People Share The Most Spoiled Rich Kids They've Seen

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what's the most spoiled kid you've ever come across have a billionaire customer with four kids all of them pretty spoiled but the youngest once said to me spitefully were going on tiger next week and you're not allowed to come tiger is the name of their yacht in southern italy it's not just that he's spoiled that gets to me it's the fact he knows it and rubs it in that's when you get all quiet look him in the eye and say kid no amount of money could pay me to be stuck on a boat with you a girl in my grade broke all lost her phone six times in the past year and her parents replaced every single one the last time she broke it like two months ago she complained because she got an iphone 6s instead of the new one i was a cam counselor for a while had a granddaughter of the man who owns talk coffee one week i don't know how materially spoiled she was but i was baffled that the kid could not understand that having a rich grandpa does not entitle her to get to use the only working teethable alone because she demanded it i had to have a 10 minute conversation with her during playground time about how at camp everyone are equals thankfully she was fine the rest of the week kid at my high school when he was 14 he had a learner's permit but his parents got him a mercedes-benz g-class every day he drove it to school and he was determined to park it in the parking lot to show it off so he had his housekeeper drive to school with him and her son drove a car behind her to take her back home which was only about two miles away from our school going to high school with the son of the owner of a large tv company he thought he should be allowed to sit alone in the classroom surrounded by unfilled desks i had the privilege of sitting in front of him and was constantly harassed with attacks from his ruler and pens if he thought i was even remotely leaning back i gave my nephew some books and he said oh man are you kidding me and threw them on the floor year ago student of mine was speaking about his christmas haul if he was to be believed he received some 15 games per system based on his grades i believe that he likely did my friend's 10 year old son is a brat and always getting sent to his room for one thing or another the other day i peeked into the kids room laptop desktop tv and three game systems oh my god what a horrible punishment amnesty international is going to write letters about this some kid like 11 years old that got an iphone 8 for christmas and she was like i was expecting the iphone x kid at my school and my parents suck they never get me anything coma went to malibu over winter break a kid on my son's baseball team struck out and dented cracked his composite bat having a hissy fit behind the dugout coach laid into him sat him parents complained of course next practice brand new composite bat those are a few hundred bucks by the way i used to babysit these kids the one girl didn't feel like doing her homework so i told her we only have a couple problems left and i had been helping her so it was gonna go by quickly and we could play games as soon as she was done in response she told me she wished i was dead this girl was six years old threw a bunch of crackers on the floor kicked her dog in the nuts and said she was going to blame it all on me and get me fired of course her parents didn't believe i threw food on the floor and assaulted their dog but there was absolutely no repercussions for what she did they just turned their heads put their hands on their hips and were like what did we say about lying and that was it my 11 yo cousin didn't feel like cutting her food so her dad cut it for her later she didn't want to read her school assignment so her father read it to her this is totally off topic but it reminded me of a funny story guy i used to work with we were in a hotel working out of town we had a couple days off so he invited his wife to come stay with him for the weekend we all had dinner at a restaurant she ordered a steak it came and instantly my co-worker starts cutting up a steak for her i thought holy sh t this guy is f kin whipped she realized what he was doing and was like um what the hell are you doing apparently he wanted to come across as the helpful husband to his co-workers but just came off as a weirdo that just makes me think of all the kids i knew in high school that got brand new cars on their 16th birthday ex-friend of mine was given a puppy at his seventh birthday party he threw a tantrum because he didn't like the breed thankfully the puppy was given to his aunt and the little shti was told he would never have a pet cue epic tantrum saying he changed his mind nope didn't work i knew a 17 year old whose parents gave him a bmw and he had a maid okay not too weird i've met a lot of doctors and franchise owners kids with that stuff what really got me there was when this kid said how he traveled to his dad's factory in another country together he usually is flown in a helicopter and then driven around in a limo this kid also had zero understanding of how to live without someone tending to his every need so he was a terrible roommate we were in college by the way he didn't clean up anything i watched him one and he really didn't know how to work broom and demand it by banging on their door his roommates cook for him after reading all that i'm now pretty sure i might have been friends with the real rich kids of instagram kid my cousin her dad travels a lot for work and would bring back gifts for her i was visiting one day when he came home and gave her one of those collectible holiday barbie dolls that are like 50 70 piece and she threw it at his head because without him knowing her mom had already gotten her the same doll at canadian prices while he was gone he apologized and promised to go to town asap to buy her something else i ended up getting that spare doll cause he bought it in the u.s and didn't have a receipt for it she also once screamed at me to get out and walk home a six kilometer trek in the middle of winter cause i didn't wanna play house anymore she does meth now worked at a little kids birthday party place princess parties and expensive as fck our most expensive package was 50 a kid before tax and a family booked a 12-person party with that package the booking requires a deposit of 25 the little birthday girl comes in and has the party of her life she keeps talking about a stupidly overpriced makeup kit we sold cost fifty dollars and was probably fifteen dollars worth of makeup it was one of the most expensive items we had and she was obsessed with it the entire party her grandma discreetly paid for her entire party well over 500. and then asked us to add on the makeup kit and hide it from her she faked as if the girl was just getting the party the little girl started spouting off on her poor grandma saying that she didn't understand why she didn't buy the kit the grandma said that she was paying for the party a little girl had the audacity to say that her mom paid for it the grandma said your mom paid the 25 deposit so awkward she returned the makeup kit fck that little girl a younger cousin was upset when i moved because he was worried that i moved into a mansion larger than his i was talking about the water crisis with my students and we were discussing what the response would be if our local area had an impending day zero one of my students shrugged and said well i would just go to our house in spain i reminded her that this wasn't an option for the majority of the population and her response was well it's not my fault if they can't afford it get a job it was the very beginning of the school year and the majority of my students in that class were from low-income families who had never been overseas let alone had a holiday house in europe she sat by herself for the rest of the year and i don't believe it was by choice a friend of mine has a son and he spoiled rotten and he is a really terrible person a few years ago i saw him in a parking lot at night playing hide and seek he was maybe nine i said hey buddy maybe you shouldn't be playing hide and seek in a busy parking lot at night you're smarter than that semicolon the kid said to me what are you going to do about it tell my dad he never tells me what to do so why do you think you can tell me what to do semicolon i laughed said fair enough get ran over for all i care and walked away family friend's daughter fourteen f breaks iphone screen every week not exaggerating parents get it fixed every week once her phone crashed and she willingly slammed the iphone on the table also cracking the back refuses to put a case or glass screen protector on it throws tantrum when her parents won't fix it for her claims she will get a bmw as her first car and will not settle for anything less gets gucci for her birthday christmas refuses to be picked up in any other vehicle other than the mercedes her parents own if someone else is getting her they park around the block my little brother he has a ps4 slash bone gaming pc with two monitors laptop smartphone tv netflix subscription he gets every game he points at he's 11 years old my condolences there was a girl in my gym class and she talked about how she broke nine iphones that year in college i was trying to work out how i was going to purchase a textbook that i needed for a class i had come to the conclusion that i had to wait till the next week when my part-time job paycheck came in and i tried to survive in the class until then my friend took notice of this and came to me the next day with a brand new textbook that he bought with the credit card his parents gave him said he buys so much on the card that his parents wouldn't question him about it even though he didn't get it for himself he was super spoiled but also helped me out so i can't on him that's a spoiled kid story where i actually like the kid this dude matt i knew like 30 years old who was addicted to heroin lived at home his parents drove him to the city and gave him money to buy drugs every morning so he could work a paid job delivering pizzas with his dad's bmw at the family pizza shop without being sick and the [ __ ] still had the nerve to [ __ ] about what an [ __ ] his dad was i watched him literally cry on the phone with his dad begging for money and as soon as he hung up he talked tea because the dad said he had to wait for a slow period at the shop before delivering the drug money to the sun meanwhile we were all struggling to keep apartments pay bills keep jobs taking the bus everywhere etc while also having drug addictions obviously i just couldn't believe the balls of this dude to [ __ ] about how good he had it yeah he obviously ended up in jail not sure if he's out yet or not comey he did sell me a decent tv from his family living room for 20 dollars once though still have it i don't know that many kids but my four-year-old son got a lion king book for christmas from his grandfather and his response was an angry i already have this book and he threw it i'll spare you my parental attempts to ever so lovingly and nurturingly guide him to be less of a little piece of [ __ ] not sure if this counts but it's a story i've wanted to tell for a while because it bothers me kid that graduated a year before me got drunk and decided to drive home hit and killed some poor woman his family name carries weight in our small town so he got off no probation no jail time nothing he's now 30 and runs his grandpa's business she died he's a millionaire everyone knows but because of his family no one cares after sixth grade i went to the same sleep away summer camp as my friend i loved camp he hated it he had a total meltdown the first night crying and begging to be allowed to call his parents i made new friends while he sullenly kept to himself we began to drift apart his parents used to clip comics from the newspaper and send them to him he would read them and then put them in the recycle bin one day another kid took one of the thrown away strips out from the bin and started reading it my friend started screaming he ran up and punched the kid then knocked the strip out of his hands don't read that i tease mine maybe this isn't spoiled as much as pathologically selfish but it really burned into my memory we were not friends after that summer in person ben ruthless butcher the biggest spoiled little kid i've ever met was 25 years old and actually said verbatim do you know who i am when a bouncer wouldn't let him and his entourage cut in front of a line of 50 plus people to get into a nightclub it was both hilarious and nauseating after ben stormed off with the obligatory i'll talk to your boss threats people were tipping the doorman for the entertainment once an old friend from high school brought her eight-year-old son over to visit our farm it was rod don't touch that comma rod get down from there comma rod don't go over there never any repercussions from all of mom's empty words i brought him over to the cows who were behind an electric fence out of earshot of mom i bent over and very deliberately told him rod this is very important don't touch that wire okay of course he ran over to the wire looked back at me over his shoulder and then grabbed the wire with both hands a split second later of course he gets hit by the full force of the ten zero zero zero volt electric shock and lets out the most horrible gargling scream he looks at me wide eyed like i had betrayed him and it was all i could do to suppress the most satisfying smile oh no is he going to be okay ask mom oh yeah he'll be better than he was before i said what she asked oh nothing and from that day forward he was known as lightning rod a kid i was a nanny for in the us she threw the biggest fit over the fact that her parents gave a backpack to charity she got a new one just a month ago she had a friend who got everything she wanted no matter what price i was so appalled i usually work with kids who have so little and who don't act like that but they were just spoiled brats tbh from the age of four i grew up with a girl whose mum and dad bought her everything she asked for i mean literally she could walk into any toy store and say she wanted lots of things and she would get them even now she's in her 20s her parents paid for her car tax insurance all her bills etc she can't read won't hold down a full-time job because she finds working more than 16 hours a week too stressful she lives with her boyfriend's mum and dad rent-free and has all high-tech stuff she actually had the audacity to call me a slob for asking if i could watch something on her netflix paid for by you guessed it bank of mum and dad i wasn't asking for the password or anything i was at the house she lives in and wanted to watch the last episode of big mouth on her macbook you know where this is going god for a split second i read that as can't read my nephew my parents had me late in life so i was the same age as him so when we would go over to his house we would play together his mom's my sister husband was part of a drug cartel in peru we are peruvian so they were rich af their house was amazing my nephew got whatever he wanted i remember for his eighth day he got a grand piano that fit comfortably in his room he literally had everything he was a jerk acted like everyone owed him everything used to hit me if i pissed him off later on in life we separated from them later on the husband was caught and sent to prison for life the family lost everything now today my nephew is a 40 year old who acts like he's 12 still addicted to drugs lives from house to house cause he can't afford anything basically a loser now i have everything i want my older sister at some point in her life she threw a fit when my dad bought her a pink ipad shuffle instead of an ipad nano she made my dad return it and threw a tantrum she eventually got a pink ipad nano i know this because a year later she stopped using it completely and i inherited when she decided to throw it away i still have it bear in mind my parents came from extremely poor backgrounds and we were what you'd consider working class at that time went to dubai to visit my mum's best friend they were the typical arabs there villa supercar some cool other toys i commented once while in his room saying you're rich he looked at me baffled and replied no we only have four maids i work at a summer camp and we had a 12 year old coming after his birthday he got a brand new iphone that had just come out his mom was a nurse and was always stressed all hell when she came out the mom came in to tell the kid she got him a case for his new phone he asked what kind it was and the mom said it was an all-blacketerbox the kid then berated his single mom that works day and night shifts with a mentally disabled six-year-old who had also just bought him a 600 plus phone for buying an ugly and old woman case for a solid five minutes i have never looked at someone with such disrespect i wish i could have done something for the mom i hope she's doing okay she had a lot on her plate and she deserves a good life you
Channel: Reddit Tales
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Id: 0YkP-yD5MZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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