I Tested the World’s Thickest Chainmail

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this machete is hurdling towards this incredibly strong chain mail at ludicrous speeds as well as this giant steel bullet and this Broadhead Arrow will the Super mail hold up or be conquered by our all powerful air cannon there's only one way to find out and we brought a special guest along to help us test it hey guys it's Daniel from the waterjet Channel and Cody from Cody's lab today we are testing some chain mail we previously tested this crappy Amazon chain mail didn't do very well Cody handmade this huge sheep of chain mail it's like 5050 lb I basically made something that would be as hard as possible to punch through so we're going to test a couple different projectiles against Cody's we've already seen what the crappy one looks like we'll see how it Compares all right so let's put this back on here okay let's whack it yeah do some stabs too yeah all right let's see nothing give it a good smack like that there you go probably ruin your all that did was D the machete so I mean we got got a little scratch right there that's little well that'll come out when I tumble polish it yeah like this blade does not it can't even penetrate this way the size of the male you'd think things would be able to penetrate but it's actually that's surprisingly effective you know something it have to be pretty small yeah you might get a little poke but that's about it like an ice pick it go through but yeah this the tip of that doesn't really yeah if John wake had a pencil you'd be hosed but other than that you'd be okay that was definitely not good good for the blade to hit that cuzz remember I've I've hardened this chain oh yes so the chain is basically the same material as the blade that's crazy we're shooting three more things at this chain mail to test it in many different ways including sharp heavy and sharp and heavy starting with arrows we use the air cannon because it's more powerful than a normal bow and because we don't want to go by one this should be about three times more powerful than a historical Longbow according to quora if it stops right there that' save your life right yeah you'd have a little maybe poke once again but you'd be fine what might happen is these might Shear off and then the rest of the arrow goes through but I would say that's not a failure of the chain so now loading the arrow will be much easier cuz you the resistance of yeah see that's why we keep Cody around he has the brains I'm the not the braon either I'm just here I'm just a guy the beauty I'm the beauty all right everybody get behind your Shields all right yes so you stay beautiful [Music] uh did it did it go or did it just smash the a so it didn't get through the mail it just it pushed it back no way that's going to look so interesting on the slow-mo so maybe you get pie of it went through you'd get some slivers from the arrow How deep did that go in maybe let's take off the mail okay ouch uh it definitely wouldn't feel nice yeah you'd have some uh some big slivers that was in like half an inch maybe I did not expect that to happen at all like the tip didn't make it through that's where the arrow hit right there it cut the metal just a little bit so it shaved off just a little enough to completely stop the head of the arrow that's so wild that the shaft continued that had so much momentum I don't think that would happen under normal circumstances I want to take a second to talk about just how insane this chain mail is it's way thicker than normal mail and made of hardened steel normal chain mail was just iron that was usually riveted rather than welded because they didn't really have the technology we have now I think it's safe to say this is the world's strongest chain mail make sure you watch Cody's video of how he made it once this video is over I said we' take a look at that high speed yeah that'll reveal a lot we'll play there it goes that is so interesting there's the wng you can see that the flexing cuz it built up energy yeah dissipating it like wiggling the pieces yeah one of the razors from the Broadhead is flying off can we find that yeah where'd that go let's see if see it went looks like straight up is that just on the ground well we'll see if we can find that all right we got a little bit of a wider angle here okay here it comes oh oh it just like piled the whole Arrow flexes so much wow that's how arrows store energy in there is that how they penetrate or is that just well usually when you shoot them from a bow they kind of wiggle as they fly yeah okay they actually store energy in that wiggle interesting all right yeah and then the arrow completely bent all the way to the side that is wild very nice that looked a lot better than when we tried it with our crappy chain mail okay now you're sure asking yourself wait a second you incredibly handsome funny and especially humble video host why is this slow-mo so slow and looks so good introducing the newest member of the waterjet Channel we bought a Phantom slowmo camera he's a phantom two of them actually it's an insane story but long story short these came from NASA or so the guy who sold them to us says and this is the first video we're using them in with many more to come we might even have to revisit a bunch of older videos that would be more interesting and really really slow motion and leave ideas that you think would be interest and super slow motion in the comments below the Chronos served us well but there's two new kids in town for perspective the Chrono shoots at 4500 frames per second in 480p this Phantom shoots the same resolution at 69,000 frames per second that's nice in more ways than one but these cameras come with a hefty price tag and that's why we have no money to spend on this video brand new these would be about 300,000 total but let's just say we got them for a screaming deal on eBay because the guy we got them from wasn't even 100% sure if they were functional but they were anyways onto the chain melt testing okay we know what a sharp lightweight thing does but I want to see what a heavy blunt object and a heavy sharp object can do to this chain mail we're going to test the giant bullet with no chain mail first then see what difference it makes to add it this giant bullet is our replacement for a canon ball although it's not as big as a cannonball it's going about 50 mph faster and it's solid steel so it'll give us a similar result this armor shows what would happen if someone wearing armor got hit with a cannonball and they were most likely wearing chain mail Underneath It All all right everybody ready yep okay in three two one oh dear look at him oh no it's in the sand somewhere oh it has gone through all the way through the ballistic shell oh there it is it's in the wood went through the pallet looking at that trail all the way through I bet that looks so cool in slow-mo by the time it went through the gel the wood on the pallet and then finally ran into this it finally stopped yeah oh it's going 100% sideways there it goes Splash oh wow it's just like hitting water oh yeah it doesn't even look like it you see the cavity is completely open insane it's just like hitting water that's wild oh and this super high frame rate is great for just seeing everything it's too bad we missed the target we could take this again just aim a little aim this a little higher I mean we've shown that it'll go right through there that's true that's a little sketchy like that's a maybe we don't want to do that wow incredible and then it just healed up yeah just what happened to a human torso I think we're not quite asy I don't think we're as jelly like oh wow just a straight shot oh you can see it over here oh it hit the yeah as it smashes you can see the wood broke yeah interesting oh and then it's just like the little Peak as something that gets water yeah like a drop in water that's so wild oh the ballistic gel took the Bruce Lee quote a little too seriously it's it's flowing around these Phantoms sure were expensive even though we got them for 90% off they still cost as much as a new car so we need to pay them off somehow man got done with that shoot but my name might as well be Marvin the way I'm starving hey Daniel from the future here ready to tell you about today's sponsor Factor I'm out here we're in the middle of nowhere we're on the ranch but I'm pouring that ranch on my chicken right now I mean I'm out here enjoying nature but at the same time I'm enjoying a fresh meal that wasn't Frozen prepared by a chef fun fact we were actually buying these before they sponsored us eating them out of our own free will and choice head to factor75.com or click the link below and use code waterjet 50 to get 50% off your first Factor box in free wellness shots for Life two free wellness shots from three available flavors for every order while you're an active subscriber they get delivered to your door and can be heated in the microwave in Just 2 minutes so fill up your bellies and help pay for our cameras by going to factor75.com and using Code waterjet 50 for 50% off your first order thank you to factor for sponsoring this video and thank you for not skipping the ad all right three two one oh dear bullet is like greasy and dented oh I wonder where that grease came from probably from the airet oh the watering went in front of it yeah but it's not wrapped around it interesting okay oh that's so deep oh that hurts a look at didn't go through yeah it survived but it just absorbed all the energy yeah yeah the between the chain mail and the ballistic shell it's just dead I wonder so so what is this inch and a half yeah I think we decided it was a 150 Cal bullet coming in sideways oh smack oh you see the the Jael like scoots out through the it's like catching a ball in a knit though man yeah that that just stopped like you see the wave going through it yeah I wonder how that would feel like would you survive that I wouldn't volunteer yeah me neither definitely have a cracked rib at least all of them I think but it didn't go through let's have a look at the chain there it is right here kind of rolled up on it interesting the Rings are a little bit deformed but I I can straighten that out on the endville didn't go through them didn't break any of them I mean the chain mail did its job that's for sure let's have a look at underneath he's dirty yeah oh he's got some wounds here it looks like from the chain mail yeah like it squirting back out through the Chings yeah all right here we go gamers how long it'll be before put it's all gone keep doing it yeah yeah how many videos can we get out of this shout out to clear ballistics for sending us this we've defiled it in multiple videos and it's still going strong yeah teamwork standard 16in machete I actually have no idea how long it is real big machete machete go into Canon Canon go shoot machete go into the dummy I think we're going to put the chain mail on it yeah chain mail in front we tested it with the crappy chain mail once and it went right through it so it'll be cool to compare and contrast Cody's actually good chain mail versus the crappy chain mail here we go put this circle around there there we go all right 3 2 one ah no way Cody that is Bonkers oh oh look at how messed up the machete is it twisted it it's like inside the ring stuck in there though like it didn't make it through that's crazy oh that machete is toast and the ring right here it's got a cut in it maybe halfway through the chain ma once again has stood the test of whatever this is so that's when we shot it with the the bullet but I don't see any other marks it stopped it that's five nice job oh that's so much dust in that that was a dirty pipe dirty pip the wding was behind the shete I that keeps happening I don't know here it comes well at least it's going Fair fast yeah it's B I don't think I can throw it that fast yeah that's St that was a good hit like it didn't that was a direct wow just stopped it just stopped it yeah that was I'm thoroughly impressed they say chain ma can't handle being stabbed yeah yeah Cody's chain it's thick enough and heavy enough obviously bad okay oh the it just on it it it took him like I don't know a year how long did it take on and off for the last several months but it was good to get some tests done go check out his video it's in the description hey give me that some of that brother e brother M
Channel: Waterjet Channel
Views: 242,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: waterjet channel, water jet, water jet cutting, waterjet, water cutting, water cutter, cutting with water, cutting, cut, cross section, cross-section, cut in half, inside, interesting, science, fascinating, satisfying videos, amazing inventions, air cannon, 300 mph
Id: NWuqfCsXg00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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