CS: Are you called
to the mantle of a prophet? What does it take
to carry out this mantle? Stay tuned, because my guest
is going to share with us how to be pure
in the prophetic. [Music] >> Now is the time
to go forward and become all that God
has intended for you to become. Today is your day
to change your life and live in victory
and wholeness. This is Your Path to Destiny
with Dr. Candice Smithyman. CS: Welcome to
Your Path to Destiny. I'm your host,
Dr. Candice Smithyman and today we're going
to be talking about the mantle of a prophet,
the call of a prophet, how important it is
to have purity in the prophetic. And so, this is
a very important show because it really helps us
understand God's desire for His prophet
to have purity. And so, I'm excited today
because my guest, Pastor Joshua Giles,
he is the lead pastor and founder of Kingdom
Embassy Worship Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
And he is joining us today because he has
written a book called "The Rise
of the Micaiah Prophet: How to Keep Purity
in the Call of Being a Prophet." So, Pastor Giles, it's so good
to have you with us. JG: Thank you so much
for having me Dr. Candice, it's a delight
to be here with you. CS: Well, I'm excited
about your book. I had the chance to read it, and it really,
really touched my heart, mostly because you're talking
about something that is often seen
as unnecessary by some people. But it's really the core and the basis of who
we are as prophetic leaders. And that is purity. Absolutely
the importance of purity. So, tell me,
why did you write this book? JG: Well, you actually
just touched on it. You know, maybe two years ago,
the Lord spoke to me and told me I needed
to write on this subject. I've been traveling, doing prophetic ministry
from state to state. I've been to over 30 nations
and it was exciting to go. But I found out
that there were many people operating in the prophetic that did not know or understand
the aspect of purity. They didn't know
prophetic protocols. They didn't know
what they were doing. And so as I started
writing this two years ago, I started and then stopped and then the beginning
of 2020 I picked it back up and just
started writing this out. And I discovered such prophetic
insight on Micaiah and all about his life
and then began to use that as a springboard into deeper,
prophetic revelation on purity. CS: Wow. I mean, it's amazing
because, you know, there really does need to be
purity in the prophetic I mean, I don't even understand how somebody
could call them a prophet without going through
the processes which you discuss
in your book of being pure. I mean, it's not an easy thing. I mean, the tests for the call
of being a prophet are not something
that people sign up for or should not sign up for
with a laissez faire attitude. It's a very,
very important thing. We know from Revelation,
chapter 19, verse 10, that the Word says
for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, which means that when
we are prophesying or in an environment
of the prophetic, the Spirit of Jesus is present. JG: Yes, yes. That's so true. And I think many
have lost track of that. And God is centering
the prophetic back to where it needs to be, where we testify
of who Christ is. And if we're not pointing people
to Him, we're not doing our job. And so pure prophetic flow
is to, is to point people and direct them back
to the Father. Now, we know in the book
of Amos it says specifically
that, "The Lord does nothing unless He reveals
His secret counsel to His servants, the prophets." That's Amos,
Chapter three, verse seven. And so we know that
if the Spirit of the Lord is going to be speaking to us, we can't have anything
that is attached to us that is not in common with the Lord. If it is
in common with the enemy. It will skew
the pure prophetic word, the pure truth
and unadulterated word that is coming from the Lord. JG: That's so true. And those are some of the things
I write about even in this book, touching on the stages
of purification and even the stages
of sanctification for profit. We have to make sure
that we're not contaminated by any outside source. And it's very easy to become
contaminated in the prophetic where we've got money.
You know, that could be a draw. You know, you've got people
who want you to do things. They have certain
demands for you. And when it comes
to being a pure prophet, you have to make sure that
there are no outside influences that really control you or control
your prophetic utterance, because that's where
we get into the danger zone. CS: And that means we have
to have a handle on our flesh. JG: Yes.
So, tell us a little bit about what are some of these processes that God takes us through
to purify us? JG: Well, when we look
at Micaiah's life, I'll start there-
CS: Yes, please do! JG: -because Micaiah is this obscure biblical figure.
We don't hear much about him. A lot of people,
even in the Body of Christ, haven't really heard
too much about him. But he was a protege
of Elijah the Prophet, and he was one of the three
that were trained by him that the Bible highlights. And of course, many of you know
the story maybe in First Kings, Chapter twenty-two where Micaiah's called on
to give a word to the king. And the word that he has is not
a word that he wants to hear. And so, Micaiah gives it anyway, but he's
put in prison because of it, and so when we deal
with stages of purity, we have to come to the
conclusion of, am I God's prophet or the people's prophet. And so, I believe
that that's the first step, is being completely
surrender to God, knowing that you are His prophet and it doesn't matter
whether people like you or accept you or even like
what you have to say, your choice is between
those two. And when you choose God,
He'll back you up every time. CS: You know, that's really,
really powerful because if you still have
within your flesh and need to please men. JG: Oh, yes.
CS: Then you are setting yourself up for a very,
very difficult pathway as a prophet because you're going
to be fighting a lot with, "Wow, I got this word like,
should I give this word?" JG: Right, right. CS: You know, how, how will
this be prevented? I really want people to like me. You know, I like my title,
these kinds of things. And I know you've traveled
the world and so you've seen
a lot of things that are not holy
and not righteous, which is what caused you
to write this book. And so, so seeing men and women want to be pleased more
by the word spoken. I think you have a story
in there about that, too. Can you elaborate on that? JG: Well, there's, there's
a couple of stories that are there.
I can remember going to a church and I was sitting
in the very back and the pastor called me up
out of the blue and said, I want you
to come up to the front. And they just shoved
the mic in my hand and I didn't have time
to really process it or think too much about it.
And before I knew it, I just started speaking
what I heard the Lord say. And He spoke to me
two different names of people, and He gave me specific detail about what was going on
in their lives. When I said it to the people,
nobody moves, nobody said anything.
Nobody came forward. And I was kind of in one
of those embarrassing moments where you're thinking this word,
I must have missed it. And I remember
after the service, they came up to me and they
said, ah, two of the people, they said, you called the names of my
two family members. They said, but we were just
too afraid to come up. And I started to go back
to the pastors and tell them, "Hey, this word was accurate." And the Holy Spirit
stopped me right there. And He said, "This is
a part of your training." He said, "I'm teaching you
about rejection. I'm teaching you how to deal
with embarrassment. I'm teaching you as a prophet
how to stand on my Word and know when I'm speaking
and not go after the fame, the attention, the approval or even the validation
of the crowd then." So, I left that service
with the majority of the people thinking the word just was off, although the testimony
came in secret after. CS: My goodness, that is a test.
JG: Yes. CS: That is a training process,
you know, but the Lord will teach us
when to keep our mouths quiet. So, you pass the test
in that you didn't go back to get the approval
of the pastor. And it is a tough situation
when we're faced with that. But it also shows us
to how close our relationship is with the Lord when we choose
not to go back into situations and get man's approval.
JG: Right, right. CS: You know, even if we want
to try and clean it up, it just means we say
I'm steadfast in God. JG: Yes.
CS: He has anointed me appointed me, called me,
set me apart. It's okay if they don't get it.
JG: That's right. CS: And I'm just going to rest
in my relationship with the Lord and hang on to that. And that is, that is a process
of maturity right there. JG: Absolutely.
And it's not easy. You know, I believe there are
several processes that prophets have to go
through now to maintain that purity
and to really be set apart. And that's one of them,
passing that test of pride and then also dealing
with that rejection test, the test of approval. And then there are
several others that I write about in the book. Looking at the life
of Elijah and Elijah. CS: I want to hear all about
that. We're going to come back in just a minute. We're going to talk more about
these specific prophets in the Word of God.
And we're going to expound more on
how that affects us as prophets. If you're called to the mantle
of a prophet, how does their life reflect
what we're supposed to be being and doing in this process?
[Music] So, stay tuned
and we'll be right back. [Music]>> Dr. Candice Smitherman
is an international prophetic voice, healing minister,
author, and pastor who travels the world sharing how to access
the heavenly realms and lived the resurrected life. Her passion is to see people
healed and delivered and come into a knowledge
of who they are in Christ as royal heirs seated with Him
in the heavenly realms. She believes everyone
can access Heaven and walk in the power of God.
In her meetings your faith will increase and you
will feel the presence of God and see miraculous healings. Dr. Candice loves
to teach and train in the supernatural
and mentor you in the glory, she offers many classes in her
School of the Supernatural where you, too,
can learn to release Heaven, the glory and walk
in the power of God. She's also a mentor, life coach and founder of Dream
Mentors International, an organization that teaches and
trains biblical life coaches. Check out her website and subscribe
to her YouTube channel, Instagram and Facebook for more resources.
[Music] CS: I'm so happy
that you stayed with us because we are talking
about the power and purity
of the prophetic Call and my guest today,
Prophet Joshua Giles, has written an amazing book
called "The Rise of the Micaiah
Prophet" and all about the
purity of walking in that call. And so we're going to
continue the discussion here. Joshua, you began to bring us to
that place of, of other prophets that are in the Word of God and how they went
through process. JG: Absolutely, Dr. Candice And this is one of my favorite
subjects to talk about, looking at Elijah's life. He's a huge example
for many of us that are in the prophetic on what we should model
our ministries. After Elijah began to train
the Prophet Elijah or Elisha. and as he was training him, he took him through
a series of processes. And I talk about this
in Chapter five of my book, and it deals
with prophetic training. What does that entail? I find that every prophet
needs to be trained there. There are many people
that think, "Oh, you know,
I just got this gift and I don't need anybody
to teach me." And we end up kind of making
mistakes and blunders when we don't have that. But the first thing
that Elijah did was put him
through resistance training. This was saying,
"I want you to wait here and then I'll, I'll go
and do this." And Elijah said to him, "I'm going to go as long
as the Lord my God lives. I'm going to follow you
wherever you go." And he was really testing him
to see how bad do you want this? How much do you really want
to stick close to the ministry? How closely are you
going to follow after what I'm doing,
the assignment, and every time he just
went right with him, then he also took him
through yoke training when he first met him. This is where a Elisha's
is in the field and he's with his lucrative
family business and Elijah throws
the mantle on him and then the protege
has the choice. "Am I going to leave
this business that's bringing me money, what I'm comfortable with
and follow after God, you know, or will
I pass this moment and just stay where I am?" So, we can see examples
in scripture of sacrifice when it comes
to the prophetic. And, you know, Dr. Candice,
I believe that's a key word when it comes to purity
in the prophetic. What are you willing
to sacrifice for the Lord? And that's for me.
That's been something that God's brought me back
to over and over again. Are you willing
to give up this for that? CS: You know, when I found in my
prophetic call along those lines is, every time the Lord
asked me to sacrifice something, He fulfills
even greater presence. JG: Yes.
CS: Or with the promotion of some sort.
JG: Yes. CS: And I found that
there is nothing on this planet that will ever satisfy you.
Once you have touched deep and abiding relationship
with the Lord. JG: Yes. CS: And so no matter how the
enemy may come and tempt us or try and move us away
from the call of God in our life by using those kinds of false
and external types of things, when we've been
trained properly, part of that training is coming
to the place of saying, "No, it doesn't matter
what you offer me because nothing is greater
than being with Him. I'll give it all up." And really, the prophets call
is very much about the Prophet and the Lord.
JG: Yes. CS: There is something
that is so divine about that deep connection. The Lord spoke to Moses
as a friend. JG: Yes. CS: You know,
and it is important for God to have His prophets
as it is for the world to have the prophetic voice of
the Lord going forth. JG: Absolutely.
CS: You know, it's very, very vital. And so
when God was training me, I just kept coming back to
there's nothing better than Him. So, so what is it
that you're going to offer me or what is it that I need
approval of man or money, no, nothing. And so, I think
it's really important you have that in your book,
because I think that helps to determine what's true
and what's false. JG: Yes. CS: Expound on that
a little bit. because I know you've helped
train younger prophets absolute. What do they say about that? JG: Well, you're saying
so much here that I think is so powerful.
I'm just mentioning friendship. You know, that's something
that we've got to bring back into the narrative
with prophetic training. Being a friend of God
is more important than anything else in the world. And I think the majority
of a prophet's ministry is not on stages,
not on platforms, not with microphones
in your hand. But the majority
of the prophet's ministry is in that prayer closet
with the Lord, is in that secret place. And that's anywhere you go,
God is there with you. And that's something
that I've learned that I train others
in that as well. I think sometimes people have
a view that's out of balance and they think, you know,
if you're a prophet, you should be prophesying 24/7. You should be, you know,
preaching all the time. And they, they don't realize
that the secret place is where we're called to, and it is a distinguishing line
between the true and the false, because those
that are true prophets, they love the presence of God,
they love worship. They love the heart of God. That's what we love.
Those that are false. They are more about
the surface level. They are more about, you know, just spending that time
in the public eye and not private time
with the Lord. And so the Bible says
this in Matthew, Chapter seven, Jesus said you'll know them
by their fruit. What are they bearing?
Those that are true prophets, they're going to always
lead people to Christ. They're going to always
show that example of being in the presence of God,
leading others into the glory. Those that are false, they're
not going to bear that fruit. They're going to try to
bring glory to themselves. And that's a key difference
with false prophets. They bring the attention
and honor to themselves and not to the Lord. CS: And that's really important
when I'm finding here in these latter days
that we're living in, is that the true prophetic voice
and the true apostolic voice are always speaking
from being seated with Christ in heavenly places.
JG: Yes. CS: The words that they
bring forth are Heaven driven, their heavens perspective. They are always coming from that
place of being seated with Him and will overflow
as a result of that. And I've noticed
that a lot of times, you know, we have all these
voices coming at us these days and it's very hard to discern what is truly
the voice of the Lord. But when I measure
hearing God's voice, I measure it and I can see it
consistently in prophetic voices that speak from
a heavenly perspective are always bringing forth
the true and unadulterated Word of God.
They know their place. And just as you said,
they want to be in His presence more than they want
the platform. And that is the biggest test
for a brand-new ministry leader. JG: Absolutely!
CS: You know, the earth realm and the enemy want to make the
earth and the platforms look like they're the greatest place
on the earth. JG: Oh, wow! CS: You know, and they're just,
they're not. They're not. But we find that real prophets,
as you said, draw close to the Lord. And then, of course,
they speak from that heavenly, JG: Absolutely, absolutely.
CS: Heavenly perspective. JG: Yeah. And that
that's the beautiful thing. When you have that connection
with the Father, He brings you into
His heavenly council. You're there in
in the court of Heaven. You're a part
of that assembly. And you hear the deliberations
of the Spirit. And when we come in this earth
realm and prophesy, we are simply echoing what we've
heard in the chambers of Heaven in our personal
private prayer time. CS: That's right. We speak
what we hear in the chamber. JG: Yeah.
CS: Yeah. And, you know, I think I mean,
that's just so important. I think you really need
to get this concept that if God is calling you
to be a prophet and there's different
elements of that, the whole body is
the Body of Jesus Christ. It's called to prophesy, but some are called
to the office of Prophet and the rise of the Micaiah
prophet is a distinction. And that you're honing in
on those that are called
to the Office of Prophet. They're feeling that call
in their life and so if that's you, I want you to
reach out to Joshua, go to JoshuaGiles.com
and get a copy of his book so you can learn more
about these very things. Now, stay tuned with us
[Music] because we're going to talk more about being a Micaiah prophet,
being a pure prophet. [Music]>> Are you in need of
personal counseling or coaching or would like some direction
and encouragement? Dr. Candice is a board
certified counselor who walks in the gift
of prophecy and healing, and she wants to mentor you in
her School of the Supernatural. Dr. Candice will teach you
through her E-courses, books and many other
additional resources that will help you strategize
and release Heaven in every area of your life. Her classes on the supernatural
will equip you to live in the heavenly realms
on a daily basis. You can also schedule some
personal time with Dr. Candice, where she will encourage
and pray for you in private
45 minute sessions to help you walk through
personal issues in your life and propel you into
your purpose and destiny. Visit her website
for all of her resources and follow and subscribe
to Dr. Candice on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
[Music] CS: I'm so glad
that you stayed with us. We're having a great time
on set here talking about how to be a
prophetic minister of the Lord, one who's called
anointed appointed, one that works in humility. One that's positioned himself
to go through the processes that God takes us through
to be a prophet. Now we have prophecy that
the Body of Jesus Christ shall prophesy
and the spirit of prophecy is there when
we all come together and we prophesy
together as one. But some are called
to the office of Prophet, which means they're set apart
for that particular office. And so, I want to talk
some more to Prophet Joshua about raising up an army, a company of prophets
that come before the Lord and need special training
for that. JG: Yes. You know,
that's one of the subjects that I hit in this book. Now, The Rise
of the Micaiah Prophet. I believe it's not
just one prophet that the Lord is looking for. He's looking for a company,
a body of prophetic people that will stand up
in the mind of God and really echo
what He's saying in Heaven. And so what I've noticed is the
Lord's raising up a new breed. It's not in the box that we
have tried to put people in. But I'm seeing now a breed
of people that God is literally rescuing out
of the clutches of the enemy, bringing them in, purifying them
and raising them up. And they have a testimony.
They have a past. They may not look exactly
the way that others do now. They may come from a different
type of background. But the Lord's
raising up this company and it's all races together.
It's multi-cultures. It's everybody operating
in the Kingdom with this alignment
in one accord in the Spirit. And I'm also noticing as the
Lord's raising up this army, our company of prophets, it's a merging of streams
that's happening right now. There are people that may have
a certain type of anointing and their strong suit
may be in one area and maybe they haven't
fellowship with someone else in the Kingdom
from another area. But the Lord is causing
those streams to merge and we're seeing an army
of believers rise up because that's what
it's going to take in order to defeat
of the demonic powers that we see
in the world right now. CS: How an army of the company
of prophets. Whoa, that is
incredibly powerful. But I love how you talk about
the streams coming together. JG: Yes.
CS: Because as our world has expanded and we have all
different ways of connecting with one another now,
we have all different ways of connecting
with each other's ministries through a variety
of different ways. I can see that these streams
are melting together, but we're coming together
as one voice, GJ: Yes.
CS: And we are speaking the Word of the Lord and we are speaking
from heavenly perspectives. JG: Absolutely.
CS: And so I know some of you watching, right,
right today, you're thinking to yourself,
you know, I have been manifesting
some spiritual gifting where I hear
the voice of the Lord. The Lord speaks to me
about certain things for certain people. But I'm young at this.
I need more teaching. I need more education
in that area. If that's you,
I'm going to ask Prophet Joshua to pray for you right now so you can receive
an impartation and activation, because we want to take you
from where you're at into the new place
that God has for you. There's challenges
and struggles there, but you're going to draw closer
to the Lord and develop a relationship
with Him that is so important to God, bringing forth His Word
in the earth. Prophet Joshua,
we pray for the people. JG: Absolutely.
Dr. Candice I can sense that there are those watching
now that feel this pull. They can sense that God wants
to stir something up in them and they're ready. And so, I want to pray
and activate you now that are watching
and just lift your hands as a point
of contact of your faith. And I'm going to pray, Father,
in the Name of Jesus. I pray right now
for every individual watching that feels
this pull in the Spirit, they feel this calling
to the office of the Prophet, they can sense that there is
an assignment and mandate on their lives. Father, I pray that you would
begin to release a fire in them, stir them up, activate them. I pray, Father, that you would
come pour your Spirit over them. I pray right now
in the Name of Jesus, that you would begin to raise up
this company of believers, those that are watching,
those that are listening, those that know that there is something greater
for their lives. You would raise them up
and use them for your glory. Let their ears and the spirit
be open to another dimension to hear what they have
not heard before. Father let their vision and the
Spirit be open to another degree to see what they have
not seen before. Then I release this anointing
right now to activate believers that are watching I release,
the anointing a prophecy. I release the Nabi
to bubble up and prophesy, the Nataph that drops down
with the preaching, the powerful preaching,
prophetic word. And Father,
I thank you right now that you're even sending
prophets into the market. You're sending them beyond
the realm of the church, you're sending them
into every system of the earth and there are many
that are watching now that you are is going to touch
and they will be set forth and commissioned on this
assignment in Jesus Name. JG: Amen, amen.
CS: Amen, amen! Wow.
I could really feel that. Yes, for sure. And I know that there are those
who are watching, if that's you, and you felt just that rise
on the inside of you, that rise of the Micaiah prophet
coming on the inside of you, I want you to reach out
to to prophet Joshua. Go to JoshuaGiles.com
and make contact with him, get a copy of his book, reach out to me
at CandiceSmithyman.com We want to give you some
free resources to some things that are going to really
help you grow in the call, the anointing, how God is
appointed you and set you apart. It's a long, tough journey when you're called
to be a prophet. You may look- it may
look like on the surface. Oh, well,
this is the greatest thing. But underneath is where God is
doing the mighty, mighty work. So, you're going to need
somebody to hold your hand, walk you through the processes,
encourage you. You have a school of prophecy,
don't you? JG: Yes, I do.
CS: Okay, wonderful. GJ: That school is actually
in session now and we do it seasonally. And I'm training
prophets virtually. And so we're able to meet
every week online and they're discussions and
group ministry that takes place. And so, it's a powerful
opportunity to learn and to be trained
in the prophetic. CS: Amen. And so you want to
reach out to him for that as well.
I also have a school. My school, too, also provides
training in the supernatural. And of course, prophecy
is one of those aspects of the supernatural.
We want you to be equipped. Our job is to come together
to equip, train, teach you, cause you to see and hear
what the true Words of the Lord are saying so that you can get
your life in alignment with the Word of God.
And once you get in that place, then God can use you
in a mighty, mighty way. But don't forget this show,
because we're really talking about having the Mary Spirit
in a Martha doing. GJ: Yes. Yes.
CS: All right. That's for sure. All right. Thank you so much
for joining us today. It truly has been a blessing. We've had the opportunity
to speak to you about purity in the prophetic.
[Music] I want you to reach out to me
at CandiceSmithyman.com I have lots of resources there. Remember,
take the hand of Messiah and walk into your destiny.
[Music to End]