Comprehensive Classic WoW Guide - Warlock | PHASE 1: PRE-RAID BIS, Quests, Macros, & Talents |

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hello everyone my name is grim prospect and I'm here to talk to you a little bit about warlocks so strap on your soul shard bag and let's get started [Music] I'm going to assume you know the basics such as warlocks using their summon pets and their damage over time effects to bring enemies to their knees warlocks are an incredibly strong class especially throughout the leveling process with amazing PvP potential and outstanding DPS towards the later half of the raid cycle warlocks stand out as one of the most awesome classes to play in classic Wow before getting started I'd like to cover a few tips that will make your life a little easier as a warlock we will start with one of the most important factors for leveling I [Music] met wands wands are critical to improving your leveling efficiency for all casters and let's be real here they are pretty much lightsabers at certain levels allowing you to cut through enemies like butter at some points being stronger than your normal dps rotation not to mention the mana you say while using it because of the five-second meta rule if you are unfamiliar with the five-second rule it simply refers to the effect that prohibits the recovery of mana from spirit until five seconds have passed from weeny last cast the spell spells from free effects such as clear casting or nature swiftness do not trigger the five-second rule also once do not require the global cooldown to be finished before activating them though with that in mind you want to do your best to pick up a wand early on the earliest one we can pick up is from the enchanting skill the lesser magic wand with an outstanding eleven point three DPS it is equipped to greatly increase your leveling speed from level one you want to start stockpiling linen cloth and or pick up skinning you start gathering like leather you're going to need between fifty to sixty linen cloth plus a minimum of four silver and seven copper to make the wand when you have your linen and money ready to go pick up tailoring after enough bolts of linen cloth and brown leather shirts to get level 30 just be sure to keep at least 24 bolts of linen cloth with level 30 tailoring craft a minimum of eight Brown linen robes then train enchanting to level nine by disenchanting your eight robes unless you get really unlucky you should have received at least two lesser magic essences along with a bunch of strange dust craft a ruined copper rod with one of your lesser magic essences for level 10 enchanting then purchase some simple wood and train for lesser magic wands if you fall short of the eight robes to disenchant and want to try you can perform enchant minor health for a few lucky folks with your extra strange dust just keep in mind your a bit worse but it's not impossible to get lucky on your wand run I mentioned this as a back-up plan because not everything in classic Wow always happens according to plan some players might not get 50 to 60 linen cloth at a convenient time so be ready to adapt to also consider checking the auction house if the server you are on has already been out for a bit since players might have had the chance to post some extra ones on the auction house this is a great way for you to catch up and use your linen cloth for first aid even buying reasonably priced linen cloth using trade chat or the auction house can make up for a few missing linen drops leatherworking can also provide you with additional items to disenchant if using skinning this can allow you to combine your linen cloth with your skinning gains rather than going into depth on this I just want you to know that the strategy exists but I lean more towards the enchanting tailoring path as I said before in classic Wow you need to be able to adapt to your surroundings next let's cover a few macros that can make your life a little easier while leveling the most simple and yet useful macro being the slash pet attack this macro will send your pet to attack your target the second you click the spell I would recommend tying it to a spell strategically and not every ability this is because sometimes you want your pet to stay on one target while you work on another it works great when combined with an opener ability so you can start attacking with your pet at the same time to go one step further you can also add a dismount function to your opener slash pet attack macro flash dismount should work in classic Wow since they are using the updated client macro codes having a dismount macro can sometimes help you catch rogues out of stealth after a SAP or to prevent them from Reese Delphine while stunned since you need to be dismounted for your pet to attack the rogue slash stand is a great command to work into your opener slash pet attack macro since it can get you up and ready for battle or you can use the add-on Auto stand this is important since in classic Wow you are prevented from casting while sitting moving on I personally prefer to use the default attack holo and stay commands better bound to control one two and three but you can bind these with slash pet follow and so on if you would like full control of your pet yet I would recommend using slash pet follow in conjunction with Rin soul it trying to get procs of improved rain soul improved rain soul will not activate if your pet steals the killing blow so ideally you want to pull them off at the very last minute once you acquire for a soul shard bag at level 20 you can start using this drain soil macro I personally start using this macro when I put my first point in to improve drain soul do you keep up with how many soul shards I get this macro will allow you to cast whatever rank drains soul you like I recommend Rank 1 as it's the most amana efficient when leveling but also will automatically delete the last item in your fourth bag slot of course you want to put your soul shard bag in your fourth slot and this macro will only delete your soul shards if your bag is full this way your soul shards won't start creeping their way into your main bags alternatively you can use the add-on necrosis who manage your soul shards automatically however you still want to use the macro to pull your pet off the mob while leveling to make sure you're getting improved drain soul procs if you want to bind one of your pets abilities to your action bar a simple macro such as this will work this is a nice macro that combines a few pet abilities that you typically want to have full control over keep in mind all of these macros can get a lot more complex depending on your ability to craft them for instance I added a clear target and target last target to stop myself from wanting and instantly starting my drain soul macro ideally these are nice macros to get you started and to make your life leveling a little easier now let's talk about some important quests you look out for on your way to level 60 and if you are new to my guides the red is for the Horde only quests and the blue for the Alliance green will signify the questions for both sides also the map is meant to show the potential for PvP or each faction in any given area the following question I'm about to cover don't include every single one these are just a collection of important warlock or caster focused quests with nice rewards feel free to leave a comment down below with your favorite quests to do on a warlock with that out of the way let's begin first up at level 10 every warlock wants to pick up the binding chain or the void Walker summon it's a bit hard to miss as there are a few breadcrumb quests leading to it or the Alliance we have gathering idols if you didn't pick up the wand from enchanting but might be a little bit out of your way in lock mode n if you find yourself on the coast of Westfall pick up the coastal menace from the spooky pirate ghosts captain Grayson this quest rewards you with the torchlight wand which is an upgrade from your enchanting wand but might be worth skipping if you find yourself closer to the greater magic wand well this quest is an alliance territory I can't confirm that it will be available to any horde player that is willing to make their way to Westfall or horde folk questing and silver pine forest we have the wand of decay at level 20 return to your appropriate head warlock we start on the devourer of souls question or your succubus and first soul shard bag once you receive the bag I definitely would recommend using the macro I spoke about earlier as we don't want our bag overflowing with soul shards but still want to use drain soul to get improved drain soul aprox also around level 20 we have a few nice questing options in Kalimdor the orb of Sauron group which has you collecting fragments in two different dungeons shadow Franky and black phylum deeps the reward is not amazing but if you have plans on running those dungeons this quest is worth picking up additionally I would highly recommend picking a black fathom villainy inside black fathom depths itself you can pick up the quest from argent guard veil red by swimming into a hidden tunnel deliver Twilight Lord Calrissian said or the amazing gravestone scepter at level 30 all warlocks should head back to star hut Farson in ratchet for your volunteer and improve soul shard bag one level later you have the ability to pick up the enchanted golden blood robe this is a great chess piece for its level and it is not all that hard to get just bring the robes of our from the auction house or craft it with tailoring and also bring a gold bar after a bit of traveling and some Seder blood you will now have your brand new chests from the same MPC you can pick up fragments of the orb of aura at level 35 this quest has you killing a level 40 elite demon but with a few friendly players you can get this done quite early be on the lookout to team up with some mages during this quest as they also have a quest to kill him be sure to choose the DAR or him and not the North or Hill West path reward as the DAR or he'll reward you with a shadow damage weapon which is the majority of your damaging spells also this quest gives you a choice between a staff or an offhand I would definitely recommend taking the offhand as any mediocre main hand can make up for the four shadow damage lost and the orb comes with a very handy healing activate if you find yourself questing in Badlands pay a visit to wriggle fuzz and fell during the lost Riggle fuzz sends you across Azeroth for some pearls but rewards you with a decent wand ldren will send you to under city or iron forge just know you need to complete the quest solution of doom before felled Rijn will let you at his forbidden knowledge once you visit your faction city they will have you travel east of silver Pine Bengal Thorin Vale and a small island east of the Barrens to kill some powerful elites however it is well worth going through all the effort for the skull of impending doom this is a fantastic item that will stay with you for your entire vanilla career as it grants you a great speed boost and can be swapped during combat I would recommend that everyone try to get this quest done as it sees great use for all kinds of circumstances most notably PvP and a level 40 it's time to mount the pony simply visit our HUD Farson for your brand new mount if you have tailoring highly recommend getting shadow Weaver done in searing gorge this rewards you with the tailoring pattern chat a weave mask alternatively you can pick up the entire set off the auction house if you skipped over tailoring but I prefer to be proactive on a fresh realm environment regardless of your profession choices I would recommend every warlock be decked out in full shadow wave gear by level 44 each piece has a different level requirement but provides you with an outstanding amount of shadow spell damage making it critical to improving your levelling efficiency for the last two quests on my list visit argh friend MC info would the quest and imps request is a level 50 class quest which was not introduced into vanilla until later on however there have been many who hope and believe that Blizzard will release them in Phase one so with that in mind if this quest is in the game I highly recommend getting this done as soon as possible MC will require a piece of fel cloth from you F first then heavy collecting rotting wood from the surrounding tree creatures after you get those resources for MCS pet he will send you into sunken temple foursome feathers once you return to him he will reward you with the hardest choice of your young warlock life the robes aren't really in the running as you can get a solid few upgrades from different sources however the trinket provides you with an extremely unique effect you may or may not use the rest of your classic career but the soul harvester is an amazing looking scythe and can be used for a while into molten core however it will be replaced eventually and there really isn't a trinket quite like the abyss charred for the rest of the game this is an extremely hard choice and I haven't been able to find a consensus so I will leave a poll in the description for you to vote on at level 50 MC will also give you a chain to unlock your inferno run around Azeroth killing select demons or some flawless fel essences to summon a level 55 a league and that'll do it for the questing section of my guide now that we have the path let's cover a few leveling specs warlocks have many different options for leveling however for the sake of the video length I will primarily cover one leveling build and a few in-game builds that being said I would at least like to briefly mention a few of the alternative builds for leveling afterwards so for a primary build I have decided to craft an image for you for you to reference later while leveling this will hopefully help you have a clearer idea as to my recommended path or leveling with this build however keep in mind this is not the perfect build for everyone and the beauty of classic Wow is that there is not always one right way to do something this build is one of the more popular leveling builds for warlocks we start by putting a few points in to improve corruption just enough to make our cast fast enough to where our global cooldown is resetting as we are finished casting then the rest into suppression to reduce the resistance of our targets just can allow your warlock to fight higher level targets or even in a PvP scenario where you need to spam fear to escape a higher level next we unlock improved rain soul so we can start taking advantage of the mana regeneration it provides this is when we want to start using our improved rain soil macro I spoke about earlier the pull our voidwalker off the mob before it dies this will ensure that we get the killing blow and get a proc of improved rain soul as it requires the warlock and not the pet have the final blow following this from level 17 to 24 we put points into demonology to unlock improve void Walker this is an outstanding leveling talent as it improves your void Walker's threat and gives you a large sacrifice shield then we want to jump back into the affliction tree to unlock nightfall once a nightfall is unlocked we want to start capitalizing on as many procs as we can so be sure to apply corruption as soon as possible at level 41 and 42 we need 2 more points in the affliction tree to unlock shadow mastery but aren't left with any clear-cut options so between curse of exhaustion improve drain life and fell concentration I will leave up to your play style curse of exhaustion can be nice as it allows you to have an emergency kiting button combined with amplified curse maybe you're running into a lot of warriors on your server making this a big benefit alternatively you could be leveling on a PvE server pulling fairly conservatively and prefer to have a little bit extra healing from your improved drain life lastly could put points into fel concentration if you find yourself drain tanking or pvping extremely often however I have a tendency to prefer curse of exhaustion over the other two as it offers the warlock an extra tool in their arsenal but if another option is more beneficial to your play style go for it even going as far as putting extra points into the 3 i spoke about and taking them out of improved curse of agony then switching back to demonology to max out fel intellect only stopping at level 50 the unlocked fel domination fell into leg gives your void walker more total casts and fel domination gives you a speedy summon for emergencies then finish up the last few levels with fel stamina and unholy power and after that your level 60 Congrats now before we move on to ingame builds i'd like to quickly cover the alternative leveling builds I personally think it can be quite fun leveling with a different setup as it can really change your strengths and weaknesses the first alternative build focuses on unlocking three powerful talents rather than focusing on one specific tree improve drain soul improve Walker and shadow burn from here we can go a few different directions we could opt for ruin with siphoned life and curse of exhaustion this bill gives you amazing dungeon performance maximizing your DPS capabilities at the cost of your mana efficiency there are a number of paths we could use to get to this build for instance you could plan on unlocking ruin as soon as possible but I would recommend at least putting two in to improve life tab first as you are going to be extremely mana starved also if you plan on running a lot of dungeons intensity could be more useful to you then improve searing pain then searing pain generates massive amounts of thread but it could be useful in some PvP circumstances for our last alternative leveling build we have deep demonology this build gives you a lot of sustain making you one of the tanky aswer locks out there with the use of soloing however before considering going down the demonology tree I would highly recommend putting a few points or even finishing off improves corruption before heading further beyond improve avoid Walker towards soul link most warlocks won't want to sacrifice the damage potential lost by going deep into the demonology tree so some opted to respect in the mid-forties this allows you to take advantage of the most powerful talents early on in the affliction tree and unlocking impure void Walker I could even see something that potentially looks like this before a respek alternatively you could level in a similar fashion to our main affliction build then respecting but the decision is in your hands as far as leveling is concerned I'm not a huge fan of proclaiming that one method is superior to the other because I believe this to be subjective unless it pertains to power leveling if something seems fun or interesting don't be afraid to try it out however when it comes to raiding if you are in a hardcore raiding guild that is trying to push content I feel that it is one's responsibility to the other 39 raid members to perform their utmost best so keep that in mind when I speak about these in-game builds as they will be more geared towards top performance rather than say for instance the dreaded boom can meat cleaver DPS even though I love me some boomkin meat cleavers her stuff for the rating specs the Deus ruin spec referring to demonic sacrifice and ruin the five points put into affliction to unlock improved life tab our personal preference this build focuses on apply your rate assigned curse and spamming all the shadowbolts you can while weaving in shadow burns for extra DPS the spec provides you with a huge DPS potential and can be used for farming since you can sacrifice your void Walker or the extra 3% health every four seconds based on the information we have currently Blizzard appears to be planning on having sixteen debuff slots starting in Phase one this will allow some warlocks to take up an extra debuff slot these corruption if you want to be sneaky or make a good case to your raid leader try out SM ruin also known as shadow mastery ruin this allows you to use an imp in the tank group for his blood pact ability while it doesn't provide an amazing health boost it does stack with fortitude SM ruin warlocks have a little more mobility than DS Roo and warlocks would typically have also it is pretty hard to reach the 16 debuff limit in dungeons making dot spamming viable just make sure you warned your tank if you're going to do this and with a few changes the spec can become a solid PvP choice to another PvP build I'd like to mention is the nightfall soul link build this talent setup will turn you into a tanky beast of a warlock with a decent DPS output it can hold its own in some PvE content as well typically you would run a fell hunter in this build to spell lock and devour your opponents to death this last build I'd like to cover is for those warlocks that misclicked in character selection and meant to pick a mage make no mistake I love doing something your opponent would least expect and you can put some slimy damage out with this next I'll set up it focuses on maximizing your warlocks destructive potential for PvP while holding your own in dungeons it allows you to play boldly with your mana using an improved life tab and gives you 15% more HP with demonic embrace but the real threat lies with your explosive potential to 100 to zero someone all in a few seconds even the best geared players can't always stand up to a decently geared warlock chewing up a giant soul fire only to follow it up with a con flag and a shadow burn finisher and then if they're still limping away but bard them with some huge searing pain crits there are so many more builds that I would like to talk about for warlocks sometime in the future but I think these should hold you over until then and with that I think it's time we talk about some phat loot before we go over the pre-raid biz I'd like to talk a little bit about a blue post made in April to sum up a pretty lengthy post it pretty much states if an item were added after or during the Ahn'Qiraj patch then we should expect it in phase 5 however stats on existing items will be set at their final 1.12 conditions this means that some items that were not originally best in slot in vanilla will be best in slot in phase one of classic Wow with that out of the way let's begin by talking about the new design of the pre red biz map I have created for you I have marked each piece with a golden warlock symbol with the ideal stats that we are looking for however I have included some backup pieces for you to hunt for with solid stats that you could take into raids but with that in mind let's get started by talking about some weapons I have chosen to exclude the soul harvester from my list as it is a class quest reward and blizzards wording on the inclusion of class quest has been ambiguous if an amps request is in phase one I would consider soul harvester if you have zero interest in the trinket however our main focus for weapons will be the Witchblade from Dark Master candling inside scholomance and the ever elusive drake stone of shadow wrath from the various Drake's in sunken temple while the inventors focal sword makes a decent backup for the Witchblade there isn't really a worthy substitute for the drake stone if you were running into problems getting the drake stone of shadow wrath specifically you should not give up but the umbral crystal or a drake stone with the wrong stats and hold you over until you get the right one that being said I would not recommend taking the drake stone without the shadow damage into a raid unless you have absolutely no choice if you're finding no luck with any of these options the solstice staff of shadow wrath can be a nice substitute and is sometimes overlooked in the auction house for wands we ideally want to pick up skulls gastly touch from inside Stratholme but as the spawn rate is somewhat infrequent you can opt for the bone keeper stylist from Dark Master gambling we can get both her trinkets from upper Blackrock Spire the eyes of the Beast is from a question that involves you taking down general Drac ACEF and the Briarwood read is from a rare spawn named Edwin Walker Jed is a bit rare but there is a little trick you can do to ensure that he's going to be in your dungeon simply run up the stairs spam slash target jet rune watcher for a few minutes to guarantee he spawned in your dungeon if not run out reset and repeat you want to do it for a few minutes as Jed has a tendency to walk around our first best in slot ring comes from the princess quest line inside Blackrock depths the eye of Orgrimmar for the Horde or the stone of Ironforge or the Alliance no matter which side you are on you're in for a lengthy but exciting quest line that takes you deep into Blackrock Mountain to slay an emperor the maiden circle is our second target for rings but can be extremely expensive as it has a pretty low drop rate unfortunately there aren't many more options for rings but if you can find the band of the unicorn or underworld band on the auction house at a cheap price it might be worth picking up lace-up Maliki's foot wraps for our best in slot boots Mallika is one of the easier to grab bosses inside undead strat or the Omni cast boots from golem Lord Argyll Mak he's the dwarf in Blackrock depths with the two beefy golem bodyguards the sky shroud leggings are a best option and have a fairly high drop rate of 17% from high Lord Olmec in lower Blackrock Spire but if you're having trouble with those slip on the fel cloth pants as a backup our best onslaught belt is a little more difficult to come by as it drops from oak guard the breaker Okla Thor is one of the chance encounters from the ring of law inside Blackrock depths the good news is the belt has a respectable drop rate of 25% once you get him to spawn I'm sure you won't have any trouble finding people willing to farm exclusively the ring of law with you who are also hunting for the highly sought-after savage gladiator chain if you're facing too much punishment in the ring consider hitting up your journals in scholomance or the clutch of on dos just make sure someone in your party is on or has completed the quest to summon him with the blood of the innocent and don't tank him next to the window or you might get one of these the hands of power out of lower Blackrock Spire are a best option but are dropped by quartermasters ingress a rare spawn it was fun behind a party of works the opposite way from the wolf family bosses used the shadowy weave gloves until you have a chance to pick up the hands of power it's somewhat difficult to find bracers with spell damage in phase one however the shadow wrath variant of the flame Weaver cuffs are simply outstanding if you can pick them up from Incendia in Blackrock depths otherwise slap some intense stamina cuffs on for the time being purchase slot tailoring has is covered either the robe of the void or the robe of winter night are amazing options for warlocks the pattern for the robe of the void is pretty rare and the materials to make it are quite rare but I expect it to be pretty expensive early on in phase 1 the pattern for the robe of winter night is a little easier to come by as it drops from kobold mage weavers who can be farmed pretty quickly and the materials to crafted are a little less expensive than the robe of the void but if you're a warlock on a budget and paratha Riskin has you covered in Blackrock dibs the robes of the row crown aren't nearly as good as the two previous robes but is a nice drop alternative ground yourself in the archive escape of shadow wrap as it's our best option for shadow damage this early on the cape drops from archivist Guildford from inside strat live as always you can check the auction house for the high councilors cloak of shadow wrath if the archivist is being greedy with this game I would expect this cloak to be pretty expensive early on between twenty and seventy-five gold the dark advisors pendant providing us with 20 shadow spell damage is our best in slot neck at this stage it can be found at site scholomance just ask Vectis and his twenty students nicely if you can borrow it if Vectis is too busy the star of my stereo from Balthazar can be a nice backup he's the final boss of strat life so bring your a-game for our shoulder slot we have either the fel cloth shoulders or the burial shawl our best in slot helm the green lens of shadow wrath comes from and requires 245 engineering to wear this provides us with the largest shadow spell damage increase but if you cannot be parted from your tailor enchanting pick up the shadow weave mask and with that we are finished gearing and ready to raid as always don't be shy to hit me up in my discord for any of these images I have created also if you need help farming these items you're more than welcome to join our community I plan on tanking tons of dungeons on our way to 60 and it in-game but that's not all I have for you I figured a visual representation for enchants and PvE consumables would be useful for you after hitting 60 so without further ado let's get started you can pick up the lesser are condoms from a suspicious-looking blood elf in the burning steps it will require libros of ferocity along with various other supplies so be sure not to vendor them to be fair the lesser Arcanum are a bit overkill when gearing but they are there for those of you who mid max you can pick up the chromatic mantle of dawn from Miranda breach lock in neutral territory however she was added in the dire Maul patch so there is a strong chance that she won't be added into the game until phase 2 if she isn't in phase 1 quartermaster light spark has discovered as far as weapons are concerned there isn't really a viable option for spell damage until guilds start clearing molten core the spell power enchant drops off a few bosses but only has about a 1% drop rate so if you are among the first few clearing through multi-core and use a staff it might be worth your while to pick up major intellect on it most of the time I would recommend miner speed to boots rather than greater stamina but if you find yourself wanting more HP this might be a handy and Chan or consumables I have created for different categories we can talk about also notice engineering is excluded from this list as not every warlock will be taking this profession and I have plans to focus on engineering in a future video but I highly recommend taking it up at some point as it is incredibly powerful in classic also keep in mind that not every consumable is on this list the first category we have is the restorative consumables these are always good to keep on hand and often times giving you the extra edge you need to stay alive during a crisis be sure to activate your potion of protection before combat starts or fights where you need fire resists this will allow you to use another one during the fight after the 2 minute cooldown has expired keep in mind if used during combat that will be your one potion activation or a buff category if coming from one of the reason why expansions you will recognize the flasks and the food buff options but some may not know that there are many more buffs available that you can stack to maximize your stats in classic the special effects consumables can be extremely powerful in a clutch spot you often see tanks guzzle down limited invulnerability potions to survive a giant pool all of these special effect consumables give you an incredible edge and should be carried with you at all times during in-game because you never know when disaster will strike or AoE consumables the oil of emulation and crystal charges are nice a OE bonuses or anyone but aren't as powerful as engineering AoE abilities well everyone I hope you enjoyed this video it took many hours to bring all this together so if you'd like to see more you can support the channel by doing all the things like and subscribe anymore all of these can help me out immensely and ensure that I can continue to do what I love also I'm completely blown away by all the positive response from my warrior video and I just want to thank each and every one of you I am learning more each and every day and I am so thankful for the opportunity make content like this I am so excited to go on this awesome classic adventure with you all and I have plans to start a guild so keep an eye out in my discord for which server we are rolling on and with that it's time to say goodbye until next time peace [Music]
Channel: Grimprospect
Views: 220,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WoW, Warrior, Classic, World of Warcraft, WoWClassic, Phase 1, Phase1, Quick, Guide, Leveling, Questing, Grim, Grimprospect, Best Guide, Talents, PvP, PvE, Raiding, Raid, Pre-Raid BIS, BIS, Pre-Raid, Pre Raid BIS, Twitch, Organized, ClassicWoW, Warlock, Streamer, Weapons, Armor, Armour, PvP Zones, Questing Areas, Macros, Enchants, Bosses, Boss Guide, Funny, Warlock Tank, Destro, Destruction, Affliction, Demo, Demonology, Drain Soul Macro, Classic Warlock Guide, Voidwalker Leveling
Id: gfHewA5dYJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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