WHEN can tanks spec fury/prot in Classic WoW?

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show me what you've learned hey guys scarm here a lot of people have been asking me not only lately but just in the past few months they've been asking when they can spec fury prot in classic like when you know can they do it immediately as soon as they hit 60 do they have to wait till BWL a cue like when can you spec your praat and start using it as a viable spec but uh the answer to the you know question when you can spec for your pot it's it's actually it's kind of a complicated question so it's and I think there's enough information for it to warrant its own video and before we get to the question be sure to subscribe if you haven't check out my discord I'm in there all the time more people were joining everyday there's a lot of activity in there a lot of people helping each other out and answering questions and just you know having a good time so be sure to join if you haven't already but with that being said let's get into the question alright first let's take a look at the talent calculator real quick I hear a lot of people say all the time the theory prize just too squishy to tank that you'll you'll just die you take way too much more damage than if you were deep brought so that's actually not true if you look at the two talent - side by side this is this one's in pale prot 17 3 or 31 this is fury Prothero 31 20 as you can see the only talent the only talent difference between the two as far as mitigation talents go is toughness career prod I have 6% armor in this build of impaled prada of 20 not 20 M 10% armor so 4% Oh more difference that's it the only other mitigation talents anyway are Perry neither of these builds you might want to get 5 5 pair of deep prot 5 5 Perry's nice but like you're not gonna just notice yourself dying all the time if you don't have 5% Perry if you're dying a lot then it's it's not this I can tell you that moving over we have anticipation which don't really honestly the more I think about the more I don't like this talent you get tent defense for 5 talent points which is if you just compare it to cruelty where you get 5 crit for 5 talent points just imagine a piece of gear that get one gave 5% crit like imagine a trinket one of them gave 5% crit and one then gave 10 defense like which owner to get which one you put on 5% crate is way more valuable than 10 defense 10 defenses it's nice but for five talent points it's not necessary and as I said before you don't need to be defensive cat you don't need to be defense cap to to live you know what I mean you can still prevent crits with you know shield block crits and crushing blows you can prevent those getting crits often not the end of the world anyway getting creep multiple times in a row is very rare it's you know under like a 1% chance to get critter crushed like 3 times in a row it's very low and so this is just not really it's not a talent worth getting and moving down like said we have 4 percent difference in armor for toughness which is negligible and everything else we have so the to build should the same thing so really as far as talent points go you don't have any less survivability as for your pot than you do this deep broth it's the the bottom line now with that being said when can you actually expect for your proc can you do it right in hit 60 you know what are the requirements people asked one of the one of the things to first note about fury prot is that when you're wearing full mitigation here and I'm talking like very little crit that's oh you're Crips and it has a lot to do with it so a simpler way I guess you can think about it is that if you have a very little crit like you know 10% or lower or let's say lower than like 15% you know lower than 12% maybe just if you have very little crit percentage then you're actually gonna generate more threat with deep rot than you would with for your brought main reason for that is that a lot of fury prods you're relying on crit alot to proc flurry to increase your attack speed by 30% which is huge you're relying on that and you're relying on the rage that you get from that from quitting you know from the damage that you do you rely on that rage to hit heroic strike as often as possible and hit bloodthirst every six seconds bloodthirst cost 30 rage shield slam on the other hand cost 20 rage only so it's easier you know 10 less raging blood thirst which is it's fairly significant i'm oftentimes you'll have 20 rage but not 30 um so it's just the rate requirements for deep prot or less than they are for your plot and so if your gears negation oriented that's all you have or if that's all you're comfortable with tanking tanking in at first which when you're in spirit a lot of inexperienced tanks are you know they're worried about dying I find more often than losing threat which first of all your healers can you know do a good job and healing and keeping you alive we made a video I'll put in the description as well about you know how you can communicate with your healers to tank and so once you become more comfortable in surviving staying alive you know may pop and cooldowns may be AoE fearing if you're taking too much damage I'm popping last and shield wall once you feel more comfortable in that aspect you can focus more on wearing threat gear and you can still be deep rot and worth right here and you know do better than you would otherwise not wearing that gear like you're gonna do more damage they're gonna generate more rage and when you when you generate more rage you know something just to keep in mind about this whole you know threat mentality for tanking is that you actually the main thing the main reason why you're generating so much more threat is that you can actually use your abilities you're you're generating rage you're taking more damage and you're doing more damage so you're actually able to use your abilities on cooldown and play the game you know cuz that's the whole point is using its many abilities as you can optimally when you can and if you're deep rot and full mitigation gear and you're just you know tanking the boss you're not really you're maybe Sundering every few seconds you know revenge when it's up but you hopefully have enough ridged shield slam but not always like I know this dude who has guild PTR snacks on a private server for some reason even though it's not gonna be out for you know probably 2 years in classic but I was watching him tank patch work and full mitigation gear and he was his shield he didn't shield time for like his shield son was off cooldown for like 10 seconds and he didn't use it cuz he didn't have the rage to use it and well he's also you know spending rage on other abilities which you shouldn't have and you stroke striking but the point is that if you don't have enough rate to use your abilities you know you're just you play the game less and that's um I don't know that doesn't sound like fun to me sounds like more fun to me to actually use my abilities more often so just in general that's um that's really something to keep in mind when you start to transition over to threat gear when you feel more comfortable about surviving and that's not this is also not to say that you never need mitigation gear of course there's fights like for example saffron and I just did saffron last weekend an axe put on full two or three full mitigation because not only is healing extremely intensive for that fight which is one a reason you want to wear mitigation gear but there were no threat issues because the DPS is all wearing frost resist gill they're doing less damage so there's no threat issues really I can afford to work for two or three and I'm also taking more damage just because of saffron hitting me and the frost aura in that fight which is six hundred frost damage every second to the whole raid which is why healings intensive you know I'm taking so much damage from that then I still have raged I still have enough rage to use my abilities frequently so in a case like that you still want to work full mitigation gear but the better you get the more experience to get with tanking more and more you'll be wearing threat gear for fights that a lot of people you know one thing possible that you should folks more mitigation like for example like when maintain good patch work I do will tank ins back here and that sounds pretty scary for anyone who's familiar with patchwork but I can assure you once you're confident your healers you know because you've talked them you've built a bond with them once you're confident in your own abilities to put on shield if you feel your health starting to dip quickly you know hit shield block be right at last and be ready to shield the wall I'm once we're comfortable and doing those things you can wear that gear almost always and survive you know and it's you know not by chance just like I I'm very comfortable with my survivability even in that gear and you know in BEC your dual wielding I'm taking you know probably about as much damage as a you know a previous warrior in like max defense gear our armors about the same avoidance um I have a little more avoidance but and more health obviously but as far as damaging take goes like I'm taking Sam out damages a warrior and losses with the shield on you know with full mitigation gear on really when it comes down to it so and you wouldn't think a warrior like that could you know tank knacks in that gear but as far as damage intake goes that's essentially what I'm doing consumable I'm course I'm using consumables as well but you know that you don't have to doesn't matter what your gear is to be able to use consumables so a warrior in full blues can walk in and I'm seeing use those consumables as well of course but you know when I've talked a little bit just now I think that these points that I'm bringing up they all tie into whole general ideas going theory praten focusing more on threat and they're important things to know and so but anyway to summarize if you're focusing on mitigation gear stay deep prot you're actually gonna do better than its fear prop but once you start getting more threat gear and you start to get more confident with tanking because fear prot is hard it's more dynamic you know just putting on shield putting on an off hand it's a say you have to meet just more experience with playing warrior in general so wait until you have some experience wait till you have some threat gear which you really want to focus on gear at the jod which and phase want to scarce you know there's not a lot of plate with the Jill diem phase one but as you get more more and more threat gear that's what you can start giving for your Prada try and quick thing to know is that fear prot is actually not a great spec in dungeons mainly because you don't have tactical mastery great skill to have them dungeons as well as concussion below the prot wore yourself so prot it's actually a very viable dungeon spec I really wouldn't try to walk into your first dungeon at sixteen spec fairy pot and you probably won't have a good time once you get more again once you get more experience the you can tank just fine as Cherie prot and you know make up for some of the shortcomings that the spec has in dungeons and like for example fear pot gets piercing out which is an amazing ability to dive in dungeons you can kite mobs when you're you know low on health or just prevent them from running away slow them down so piercing house is really nice skill to have and as far as whether your main tank or an off tank and raid I would say off tanks can try the spec out sooner honestly really just because threats not as much of an issue you know if you're an off tank in a rating you want to try out for your pot again like I said during trash your mitigation system this spec as it would be you know if you were in pale prot and so on trash as long as you just wear mitigation gears a shield and a shield you know you should take about the same amount damage and the the lack of threat that you generate in mitigation gear on trash wouldn't be as much of an issue especially in mobile core when everything is Tonto and on a target that's not dying first and as fear pot as well you're gonna when your tape when you're fighting a boss like let's say magma tar for example second Boston molten core only requires one tank if you're a fear pot off tank then you can basically DPS on that fight and you're missing impale from you know the arms tree as far as like a standard fury DPS build would go but you have a lot of the fury talents that make you do a lot of DPS so just you know have a set a DPS gear to put on and you know you can deep yes during bosses really or you know ideally have a nightfall or Annihilator as I've talked about but really you can do some respectful DPS as a for your pot spec especially for an off tank off tanks typically aren't known for doing a lot of DPS and rates so you can you know have some utility there and the one thing that some of you might be asking that I'm sure you've been waiting for me to bring up is that well you know scarm what about duel welding you know you don't you know you can't do a little tank I'm see the first time you go in you know you're just gonna die and as far as dueling goes you don't there's nothing you don't have to have you don't have to be dual wielding to play through your pot you can do it perfectly well with one hander and shield on of course you're gonna generate more threat as you're doing welding but there's nothing that there's no reason not to put on shield as I've said many times before when you're taking too much damage if you you know pay close attention to my warrior videos when I'm taking a boss a lot of the times all have a shield on for ten seconds then I'll switch to dual wielding I start taking too much damage I'll put on shield shield back on switch back to dual wielding so it's really your your you should be constantly ready to do that as for your probably should be constantly ready to put on shield constantly ready to put on an off hand and at first I would say when you're first owning int MC if you happen to have enough threat gear to justify being fury prot or you know say you're an off tank and MC is very prot but i'll shield there's no reason not to and if you are tanking something you find that you're not taking a lot of damage then put on an off hand or if you're off tanking something you know let's say you're fighting just one core hound in molten core and you're an off tank and the main tank has the mob well you know put on offhand and do a little more damage help yourself generate a little more rage and you know put up senators a little faster like let's say an ad comes you know a lot of a surger gets pulled then put on a shield run over and taunted you should you can do those things instantly you can switch weapons you know in the middle combat it will trigger the global cooldown but that's all that's the only penalty that you get and I believe it resets your swing timer as well and the reason why dual welding is for your pots better than deep rot is because you need a shield primarily the reason is you need the shield to shield slam and you won't be shield slamming every six seconds to maximize your that is deep rot and so putting on an off hand for you know three or four seconds while she'll Sam's cooling down is just it's a pain in the ass it's tedious often it you know messes with you tricking the global cooldown and it's overall it's just not worth while back before I tried out favorite products to do that actually quite a bit as deep rot and it's exhausting though and it's you know it's barely more effective than just leaving a shield on the entire time whereas fear prot you don't let this doesn't require shield your main threat move so the only reason to wear shield is for your prot is when you're when you're worried about taking too much damage and of course when you're doing welding you get the hit penalty of course so while you're starting out actually you know you don't have a lot of hit yet so while you're starting out you might as well just leave the shield on anyway because you're off hand and your main hand would uh would miss a lot do the fifteen percent hit penalty that you get while do welding but point is you can play this back just fine with the shield on and you know still get the feel of you know your rotation you know what moves using getting flurry procs you know when to use your oak strike one do not etc etc and I'll be I'll be talking more about my actual rotation to a lot of people been asking about that it's yeah I'm trying to figure out a way to you know include it in a larger subject in a larger video but it's coming don't worry so that's about it for this I hope this helped you guys you know decide when to spec for your prop you know what kind of things dame for like I said aim for that gear look for play key with agility on it you know crits nice strength of course all that and I'll see you guys in my next video please [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Skarm Tank
Views: 246,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, vanilla wow, classic wow, classicwow, feral, warrior, tanking, prot warrior, feral druid, naxxramas, naxx, mcp, crowd pummeler, gold, gold farming, gold farm, parry, wow tanking, warrior tanking, fury/prot, fury/prot spec
Id: pQ0HrEklWjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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