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it's your turn to light the fire I lived it last time I'm tired Nate can you please write it man I just come back from the shed lands too why isn't the fire been lit well Nate didn't want to light it he didn't want to light it why do you look like halfway between disheveled and relaxed I don't wear my armor all the time this is just I mean no no this isn't weird what's weird you guys are always wearing the same thing every time I see you same thing I like you're eating it you're sleeping it what's the matter with you what are you taking us for stories I've changed that recently did my favorite 3F gear you don't look sick anymore yeah what what's wrong with everybody else oh uh it's gear that is appropriate for fighting feasting and all the time like whenever you're not seeing me I'm probably frolicking in fact I Frolic hard hard so hard actually that women don't want to frolick with me sometimes where have you been Chad oh yeah well I was scouting the Shad lands alone I mean I didn't know where you guys were that's a story for another day yeah like I didn't even sleep in that late I mean but then no one was here so yeah yeah so I was doing some scouting guys I found a crypt oh yes really yes free stuff Nate yeah yeah you know the history of the shadowlands crazy stuff has happened here in the past yeah there's a script there's a crib there it's gonna be shocked full of monsters I'm so I'm zombies it's gonna be zombies vampires yeah well I had werewolves traps skeletons witches goblins [ __ ] going a bit harder yeah it's probably been there a while why do you think goblins are gonna be in there because they like treasure look regardless I'm hungry well because what we're wearing like yeah that's not good you're wearing the top my thoughts exactly I can't tell you even my brigandine right the sleeves aren't armored and so I had a look at our stocks we got some shame out and I think that'll do the job claws bites uh that should protect us I think we should test it first just to be sure yeah because like where it was gonna play pretty hard wow zombies and skeletons they might have weapons right traps why don't we go test it and you can light the fire and have dinner ready yeah find out which weapons can get through the mail easiest yeah yeah okay um a roast to be beautiful foreign [Music] or if not severely damaging it because uh it costs money but that's why this video is brought to you by our generous supporters on subscribe Star patreon channel memberships on YouTube and player there's another one because it's only things you guys are able to keep making this content now uh we do have behind the scenes content exclusive content on all of those platforms if you sign up for one of them you get all of it you get past live streams you get all of it so you get to see sort of the stuff we get to behind the scenes a bunch of behind the scenes stuff just today we did a video on our favorite swords behind the scenes yeah dedicated content as well as bloopers little uh gag reels that we have to like just cut out of the main videos there is some awesome stuff thank you to everyone supporting us means the world means we can keep making this content Let's uh get back to destroying this foreign [Music] we're going to be testing mail today now something to mention is this is probably going to be one of the most thorough testing videos that we've ever done in terms of weapon variety we have a whole bunch and we're going to show you every single one now before we talk about the weapons though we need to talk about the male itself because the male this one here is riveted male means exactly what it sounds like every single link is riveted together whereas a lot of the stuff you find online is buttered milk meaning it's just buttered end to end this suffers from male moth it's nowhere near as good so majority of the tests we're going to do on the strong stuff but then for reference I think we hit this at the end as well so we're going to hit it at the end with uh what performs the best now this is what we're using for today uh now let's head over to our weapons because we want to show you the ones that we're going to be using now usually what we'll do is we'll use a weapon each we're not going to be doing that for today yeah too many weapons too many weapons so we've actually chosen our weapons let's head over there now and we'll show you exactly what we're talking about foreign everything from a dagger which you know the blade profile isn't that great to a hail bid ax might not work so much that might not work so much but the spike at the end that should be good two the master sword even a blade profile isn't that great and Gladius because Gladius and my favorite of all the swords an arming sword because well it's an army so it's nice and light should work well then I want to move on to an old favorite from shadowversity a knife and fork I think that'll work really well especially how thin those blades are two a proper shadowversity favorite the back Decor Ben we're going to try every little Spike and blade on this and then because tyrants I feel like is going to be doing some ranged weapon I want to throw some kunai just to see how this is going to work let's cross over to Tyrant to see what he's got so Nate has made his choice of weapons and I have made mine here I've got the kriegs master I'm going to be starting off with some slashes then I'm going to be moving on to something like an ax a lot more blunt force trauma than anything else then I'm going to be moving over to a katana because all the weebs in the world want to see how a katana will perform against something like this then I'm going to be moving on to some half sorting yes this is going to do nothing but uh you know why not test it anyway then we're going to be moving on just like Nate to a sort of more of a modern kitchen knife and also a tine now the time that me and Nate have is two different times his is a Hand Forged one this is more of a production one so we'll see if there's any difference in those sorts of things then the king of the battlefield itself the spear now this one is a bit more of a healing Spirit it has a broader blade on it but we'll see how it goes with its penetrative Force then to finish off I've got two more I've got ah a beautiful house of the Dragon replica here now the reason we're using this one is because the tip on this thing is gnarly it is very very pointy very very sharp and I think this is going to actually destroy the mail but we'll have to wait and see and of course we have the warbow itself 120 pounds we can probably get it to around 100 110 pounds but this is what I'm going to be finishing on we'll see how these arrow tips go we've got a couple of them that this one doesn't actually penetrate through this is my selection let's get on to the testing foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sometimes foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so we have done a little bit of testing so far and the results have been a little interesting we've picked two weapons each that we wanted to talk about a little bit in depth did you want to start us off sure so obviously you know we've gone through a series of weapons but coming to daggers but actually expected a bit more as we're going through the daggers and it even got to the point of talking about the Gladius and I thought this would do better because historically this weapon was kind of used against opponents like that the tip got in to the armor it was just a tip wasn't busting links that's for sure for a weapon that's designed specifically to do it it didn't do as well as I thought it would here I have got the ax now this ax performed actually not too bad which is something that we found in another video especially this beak here now the reason why I'm saying this is this beak isn't sharp it's actually a really uh blunt beat and it was able to get right in and bust links the blade of it wasn't really able to but because it's an ax blunt force trauma and this is male you're going to be breaking some ribs and that's why I brought up the things like the daggers and the knives because even though they weren't penetrating the armor really properly they were still doing copious amounts of damage underneath even if the armor for the most part survived I wanted to talk about my Katana because I wanted to do a little bit of a two for one type thing I had two different swords I had the katana and the kriegs mess up and I did some slashes some chops and I even did a couple of especially with katana and they did nothing app absolutely nothing I feel like that wouldn't have even broken a rib might hurt a bit but that's about it yeah but the reason why I brought that up is because everybody's obviously expecting how's the katana going to go the katana's actually held up it hasn't it's taken some chips along the blade little tiny ones every weapon so far has taken some chips and it hasn't taken a set so I consider that a bit of a win the katana didn't it didn't self-destruct so with the hail beard now these this is a little lighter and a little sort of smaller than a normal hail bed but as expected a big thick wedge shape like that is not going to get through the ax is going to be exactly like your ax but the Little Hook at the end the beak that got through so we got about that much penetrative damage which is enough to really hurt and start tearing open the armor I feel like that that was working just like it was with the ax we've got a couple of weapons left I think we've got another two or three something like that each we do but before we talk about that I kind of want to talk about the uh unsung heroes right yes of course we've got both of these here because both of them regardless of the shape this one's a lot more pointy yours is a bit thicker but straight through straight through straight through so if somebody is wearing mail and you're an adventure and you have to do an assassination maybe pick a feast yeah like it generally just went straight through the mail yeah no no effort not thinking about it so as long as the tines are it's about as much damage as you're going to get and it's very stealthy yeah it's very stealthy it would be interesting if the takeaway from today's video is the best weapon against male is a time you just got to pick your time to to the battle whoo I think we are up to the uh pistols yes not our last weapons no but our last like sort of big ones before we move on to the final stuff here I have a very very sharp and pointy sword yeah now weapon technology in the medieval careful period um eventually evolved to points like this to specifically get through armor so it was designed to get through plate and get through the holes in chainmail so it'll be interesting to see how that actually holds up and then what have you got there I've got a bit of a bit of a fan favorite so we've had the vector core band repaired but it'll be interesting to see how this Swiss army knife of a weapon is actually going to work we know the Hammer's not going to do anything but the little lag spikes on the side the main Spike for thrusting and of course the beak which given what happened with the ax and given what happened with the Halibut I have a feeling that that beak is just going to obliterate this whole it'll be good so what we're going to do is we're going to start off with this because I think all the fans will be uh waiting with their anticipation for the results of this I am with anticipation to see the results of that so hurry up and destroy him leave me some left [Music] thank you so we've concluded all our testing with all our you know handheld sort of weapons now we're going to go for a little bit of range stuff I have the warbow here this is 100 120 pounds and uh you have something clinging around there I do so I've got a few kunai because even though we know this really isn't going to do too much I kind of want to see what Rogue weapons would do against mail that's fine that's fine but we're going to be uh you know what actually let's do yours first just because uh we'll end off with hopefully something that'll work yeah because I'd like to see that we know this is going to pair well we think we know it's not going to penetrate so let's give this a shot foreign that's enough the results have been exactly as expected yeah and it's time we move on to the warbow oh yeah now that I think is actually going to do something so I hope it does I actually am not sure here so well we'll have to see we'll have to take a really close note that it doesn't hit a previously marked area but we'll watch and find out thank you [Music] [Music] all right well I think we're up to the buttered maze are they done yeah that was from the flamethrower yeah it's a previous previous video we're talking about mail we'll get to that we'll get to that but seeing as you're here I feel like we should let you uh end out on the butt of mail because we started the video talking about how bad this is compared to riveted and we now have as promised the best of the best weapons but but here it is best of the best well this makes sense because I've got a full video talking about Forks what time time it's got two it's got two prongs at the time one progress in all two prongs it's a time three prongs it's a fork or a trend yeah sorry three bronzers trying four processes we know what we're saying it's a medieval poking thing it is but but it has potential in combat I got a whole video and you know barely on your arms watch it because I don't know maybe but there's more value to Forks what did I think but how about how about we come back to that because I want to see this get destroyed for that not yet not yet plus he's taken enough damage to the day can you hold this he's taken enough damage for the day let's uh you don't need to see any more there buddy you don't see anymore stab him in the back yeah yeah well okay hang on hang on if you're gonna be fighting monsters and you have the opportunity to stab in the back that's always what you do but he's not a monster he's one of us he's looking like he's looking like a monster he's looking like a nightmare is they're already in the zombie territory yeah we can just put him at the front lines when we go down to the Crypt and it'll be fine they'll run away from us anyway all right Chad which one do you want to start with we have the back to Corbin which of course the beak is the point uh I'll end off with that I want to try with the sword because swords are interesting and I think you probably have been finding the results that it very much depends on blade profile yes uh and it wasn't for lack of trying we tried with the katana and The kriegs Messer to get through this bad boy well not this one the other one but this one here it was uh uniquely beautifully and we said right before we hit with it that this is designed specifically to get through armor and and design of all such a cute tips like this and uh funnily enough when you put it to the test you see why you know what enough talking let's start let's start blasted through it look at that oh yeah try again I'll try and maybe get on this scenario this time you know resistance I am getting a lot of flex though but uh it'd not be happy I think um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] that is fully fully in all right it's not the only Spike to try out hang on [Music] [Music] I'm gonna Fork this guy all right [Music] before wow wow that was kind of as expected for some of the weapons but but for other weapons yeah like I you really did [ __ ] he talked about frolicking and he ref definitely forked it up with that now I think you actually just on the tine before we move on you actually got deeper penetration than we did when we did this so I don't think I think you just put more power into it yeah it did double hands yeah um well you gotta you got a double hand Forks if you're going for assassination you're handling Forks two hands is usually better than one and this isn't even sharp I want to make sure that's point this is just it's got a slight not even Edge that went right up that got deeper penetration than some of the swords even yeah like we expected good penetration out of this but if you hold that for a second shot some of the things like the Gladius like that was kind of busting links I didn't throw the Gladius against the bud mail I'll be back brought a blade tip buttered mail oh I am busted a ring didn't re depends on what level of penetration you consider that yeah on this one boom yeah well results as expected yeah I get it got through the buttered bail where did this have trouble with it no I was gonna say like it was it was I said busted links I Mormon like bending links but that was about it like I honestly thought it would do better and it didn't whereas something like this sword with this tip which is gnarly we've actually uh taken a little bit off the tip because we hit the core of Boromir yeah but we were able to get like this deep yeah so you get swords with profiles like that like this that confirms something pretty significant because this is why these tips were developed right but we have to mention faster three chamber and it didn't go through that deep because that borrow mirror is thicker than that with armor I feel like it went about that deep because we saw we didn't see that the whole thing pop out but we saw the tiniest tip come out the other side so this actually went all the way through it went through the the front but then it didn't get through the back of the mail but it did go through the front hang on it went through riveted Mail Plus gamerson padded gambeson through Boromir through the gambeson again and then almost out the back yeah almost out the back but this thing is pretty loud now before anybody asks what sword this is this is a uh discontinued sword that we got sent to review so then they asked us not to review it because it was discontinued and you can obviously see it's uh based off of I think it's uh Blackfire from House of the dragon and so as as Tyrone third it should have a little red gem there to actually be accurate it's got Frozen and Cottons one of the big Pros is its blade and its profile and we were happy to put that on the uh I guess risking damage area yeah they're now uh our beautiful baby but when we get to some of the other weapons we got to things like beaks and hooks and whoo you didn't break it this time thanks you know I tried not to plus it's actually stronger now it's got a thicker weld holding it together but the first swing I think I got it to about that deep and I'm like okay let's put a little extra power into it straight to the base so every time it is shocking and how effective riveted mail is against some weapons like someone was just it stopped it in the tracks well there is one more we should talk about that actually made it through and that is our arrows well this Arrow particularly here do you want to hold that one we've actually got some uh bit where the wood has been chewed up by the actual mail yeah so bullet heads were getting through so that's the actual metal part the bullet heads are getting through the broadheads not so much so if we had Bodkin tips which are really sharp long tips there are even things called needlepoint Bodkins which are specially made like now two actually so people can see there is a giant difference between these areas this is basically twice as thick and with that giant that head so this was able to get through consistently which is the important part and to note the size of the holes on this particular Hallberg are about as big as that shaft is thick so it was pushing the links off to the side making a hole or finding a hole and going through pretty much every time yeah and we tried a few different arrows and none of them were getting through so when we got this one through we had to do it a couple times to make sure that it wasn't a fluke and every time hence the fraying like it's just it was choking up every time this is interesting because like War arrows stereotypically have much thicker diameters which would actually make it harder to get through certain types of mail because the Rings aren't big enough they're also heavier they should have more power behind them because they're heavier yeah um and so I guess it's a bit of a give and take there uh it's just just fascinating stuff all around in terms of now it doesn't need to be mentioned the Emerson that was under the mail isn't the best like armaged Anderson you can get ones that are 30 layers that can stop arrows like this the Test's been done and a 30 lead gamerson has stopped arrowheads like this yeah but it sort of comes down at least for adventurers comes down to the Quality so if you're like dungeon master or Storyteller is saying to you hey we've got a gamson for 100 gold and a gamerson for five gold grab the one worth a hundred because otherwise that's gonna happen so I think uh this will hold up for our adventure into the Crypt uh do you want to go Nate okay hang on a couple of things okay okay so I don't think uh the undead are gonna have refined blades like this so check that'll be safe uh do you think they're going to be because like Forks I'm always hungry yeah I kind of I do want this to make our food no I didn't but if we're not facing Forks that's safe we'll we'll actually hang on we need to really think about weapons and would a fork forgetting the armor like we figured that out would the fork be the best weapon to take into there like we've got a video we do have a video on an entire Fox and we tested this again today and you were right oh and I speculate certain uses of forks in battlefields and other things and how you could use them you should probably check it out it's right there and in the meantime grab the grab the chainmail we'll leave this here for you but we we ruined all our chainmail now now we have nothing to wear oh well you can put this one on if you want I think it'll still work fine the floor in our logic to test our chainmail we just traded the process now we have nothing to wear well there's a video yeah go watch the video we'll figure out the armor okay
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 260,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nJyS1b1YSTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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