Classic WoW: Best-in-Slot gear, ALL classes & ALL phases!

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You will never complete a bis list, unless you get stupidly lucky or the guild just feeds you gear. It's better to understand what stats you want.

EDIT: Unless you are druid healer. There's so few of them that you might actually have a decent chance. Hunter could get most of theirs for the same reason, but some of the shared BIS items will be hard to get.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Assburgers09 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Skarm explains how to gear your character, its important to know yours stats and caps

For example, replacing a peice of hit gear for an item on a BIS list, but now you are under hit cap, now you take a dps/threat loss

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/pastagains 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
the practice is over show me what you've learned hey guys scrum here all best in slot lists are a little bit different this list depend on the author's knowledge and personal preferences so you'll rarely find two lists are exactly the same and tanks for that matter don't even have a bit a consistent bist list because it's often up to the personal preference of the tank what kind of balance between threat and mitigation they're trying to achieve with their gear which in turn depends on how the dps and the heels are in any given raid even in my warrior android period best videos there's been a lot of people asking me why I use this piece instead of that piece and then they end up linking me something that could also be considered a previous item if you're leaning more heavily toward you know mitigation or threat depending so there's often no one right answer when it comes to this tanking gear and even with DPS or healers there's some variation depending on how much hit you already have how much mana regen the healers need based on how good the dps is so on and so forth this list can be nice for a quick reference but I really don't advise gearing your character item for item based off some list that you found some lists for that matter aren't you inaccurate and you might not even realize it so at the very least it would be a good thing for you to be able to tell the accurate lists apart from the crappy list right and how you do that is by knowing what stats your class needs and why you're aiming for the gear that you want today my goal is by the end of this video regardless of what class you're playing regardless of what spec you're playing regardless what phase it is you'll have the knowledge of what stats you need to prioritize and be able to quickly reference your prefered best in slot item doesn't matter what phases is phase one phase for Phase six doesn't matter helm shoulders you know leather belt weapon any piece of gear you know gear that gives you thorns effects anything you can think of really you'll be able to find efficiently by the end this video that's my goal so this video might run a bit long but stick with me until the end and by the time we're done your time in classic is gonna be a whole lot easier and more enjoyable thanks to the knowledge that you've gained from this video so let's get started alright so this is my PvE stand priority sheet which I made for this video basically just tells you what stats you want to prioritize for tanking I mean for everything from not just hanging for tanking melee caster and healer roll and unless it says down here otherwise in the class specific notes which we'll go over of course unless it says otherwise depending on what role you are these are what you aim for for stats hunters fall into melee by the way as far stats goes and unlike something to remember about Piniella is unlike future expansions you know even Burning Crusade there adduced gem socketing and just it the gear had a lot more variety and it was a lot it was a lot more difficult to you know just immediately choose which piece was best in slot 4 you know helm shoulders etc vanilla it's pretty straightforward there's you know sometimes there's not a lot of gear to choose from which sucks but at the same time it you know reduces your you don't have to search to as many options to find what you want so gearing in vanilla is pretty straightforward in general it's not too difficult and to choose what gear you want you need to know what stats you need and so here we go first of tanks stamina and armors your most important use want to prioritize that in general which you know armor you pretty much get these stats automatically through tank gear but just know that if you stack your stamina you stack your armor this is what keeps you alive like not defense cap not avoidance avoidance is nice but these two stats are what keep you alive now for example if you take off shield and you sacrifice a big chunk of armor then avoidance is your next most important stat having a healthy amount of dodge and parry just avoid attacks a lot will you know that will really help keep you alive as well defense is third just mainly because of the buoyancy gives you know it doesn't make you a little bit if you have a certain amount of defense it makes you create a Mew or each point of defense even reduces your chance to be crit by a little bit down here and but that's your third most important stat block percentage and block value aren't very useful while tanking single target you know they're not useless but they're your least important stat for single target tanking however when you start a wee tanking these two are your most important stats what you Swan stack fog percentage and block value as much as you can because when you're taking a bunch of little hits at once having a higher amount having a high chance to block those hits sometimes for all the damage I'm depending on your block value that really comes in handy down to melee hits your most important thing DPS really hit melee on casters hits your most important stat and real quick for tanks these are board and stats obviously for that's that's these years that stats you want to go for and just tanki in general requires a mix of the two which you know again makes it not very straightforward to just look at a bist list and figure out what stats you use the tank because you need a unifying a balance between all of these all these stats you want is tanked so how do you find a balance that's just that comes with experience but looking a list won't really get you there usually but anyway 9% hit is what you want train for or try to aim for at least 5% hit rather like in Priebus you know first zoning in really just want at least aim for five percent when dual-wielding and I said and I'm since the cap because dual-wielding it gives you a 15% missed penalty is what it does that only affects wide attacks so your main hand on your offhand but nine percent hit is still the cap for special attacks like heroic strike but there's sinister trike for rogues anything any ability nine percent is always the captain no matter what and after you hit nine percent even if you're dual wielding you don't really want a part as it anymore you want to you know go for other stats instead stacking like 16 percent hit the expensive crit and sack powers is not the way to go results in dps loss and the threat loss so you just want to really aim for the nine percent hit cap you know there's some debate on that that's one kind of explaining it a little bit as a warrior I wouldn't start really building until nine percent before that you know just deep yes to the two hander especially I can molten core there's a lot of CLE fights and I try to aim for that nine percent and then afterwards you want to go for crit which is 50 percent ish is the soft cap it's like 48 49 something you won't ever achieve the soft cap without like world buffs once you have full world buffs you get like 10 or 5% crit from on ahead 5% from sonic flower some agility from you know the CG buff so you get some crit from world buffs and once you get better gear as well you might hit the soft cap that probably won't be for a while though and when you are crit capped or soft quick cap then you want to start going for hit some more which I mean that's again that's not something you really have to worry about until probably like late in the PWL /aq when you start getting really geared and you have all buffs that's when you start worrying about the soft cap other than that pretend doesn't exist and you know stat crit in other words after you get your hit you want to aim for crit and then after crit you wanting for attack power that's it melee only really need to hit crit intact power when you look at this attack power of course comes from other sources like strength and agility for some classes which are listed down here we'll go over that really for melee just remember you need hit you know up to nine percent as close to that as you can get and crit an attack power very simple casters same thing you want hit casters have a 16% hit cap which may just get some help with through talents and Z gene chance but you know warlocks are kind of on their own to hit the hit cap it's very difficult but you just want as much as you can as caster because think about casters or just casting like 2.5 3 second spells and you don't want to see resists every three seconds you know that's just a big DPS loss every spell that resists as a caster especially the quicker the fights are the amount of spells you'll cast you'll cast less spells you know the quicker the fight is so you really want the hit cap to make sure every spell hits or as many spells as possible hit next you aim for spell crit which is the capstan reachable you're never gonna hit the spell cap as I know down here every every caster but Shadow Priests you want a spell crit because each caster has talents as a matter of fact that benefits in spell crit normally the spell crits do 1.5 the amount times the amount that normal spells do and several classes have talents and increase that to two times the amount of damage as well as other effects as well so spell crit very important unless you're Shadow Priests queue want that for you know all dps casters and after that you've stack spell power which again like I was saying earlier that gear is pretty simple and vanilla your gears gonna have crit and spell power on it it's like you know there's certain thresholds like one crate is the same dps is like say 2025 spell power something like that but generally you just want to game for gear for crit and chances are it's gonna have some spell power on it as well so pretty straightforward gearing is the DPS I think next we have healers which you want plus healing that's your number one most important stat plus healing from gear you if you don't get you like a green of + healing if you don't have any mana if it doesn't give you any mana regen stat which is MP v intellect spirit the more healing you have you can down rank more which makes your spells cost less mana you can always pop a mana pot bring some demonic runes or dark room through the you do raid Falasca distilled wisdom if you need faster kill times are the less you know mp5 the less manner you need so there's a lot of in same with consumables like the only consumable really that in vanilla that increases + healing is brilliant wizard oil that's the consume thats the one consumable that people use during raids the chickies + healing all the other consumables that healers use or man related every single other ones mana related so Manas pretty easy to get from other sources as far as your gear goes you really want to focus on + healing and lastly spell crit healers do have some nice benefits from creating spells although really only paladin's stack spell crit just because it's really not all a lot of gear spell crit for healers and you really just want to focus on + healing instead that's your most important stat so spell crit don't really worry about as a healer too much I'm actively gearing for it like I said unless you're a paladin it does benefit you if you have an absent so now that we've gone over the generalities we'll get into class specific notes warriors like I said you want at least 9% hit for dual wielding I would say around 25% crippled fury prot which is probably between bwl mcg as far as your gear goes people been asking that like you know when when you inspect for your prot scarm what kind of gear do you need I'll say once you get some gear out of be WL is when you want to start expecting for your pots when you want start considering it so just phase 3 don't really expect to get very Potter series tried until phase 3 outside and when you're tanking in general as a warrior or as any tank even feel at your group and gear accordingly you know get a mix of mitigation threat this really depends on the rest your group it honestly does depends on you how fast kill times are how much DPS the you know damage dealers are putting out you know depending on how many thright how much that you need to hold and your healer so they're keeping you up do you need to put on some more mitigation gear you know just depends on the poll to some polls like gonna fly man there's gonna be some polls that are more mitigation focused than others that you're gonna really need you're gonna be taking a lot of damages tank so this is as far as balancing out these two things as a tank it's really about feeling out your group and you know depending on what raid you're in what dungeon what pull even so just depending on a lot of factors just the more experience you get them the better you'll be at balancing out here like this paladin's you're very man efficient so you really don't need mp5 in this for holy paladin's you really don't need an mp5 or spirit don't need spear in any way it's it's the useless for paladins but since spell crits do restore all your mana with illumination you really just want to focus on plus healing in spell crit as a paladin those are like the two stats that you really need to worry about rent and prot there's uni in addition all this that you need for normal melee and tank if your prop Alden you also need spell damage and maybe some mana to write and prop out and you know there's there's a lot they're actually kind of complicated as far as all the stats and consumables that you need for them so you know you already know I feel about them I don't think them too seriously but I'm not gonna go into much detail now but just know that red and prot need one of the reasons they don't work really they don't work two wells cuz they just need so many stats that you just you can't get all them you have to make sacrifices somewhere shamans against spirit mostly useless because you're constantly casting dropping totems and you don't get as much of a benefit from spirit is like tourism priests to for example mp5 is you still want stock healings of shaman but mp5 is nice either for longer kill times or just you know dropping totems you know you got drop anywhere between two and four totems you know for every fight and get me an intensive especially the fight lasts longer and you have to redraw them and something interesting to know about shamans too is that tier 1 2 and 2.5 have good set bonuses mainly for chain eel so shamans most of the tier gear and vanilla actually isn't fantastic there's a lot of offset pieces they usually better but for shamans really just pay attention to your set bonuses for your tiger there's some good ones there hunters you really want to aim for the nine percent hit cap is hunter mainly for a tranquilizing shot which is a lot people will tell you that's the only reason that you're brought to a raid it's your tranquilizing shot and you really don't want that to miss people you know it's not no big secret a lot of people you know they don't love hunters so if you're a hunter in a raid and you're you up to tranq shot a boss and a missus and the tank dies because of it it's all bad you're gonna get blamed for that people gonna talk crap so you know you don't want to be that hunter who misses a tranquilizing shot Creek cap is unreachable hunters see because the reason why melee have a creek cap is because a glancing blows you have of either I think as a 40 or 45 percent chance to glance through each attack glancing blows can't crit so that's why there's a melee Creek cap soft grip cap brother yellow yellow abilities have no Creek cap and ranged attacks like shots hunter shots have no Creek app so just crits you know really nice for hunters I'm just as much as you want like I said stamp set same stat parties as melee and they're tier gear is also good for the most part you know set bonuses like full tier 1 folder - you'll see a lot of hunters and those down - rogue rogues have real easy time they get 5% hit from talents and 5 weapon skill so rogues just kind of have a really sign with that in general and there's rogues are also another class where they just get like I said - your gear is good for the most part tier 1 tier 2 is pretty good and they just have a lot of stats gearing as a rogue is really easy super easy because you just you take leather and pretty much all whether there's an spell leather or Drude leather and the game is oriented toward rogues so it's pretty easy for rogues you'd only have to think too hard when you're doing as a rogue and don't actively go for strength rogues unlike other melee classes like Warriors and paladin's who get them to to attack power for one strength rogues one get one but they also get one attack power per Tildy so rogues really just want to stack a G that's really your main go-to a G hit and crit etc druids down here druids really love stats feral druids even restaurateurs high of the wild part of the wild rather with the heart of the wild talent which is in deep feral you get 20% stand 20 percent strength and cat 20 percent intellect and rude form so you actually just get you know 20% more of your your total stat for that for that particular stat so just that's in general are really nice for druids druids love stats feral Druze especially rester druids love stats and you know plus handling three piece two or two for restos gives you a nice little mana regen bonus agility just a little note I made here the agility is better than strength in both air and cat even though cat give get 20% more strength just the way that druids really benefit feral druids really benefit from creating because of these two talents on the scene right here feral druids love Critic bears love dodging so agility gifts whilst those sinks and attack powers nice too but like one point of a geez typically better than one point strength for a feral druid priest just and we'll note tier two is great all-round all three set bonuses are actually really nice for priests here to a a lot of priests will just get full to two and where that further for the rest of the game pretty easy and shadow priest like i said earlier they don't want spell crit namely two reasons number one they don't get any talents that you know benefit from spell crit for DPS and number two only one of their spells actually crits Shadow Priests use shadow word pain mind blasts in mind play is that's their main rotation for spells and shadow word pain in mind play can't even crit so only one of those three spells even is able to create as a shadow priest that's why shadow priest you just you really just stacked spell power is your number one priority you stack as much about put spell powers you can and some mp5 as well because shadow for PV is they're not the best they're not the most man efficient they do go pretty easily and they also get 10% some talents as it says right here so really Shadow Priests simple use spell power spell power spell power with some mp5 maybe just mostly spell powers what you aim for and mages and warlocks are pretty much both the same their period abyss I just made a little note that you that it doesn't really show up in databases that's what I mentioned it here is greens of you know from ages is up frozen wrath because you know pretty create this indicates like molten core maybe bwl so you're not gonna be fire you're gonna be frost and warlocks you want of shadow wrath gear so since mana doesn't really matter you notice how I didn't mention like intellect or anything up here for casters you do get crit from intellect we need 60 crit for one one spell crit I mean sorry 60 inlet intellect for one spell crit so it's really just not worth getting it's not we're stacking elect for spell crit and as far as mana goes like warlock seems life tap so that's obvious you don't wear locks don't need you know you're never gonna be home as a warlock mages you know you got your mana gems you can bring mana potions kill time should be fast enough to where it may just aren't really running them so really just want stack damage this is one of the things when I first start private servers that really surprised me like I see may just be WL with greens of frozen wrath or warlocks with greens of shadow wrath and you know it's really weird I'm like why are you wearing tier 1 or 2 2 and because you do less damage in those sets and just pure damage so you just want to really look out for those pieces may just like to me a little note here they may just get 8% hit for free basically 6% from talents and then 2% 1cg and chance come out and pays for warlocks are kind of a lock for hit so too bad but and these are just the stats over here the stack conversions you know one strength equals two attack power 20 ad G equals one crit and dodge there's a pretty self-explanatory I put this right here because I don't know where else to put it and one stamina equals 10 health and one Inlet equals 15 mana for all classes so I just kind of stuck it on a hunter right here but um this is universal for all classes right here and other than that just check your different class for uh you know what stats give you now before we talk about using a data base something I want to touch upon briefly is inspecting people I enjoyed doing this a lot you know whenever I'm I found myself in an iron forge you know just kind of bored you know have some idle time I run around and you know I just inspect different people see what kind of gear they have and you know if you want you can even I wouldn't ask people you know where they got a certain piece of gear because they'll probably just tell you to google it or something like that but you know for example let's say you see a tank who you know has just a bunch of molten core gear who has a bunch of good gear you could ask him be like hey how long did it take you know get full tier one or how long did it take you to get that weapon you know cost of our whatever they have and you know chance I'll probably tell you and that you know that could be a good way strike up a conversation you may make a new friend you know making friends with geared people to run dungeons with that's definitely a plus so inspecting people is just like I said something I enjoy doing it's it's a it's a good way to you know kind of memorize what gears good for your class if you inspect enough people and use like I said you just see the same things pop up over and over I'm an addition to that you can use atlas loot or whatever it might be a different name in classic it might not be called absolute but I'm just some kind of mod that shows you know what kind of gear drops and dungeons before you do a dungeon you can you know open a battle salute open up the dungeon you're doing and check out what drops there you can also check out you know different for this add-on particular you can even check out what BOE drops there's a lot of dungeons that have various BOE blues that are kind of concerned will drops but they only drop from that specific dungeon so like Atlas loot shows that for example and so it's just a good way to you know in game you can you know quickly check what loot drops from where when you go into a new dungeon you can just open up Atlas loot and you know see what drops there so it's a handy add-on to have you know you don't have to tab out of the game to use it which is nice and speaking in dungeons one thing that I want to touch upon briefly when it comes to just you know gearing up your character in general is that dungeons you know previous period this is one thing where you can just you can run dungeons you know five times in an hour just multiple times and there's gonna lock out really in vanilla to running dungeons it's not like croaks and you know TBC and onward you can run dungeons as much as you want and you know as long as you're persistent you can eventually get your full prix abyss it's not the case for raids raids um you know they're on usually week lockout you know on ease on a five day lockout the twenty men surround three-day lockout but every other forty man is on a seven day lockout you'd only do raids once a week so in with you know bosses only dropping two three maybe four epics with forty people you might not even see the piece of gear that you want let alone get it among you know get it over someone else who you know has more dkp or loot council however you you know do your loot and even if you are up for a certain item or if you do have the most DKP you might have to strategically you know pass on you know piece of loot the drops so that you can get something later that you want more so you have to plan accordingly for that you know this is a good example you know having just a bist list doesn't necessarily help because you might not it's not realistic it really isn't realistic in a 40-man rate to get full bits for every every tier like you're not gonna walk in a BW l with full molten corpus you're not gonna walk in 1840 with full bwl piste that's just not realistic even if you're the main tank who gets probably like you might not even get all the drops that you need so and just looking at abyss list you know it might just have the you know the number one best item you can get for that slot but you might not you might not get that item because of you know other people needing loot as well so you really just want to know you know what kind of stats that you need for the items you want to be able to you know searching on database you know search different items that you need alright so now that we know what stats were going for and you know with the knowledge that lists aren't always completely accurate we're gonna refer to a database which this is my preferred method of finding items even way back and we retail vanilla for anyone who remembers thought but this is this is always been my preferred method when I started playing there weren't even like lists made yet you know there weren't any previous lists you know people are still trying to figure out gear and using a database was the only option at the time but since I learned how to use one when I came back to vanilla all these years later when I started playing on private servers I never needed to refer to a previous list or any kind of business because I would just open up the database and once you you know views the database for a little bit once you familiarize yourself with the you know filter functions these become really quick and easy to use and this one in particular itemization got info shadows to Meiji who made this this is a really comprehensive database one of my favorite things about this one personally right off the bat is that you can filter by what phase the gear dobson so here we go phase one molten core some I've even seen period this lists fooling around they're specifically done designed for classic that have items on them that don't drop and phase one they drop and phase two because the person who made them you know there's they made a mistake so just being able to refer to a database you know this is accurate that's you know real easy to filter like let's say we're a warrior who we're looking for hit gear so we're gonna do how stat hit very simple and for level range let's do 45 to 59 the reason why we're doing 59 not 60 is to filter out all the raid gear and here we go this is look at this this is all the hit gear that from between level 45 and 59 that is available during phase one yeah true strike shoulders battleborn arm braces you know we got a lot of goodies here um if your warrior that you can you can equip and remember like as to just you know quick note as a warrior you don't need to have plate if you're deep guessing even if you're tanking you can afford to wear few pieces of you know like mail maybe leather but it's a deep guest warrior you don't need plate you're not necessarily you know what the idea is to not to get hit you know if you're getting hit and the tanks doing something wrong or you know something else not wrong but you know the before you get your lion our helm is a very warrior you can easily pick up mask at the Unforgiven this drops in straddle I've two percent chance to hit just it's leather but you know again doesn't matter and so here's just uh here's the list of hit items let's say we got enough hit we're gonna go for crit next like we talked about and here's all the phase one items will quit on them very handy let's say something to note is that quest items don't have a level requirement so to find out what quest items are we're gonna delete the level requirement and just put source quest very simple do that very easy now this is all these are all the quest items available to have crit on them so you know as you can see a lot of you probably know how to use a database already or have used one before this is definitely something you don't have to use this one there's other ones as well this one just happens to be my favorite every database has some kind of search function like this some kind of filter that it really just comes in handy when it you know coming diet when it comes to items let's say instead of crit we're looking for fires discs here that here's all the fires this gear that's available in phase one you know this is a big list let's do 49 45 to 59 45 to 59 just so that you know people been asking me you know like a scar mitts what kind of fire is a fire resist give should I go for and face one I can't find a list well here's your list right here here's all the fires this gear some of its it's not a plate if you want to narrow it then a plate you can ya just here's very easy list to scroll through even like previous lists you know list that I've seen off of the time so I'll just have the name of the item and then you have to click on the link to go to the database to you know see what the item actually does so even just doing this saves you all that trouble you can just you only have to click on anything just scroll through one by one check out you know what stats you want shows you know what kind of item it is very organized very very simple and you know it's just like I said this is what I recommend people do to find any kind of list for any face knowing what stats you need and then being able to use database those are both hopefully now by this point in the video you have a good idea of how to use both you know what kind of stats you need and you know how to use a database how to find out you know where the gear drops you know when it's available you know this and that so and and one quick note before we wrap this up you know this has been a long video but one quick note that I want to mention is don't don't ever get rid of gear immediately once you can upgrade I'll give you a good example lob ringer for paladins is if you see the eight piece down here each mail a swing you have guessed paladin it's a chance to heal your party for 189 to 212 there's a fightin axe loatheb that the gimmick for that fight is he you can't heal you can heal but every time you cast a healing spell or dispel you have a 1 minute cooldown all your all your healing spells so the only the tank really gets heal star in that fight and the raids you know getting damaged gradually so having palin's with this eight piece is really great for healing your party and I knew when NEX opened up on light bringer I can't tell you on my paladin's like I was still running molten core at that point for Thunder for your bindings and I can't tell you how many like geared paladin's were in my molten core runs trying to get lobbing her because they had and I'd ask him like you you know like you know you haven't you wanna vada 8la burger yet like oh I did but I you know I delete it I've entered it I didn't think it'd be useful so just really think twice really be careful before just getting rid of an old piece of gear unless you're just absolutely sure you'll never use it again but that's gonna be it for the video guys go ahead and you know leave a comment let me know if you found this helpful if you stick if you stuck around all the way to the end I really appreciate you that tells me that you're really willing to learn you're willing to you don't take your character seriously enough to find out what gear options you have and if you you know if you have any questions go ahead and check out my discord I'm gonna leave a link to my stat sheet in there and if there's anything that during this video that was unclear if you have any additional questions you want me to clarify just go ahead and pop into discord and ask you know either ask me or if I'm not available ask people in the discord there's a lot of people in there they're helpful there will answer your questions and with that I'll see you guys in my next video peace
Channel: Skarm Tank
Views: 139,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TAGS: wow, vanilla wow, classic wow, classicwow, feral, warrior, tanking, prot warrior, feral druid, naxxramas, naxx, mcp, crowd pummeler, gold, gold farming, gold farm, parry, wow tanking, warrior tanking, fury/prot, fury/prot spec, cooldowns, death wish, bis, best in slot
Id: nxZOOXLuGdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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