What is the BEST ARMOR for fantasy ADVENTURERS?

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[Music] Shadow greetings I'm shad and it's time we actually revisit an important subject and that is what would be the best armor for a fantasy Adventurer to wear hence why not only do we have select pieces of armor we have a new piece of armor that you got recently that's getting showcased yes uh a little bit about it steel mastery they do incredible work and as you might have noticed they actually made shad's original Briggs and they made me my very own custom one which is actually different from yours slightly different uh but we'll get to that a little bit later we will indeed so I covered this subject a couple of years ago now and my thoughts have actually evolved a bit really yes you don't think I can't change my no I say really you act really surprised very confident Last Time Around in like you knew exactly where you wanted to go you were completely confident with it I figured you weren't going to change your opinion I'm not saying I think it's I'm 100% wrong I'm just saying my thoughts have evolved a bit one thing has changed though Shad is now a actual fantasy Adventurer so now so now he's evolved a little bit funn that that actually is the reason why my thoughts have evolved because I have more experience wearing armor uh in actual fact Tyrant is wearing the one that I've worn a lot do you hear this this is metal this is steel and he's actually tricking you he wears foam all the time I wear the steel well did wear the steel until today yeah what are you complain he wears the phone all the time too yes but there's a difference between wearing like steel like this out in the field actually doing things versus when we just need to stand around and I'm 10 kilos heavier for no reason there's a difference there uh but yes continue on so when I say my thoughts evolved we're probably going to cover some of the like same philosophy that I shared in the other video but we also have additional people to share your thoughts on and they might actually disagree with me so first thing is out of the gate what maybe maybe disagree of course of course I am so there was there's a lot of caveat to consider when you're thinking about this there is like the thick of the combat what would you want to wear but one of the things I point out in the original video which doesn't really get acknowledged a lot or even shown a lot in fantasy stuff it's tra the thing that adventurers will do most is actually traveling and so with that taken into consideration that mixes up things considerably and when I was considering it I did say that I felt gamerson would be one of the most common adventuring bits of kit that they will wear I still largely agree although there was a bit of conflict I had in the original video and that was how much adventurers would travel in their armor right and historically there's a bit of give and take there are depictions shown them carrying armor separate to themselves and there's depictions of them traveling in armor and so when I was trying to weigh it up I kind of said if it's over long distances think adventurers would just wear something more comfortable hence the gambison but if they know they were going into battle well actually they'll probably wear more armored kind of serious armaments layer up as you're about to into the heat of it that's fair enough though this is the thing though I have now worn armor um an equivalent like even though I'm wearing a foam you know brri right this is actually quite equivalent to something like um hardened leather or something like that okay in terms of weight and restriction of movement and I have worn that thing for hours on end and it did impress me the amount of adaptability that you you develop when you wear it continually conditioning to wear armor is a real thing it is you I haven't really experienced much fatigue traveling over distances it's traveling on incline traveling on inclines with any type of armor I can I absolutely I can absolutely attest to that there was a period where I hadn't worn armor for a little while for reenactment um and I put on a full Hallberg suit and went to run up a hill and I kind of ran straight into the hill because my legs weren't quite used to the give for the extra push so yeah inclines and and the hills get you do kind of you know acclimate to it like it might get a little hot depending on like sun things like that but for the most part traveling on a flat surface it isn't that bad your body just gets used to it it's just going up something that's when and down and down and if you're wearing a if you're riding a horse that actually solves that quite a lot and so I actually feel it depends on the length of time but someone who is uh conditioned and used to armor can comfortably wear it for a full day well and and then would they wouldn't really rest in it it depends if if if you're if you're imminent attack you can rest in armor well you got to remember we're talking about adventurers here so this is standard adventuring party which means we don't know whether we have horses whether we're going to be on a long campaign whether it's going to be you know in a city in a Tavern we're unprepared we have to be prepared why don't we take it as what we personally do when we go out to Adventure we are quite literally in our kit from the beginning of the day to the end of the day so I think that's a good Bas line yeah and all right so with the idea that adventurers can I if they ition for it they can wear heavier bits of armor for full day travel and even res in it and that means they could extend a couple of days if they know it's like a week's travel to get from point A to point B maybe they would like it depends but if you're actually under imminent threats because you're conditioned for it I think they would actually probably start to wear the armor more often and that opens up multiple additional options now okay because funny still gamerson is still the Bas layer like for most arm great armor just it really is we're all wearing gamerson right now yeah it's stylish it's light and for the most part it's going to protect you against some stuff it won't protect you against like real heavy stuff I'm stylish I have egglets and by the way we've done a dedicated video testing gamerson armor and that gamerson that we tested isn't even the best grade armor but it's still surprising how effective it is and it's it's it's one of these this is a this is the equivalent of what I'm wearing and the one that we tested is equivalent what I'm currently wearing now really thick type of gamerson with wool sandwiched in between usually if you want to get past one of them either razor sharp super pointy or blunt force apart from that it's kind of pretty Dar good pretty darn good uh next up what do you want to go to well now we have the options let's let's go through the options and I want to hear you guys' thoughts on what you think would be the best for a standard Adventurer with the caveat of character classes which is going to mix it up a bit when you say the caveat of character classes in for the most part because obviously we start talking Wizards we can't really do armor depending on the setting so just in general what would work yes that's what we're going to be discussing but so after game so it's funny in classic role playing games they call this padded armor I have videos just sharing my frustration that gambers or padded armor is given such a low armor rating in in goes out pisses me off it's good you should see those cuz it's really good in actual fact it's better than a lot of flexible dress leather which people assume is leather armor and it's like no leather armor is like real actual armor grade leather armor well the closest we have is something like this and give it a knock but it gets more hardcore than that so this is a lot closer to what you would have as like boiled or wax boiled armor where you can kind of hear it but if you get something like normal soft leather look at this do you do you hear that and and so when you want armor out of leather you need a hardened it and proper hardened leather armor is is like plates like an actual stiff plate of armor that is uh almost akin to plastic hardened plastic in terms of you you want a baseline comparison kind of and it's a little it's also kind of like a wood in the in the way that the grains actually trap blades coming in they do hold on to it they almost grip it so it can be good uh Todd's Workshop actually has experimented with different types of hardened leather going off of historical recipes and stuff um c c c cured Bo C CU there's a French word talking about the process of creating it but it's basically boiling it with wax I yeah and it becomes really stiff and rigid and so what I find funny about about the leather armor thing is people think it's flexible and Rogues would wear it when actual armor grade leather armor is as restrictive it's just a bit lighter than actual plate armor a lot thicker and and there are very and I mean very few depictions of leather armor in medieval art to and and when we do find things that might be dep pictures of leather armor it's all debatable because it's hard to tell if it's just got a a cloth covering over top but it seems to be like rarely ever breast plates but joint kind of accents can go with other stuff like maybe a puldon or or or a bracer or something like easily much more easily shaped than a lot of the other types of armor so it makes sense to have it as your you know elbow cop or something but it also might not like last as long as everything else yeah so as to how much leather armor would be used by fantasy adventurers I'm skeptical I would say probably the same amount we do as accents as extra but like full is where I'm like because G is arguably as protective and more flexible um and then if you go the really hardened leather armor just get metal at that point like would you say leather is less protective than a gambas depends on H on how hardened it is yeah like the actual hardened leather armor that's stiff and rigid I would actually say it's probably a bit more protective but it's restrictive and not Flex not very flexible uh and so and it it's I would be worried about the gaps so so yeah sure you know your main areas are going to be nice and covered but under the arm for example you can't put a stiff pie piece of leather there but you know as much gamerson is there is as much gamerson as here so yeah it's a trade-off and do remember things like leather can dry out and start to crack and all yeah there's actually wow you don't want to keep that too subtle if you're if you're stuck in softens it yeah if you're stuck in the rain that would sof up weather armor considerably well that's something to consider as an adventure which we've found this through looking at different resources and doing a little bit of of Care on our own stuff as well exactly and doing doing some um like historical experimentation is weather gamerson as amazing as they are when they get saturated you're done for you're done for no you are absolutely done for because you're a bit very heavy they are you're basically dou if you get thrown if you get thrown into a river and you're wearing full plate mail you can swim if you're wearing I tried to tell this to Shad yesterday if you're wearing a gamerson you sink I want to test that we have a lake and I want to test that look I know I've seen people swim in chain mail I reckon I could swim in gamerson and look for safety we'll tie a rope so you can pull me to shore if I go under for safety I'm going to want I don't know what that water is I wouldn't necessarily trust it anyway it we' jumped in it as as as Shad said before a Gam is basically lots of layers of different Fabrics so when you put it in water it absorbs all that water and all of a sudden you're very heavy I can so it floats though doesn't it no we need to test this we need to test this so we have our gamerson we have our Brig we have some plate we have a bit of mail and of course we have uh some Samurai armor there might be some more videos with this Samurai armor in the future by the way we just thought it was a good comparison it is and it was sent to us for review so it's going to be a dedicated review but in this video we're more going to be focusing on General overall armor and so the next armor that we kind of go to in terms of scales of armor is male yes now chain mail is really effect I was going to say there is actually a couple of pieces missing here which we should bring up we just don't happen to have at sh diversity one of which is Lamela we don't have any leather Lamela which is kind of like scale male but made of leather doesn't have to be made of um with the scales pointed up there is there is also scale mail which is usually scales pointed down is Jack chains which I love Jack chains are cool Jack chains which is basically Bars of Steel on the long parts of the arm and chains in the joints it's oh it's gorgeous stuff and it's kind of like the cheap man's version of chain we should mention sted leather uh people think usually that's the they like they get they get confused blame Gary GX yeah Gary sted leather was not an Arma type historically and I think it's a misinterpretation of this what we're wearing here brigandine which has stud but brigine is plate armor steel steel so all right male male is really effective used s and even like when plate came around still CH mail was down it was usually worn under or in conjunction we've tested it as well and to be fair it took a lot to get through it it you have to really have to really a pointy boy proper riveted mail not not buted riveted male this is going to be in the same kind of Realm as say I reckon like just a breastplate and uh breastplate arguably covers chest area and uh weight is comparable just breastplate just breastplate though though cuz it is hanging off the same areas then but there is more structure kind of supporting the upper weight as well so do keep in mind that whenever you wear one of these armors you're probably going to wear it with something else you're probably going to wear it with a gamerson or something underneath so there's always more weight than just putting this on your naked body so so when it comes to the next kind of stage of armor including male breastplate as well as all the other variants they fall into cuz also brigandine okay they fall into kind of the same consideration if an adventurer would wear it because we're talking m mostly about chest protection aren't we yes now this one here just so we we clear about this this one was made by Steel Mastery and they make pretty much all the Briggs here at shadiversity cuz they make awesome Briggs like I mean I love them they're awesome I'm missing a BRI when I they are one of the most affordable yeah good quality Briggs now and they're also very uh customizable you can actually choose what you want for example the ones that uh shad's got on is a foam one and this one that I've got here that they made for me is also a foam one because we like yes armor is good but at the same time we're filming like all day in the heat so something a little bit lighter than this a littleit easier and and also you know it's not a European winter it's an Australian summer so uh so this brick here was made by them and this one is not exactly the same as sheds it's actually different it has different color uh a true Tyrant rad as I call it and also Tyrant rad and all of the rivets are little bit different as well little bit different so seal Mastery one of the only ones sorry I got to add one more piece in these uh leather shoulders here weren't actually theirs I made these myself so if you were to get one of these uh there'll be a link in the description they're not going to come with these leather shoulders they're they're mine they're one of the only companies and act fact I do not know of a single other company that makes foam Briggs MH like and the the thing to me makes such a shoin is that if we put this down like without being told you can't tell that this is foam like I've worn this to Medieval like events and stuff and everyone assumes it's just metal when I saw you at cral Castle Nate Nate thought this I was wearing the metal one because it just looks so authentic um I did I really did and then I did this expecting solidity and got Squish and I I I was shocked and so for something gets easier to wear that looks authentic Su Mastery is one of the only ones making something that I thought would be a of course like so if you want to do it for a lot but even something that is looks authentic and doesn't exhaust you for even certain types of reenactment this passes foam you can get steel you can get different rivets you can get different colored on brass ones you can get different buckles if you want you can get like they do a whole bunch of different stuff and when it comes to getting stuff your own personal kit right uh the quality is always kind of it's a hit and miss depending on where you go when you go to someone like still Mastery like their uh their their gamon as well they're quity we actually have multiple things not only Briggs but the um blue and black um C coat I wear as well as my patented gamerson I wear which which is gorgeous which is That's All Steel Mastery so the gambers are great as well uh We've collaborated and got heaps of gear from them and they're great big recommendation okay so going back to the subject right in the in the comparison between the options of test protection maale plate this is essentially plate but it's a different top plate because it's more flexible yes now something that we should mention is that we can't actually show you on the particular ones that we wearing but for the most part you would have a bit of you would be able to see the plate on the inside which means ease of care like you well you can see the plate on the inside here of this particular one yeah so something that bothers me about wearing uh metal things if I was adventuring is like rusting and you know how can you upkeep those things with this sort of stuff like look at this look at this this uh we tested we put inside for like a day and we're already getting surface rust all over this so he did like he did do a good job in in terms of keeping like it's got a what they call um which helps prevent rust a little bit because it's got like a level of oxidization on the surface it does and something like this we actually keep in a bag that's being sprayed with oil and WD40 and stuff so it so you know it doesn't start rusting something like a Brig I'm I'm a bit more you know we've got this this cotton or whatever on the outside so ease of care yeah felt in this particular case all right what do you think an adventurer would pick out of these options um like if if money wasn't an issue and they wanted no so see that's that's a different story if money wasn't an issue it's always gonna be full plate most of the time unless of course you're a barbarian or something so interesting but what is what is the smart option is not necessarily of what you would get if you had unlimited gold but I want to question that like to me you would opt for plate over uh chain mail you wouldn't I wouldn't I knew he was going to disagree with you really okay we're going to discuss that but in terms of the types of plates uh Brig versus breastplate that's a harder choice for me yes not for me really Brig over chest over your chest plate oh yeah okay all right I agree with that why why would you pick Brig I choose Brig I I just want to make myself clear before anybody steals my answer a chest plate me too I would also choose Brig a chest plate although has some form of articulation I feel like it's a step down technologically this the articulation is more along the alignment so this is very form fitting and I've got a lot of movement relatively speaking when in full steel like this is steel plate so I'm able to do whatever I want now to be fair I don't have all my legs protected and stuff like that but upper torso I'm pretty good how far do you Reon you could push that pretty far I like you guys have seen how many videos have I done in this thing but like he was going to I know do you reckon you could do some rolls and stuff in it yeah we need it all right all right so if you are a supporter of Shadow Verity that's on channel memberships uh subscribe star patreon or player we'll make an exclusive video companion to this one where Tyrant Will Roll in this metal Brig got volunteered I'll do it to see how flexible maneuverable brigandine really is I I'm pretty confident in my abilities I've been wearing this non-stop for months now so I'm good I'm good I'm I'm accl acclimated acclimated so we are making exclusive content for our supporters now this isn't the only bit of exclusive content we have like 30 cuz I've started counting them oh really 30 exclusive videos BTS behind the scenes q&as uh unboxings it's all just there yeah but now we're actually making dedicated kind of test videos like main content for our supporters what we have like shooting ballista bolts at uh at this one y yeah Y no no we did the ballist BS but just like regular War arrows against yeah um and we also have trying to dodge like throwing daggers on a beam yep um uh and those videos will usually come out a couple hours after you see this one so or a week depending on our schedule but they come out but but we hope to put them out together so try you don't want to miss out and thank you to all our supporters it means we can keep making the content okaying up now I'm good I'm good so there is one case where plate is superior to brigandine and it's one of the Bri does have compression more Flex yes where this has structure and can resist blunt force better yes and it's a give and take I tend to prefer it's easier to wear well one of the big things probably that that brigandine was um favored as a more affordable option not necessarily cuz it was more easier to make but it was also easier to put on most brigandines open at the front and you don't need additional assistance to take on and take off which for an adventurer I think would be quite important and useful um and so if you wearing armor that you needed you would need your party members or a squire even to help and that that could actually make an issue uh and so the give and takes kind of push me in the favor of brigandines some of the positives of the brigandine is first off you have that more maneuverability you also have a different construction method cuz these rivets usually go into the steel plate itself meaning you get a lot more articulation the the plates themselves aren't actually together it's it's this cotton or whatever whatever fabric it is that's actually holding all the the steel together right something like this it's usually all riveted together and as you can see from some testing all of a sudden you can screw up that articulation very easily depending on the level of Technology we get with this these need to be sliding rivets so not just a rivet that pivots but a rivet that has a channel to slide along because you otherwise you lose a lot of articulation so and the reason that can get quite Advanced and can jam up if it's not done right now the reason why I wouldn't pick something like M which I'm curious why you would is because like you said before you only kind of have two places for that weight to go on your shoulders or your waist I don't really like that because it can start to get a bit heavy it and it does yeah it does I have worn male for a 3-day weekend non-stop um and it it is fun yeah no I'm not so I am I'm really interested to hear why you would prefer M over breastplate or Brig but one of the things that I want to latch on to is like this was a really well-made um kind of standard grade Munitions grade breastplate by Adrian shout out to Adrian is it Ian Adrian Watson at on Instagram and he has YouTube and it's not hard and steel and so hard and steel they not all medieval armor was hard and steal by the way this is why this is good standard grade mid mid-grade yeah but but a harden steel would hold up more it is interesting though because it took some solid hits but we did mess up the articulation like we mentioned and now if we wanted to repair this that would be really diff You' have to just try and Hammer it back into shape you can't it's really hard to remove a plate and replace it where with brigandine you can actually just remove segments in it yeah yes but to remove segments you're going to need to re rivet each individual one not not all just just the part one REM usually the the plate that you need to fix well depending on how it's set I've seen them built with entire rib section so depending on whether it's well that's more code of plates um the the later brigandines got smaller and smaller plates okay yeah I didn't know yeah uh all right so Nate the reason is because of ease of use so if male gets damaged it's very easy to knit the hole back up for what I mean you on the I would just call it easy yeah very easy a little set of pliers is all you need yeah and a bag of bag of rep you can you can sort of like hook them all together and make little you can trust me on this it's it's perfectly viable two is maintenance and cleaning so let's say for example this gets Rusty well that's going to be annoying especially if it has an interior wall if something like that gets gets Rusty it's still going to be annoying to get to something like this if this gets Rusty you throw it in the bag you throw sand in it you kick it around or put it in rice that fix it put it in rice or coat it in oil and throw it in the fire and roll it around it's going to burn off the rust and it's going to Blacken it which means it's going to be yeah sure it's going to leave a mark but who cares you're an adventure you're dirty I just think that overall the amount of value you get out of that for the cost of what a suit of mail gets compared to the AC bonus which in real life this is a lot better yeah but the amount of AC bonuses H M's going to be the go-to plus it's easier to take on and off all right well we have the Samurai armor here uh in what situations would you wear the Samurai armor or the samurai breastplate I wouldn't oddly enough no oddly enough Samurai armor is actually a bit closer to brigandine than plate armor is because it's tied with ropes that give flexibility a bit yes not as much on the breast plate yes yeah in sections of it there are some parts of Samurai armor where they do have these uh the nylon cords or whatever they were silk cords they Ed nylon back in the day they use nylon these days uh the cords to connect these different plates which I kind of like I like the mobility of that however on the big uh on this big bit here you don't really have much Mobility you're very much a big cylinder yeah although they're protected against rust a bit better because they usually lackered so heavily that is true that is true until the lacquer goes you know what until you hit it and it scrapes it off yeah yeah but you know what you asked originally what about if money wasn't an issue you had you giant Purse of Gold yes I think you can combine a few things here gamerson mhm with a Hallberg and then for that extra extra protection brri so then we get to the layering side of things uh I tend to like to be a bit lighter and so that's why I would go brigandine with gamerson underneath gamerson offers really good protection and so this what I'm wearing is nearly full body protection like my hands and knees are kind of the only real vulnerable areas everything else has armor and so that's pretty good and it's for choosing a midr that is a balance between Comfort ease of wear and protection I know full plate is more protective hands down uh and I wonder if comfort and ease of wear wasn't as much of an issue I was I knew I was going into like serious combat and full plate was available I'd probably wear the full plate you know yeah I can see that uh I'm kind of closer to I know we don't really agree much Shad but I am for people who don't agree much they seem to agree a lot I am kind of on the train that he I mean like obviously I agree that this is a good midr between protection and Mobility and then having something like a gamerson like a gamerson is just so good it's just the it's the bee knees man it's so good I like having a little bit of extra leather in some accents cuz I don't really want to put Steel in those places although I I actually like that if because I have a more heavily when I wear the helmet I'll actually add armor pieces on top to cover the arms even more and that's my heavier armored option something to mention is I don't know about you guys but I would also have a helmet as well I yeah iing helmet more of yes helmet obviously but I would also add a shield I like the idea of not getting hit on the armor at all if I can help it yes uh I usually like to keep my lower body a bit more Nimble however I do like a longer gamerson to protect uh you know so areas what we're kind of falling into in terms of our conclusion is gamerson plus chest protection would be the more standard level adventuring armor option also neck this is something that I don't have much I don't have much of however with this steel one usually much much of a neck neck protection oh right okay this is pretty good uh neck protection oh yeah that's very good usually I don't worry too much cuz as soon as I go to do anything this goes up into my neck so I'm kind of okay I rarely actually like put this do do it up but for the effect I will and for for any adventurers out there when they get their when they get their chest plates and helmets all done in the one go it can movement which means your head can't get knocked completely to the side chat let me know does this look look better yeah leave a comment down below doesn't make me look more buff anyway sorry what am I uh not totally enough for the turtle you get the reference I'm I'm good it was a little historical Factory don't worry about it was the fact the that chest plates and Gores can actually lock a helmet in histor so that you can get on the head as as hard as it would be to break your neck and it won't break yeah that's mostly for justing though yeah I've seen it for hmb because obviously it's hmb so that is kind of the cusion when say chest protection would would say metal chest protection yeah and you can choose heavier then we you get into the realm of more subjective preference but I think the more common grade of armor is what we've naturally gravitated towards in our own experiment when we start wearing it actually because like keep in mind that we also have gone out and worn these things out in the field that when we have to do things and the reason and the reason why I gravitate towards something like a steel BR like even this Brig right I would be happy to wear and I have worn this steel Brig all day from start to finish filming in the Heat doing all that stuff I've also had to do it with this and I hated it see that's that's the interesting part because I haven't I haven't actually worn except for put it on maybe once I Haven actually that's it for the thing whereas once you go brri you never go back I have worn mail I've got I've got two suits or three suits of male actually at home um we've got the male here that I've worn I've wor for like three three-day long weekends I like my mail don't take that out of cont he we've learned that uh Nate is choosing that because he hasn't worn a BRI yet it's a true possible that's basically the reason why all right let's try and um go through the character classes quickly Barbarian their iconic thing is to not wear armor I think I've done videos to try and justify it and I think Shields are the way you justify the classic barbarian look and and if cuz if they focus on uh conditioning and and fitness to wear out an opponent because look you do fear you you exhaust yourself quicker wearing armor than not and so if a barbarian is like just this athlete that is made for long dist exertion like he could like the tactic is just defensive and make them run around exhaust them and just step in and yeah except for when they rage there's no defense there but you know armor w why would you not wear armor even if you're barbarians are yeah but yeah but I mean like well we have historical cases of them like the Kelts there are cases of the Kelts going into battle naked with just a shield true and they just want to intimidate their opponents anyways moving on go so yes we've got we've got barbarians you've also got your standard Fighters which is going to be a lot of the options here yeah I think Fighters even clerics any kind of armored character class if they're adventuring specifically something like this but if they know they're going into serious battle and uh yeah and they had the options full plate is should always be on the table magic classes it depends if it's worked into the World building that they can't like and there are easy ways to justify not wearing armor better than the DND D armor would not get in the way of hand movements to spells it's meant to be depending I actually I actually get a bit and I'm wearing leather arm that's why he doesn't wear metal armor cuz he likes the flexibility users depending on the setting it is actually meant to be non-conductive of magic is what metal is so one of the reasons why they say that Wizards can't wear male or yeah yeah in my setting two two reasons uh iron naturally repels magic that's why F creatures don't like it and it's repellent to you know the Wizards so they wear it screws up their magic also if magic isn't energy that you have to like Channel through your body thick layers would get in the way makes sense and so it's like there are good ways to justify it I Reon I don't like the setic sematic movement so whatever I don't I don't think that's a good reason um but if Wizards could wear armor yes and what I said in my other video I think still holds true Shields I am never going to complain at Shields Wizards would freaking use Shields all the time like seriously so so for wizards lighter armor maybe pattered like why can't they wear a gamon yeah they could wear a gamon yeah Druids let's go leather armor because that sort of makes sense because they does it Druids like animals so therefore their primary armor they wear is the skin of animals does that make sense that makes sense to me yeah I thought they were hippies that's like lovely animals SE well there's different types of Druids but I'm picturing the hello there my animal companion I am wearing your brother uh I'm more imagining like grook like just wearing the pelts of the of the things that he's killed I actually have a bit of an issue with that D and D style fantasy Druids cuz they are so far removed to what an actual historical Druid is yes like so different that's that's another whole kle of fish hisorical DRS Rangers I think a ranger well look they they're in the forest traveling a lot even more than you state Adventure almost I could see a ranger going the like like brigandine but this is the thing when I actually need more maneuverability and especially using my bow I get rid of the pauldrons they get in the way of should shoulders as much as I love shoulders I love shoulders so much they do get in the way of things they really do that's actually one of the main kind of dividing different between character classes where I can wear these pauldrons mostly with sword play these ones aren't great because the uh sword breaker you know things are too high fa you don't have to worry about maneuverability with that that's right chain mail uh yes you do yes you do if it's not done correctly and you have your belt done up your arms get to here and stop because all of a sudden that I don't think we need to include user error that's user error that is the no that is the way that it's worn that's I can I can shoot a bow easier in chain mail I can fight with swords easier in chain mail yes okay talking about puldon specifically I reckon those who know no those who know once you remove the pauldrons you got full maneuverability I can shoot a bow use AR and actual fact it's comparable to wearing a Hallberg but Hallberg gives you arm protection where plates arm protection actually can get in the way of certain weapons and so when it comes to Rogues and Rangers I would actually think pretty much the same they I feel they would be willing to wear like a brigandine or cuz by itself with nothing else let's move around show how how noisy it is oh it it's not too noisy it's more so the the thks right like but if you wanted to sneak oh you could you you could absolutely sneak and BR pretty good so the uh the cloth covering actually muffles a lot of a lot of the clanking uh and so and usually because they are so form fitting those plates are hugging you more so they're not actually like up here they're looser right down here you're fine so there's a couple of Cavs I think that's a very viable option for Rogues Rangers the more kind of agile sneaky type except for one important if they do a lot of climbing yes because you want to get your body a lot closer to and the additional weight is a is a problem with climbing and so if they're climbing trees or climbing urban areas you probably go yeah or no armor no armor is definitely a thing that's an option as well but I mean you might as well just wear a g I know I just wear a gon they're light they they do not restrict movement uh it's the base layer and it should be far more protective than a lot of role playing games give padded armor padded armor should be equivalent go watch our video on uh gamerson cuz like these things legitimately if unless it's blunt force or something super sharp and super pointy they will they stop full-blown sword strikes but in a lot of role playing games plus one armor no bothers me other car classes like paladins they are stereotypically associated with knights but I think it even a paladin would opt to breastplate brigandine if they're traveling a lot this video brought to you by brigandine I mean brigandines are awesome they're so underrated hello the the like look at Medieval Art In the period where they were used are so common they are they are stylish they hug your body you have great maneuverability and these things are just as protective as these things on the chest areas that they cover bulletproof V yeah yeah uh and they might even actually be a little bit bulletproof if we like shot a steel brege so I think I think that's the ultimate takeaway I think brigandine is is our favorite option we try and Whittle it down brigine and gamerson depending on situation cuz then character the class variant does come in I literally got still Mastery make me this one thank you so much steel Mastery uh genuinely though guys if you want to check out the range they actually have you know not just Briggs they have uh different clothing as well belts and most of it they can make to whatever you want and there's a lot of customization like like my Paton gamerson I was actually it has got the shadow Verity sigil I want to I want to get them to make me one of them as well he was uh but these things top quality genuinely good quality uh they were the ones who sent us this obviously the shoulders are mine I did that myself but Brig is where I'm at that's why I got this one done I'm going to have to try the brig for maybe more than just putting it on and taking it off and seeing how we go and look there's caveats and exceptions cuz I think male is still a great option flexibility I love my mail but something that I think we can all agree on is the gamerson it is without a doubt best base layer and if you haven't checked out the video you absolutely should check out the video mhm and they're super stylish like you can get these very stylish that's kind of was what I was saying in the original video W like gamerson is uh the well oh well I didn't say was the best I just said we can all agree okay well he said we can all agree that it's good I agree with that yeah I feel like I'm hovering my handy waiting for the video to appear oh yeah it'll appear there'll be a video here there click on it is that what you said originally yeah I don't know you sure it's there check it out you sure he just watched there it's not like it's
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 129,283
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Id: McL8oxkgFhQ
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Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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