What SH*Tshow Did You Leave Behind at Work When You Quit? | People Stories #786

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people who quit a job in the heat of the moment watch chow did you leave them to handle i got fired but the ending makes me feel good i worked in a liquor store for three years dealing with all kinds of crap one it was an old building with very poor insulation and heating so it was very cold every winter too i refused service to drunk customers as it is law and nine stroke ten they'd get angry and yell at me cursing my family and whatnot i begged the owners for the power to ban the buttholes but never got any they didn't even give a warning in the worst cases they just wanted the money three i worked six days a week if i couldn't get a replacement on a saturday sometimes four i opened and closed every workday ordered and handled new shipment every time filled the stocks swept sand and shoveled outside the store and cleaned the inside floor and fridges counted sales and profit i did it all the owners just waited for the profit at the end of each day and i came by with the cash the five never got a raise no nothing never had proper heating installed despite bringing up every winter no power to deny the worst doucher bags from shopping there again i got so sick of the lack of respect i started treating the store as my own warehouse on saturday nights when beer ran out at parties employees had a tab so i just put the beer on mine never stole the thing they got a whiff of it and fired me the store closed after three months because no one else could deal with all the crap left an auto parts store the saturday before they fired the assistant manager in the other key holder for theft they expected me to take the assistant position for a 50 cent raise 9.75 total and work 60 70 hours a week to help keep crap going smoothly told me my upcoming vacation to europe fully paid for could no longer happen and i'd be on call every day and to expect to work every day family school second job all on hold out the window didn't matter what was going on i was to be at work every day rather than put up with that i left my key on the manager's desk and walked out the assistant manager that was to be fired ended up doing what i did sunday night after closing key on the desk never came back the only other key holder was arrested the next week for theft never went back last i heard the manager was pulling doubles each day and the butthole district manager was having to go in to help cover shifts worked on a farm and one of my biggest duties at the time was to cut down thorne trees and poison the stumps after several weeks i was told i wasn't fast enough never mind the record breaking heat and working by myself they hired my cousin's bf the next day after i left you know what he quit the very same day and his reasoning was that the work was just too dang much they didn't know what they had when i busted my tail for them i got to witness a farmer with help working in hell's heat with the look of crap this sucks i used to deliver cookies in college it was ultimately a pretty sweet gig pun intended but the owner was a micromanaging douchebag on four stroke 20 our busiest day i was working a 12 hour shift no i didn't have any breaks yes it was illegal i ended up witnessing an assault called the cops yada yada the second i was done giving my statement i got back in my car and had the biggest panic attack i've ever had finally got to the point where i could drive back to the store but was so shaken i couldn't actually communicate to anyone what was going on my manager luckily figured out something was up and sent me home with two hours left on my shift saying they'd figure something out i got a text from the owner about 30 minutes after i left because he noticed i clocked out early i told him everything including the fact that i still couldn't breath normally he asked me who i'd gotten to cover the rest of my shift i didn't respond to him but i told my manager i was quitting effective immediately and sent a screenshot of the owner's text as reasons why finals week was coming up at the college and i had signed up for at least one shift today for the entire week and a half i was a year and a half into the job and one of the most experienced workers at that point because he couldn't keep most employees longer than a few weeks months ninety percent of the people working they had only been there a few weeks that is only worked a couple shifts and had no idea where the special deals were how to work the computer what the roots were frick you scott me and five more of my friends got sick of the management we would work every single day early morning till late at night when we used to ask management who are supposed to work shifts to help us with some shifts especially when we wanted to take vacation they would tell us no and continue smoking and doing coke outside the restaurant the weekend they were meant to open two new outlets me and five other friends all left together and took our notice as leave which meant they had absolutely no one to work on those days i really do love going and eating there on my weekends off whilst they work their asses off because no one wants to go work at their stupid place my dude they crap in your food be warned i was a grill cook for a steakhouse i had probably 20 30 different cuts of meat going on the grill and the shift supervisor asked me to go out and mop the buffet area because someone spilled something i told her that should probably be a task better suited for the buffet workers since i have to focus on the meat on the grill she told me the meat is not the priority right now customer safety is to which i replied so you don't care at all about all these customer entrees that are cooking right now when she said no i said cool so it looks like you don't need me anymore took off my apron and went home leaving no one to work in the kitchen that night the manager called me the next day to get my side of the story asked me to come back which i declined and ended up firing the shift supervisor over the crap show i started a job building and troubleshooting electronic equipment i was told i would get a raise after 90 days and again at six months he hired a woman to do all of the wire wrapping for a big order there were only two of us and i asked my boss how she was doing because i did not have time to examine her work he told she's doing fine she's really fast i knew how picky the customer was and the directions they provided for the assembly were very explicit sure enough we finish the project it's delivered to the customer the woman who did the wire wrap quite immediately afterwards everything she had done was rejected it all got returned to me and it all had to be inspected and then repaired i spent three months getting everything done i went to my boss and said i was supposed to get a raise he tells me he did give me a raise and i said it's not in my paycheck we went around about it and i thought that's it i'm done i found another job when i told my boss i needed the next monday off so i could do my physical for my new job my boss was p and said you should leave right now i said you are firing me for giving notice cool and i immediately walked out now i was in the middle of fabricating and wiring a pretty large piece of equipment i heard later when he realized what i left him he got very angry and was throwing things and screaming couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy worked in an indian restaurant when i was 17 too young to serve alcohol be behind the bar but the boss was horrible most of us waitresses bartenders were friends in the same age he would treat us like crap one minute and then be super nice but pervy did us the next on valentine's day we were booked out and getting dozens of takeaway orders only three weight staff he started telling at us to work faster and we started to make mistakes as we were getting upset he would scream louder in front of customers one by one he made each of us cry so we all walked out when he came after us we told him to frick off and deal with his busiest night of the year himself the look on his face was priceless didn't get paid didn't care they were shut down a few months later after multiple illegal immigrant operations kept finding him guilty of hiring and harboring illegal immigrants really sad as the guys we worked with were so nice and just wanted to earn a living i used to run four different stores in a large sandwich chain which also did catering three of my stores were in hospitals and were fairly busy and my other one might as well have been a catering only store for the college it was in there were no customers except catering orders so i was running around always delivering these catering orders when the chain doesn't even offer delivery i'm talking 1 000 to 3 000 orders so they were not small i used my own personal vehicle and was salaried at the time i was working 70 plus hours a week easy i hit all my bonus targets and didn't see a bonus in six months from any of my stores i kept being told it was processing so i had a week-long vacation planned that required me going out of country they tried to tell me that i couldn't have my paid earned vacation time off an hour before i was scheduled to fly out i had everything covered so that staff would be fine when i left but the area manager fricked up and suddenly he couldn't work what he said he would i told him to have fun with now running four stores because i quit and will be contacting a lawyer about my pay i hung up and left to go to canada and never came back to the us flew 2 000 miles away and started a new life funny thing is that a week later i ended up getting a check with all my missing bonus money on it sent to my parents house only job i've ever quit in the heat of the moment was when i was the griller at sonic i was 16 and failing most of my classes in high school i was on day 19 with no days off and the new schedule for the next two weeks was posted and i didn't have a day off scheduled i took my lunch break and never came back the district manager called me a few hours later and said that that was very unprofessional of me i replied saying that it was unprofessional of management to have a high school student as the only person to work the grill about three years later they closed that location down due to health code violations whereas i went on to graduate high school and have had a decent career in i.t work as a glacier boss was a jerk and was making us break union rules so i quit and reported him to our union hall he only had a crew of for him and myself included we had 137 showers to install in wine country resort and only had about two months to do it and i was the only only one with any experience installing shower doors so i can only imagine the [ __ ] that went on after i quit worked at an internet company in the late 90s early 2ks as a senior tech between myself and three other guys we ran the place we had all the technical knowledge and did all the back-end work we had 40k dial-up users 1800 websites business fiber dsl wireless long-distance internet etc when the dot-com bubble burst the company went into receivership the owners just didn't know how to run the business and had no trained accountant that knew what they were doing all the management was family with no real business experience but in the beginning being in an internet business was a license to print money all of us tech stayed on for the sale of the business even though the owners didn't know how to run the business we had pride in the organization and didn't want to see it die the company was purchased and we were all offered our current jobs with a moderate raise this was pretty good as a lot of people in the business were out on the street with nothing the new owner took all us senior people out for dinner shortly after the purchase to celebrate the new company's big money maker was selling long distance calling cards and providing the long distance service using the public internet one of the big selling points was that anyone purchasing the cards would be able to call our helpline and get a support person that spoke their language this was before phone centers were located outside the us so the company would hire recent immigrants to man the call centers the new owner at this dinner with the senior attacks was bragging about how he had built the company up he said that he liked to hire new immigrants because they didn't know how much they should be paid and he could pay them tiny wages when they discovered that they were being paid far less than the minimum wage and complaint he would fire them there were always more immigrants that he could get that would work for what he was paying not one of us returned to work the next day i worked selling cell phones i would have customers come in and toss their phones on my desk and tell me to fix it without even looking me in the face we would have two people on registers dealing with customers that would start to line to form up and then get berated for taking too long to resolve a problem we would have to sell a new service to at least one customer a day to meet quota and the entire store would get reprimanded for failing to push something on a customer that the customer didn't want the best part about this is that if we managed to get the customer to add a new service they had 60 days to return and if they did then it would come out of our paychecks one guy got fired from not asking for the exact day that his son was being born off because he put in the wrong dates for his pto like babies are born on the exact day doctor's estimate days off had to be asked for three weeks in advance one day i had enough after a customer called me stupid for not remembering his phone number out of the hundreds i would deal with every day i scheduled him and another 20 people to come in for tech service on the same day in the same two-hour block without telling anyone about it friday afternoon just before closing time i know called a no show that day and sent an email telling them to frick off and leave me alone looking back it was a stupid and immature stunt on my part my co-workers didn't do anything wrong but they also didn't do anything to help if i could do things differently i would that was about 10 years ago i made a promise to never work customer service again still haven't i fully believe everyone needs to work at least one customer service job in their life so they know what it's like and how not to treat employees i worked in various customer service fields for nearly 15 years and the crap i've seen almost makes me lose hope for humanity it also made me really hate consumerism worked at a small coffee shop that had recently been reopened by a woman whose dream was to own a coffee shop ever seen kitchen nightmares now imagine one of those places sold coffee instead of food she was an idiot knew nothing about business or coffee and she was cheap to boot she drove away almost all of the old customers from the previous idiot owners and our new regular clientele was comprised mostly of street people and a few normal people who liked the way i made coffee although probably not me i was definitely in butthole barista at the time which i know didn't help but in reality my attitude wasn't nearly our biggest problem i did manage to build a regular group of customers that would actually spend money i did try really really hard to do a good job i researched how to make the best coffee in espresso i took the time and did the math to figure out pricing for everything that would drive away the people coming in and camping on a one dollar cup of coffee i told my bf at the time that our slogan was where every hour is homeless happy hour but encourage people who would actually spend money to come in while allowing her to make a profit i learned to use the coffee roaster and was actually pretty decent at roasting after a while every suggestion and complaint from myself and the customers was ignored but i caught the blame for every aspect of her failing business because i was the only employee one day i'd had enough and told her i needed to talk to her we went out the back door and i unleashed i told her what a freaking idiot she was what a crappy business owner and just to be in general and that i was the only thing keeping the business open at that point i ended by telling her whoever gave you a business loan should be fired because they are an even bigger [ __ ] than you are by chance this was one of the few days we actually had a number of customers in at once and the back door had been open the entire time so they very clearly heard my tirade i walked out through the shop told my regulars sorry and left she closed less than two months after that i'm still a little embarrassed at losing control like i did but it's still really freaking satisfying to know that i was right frick you shauna i hope you're still paying that crap off back in college i was working part-time at the local kfc taco bell usually a pretty chill place end of the year is coming up a bunch of holidays in a short span christmas eve christmas new year's eve new year's day our branch manager was going on vacation for the last two weeks of the year on her first day off is when the schedule came out for that time i was scheduled to work all four of those holidays i brought this up with a shift manager and she told me to take it up with the branch manager to which i said you know dang well she's on vacation how can she change it we were allowed to switch shifts with anyone without it being a big deal as long as both people agreed obviously and just let the shift managers know well about 40 of our staff was muslim and do not celebrate christmas while i am not and i do my family was getting together and celebrating on just christmas eve that year so that was the only day out of the four i was even trying to switch nobody would oblige so on my last day before the holidays i told them that if they don't switch me for at least two of the days then i will not comment for any of them they kind of just laughed it off as you're right christmas eve comes it is almost 4 p.m the end of the morning shift and the start of my evening shift i am at home with my family and i get to call it is one of the aforementioned persons who would not switch with me and also laughed my statement off hey man where are you i'm not coming in i told you and you laughed you're kidding right you on your way no i'm not working all four holidays and i just asked to switch one and nobody would and you won't switch with me i hang up i got about four more calls from them before they stop trying i never did go back in i worked at walgreens and was hired in as a photo tech well before being hired i had to redo their internal test application four times because they kept screwing them up after i was hired they forgot to pay me my first two months and fired the guy that was supposed to train me my second day which left me in charge of all of the photo tech department so i learned how to run every machine built a workflow pipeline that other store ended up adopting and also attended community college my first vacation which i told them about before being hired was in july and between the second and seventh i was flying from michigan to texas for an event for my senior trip as i had just graduated high school well while i was there they called me and asked where i was i told them they said that i had a schedule and i asked what they wanted me to do about it they threatened to fire me and i said k but they didn't i came back and had two of my alated three write-ups waiting which put me on probation shortly thereafter a good friend of mine died and i was going to go to his funeral but my boss won't let me go so i threatened to sue she let me go and that seemed to be the end of that until they decided to start scheduling me while i was at school demanding that i come into work it was during this time i got a skeptic infection and nearly died failed all my college classes i am trying to balance work and school and health i was still the only one who could run the machines in the photo lab and i turned them all off removed every film canister picture paper and took my notes on how to run the machines with me the best part was my boss running up to me at the door and screaming if you walk out that door you're fired i remember saying yay that's the plan all of this happened within about six months i have now worked at a bank and influenced bank policy had some of the highest customer satisfaction rating in the company been given special practice and before i left that position to attend my university full-time was promoted three times in two years i am now attending a school to be a cg artist and rigger and have a 3.74 gpa freak walmart walgreens and anything from that branch of cuckery as a song once said frick you with a freaking anchor sprouts farmers market the second store manager i had to work with was awful her way or the highway i had been initially hired for delhi then i was sent to cross train bakery because they shared the same space and i had done bakery at kroger before which i worked for two months because they couldn't hire someone for bakery that would last longer than a week i then get pulled back over to delhi for a week before i get told the news that i would move up front to be a cashier why because a bunch of new people got hired and their background checks cleared so they'd be going to bakery in delhi important to note is that front end did schedules differently than bakery or delhi bakery and delhi each had a calendar where you could just write in what times you needed off front end had a form you had to fill out and get approved by a manager before you turned it in two weeks beforehand they always said they wrote the schedule two weeks out but you never got that so i play her game i fill out my one request for one day off two weeks out i work as a cashier which was awful i started having nightmares of being at the register i was isolated from my friends in the delhi bakery then the new schedule comes out and i'm not on it i question all the managers none of them know anything so i'll even come back sunday to see if they add me back on they did up front working all week including the one day i had asked i came back the next day to hand in my name badge and discount cards saying that i quit the store manager began to flip out at me stating how much of a mistake i was making the assistant manager was nice calmly talking me through what would happen with my last paycheck as i filled out an exit form i have never returned to that sprouts or any sprouts a sprout is opening in the town next to mine 15 minutes away i mentioned that to my so-called teenage son doesn't like his current job my first job was at a ruby tuesday 16 years old wanted to be a chef when i grew up place made me hate cooking as a job was lied to about raises pay given closing shifts while still in high school left it after two years midshift fast forward a few years get a job at a new buffalo wild wings same location rt had closed down same freaking managers i figure it's been years crap shoulder changed nope layers and outer bags what's worse since it was the newest location a lot was expected of management which in turn was put on us every night after closing we had to go through a 100 plus sheet of details staying there a couple hours past close most of which was just waiting around to be checked out cooks were dropping like flies but they knew it would happen what started as mandatory part-time became full-time for everyone so i waited another cook who closed every night went back to his union job and suddenly dropped to two days availability i had already spoken up about the [ __ ] list being lied to about pay they slapped me in the face with 50 cent raise so i'd had enough come the week the other guy was dropping hours i came in for my shift worked my butt off and closed like normal i feel kinda bad cause the manager there was and still is a decent guy had to deal with it but come time for the freaking list hey i'm done you still gotta be checked out no like i'm done good luck covering 60 plus hrs of closing shifts working at kfc when i was younger i just up and left when we were opening i was newish and left alone to handle opening the entire kitchen which takes some time accepting a delivery which in the local in a shopping mall also took some time cleaning and mopping up prepping first serves and so on and so on basically a job for four people had to be done by me alone in the time i was supposed to just get the kitchen going and i got yelled at and name called for not managing to do it it wasn't the first time either anyway i left them without notice and they realized 20 minutes later that there is no movement in the back and started calling me xd i worked for a transmission other auto repairs shop for about a year extremely underpaid treated like crap and talked down to all day and expected to do all the work it was a two-man shop last straw i was taking trans out of a newer honda civic which required to drop the whole subframe etc hours of work and boss came in yelling what was taking so long typical name-calling stuff like that i snapped cursed him out loaded my box up and quit he had to end up putting the trans in himself took him weeks to find a replacement to underpay last i heard his shot by a dying freaking butthole actually just three weeks ago i was a supervisor for a midwest manufacturing's truss production plant i have no problems using their name because they're garbage for this job we had to punch in and out to go to the bathroom we had strict quotas and were called morons if we missed any anything we messed up came out of our pocket we had constant cameras watching us to call us on walkies if anyone sat down or took a 60-second rest etc etc etc and so much more i was also working roughly 55-60 hours a week of manual labor the final straw was the week before easter my boss told us we had a mandatory overtime weekend including on easter he had no warning given before this and we never had a mandatory overtime day until this point i had a plane ticket to go visit my family along with the hotel room and multiple plans i'd requested often had my vacation approved over a month prior when i told my boss this he said and i quote verbatim either show up or update your resume i went to lunch and never went back quickly found a job as an rgm at a restaurant so we'll see how it goes i was working as a guide in a very remote location there were a lot of last-minute call-ins and roster changes most of which i accommodated because my family were in another state and i had no life outside of work 14-18 hour days were fairly standard and nothing to complain about but i had one trip where the vehicle was hired and needed to be back by a certain time except i wasn't told about this time frame until the day of return when it was physically impossible to cover the distance back to meet the deadline i said as much to the office staff who agreed and i got back at the usual time the boss called me into his office and laid into me about how useless i was and that really good guides could make that deadline well actually no unless they were prepared to break a safety rule you don't take a guided walk around the rim of a canyon in the dark sunrise was the usual time of the walk after the four-hour walk there was lunch and a six-hour drive back to town i asked him if i looked blue if i looked box-shaped if i looked like a freaking tardis then i said i quit and walked out i had two days before my next trip out and i spent the rest of that evening washing my uniforms and packing my stuff first thing the next day i dropped off my keys and uniforms at the office manager's home and i drove straight for home three days away apparently dongbos thought i was just spouting off he gave it a day and then started blowing up my phone trying to resolve things but i was already in the land of no coverage he eventually called the office manager and asked her to call me and she told him that i'd completed all necessary steps for employment end and was probably somewhere in the middle of the desert heading for home they desperately needed people to filter obligations and i have no idea how they manage that short notice but nobody in the company apart from dong boss held it against me and i'm still friends with a lot of them i worked as an independent contractor for an engineering company since i graduated 2008 there were very few available jobs at the time i took what i could anyway independent contractor pretty much mean overworked and underpaid per each contract job they gave me after five years i kept being promised to be made full-time employee with benefits the economy started recovering they hired more people while keeping me as a contractor i trained them for the time being then the bosses started giving me crap for not wanting to keep working overtime for free in the middle of the biggest job we've had in a while my boss decided i was sabotaging the company and said he couldn't trust me so i said okay if you can't even trust me with this i'm done i have two hours left on that other job contract and i'm done i walked away the new hires ran the project to the ground not on purpose simply way way too inexperienced three months later while i was still looking for a job they called me and offered me full-time full benefits 2x the hourly i was making turns out i couldn't be as easily replaced as they wanted me to be less in the heat of the moment more like exactly the right people to leave my fiance and i worked at the same place a corporate chain franchised by his aunt i've made a few posts about this evil hag before but for this post we'll focus on how much he took advantage of us my fiance was the regional manager for the area he was also tech installation and support hiring manager inventory manager for all eight locations and a sales rep he was required to make and know every password to every account and bit of software he was the only one who knew how to operate the cameras he fixed every piece of tech that broke saving our boss thousands of dollars even after he got demoted for not doing something very illegal the only thing that changed was his pay rate because he had so much to do and our boss refused to let him train anyone else to help him i would use his code to manage inventory since i was often working at the hub location i quit about a month before he did which means the company lost their inventory manager my fiance started standing up for himself and refused to do inventory since his title was sales rep i tried to convince him to only do the work of a sales rep but he didn't want to screw over his co-workers so he still helped with everything else their inventory went to crap tens of thousands of dollars worth of devices were missing at the wrong location still at the warehouse not scanned in the tracking program or legitimately missing but when he quit the company was in some real trouble since he was the only one who knew the passwords for most of the software the passwords left with him he was the only one who knew how to fix the garbage computers so each storefront was down a register after a couple weeks the cameras were basically for show since no one else knew how to operate them since there was no longer a buffer between female satan and the employees the already high turnover rate tripled printer nozzles clogged printer tossed out and a new one bought employee gets sick and has a doctor's note employee is fired and each location has one sales rep half the locations don't have managers we honestly don't know how the stores are still functioning when he left without a notice he made it very clear that he would do absolutely nothing to help out anyone that was over seven months ago and he still has people calling to ask for help with something once he started sharing the crap that went down there our boss was essentially disowned by the rest of the family the friends we made while working they have all left and are in better places all in all a win for us and a big l for the woman who made our lives hack for a year if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 145,112
Rating: 4.9100122 out of 5
Keywords: quit job, quit job like a boss, quit job without plan, quit job funny, quit job reddit, quit, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: loDIhxSknkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 5sec (1985 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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