Alien Abduction Stories | Reddit Aliens Stories

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alien abductees of reddit or people who have claimed to see a ufo what's your story first time i ever tried to write this down first time telling anyone outside the family in leaving out time and location and some other details because i'm still scared of what might happen with it publicly i guess summer before eighth grade me and two of my friends snuck out at midnight to go walk around the neighborhood and go see these girls on the next block who were having a sleepover we turn a corner in our neighborhood and there's this huge black blimp-shaped thing in the sky like the pictures of the hindenburg but bigger than that and as close if not closer completely silent and the size of at least four to five football fields across no exaggeration even though i was young we stare at it entranced asking each other over and over again if we see it which we all agree that we do standing there frozen in one place it's like black polished gunmetal no lights no sound no anything it's just hovering there and then i don't know what happened but time clearly jumps next thing i remember is the craft slash ship slash government experiment slash whatever the hell it is has gone and there's a tiny glowing white barbell thing in the sky seemingly slowly falling to earth with wisps of smoke coming off it then two brand new black trucks with silver gear boxes on the back like f-150s or s-10s but nicer came speeding down the street going about 70 in a residential 25 miles per hour neighborhood then after that i remember walking home to one of my friends houses and going to bed at that point it was like 5 or 6 am and the sun was coming up we all made a promise to tell my dad in the morning because he worked for the city but we never did i don't know what happened later in life to one of my friends who was there but the other was my best friend and we sort of made an unspoken pact never to talk about it don't know how or why we did that we all grew up and i sort of lost touch with him too we did reconnect over facebook and such over the years but it was like there was something between us neither of us wanted to touch or talk about looking back on it now there's no way we could have been the only ones to see it it wasn't that late at night and it was over a heavily populated suburb of a major city the idea of this has always scared me more than any sort of possible abduction scenario that there were others and were all voluntarily suffering a sort of collective amnesia except and how were not i've thought about hypnosis but that scare me too plus i'm not sure if i trust the results i was just a kid then and i'm not sure if i could trust the hypnotist what i do know again is that there's no way it was just the three of us who saw it we're talking a huge thing hovering in the sky directly above hundreds of houses just after midnight on a summer weekend night but nothing on the news nothing in the paper nothing on tv no word spoken about it again ever by anyone this is a true story i'm a little older than the average around here i think but i know what creepypasta and stuff like that is this happened and there's no way i'm the only one who remembers no way thanks for letting me get that off my chest whoa i occasionally suffer from sleep paralysis it developed in my early 20s and i've had the alien abduction dream my dad and i love to watch shows about aliens so i assume people who claim they were abducted had some form of sleep paralysis it started with flashes of blue light and i felt myself being lifted out of bed by the chest i was blinded by a white light and i could hear a loud mechanical worrying when i woke up i was sitting up in bed with my chest stuck out my arms were holding me up the experience was the most intense sleep paralysis dream i've ever had i can see how someone else could have that dream panic and tell everyone about it i've had sleep paralysis a few times the most scary of those i dreamed i was driving i parked and i was in a sickly yellow fluorescent lit carport i tried to get out of the car but i couldn't support myself and my legs were really weak then a voice started whispering creepy and sexually suggestive things in my hair i could totally understand how people from another era would believe in sex demons that or i really was almost raped by anaphabing and you were actually abducted by aliens i'm not sure which is worse that these things might happen or that your brain has uncontrollable firings that cause you to think that they are i was traveling back home with my mom from my aunt's house on a warm sunny afternoon while i was sitting in the passenger seat an object just appeared in the sky little to our left we both saw it immediately the size of it is what was shocking more than anything it had the classic saucer shape and was shining brightly because the sun was reflecting off of it we continue driving down the road a few seconds just admiring this craft when all of a sudden we saw something i still don't believe to this day it just vanishes disintegrates disappears whatever you want to call it i looked back at my mom and i could tell by her expression she had seen the same thing since this sighting i have always been interested in ufos and the possibility of other life in our universe this object in the sky was definitely not a helicopter airplane or a flock of geese my mom and i still talk about the sighting we had and can't come up with a reasonable explanation as to what we saw that day this is my ufo story and it is not a hoax or fabrication everyone always laughs at me when i tell this story but that's fine i know what i saw not a very spectacular story but true i've always felt some encounter stories were real but what made me truly believe was one night standing outside watching the stars it was late maybe 2a m comma and out in the country so it was dark no street lights very little to no moon i was watching what i thought was a satellite moving across the sky from right to left didn't think twice about it as i saw them all the time suddenly the satellite stopped and shot off fast totally disappeared at a 45 degree angle from the direction it came i have never ever seen a satellite change direction ever it startled me so much i stood there for a bit wondering if i really saw it or not but i did 100 certain it's unfortunate no one was there with me that night edit bad spelling saw that same thing as a young kid did a lot of research to figure out what i saw i noticed on mine it kind of flashed before the sudden direction change and then faded out afterwards long story short we probably saw incoming meteorites with very steep angles of attack hitting the atmosphere at high velocities and at a steep angle cause them to skip back out into space sure i can find you more info on this but you can use google just like me edit even if they don't skip back out into space and continue to burn up in the atmosphere the sudden deceleration can still cause direction shift think of throwing rocks into the water they don't continue on the same trajectory they had before hitting the surface edre wv one night few years back my friend who is driving and i were taking his girlfriend home when he decided to take the long way home as we are driving along this fairly deserted back road i began to zone out and i stare at this blinking red light off in the distance and casually think to myself i wonder when they built a cell phone tower all the way out here when suddenly it blinks and is dramatically closer than it was just a moment earlier at this point my friend points it out and stops in the road it blinks once more and is directly in front and over top of us the red light is so bright it floods the car in a deep scarlet hue i lean forward so that i can see directly into the light in that brief moment i feel a flood of negative emotions the closest description i can offer is to that of being naked under a giant microscope and having every poor examined thoroughly i then look away from the light to my friend and ask him to drive he barely responds apparently in a similar state then he snaps out of it and starts driving as we get a little ways down the road i notice the red light isn't fading and the interior of the car is still clearly lit by it i look out the window and to my horror the light is following us and does so for approximately one two two miles the light unexpectedly veers off to the left and comes down to ground level in a patch of trees adjacent to the road my friend stops the car again and continues to stare at it and abruptly declares he is going to get out and look it like he is in some sort of trance he opens the door and i grab his arm and tell him if he does i will get in the driver's seat and leave him that we had to leave that instant he looks at me and seems to come to and punches the gas so hard the tyres lose traction and spin the light remained stationary as we rode away but i've never looked at the night sky the same edit the incident occurred after dropping off my buddy's girlfriend so she wasn't present in my rush to type the story i forgot that part [Music] back in in spring of 1997 a group of us neighborhood kids were looking up at the night sky observing the hail bop comet i grew up hours from any major city so the view was pretty clear after a while we started to notice a red and a white dot circling around each other making sudden movements in every direction like no aircraft i have ever seen or have ever seen since at a certain point they merged into one craft then shot out three smaller crafts although we couldn't tell whether it was a craft because they just appeared to be balls of light this went on for a couple hours right before the lights disappeared they accelerated at lightning fast speed into the darkness we all went home terrified of what we saw the next day on the front page of our small hometown paper it said it received several calls the explanation they gave was that the local airport was testing aircraft i am sure how much i believe that story because of what i saw to this day whenever i see my friends that were there that night we'll sometimes talk about it none of us can be sure what we saw but to this day none of us have ever seen anything like it i was driving back home to los angeles with a friend of mine after visiting family near phoenix as we were headed west on highway 58 just out of boron ca en route to mojave to catch the 14 it was night and we were jamming out to some music the next thing i know i'm waking up looking around and realizing that i was pulled over on the side of the road and that approximately three hours had passed my buddy was fast asleep so i woke him up and we both kind of had a psychological meltdown after we calmed down a little we went home and never really spoke of it since i have absolutely no idea when or how we transitioned from listening loud music and driving down the road to waking up safe on the side of the road i grew up near there and in high school i did a ride along at edwards air force base you know it's right next to boren right the cops we rode with said there are all kinds of strange things going on and there is supposedly handguards under the dry lake and they test these experimental plane slash jets at night there is also sort of a base within a base and if there are fire alarms in the buildings there the firefighters are told to stay outside the gates and just watch it burn can't verify any of this just what i was told maybe they were just trying to scare slash impress us who knows i'm local lived on edwards for a bit lived just a sight but still grew up with a dad working at edwards been on base many times and know quite a bit about experimental flight tests due to my dad the dry lake beds are emergency landing fields for test flights there are no handguards underneath they are also used as test ranges for many things and have relics of failed test projects throughout them my favorite is the rocket rail many strange planes have been built and tested at edwards many of which never get announced as they are cancelled before completion yes testing experimental planes and jets at night happens a lot as it is the best way to keep a classified craft from the public eye while testing for example although it was not tested at edwards but close by in palmdale the f-117 nighthawk has several ufo stories from the public that turned out to be about it after it was revealed i've seen a couple of weird lights occasionally and i have no recollection of being abducted but when i was 12 or so i felt something hard and round in my earlobe i told everyone and they said it was just an under the skins it pretty normal for someone my age but it was there for six months annoyed i decided to do some self-surgery i could feel it very near the surface and poked a hole in my hair with a sterilized needle blood ducking everywhere i could feel this thing and i squeezed up towards the hole i just pierced out pops this tiny metal ball maybe half the size of a bb it was black metal completely spherical with an indentation around the center and teeny tiny golf ball like indentations as i was rolling it around in my blood covered pictures it slipped spun around the sink a couple of times and fell down the drain at 12 i had no idea what the duck to do with it and my parents didn't believe a word i said and told me to just put some tea tree oil on my sits next time i have never had anything like it since edit holy crap guys i did not expect this to get this much attention so with that said this stood out to me because i've had cysts and this was not a cyst at all if you have something similar it's more than likely a cyst or similar if it's bothering you go to a doctor get an x-ray if you think you were abducted you've got something tangible if it's unexplainable if not you've got some medical attention do not perform self-surgery because of something you read on the internet i was 12 and dumb had i had a professional do it i could have kept it and shown it but it was a long time ago and i was dumb don't be dumb we're 16 in the mountains in springville utah we were in our tent and you couldn't see any stars through the thick canvas there were four of us in the tent about one hour of being in the tent a light appeared that we could see through the canvas we got out and looked at the weird-looking light that was in the sky about 30 minutes later it's slowly starting moving down and its light was lighting up the mountain valley we were freaked out starting swearing at it shaking out bb guns at it it eventually stopped again for another 30 minutes or so at that point it split into two light objects one light got a blue flame and shot off into the sky in one direction the other object did the same no idea wtf it was but we saw the same lights in the mountains for several days from our houses in the valley i was driving along in my car a few years ago broad daylight eastern new mexico it was a clear sunny day but i could see a spherical light in the sky in the distance it looked like a chrome sphere it hovered there for 20 minutes or seemingly pacing my car next chance i got i stopped and took a picture of it yep i saw me a ufo i drove on home imagining all the imaginary internet points i'd get for that picture then i got home and put the picture onto my computer and looked at him at maximum magnification totally a weather balloon miles and miles away looked like a chrome sphere five miles away following my car on numerous occasions i have seen things that i can't personally explain one night i was looking through my telescope at the moon and took my eye away and noticed something darting across the sky i thought nothing of it and then saw it move at a 90 degree angle i can't think of anything that can do that on another occasion i was walking my dog and stood stargazing while i enjoyed a cigarette before bed i looked up at the sky and noticed a light moving through the sky i figured that it was a satellite but when it started moving in an irregular pattern i was a bit more interested and watched it until it got to a star in the sky then promptly disappeared tl doctor i saw lights moving and strange patterns in the sky a few different times this is a story of my father's it happened in 1982. while my father was stationed on a military base in new brunswick one night my father's best friend and his girlfriend left just after dark to go see tron there was no movie theater near the base so they had a long drive ahead of them they said goodbye to my father and left about an hour later my friend's father and his girlfriend were back on the base the car pulled in and my father immediately noticed that it was damaged pretty badly and covered in several different colors of paint my father asked them what had happened why they had not gone to the movie they brushed him off and went to bed dad said they looked pretty shook up a few days later my father got out of his friend what had happened my father's friends were driving along a stretch of highway with not much around but trees and hills when they rounded a bend they noticed that a bunch of strange lights were coming from over a hill just ahead where no lights should be because there was nothing around for miles just at the base of that hill was a parking lot for a park of some kind with an arrow entrance a bunch of cars were pulling into the parking lot to investigate the lights so my father's friend pulled into everyone got out of their cars and were about to start hiking to the top of the hill when a large disc with flashing lights rose above the hills peak emitting a loud strange sound everyone who was there and for their car and tried desperately to crash their way out through the narrow entrance as only one car could fit through at a time cars scraped together breaking parts off transferring paint my father's friends drove back to the base as fast as possible my father's friend took him to the spot that it happened there were car mirrors and other miscellaneous parts littering the parking lot a few days later men in black suits showed up on the base looking for people they talked to my father's friend then sent him on his way my father asked him what the men wanted to see him for the said that he better shut the duck up and don't tell anybody about anything that happened if he wanted to keep his military career back when i was an undergrad i had a couple buddies who were big star gazers one of them lived in a remote part of eastern noir where you could see everything clearly away from the light pollution he invited me and another friend to visit his family for thanksgiving one year and we said yes one night we went out into a field of knee-high grass and were looking up at the sky it was really neat and we saw a bunch of shooting stars my friend suddenly pointed to a bright light in the sky and asked what it was my other friend the one interested in astronomy didn't know it looked kind of like a planet but evidently there shouldn't have been any visible planets at night i don't know enough about stars to know if this is true so please don't flame me my friend was positive it wasn't a planet though it didn't really move but it bobbed in the sky kind of bouncing up and down then like a candle or something it fizzled out it literally looked like it burned up that would have been weird by itself but that wasn't the weirdest part we sort of thought nothing of it and were actually joking about seeing a ufo when we came across a guy in the middle of a field i still have no idea how he got there since we could see pretty far in all directions and would have noticed him walking around he was youngish pretty much our age he wasn't wearing any shoes or a shirt and as far as i could tell was only wearing jeans he was sitting curled up with his arms wrapped around his knees and shivering keep in mind it was the end of november so no one would ever go out without a shirt much less a jacket we were scared to approach him so we asked from afar if he was okay he sort of stared at us blankly and said he was fine he didn't sound drunk but you could hear in his voice that he was cold eventually we went over to him and asked how he got there he said he didn't want to talk about it and that he needed to go to the hospital my friend called 911 and some cops showed up with an ambo at a nearby gas station we all walked to i'll let him borrow my coat while we waited he didn't really say anything except he asked for our names and what we're doing he also asked my friend about a couple constellations the cops asked us a few questions and paramedics took the jude away i'll let him keep my jacket my friend told the story to his family the next morning and i remember i had forgotten all about the light he made that connection though his family thought it was spooky but figured we'd just had a run-in with a junkie i had forgotten all about this story until i saw the thread it was whit the rest of the time with his family was great he had a big family so they made a shitload of food i got fat and forgot all about that guy i wonder if my friend ever checked on him not your typical story and i'm saying right now i don't believe in aliens that abduct people not even one bit but i always used to have nightmares about the grey's or nightmares about watching a ufo in the sky just hover and look at me sometime i would be minding my own business in these dreams and when the grace will come a feeling of indescribable horror would overtake me i would try to run in these dreams but i would feel the aliens crawling into my mind i would become staggered and dizzy in my eyesight eyesight in a dream would fail my limbs wouldn't move properly then nothingness i would wake up sometime later shaking perhaps trying to rid myself of the sleep paralysis i would often sit awake for an hour or so and every time i thought about the nightmare i would get the most intense shiver up my spine sometimes the dreams happened more than one night and i always seem to have these dreams when i travel or go on vacation one night i decided i had had enough and went back into the dream world knowing what awaited me predictably the greys came and i could feel them probing my mind again as they got closer and i became more dizzy and unfocused i pulled from out of nowhere a sword and killed every one of them i woke up and i haven't had a dream like that since it's been three years i have no doubt it was just my mind and that i conquered some fear i had from watching to many stephen king movie adaptations as a kid but it's very interesting to think what if they were real and were probing my dreams and i destroyed their dream avatar or something who knows i'm not trying to discount people's experiences but i think 99 999 of all alien stories are similar to stuff i experienced over active dreams and sleep paralysis thanks for watching don't leave before leaving a like to this video also hit the subscribe button to support my work and as always have a horrific nightmare my dear
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 4,773
Rating: 4.8157897 out of 5
Keywords: alien abduction, alien kidnapping, alien abduction stories, kidnapped by aliens, abduction by aliens, alien abduction story, aliens abduction story, abducted by alien, abducted by aliens, reddit alien, reddit aliens, askreddit aliens, reddit alien stories, alien stories, aliens stories, aliens story, alien story, alien abductions, aliens abduction, aliens abductions, alien encounters, reddit paranormal, reddit alien encounter, alien encounter, aliens encounter
Id: uCs9H5t8OD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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