The “Izzy Isn’t Crazy” Conspiracy

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oh look who finally decided to show up you know you've been gone for multiple it's fine i've been very busy this isn't a theory channel but i talk about whatever i want and i seem to have stumbled across something big have you guys ever heard of a show called total drama it was a very formative show for my youth and i'm still obsessed with it to this day no matter what the schedule called for within each year it always aired around the summer in america and i was like hey it's the summer in america now everything i do is perfect timing if you haven't seen the show then your homework for today is to go watch the whole thing it only took me multiple days because a lot of this isn't gonna make sense unless you've seen it but this isn't gonna be another long look into my childhood and why total drama was important for my youth and just important to me in general i'll save that for another day so i was perusing total drama theories on the internet because even when i'm not currently watching the show i need to be thinking about it and i stumbled across this one theory that really stood out because most of the other theories are what if this character was in a coma what if this character is a predator this one initially didn't seem that different when you're making fan theories the easiest thing to do is your theory is what if thing we are told and believe what if the opposite so when i came across the izzy isn't crazy theory i assumed it would be the same thing got it got it izzy is only pretending to be crazy she's actually a master strategist and she wants to win i get the point so then i moved on and didn't think about it and then i came upon my yearly total drama rewatch and i noticed some things the series legitimately makes more sense if you watch it with the idea that izzy is crazy in mind and i'm gonna explain how nearly everything izzy does in the show is to further her goal of winning the competition so upon the rewatch i marked down every single thing she said and did but we don't actually start with the first episode we start with the audition tapes at the end of every episode when they aired we got a little post credit scene of the character that got voted off that episode their original audition tape to get on the show and canonically these audition tapes are the tapes the teens set in to be cast on the show and presumably the ones that got them cast on the show gwen and owen don't have tapes because there was never an episode where they got voted off so that's why they don't have them and speaking of voted off those two characters don't get tapes but there's only one character who gets multiple tapes take a wild guess who it is because izzy leaves early and comes back and yes that will be important later so izzy gets two ending stingers one where she goes through all of her superficial talents as fast as she possibly can she clearly already has a strategy for the show even though in canon the show has not existed before this point it's the first season but we know that she does know about chris and she knows what he likes so the thing she ends the tape with is i won't be boring let me be on total drama island boring be never will it in her second audition tape she's like a completely different person her cadence is different she's wearing different clothes she shows a different talent we find out in season two later down the line that she's actually a very good actress and what is acting if not advanced lying i mean i'm lying to you right now this is basically empty possibly she thought that they probably would have skipped over the first tape and putting in two tapes statistically boosts her chances of getting cast on the show regardless of which tape got her on the show she's on the show we know immediately that her original plan worked and she's already thinking way more than any other contestant on the show episode one is actually where another very common fan theory comes into play but i don't buy it at all the episode consists of mostly and by mostly i mean ninety percent of it a character is coming in on a boat getting a little introduction being pushed to the side and then the next character coming on the boat and so on and so forth we get a lot of gwen development in this episode as she's kind of the main character and we get some little interjections from other characters but right now i'm only going to focus on izzy as she appears she excitedly runs towards the end of the dock and then jumps biffs it and bangs her head on the edge of the dock the common fan theory is that she was completely normal up until that point and then became crazy when she bumped her head but we know by the audition tapes that we just watched that that is not true things are heating up in the total drama fandom no this was calculated now she has everyone's attention and she immediately starts with a rapid fire question we have to believe that she picked up the crazy persona not only to get cast on the show but to also make it far in the show it's a good way of making sure no one ever knows your intentions while also allowing them to fear you but asking all these questions accomplishes another important thing she's extending an olive branch power numbers is the name of the game and if anyone responds to any of these questions passionately she knows you can latch onto that person and use them for future use this is summer camp that is so cool do you have paperback day here are we having lunch soon that is a good call oh poor owen i've watched the show a bunch of times and i remember a lot of it so when i was originally making the outline for this theory i was under the impression that she had no interest in owen until she came back the second time but that's not true my idea was she was watching the show along with everyone else on the luxury island so she would have noticed that she's the most popular character and also most likeable and it would have been good to associate with him because in season three when blamely comes in the show remember blanely she says outwardly that being paired with owen will boost her chances and likability well i could do worse marrying the audience favorite could be a positive boost for my image i'm the audience favorite so my original theory was izzy saw how popular he was getting and also likable and is like i'm gonna use this as a big shield people are gonna like me i'm gonna latch onto this guy but it turns out she latches on to a much sooner aka first episode so different but this actually makes more sense she likely latched onto him because of how forgiving he is and weak willed mentally as long as she copies his actions exactly she will remain out of the line of fire once everyone's introduced then we get to the teams anyone who's watched total drama or has eyes can see that the gophers are way more stacked as a team than the bass and i imagine izzy noticed that too when it cuts to every member getting picked for the team they're excited or they have something to say except for izzy it's completely emotionless she's clearly upset that she's on the inferior team but she can't let them know what she knows and when the team is all together she is absent she's legitimately not there she's off somewhere planning i don't want to make a lot of leaps in this theory at least not legitimately there's some wacky stuff later but it's not out of the realm of possibility to assume that in between the challenges she got in katie's ear episode two is when the plan comes to fruition it's time to pounce i'm not jumping without katie we have to be on the same team chris please please can we can we harley quinn can we i'll switch places with her no hesitation why are we the viewer expected to believe this we haven't seen anything overt so far to show that she doesn't want to be on the killer bass unless you know she just shrugs and smiles putting out the idea that she did this on a whim and it wasn't premeditated at all i promise and obviously izzy is right the bass not only lose this challenge they get demolished partially because of katie and sadie now being together i've gotta take a whiz hurry up we're already behind oh i have to go too you do oh my gosh me too all better yep you guys are way behind the other team like way behind would sadie had pete if katie was not there to suggest it would the bass have been slowed down if izzy didn't switch teams so in one genius move izzy not only put herself on the better team but immediately tanked the winning potential of the killer bass and then immediately she jumps off a cliff screaming belly flopping pushing the crazy narrative after she just made a very intelligent move this happens a lot first episode i said i was gonna focus solely on izzy but for the izzy plot there's a couple more people we need to watch out for assuming izzy notices everything which what we've seen so far it's fair to assume that she needs to be the best player and by doing so she needs to figure out who are the biggest threats she would have noticed the strongest on her team whether it's to get rid of them or to team with them she likely would have noticed lashonna's strength heather clearly building up an army justin's superhuman ability to trance anyone and owen being owen jumping ahead in the episode we see that the gophers are forced to open the crates with their teeth and the only person we see successfully do it is izzy also everyone else is trying to bite onto the edges but she's the only one to think of using tools i don't know if that's intelligent i mean it's more intelligent than like a caveman and she is the first to get her crate open because of this however this was a very intelligent move and you can't be viewed as intelligent because one takes notice the facade starts to slip a little bit so you got to immediately go back with the crazy roping on my tongue or acting dumb when we cut back to them all the crates are already open we don't see anyone else successfully open a crate you could assume that izzy opened all the crates but that might be a little too showy i just important to note that she is the only one we ever see open a crate i'm solely supposed to be focusing on izzy but i don't know when i'm gonna do another total drama related thing where i go through episode by episode courtney definitely would have been voted off this episode if ezekiel didn't like get possessed he's like i need to say something sexist immediately episode three doesn't have a lot of izzy activity but it does show the strength of the other gophers she tanked the whole last challenge pretty single-handedly so in this one she falls asleep early but not first so not a big threat but also not costing them the challenge what we do see in this episode is we see heather scheming to get eva eliminated and justin trying to cheat to win the challenge justin doesn't have a lot of lines in the first season i don't think we hear him talk after this point at all and he doesn't become an official villain until season two that being said he is definitely nefarious from the start it's not like he became a villain all of a sudden i just uh thought that's worth noting episode four also doesn't have a lot of izzy but similar to the previous episode she loses in a very inconspicuous way or trying to look inconspicuous she doesn't want to show her full power yet i'm only using five percent of my power i didn't really notice how i don't like to use the word cheap um but cheap the show looks at some points when duncan takes out all the gophers we see a little powerpoint still frame of them trying to avoid the ball except for izzy her picture is her bracing for impact and clearly not trying to run at all and we see how super athletic she is later in the series and she didn't just gain that all of a sudden meaning she intentionally got eliminated like i said with the cheap thing you notice a lot of stuff about the show if you watch it as often as i do especially if you're going like step by step and writing everything down when the audience is cheering i guess izzy's cheer wasn't long enough so they loop it and normally this wouldn't be an issue but it's got a very it's one noise or maybe they gave the cheer to sadie by accident [Applause] once you hear it it'll drive you crazy it made me pretty upset you're welcome lindsay what are you kidding me wait so this is wait okay so this is lindsay's voice now this isn't important to the conspiracy i just thought i should bring it up because i won't be able to ever not hear it now too many words for that sentence episode 5 is the one infamous for having plot armor everyone claims that heather realistically would have been voted off this episode if the plot wasn't protecting her she read out gwen's diary on live television and everyone is very rightly pissed at her for it but i have a different theory first off i mean she probably assumed they were gonna win anyway and they were winning in a landslide she read the diary before harold came in to save the day which nobody saw coming but if we add the izzy theory to the equation i mentioned lashauna before but she likely noticed three main things happening on her team that are very important heather building up an alliance owen being very suggestible and justin being a problem look how she acts around justin in the total drama drama drama drama island special that's its name whatever you guys do don't look him in the eyes he has powers give me the case back off really hot guy she clearly sees something in him that others haven't yet but they are going to very soon the killer bass is a lot worse as a team but they're a lot closer as friends whereas the gophers have like three different clicks and at the beginning of the episode we see izzy sitting and talking and hanging out with heather's alliance just like around and when she comes back later in the season she's conspiring with lindsay and heather and is noted as being in the alliance and it's never acknowledged obviously they acknowledge she's in the alliance but it's never mentioned why she joined or even that she joined just from the episode forward that she comes back she's just with them like i don't know if it was a mistake or a scene cut for time or it was just boring but no one ever talks about her being in the alliance even though she is she is in the show like i said it makes more sense watching it this way not only does the izzy theory fix and plot armor but also some plot holes the series legitimately makes more sense if you watch it and believe izzy is an evil mastermind there's a lot of stuff you notice upon re-watches like i've heard owen burp the abcs so many times and because it's the abcs i'm like okay i know how it ends even though i'm not really listening to it and understanding it but he says zed which makes sense because it's a canadian show but i just always assumed he said z weird whatever we're wasting precious izzy time in this episode izzy aligns herself with heather and sinks her fangs into owen the dance of the rattlesnake she attempts to hypnotize him like justin is able to do if she is a mastermind and potential toxic person she knows the best way to get owen on her side is to get rid of all of his friends i thought owen and noah's friendship was a thing that was exclusive to season three but the first couple episodes that noah's in they actually interact a lot so of course because izzy pulls all the strings noah is the first to get eliminated on their team the second justin huh interesting because justin could hypnotize owen and owen clearly has a crush on him like i know it's played for a joke but that is that is in canon what is happening so that's another threat the plot armor people are referring to is that justin gets eliminated this episode and it should have been heather heather explains this as all i needed was four votes against justin lindsay and beth were easy as he's just crazy an owen piece of cake piece of cake beth and lindsey voting with her makes sense at this point and she believes that she convinced izzy just because she's crazy but we know izzy's intentions the issue people have with this is how possibly heather could convince owen to vote off justin it's explained away with a joke about owen liking food but what if it was izzy of all the people on the team why would she ask izzy and then owen unless heather being one of the most perceptive people on the show maybe below izzy has noticed that izzy has control over owen even if she still believes she's crazy she notices that she has control over him and to the people who think this is still plot armor that would still only be 5v5 votes but cody definitely voted for trent episode 6 is one of the hardest to explain but i thought of the conclusion first and now i'm gonna bend the evidence to support my argument i refuse to change my mind remember we're not only assuming she's a genius assuming she's an evil genius not that she's like a murderer but she will do any underhanded tactics to get what she wants normally when the contestants are lying or pretending to be something they're not we see them being honest in the confessional and this episode is the first time we see izzy in the confessional having one of these talking head segments it only happens like three or four times the rest of this episode is izzy laughing off all of owen's terrible jokes saying the mark on his ass is awesome and just talking about how cool he is as a person so for this there are two potential theories maybe three theory the first izzy is so confident in her ability now and is getting cocky so decides to go out of her way to torment everyone on the team for her own enjoyment and we see her confessional okay okay that was so funny like oh it's a bear oh no like we're all gonna [Laughter] there's no way okay theory two izzy heard owens bear story that he told to everyone on the team and decided to throw him under the bus owen claims he fought a bear so izzy becomes a bear to expose him as a fraud the second bear was just a fortunate coincidence heather's basically the team captain at the end of the episode heather blames izzy and owen but mostly owen and she only pushes him all your fault and then izzy just laughs it doesn't bother her she got away but for the most part she does remain in character in the confessional it's fair to assume that she does the crazy mask not only for the show but also just in her day-to-day life theory the third i'm kind of more partial to this one izzy noticed lashonna's specific fear of bears and decided to torment only her did he say there are bears up in here there's a handful of episodes later down the line where izzy decides to target only lashana and it's never explained why izzy's trying to get rid of all the threats and if she views lashana as very strong and a tough competitor the easiest way to break her would be mentally theory 3 is the most basic and it kind of goes under the implication that her plan didn't entirely work but it's the most believable one because why would she throw owen under the bus after immediately getting him on her side that being said we know owen is very forgiving so she could have easily just patted her own loss while also keeping owen still on good terms with her the only reason they don't lose is because katie and sadie cost their team to challenge and in the long run that was because of izzy and they get lost and hide in a cave overnight because of izzy it's worth thinking about they wouldn't have been scared of the bear if izzy didn't do everything she did in this episode maybe she knows way more than i think maybe she's omniscient this is the episode where duncan tells the rest of the best the mandor hand hook car door story and in a crazy piece of foreshadowing it's revealed later in this season that there is in fact a man with a hook on the loose episode 7 is way more basic izzy keeps copying owen to seem more likeable and unthreatening lying man that's some crazy stuff i would never go up in a plane never izzy says her greatest fear is flying which we know is a lie from later in this year's but she says it immediately after owen says that's his fear so she's just like oh yep i agree what are the odds they are this compatible that they have the exact same fear owen keeps his fear of planes in world tour izzy does not she's scared when he's scared she screams when he screams she kisses the ground right after he does you get the point also courtney cost her team again but tyler gets voted off because he's nowhere near as cute as courtney that's not relevant i just need to dump this info somewhere episode 8 is where izzy gets eliminated for the first time notice i said for the first time and put quotation marks over eliminated i guess i put it over the whole i'm really bad at these because she isn't technically eliminated she was going to be before the rcmp comes in and attempts to arrest her the rcmp stands for a royal canadian mounted police whatever that means my point being this would have been a hard episode to explain had this not happened izzy cost her team a lot in this episode so if we are to believe that she's smart it is my belief that she fully intended to be caught and found out this episode and run off into the woods it's the first time she mentioned being on the run for her past crimes and then these bushmen taught us how to properly catch and cook crocodile as well as koala uh isn't killing a koala bear illegal oh i don't know probably yeah she also lists off her crimes it's on live tv handmade fire starter i made from some tree staff and saints stand back guys i don't know much about canadian law but that sounds just like an act of terror no one's plans work out a hundred percent of the time i said she was omniscient as a joke but she is just like a smart person oh you know i spent a summer training with the reserves yeah i got into some trouble there and like blew up the kitchen by accident which is why the rcmp is like still all over my butt i am so totally awol she likely made the bomb in the woods to get the cop's attention and just accidentally won the first part of the challenge we see courtney sue her way back on the show in season two and izzy's reason for coming back is her not technically getting voted off even if chris didn't want her back on the show she could probably sue her way back it seems pretty easy as far as this show's considered she fully intended to lose the challenge outright so when they got the lead she needed to improvise what are we gonna do without paddles you guys could get someone to swim behind the boats and push them i did that once for this huge like 60 foot yacht the whole crew had to flutter kick for like eight days to get to shore and like four of us got eaten by sharks i didn't me but it was really insane okay later on top of this she talks a lot of [ __ ] this episode just follow my technique i'm 187th cherokee you know as i stand upon my native cherokee heritage i will i will hunt you down you damn dirty trolls like up until this point she tried solely to just be likable but it doesn't matter if her team wants to vote her off she gets away she not only costs her team but she gets to skip most of the game because of this some would argue getting to the merger is a lot harder than winning and she gets to skip all the way to the final 12. also this is the first episode we see owen willingly hanging out with heather like yeah he sees the good in people but he's not stupid he saw her read gwen's diary it just so happens that after izzy convinced owen to vote with heather he now views her as a friend so i'm sure that izzy has faith that her two strongest allies will make it past the merge to greet her she's right this episode is also another example of her teaming up with lashauna solely to torment her you cost us the game you are dead right okay you are so lucky that my license to kill is currently expired she just uh she just threatened to kill her i think this will also come back later just let it be known that izzy's plan works regardless of if we know her intentions are not if she wanted to come back in the game later she does she won it worked i did re-watch the whole show for this but izzy doesn't appear again until way later so we can now skip ahead i guess we don't need to talk about this episode anymore do they think hooking up means so much for hooking up with trent like they can't mean what that actually means right trent getting a hit this [ __ ] was crazy before i skip ahead does anything worthwhile happen the next episode if you take it back you can rejoin our alliance take back what the n word episode 15 is the first episode where izzy's true plan starts to play out after the murder of the final 10 they bring back two contestants from the past eva and izzy when they bring back evo they say they do it because she was popular which we know is untrue so they just brought her back to cause conflict for one episode while eva returns on a boat izzy swings in from the forest with everyone dreading her arrival she claims to have been living in the woods this whole time on the run from the rcmp but we know that's not true because at the end of this episode eva yells out i'm not done with you oh and is he lying she wasn't in the woods we see the island in which all the losers hang out in a later episode this is where eva saw izzy this is where izzy was it's good to be back at camp even though i never actually left the island i've been living in the woods all this time but i thought the rcmp hunted you down they tried but being a wilderness survivor i was swift-footed and avoided captured once i was safe among my animal brethren it was just me against the harsh elements you call this harsh it's been warm and sunny all week not where i was not where i was it's under a bunch of lies but it's technically true izzy's plan is to skip most the game by running away from a planted rcmp instead of actually getting eliminated chris gives a whole diatribe about eva coming back and then kind of nonchalantly throws izzy in like this wasn't his plan she outsmarted him she may be the only contestant who actually read the first contract she needs to keep her crazy illusion up so the other contestants don't expect anything as far as they know she was off in the woods surviving off of raw fish crazy in the previous episode the girls and the guys are separated the girls don't bond as well as the guys do so they put a giant line of tape down the middle of the cabin bridget sides with gwen and lashauna and leaves heather and her sidekick on the other side when eva enters the girls room she acknowledges the tape but izzy doesn't when the scene starts it fades in izzy is already on heather and lindsay's side literal side which we will see a bunch more of in a little bit it's just important to note that she's already chosen sides and it isn't acknowledged at all maybe we aren't supposed to know it the rest of what izzy does in this episode is more crazy coding but we do get to see how low of a pain tolerance she has we see more of her fighting skills later in the season but for right now we know she is a very gifted acrobat and a very strong woman she's been trained potentially for something even more taxing than the show and you could still argue her loss here is strategical she takes herself out of this challenge in what seems to just be her being weird again who's your next victim oh me with a poison ivy spa treatment is it just me or is that girl some kind of crazy lashana will regret those words you don't need immunity to stay in the game you just need to fly under the radar and she knows there are at least two people more hated than her and that's why eva gets voted off this episode we see a bunch of the contestants confessionals we all see who they voted for you know who we don't see izzy she is still at this point basically at the end of the series only had one confessional so far episode 16 has some lindsay and izzy content not like shipping but you know what i mean it seems like lindsay always gets the worst of izzy she was grossed out by her even before she left and she was one of the people with genuine terror on her face when she was coming back izzy helps lindsay find her key but then doesn't help her after she's attacked by bees like she did it intentionally because lindsay doesn't actually get her keys is he tried to help b stinging terror loss keys this is another big heather gwen trent that whole thing episode it is canonically shown i keep saying that but i'm it is canon that izzy helped heather kiss gwen's crush she knowingly did that okay listen up we've got to break up trent and gwen here's the plan even if we're taking the entire show at surface level she's crazy but even she would know that that is very very bad you know if you believe she is an evil genius that's spicy too there is no time for that now we need to have an alliance meeting and she's definitely in this alliance can we all are we all on the same page with that now they just said it and yet in the eyes of the fans she gets away with it at least lindsay doesn't know any better and beth willingly leaves everyone's like oh is he so kooky she's [ __ ] up this is notoriously one of the most evil things heather does this season and izzy was there she helped her do it and then when she comes back to greet her friends hey guys what stinks izzy you've got a snake on your head i know but don't worry he's friendly uh remember i mentioned heather's plot armor from before oh and look an invincibility pass lucky me well the only reason trent gets voted off this episode and heather doesn't because in a stroke of luck she finds invincibility like i could excuse the justin thing but this is straight up just dumb luck making sure this cheating happens is the most strategic move for izzy because even if trent doesn't get booted heather still falls it's obviously better for her to keep heather around as a hate buffer but either going will do she's in the alliance but she spends way more time manipulating lindsay than helping heather maybe she noticed how suggestible lindsay is like owen before her and thought it would be a better idea to keep her around as a dumb meat shield and get rid of heather episode 17. izzy hunt's chef in this episode and they seem pretty well matched almost like they've met each other before interesting also izzy keeps lashana's hiding place a secret despite what we're meant to believe is that she's in heather's alliance and had no reason to help her win when it comes to izzy can't trust anyone she has no allegiance no allegiance except i say we lose him lindsay owen yeah but owen is like the nicest guy on the island and he plays a meme game of canasta have you guys ever played that the people she finds the easiest to manipulate hey why don't you vote with us izzy we'll be like bff best female friends okay you know she'll just dump you after the vote it's true she will ow oh poor izzy if only she knew that heather couldn't be trusted of course she knows she's known the whole time bridget gets voted off due to the girl's split vote episode 18 is [ __ ] it also aired alongside thumb wars the star wars thumb parody someone should talk about that the contestants are challenged to each build their own custom bikes but the rules are absurd everyone's bikes are switched around so to get to the final part of the challenge your bike needs to cross the finish line which means even if you win the race you might not make it to the end you only make it if your bike crosses and you won't ever have your bike so why even race and the final round is just listen to this that's not exactly true heather is safe because her bike crossed the line first but since duncan and owen wiped out and didn't complete the race they technically didn't cross the line at all which makes you the last one to cross the line which means it's dock of shame time baby so lindsay gets immediately eliminated despite coming in second place the roles are so dumb they don't make any sense why even try you would be better off in this challenge by not competing wait a minute hey where's izzy and lashana oh well their loss because this is where it gets good in the first half of this episode izzy kidnaps lashana and bikes all around the island skipping the challenge and not competing at all if you can't race then you can't get eliminated but you can't just not do the challenge so you need to go missing and what's the best alibi for going missing a crazy woman it has now been two episodes in a row where izzy has helped lashana stay in the game she couldn't possibly know lindsay was gonna be the one that was gonna get eliminated but at least now she has a contingency plan heather has outgrown her usefulness she still has owen under a thumb but he's starting to also outgrow his usefulness having a lashana as an ally may be a good asset those three people along with justin and noah are the people she noticed from the very start and she made a very conscious effort to be on their team speaking of owen being under her finger episode 19 the hook guy from before all the contestants watch a horror movie together and then have to live one a chef dressed up like a murderer chases them all around the island the scary movie aficionados gwen and duncan know the rules because they've seen so many horror movies so obviously no other contestant would know more about avoiding chef for the challenge never go in the woods rule number three if you do go in the woods never ever ever make out in the woods or you will die in the woods you want to make out yes no one knows more about scary movies than duncan and gwen except izzy loves scary movies izzy loves scary movies izzy loves scary movies so she knows this is a bad idea and yet she brought owen into the woods and also its chef she's bested an escaped chef before she could easily do it again unless of course she purposefully lost the challenge for her and owen but she wouldn't do that would she unless of course she assumed owen was no longer loyal oh it's too young to die here take izzy it makes way more sense than her being oblivious to horror movies considering she loves them but i have got a date with exfoliation and the bossy mean chick steals her fade taking out both heather and owen dj gets eliminated because i guess the writers wanted him gone the first season has a lot of this episode 20 a mistake izzy has been a total drama machine so far every choice she's made has been systematic to get her to the final seven and in doing this she has been utterly emotionless everything is for a reason but sometimes emotion trumps reason powers for a wild and crazy gal oh yeah as in the kind you abandon and leave for dead in the hands of a chainsaw wielding psycho killer with a hook this is the first actual time we've seen her mad even when she was fighting with chef she seemed exhilarated also can't believe i'm in the final seven can you imagine me winning oh that would be awesome everyone else here totally deserves it more than i do though except heather she's really mean owen claims to fear heather whereas before we saw him being a friend with her this is possibly at izzy's request izzy at her whole plan laid out in front of her she successfully played heather lindsay lashauna trent justin katie sadie and owen but she missed something izzy had directed all of her attention towards the screaming gophers and the threats and friends on that team that she missed the biggest threat on the bass behind everyone's back duncan decides to make a momentary alliance with heather which is in this episode the reason izzy gets the boot izzy pretends to be a bad shot throughout the whole episode resulting in her being able to shoot heather with the tractilizer thus eliminating the biggest threat in the challenge unfortunately for her she didn't see duncan coming how did this happen she's smarter than this oh my gosh i should totally win okay you know that time i dressed up as a bear and like scared everyone and i was like and they were like ah save me well if someone else dressed up as a bear and it wasn't me i totally wouldn't have been scared i would have known which makes me smarter than they are oh did i mention i have iq of 188 because i do wait what yeah genius runs in my family and psychotherapy i i don't know how much of this i should believe we can only go off of stuff that is strictly canon in the show and we know that each season izzy makes it pretty far but we also know she's never won unfortunately for this theory izzy has to lose multiple times no one wins forever good night everybody thanks for coming out episode 22 has nothing to do with their strategy but it's still interesting we see where all the losers have been hanging out after getting eliminated confirming the location of where izzy was hiding the whole time and it's apparently very close to the island can you believe this place is right around the corner from this lame-o campground most of this episode consists of izzy tormenting noah katie and sadie the first three people she preyed on on island she may not drop her persona but she can still seek revenge she also flashes her ass i don't know why what kind of strategy could this be i just hope she's still not ticked at me about the heather thing i would be if she were me and you were still you you'd be seriously maimed uh that's a little harsh you kissed her mortal enemy it wasn't my fault i was tricked yeah right that's what they all say my lips did what they wanted my lips have a mind of their own blah blah blah blah fish cakes this is even more [ __ ] up considering she was there she made it happen what reason does izzy have to hold this against trent despite being evil well i think heather is a total psycho izzy was with her every step of the way she keeps her crazy guys up for most of the episode most of the episode this episode is kind of a fun one-off but it completely tanks the quality at the end where they vote off lashana for no reason like i know the in canada reason is just like a funny joke where all the contestants all really like lashana but they all keep accidentally saying her name and getting her eliminated but like from a writing standpoint you could have her get eliminated any other way people really think island is the best season whatever my point is we see izzy get legitimately frustrated at this occurring she's not being crazy or weird like everyone else is doing like a dumb joke but yet she's being serious she's trying to stop this now that izzy is out of the running she still kind of wants the money so the smartest option would be to pick a contestant she was close with to possibly get some money at him heather and duncan are both huge threats to her as seen before gwen never liked her and every chance she got sided against her maybe she could win owen back and control him maybe she could side with lashana moore and convince her their friends regardless of which of those two she picks it'd be easier to have two options she did get rid of all of those close to owen i think owens would win he's a ticking time bomb of noxious fumes this is heartbreaking to hear but despite her best efforts lashana is still voted off and we don't see either of them until i know so far i've been [ __ ] on the first season a lot but episode 23 is one of my favorite episodes of like the entire show but we don't get to talk about it because it has nothing related to izzy uh check this out yeah i'm not so sure about this i love this show episode 26 is the finale of season one's competition wherein izzy pushes owen all the way to the end to ensure he wins this money unfortunately for her after she had already planned to help owen owen reveals he's not gonna share the money with anyone he's planning to spend it all on a giant party and later he loses the rest of his money so but for now at least she gets a party better than what gwen wants to use her winnings for maybe if i can survive here the rest of high school won't be so bad and she wants everyone to know that owen is the one they should all side with i mean she helps push him up the flagpole heather helped too but at some point she just started getting izzy's way stop touching my hair crazy girl in the end gwen seems to be coming out on top but izzy is still a crafty genius she has been the entire game up until this point wait i have a plan has anyone seen a really big electric fan here sure got one in my trailer you do do you think i get this windblown look naturally get it and meet me back here izzy's plan to use a fan and push brownie smell to motivate owen to cross the finish line seems ridiculous but it works like a decent amount of this theory is like oh that's dumb why would that ever work but it doesn't even matter because it always does work owen wins total drama island because of izzy like he would not have crossed the finish line if not for her plan of course in the canadian ending of the show uh izzy stands in front of the finish line so owen does not make it past and then gwen wins there's a lot of conversations in the fandom about which endings are actually canon because the show does its best to try and make each ending be canon but later in the show we hear owen's parents talk about money and in gwen's ending she says this well after i pay for my tuition there might be enough left over for a rocking party and everyone's invited everyone except heather and we see at both parties both versions of it heather's there i mean i did play second last year i know exactly what i'm doing also like as a story goes it makes way more sense that owen gambled away his money than them just taking it away from gwen oops i spoiled it owen gambles away his money episode 27 is the between point between total drama island and total drama action where owen gives up his hundred thousand dollars to try and find a million dollars hidden somewhere around the island but for this money he has to compete with all the past competitors before the challenge starts we see izzy mirroring owen successfully making him fall for her again the only issue is it may have gone a little farther than she had hoped i think i'm in love with you [Music] also her group consists of her hanging out with eva who knew that she lied before so maybe eva just respects the strategy it's not izzy's fault eva got booted even though she's related to it that's why in the actual challenge they form a group that was funny you stupid guy owen with the guys and izzy with the girls and noah take of that what you will it's pretty impressive how izzy successfully turned noah against owen and got him on her side she was just [ __ ] with him a couple episodes ago but don't worry they'll get back together i didn't mean owen and izzy i mean noah and owen guys up here the suitcase must be in a tree okay to find it we must think like the tree she's saying this crazily uh but again she ends up being right the suitcase is in fact in a tree and she would have found it had courtney not tried to out-crazy her she actually has a surprising amount in common with courtney from this point forward courtney becomes more and more deranged and she used the game's rules as a loophole to get back into the game which is what izzy did she also seems legitimately mad when courtney jumps on her vine we've only seen her genuine emotions a couple of times but she does get her revenge by stealing the case from courtney izzy's always got a plan except for one of her weaknesses that returns justin she got rid of him early in the first game because she saw his true potential unfortunately justin is now realizing his own potential izzy used reality show tactics to get on the show in the first place she knows how these things work she must know that the show is getting another season i mean she saw how popular in canon the show is we see later when we're like showing the outside world that it's one of the most popular shows i speculated previously that izzy is the only character who actually read the initial contract and we find out later in this episode that they can bring back all the contestants because it's in the fine print which she would have read so she knows what's gonna happen and she's determined to get on the second season and right now is when her new plan starts i'm thinking of changing my name yeah to kaleidoscope isn't that pretty you can call me esco for sure this will come into play later next season but right now izzy's focused on one thing uh shooting justin i think like at this point she doesn't really care about the case because she knows there's going to be more game but justin that is a threat that it's only going to get worse that way he won't see us coming now remember the minute you have that pretty boy justin in your sights fire at will and then take the case back revenge is a dish best sir all right let's move on there are a million reasons to watch total drama action season two episode one in the return of the series that is total drama action all the challenges are based on different genres of film the first challenge is the monster movie where the contestants must escape a giant animatronic that is chasing and attacking people it was an animatronic monster and in a lesson she learned from last season the best way to win is not to play so she purposefully gets caught first and in the meantime she gets to emotionally manipulate owen i just wish she'd noticed me and not that dumb monster how can i compete with it and it's supposed to sound like he's paranoid and being unreasonable but in reality thanks for the date daisy don't ever leave me cuz i'd find you they do this as a funny little izzy bit like oh man crazy izzy she went on a date with a monster but it's not a real monster chef is controlling it so she went on a date with chef is that where they know each other from mustard i had a romantic date he doesn't take no for an answer pretty crazy i can't even tell you guys also this yeah we really need to get to the bottom of what izzy and chef's relationship is [Music] oh not again wait what do you mean not again season two episode two izzy puts ketchup on pancakes and it's the worst thing she's done so far and that'll be put ketchup on everything covered with the taste of mortar wait a minute what battle is she talking about and when did it take place what war were you in anyway did i ask you to speak because i don't remember asking you to speak whatever he so wasn't in a war rapid fire weird questions um did they serve together was he a drill sergeant this theory about izzy playing the game smart has now turned into a theory about izzy's mysterious past i know aliens uh-huh i've been abducted loads of times there's a tracking device in my neck see does it hurt only when i hiccup yes a lot of the time we are subject to unreliable narrator when it comes to izzy's craziness we don't have any proof of any of the crazy stories she makes up we are just told what she tells us however we hear the beeping the tracker she talks about it is physically there because the cameras can pick it up and we can hear it so who put this tracking device in or could it be real aliens of course not aliens aren't real except in season three it's revealed that in this universe aliens are in fact real because they go to area 51 and that's where they are i don't know what any of this means unless my new theory is that izzy is actually an alien proxy put on this reality show to take over the world slowly i hope that's not the case that is ridiculous that being said it would explain why chef has hunted her in the past he claims to have been in some kind of war and while he is likely lying what if his service was covered up regardless of what it is or how ridiculous the thing is these two have had an encounter in the past i thought you were dead yeah i get that a lot what i think chef's backstory may be way more tragic than he lets on we need to focus more on izzy's strategy this is going wildly off course she pushes the e-scope name hard by uh flipping owen this will come back later speaking of owen it is now pretty much confirmed that she has successfully turned owen against heather now who is with me uh it's hard to say um does being with you implies some sort of an alliance cause we don't like you in episode six which i didn't really talk about um i wouldn't have their pair together and they're still kind of nice and owen has like some hangups and uh heather insults izzy but there's he's still forgiving but right now it's over and easy escope fine esco end of the trap has been triggered now she's got chris the host of the show calling her escope as well season two episode three is the episode i have been alluding to this whole time izzy gets eliminated this episode except she doesn't e-scope gets eliminated she's convinced chris to write that name on the elimination paper and because of that she is able to return to the game a second time through another loophole the last time she did this she purposefully threw the challenge and made sure it was her fault this time around it's a little harder to pin down what she was trying to do she eggs on her team mostly trent and does lose the challenge for her team which she probably didn't have to considering she was already picked last in the team draft but she does seem legitimately invested in her acting ability like she takes it very seriously can we just get the ball rolling on my eventual best actress nomination she has great pride in it everyone's got a weakness nobody is devoid of passion which is expanded upon in the celebrity manhunt special so her purposefully losing the challenge might not exactly be it because she clearly wanted to be the better actor the reason they do lose is because chef showed favoritism to the other team oh yeah this is the season chef makes an alliance with dj in an agreement to split the winnings 50 50. and you may think this is an out for the chef and izzy relationship but then it's revealed in the aftermath show that chef offered her the alliance first these two are up to something gotta say though be really weird if chef had a relationship with a teenager i've got an old soul i'm like 87 years old on the inside because i've been reincarnated like a whole bunch of times this theory is getting way too big already no way reincarnation is a part of it the opening narration describes chef as an army chef which doesn't necessarily mean he was a chef for the army just that he is those two things and i'd be remiss if i didn't mention this part of the reason izzy escope's plan work is because chef vouches for her izzy time to go i'm not going anywhere that's not my name girl likes to be called kaleidoscope can i get a pen over here it says e-scope now okay she doesn't seem very shocked by this just meticulous this was just a dress rehearsal my darlings yeah this is definitely all part of her master plan even if you don't agree with this interpretation it doesn't matter it still happened she still got eliminated and managed to come back to the show because of something she decided to do the other stuff is just kind of very weird but we don't really get any more of that moving forward so uh let's drop it i guess the whole episode is really weird we have been working for eight hours and you are legally obligated by union rules to give us a meal break oh yeah who here is in the union yeah i thought so wow how perfectly relevant i'll help you down milady [Music] thank you anything from a lady season two episode six is the first appearance of the aftermath show as a kid i always hated the aftermath episodes because they weren't part of the actual challenge but upon the rewatch it's actually filled with a lot of very fun character moments small little fun details like izzy being the eighth most wanted from the rcmp her ex-boyfriend having a restraining order against her and her therapist saying she was psychotic i'm psychotic i think you mean psychic i'm pretty sure my therapist said psychotic okay but let me ask you a question what is psychosis remember when this video was about total drama psychotic behavior is a result from a detachment from reality for example seeing things that aren't there like if she claimed on the show that aliens were real and the people watching the show they're like oh that's not true even though we the audience with all this boundless information know that she is in fact telling the truth it could also be a diagnosis tied to bipolar disorder izzy does tend to rapidly change emotions a lot or it could be an elaborate act to survive she doesn't have to be dumb to be crazy you could still be smart and crazy and maybe the detachment just comes from her general lack of care for other people despite having multiple mental illnesses i am not a mental health professional i do not claim to be i'm just saying even if this is true even if she is psychotic it doesn't discredit the theory why should we believe what izzy says if she's lying then she's lying we speculated previously that the chip in her neck isn't a lie because the audience can hear it i can't lie to you [Music] wow it's that painful to remember no i just can't lie to you i was outfitted with a lie deterrent microchip that emits shock waves at the first hint of dishonesty that's a really nice top bridge so we now know based on the show that she cannot lie at all meaning that everything she has said in the show has actually been true up until this point except that doesn't make any sense i'm not done with you ow you mean all that trash you were talking was true no just the rcmp part unless she got the lie chip in between seasons but she lies in action too so maybe she's able to make an electric sound on command or she had it installed recently but that doesn't make any sense either because the aftermath show introduces a new segment called truth or hammer the hammer always plays by the same logic as the chip and all lie detectors and cartoons where it just always knows so we can all assume that if izzy lied she would both get shocked and get hit by the hammer look at that poor guy dude thinks he's next i would never hurt that intern nearly got me that time oh izzy your illusion is slipping she doesn't want anyone to know her plan including us but i'm a mentally unwell obsessed fan i noticed the slip up she forgot to do the shot and if you want to argue that that was just a mistake that's fine but that kind of discredits the whole point of this theory and this discussion we're having which is to cover up plot holes and mistakes and plot armor and make the series make as much sense as possible my guess is jeff went and made a demon deal with dj yeah i think chef threw the acting challenge with duncan so dj's team won and i lost but hey what do i know a lot apparently izzy's plan has always been to find loopholes play people and feign ignorance with this lie chip now established to most the viewing audience she can now get away with anything because most people believe oh she can't lie i'm not saying that the alliance is a lie because we see a video of it don't believe where it is it says the girl is crazy at first i thought she was scrambling but no look at her this is all going according to plan he doesn't seem upset about being eliminated and even uses the opportunity to taunt jeff she does come back the exact next episode but with all this comes a much bigger question what is so important about this game that seems like a dumb question because everyone in the show's priority is to win but why is that obviously it's because they want to win a million dollars but how long does that money last for a teenager or maybe some contestants want to follow the theme song they want to be famous we see a lot of the contestants talking about fame tabloids and fans and in the celebrity manhunt special we see a lot of them use their small dwindling fame on the show to try and have a larger career but izzy isn't just a celebrity she claims to be a professional actress and we see her become one of course she wants to win the money but becoming a actual celebrity will yield way more what's a million dollars to a movie star maybe she picked total drama just because it was the easiest way to get to that fame the only reason i bring this up is because in the aftermath special in between crazy rants that seem to not go anywhere she drops a line about writing a book my life is an open book well not yet but it will be once i write it and you open the book she's already using her total drama fame to plug a book that is the most celebrity [ __ ] i've ever seen and then later in the first aftermath when jeff and bridget start fighting she immediately takes over hosting the show she has now fully proved herself as a reliable asset to the producers and maybe that's why they ask her for favors later that may be her side project but for right now she's going to keep her eyes on the prize season 2 episode 7 izzy returns and claims to be helping the gaffers but then they lose the challenge because of her and she immediately flocks to the other team the winning team her team she also claims again that she never left and she's just been living amongst the prairie dogs which we also know is not true because she was just on the aftermath show again proving that she can in fact lie the point of this video is not really to explain the plot of the show just like the theory itself so i rushed through that explanation as fast as i could because honestly the show does a way better job of explaining what happened than i do so listen to this we voted you off you voted off kaleidoscope [Music] izzy time to go i'm not going anywhere that's not my name can i get a pen over here it says e-scope now okay yo guys want to make sure we keep this ballot in the files as an official record of kaleidoscopes departure i'll notarize it for sight that's why they pay me the big box so is he still technically in the game now that chef has been outed she's back to being in love with owen again or so she says she was ignoring him before this will continue all part of her plan season 2 episode 8 we get a lot of backstory everything izzy says in the series should be taken with a grain of salt but okay this episode consists of all the contestants learning fake medical jargon and then being convinced that they have life-threatening illnesses at the beginning of the episode izzy drops this little nugget of information i am so glad to be back i was top of my pre-med class before the rcmp started chasing me so this should be a snap izzy saying she has a high iq is one thing i'm pretty sure iq has been proven to be [ __ ] recently so whatever but her taking a pre-med class okay andrew why should we buy this she does compound on this information a little bit in the confession booth her second ever confession and the first time she was in it her facade started to slip that's still not really enough to believe her though izzy is the one that notices the fake illnesses on owen he's patient zero and she's also the one to point out oh my gosh first year med school syndrome too much studying and too little sleep can make you think you've got every disease in the book i can see could she already have known this information without being in med school sure but if we're to believe she's intelligent it's not that much out of the realm of possibility i think this is actually one of the few occasions where she tells the truth but that's not even the most interesting part about this info dome ever since izzy has come back to action she seems to kind of be pushing the plot along like if she is medically literate why would she point out this fake illness and push the challenge along when she would know it's not real okay looks like it's quarantine time how very modern but there is no known vaccine for loving lesiana they all believe they're contracting the same illness but it has different side effects which all can be explained away with laxatives itching powder and first year medical blindness except for izzy first of all if she has been a student before then this shouldn't affect her harold believing he legitimately went blind that's in character and that makes sense is he speaking in tongues only makes sense if you believe that she did this on purpose izzy is playing along while dragging everyone else behind her to get the challenge moving it's revealed later in the episode that the challenge itself was to actually solve the hoax and she started it and not only that the gaffers didn't solve it izzy did computer uh playback chris saying suss out way to suss it out thank you izzy should have won the challenge and yet her team loses but she doesn't seem that mad about it aside from izzy there are two other contestants that come back to this game after being eliminated and or banned courtney who used the law and a lot of lawyers which is how we theorized izzy got back on and owen who is brought back as a mole and is there solely to cause drama so chris offered me 50 big ones to come back and stir up the do-do i don't want to cause any trouble because lindsey and beth and duncan and harold are my friends oh and courtney's okay it's weird that owen would be the first choice so who's to say that izzy isn't currently doing that exact same thing because owen does not seem like a good choice for this job so maybe the first mall they picked didn't work out as well as they had hoped it's also probably safe to say that chef isn't on the whole mole business because chris wasn't in on his alliance meaning that they don't converse when they're doing something underhanded little did chris know that chef originally had the same idea and i'd wager to say that chris does not watch the aftermath show i can't imagine he cares about it very much he's not in it this doesn't mean that izzy isn't competing because she is still here to win and by win i mean lose on purpose to vote off all the members of her team she deems as threats season 2 episode 9 is based all around scary movies and what we know by now izzy loves scary movies izzy loves scary movies yet she loses the first part of the challenge while having owen take the fall again and runs away in fear with the rest of her team from an obvious fake prop izzy does not get scared easily this does not make sense unless you consider the fact that maybe someone's throwing the challenge and justin or lindsay would have gotten voted off had dj not intervened does she view lindsay as a threat possibly she definitely views justin as one but all the people on her team aside from maybe beth she has experience with because justin's a threat owens right onto her and she worked alongside lindsay in an alliance but she seems to dislike lindsay a lot and there's no way she's gonna even bother with beth because she's not a threat there's no way beth could win this game she's gonna be pissed later just look at this elimination scene lindsay and justin what i can't be going why would people be mad at me beth you were a little buffy hello it's called leadership the episode is making it seem like lindsay's about to get voted off but like accounting for all the members of the team would beth vote for lindsay would izzy not vote for justin i know owen wouldn't maybe owen and justin voted for lindsay maybe beth voted for izzy it's kind of unlikely at this point of the show that she would have voted off justin and way more unlikely that she would have voted off lindsay so this elimination very well could have been justified we can't see inside beth's head and izzy doesn't care to look in there wait a minute does izzy interact with beth at all in this show such a cutie okay i bought a lot of junk off late night infomercials but i ain't buying that all right my boyfriend had a summer job cleaning up after earthquakes and landslides still not buying it okay izzy you're kind of i really wish my boyfriend was here he's a registered lifeguard uh-huh yeah it would be great if he were here you're right you know what would be better what if he existed in the first place izzy snaps on everyone this episode when she says owen is the only one that legitimately understands her we can assume she's lying but when she sticks with the rest of the team she still seems very mad izzy decides to take charge in this challenge but not in like a crazy way she just becomes the smart one i'll do it no i can't do it just give it to me lindsay lindsay lindsay so come on what are the numbers read them out ah i'm surrounded by loons where oh i love ducks in the actual canon the audience is supposed to believe does this make sense that's a lot of the questions i'm asking does it make sense without the theory does it make sense for izzy to be calling people other than her crazy as like a joke or is is he legitimately smart pretended to be crazy and having all the pressure of everything up until this point she finally snaps and drops her character and gets legitimately mad and tries to lead the team lindsey and justin drop the escape codes they need to escape uh in the water and the implication is that oh no the codes are gone but you could still definitely read them it clearly says three one eleven three six two she drops it on purpose and claims that nobody can read it from now on it's a shame she didn't know what was about to happen the latch breaks so the contestants are left on their own to die they've been threatened by major injury before but this is legitimate death and it only gets worse from here izzy probably thought she was protected but in this episode the people she thought she was working balloons just flew by my window the people she believed she was working for almost get her killed it explains a lot of what happens next episode but before that uh the only reason owen is out of the challenge is because i've lived a lot of years [Music] and that's tragic and most definitely chef's fault but let's look at what happens right before that please after you oh come on you're the one who sacrificed himself for us i insist it is first let me plant this seed in your head if izzy had not stalled him for no reason would he have gotten hit something to think about even geniuses make mistakes but this wasn't on accident this was a choice a choice she will live to regret season 2 episode 11 perfectly follows the plot from the previous episode where izzy finally snaps kind of izzy introduces her new personality explosivo who is destructive and dangerous the show has put izzy under this umbrella of crazy up until this point could this be because the show came out in the mid 2000s and the show runners don't have a very firm grasp on mental health well yeah but but in canada it's because izzy's faking all her illnesses i mean she probably knows a decent amount about mental health considering she was in med school yeah just assumed she knows a lot about mental disorders just because she went to med school those two things don't interact a lot it's not like we have any proof of her seeing through someone else's mental illness that nobody else noticed you're right help mal is keeping me prisoner in my own subconscious wait question who's mao i really did not think all stars would make it into this video at all but it was it helped explosiveo isn't supposed to be izzy it's supposed to be one of izzy's new personalities or at least that's what she wants us to think she purposefully causes a huge explosion with chris the host in the splash zone because she did almost get her killed she loses the challenge for them and then runs right into a trap even though we know by this point that she is a master of avoiding them business as usual that could all be blamed on explosivo after this moment of really pissing them off she probably doesn't have the security of chris or chef anymore she is now competing on her own again unfortunately things are getting a little serious with owen part of her early plan was to associate with owen by claiming she feels all the things that he feels like his fear of flying which actually gets called back to in this episode uh but izzy doesn't have the fear anymore suspicious it's almost like uh she was lying izzy you're sort of female right can you help i mean i had beth and lindsay wrapped around my finger and now i'm getting zero play what's the deal honestly i never really got it i don't think you're so cute it was all a ploy at first but right now owen is the only one on the team that listens to her and kind of understands her and she also he's the only one that she can stand that doesn't mean she didn't purposefully injure him though she needs to keep up her on-screen appearance while also playing the game correctly that's where x plus evo comes in i still really like you that's nice big o but x plus evo explosivo loves just two things the first is boom the second is boom put them together and what do you get owen's holding her back in the tv show that she's keeping up her facade izzy loves owen explosivo does not explosivo does not answer most questions this is also a good cover for her to not have to come up with more lies she could just not answer but in the end it is all for naught because in this episode izzy kaleidoscope explosivo gets eliminated and she seems for the first time ever shocked izzy has been eliminated so many times before now but she's never seemed this shocked this was unaccounted for this was not part of the plan she didn't think this was gonna happen and you know what she's right this doesn't make any sense listen to this line from justin i'm not saying i voted for izzy just because she said i'm not cute okay it was just because of that thing is beth and lindsay told me they were sending me home so you see i didn't lose my mojo i just needed to shake things up with my new patented all-time lady-killing megaflip i'm back baby there are five people on this team if beth and lindsay voted for justin and justin voted for izzy then who you could argue that owen voted for izzy but there's no way he seems so genuinely devastated could he be sad because he regrets his decision and didn't affect voter off maybe but i smell foul play skipping ahead in action a little bit after owen is brought back as a mole and not a real contestant he isn't ever actually voted off in the final four beth and duncan both fought off courtney and owen is fired by chris if we are to believe that she was brought back in the same role to meddle with the game and we can also believe that by the time in this episode when it's proven that she no longer is useful to the guys behind the camera she gets the boot owen's elimination is very public because everyone on the show has found out by that point nobody finds out about izzy so it needs to look like a real elimination owen only comes back because he needs the job izzy comes back because she likes the job and because of a loophole so because of her not technically being eliminated she still has a right to be there they can't fire her unless of course you set up a completely fabricated elimination ceremony and the person pinned on eliminating her is the one who's super injured and disoriented and you are currently medicating hey uh check out this clip my squad in battlefront has won 10 online multiplayer gaming titles battlefront exists in the total drama universe cool i just dropped a big bombshell so i feel like this is equally as important season 2 episode 12 the second aftermath show for most of this episode izzy is actually replaced with a cardboard cutout and uh everyone else uh didn't notice the difference and then she comes she swoops in she baits chef into a piranha pit and then drops this line please welcome miss izzy esquire oh great she's a lawyer too this aftermath episode at this point in the show she is now fully checked out on total drama and she is ready to pursue her blossoming acting career she just wanted one quick bit of revenge against chef after all the aliens and reincarnation and war stuff that may or may not be true moving on this theory is going off the rails season 2 episode 18 she makes a very minor appearance but she's still keeping herself in the cultural zeitgeist needs to remain relevant in the finale of this season izzy does very little and yet is still the most important part of the finale basically in the planned finale uh duncan and beth both tie so the actual finale comes back to uh contestants challenging them and just doing random challenges and hitting them with searing questions and then it all comes down to a vote this is and i'm gonna say this the worst finale in the series even all stars has a better ending izzy is one of the first people to implement the actual challenge aspect of the show and she seems to have information about chef being a secret dj i'm not even gonna get into that because like we said before each total drama season needs to have an alternate ending where the other person wins the vote comes down and it's a perfect tie except for one vote there is one vote that changes who is the winner and you can theorize which votes changed in each alternate universe but the only line that's different is this wow he's not only real he's really handsome now i wish i didn't vote for her in the end it doesn't really matter who won but again with my owen theory i do think it's canonically best she says that she's going to use the money to take her mom and lindsey on vacation and then in the next season we see that they go to paris and just [ __ ] everything up however they did both get arrested and the only reason they were bailed out is because in the celebrity manhunt special they say that beth's parents had to sell their car to baylor out which if they had a million dollars they wouldn't have to do but she did list off a bunch of things and then taking the vacation was the last thing so it's possible she blew her money if any contestant were to win a million dollars and blow it immediately it would have been beth also duncan would not be ecstatic to come back if he had already won like i said though and i keep saying even though i'm digging my own hole that's not the interesting part what is interesting is um there's an even number of contestants sorry let me rephrase this if the votes are neck and neck and then one vote changes it there are two people they're voting for how does one person win at the very end if there is an even number of contestants even if jeff and bridget don't get a vote because they're hosting that's still an even number and it would be weird to have one of them vote and not the other it doesn't make any sense or it wouldn't if that's three votes for beth one vote for explo's evo boom fine the season two total drama winner is the only reason there is a winner of total drama action is because of izzy's intervention again something to think about we have to work up a strategy and call my lawyers after all this election fraud the celebrity manhunt special takes place in between action and world tour and the first actual time skip of the series shows where all the contestants have been since action has ended i mentioned this before a little bit but i didn't compound on it action only takes place a couple days after island we met between tv seasons wasn't that only like two days we met at the orthodontist so i think maybe a year has passed here how long does it take to grow a full head of hair back it's gonna get a little confusing from this point forward so a quick recap up until this point the theory so far is izzy utilize underhanded tactics and just smarter tactics in general to win over and over and keep getting back on total drama she had the exact same plan for the second season but around the middle point she started to lose her patience with the people around her and snapped and got fired she eventually got sick of the reality show aspect and realized she could actually make more money and fame from her acting career post-elimination she signed a stack of movie deals but izzy then manages to lose it all in a very timely parody of christian bale's freak out on sorry think for a second no no no i will not take five i'm ready to go now you call yourself a director of photography why were you walking right to the set why were you walking right through set okay hey just kidding guys i just really went ballistic for no reason and a little tidbit right there that's interesting to think about once she realizes what she's done she defaults back to the crazy persona maybe trying to save face after her film career died she started selling gossip of the other contestants that were most likely told to her in confidence to a gossip blog run by a girl named sierra all along izzy you've been feeding sierra the dirt on your total drama cast mates of course not you're crazy okay sierra and izzy's relationship and sierra in general will be important later i'm sure if you've seen the show you know she claims she needs the money to pay off the rcmp implying that she hasn't paid them off yet but she was a world famous actor they would have caught her at the end of action everyone seems very done with the show after what they've been put through but after they realize that they need the show they come back for season three and izzy is no different it's kind of like squid game in that way and also other ways but better i stand by that izzy goes back to doing some crazy wacky classic easy shenanigans like uh claiming she always feels weightless and planning on building a car with just lumber and oil what i'm more interested in though is that she manages to sneak back into the award show that the kids are trying to get into and then lets the door close behind her what's the deal she wants to be relevant too well it was a trick there never was any total drama dirt bags is that true well mostly i did come up with the name chris threatened to replace the teens with a new cast on a new show but this was all fake just to light a fire under their ass so they would want to come back for season three and it worked he then says he's allowing alejandro to compete anyway after tricking him for compensation but alejandro isn't the only new contestant sierra the hyper-obsessed gossip blogger from before is also joining the cast but why it is my belief that izzy used her insider knowledge which we know she has to figure out a way back on the show so she stops her fellow contestants along the way of doing the easy path and pushes them towards the more extreme one they have one dream to claw their way back to fame no matter what it takes cheating shameless self-promotion sabotage i love those kids you say they were washed out that was before they set off on an unforgettable comeback adventure exactly like she did the challenges in action and i know this is just an izzy theory but i think sierra was in on it i think izzy made a deal with sierra that was mutually beneficial for both of them sierra isn't evil but she's definitely morally questionable i mean like as far as assault goes when it's cartoon women people don't care as much but she's like not a good person it's not crazy to think that she would use underhanded tactics to get on the show she's been obsessed with since it came out to meet the boy she's been obsessed with and it's not only to get on the show what in the world are you waiting for it was a rhetorical question total drama world tour don't forget your baggage premiering monday june 21st at 9 on cartoon network in the first challenge the total drama world tour izzy drives her team all around in the opposite direction and just like messes up the whole challenge and then when she gets to the end she switches teams again like she did in the first challenge in ireland but she switches with sierra and if you've watched world tour before you'd be thinking well she just left team amazon so that's definitely the wrong choice but the plans change in the middle of the show let me pitch you an idea i'm not even sure if i fully believe it yet but i think it's interesting sierra is a hyper-obsessed fan that has watched total drama over and over and picks up little details about each contestant so what if sierra found izzy out what if sierra being the super creepy hyper obsessed fan she has kept watching the show over and over and then came up with a theory that izzy's actually smart and not crazy and she's been pre i'm sierra but i don't know how sure i am that sierra is in on it she runs in fear from izzy being dressed up like a mummy but not enough dressed up like a mummy that they can't tell that it's izzy i think they're just like afraid of izzy heather for sure is total drama world tour is the season izzy fails she's been eliminated before but this is the season she truly loses it's not a coincidence that this is the final season she competes and i know not all the contestants come back for the later seasons but she seems like a pretty important and fan favorite character izzy's crazy act was charming at first in like one or two seasons in small doses but now all the contestants who have been together for such a long period of time are fed up with her lashanna warns dj not to touch izzy as she got the brunt of izzy's shenanigans in the past and the two she manipulated and turned against each other in the first season are friends again and noah is currently talking owen out of the relationship it's clear by this point that noah does not like izzy and normally owen would have sided with izzy over noah but if you watch world tour you know this is the season where they bond the most and if you've watched the ridoculous race you know which one sticks it's a shame they won't last very long but this did put an idea in her head she claims to know a lot about tombs because of a movie she watched she even sings about tombs got a lot of crazy tunes to bust she carries ezekiel mummy out of the pyramid which makes sense for crazy izzy but in this theory i think she just enjoys tormenting ezekiel where is he playing eh i know right let's live watch out i mean he's probably the only contestant that doesn't have some kind of history or beef with izzy and an occurrence of terrible timing she finally got over her justin weakness and now we have a hotter justin the only thing she had over him is that she was always smarter than justin but alejandro anyone with a degree in engineering or an iq of 163 or higher could figure it out okay so we now have the canon iq of two characters i don't know what to do with this information episode two is where a man dies we see a man die in this episode and it will happen again also i talked about this already but izzy talks to a camel and perfectly leads it away from the nile i know this because they were right in front of alejandro's team who seized the nile out of their peripheral which meaning that she definitely saw it and purposefully went in the other direction izzy had always been the crazy character but she was never mean aside from when beth or ezekiel were around but they're losers hear that it's the sound of girls all over the world running and rushing just desperate to lock their doors she's laughing along with heather and the girls about the misfortunes of this poor boy and we know she helped heather kiss trent so she probably doesn't care that much don't take this the wrong way that i think this is like bad writing um i love cody very much but i love watching him get bullied it's fun but in character this is very cold of her she continues to stall with non-sequiturs and nonsense until enough time has surpassed that she decides to lead him back to the nile and then the big switch happens and the only reason it happens is because sierra is able to manipulate chris or she got lucky izzy picked a good scapegoat oh but don't think i forgot how this challenge plays out if all of izzy's moves are strategic then why did she join the worst team because similar to the gophers and the gaffers she needs to remain close with owen while also pushing noah farther away and keeping an eye on alejandro and she needs to keep an eye on alejandro because you ever seen one of these shows before keep your friends close and your enemies closer i knew i would have to use this clip at some point it's so important to the series she could be easily manipulated by him yeah but that doesn't mean she doesn't know what he's up to she did time her move perfectly though sierra had mostly finished weaving the boat and now the amazons can't move the camel izzy tell ruby to get in the whoa whoa izzy's on our team now not yours not a word ooh fun you can keep saying like oh izzy made the wrong decision she was dumb for doing this but some things are out of her control the only reason the amazons do win the challenge is because we're gonna win fair and square but to make sure you believe that talk to the camel yeah okay i know a big component of this theory is to fill up plot holes or character contrivances but this does not make any sense it's just straight up like a dumb choice if you want to claim that alejandro did this to remain under the radar it wasn't even like noah was the one to tell izzy to shut up al would have gone completely under the radar whatever ezekiel gets thrown off a plane but oh boy he'll be back the only important thing to note about episode 3 is that izzy agrees with alejandro's direction which she rarely does to any other authority figure and star wars exists i think i will miss you most of all harold that's a toy lightsaber like we knew battlefront existed before but even smash bros had to like call it a laser sword and whenever their parody it's like okay we can't actually use it but they just call it a lightsaber i don't know it's interesting the large item shape monster we must run think of the children he's so hot episode four is the episode plans start getting made izzy really is the core of her team it's all about proving her worth every time she does something athletic like jumping across icebergs tyler is there to do everything way worse distracting attention away from her while also making tyler look very very bad she's there to warm back up to owen and keep him away from noah's influence this has a secondary effect of enabling owen's loudest and annoying tendencies to annoy alejandra who she still swarms to with the other girls but again she isn't dumb and the first season she stood by while heather did all these things and did not stop her in this season she gets a front row seat to see what alejandro does to bridget she was there she just legitimately cannot help herself is that box radioactive what isn't radioactive these days i can't find the radio anywhere i think someone stole it you would think this is a really good idea like yeah it makes you look crazy but it's just like an actual dumb thing to do but we know about the lying chip thing earlier that she's really good at imitating a clicking noise it's probably just green goo it's still bad for the planet though crossing the icy river in canada's frozen tundra used to be easy back when the river was frozen solid but thanks to global warming and owen earth is finally becoming a lot more interesting by which i mean deadly in episode five izzy switches back and forth between doing incredible athletic acts and then immediately undercutting it with crazy she still wants to win but if people view you as a threat it puts a large target on your back you're good at climbing rope claim to be a rabid monkey do an amazing balancing act purposefully run into a pole right after when you need to melt into the background let the dumb jock do the physical challenge you don't have to watch him sink underwater and not even try and help to save them that's a little too much but i mean she also doesn't help owen up and she says this is the beginning look at vego his fear of flying is so adorable knowing damn well that noah is under there you look familiar holy [ __ ] she was strategical before and didn't really care who she affected but her breakdown in action may have made her legitimately malicious or she just playing the game and wants to break up noah and owen both explanations work welcome to the second half of the challenge bobbing for big apples nyc style i love this show all that izzy does in episode six is try and throw herself in a meat grinder so it has made noah's job to keep her from doing that jokes could be made about noah and grinder very easy jokes but i'm a professional cody's got a tiny sausage at least my team has a sausage needless to say this is the least interesting plan she's done yet and probably the worst one episode 6 is full of mistakes that aren't relevant to izzy at all but i've been analyzing this whole show and i need to talk about it for some reason every time a member of chris is really really really really hot appears on screen it shows the team amazon logo and i thought this was multiple mistakes but upon looking at it it's just the same mistake over and over cody's penis makes an appearance in this episode i think it's cute that tyler waves at the walkie when talking to lindsay even though he can't see her and she can't see him in terms of izzy she actually treats owen pretty [ __ ] this episode while using her ingenuity to create a proper zip line this is an important episode though because the episode alejandro convinces owen that he can't trust anyone other than him and that all his friends are fake while this separates him from noah for the time being which is what she wanted it also separates him from her and closer to al who is a threat this doesn't mean that owen fully believes it though because episode 7 is the first time izzy takes it a bit too far the first time the episode starts with noah telling owen that izzy is a complete and total nut job and owen not responding to that then it's revealed that izzy's in the cockpit with chef i almost said shrek and then she crashes the plane granted she crashes it into the water so there's no fatal injuries but still i mean credit to her she's definitely aggravating owen's fear of flying so he latches onto her more but she's also putting a huge target on her back unless she's doing this for non-competition reasons maybe to frame the pilot it's never really explained before why chef knows how to fly a plane but maybe it's related to the alien war is that what we landed on before forget about that it's not important it's making the theory seem way dumber this season in general has actually lacked the izzy chef interactions we're used to guess what we're playing sculpture piece bingo and chef's winning we can't have that can we look out jeffy alejandro isn't a super fan like sierra but he's watched the show before i mean he knows most the people he thinks he's manipulating her maybe izzy realized that she may have made herself a little too useful the past couple episodes and now needs to seem unhinged and also blend into the background but crashing a plane is a terrible way of doing it i mean she catches the dog mummy for dj and then slam dunks it right in front of his face team victory had already lost the challenge by this point this was not calculated this was just malicious but sometimes malicious acts are done for the sake of the long-term win dj is a formidable player the only reason he got booted so early last season is because he quit and the only reason he got eliminated the season before is because of shenanigans she's probably noticed the team amazon keeps winning and while she also wants to win keeping dj being docile but also still the only member of his team is a good way from keeping your team of voting you off they may not always win but at least they don't always lose that's the perfect middle ground as far as blending into the background goes she just managed to avoid a big part of this challenge noah you will have to move through the lasers owens girth and my muscle chest will not fit we know by this point and they should also know by this point that izzy is a gifted acrobat who could easily jump through those lasers but alejandra doesn't even acknowledge that fact and immediately targets noah it's almost like he's lying and wants to make noah do it for personal reasons quick tie him down before alejandro shows up and makes me do it just because i'm shorter but it's pretty absurd how much of a stink izzy can make while still managing to fly under the radar at the end of the day she still manages to make owen laugh and annoy al while also keeping them separated from noah i'm sure she also managed to make tyler look bad somehow noah was already very skeptical but owen is in a very vulnerable state right now where he doesn't know who to trust izzy keeps doing crazy things which will make noah be like hey you should dump her because she's crazy making owen distrust him because she trusted izzy longer and i know the whole brew is before hose bit and noah is technically right but imagine you are this person you just made a new friend how many times could they say you should break up with your long-term girlfriend before you start to get fed up i did have to wait a while for you to show up fyi izzy likes to sing pop goes the weasel when she this is very important information it's going in the journal oh you're quite the catch piggo welcome to my cruise i separate all izzy information into two categories of four competition and actual backstory izzy manages to catch a lobster and a giant fish on this boat which doesn't make sense because fishing is a very patience based activity and if we're to believe izzy the character is real that doesn't line up i just think it's interesting that as well as acrobatics and acting izzy is for whatever reason also very good at fishing she also drinks a large jug of vinegar we know very little about her past could she have been on a charter boat for the great alien war episode nine izzy falls for the final time i hope you guys like that epic bible reference that's uh gold it's quoting gold izzy managed to keep owen on her crew for a while to throw both alejandro and noah off their games but it only lasted for so long at the beginning of this episode owen confides in noah that he's going to break up with izzy and this is right after she kicks him in the kiwis and then scattered it's a very small room and she just ran away she can definitely hear him i still like her but she's so nutty has a ten ton bag of pecans smothered in peanut butter encased in a cashew the size of china tastes like shoe polish so izzy goes into what i like to call nuclear meltdown mode she picked up on what was happening last season owen was at his most subservient when he was hyped up on medication her plan is falling apart and now that team victory is just dj she's more likely to get voted off than ever but izzy's plan is psychotic and i don't mean in a crazy way i mean just like in an evil way izzy messes with the plane again and when owen approaches her with the we need to talk she immediately jumps out of the plane this leads to owen falling after her but she landed after him because she packed a parachute for herself and left owen to fall and she uses her athletic skills to land perfectly on his kiwis and then the plane falls on both of them i think what i'm trying to say here is that she tried to lobotomize owen unfortunately for her the plan didn't work and owen is relatively unscathed the onset doctor says he's ready to compete very soon but it could also not just be a good doctor izzy pretends to be asleep trying to think of a backup plan but then she's given a golden opportunity it's all my fault i wanted to break up with her and the plane broke her up it's like i made it happen with my mind perfect owen i've devised a mathematical formula for infinite time travel she can guilt-trip him i had a rough outline for how i thought this theory was going to go based on the previous watch throughs i've done of the series which is a lot i like dizzy as a character but i never focused this much attention towards her because she wasn't my favorite so when i was recalling this i watched it the first time as a kid i wrote it as is he is smart now and says smart things but all the stuff she says that's smart is actual nonsense synthesis equals teleportation of course this will render aeronautics obsolete that's not a thing the real izzy was already smart smart enough to make calculations like this but the whole genius move is just to make owen feel guilty oh and also when the plane hit izzy's head doc says it fixed a blockage in her brain but she's so smart now it's spooky she must be smart enough to trick the doctor because that is not a real diagnosis again probably a bad doctor we know she studied medicine and i doubt the total drama on hand doctor is a real doctor she could easily use her expertise to convince him of such chicanery the doctor wasn't the only one is he tricked though the army say goodbye izzy we're airlifting you home for special treatment is he's leaving the competition for good oh is he why did i ever want to break up with you logic we are incompatible ergo the relationship must end as you what wait izzy she has done it again izzy has for the third time found a way to not technically get eliminated this one just kind of fell in her lap she really lucked out this time and she gets owen right back on her side crawling back in the same move genius this is some 40 chests the episode started with him wanting to break up with her and now halfway through he's singing a song about how much he misses her and regrets it outstanding move like in the previous season because she got eliminated the next place we need to check is the aftermath this season they have a new host named blainely i'm sure she won't be important to this at all izzy comes out with a new personality and new name brainzilla all right brainzilla is technically more well spoken than izzy but if you look into the words still very dumb and crazy like the people in canon have to also understand that she isn't making any sense at least now she gets to talk the way she probably does in real life keeping her actual cadence she does talk more like her second audition tape now she doesn't talk like a smart person who is anti-social because they're smart she talks like an alien greetings carbon-based lifeform commonly referred to as bridget how are you brainzilla's health falls within acceptable parameters thank you no actual smart person would call someone that the jimmy neutron sodium chloride bit all over again could this be because she was originally an earth freedom fighter who got reincarnated with alien technology who's to say not me all i'm here to say is she is still actually smart smart enough to get the trivia questions right but brainzilla is still very much a hoax we should know by now by experience that any name change is obviously a ploy to get back into the competition she's got a lot of paths back to the competition really that's probably why as soon as she gets an excuse she immediately drops the new persona and becomes izzy again what a waste of time brainzilla was just there to make owen feel bad and get a free out and she's got both of those things and then she tried to hit a bomb with a hammer she must really hate her competitors now whatever broke her in action really broke her and then a ton of episodes pass and she hasn't returned yet weird like in action she comes back relatively early but in ireland she doesn't go back until like the merge so maybe we need to wait a little longer and the next aftermath show is actually all about getting back on the show the peanut gallery contestants all have a chance to get back onto the show izzy is visibly excited by this which we don't see a lot and jumps on eva the first chance she get they may seem like friends but she has held her down at every opportunity but she gets literal peanuts instead is there anything else of note in this episode um okay enjoy your facial i promise this is less gross in context and then that's the last we see of her in total trauma world tour what i mean she's in the background of the finale with everyone else but she doesn't do anything she has an opportunity to get back in the game right in front of her on her silver platter one that she has used before and she doesn't she doesn't feel the need to come back to the show this time the show she spent the entire series trying to get on and stay on who knows people change i guess action happens right after ireland but world thor is a decent time skip maybe she realized in that time that she'd be better suited in a different role it's important to remember the word she said in her first audition tape i won't be boring ever since season one she has made every challenge harder but more entertaining she took over the hosting duties of the aftermath show multiple times maybe just maybe she sees more money and fame in the hosting business because of that she's got a new target in her radar oh you want to hear something really fun they wanted me to host the show you only got the job because i said no and [Music] i knew blanely would be important i mean i did kind of say it as a throwaway joke but i knew this was going to happen in the season the producers are actively looking for chris's replacement but christo fights tooth and nail to remain on the show total drama revenge of the island features a couple legacy characters coming back to help with challenges but most of them either seem like they don't want to be there or just go into business for themselves except for one returning contestant izzy izzy takes her spider role very seriously like she's the most active player in any challenge aside from heather but that wasn't part of the challenge proving that she is a useful utility to the total drama family she's rising through the ranks but she's still pretty low on the totem pole until you remember total drama revenge of the island ends with chris getting arrested you're busted mcqueen for what creating an environmental disaster that's what the residents of wawan aqua your island is now under government protection where have i seen those helicopters before izzy became a double agent so she can get chris arrested and take over hosting duties of the show is there anyone she can outsmart and these four seasons the whole plot all together this would be a nice ending to her story leaving it ambiguous to what she does next but then we got a new season of all-stars it would have been a nice ending to our story had the producers not bailed chris out of jail bummer you'll get them next time she just gets to reprise her role as the spider in this season and takes his dive formal to cement him as the new big bad implying that izzy was the villain in every season prior which is what i want to believe and that's pretty much it so far you see two new seasons of total drama were announced coming to hbo max coming soon but that was a long while ago i don't really know how the cast is going to work for the new seasons or how legacy characters are going to work but maybe we'll see izzy return and there will be new information that will add to this theory maybe the writers are aware of this theory and we'll lean into it more maybe they'll make izzy the new host i mean it's pretty much all she wants now and now that we're at the end i just hope i convince you guys to see the series the way i do i hope i hope you believe me even if you don't believe this theory as long as there's that little spark of doubt in the back of your head i did my job i love total drama and i love analyzing it if i'm gonna insist on watching it every year maybe i'll keep doing videos like this maybe i'll pick a different character there's some other characters who actually have some interesting things if you look into it deeper let me know who you think should be next just don't pick like ezekiel because it's pretty cut and dry he's just a freak but it's gonna be a while before we get there the interesting thing about these videos is in my research i get hyper focused on that one thing so the topics kind of bleed over to the next month so a lot of these videos kind of piggyback off each other i got in a total drama because i was watching clips of it from like the past thumb stuff and the only reason i did the star wars thing after that because i was watching the star wars night where total drama was also airing i'm like oh yeah cartoon network star wars thumbs total drama and it all kind of mixed in my head so maybe next month's video will be related maybe it won't be related at all i just at least know that i will write too many pages and refuse to cut it down and then won't be able to sleep until the video is done that's a sad ending [Music] [Music] i
Channel: BoyzHubUltra
Views: 1,342,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cartoon Network, Nostalgia, childhood, retro, throwback, total drama, total drama island, Heather, Izzy, Owen, Gwen, Duncan, theory, cartoon, animated, animation, watch, party, speculation, conspiracy, video essay, proof, rabbit hole, psychopath, disorder, mental, study, challenges, reboot, alliance, vote, elimination, sing, song, music, character, Total drama action, total drama world tour, teletoon, aftermath, 6teen, goth, egirl, crazy, tiktok, meme, funny, comedy, shitpost, out of context, compilation, clips, gay, ship, shipping
Id: oLi61jh9AlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 51sec (6051 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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