carrot to get five thousand free carrot points and a bunch of weird looks at the grocery store give your body the fuel it needs you wouldn't pour soda in a car engine and expect it to run of course that's not really the best metaphor to use because you also wouldn't pour water into a car and expect it to run I guess everyone drink gasoline because cars and people are the same but the point is you've only got one body so you should take care of it hey guys hope you enjoyed the first video of 2020 did any of you eat sugary cereals as a kid cool me neither I want to get sappy for a second and thank everyone for supporting me it's crazy how far we've come in like how long has it been six years many of you have noticed some odd ones out merch popping up at Hot Topic gamestop box lunch and Target and all of this has happened because of your support and it really means the world to me I want to give a big shout out to my amazing team who worked on this video all of their socials are in the description I wouldn't have been able to finish this video without you I'll see you cheeky blokes at VidCon London in February and maybe I'll try some jammie Dodgers while I'm there and one last sugary sweet message before I go next time you go to the store buy some junk food remember to wear your seat belt
Channel: TheOdd1sOut
Views: 53,233,549
Rating: 4.9317584 out of 5
Keywords: Junk Food, cereal, honey nut cheerios, soda, carrots, M&Ms, London, health, diet, animation, cartoon, funny, theodd1sout, theoddisout, theoddonesout
Id: bTCQhMMfse0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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