What They Don't Tell You About Dragonborns - D&D

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Zachafinackus 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
how silly would it be of me to go and cover every single dragon in fifth edition' and not get into the actual playable draconic race in the setting the track I'm born are extraordinarily misunderstood creatures heartily would you find a raise in the Forgotten Realms and I suffered as much as they have in spite of their natural goodness and still be seen with fear and thought of as a monster the Dragonborn looked like monsters was just already enough to scare most people but the fact that this entire race didn't even exist in here until about 100 years ago makes even wise and established races such as the elves and the dwarves be suspicious of them let's talk about one of the most enigmatic playable races of all time when I say that Dragonborn are misunderstood I really mean it so let's first dispel some of these misconceptions a half dragon and a dragon born are two completely different things when you have a dragon have sex with something it shouldn't have sex with then you get a half dragon a half dragon will share features of both parents if this is the same notion that follows the creation of a half-elf of a half-orc and a half fogger literally just intermingling of the two races who mate and create an offspring that shares both genes a dragon born is not the result of a dragon mating with a humanoid a dragon born is its own race and has always been its own race since its beginnings second misconception Dragonborns do not openly venerate dragon gods if you do you're actually shunned from Dragonborn society eric says Dragonborn clerics of Bahamut but those that choose this path are typically exiled and outcasted from Dragon born cities they are exceedingly rare as well Dragonborn do not believe that there are dragons that are good and they really don't believe in the existence of a dragon God who is good lastly Dragonborn do not have a rich history on this planet and they have only really been here for like a hundred years when the player handbook suggests that they are a rare sight they really do mean it boy is there so much I have to explain all of which is not even touched on by The Player's Handbook you are truly in for a ride my boy on this one okay so before I can even start with their history we have to talk about the planet this is the planet of torille this is where all of the campaigns for fifth editions start hoard of the Dragon queen tomb of annihilation dragon heist they're all set on this planet in the setting that we call the Forgotten Realms now technically even curses Strad starts here so if you're playing on these books this is the planet that you're in now in the beginning of time the gods fought the primordial for dominion over the planet by then the planet was called a bear Toro to stop the war overlord IO the god of gods decided to separate the planet into two planets one for the gods and the other one for the primordial 's torille as you know it which is the planet that we have talked about basically when every single one of my videos is the world that was given to the gods and the main planet that we actually play in a bear on the other hand was given to the primordial x' and it resides on an alternate dimension occupying the same space in the solar system technically what they did was to turn to Europe Asia and Africa into its own planet and then they turned America into a different planet they then gave America to the primordial z-- and they gave the rest to the gods and then separated the planet into different realities occupying the same space basically now this other planet a bear is different from the planet that we're used to magic there works differently there is no weave gods don't like going there or dealing with the people there obviously because there is the planet owned by the primordial z-- so cleric magic is basically useless over there but this is the plot at where the Dragonborn were well born Dragonborn didn't exist on torille the planet that we know until just recently all this time they have instead been living in this other planet in this different dimension in a bear the world where the Dragonborn existed all this time true dragons are kings and overlords see in the real world in torille the dragon empires fell and collapsed that's because dragons got into this massive civil war against one another the followers of Muhammad the dragon god of good versus the followers of Tiamat the dragon god of evil basically chromatic dragons versus metallic dragons right they all fought and killed each other in this bloody civil war which collapsed their empire we also can't forget that the Giants the mortal enemy of the dragons who also helped in the collapse of the dragon empires they all fought each other this actually never happened on a bear the other planet religion never actually took place on that planet of fire because the gods stayed the hell away from a bear because that was the whole reason for separating the planet the second planet was supposed to be for the primordial snot for the gods because of this the Dragons grew rampant and completely dominated the planet they even destroyed most of the primordial who ruled a planet that's how strong the dragon Empire there became the dragon born who also lived there were slaves to the dragons and the dragons were not kind to them they ruled with an iron fist they were extremely cruel and for milady at the dragon born lived as slaves like literally millennia revolution after revolution the Dragonborn attempted to break free from the tyranny of dragons but were never successful and were always treated worse and worse after each failed attempt at rebellion now to travel from a bear to Toro and vice versa it is actually extremely difficult allegedly opening a portal from one to the other is almost impossible the only way to cross would be through natural gateways but those are very rare to find it is so rare in fact that Fay and elves and dwarves literally do not exist in a bear these races were created by Gods so they never developed in a bear like there's literally no way to travel there in any accessible capacity it is that rare now this all changed in the spell plague sirak the god of lies and trickery murdered mistre the goddess of magic and without the goddess of magic magic went bananas everywhere and this created what we call the spell plague eventually a new mistress a new goddess of magic took her place but the damage was done the spell plague had ravaged most of the world and tyre civilizations had died and magic had permanently changed the spell plague actually created massive rifts between both a bear and torille to the point where entire areas were transported from one planet to the other and vice versa this is how the Dragonborn have made it - toril through one of these transportations in fact an entire country of Dragonborn was transported from a bear to toro and this is how we got most of the Dragonborn that you see nowadays this country is called time anther and it was a civilization of Dragonborn that had actually rebelled against the dragons the only successful one the place was transported and placed here in the region previously known as unter it is kind of far from the sword coast where most of the campaign's take place and it is why the Dragonborn are still very very rare the capital city is called gr @ Tamar I'm not sure how to pronounce that but it is described as an enormous hollow pyramid of incredible size unique shape and virtually impenetrable in architecture the city is a literal giant pyramid rested on a granite foundation supported by huge columns the top of the pyramid is said to reach about 1500 feet or 416 meters into the sky and the only entrance into the capital is through an enormous wide ramp inside the columns that support the pyramid are so big that enormous rings surround the columns and on top of those rings you have entire commercial areas with districts and houses unfortunately this is not a video about time anthers so I have to let this one go for now but this is virtually the main place where Dragonborn come from in the planet of torille nowadays also once again keep in mind that the spell plague happened about 100 or so years ago as per the contemporary time frame where these books are set so dremen really have not been here for all that long if you're a new dragon born adventurer your grandfather might have been telling you stories all this time about the old world but you have probably never seen it and probably never will now what does this mean practically boy it means a lot of things Dragonborn throughout their entire history for millennia not really have access to cleric spells or by extension religion of any kind because albear did not have a weave of magic being Wizards was also completely new for the dragon board civilization now keep in mind that sorcery still existed in a beer and Dragonborn are very good sorcerer so that they already had magic but the wizard variety of magic is sort of new and different for them now religion in general is an extremely touchy subject for Dragonborn because it is their belief that they were created by the gods to serve dragons or at least that's one of their many beliefs most common folk and Dragonborn peasants believe that the dragons of a bear bred dragon born and created them to serve as their slaves but in any case clearly they felt like they were made by slaves and that's basically their history it's always been that they've always been slaves but in any case prayers were never answered in the planet of a bear and since many believe that gods created them to serve as slaves to the Dragons opinions on gods are at an all-time low in Dragonborn culture they don't believe that any dragon God can be good since they prayed and prayed and prayed for millennia and their prayers were never answered it was only through hard work and a lot of bloodshed at this particular civilization of Dragonborn managed to free themselves from the oppression of dragons if you're a dragon born and you openly venerate and pray say dragon whether it is a true dragon or a dragon god you literally can get shanked on the street being a follower of Bahamut in time anther it is dangerous if there is no organized religion in this place and typically personal belief on gods is well this is a very personal thing it is rude to talk about religion and very frowned upon if you believe in a god you keep that to yourself and you pray in private it is not officially outlawed to believe in a god and that is not punishable by the Dragonborn government but it is definitely kept private unless you embarrass your clan with your beliefs now that being said some Dragonborn have received a divine call now that they have made a tutorial these Dragonborn called themselves the Platinum cadre they are an organization of Knights clerics and paladin's who follow Muhammad now that the prayers have been getting answered they are outcasts from thy merry society and are not welcome there just for their open veneration of a dragon God but also because of their main teaching those who form part of the Platinum cadre teach the dragon boar and came from the blood of Muhammad they teach that BAM what is a good dragon God and that he cares for his children they also teach that not all dragons are evil that some dragons are good this belief system is of course laughed at by the dragon born of time anther whose tens of thousands of years of recorded history teach them the exact opposite this is why the headquarters of the Platinum cadre is currently in an abandoned section of the catacombs of their capital city all right that was that was something it was a lot of backstory but you guys really needed to know all of that I think just so that you could understand the civilization a little bit more it's just a lot of necessary information about the race and none of it can be found in the players handbook but now let's finally touch in their physiology and psychology first of all Dragonborn do not have tails remember that if you see a drew conic looking humanoid and it has a tail then it is a half dragon and if you see a half dragon then you better pay close attention to its color a red half dragon is probably really really evil a green half dragon is probably very treacherous but a gold half dragon is probably really good if the draconic humanoid doesn't have a tail then it is probably a dragon born and most Dragonborn tend to side it too good this is a good rule of thumb for you to follow Dragonborn colors are two interbred for them to really mean much see typically what you would find in Dragonborns are a collection of a few colors typically you see scarlet gold rose bronze or brown you would never see any of the really bright versions that chromatics or metallics typically have and these colors also have nothing to do with their breath weapons a scarlet colored Dragonborn could breathe acid from its mouth and a gold color Dragonborn could breathe electricity the draconic ancestry is what really matters what ancestry runs in your blood the most is what typically will define the breath weapon and sorceress powers that the Dragonborn will have whereas the scale color of your dragon born is the is another thing in in summary the coloration of your scales do not matter at all it is what's in the blood now talking about that Dragonborn blood the bodies of Dragonborn are hot enough to seem feverish to a human which actually helps them a lot in colder climates but at the same time the bodies of Dragonborn are hairless and big and they have the ability to release heat from their bodies by opening their mouths very very wide which allows them to be as comfortable in hot climates as they are in cold climates the scales of a Dragonborn are tough and they do protect them from incidental damage you might protect them from stubbing their toes or getting scratched by their cats but it will not protect them against purposeful attacks like spells or blades Dragonborn scale actually cracks fairly easy against impacts meant to crack them Dragonborn are born from eggs just like true dragons are typically a mother will lay one egg at a time rarely - but not more than that a baby dragon born will grow extremely fast being the equivalent of a twelve-year-old human by age 3 by age 12 the Dragonborn will be considered to be matured in body and by age 15 then the dragon born will be considered to be an adult by Dragonborn standards and society a baby dragon born will be nourished by its mother for the first couple of months until the baby's teeth come out at which point the mother will start weaning him off slowly with normal food which for a baby dragon born is straight up meet a dragon born couple will marry just for the process of procreation and the marriage will only last until the baby is three years old then the parent who shares the same gender as the baby will take over and teach the baby everything in its now to behave well and Dragonborn society the Dragonborn family unit is extremely small typically it is either just a mated pair of dragon born or just the one singular parent and it's only child the clan on the other hand is extensive and much like the player handbooks suggest well it is everything to the dragon born a clan in Dragonborn society is a collection of different families that band it together sometimes thousands and thousands of years ago for unknown reasons hey dragon born will treat its clan as the single most important thing in its life more important that his own family more important than its friends more important than its own survival what defines a Dragonborn and everything that he does is it strict an overflowing sense of honor honor that is tied to the also overflowing sense of emotions you might not know but Dragonborn are extremely emotional not in the sense that they will cry over everything but in the sense that they care a lot about everything that they do a Dragonborn doesn't just do something he's the best or we'll try to be the best at doing that something they lose themselves into things that they do because they care they care too much the approach life with a natural enthusiasm passion for them comes readily this fervor shows itself in the far extremes they don't hide their anger or their joy or their sadness Dragonborn are not timid neither are they reserved this is why they normally are extraordinarily charismatic be careful though because they can seem somewhat paradoxical to someone who doesn't understand them they are very charismatic and not to me at all they are very emotional and open but they are also feverishly independent a Dragonborn does not rely on others if they can do something by themselves then they do it by themselves they are extremely prideful and being helped doing something that they could have done by themselves hurts their pride see I mentioned before that the Klan is everything to the Dragonborn well everything that they do in their society is for the betterment of their clan and each Dragonborn is expected to perform their duties further plan without anyone telling them to do so and without anyone helping them you are expected to do your part for the greater good they need to be seen as voluble now a Dragonborn is not shy or timid about asking for help if it needs it if the Dragonborn needs hel then it'll ask it and it will not feel any pain or remorse about it but if it doesn't need the help then it will never ask for it this is why Dragonborn are seldom ever Warlocks even though they have great capacity to be them the idea of begging or asking or just generally relying on another entity for power is completely antithetical to what a Dragonborn is this also applies somewhat to being clerics you don't see a lot of clerics in Dragonborn even inside of the Platinum cadre what you see a lot of of our paladin's investing one selves in the tenants of a mantra or a direction or a purpose that's something that Dragonborn crave taking on an oath dedicating your life to greatness bringing honor to your clan now that is right up the alley of the Dragonborn I'm not gonna pray to receive the help from another entity I will become so strong instead and so purposeful that the entity will recognize me see the value in me and offer its help to me which I will accept for the betterment of the clan and those around me that's their mentality c1 they're emotional - they're independent and lastly three they are honorbound Dragonborn society is heavily militaristic and honor codes are huge and not just Dragonborn culture but in every single member hey Dragonborn respects everyone including their enemies you will never see a dragon born purposefully disrespect a person if it can help it even if that person is their greatest rival or the greatest villain that the world has ever seen if you combine their emotional behavior with their feelings of being independent plus the fact that they care so much about respect and honor what you get is that most of what a dragon born does is so us to have other people gain respect for them everything that they do is so that other people see them as valuable to the clan or family or adventuring party or friends respect goes both ways they respect people and they crave to be respected in return disrespecting a dragon born releases the theory with him honor and respect for a dragon born also translates in the importance of their word a dragon board would rather die than break an oath and it will never promise something that it cannot deliver if a dying friend who the dragon born is holding in its arms were to ask please Johnny kill the Dark Lord avenge me the Dragonborn might literally just say no to the request if it doesn't think that he can do it a human might just make the promise just to make his friend's last moments happier but a dragon born would never try and make a promise or suggest a promise that it knew it wouldn't be able to keep see a dragon born does not fail ever that there is no oh well at least you tried a mantra for the drug born you either do or you don't and if you don't then you have failed as a person and like we described before a Dragonborn would rather die than fail its client or fail in an oath the only moment when a Dragonborn tries to accomplish impossible is when the cost of an action would be too great like for example when not rebelling against the Dragonlords would cause Dragonborns to keep being slaves to them a dragonborns word and promise is one of the strongest things you can get from them the only other race that might be able to give you a stronger promise a safe a creature if they promise you something three times in a row but other than that Dragonborns might be up in there now as part of the honor code of the Dragonborn and they actually need to raise their children well they are honorbound to do so actually that's because without a strong and well-educated upbringing a dragonborns fierce nature and emotional state typically results in feral savagery when given a good upbringing this fierceness and fervor turns to responsibility feral Dragonborn are scary as hell so the Dragonborn society really does not want that now strong principled behaviors and instilled daring and feelings of greatness and of course the mantra of no failure allowed means that Dragonborn society rarely produces petty criminals Dragonborn are naturally too proud to be petty criminals everything that they do they do to be the best so even though Dragonborn society produces fewer criminals they instead produce more outright villains Dragonborn are more likely to be bandit lords than pickpockets Dragonborn will strive to be the best regardless of whatever they do this also shows in Dragonborns usage and learnings of magic for a dragonborns heart is as fierce as it is his magic a dragon born rarely uses their magic from mundane things for magic is the weapon of the mighty no pitiful can't trips for a dragon born thank you very much I will not snap my finger to turn on a campfire using this canned trip instead I will cut the logs myself and produce my very own flame with my mouth and it will be the greatest campfire that you have ever seen lastly because this has become a little bit of a staple on my dragon videos less talk about treasure Dragonborn have dragon traits to them of course what we talked about the pride but these draconic traits are also reflected in their enjoyment of treasure especially gems Dragonborn love gems and they actually enjoy adorning themselves with them whenever they can the independent nature of Dragonborn typically mean that Dragonborn crafters rarely make things for other people tees it's rare to see a Dragonborn architect that makes houses for other Dragonborn they they typically will only make things for themselves the one exception to this rule is jewelry for which Dragonborn society thrives on dragon board crafters are well known for their ability to create awesome jewelry now Dragonborn typically do not over indulge in personal adornment they are not gonna be obnoxious in wearing all the jewels they possess but they do have great style and it will definitely be the member of the adventuring party with the coolest and the most epic of armors a Dragonborn knight will dress itself in the most grandiose of armors with crazy draconic shoulder pads and a helmet with grand horns a spiky colorful knee pad and a massive and awesome emblem of his clan right in the chest you will know an adventuring party's Dragonborn by the epicness of his armor the trick about a Dragonborn armor set are the bold colors it's not just gonna be silver or gold Dragonborn like fears or rats or a bright or greens or the obvious strands of blue really really bold colors they do not over garnish themselves in jewels but their armors are grand and epic nonetheless I would like to personally thank my patron supporters ricado Phan major failed gaming Wyatt kerlun bearing masks and Fife a magic shop Thrax heiress tobe Oliver Dylan Baker's sack powell and mediocre at best for supporting me and patron at the $25 level if you would like to support me as well then please please head on over to patreon comma star x to support thank you guys so much for watching I have decided to do at least two videos maybe one maybe two I still haven't decided but I'm gonna be doing two videos about some of the some of the offshoot dragons that actually do not make an appearance on the Monster Manual because you guys have been scheme for those a lot I'm so much sure which one I'm gonna do I'm definitely doing the steel dragon I might do another one too after that we'll see how it goes depending on how you guys like those videos but yeah just want to let you guys know that might actually probably be next we'll see thank you so much for enjoying the video and I will see you all in the next one bye bye
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 979,233
Rating: 4.9407096 out of 5
Keywords: mrrhexx, rhexx, dungeons and dragons, d&d, dragonborn, abeir, toril
Id: SgS5_TAdbPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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