These creepy urban legends turned out to be true! (r/AskReddit - Reddit Scary Stories)

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which creepy urban legend turned out to be true for the last several years in Toronto gay men have gone missing in the village the community was convinced it was a serial killer on the loose but the police said no these disappearances are unrelated turns out that's totally the case and the guy was killing gay men dismembering them and burying them in and around the properties he was working at as a groundskeeper / landscaper the werewolf of Hannover Germany in the 1920s started as a legend who had some truth to it but it's definitely creepy though teenage boys disappeared and soon there was a legend about a werewolf who killed them turns out it was the serial killer Fritz Harmon who bit his 24 young victims over the throat he first lured them with goods because times were hard after World War one then after abusing them sexually and killing them by biting he cut their bodies and sold the meat to the people of Hanover as food without them knowing what it really was Fritz was as close to a werewolf a human can get sorry for the bad english not my first language black Volga in the 60s and 70s there existed in urban legend in Poland that vampires and black limousines were kidnapping people preferring little children it was a tale parents told their kids who would then tell their friends etc turns out it was a rumor that was spread by the Polish secret police who actually used black cars to kidnap people the aim was that no one would believe someone who would report they had witnessed a kidnapping Raymond Robinson the Green Man dude lost his eyes and nose and wandered the streets at night in Pennsylvania because he couldn't go outside in the daytime because of how he looked people saw him in an urban legend in PA was born I heard he was actually a really nice guy in Liverpool kids are taught about purple Aki from a young age he's been locally known and feared for honestly three decades he likes feeling boys muscles and makes them do squats he's completely real he's even had court orders against him preventing him from feeling people's muscles I hope you get raped by purple Aki is a common insult and a very real fear akan wali aerobic is his name during the court case DC Andrew Rowling's claimed that aerobic became sexually aroused while forcing terrified young men to perform inverted piggybacks ordering them to squat so he could lean over their backs with his face by their buttocks and his genitalia on their necks while squeezing their quad muscles I went to a university near Valley Forge PA it used to be a Pio wkf in a military hospital before the college bought the entire property for $1 in the 1960s since there are really only three universities near Valley Forge PA it will not be hard to deduce which college it was Lowell anyways there was a rumor that underground tunnels and all sorts of stuff was left abandoned in the abandoned sections of the college sure enough it was true we found a tunnel hatch under our carpet in our dorm room two hatches on the first floor furthest most first floor dorm room of each building it was literally like stepping into 1945 everything was preserved down there and the tunnels were massive we eventually ended up in an underground garage where there were four jeeps parked but all the tires had dry rotted we realized this was actually beneath our soccer field anyways the tunnels lead to the cafeteria the admin building every dorm and then an old abandoned section of our campus that we had no way of entering topside we soon realized this was the hospital slash morgue when we got out of the tunnels and walked the floor it was still like 1945 all the hospital beds were still there the surgical curtains were still there hell even the tools like the scalpel saw pliers etc were still on their trays it was like everyone all of the sudden up and left and nothing had been moved since then the morgue still had its labs and sometimes we would dare each other to slide in for a period of time but yeah it was an urban legend on campus until three of us decided to risk expulsion to see if it was true and it was the North Pond hermit things would go missing in this little vacation community and people attributed it to some mysterious dude turned out there was one he lived out in the woods for 27 years without ever talking to anyone out here in Washington there were rumors of a fairy house in the woods somewhere one park ranger decided to go hunting for it and he actually did find a tree house in the woods when he looked inside he found a ton of child pornography he took it down and came back a while later and found it had been put back up they eventually found who had been using the tree house and arrested him cropsy sort of like the boogeyman of Staten Island during the 70s and 80s kids on the island would go missing in the urban legend would attribute it to cropsy as it turned out there really was a crazy kidnapper and serial killer who was responsible he was caught and convicted there is a great documentary about it used to be on Netflix not sure if it still is called cropsy check it out if you get a chance MK ULTRA the CIA was experimenting with drugs to attempt to mind-control people one of the children was filmed numerous times performing sexual acts with high-ranking federal government officials in a scheme set up by Cameron and other MKULTRA researchers to blackmail the officials to ensure further funding for the experiments it's not just that experiment in which the government gave drugs to unsuspecting citizens most documents were destroyed but if this wasn't just imagine edit since many people asked it's from in the name of science a history of secret programs medical research and human experimentation by andrew.galea SEC in South Carolina I always heard about pee wee Gaskins as a kid a guy who rode around in a hearse and picked off hitchhikers a lot of local kids will go to a house rumored to be as looking for ghosts he was actually a real person he had nine confirmed victims but he claimed over 100 murders he murdered because he would get an itch to do it and he liked having complete control over hitchhikers who no one would know we're missing he'd torture rape and eventually killed him my maternal grandmother was kind of a effed up person and associated herself with him making him breakfast where he sat at the table with her daughters despite the fact that he had raped and killed a handful of young girls I don't know if she knew the extent of his murders at that point but he did tell her that he killed one of his victims by tying her up and shoving a water hose down her throat and turning it on and she never reported that this is thankfully a somewhat more lighthearted urban legend that a lot of the posted once so far so I'd heard several times from friends and whatnot hearsay tales about this creepy near-mythical shoe licker who resided in the Tampa area apparently this dude would walk up to people in public spaces and would ask them about their shoes and ask to see the bottoms of them and would then drop and do his best to lick the bottoms of the shoes before the person could step back down naturally I thought that was just way too weird and there was no way this wasn't just people making up some bullcrap story then I ran into the guy and a taco truck skinny dude long as hair probably homeless from how he was dressed could have been 18 could have been 30 walks up as I'm waiting for what turns out to have been the best taco I've ever had in my existence a cochinita pibil for the curious and asks about the shoes I'm wearing I just finished performing and was still wearing some Doc Martin boots and was more than a little soused he asks if he can see the treads or something like that I'm all confused and I'm like sure why not and he drops to the floor grabs my boot and starts licking away at the soul I yelled at the dude sort of kicked at him and he scampers off weirdest effing interaction ever when I was young living rural Ontario we were told as children not to wander too far into the forest saying that a monster would get us and we wouldn't come home if anybody knows who ROC Theriot is that actually turned out to be painfully true the anthill Kids cult is absolute insanity here you can read about the crimes of rock Theriot I'll give you a little taste however Terios piece de resistance came when one of his followers complained of pain the abdomen Theriot forced her to undress laid her on the kitchen table punched her in the stomach performed an enema by shoving a tube up her rectum and filled her up with olive oil then he cut her stomach open ripped out parts of her intestines with his bare hands and he forced another member to stitch her up then he shoved a tube down her throat and made the other women blow air into it unsurprisingly the woman died the next day of course Theriot as a prophet had the powers of Resurrection this resurrection consisted of drilling a hole in the dead woman's skull and having every male member ejaculate into it the woman remained dead besides these types of operations Rock had a number of often very sexually violent punishments personally I think the punishment and torture of Gabrielle lava lay at the hands of rock is the most sickening not for the faint of heart it took the near-death experience of Gabrielle lava lay to bring to light all these horrible crimes against humanity Gabrielle had endured blowtorches held to her genitals eight of her teeth taken out and a hypodermic needle breaking off in her spine she had tried to escape but could not live without the cult and went back Rock took this as a good reason to cut off one of her fingers nail her hand to a table and amputate her entire arm with a hunting knife of course Gabrielle did not see this as enough reason to actually leave it took Rock amputating parts of her breasts and smashing her head in with an axe for her to actually flee and contact the authorities that creepy old guy living down the street was actually the Golden State Killer this is a very recent and local story as it happened at a middle school that I used to attend there was this janitor though he actually left when I was still at the school and substitute bus driver at our school that everyone loved he would give all of the kids candy and show them around the areas of the school that kids weren't supposed to go like the boiler room I even heard that he ate dinner at a kid's house once even after he left the school he would still visit sometimes just to say hi to the kids there were always some jokes that he was a pedophile but everyone at the school loved him and thought that he was a great guy recently he was arrested for having thousands of pictures and videos of child porn makes things pretty weird in hindsight in my hometown there was a local legend about a man who would sometimes be seen having sex with trees some called him mr. Woodcock but he was more commonly known as the tree shagger I though it must be nonsense but one night a friend and I were out walking his dog along a narrow tree-lined Lane we heard a grunting sound from the undergrowth and there he was he was wearing a long overcoat which had wrapped around a poor innocent tree and he had his trousers around his ankles as he defiled the shrubbery with a flagrant disregard for splinters the man that worked in a law firm on the 24th story of a building as a running gag he would tell everyone that the windows in the building were unbreakable then proceeded to run at one of them full force once he did it in the glass didn't break but the window popped out of the frame and he fell to his death 24 stories I saw this on an urban legend show when I was a kid but found out later that this really happened in my city Toronto Canada my boyfriend works in the same building and rumor has it that the man landed on a concrete bench at concourse level a woman and her child had just been sitting there minutes before his fatal plunge yeah my mom worked in an office adjacent to where he fell to his death everyone was sent home early in all of the buildings around it apparently he had been doing this stunt for quite a while with the tour groups and the problem was that he always used the same window each time he did it he was weakening the window until it just couldn't take it anymore Freddy Krueger is based on a real story hear me out there's a small ethnic group local to Southeast Asia the Hmong people they've been oppressed for years by various countries so they fought with the u.s. during the Vietnam Civil War as you know we lost and the North Vietnamese were gearing up to kill the Hmong people who had fought for the southern Vietnamese so the u.s. airlifted a bunch of Hmong families to the US primarily in California and Minnesota one of the recent immigrants was a young man he was perfectly healthy but suddenly died in his sleep no one knew how he died it's guessed it was a heart attack but an autopsy wasn't done this sent a panic throughout the community there is a Hmong legend of a spirit that enters your dreams and kills you Hmong people were terrified they were also in a new community without access to some old traditions to protect them young men started staying awake trying to avoid the monster they downed caffeine they were actually scared enough that it caused stress to their hearts and they died eventually 117 men died from Hmong sleeping sickness oh man I have one when I was teen there were rumors of snowsuit men a dude that used to wander the big park in my city at night in the summer in a snow suit all done up from head to toe put in everything it was rumored he used to ask people walking through the park to beat him up I know pretty outrageous right one night a bunch of us were chilling in said Park being teens smoking weed and goofing around all of a sudden in the distance we see a person it wasn't unusual to see other people in the park even in the middle of the night like this what is unusual is that you could see the person was dressed in white from head to toe as he got closer a silence fell over all of us as we realized holy effing crap that is a person in a God darn snow suit we were terrified and amazed all at once he sat on a bench a little down the path from us just sitting there one of my more adventurous or stupid maybe friends went over sat on the bench a bit then came back over snowsuit man didn't ask to get his butt kicked like we heard in fact he didn't respond or even acknowledge my friends presence he did apparently smell absolutely awful it was obvious my friend said that he didn't take that thing off and poo and pee in there as evidenced by the massive stains he saw when he got closer so there you go while not exactly like we heard unless it wasn't a night he felt like getting beat up the effing snowsuit man exists whispering monkey people one of the countries in Southeast Asia can't remember which one had a myth about monkey people who would talk in soft voices and kidnap people in the last decade some archeologists uncovered an offshoot of protohumans that coexisted with Homo sapiens in that area for several thousand years based on their physiology there was something about their throat or mouth that would have made them only able to whisper girls at LSU would wake up thinking they were being watched and snuggled up against while sleeping turns out a guy broke in 12-plus girl's homes and snuggled them ate their food etc and would slip out their windows he was dubbed the serial snuggler oh I have one in Anchorage people will tell the story of a woman who died after getting stuck and only knee-deep mud out and Turnagain arm the story has all the elements she was a newlywed rescuers were gathered around trying to help her etc and I think it's widely regarded as an urban legend but it most certainly did happen her name was a Deanna Dickerson and it took place in September 1988 Anchorage Daily News article it happened to me a few weeks ago I was at the beach standing in one place looking at a really old shipwreck my feet felt weird and when I looked down they were half submerged in mud sand it took a surprising amount of effort to pull my legs out considering there were only about an inch in I can imagine anything Bologna would be impossible to get out it's not mud so much as silt silt will f you up there is a reason it's not recommended to walk on the beaches by the ocean in Alaska and silt is a big part of that think of it like a deep mud that is very strong you'll get stuck in place the comes in than you die I remember being warned about it all the time when I lived up there even remember hearing about the story Opie mentioned welcome to the world of AIDS is an urban legend about a man meeting a woman at a bar going back to his place to sleep together only to have him wake up to her being gone and the famous slogan welcome to the world of AIDS written on his bathroom mirror the urban legend has many different versions variations it was just a parable about casual sex and risk this was largely considered an urban legend that is until stealth pausing actually turned out to be a very real think modern actual cases involve a British man named Darryl Rowe who already knowing he had HIV would send a text after sex to his many victims saying things like I have HIV lol oops and I'm riddled others have also been convicted for knowingly doing this on Craigslist yeah happened to my friend a few years ago from a Grindr hook up after the one-night stand he received a message along the lines of have fun with HIV he freaked got tested and found out he was positive the human waste that infected him had already deleted all traces of himself on Grindr so no charges could be pressed luckily he is doing well these days no full-blown AIDS but deals with occasional bone slash hip degeneration issues in the 1930s kids were talking about seeing an old gray man lurking around and snatching kids turned out to be Albert Fish a murderer rapist cannibal sadist masochist etc the guy who took an 8 a young girl then sent a letter to her parents about it obviously this is a disturbing read be warned the spine my tiny rural town actually was a covert Asian whorehouse full of human trafficked women this was a rumor among everyone at my school every bit of it was true they raided it in 2008 rescued four women who spoke no English and their boss who was working with the human traffickers and basically acted as prison warden for those poor girls they were all poor young girls from somewhere in Korea not entirely proven true but still really interesting is the Westall UFO encounter in 1966 over 200 people saw a UFO land right in front of them in plain daylight almost everyone that witnessed had the same description of the craft one girl became hysterical at the site and later that day one of her best friends went to go see her at her house she had been to many times previous only to find another family living there entirely and the new mother saying she had never heard of said girl military immediately showed up and confiscated all pictures of the event and told students not to talk about it easily one of the oddest terrifying and just plain confusing events I've ever heard of [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ReddiTV
Views: 214,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: askreddit scary, true urban legends, scary urban legends, creepy urban legends, scary stories, scary story, reddit stories scary, askreddit, reddit stories, askreddit creepy, scariest stories, creepy stories, scary
Id: plCzAIkiA6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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