What race should you roll as a warrior? (Horde)

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hey guys scram here so today we're gonna be talking about the horde races for warriors we're gonna break down all four races and talk about the pros and cons for both PVE pvp is well you know tanky and DPS for PvE and poor we get into the video I'm gonna link the Alliance version of this video in the description and in the first two minutes of that video I really talked about like why it's important to roll the race you like or you know not roll race do you dislike I won't bother repeating myself here I'll just go ahead and put the link down in the description for those who haven't seen that video there other than that let's get started so first we have orcs orcs of course have expect which is the Horde equivalent human basically since orcs the only race on toward the geta weapon specialization instead of swords and maces like humans get hordes get access and sexually take a look at axes real quick okay so here we're on classic database let's go to database items weapons and 100 axes and we don't even have to put anything in the filter because let's just do it by level now these are all the epic axes in the game you know there's a jack to the deep woods this is a low level but as far as rate axes go this is it this is all we had to work with now only one of these axes is available phase one and phase two as a matter of fact and that's death bringer Death Bringer drops off of nicosia it's a pretty rare weapon it's not great for tanking it's very slow thanks usually you want faster weapon typically and as far as DPS goes orcs will not replace this weapon for a very long time so as a tank don't count on getting one of these nor would you really want one for that matter Phase two nothing really drops or no these drop in phase 2 and phase 3 we get dooms edge and croushore oak ever you say that educate this is the ax you want even both these are two point three speed as you can see dooms edge and croushore oak which is still not an ideal speed but dooms edge does drop of trash and be LVL so this is pretty easy to get you might get multiple these in a single run and it's unique so uh you know only one per person unlike Death Bringer which you can have two of these and croushore oak is what you really want drops off enough again pretty where I draw I would give this to the tank first if it was up to me just because it has even though it's kind of weird speed just 62 DPS is a incredible dps for one-handed weapon in phase 3 nothing else compares to it so yeah as far as tanking goes or axes as you can see and none of these you have course rank 14 and then rest are available in like phase 5 and 6 so as far as axes go for tank for dps you know there are a few options of course as far as tanking goes you really want to go for daggers instead not only is there not a lot of good access as you can see but uh daggers you really want the fast weapon speed especially on horde just because of like how wind fear works and so any any horde race as far as weapons go goes chances are you're gonna be going for daggers instead in one of the + dagger skill items so orcs are actually just because they have +5 weapon skill doesn't automatically make them the best Hank Grace and one more quick thing about weapons skill that I'd like to mention is that weapons skill applies primarily for bosses mobs that are you know three levels above you as far as trash goes you in level 61-62 mobs level 16 blow all that like if you're an off tanking you're never really tanking bosses then weapons skill for tank losses lavas value so you can easily a lot of people in asking me about like off tanking like you know I plan me an oft anq how's it different one of the main differences is that you don't really need weapon skills in off tank because you'll rarely if ever be tanking mobs that are level 63 so weapon skills far less important is an off tank so keep that in mind when choosing weapons moving on the blood fury this is a two minute cooldown it kind of acts as a an attack power trinket you know that you don't have to equip which is nice however it does give you a morale strike debuff 50% reduced healing for 25 seconds after you use it so for tanking this is you really never want to reduce your healing by that much even if you're not taking a lot of damage I personally don't like the idea of reducing my healing received by 50% that's a lot so this is mainly something you used while dpsing when you know you're not going to take damage right away PvP if you're by yourself obviously it's good for tanking not so much and as far as how will scale when you level right now Meiji has something on the github that I'm putting on the screen right now that says orc racial blood for your scales restraint from gear and buffs but not with flat plus attack power so that's how it should be on classic we don't know how much to talk how much it's gonna grant it sixty exactly but honestly it depends on your strength like it says kind of so much strength you get from gear so it's nice racial half again not good for tanking but good for DPS in PvP next we have command which is your pets do five percent more damage warriors don't have pets so it's the useless relational for us and hardiness which is of course twenty five percent additional stone exist on top of whatever stone resist you already have this is for PvE it's not great even there's a lot of stuns in PvE that don't fall into this racial for example anything that knocks you down even though the tooltip says stun knock downs don't count stuns it's something the mobs do and even a lot of like Boston's I think some stones just go by this racial or go by past this racial should I say so this isn't the best racial for PvE but for PvP should I've talked to Alliance rogues who don't even attack or warriors just be they don't even come out stealth attack them just because of the 25% additional standards just this is a very powerful racial for PvP and if you and honestly all these Rachel's combined I would say they make orc the best all-around warrior for Horde like if you want to do a little bit of everything if you want to tank and DPS n PvP seriously considered rolling org because they have they're very good all-round rachel's next up we have undead cannibalize you can use this to get some health back after you kill a human arm dead target this racial is probably the best racial in the game for disrespecting people after you kill them in pvp not only nothing's worse than not only getting killed by horde but uh you know getting your corpse eaten - it's no fun you know - it's really good at triggering people outside if you love pooping and you love disrespecting your opponent you know this is a great read i'll do that shadow resist you know can shadow resist doesn't there's not really any straight shadow just fights in PvE so really this is it's not a really great racial underwater breathing 300% additional you can stand you can stay underwater you know for 300 percent longer work three times or four times longer how much it is you know not really there's not really a lot of underwater activity in vanilla so again this is it's kind of a neat racial I guess but it really doesn't come in handy too often and then our last one is of course will the Forsaken makes you mean to charm fear and sleep effects you know not polymorph for five seconds it breaks you out of them and makes you mean for the next five seconds this is of course I think everyone knows about this Rachel it's great for PvP it's less useful for warriors because we can all right break fear and there's not really any sleep effects in PvP but as far as charm goes yeah it is warlocks succubus can charm you and it's a really good way of dealing warriors so I'm PvP and Alliance warlocks are not as common as Hardware locks granted mainly because Alliance warlocks have to deal with undead all day writing their fears and charms but when you do to me when you do meet an alliance warlock out in the world this is nice the racial half in PvE it doesn't come as in handy as much the extra for your break is nice honestly sometimes even with circa rage and death wish it is nice to have an additional for your break certain situations and certain like trash mobs there's not many charm and sleep effects in PvE but there are a few and so this is undead warriors or I I would say they're probably the worst overall warriors for PvE but um you know because besides well the first take and now the other Rachel's really come into play at all but well the Forsaken can't be handy even for a warrior in both PvE and PvP next up we have torn of course we have cultivation which lets us pick flowers that much easier increases our urban skill by plus 15 which eventually doesn't matter when you max out remaining because there's no herbs in the game that require over 300 to pick but uh it is nice for leveling herbalism gives you a little head start I guess endurance is 5% health and unlike I've mentioned this before in a previous video but I'm like later expansions this is in vanilla in this racial grant to 5% of your total health from all sources stamina puffs consumables Falasca tightens gear everything every single health source that you have it just increases by five percent more do this racial this doesn't always result in a huge amount of stamina and effort some people argue like oh if you're never at five percent health this you know this ratio is useless it never comes into play well sometimes I have there's definitely been situations where I have been at five percent have only so this racial isn't useless and another thing that I want to point out that's less noticeable is that let's say for example you have $4,000 while you're tanking something and something hits you for like forty 100 or just barely over 4,000 and kills you well you know with this racial with 5% more health that hit wouldn't have killed you if you were you know if you're a different race besides torn when it killed your fewer torn so those things are less noticeable basically if you get hit for you know a little more than your current health and die then a 5% more health quote saved you so it's not I'm not saying it's a like the best racial ever but it is a nice little boost I'm a fan of it next we have a nature resistance which you know just ten nature resistance decent for aq but you know ten is not significant war stomp is my I love this racial I've played a I played a torn warrior for about a month earlier in the year at males late last year that's some writing on it did some five minutes as well or stomp is I love this ability it's the only two minute cooldown it stuns up to five things around you for two seconds that can has a very short cast time 0.5 seconds even if you're taking damage you know you're not gonna suffer a lot of pushback if any when you use this spell and it can save you stunning the mops for two seconds so you can get a heel off you can stun them then piercing howl and right away someone else get like a mage can frost Nova's you run away if your help is low or you know interrupts casting there's all kinds of cool things you can do with the NATO is done it's very useful racial both for PVE and pvp pvp i mean excuse me PvE even um a lot of trash mobs especially I would say likens all grub you know twenty minutes even in forty minutes though there's a decent number of trash mobs there's tunnel having a stunt like this is quite handy so we're stomp just a great ratio all around and it seems like that might be it for the torn Rachel's but there is of course a fifth hidden racial for Torrance and that is the increased tip box horns are big and they actually have a slightly larger hitbox than other races what that means is they get about I think it's three yards to their mail arrange someone correct me if that's incorrect but they get a I believe they get three extra yards on the melee range wits which makes it so that I mean PvP you know it makes it harder for people cut you because if someone's just out of your melee range as any other race that won't work as a torn you know torrents will be able to hit them from slightly farther away and for PvE mainly for trash mobs sometimes mobs will you know someone else will get aggro on the back and moms over on past you and being able to taunt them or attack them before they run out of range is it's very handy to be able to do and it sounds like torrents will be better doing that than other races well which is it's very appealing for me I've I think this is gonna be a good ratio for tanking as well as PvP and if you ever want to decrease your hitbox is a tauren you can always use a noggin fogger elixir or a savory diva delight to change form into either a skeleton or human and that will that's been tested I believe deviate delight has been tested on the beta so far and it doesn't that reduce your mainly a box to that of a you know other race beside storm so if you ever want to cancel this Rachel you're you know you're able to last our list is troll trolls have bee slang which increases their the damage that they do to beasts by five percent as far as forty man raid bosses ago the only two beasts are manga door and make snow out of multi corn naxxramas respectively there are a few more trash mobs that are beasts and in twenty man's I think they're in Zoll grubs some of the bosses when they transform into their animal forms or concerta beasts but this is a decent racial well it's obviously an ice cream you're fighting beasts but most of the time you're not and in PvP it only really affects hunter pets and I believe druids when they're in feral form or concerned beasts so that's a it's good for the troll bad for the druid but I think it does work against druids as well next up we have buzzer King which is is far as tank rachels go this is one of the only ones actually that this is one of the only moves that usually affects a boss when you're taking a boss and increase to your tack speed between 10 or 30 percent depending on what your health is when you pop it fear I believe that's when you're 40 percent or less health it gets the full 30 percent benefit only the last 10 seconds is through minute cooldown but this is basically having a like a free trinket that gives you a nice amount haste depending on when you pop it it's not always easy to use it is fortunately it's not in the global cooldown so you can use it at the same time use another move but it's not it's not the most straightforward easy racial to use at all times it's you know another button that you have to push while tanking while worrying about everything else so is a brand new tank this you know using berserk King opted to link is definitely I think take some time to get used to it's not absolutely necessary for threat you know you don't have to be a troll main tank is hard to be a little threat but it is just a nice little tool that they get that uh you know now the other races really get anything that compares to it as far as that goes third we have Owen throwing specialization which are both useless not even we're talking about really as for regeneration this is of course the best racial in the game in fact you hardly only you need a healer when you're tanking when you have this racial your health will just go up so fast faster and you even can believe so actually trolls are you know this facial sucks um again 10% you get like two health per five I think in combat or something just extremely minuscule like that specials a meme so yeah as for which race I'll be rolling a lot of people have been asking me my priorities when it comes to vanilla endgame are tanking then PvP then DPS DPS I care the least about of all three of those obviously I tank the most and I do enjoy world PvP as well as well as some battlegrounds from time to time so with that being said I will be rolling torn and the reason twirling orc is because again orcs are I would say they're hot biggest quality is PvE DPS do their racial again that's my lowest priority and the stun resist is of course amazing for PvP I'm gonna miss that honestly that's a you know a factor for sure something I would like but as far as tour is concerned you know we have again we have war stomp which is you know a great ability in my opinion the five percent health is nice you know health is great in world PvP and the I really do believe the larger hitbox will I think that'll be effective whiny it to be and again if you like say you're getting kind of by a major hunter and there you know forty yards away and they can get even get a little bit farther away because of your hitbox um just Papa noggin fogger or deviate slight you can do that you can have those in your bags pop them on the spot and camps on the buff whenever you want your uh your size back so there's actually you know hella you might be a seeing pvp fights where horns are going back and forth between forms even it happened but uh just the worst on think resized and the extra health really sell torn for me and as far as troll you know you might be asking you know a lot of people thought I was gonna go troll and I will say that if my only priority was sales and taught and I'm I'm talking like the best you know PvE guild on the server you know clearing vwl and in half an hour that's I'm talking about kind of level if I was in that kind of guild as the main tank and that's all I did I didn't really PvP or anything else I just main tanks for that guild then I would roll twelve hundred percent outside because the at that level every little bit helps and at that level having deserting is a lot more it's a lot more of a benefit than you know having it at a lower level of writing and although even at that level rating you don't need certain you don't need to be a troll I've seen torn main tanks generate way more threaten anyone else you know it just depends on the player and your gear and everything else but lurking is not gonna it doesn't make troll tanks that much better in other words from what I've seen so yeah keeping out from me I'll be a giant cow and and if you're if you're gonna play horde let me know down in the comments what race you're gonna play and I'll see you guys on my next video please
Channel: Skarm Tank
Views: 183,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, vanilla wow, classic wow, classicwow, feral, warrior, tanking, prot warrior, feral druid, naxxramas, naxx, mcp, crowd pummeler, gold, gold farming, gold farm, parry, wow tanking, warrior tanking, druid tanking, healing
Id: KLp-vA_KBUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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