What was your creepy, unexplainable story as a child that was confirmed by your parents?

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[Music] serious what was your creepy unexplainable story as a child that was confirmed by your parents to have happened when i was a kid my family lived in a blue house that was oddly shaped one year the house got completely gutted and nearly destroyed by a flood and they had to knock down a wall between the living room and kitchen so after the flood you could see all the way down the hall to my parents bedroom door this house is slash was strange for lack of a better term i was a terrible sleeper as a kid and would routinely wake up and just go into the living room and watch cartoons on low volume if i couldn't go back to sleep one morning i'm out in the living room sitting across the chair with my feet up on a window don't ask me why i was a stupid eight or nine year old from where the chair was i could see just over the kitchen counter down the hall to my parents room a movement caught my eye i looked up and saw the shadowy outline of a man walking towards me kind of near to my parents door thinking it was my dad i said something like hey dad sorry if the tv was too loud dad is a notoriously light sleeper and would wake up from anything except there was no response within seconds my foot ends up going through the window again not sure if this is related or i was a dumb kid likely the latter and i scream and my parents actually wake up to figure out what's going on at 4 30 in the morning at this point i'm preoccupied but realized much later that i definitely saw the outline of a man but there was no way it was my dad because a he came bounding out of their bedroom after my scream and b i realized the shoulders of the outline were much higher than what my dad's would have been fast forward to a few years ago we've moved far away from the blue house and my mom and i are hanging out and catching up for some reason the blue house comes up and i tell my mom that the place still gave me the creeps and weird stuff happened there when i was a kid mom's response oh you must have saw the shadow man too i was very young when this happened so what i remember and what i was told is the main scariness for this story so my family was driving around the backwoods of new hampshire main area in the autumn to watch the leaves fall we were staying at some cottage and my family came to this area pretty frequently we were coming back from somewhere when my mother started screaming at my father for stopping abruptly in front of us on an unkept back road in the deep woods of new england at a pretty late hour was a traffic jam of quite a few cars stopped in all directions i remember a lot of bright headlights i also remember seeing my dad's face as he turned around so he could see where he was reversing the car my mom went completely silent through the whole thing i just remember my dad saying eerily calmly ugh i hate traffic he turned around and started driving back up the road we came down and we started seeing cars going past us flashing their headlights my dad just kept driving the whole atmosphere went from wasn't that a fun day to let's leave even as a kid i went from annoying to quiet just a thickness in the air cars started coming up from behind honking and flashing lights and eventually they just turned off the road and we drove back to the cottage years later i mean decades later my dad and me were having a beer together he says remember up in the woods up north we were driving around and we came to a weird traffic jam i was like yeah why i honestly hadn't thought of it since that night my dad goes well your mother and i were pretty sure that that was one of those ambushes where they blocked the road and try to rob you and leave you in the woods or worse you don't remember the cars coming up the road after us trying to block us in or cars chasing us and beeping at us until we hit random route well kind of but i just figured it was traffic or people being weird he just kind of stopped talking about it after that and went on about how we should plant more trees in the backyard but ones that don't drop leaves because leaves suck about five years ago my parents were sitting out on the back porch on a summer night out of the corner of her eye my mom saw a person-sized white translucent figure float by the tree she asked my dad if he saw it too and he said yes he's a tough guy but he was really freaked out and so was she so they both went inside the next morning my mom was walking by the tree where she saw the figure and she noticed a very old looking earring sitting on top of the dirt she doesn't wear earrings and it wasn't the kind of earring i would wear it looked like it belonged to an old lady and it was just dropped there my mom brought it inside and put it in her jewelry box the next day it was sitting in the middle of the basement floor from then on i started hearing footsteps and whispering in my room at least once a week until i moved out my grandmother was a real estate agent in rhode island i was staying with her one summer and she had to take me along to see a potential listing it was a very strange house because it was circular all the rooms went along the outside and connected to each other and there was a center part with a little garden and open to the sky she went up to the second story and i stayed downstairs because i wanted to walk around the loop one time the problem started when i had walked a full loop and i didn't see the stairs i thought i must be confused so i kept going to the next room and still couldn't find them i started to panic so i began running around the house as fast as possible checking every room for stairs and there wasn't any finally i sat down by the front door and started crying a little while later my grandmother ran into the entryway room looking just as panicked as i had been and asking where i was hiding and why i was hiding and not answering her calling out to me i never heard her calling out to me at all actually the house seemed so still and quiet while i was sitting there that i was sure she had forgotten and left me there we went home and didn't talk about it really like 15 years later i brought it up to my mom and asked if she knew anything or was this a crazy childhood nightmare i'm remembering she told me she remembered it clearly because my grandmother had called her and was absolutely spooked because she couldn't explain what had happened and she thought she lost me or had been taken by someone while she was distracted she had apparently been looking for me for a while i still don't understand what happened really because the house wasn't even large or confusing to navigate i still get chills when i think about it i woke up one night when i was 12 because i dreamt that my older brother got into a car accident i got out of bed and wandered downstairs to the kitchen to get something to drink my mother was sitting there and asking me why i was awake i told her had a bad dream and need something to drink i got a glass of water when it ringed at our door my mother went to look who was there in the middle of the night two police officers that asked if they could come inside for a moment i couldn't hear what they were talking about because i was still in the kitchen and they were in the hallway after the two officers left my mother came back to the kitchen completely pale and told me that i should go to bed now i asked her what's wrong when she informed me that my brother was in a car accident and she needs to wake up my dad and go to the hospital now when i pointed out that this was the bad dream i had before waking up she only looked at me for a couple of seconds i prepared myself for comments like don't be silly and go to bed now but instead she said me too so basically we both had the same [ __ ] dream of my brother having a car accident and we both woke up minutes before the police came over to tell us it really happened my brother survived with some minor injuries and we've seen the photos of the accident in the newspaper the next day it looked 100 like in my dream to the smallest detail the way he lost control over the car where it flipped the first time and the tree it came to a stop even today my mother and i talk about this nobody else believes us when we tell the story [Music] i'm not 100 sure that this fits because my mom confirmed it years ago then denied it when i asked her again a couple of months ago but here it is when i was little my dresser it was long but pretty short sat against the wall with one of the ends pointed to my door that dresser is heavy an old wood one with all sorts of kid crap neatly arranged on top since it was in my bedroom the floor was carpet i always slept with the door closed one night with no explanation the dresser tipped over but instead of falling forward it fell 180 degrees to the side falling in front of my door all the kid crap spilling to the side my mom ran to get me but couldn't open the door as it was being blocked by the dresser eventually with her pushing and me pulling on the dresser she was able to slip in and move the dresser out of the way nothing was damaged not even the glass figurines i had my dad helped put it upright the next day and we moved on years later i remembered the incident and asked my mom about it expecting to learn that i blew it out of proportion and it only fell forward or something like that nope she remembered that night as well however she added one detail that i could never figure out she thought she heard me jumping on the bed that night and that was why she thought the dresser tipped over i had been asleep i have no idea where she heard that noise coming from when i was young i apparently had a few odd interactions with animals i would know a person had animals before we went in the house they tended to come over to me before my parents mostly just little things that were probably explainable by me a fairly observant little kid the one that sticks out to my parents though telling it the way they do is we went to a new car garage to have them work on our car as we pull up the owner has a big old black lab laying in the middle of the lobby the guy informs us the dog is comfortable with people we can pet him if we want i shake my head and say he's sad though dad looks at me and asks why i think that i reply he lost his ball he's sad now dad said the owner went pale stared at me for a minute and then looked at my dad and said he's had a favorite ball for 10 years that just went down the sewage drain yesterday and i couldn't get it back out when i was 9 or 10 my dad took me to visit with an older hunting buddy friend of his my parents were divorced and my dad lived in another part of the country so while i had known this guy since i was a toddler i didn't share the same common interests as either of them the older friend was a gun dealer and had lots of catalogs this was before the internet was in wide use to order bullets magazines guns etc and they often spent hours going through listings to determine what they wanted to order we got there fairly early and my dad said that after an hour or two we'd all go to hardy's for breakfast before going to shoot clay birds now i'm a youngin i don't care much about guns or hunting for sport and i'm just incredibly bored so i start wandering around the house reading my video game magazines that i brought with me and very quickly that hour or two had passed and they're still down there i ask if they're going to leave anytime soon and the friend suggests i check the refrigerator in the kitchen and see if there's anything i want to eat i look through the fridge and find nothing however on the kitchen table i see an apple and decided that will be appetizing enough to hold me over as i pick up the apple and prepare to take a bite at that point his wife steps in and tells me don't eat that everything in the bowl is wax i tell her thank you for warning me and continue to wander around the house burning time until we can get going maybe another 30 minutes later i go back to the basement where they're going through catalogs and ask when we are going to hardy's my dad's friend asks if i'm still hungry after going through their fridge i tell him that i was going to eat an apple but his wife told me it was wax before i made the mistake both of them give me a blank stare and after about 20 seconds of shock my dad explains that his wife recently passed away i then go back through the house to try and find her to show that they were just joking with me but sure enough she was nowhere to be found roughly 30 years later before he passed away my dad still insisted that i must have imagined it but i didn't she told me not to eat the wax fruit at my parents house i used to hear my mom calling out to me when she didn't and she confirmed she'd hear me call out to her when i didn't that was a common occurrence also whenever i'd be alone for a little while if my mom was late from work or at the grocery store i'd usually be in the main living room playing nintendo 64. i would often times hear loud banging sounds from upstairs as if a heavy piece of furniture tipped over i'd go check and nothing was out of place both my mother and grandmother have confirmed similar experiences when they're alone in the house there was also the time i was downstairs on my laptop everyone else was in bed it was after midnight and i didn't realize just how dark everything had gotten without the lights on i'm zoned out when i begin to hear what sounds like a murmuring from behind me like the low rumble you'd hear at a gathering when people are talking and you can't make out conversation the hairs on my neck immediately stood up and my body locked up from fear tears ran down my face from the physical reaction my body was having i refused to acknowledge it and kept staring at my laptop screen in silence it took forever for my body to go back to normal sometime later i told my mother what happened and it freaked her out because she said she's heard the same murmuring as well i've always hated that house when i was a kid my mom used to work at a small grocery store and she went there before breakfast to get fresh bakery goods when she had the afternoon shift then she used to wake me up for school and ask how i slept then i used to tell her what dream i had that night if any one morning i told her i dreamed that two guys broke into the store and they left a red screwdriver on the floor my mom was shocked because there really was a break in that night that is why she couldn't buy stuff for breakfast that morning but couldn't talk with police or colleagues at the time to get more details i then went to school my mom did the afternoon shift and on the evening when she came home she told me that the police really did find a screwdriver on the scene which belonged to the burglars this all happened in europe a small town around the early 90s no cctv and the burglars never got caught but this was still a very strange experience my mom made me fill out a lottery ticket the next day lol but never won with it and never had such dreams since then [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 27,088
Rating: 4.9020715 out of 5
Keywords: NoSleep, Confessions, Reddit NoSleep, Scary Stories, Creepy stories, Creepy AskReddit, Scary AskReddit Stories, Horror stories, best scary stories, scary stories, ghost stories, horror, ghost, creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepypastas, scary story, nosleep stories, reddit horror stories, creepy story, nosleep, r/nosleep, creepypasta reading, horror stories, creepsmcpasta, creepypasta stories, paranormal, Reddit scary stories, ask reddit, mr nightmare, mr creeps, creeps
Id: rYek-HeJggM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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