WoW Vanilla Patch 1.1 - What Was It Like?

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For some reason I really wanna play on that version lol

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Vasil16 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2017 🗫︎ replies

I lived through those changes as a rogue. It was both brilliant (pre normalised MH attk spd meant Barman Shanker > all) and horrible (vanish not working properly from day one)

Also, Hamster never really went into it but horde quest design was unfinished at launch. They even admitted as such and did the exact same fucking thing again with the release of TBC.

Look at Tauren and Mulgore. The entire zone was designed for the Tauren's Plainsrunning racial ability, but it got removed before release and the zone stayed the same regardless. So early Taurens spend more time running than actual questing.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Truth_is_PAIN 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

"Let's talk about patch 1.1"

shows video of Naxxramas

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2017 🗫︎ replies

Ah yes. 1.1. TRUE vanilla. None of this watered down, retail baby garbage, like linked-flightpaths.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/thetracker3 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2017 🗫︎ replies

pre 1.10 meele hunter builds :o Gib

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/arulia_PVE 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

I really liked this video, great effort

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/only777 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey guys hamster we're here with a new video and today I'll be talking about the earliest vanilla version of World of Warcraft that was released to the public patch 1.1 you see with all this talk about what version of our vanilla we should use for classic while and the fact that patch 1.18 straw tup a lot of times I figured it might be fun to show you guys exactly what patch 1.1 was like and show you features that either were or words in the game at that time I took all the information from well wiki and if you'd like to have a look yourself then you can find a link to the website in the video description alright now we've got that out of the way let's delve into what patch 1.1 was like in will of warcraft starting with the world environment when it comes to the world environment there were less flight paths for instance flight paths in CHEM taraji oh ratchet and un'goro crater weren't there yeah imagine having to go to hunger crater that would mean you'd have to find a guide to send and then travel all the way there on your mount oh and before I forget back in patch 1.15 pads weren't linked so if you wanted to go to silithus for instance you first had to fight a gadgets and land there talk to the flight master again and then you were on your way to Sonoran hold the amount of ins was also less as the in at grown go Basecamp for example simply wasn't in the game yet on top of that there were no linked auction houses so every auction house in the major cities had their own economy so to say so there was a possibility that you'd pay up the ass for a crow blade in Orgrimmar but find an absolute bargain somewhere else also weather effects like snow and lock without a window spring and sandstorms in tenaris for example we're also not yet put in the game one last thing I'll mention regarding the wool environment is that several quest hubs we have in patch 1.12 which is the patch pretty much every vanilla private server uses were either a fraction of what they used to be or weren't even there in the first place a good example would be lights hope chapel in patch 1.1 there were only a few quests there were no vendors no guards and no in all right let's move on to raids and dungeons here's a quick list of dungeons and rates that were not in patch 1.14 Adam dire mole world bosses like Asura ghosts or Lord Kasich Blackwing Lair Zil group Ahn'Qiraj and of course next ramus another thing worth noting is that scholomance and Stratholme were 10-man rates up her Blackrock Spire was a 50 man rate and they took a lot longer to complete speaking of which some trash mobs of scholomance had a five to six minute respawn time yes five to six minutes you'd get into the next room wipe walk back and bam you'd run in the same trash mops again also both scholomance astride home had a lot less rare item drops it's not at the drop chance of those items was low they were simply not there and the few items that did drop were much weaker as many of the boss items were buffed in a later patch in vanilla now one of the rates that wasn't a game was molten core but there are a few things worth mentioning regarding this rate if you've ever done molten core you probably know this mob the son of flame it's a mob that needs to be taken down quickly and while doing so it's crucial you kill the lava spawns he summons as quickly as possible if you don't that spawn will multiply and then those two will multiply and so on now in patch 1.12 if you don't kill him fast enough and you wipe it's not a huge deal because they would all de-spawn as soon as the battle was over and you could try again in patch 1.1 guess what the ads he spawned didn't go away as soon as you wiped they stay there so if you messed up on that fight there will be tons of lava spawns you now needed to kill before being able to move on anyway another thing worth noting is that in 1.1 both Ragnaros and major double executives didn't have any voices so no cool intro before doing Ragnaros or during the boss fight oh by the way in patch 1.13 members did not show up on your map so basically if you were a rate leader trying to get everyone to the rate you had no idea where everyone was other than the fact that you could see what zone they're in not a huge deal but admittedly kind of annoying all right there's one last thing I have to talk about regarding rates and it's a big one the fact that back then bosses only had eight debuff slots now this might not seem that bad for some people watching this video but allow me to explain if you're rating with 40 people you're obviously gonna have to have one or two debuff slots for the tank whether it's force Under Armor or whatever that means that the rest of your DPS has about six debuff slots to go around six so if you're an affliction warlock too bad you can't put all your dots on the target are you writing as a hunter guess what no serpent sting on the target as that's usually considered a waste of a debuff slots this basically means you are very restricted in terms of what abilities you can use as you always want to have the best debuffs on that target later in the game when Zuber was released they up to capture 16 debuff slots which definitely gave to DPS a bit more wiggle room but before that patch it was a little bit frustrating knowing you were limited just because a boss could not have Mordy buffs then we move on to quests now I think anyone who has done the achievement for next year's lair knows that that a two-man quest is not exactly easy and kind of time-consuming especially for the Horde at one point you have to go to dustwallow marsh talk to ember strife and you'll get three quests for these three quests you have to kill three elite dragons one proquest and these are scattered around the world one isn't enormous one is a winter spring and the third one is in swamp of Sorrows so you can imagine getting to all those dragons is quite a hassle and kind of time consuming but hey at least you were able to get all of those three quests at once right well yeah in patch 1.12 in patch 1.1 you had to do these one by one so basically go to the swallow Mars to talk to ember strife get one quest kill that dragon go back to Emma strife get the second question killing on a dragon go back to envy strife then get the third quest kill the third dragon and finally you're done with those three yeah quite the hassle right another thing regarding quest is that the amazing quest lines for the epic pre staff benediction or the bow and staff for the hunter also didn't exist and last but not least I gotta mention the fact that impact 1.1 there were no quest adults nothing hell not even thought bot was around at patch 1.12 ever from add-ons you had to figure out everything yourself or ask other people and now it's time to talk about PvP just like dungeons and raids there were a lot of things missing no Warsong Gulch no harass the basin and Noel truck Valley and yes those were all Bee Gees we had in vanilla so basically there were no battlegrounds whatsoever in the earliest version of vanilla Warsong Gulch and eltra valley were released in patch 1.5 which was implemented seven months after one point one seven months before world of warcraft had battlegrounds oh and if you think that's crazy get a lot of this no pvp ranks and no pvp rewards yep you heard me back in patch 1.19 weren't any pvp ranks nor was there any type of honor system in place so basically you were killing an enemy player for the sake of killing an enemy player there was no incentive beyond that as the honor system and PvP items were implemented in patch 1.4 I hope you're starting to understand just how barren and stripped-down patch 1.1 was and I'm not done yet regarding PvP in duels you were able to change your armor set when stunned because why the hell not and Blizzard never saw this as a bug to begin with so I guess this was intentional I don't know and the last thing I'll dimension is a big one no diminishing returns yes spells like Frost Shock and entangling roots had no diminishing returns so you could be a shaman and kite someone literally forever by just reapplying frost shock every five or six seconds or you could be a druid and keep someone rooted for a very long time every time you'd use entangling roots and hay back then there were no PvP rewards so if you had no CC breaking abilities you were out of luck because the PvP trinket didn't exist back then okay let's move on to items cuz a lot has changed regarding items from one point one to one point twelve as well first off and I chuckled when I read this shadow craft boots used to have plus 21 intellect yes the dungeon set which was considered to be for rogues had plus 21 intellect on the boots luckily for them this was later changed to agility but it does leave you wondering that they have feral druids in mind when designing this set or shadow crafts supposed to be something for feral druids as well I mean it's not a bad set for feral druids so maybe they did think about that when they designed the set originally anyway let's move on green items of holy wrath were still in the game the unstoppable force had a knock back and not a stun you were able to use multiple flasks at once that means Titans chromatic resistance supreme power all of those relics didn't exist so no I love the moon for druids or no totem the storm for shamans the tier 1 set originally looked different and in my opinion a lot more ugly than the tier 1 we know now and probably one of my favorite or least favorite features no buyback oh yeah if you accidentally sold an item to a vendor tough luck it's gone there was no buyback tab so you'd better be very careful with what you decided to sell to a vendor last but not least gear with spell damage was much much more scarce in 1.1 and items in general had different stats in 1.1 compared to later patches does anyone remember the flare core ladies and ropes they were actually quite awesome as they gave a lot of spell damage and with the amount of fire resistance they came in very handy in molten core however back then these two items didn't have damage and healing they only had extra fire damage so you'd have ropes with fire resistance with extra fire damage done I know quite the head scratcher as that would mean they'd be only kind of useful for PvP a few dungeons and nothing else really anyway that's all I have to say about items so let's move on to the user interface now for the user interface I don't have a whole lot of things to say but there are four things worth mentioning here first of all standard rate frames we know now did not exist so if you were in the rate with 40 people you just had to individually click the player on the screen if you wanted to heal them or dispel them or whatnot next up you were not able to have multiple action bars at the same time so I guess you can only use the very basic action bar at the bottom of the screen and just cycle between them by holding shift and scrolling with the mouse wheel number three is that trading the players while they were searching the auction house would close their auction house window so you can imagine people trolling other players with that and number four is the obvious fact that they were next to no add-ons in patch 1.18 already talked about this during questing but I want to stress this again this means no different units frames no deadly boss mods no enemy Kaspar no nothing all right let's talk about the classes starting with druids back in patch 1.13 which did not have give to the wild now for anyone watching here that didn't know already gifts of the wild was something that would only give a certain group the buff in vanilla not the entire rate so you can imagine that being kind of annoying but imagine not having that spell at all and having to single target people to apply a mark of the wild in a 40-man rate and that buff lasted 30 minutes so enjoy your buff fest not only did I not have give to the wild they also didn't have bark skin swift mint and both hurricane and innervate or talents not just skills more importantly innervate as the top talents in the rest tree and since that spell was an absolute necessity in the very early stage of vanilla pretty much every rating druid had to go resto and that's probably the biggest reason why going is any thing other than resto was looked down upon furthermore bear form and dye affair form had a lot less armor bear form now has a 180 percent armor bonus and dine of bear form has a three hundred and sixty percent armor bonus in patch 1.18 was 65 percent and one hundred and twenty five percent that's right you only got about a third of the armor bonus that you would get in a later stage of the game I mean just those two things combined were horrible for druids and you can really see how much jewels were just forced to go resto as in one point one that was pretty much the only viable option for them in terms of rating but hey druids are the jack-of-all-trades right if played well like can be amazing encounter a lot of CC right well not really because not only did they get jack in terms of armor in bear form their shape-shift forms also didn't break any cc nor did it counter any slowing effects so as soon as you got rooted or sheep that's a druid there was nothing you could do there was no getting into caster form putting a quick rejuvenation on yourself getting back into travel form and running off this type of stuff simply did not exist back then and to top it all off if you would get out of bear form with very low health you would die I'm not joking druids get a health bonus when they shape-shift into bear form but back then that bonus was simply caught off to such an extent that you would actually die if you didn't have enough health so there you go that's the druid class for you in 1.1 let's talk about hunters next cuz trust me druids weren't the only ones who had it hard in the early stage of the game we all know how feign death back then was not just used to cancer spells it could also trick players into thinking that you were actually dead as back then people didn't know any better however there was a problem because in 1.1 your man I would still be displayed making it a lot more obvious that a hunter use feign death and thus making it a lot less useful on top of that players could actually resist feign death yes you heard me they were able to resist it so even though you could still use it to interrupted and replays cast it could actually be resistant and he could just finish his cast no problem oh by the way this was finally changed in 1.7 10 months after the game launched also when you were in the later stage of the game doing battlegrounds as a hunter and you were at the graveyard you would get rest but not your pets so basically you had to wait to get rest then when you were revived you had to call your pet revive it drink mana because it was a very my life Spencer spell back then and then you could mount up and join the battle again good times I tell you it wasn't all bad for hunters though their pets were actually quite powerful whether it was intentional or unintentional you see if you would order your pet to attack a rogue or a druid before he went in the stealth the pet would always change the enemy even if he went himself right afterwards so you would just have to wait for your pet to run to him get him out of stealth and there you go it's opener on you it's now a thing of the past hobb next on the chopping block we have priests just like druids they had no prayer fortitude so they also had to individually buff people in rage which sucked holy fire was a five-second cast yes five seconds for a spell that wasn't even that powerful to begin with switching the shadow form would cancel out any holy buffs so any hearts or something similar that would be on you would simply be removed once you went in the shadow forum oh and as a priest you were actually able to kill players in a duel with either mind control or shadow or pain I'm not joking if you had something against a fellow Order Alliance player you could screw him over twice by beating them in a duel and killing them as well right moving on the mages and yes you guessed it arcane brilliance was also not in the game yet so another class that needed a lot of time to buff up each and everyone in the group it doesn't end there though now in the early stages of vanilla the boss fights in molten core were very very long mainly because everyone had to make do with suboptimal gear which would later be updated this meant that mana regenerating abilities were extremely important but hey may just have may charm right well not in patch 1.1 the only had frost and ice armor and that's it luckily they did have a vacation in her mana gym but while we're on the topic of mana regeneration they did not have level 55 conjured water or food yeah the max rank of both of spells simply did not exist yet now any mates with a couple of greens and blues should have no problem getting about 4.5 to 5k mana and guess what the max rank of water they could make back then didn't even restore 3k mana so basically if you wanted to get full mana you had to wait 30 seconds and drink one and then drink another one before your full mana I'm telling you it was quite frustrating and I'm glad they added some higher level water and food in the later game so there are still more things that I like to talk about regarding the mage first of all the winters chill talent didn't exist and this was a pretty big deal allow me to explain in while vanilla mom's in molten core were resistant to fire so every mage had to go frost what winners chill did is add a debuff on the target which increases the chance of frost Belle's critic by 2% and it stacked up to 5 times so that's 10% crit chance for frost spells 10% that was huge back then in a major DPS increase for all the mages but unfortunately in early vanilla it didn't exist last thing I want to mention is that arcane explosion wasn't an instant cast oh yeah you ever seen mages jumping around spamming arcane explosion to AoE mobs or to get a rogue out of stealth well unless you had those talent points you just had to stand there and actually cast arcane explosion I know it's really hard to grasp anyway time to talk about one of the most powerful classes in early vanilla the rogue rogues had it easy in early vanilla with many talents giving them insane burst damage with daggers and they held a lot of control and keep in mind back then the other classes were very limited with what they could do so to quote mute from world of warcraft winning was as easy as tapping two buttons and to be fair it really was like that any row with greens could get a 1.5 km much crit with ease and there were talents in place to make sure that ability was a crit most of the time not to mention cold blood and the vision rate was a deadly combo and did a lot of damage as well regardless of your gear however that doesn't mean that drugs didn't have their problems and had some things in plates that did leave you scratching your head for instance vanish now surrounds vanilla Wow vanish has always been an iffy spell with it bugging out or simply not working properly so not only did they have that issue early vanish did not break any root or slow effects nor did it give you a short increased stealth bonus it also didn't get rid of things like hunters mark and mine vision so it definitely was a very stripped down version of the vanish we now know on vanilla private servers another thing worth mentioning is slice and dice an ability which will increase your attack speed so it's basically a buff that you apply on yourself however in early vanilla this ability that remember you cast on yourself would not take effect if the enemy player or mob dodged blocked missed or parry disability yeah an ability you cast on yourself that can be blocked by someone else what the hell it's almost like trying to cast arcane power on your mage and it's saying you resisted it yourself like what the hell are they thinking because I checked the logs this wasn't a bug this was the way he was supposed to work in patch 1.1 and other prominent rogues have was that distract didn't nearly work as well as it works now if you were stealth thing around and you saw a shaman and you distracted them that distract would actually trigger a shamans lightning shield damage you and poof errata stealth naturally they fix this later but again in the logs this is not reported as a bug fix so there's definitely some very questionable things that they added to ship with a game way back in 2004 all right let's move on to another classic Villa that was considered to be very very powerful the shaman and the main thing people kept talking about back then was just how powerful wind fury was and I agree when it hits because let's face it you're always rolling the dice as an enhancement shaman it can do massive damage so it could take you only one swing to get your enemy down to half HP however back in early vanilla it was even more powerful because wind fury could proc on win fury let that sink in for a moment you would hit someone get two extra attacks with wings free and on those two extra attacks you also had the chance to proc win fury I mean the chance of that happening was small but when it did happen it was a one-shot situation and of course it makes perfect sense they kind of dialed when free down to be more acceptable another thing that was really powerful back then was that earthbound totem did not have a cool-down now as I mentioned before frost shock did not have a diminishing return so combine that with an earth bind totem that doesn't have a cool-down you're going to have a complete kite fest as a shaman last major thing I want to talk about and this one is kind of my stuff is that using reincarnation back then would get you rest sickness that's right rest sickness just like what you would get if you did that at a graveyard so you could sell rest yourself but do little to no damage and have next to no HP yeah I'm not sure if I want to take my chances with that and thank God they fixed that later on so now we're gonna talk about warlocks like breeze they had the ability to kill people in duels some of the curses they had like curse of elements and curse of shadows lasted only two minutes so good luck applying that every two minutes in the boss fight soulstone used the cost to soul sharts conflagration ah'd an instant cast and a bit of a smack in the face for warlocks there was no epic mount quest they had to deal with just the regular fails to eat while panelists got their epic last Mountain right from the get-go other than that there's nothing really worth mentioning apart from the fact that death coil worked a little different back then in later patches you would cast death coil and as soon as it hits you would get the health it would regenerate in early vanilla you got that health right after you would cast death coil making it way more handy because if the target would resist death coil you would at least get some healing compared to the later version of death coil other than that the soul shards you would collect would disappear when logged out for longer than 50 minutes which was terrible because that meant you had to top-up on soul shards every time you would log in and that's pretty much it for the warlocks compared to the other classes they were generally speaking spared in terms of weird abilities and odd skills now we arrived at the warrior let's start off with Berserker stance now today we know Berserker stands as a stance that gives you 3% crit but also increases damage taken by 10% in 1.1 it was actually 10% melee haste which was quite interesting because haste was something that barely existed in while vanilla and increased damage taken by 20% that's right double the amount of the later version of his irking which really makes you a glass cannon to some degree next up we have shield bash which could actually be used in Berserker stands for whatever reason and the warrior talent improved hamstring which used to increase the slowing amount the more talent you put in it rather than having a chance to immobilize the target and considering how important hamstring is to players who deal damage from a distance I'd imagine almost every water smacking 5 talent points to get the biggest slow and hamstring one last thing worth mentioning is that Deathwish did not get you out of any fear effects nor were you able to use it while getting feared and that's mostly it for the warrior class and then last but not least we have Palin's first up no greater blessings and their normal blessings lasted five minutes five minutes before you had to buff everyone again can you imagine being the only palin in a molten core race I'm telling you buffing everyone for four hours straight must have been a nightmare for every palin out there also Palin's were in a class that was really forced into going holy as tanking was way way harder than it already was why well they didn't have the righteous fury skill you know the skill that increases threat generation from holy spells by 60% kind of a big deal if you ever want to tank well it wasn't there so good luck trying to tank anything when you can barely building threats also blessing of freedom was nearly as powerful as for some reason it did not get rid of the slow effects from frost bolt cone of cold or frost shock yeah I guess buzzing of freedom can get rid of everything but when it comes to anything regarding frost its powerless they also had no hammer of wrath which was definitely a powerful skill in PvP to kill off enemy players quickly once it got to low health and last but not least the last talent point of the old retribution tree was Blessing of Kings oh yeah one of the best blessings in the game was in a tree that barely anyone wanted to put talent points in because pretty much every palin who wanted to raid had to go holy just what the hell blizzard well there you have it folks a brief overview of what things were like in the earliest stage of the live version world Warcraft if you thought vanilla in itself was unbalanced unfair and totally not optimized I hope you now see that the most popular patch of 1.12 looks like a gift from God himself compared to the mess that was patched 1.100 and by the way I know it's gonna pop up in the comment section but I really doubt Blizzard are going to use this build for a classic Wow servers as I just showed you some very very questionable design decisions and a lot of flaws in the classes that we had in early while vanilla I just made this video because I thought it was fun to go back to the earliest stage of vanilla and really figure out what exactly it was like turns out that 1.1 is a bit of a rough diamond a rough diamond that has been shaped into something very beautiful and memorable throughout its vanilla lifetime and that's gonna do it for today I hope you like this little journey all the way back to patch 1.14 on a topic of just doing things for fun I like to post this question would you actually go back and play patch 1.14 would you rather stick to the 1.12 version that every other private server sticks to let me know in the comment section below as always I want to thank you for watching this video I managed to wheel end have a good one [Music] you
Channel: Hamsterwheel
Views: 838,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, world, of, warcraft, world warcraft, hamsterwheel, hamsterwheelgaming, wow vanilla, classic, classic wow, patch 1.1, mmo, mmorpg, blizzard, dungeons, raiding, raid, pve, pvp, warlock, druid, shaman, paladin, warrior, mage, priest, hunter, rogue, patch, molten core, aq, naxx, naxxramas
Id: TPMPpAfPbjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2017
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