What The Hack Is This? | TEMPORUS

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okay so this is temporus all right so yeah like i said it's done um it's a seven room mini hack don't let the small number of rooms fool you okay this is probably like an actual puzzle hack which i'm super good at puzzles so all right let's get started wait [ __ ] i mean it's fine but there we go okay i am the puzzle god that's what i've been called before so i mean okay the uh ui is the same i thought you were the riddler [Music] same same thing okay so you can serve momentum i believe except when you hit water like that okay yeah so [Music] three [Music] my god why are you so slow oh what was that what the hell is that [Music] even when you mock ball you're slow you can have my pvm-20l5 for five grand [Music] now [Music] find oats six grand final offer oh yes snake did i seriously fall down there again okay don't go that way [Music] wow oats you sure are the puzzle god i saw you fall that's okay i forget all the time [Music] so yeah this is a seven room mini hack but apparently you know it's wait was it respin okay there's respin as well [Music] kind of creepy how it blacks out the entire screen [Music] okay so bomb jumping is eliminated because it's an instant explosion wait what wow you bounce quite a bit [Music] yep i uh i'm streaming five to one now can't just bomb jump out of this one pal i'll find a way holy [ __ ] that's a lot of damage [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] foreign i don't know if i should go back yet okay i don't want to take any more hits these things do a lot let me see how it looks on the actual that looks pretty good this tile scent is really unpleasant to look at tiles that's really unpleasant not that bad i don't know [Music] [Music] it's great yeah dude my favorite boss is greg whoa the platforms are starting to move or like the gravity is different on it yeah that's what it is i barely move and i'm like sliding off the thing yeah nice excuse so it's ah i feel like you're playing super much when possible all over again crate is on ironically one of the harder fights in that game next dragon is the hardest freight is the second hardest ridley well ridley might be the second hardest crate is a close second though [Music] actually no not not really come on let's just shoot him already oh you guys didn't see that did you no one tell twitch please thank you see what oats [Music] nothing [Music] don't worry about nothing [Music] okay well i know what to do now so i mean this is easy peasy lemon squeezy i mean we could just speed around this [ __ ] good thing we found these extra missiles you [ __ ] dude [Music] why the hell is this so difficult it's like a two tile isn't it there's something weird about this [ __ ] [Music] it's like it's nerfed dude what the hell's going on [Music] okay there we go so that's like a squished two tile that's why i need to like get some running speed yeah i'm sure that's why oh it's psy you've really lost your touch [Music] no there is no bomb jump there's a big ball bounce though [Music] nice dude dismiss everything [Music] oats pro tip from another pro gamer here um you're gonna want to hit those missiles into his mouth [Music] i know you haven't fought cried in a while because you're a speedrunner uh jesus almighty dude oh now you want some too huh [Music] i'm sorry sounds almost deadly really oh [Music] um this is a four star rom hack oh nice it's a little bit tricky i mean these mock droids are killing me one hit here if i'm not careful and then these little little metroids are just as annoying i tried so hard i figured i would die what the heck was that no that's what the heck is this different series some puzzle god this is so sad yeah dude i can't think of anything sadder than me dying to one hit things yeah man it's it's that's as sad as it gets yeah oh it's just like don't get hit please what did i just say be [ __ ] me dude there's there is something wrong they [ __ ] ah dude they changed the goddamn mechanics of this morph dude salt me right up man it is officially salting me right up mm-hmm yeah oh it's we know you haven't played sm in a while it's okay it's okay i love how i create these straw man arguments from you guys and i just use them to rile myself up and get even more mad that's like what that's like what alcoholics do what you think i have a problem i don't have a problem i never said you have a problem you were thinking it what is happening we're playing super metroid i'm yelling at chat just a normal day just standard standard day anger management not going so well [Music] stop hitting me those little bastards dude [Applause] okay how much did that just do it did too much is what it did i need to be careful [Music] the hell's the angle of that shot dude [Music] out well we have a problem here because we got three of those orbs just bomb up dude i told you yeah i know dude [Music] you go back what so then i have to face the the first jellyfish and then lose all my supers i just have to go for it man okay [Music] chat right again losing to a children's game i don't know i don't know if a game that was created in um 94 is considered a children's game i mean maybe not anymore though are you serious dude it does that much damage it just shot me to the left there's like some gravitational pull what the [ __ ] just happened there you see that when normally when you're in more fall it's like nothing okay so my only gripe so far is everything hits like a goddamn truck and there's no saves thus far so granted it's not that bad to get back here can i get this thing over here whatever this is no i think once i go up here i'm screwed yeah i think i'm screwed months ago old man yells at sky it's way different than that okay puzzle god yells at sky yeah that's more like it actually no i can't save at the ship cause i don't i need spring ball to save at the ship that's what i was just explaining earlier i need spring ball i mean can i even get back after that um this is considered to be a good hack really dude five missiles takes like six to kill these things okay i guess those bombs do some good good damage see listen to me oats shut your goddamn yapper yeah we're gonna turn around how am i so fast okay this this better be able to bring me back killing these things better open that [Music] door oh that's a big old [Music] geez wheeze dude [Music] he's stronger now [Music] i don't want to go down there i don't know how much damage he's gonna deal ow god these things do a lot of damage oh i almost just died i need to play it safe i think that's it whoa what what what the hell was that wait i thought i found something cool dude come on what's up [Music] how you doing buddy snake i got this relax all right next you're gonna move your left foot in front of your right foot then you're right front in front of your left foot and then your left foot back front in front of your right foot there you go bud you got her thank you snake [Music] okay let's see what's over here [Music] oh god not these things again oh nice it'd be nice to have super missiles thanks for the 200 man who has tens of thousands of hours in sm appreciates your coaching i do very much all very thoughtful [Music] [Music] okay so i assume i need speed booster in order to um there was that one item over here there it is that now how do i get to that nobody knows oats i know um mock ball spin jump into a bomb jump and i know you said you can't bomb jump but just try it [Music] whoa whoa oh my god dude all right here we go again well i'll just try to bomb everything since that does a lot of damage [Music] see okay this thing will kill me if i'm not careful [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay we're making some good progress fellers [Music] i just need to be careful [Music] i caught a crew so fast hey oates love the channel hope someday you play the super zero mission rom hack good luck the rest of this run thanks master [Music] probably would have killed me in one hit [Music] it would take me uh more than one stream certainly wouldn't take me five streams really you wait for me to stand up try not to touch these things really then you don't give me a drop come on okay i guess there are no more drops we had okay um i guess there are more drops um [Music] might be wasting my time trying to stay over there um maybe yeah i mean i can probably do like a um spring ball jump i don't want to sequence break this game because whenever i sequence break things bad things happen okay i guess that's something i can land on oh nice yeah it's funny but then i'm also like oh [ __ ] i can't even complete this run i wanna see what this is i mean they could have taken it out [Music] so i'm falling pretty fast [Music] well this is different because whatever that is it's probably an item [Music] so [Music] seriously just go get the e tank you double ripper [Music] will you guys stop oh she missed an e tank that's not visible go grab it now you keep [ __ ] freaking out on me he's entirely visible okay that's great then hold on [Music] jesus cheese whiz you are a bystander here doing literally nothing cognitively other than [ __ ] posting in a chat room okay give me a little bit of lenience oh [ __ ] [Music] well that's good that's good you guys know what i meant shut the hell [Music] up okay i'm not supposed to be here yet and for good reason [Music] [ __ ] [Music] oh the thing i was standing on what a weird spot for gravity suit and after all that [ __ ] work i could have just shot downwards [Music] oh it's i told you gravity suit was there it was invisible plain sight brother okay i need i need uh some speed for that which i'm pretty fast like [Music] yeah i can't i don't think i can do anything over here yeah i'm not break speed blocks fast okay i am cruising i'm surprised that this isn't like messing with the uh games um [Music] guys why when i'm playing a rom hack you guys have to spoil everything oh i know i'm going to be the hero of the stream oats here's the item location bro [Music] i know you're casually playing but it's okay i want to be the hero [Music] thank you chad thank you [Music] yeah yeah you did someone told me where power bombs were [Music] i'm good how are you uh poop bomb live [Music] nice dude [Music] so i'll figure it out i'll figure it out and if it takes me more than 10 seconds to figure it out that's okay that's fine okay i can see you guys just shaking it's been 11 seconds [Music] place take steroids so we can see your roid rage it'd be a very much it'd be very much a different type of rage [Music] oats you're drinking from your mug all wrong thank you i'll work on my mug drinking appreciate it dude it would be like a actual like pick up my tv throw it against the wall type of rage like face red black out like chad i didn't know what happened am i okay kind of rage you know your shorts are too short mate my shorts aren't short enough [Music] to be quite honest with you man i don't know how to get over there there there is stuff over here i just don't know how to get there maybe like underneath and up no let me save yeah i'm saving uh penetration with the tier two for five months thank you penetration what's [Music] up [Music] [Music] i've already been here but [Music] maybe i missed something guys that's not an invitation for you to tell me if i missed something just saying [Music] yeah i know there's an item above the ship i'm not quite sure how to get it [Music] [Music] yet [Music] there's something underwater just saying not spoiling wear dude there's like two water rooms how about rage quit this thing nah man oh okay well there's nothing here [Music] oats um just saying dude you didn't uh bomb every square inch of space so all i'm saying is there could be something there i don't know not spoiling though i'm just giving you guys [ __ ] [Music] yeah cause vario was right there yeah i mean i i'm not a big fan of the arbitrary placement of items but this is a this is a seven room wall act kaiser don't say nothing okay don't [ __ ] say nothing you're done dude i've warned you so many times and i've given you [ __ ] so many times not to spoil stuff you go dude there's an item in the water section not spoiling where though there's like one water section and you go oh it's to the left dude relax let me play the [ __ ] romance hmm [Music] the thing is he's probably trolling me too [Music] you can't give me assault when i am calling out someone that i've warned multiple times about something i'm not mad i'm just raising my voice i troll you too then do it [ __ ] i dare you got a missile didn't work [Music] that's a pb tour yeah i'm just being passionate that's all when i say that stop telling me where items are and where to go and then you keep telling me the specific location of items come on cut me some slack he's screaming hey um oats this is kaiser's dad he's your biggest fan and he is now crying in the other room i don't know what you did or said but you've ruined his life okay i don't think there's anything here item right there pog [Music] uh [Music] ah you guys guys let me just say something you don't want to know what youtube's gonna say when they watch this oh my god twitch chat sucks so bad oh i'm so sorry bro youtube's gonna say that no they will and they have [Music] i'm just trying to light a fighter underneath your guys's asses and so okay where the hell is his item i'm beginning to think he wasn't even being honest with his like troll still deserves still deserves the uh the timeout especially if he was trolling all right i'm a little bit lost here let me see let me look at these rooms [Music] obviously i don't need to be here [Music] if there's an item in this room it is so hidden that it's just not even funny man and now i'm all thrown off because he kept telling me there was an item before i timed them out and maybe this is just the end of the game i don't know [Music] um i did take a look at the ship um so [Music] um i didn't find anything hold on don't want to talk about it no i'm good to be fair that's not really a puzzle i timed kaiser out oh it's good this is his father and he's currently crying when you bomb that one block at the bottom and change color it's gonna be something yeah that was just a that was just a uh speed block uh crimson thanks for the four months yep suing me for punitive damages okay there's some blood down there there's gotta be something here that i have not explored yo how come it's saying i haven't explored anything now that's that's weird yeah map's broken [Music] yeah this seems a little bit tedious um it's cool so far but i do have some obvious just you know things i do not like about it thus far so to the right was i i can't do anything to the right i couldn't find anything [Music] okay this is this is something just just loops around is that it [Music] no those this was a different pit i went in that pit i was trying to see there's anything over here [Music] what if breaking those orbs before getting gravity [ __ ] something up nah i doubt it [Music] that'd be kind of a weird so where was that the item that i'm trying to get is like directly below me am i missing this it's power bombs [Music] right there i'm pretty sure anyway someone spoiled it for sure is kaiser [Music] how do i get up there it just i think i just need speed i mean maybe it's not power bombs is that speed were those boots huh i can re-spin but even if i re-spin i can't really oh man i haven't gotten speed booster now just making sure i didn't have it but yeah why don't i just take my ship and fly upwards all right so we're gonna we're gonna make one more lap oats are you doing okay yeah i'm good daniel thanks man how are you doing um speed booster that one okay i'm gonna do one more lap lap three [Music] just trying to make sure i didn't miss anything initially holy cow [Music] rage quit i told you like 20 minutes ago i'm not gonna rage quit dude have you seen me stevio play some of these other hacks okay that changed colors what the hell is that all about i don't understand okay progress progress high jump boots how high not really that high my spring ball changed i want to see if this changes anything over here wait no [Music] i doubt i can do this now but [Music] that block was in the god this rom hack is really hard to find items in um that block was in the water room so he probably was right kaiser which i think kaiser is on timed out now kaiser don't worry i'm not mad at you i just i just don't want people spoiling when i tell them not to spoil that's all sorry if it seemed that way um i can't spring ball jump out of water [Music] uh no i just timed him out come on it was reasonable please okay oh it's i'm kaiser's mother i would like to speak to the manager yeah where was that block oh is that it right there no where the hell was it i remember what the other block looked like the left oats mr mars thanks for the four months this seems tedious this is actually very tedious my one gripe thus far with this rom hack oh it's right there that's what turned okay so here's the thing i understand here's the argument the argument is actually i'm going back this way yeah kaiser was right so yeah i was still justified the argument is that this rom hack is supposed to be um only seven rooms so items are hard to find okay that's the whole point what is that [Music] oh [Music] [Music] but they're so hidden that it's like almost impossible to see them or like where they'd be in the color the color palette does not help whatsoever like it's i hit that block before and if i'm not like paying super close attention i'm not going to notice oh nice yeah space jump i mean i think we're pretty much good now now we're cooking with [Music] three gas okay i now we're cooking with ass what was that oh that's probably what i just got in it or was it is it not no it is yeah okay i'm going crazy is this the only way for me to get back right now [Music] uh to the left is uh powerbomb door [Music] [Music] at least now i can kind of like cheese the walls and see if there's items or anything with uh with uh wave look just just like that fellas all right how do i get there now though other side okay super missile oh it's just right there oh goodness oh it's how did you know that was there are you cheating [Music] brother it's like faison all over again [Music] charge beam not power bombs but it'll do let's save [Applause] whoa it's weird it's kind of neat dragon blitz thanks for the raid what's up man all right now oh it's here's what you're gonna do [Music] chad [Music] um thank you so much for the red how you doing ooh symphony of the night epic said you won't kiss him i would kiss epic in a heartbeat matter of fact i already have yeah whatever oh it's i bet you won't kiss me bro come on please i go on the right way um i still need speed booster um maybe that maybe it's uh charge beam i don't know forgot to sing the raid song this is the raid song thank you for the raid yeah brother let's uh get your dogs paid [Music] amen outs thank you bob barker come on blow it up [Music] oh missile i knew that was there how did i not find that all the other times i was going through here bombing every single wall [Music] so [Music] yes you didn't bomb everything bud oh where am i going i need to go the i was confused obviously i forgot the path underneath underneath the ship underneath it that's looking weird also two paths underneath ships yes with orange vines [Music] underwear nah nice dude got him [Music] get something over there [Music] [Music] wait didn't i didn't you guys hear a block break a little confused just like that oh my god am i losing it i heard it i don't think i'm going crazy i think oh you know what's probably happening it's probably wrap uh it's probably reaching around or wrapping around the screen yeah where the hell am i going right now this is not the place what other place is there this is it [Music] oh it's you're losing your touch bud [Music] um i know i know pretty much just a loser [Applause] you're a loser okay um i've been down there i don't recall having anything to do down there [Music] i i tried to use the charge beam on it i do not have speed booster now [Music] dude where's that room that has orange tiles man i don't know what room no i could check craig's room there probably is something in there 40 minutes ago it's probably this room except this room changes once you kill craig there could be something in this room [Music] too nothing in craig's room and if there is it's really well hidden i ain't finding it okay well i missed something in here and knowing this game and how like difficult it is to find actual items we've already gotten that item i haven't done anything up here have i ah dude [Applause] e tank up there [Music] so so the the bombed the bombs dabbed [Music] i'm tired oh it's almost 1am in london oh look at you mr fancy pants oh i'm in london and it's 1am yeah it must be nice living the life [Music] dude um [Music] all i'm gonna say is what the actual flying [ __ ] dude where the hell are the last items [Music] is everything's just hidden dude and i gotta like bomb everything i can't find nothing [Music] let me go back through this room there's probably something in this room i can find with uh wave well apparently i didn't search everything right oh neat little shortcut i see i see [Music] explore explore what do you think i've been doing this entire time there's nothing else to explore the next item is oh thank you kaiser [Applause] yeah 10 minutes later i find the item oats we just told you to simply explore see oats all you had to do was explore [Applause] um [Music] i'm a little bit angry he's angry everyone get out now my god the is so weird with this [Music] just dropping by here for a second to do this okay back to watching the archives on youtube hey thank you kid gonzi for the uh 1500 [Music] appreciate it back to the archives sounds a good man thank you i know i i just got here and i'm exploring for the first time i i haven't been in this area yet [Music] this is new oats is raging everyone out [Music] he's gonna blow [Music] i'm um and for that reason i'm out peace [Music] see all we needed was spazer oh it's i told you spazer was somewhere in the game maybe true you did say maybe spazer was somewhere possibly perhaps in the game yes [Music] say we just go for it well we found fantune we're not playing the phantom games i don't know how this works [Music] [Music] yes he does have testicles on his forehead it would name [Music] come on dude all slows oh that's a part of the fun [Music] what number i didn't pick a number i said we ain't playing [Music] so [Music] pick three melod didn't we just get all slows why do you guys want to get banned what is the number oats oh my god dude i'm gonna lose my [ __ ] it's coming dude i can feel it holy mother of god that's not good okay well [ __ ] why is this a hot room yeah it is pretty [ __ ] hot isn't it okay i can i think i just shine sparkle upwards [Music] somewhere around here probably right here no not no confirmed not right there this this shaft this is the shaft okay my health is now really bad what in the sam hill dude that drains you [Music] yeah honestly i should probably go grab that other e tank [Music] that was underneath right no it was not it was this way well good thing we moved super fast in ball form i don't know if i can get this short charge nice got it [Music] that just give me two extra e tanks oh it's why didn't you just short charge earlier like that when you didn't have speed like what the hell dude yeah i don't know i'm sorry man i should have so funny moving in ball jeez louise you just cruise man okay i'm gonna go save actually what am i doing i don't wanna have to like backtrack again yeah you're right i suck at short charging irl or uh in the actual game yeah i mean to be fair i do shuck that i do a shook i do shuck corn well shuckin shine sparks um i do suck at giant sparking irl yes i'm trying to avoid taking din oh my god it's pretty bad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll say that's another fast that's actually pretty good i might try to go save no phantom does not take damage from giant sparks okay oh it's one these nuts jokes from you a snake have you seen these here it comes you don't miss these nuts [ __ ] going on here dude where am i right now yeah hold on chat that was todd he said i can't see my wife anymore and i still have to pay the mortgage okay what the [ __ ] is this dude it's pointless is what it is jesus did you wipe uh now i did at least you have a nice blank wall behind you to look at not anymore [Music] all right so we already killed fantune right we saved only 930 viewers oats this stream is so dead i want to die too okay honestly i don't know if we're supposed to be here yet with [ __ ] yeah i think i'm stuck here don't think i'm supposed to be here yet oh let's turn the bright up bruh oh okay yeah sorry i'll turn the brightness up oh you want more brightness yeah dude that's no problem [Music] perfect oats i'm getting a nice suntan now [Music] hmm hmm please just kill it i need to i need to figure out here i really need to know if that's gonna unlock that door come on man did you get the thing on the wall praise is still shining through a little bit you guys can't see it but i can see a slight outline of praise and that's literally it but other than that it turned out great praise is eternal flip it and ship it the church of florence is on to its next phase oh nice oh great [Music] okay so i don't i doubt i'm soft locked here there's probably a way out dude it's so hard to hit this thing well nice okay dude are you [ __ ] me right now i i x-ray is over there but missile was there a weird noise right there plasma beam don't we already have plasma or was that wait was that last rom hack this was last ramen no we got wave yeah we just had spazer [Music] now how do i get this the only question unsolved looks like we may never solve the riddle i mean x-ray would more than likely tell me yes let's go grab it [Music] i have to be careful though because these orbs will kill me like straight up kill me if i'm not careful oh mike see you see what i mean [ __ ] off dude hey i'm gonna go save because i don't want to do all that again because that is slightly obnoxious [Music] there's two samus [Music] now there's three now there's one oh it's will you please just update the tracker that you aren't currently using please man i wonder how i could get this if only i had x-ray [Music] holy mother of god seriously you keep coming back huh oh nice just infinitely spawn on me why don't you please infinite spawns dude and the shitty part about those things is their plasma shot is so much faster than mine it's not fair yeah i know i probably should disable my beams because i'm gonna get destroyed i wonder if i need the help from my um whoa i'm scared why do these things keep spawning my god dude oh it's you're literally throwing for content [Music] chat just let poor old oats figure it out if he can't it's super obvious but you know how oats is he needs a little extra boost let him figure it out brothers foreign you ain't doing that much damage now are you [ __ ] is there any miscolored blocks like this i mean this is the one miscolored block but [Music] i like uh there we go oh nice just just powerbomb that's all i need is powerbomb excellent excellent i already killed fantune right jesus dude yeah oh it's i can't tell if you have anything bro please update tracker thanks hey how did i get through this last time wasn't there a way to like huh i'm i'm confused there we go that's probably it that's not it shucks you get variant very you got very variant pushes you through the wall [Music] ah really man because i got barrier yeah man i don't know oats did you decide on what the side of these nuts oh oh you someone get rid of them okay i'm not sure you've already done this i feel like we're done here [Music] i don't have power bombs yet [Music] [Music] [Music] wow dude the movement's so weird in this okay are you guys on the um is chat going on the um sugma in these nuts arc now is that what this is [Music] just snake okay just snack ah i honestly don't think there's anything else to do it'd be nice if the map wouldn't uh you know reset every time reminds me of what's happening over in howard's stream oh yeah howard who who's howard nah just let them have their fun [Music] here it comes old so oh [ __ ] how are these nuts damn got me dude okay can i do anything now other than just shoot randomly for the next hour and a half trying to find something i don't understand man it's just hey what's all this thing there was no red floor all right people that know where power bombs are i will take a hint this is me saying i will take a hint east or west from here my current location waste god damn it [Music] no i did not pick up up dog yet [Music] ligma balls though it's got him okay none of you have been a help so here's the problem here's what i here's what just pisses me off whenever i say i don't want help stop helping me you guys go oh it's the items here oh it's it's right over there in that block the mods oh what what happened and then i get mad because i'm like dude stop spoiling and then when i say hey guys can i have some actual help everyone's like yeah dude i'll go waste north south have you tried that [Music] um yeah i know i'm right [Music] just getting the ship and leave oh it's okay okay fine do i go to the left from here where i just was the heated area or do i explore to the right is that where power bombs is left right dude come on man oh you want to go left okay i'll i'll trust demon thank you i just want a general direction because i don't want to be running in circles and then i know it gets kind of boring too missed me [ __ ] missed me missed me now you gotta kiss me nice one oats just trying to avoid this [ __ ] oh so remember that gray door yeah i'm trying to figure it out because i was trying to kill all the enemies because it wasn't working i couldn't go through the door before i mean i i understand i'm gonna have to find a way hold on yeah i'll get figured out you see what i'm saying there's there's enemies above and i couldn't find the access before so i need to go find that i'm sure there's like a a way to get from oh oh oh okay there's so there is something there okay i tried finding it before and i could not find it so it's it's somewhere over there oh my god that's a lot of damage so so that's all the enemies there wait did i just blow something up there or did that change no am i crazy yeah i'm crazy dude this tile set is tripping me out a little bit i'm not gonna lie wait i could not find that before for the life of me remember snake you were even the one saying oh yeah varya pushes you downwards bro or whoever it was how did my [ __ ] not crash i'm proud of you snes i'm proud of you that was like almost an andy like kick i'm just kidding okay there's still one more [Music] there we go i don't like this at all i just don't oh chip just sitting there doing damage to me repeatedly as i'm like trying to refill get out of here dude me alone power bombs pog bombs now how do i get to it i might have to access it from the other room i'm not sure yet [Music] that's cool dude [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i'm gonna save [Music] okay so let's not go into that room [Music] new strats [Music] okay and that door should be unlocked now like for good normally that's how it works hmm oh i am cruising right now potential potential [ __ ] geez louise man whatever i'm gonna need that nah there's no way that this game would make you like force you to have so many missiles or some [ __ ] what was that the hell how do i get to that are you certain notes no i'm not certain at all dude [ __ ] off oh it's you think you're the puzzle god get get lost and amazed with no actual like distinguishable differences keep keep bouncing keep bouncing [Music] so [Music] that easy ladies and gentlemen i have solved the riddle what the [ __ ] was that oh i see oh [Music] okay okay where was the other uh pb thing [Music] i can't remember where the other pb door was oh i need to go get x right now is what it is um yeah we'll go back this way i guess it'll be faster watch me die yeah this will be way faster yeah let's go this way i can scan the save room without scanning it yeah oh it's how many times do we gotta tell you you need 11 power bombs of crystal flash bro hmm yeah chat i am still on this one the what the hacks aren't just short x-ray dude a sliver just a sliver [ __ ] off dude x-ray sucks bad enough as it is i don't want to be here i [ __ ] up dude i'm gonna die oh goodness gracious screw attack i do have screw attack oh my god it's not okay [Music] not my screw attack is that it or is this just like the nah a hack like this is going to have an actual ending right special thanks to jathy's squishy rocky your dad my dad your mom yeah that's [ __ ] up dude thanks for the 420 minerals that's just the credits room yes thank you you would out no this is four out of five but i will give my critique of this after it's actually completed oh i still need to go get power bombs great i love this part it's very fun i can't wait to go back socrates game beaten confirmed gotcha [ __ ] when i do it i don't need to kill these guys i was just killing him for fun okay this this is easy i remember this maze like the back of my hand which is kind of a stupid saying i don't ever look at the back of my hand i know there's another super missile pack around there but just like that fellas just like that oh it's all you had to do was just not die right there and you couldn't even not do that yeah i'm sorry man i suck you serious jesus i want to go save first that's so true balletto so true dude [Music] my grandma beat this sub one hour damn nice your grandma's a badass [Music] yours too damn i really suck [Music] yes oats you do holy cow these things are strong like wood ticks [Music] well let's see if i can find anything chad huh shall we with my super useful x-ray looks like we might have something that's so hard to tell though i mean that is something okay stop [Music] they die with grapple one hit nice i figured anything anything nope i'm not done after this i got one more hack i'm trying then i might do some math completion okay i know that was annoying but i want to see if it unlocks this door which might be useful for the future maybe not i don't know does not confirmed great okay cool dude oh yeah grapple i forgot whoa okay what the hell is the point of this [Music] is that the game you had to enter the credit room first yeah because that makes sense dude that makes total sense that the credit room is the final boss that activates the cutscene ending sequence that's yeah okay my bad dude i should have known but it is i i know that's the point how am i to know that was kind of obvious orts yeah you're right i'm so sorry guys it was so obvious my bad no more angry outbursts out wait what the hell was the point of the x-ray just to piss me off it certainly did that is everything locked now there's animals i bet i bet you there's animals there's probably a hidden timer there's animals i'm gonna find them hmm looks like there are no animals no i didn't i don't i try not to read the reviews too much splat okay so so so so give me a second to think about what just happened [Music] okay so this rom hack is originally four out of five stars let me uh start with um the visuals i like the visuals it was cool assets were a little bit dark but that's okay because it's just the creative touch of the developer or the developer the uh the rom hacker and that's cool that's fine i liked it they looked original looked cool it fit everything the um the items were terrible to find and i get that it's a small rom hack so it's like oh it's meant to be hard to find but and it just kind of ties together with the creative aspect of the uh the the assets the tile usage they were cool but in regards to how they did the item collection and everything that tile set was way too hard to like distinguish when things were happening like there was too much happening you're moving too fast bombs are exploding left and right you know it's it's too hard to figure out what's going on um so in that regard and like gravity is like in a random you know what i'm saying like it's tough um what else um [Music] i mean i like the idea of it though it's cool [Music] i like the idea of it um the depth animation had samus titties that's always cool that's fine um i would say three i wouldn't give it a two and a half i'd give it a three no it's not i gotta censor that i don't have to censor it um [Music] [Music] but yeah other than i i'd say a three out of five it was cool it was fun it could have it could have had good potential but it kind of missed the mark a little bit i'd say it's almost a um it's almost a two and a half out of five but because of the assets and like it was kind of cool i'll give it three
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 20,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, what the hack, what, the, hack, what the hack is this, wth, wthit, temporus, items, search, kraid, phantoon, what the hack temporus
Id: tFcGLNcKBqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 43sec (8083 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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