How GOOD Is MAGE In HARDCORE Classic WoW? | Tips & Tricks | Classic WoW

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Mages in vanilla are probably the most overpowered class in the entire game they're the best Caster DPS endgame incredible toolkits of burst and CC and PVP unquestionably the strongest AOE damage dealer free portals and teleports to get around the world free food and water and hey wouldn't you know it they're pretty good at leveling too saying that they are perhaps the only class in the game which has a totally unique way to level that nobody else can replicate and whilst this video will focus on more the traditional way to level we'll definitely be taking a look at the extent of what skill players can pull off on the Mage so whether it's Arcane Frost or fire let's take a look at the Mage in hardcore wow but first a quick word from today's sponsor brilliant is an online platform aimed at teaching math and science subjects to people of all skill levels Brilliance has a ton of different lessons from Everyday Math the gravitational physics Quantum Computing and so much more and whether 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point if Mages have two weaknesses it's their incredibly low base health and the existence of a Mana bar now you could say every class with a Mana bar has some kind of issue with running um but some classes deal a portion of their damage as melee such as a shaman and aren't totally reliant on their Mana some classes regenerate tons of Mana during a fight such as a priest or can just turn Health directly into Mana as the Warlock can Mages run out to that blue bar and unless you have a wand that's kind of it in time you will get evocation and managem to boost your Mana pool back up but you don't always have those to fall back on getting to grips with how much damage your Mana pool can realistically translate into will separate those times from where you finish off a mob at five percent Mana left and the times when you have to gradually frosting over and wand them down a new applies to hardcore Mages also have some of the best defensive spells in the entire game particularly when you're specializing into the frost tree but we'll get on to that later if you want to play a pure damage dealing range character in classic Mages kind of hard to go wrong with though in terms of solo play Mage is simply amazing whilst they don't have the self-healing or tankiness of other classes they can just kite anything that can be slowed and rooted indefinitely whether you're Frost bolting from far away and keeping mobs at Arm's Reach or just trying to AOE down several mobs at once the Mage makes for a very efficient solo leveling machine the same goes for taking on Elites or tougher Quest mobs in general and though you will have to deal with some spell resists your toolkit has more than enough abilities to create distance between you and the enemy once again solo players also with the playstyle of the Mage can differ very heavily whilst leveling so the normal way to approach getting your Mage to 60 is much like any other class you pick a mob you use your main spell be it frostbolt Fireball what have you and you gradually get it down move on to the next mob and bring to refill your manner as necessary and going down the route of mainly handling one mob at once is very safe especially when you realize most mobs you engage are never going to reach you to actually deal any damage back the more advanced players however that want to make the use of the Mages full toolkit opt for AOE grinding this technique abandons questing in the early 20s in favor of picking high density fast respawn locations where the Mage can gather up as many mobs as possible and then AOE them down quickly through use of frost Nova flame strike Arcane explosion and blizzard the Mages toolkit of CC and extensive AOE damage makes them the only class that can entertain leveling in this way and if executed correctly it will always be much faster than questing there are issues with this playstyle though such as competition from others even just one other player can throw off making this worth it and secondly and much more importantly on Hardcore servers this play style is extremely dangerous you can get a few bad resists or mobs you can be dazed you can pull too many you can overestimate how much money you have left you can time your cooldowns wrong Mobs Can respawn on top of you and so on this is not a new player friendly way to play the game in fact I'd say getting to 60 through AOE grinding is probably the hardest Way You Can level all the way to end game even more so than on a warrior it's just very unforgiving when each pull is potentially deadly over such a long period of time I'd also keep in mind that you kind of need to be ahead of the pack for this to work casual play and AOE grinding will be too contested by other classes leveling normally saying all of this we did just have the official hardcore servers confirmed the other day so if you wanted to practice your AOE grinding The Unofficial error servers are there for that right now and I'm pretty confident in saying when the real servers drop the first solo level 60 will be a mage AOE grinding assuming they can get there without dying of course onto Group Play then so if I was putting a party together for quite literally any dungeon in the entire game the first thing I would want is a mage this class is just so overtuned for group play they get free food and water for party members assuming we can trade that is incredible AOE damage profile solid single targets and interrupt sheep the list just goes on and on they can also recover bad polls like no other class in the game cam kiting back through an improved blizzard will give people enough time to heal up and regenerate Mana or just maybe even get to the dungeon exit if it's near enough the biggest risk to the Mage in a group is how much damage you can potentially deal if you throw a flame strike into an Arcane explosion on multiple mobs on the pole no tank in the game will be able to stop them from turning around and hitting you in the face at which point you're gonna be reminded how low your health bar is playing a mage I'd always start off with a few Frost bolts into the main target before starting to AOE it is vanilla after all there's only so much a tank can do to save a DPS that's pretending threats isn't a thing onto survivability then can this class easily get out of a difficult situation yes yes it can even without considering talent's Mage has a lot going for it you don't think of it initially but even Frost armor is a purely passive slow to movement and attack speed anytime Amelia tank hits the Mage other classes have to press a button to achieve something like that with Mage yeah it just happens on its own you don't even have to do anything special to run away most of the time due to frost armor your basing movement speed will be higher than whatever is hitting you most of the time it's kind of overpowered if you think about it and then we have Frost Nova a short cooldown AOE route which gives you more than enough time to outrun pretty much anything in the entire game rust and firewall shouldn't be forgotten about against enemies that deal these types of damage and remember water and fire Elementals despite looking as though they're mailing you are actually dealing Elemental damage there's Mana Shield too though it does drain your Mana extremely fast and only stops physical damaging classic and of a last resort when you're running this one damper magic is also very useful when solo again against Elementals it's reducing how much damage You Take by more than you would expect of course there is Blink the classic Mage utility spell teleporting you a short distance forwards as well as removing roots and slows and then we get on to talents boiler what we'll be talking about for the talents part of the video I guess but Frost is just amazing frostbite makes it so all your Frost abilities including Frost armor have a 15 chance to root enemies this route does not cause diminishing returns of itself and it can proc back to back ice block is a huge defensive ability for the Mage removing all debuffs and making you immune to damage for its duration in classic there is no hypothermia debuff from using ice block though again you can do it back to back also you can't ice block and jump off a ledge to land safely for some reason you just get stuck in the air so yeah don't go relying on doing that speaking of Defying Gravity slow fall can't be used on allies and it also needs a reagent called a light feather which are not sold on reagent vendors but found in the world so if you get some of these do hold on to them finally at 40 there is ice barrier which is a good version of Mana Shield as it blocks all damage on a short cooldown and you can reset every single one of these Frost abilities with cold snap so yeah Mage kinda op as mentioned earlier manobar is really the only issue I'd be super careful about using Mana Shield when running it does delete your Mana pool really fast to block a relatively small amount of damage which can sometimes leave you um as other things which could help you escape such as blink or Nova come off of cooldown also as a mage you're not taking direct hits too often so your defense will not be capped for your level meaning even yellow mobs are likely going to be landing crushing blows which will deal 150 percent of normal damage when things do get in melee change your health bar usually drops pretty fast all the same Mage has a whole tool kit of ways to escape from a bad situation it's just about picking the right one for the right occasion so then is the Mage Fast 2 level depends I think if you're going through the single Target frostbolt playstyle it's faster than some but nowhere near the fastest AOE grinding solo is the fastest route to 60 but is also very high risk and you need to be ahead of the pack or run contested for it to really work even doing something in between the two play Styles where you occasionally AOE but mostly single Target is still fairly good Mage has the capability to be one of the fastest levelers in the game but it's really down to how you play the class onto talents for leveling then so what are we running I think there's a lot of flexibility here the only kinda odd one out is Arcane so in vanilla arcane's main damage dealing spells are Arcane explosion which is great obviously on AOE and Arcane missiles which is a not so great if you're really leveling going down the Arcane tree and using Arcane spells you better be doing a challenge run or something it just doesn't have the damage fire brings or the utility and damage that Frost Springs that's why it's not really seen and is more of a supportive specialization to the other two talent trees speaking of the other two trees though I do rate fire early game a certain key talents that make Frost incredibly powerful are missing for a while you'll also find that fire can easily finish off mobs before they have a chance to reach you even without the slows from frostbol this spec is much more focused with dealing with one mob at once however and at around the level 26 to 30 Mark I would consider re-rolling to frost you get a new rank of frostbolt at 26 and by that time you have points in vital talents such as frostbite as well as points in ice shards and shatter this means you can just Blast away with your Frost bolts one mob at a time and make things very safe and very easy for yourself the problem with the Mage talent tree is your kind of spoiler built for a choice there are very few dead talents compared to other classes and wherever you put points it's probably gonna work out pretty well I will say for more group Focus play or for AOE grinding that the core talents in your Frost tree will shift around quite a bit as blizzard is now a key source of your damage as well as cone of cold contributing a lot more for me overall on the Mage fireworks fine early but once Frost comes online it's really hard to deny the combination of burst damage slows and roots not to mention excellent additions to survivability from ice block Ice barrier and cold snap which you really value on a one life character much like their talents nearly all the abilities the Mage can train are pretty useful bring colored abilities are ones are Level whenever I get the chance yellow is optional or I wouldn't train to Max Rank and add usually so red is a void but there aren't really many abilities which are totally useless on the Mage there is a few things I want to say about what's shown here though punja water rank 7 is from West in diamall and kunja food rank 7 is from a Tome dropped in Stratton dead by archivist galford you can only get to the rank 6 through your trainers but late game characters will be able to pick both of these up portals will really depend on whether you're grouping up in your playthrough if you see them being useful definitely get them rosenova gains minor extra damage when leveled up the root duration Remains the Same so it's fine to use rank 1. for me if there were abilities to skip amplify magic has Niche uses as does Scorch Arcane missiles and Fireball won't see much action at Max rank assuming you're Prospect and Mana Shield feels a little redundant once you start being able to Talent into ice barrier speaking of ice barrier it's on the list here at the top right of course this is a talented ability not Baseline but you should always level up talented abilities whenever you can they're cheap anyway so why not those are just my thoughts on what to get on the Mage though the toolkit as a whole is very strong so you've got to need plenty of gold to level up all your spells moving on we don't really have much weapon progression to to talk about for the Mage yes ones are nice and everything but you just don't rely on them as much as other spellcasters do ones are there for that moment when a mob has just not enough hell for you to Warrant using a full spell on it either that or very early game where ones are just kind of really op assuming you can get your hands on one that is so instead let's talk about stats quickly it's pretty simple spirit is nice for Passive Mana regen and health regeneration but you're casting too often for the five second rule to kick in your key stats are going to be intellect and stamina green items that roll of the eagle should always be a particular interest for Mages and ideally you will put stamina and intellect on every item that you're wearing leveling as they will give you the biggest buffer of health and Mana meaning more room for errors spell resists all that kind of stuff also in classic armor can roll secondary stats too such as of Frozen wrath these are purely offensive items or going any of the stats for raw spell power in that particular School whilst finding an item like this this is extremely rare they will boost your damage noticeably and as you will experience during leveling there's practically no gear that has spell power on it at all until end game but if you find them though we're fusing just don't equip too many of them you still want a decent health bar next we have macros and add-ons so it's not really either of the above but always have frostbolt rank one on your bar somewhere sometimes you just need a brief slow to stop mobs running in fear to others or so you can keep kiting or when you're running oom it's just very useful whether you are Frost or not you can do the same with cone of cold another good spell to have downranked and frost Nova's the same story even if you did hypothetically spend gold to upgrade it you're also spending more Mana to do a very small extra bit of damage rank 1 is fine to use so they're macros past shoot use this on any Caster with a wand it stops you from accidentally toggling your one firing on and off I find it really useful you're going to be making a bunch of your own food and water and you can cast sequence them to make both on one button just replace this with a correct name for whatever ranks you're using Mages candy cursor this comes in useful now and again this macro will decach you if no one's targeted or an ally if you Mouse over them I like having counter spell on Mouse over two similar kind of idea to D curse sometimes you don't want to swap Target but do want to interrupt add-on-wise I don't have a ton which I would really say I specifically use on the Mage I have two weak auras that are useful first up having debuffs on name plates there's a lot of ways to achieve this through various add-on packs or name plates so it's just a suggestion really but this is the weak Aura I use to achieve it another one I really like is Nan Shield it gives you a visual indicator of how much Shields you have left it also shows separate Shields from your Wards Mana barrier and even trinkets modern Target frame is another useful one it will among other things display when enemies are casting so you know when to interrupt and finally Omni CC shows ccfx over the effect Target's portraits including interrupts again I find this a good visual indicator of what is going on and I think that just about wraps up everything I have to say about the Mage it really is a class where you can push the limits of what is possible within the game or just play pretty safe and sound as in your player to the class do watch your health and Mana bars more so than other classes it's not so much mistakes that get Mages killed it's just overestimating how powerful you actually are so whether you're Solo or looking to group up more the Mage in vanilla is truly a class that shines in all aspects of the game from PvP raiding and of course hardcore leveling anything else to say on the Mage do drop it down below and what class do you want to see next and as always thank you all so much for watching and listening in and I'll see you all in the next one very soon thank you
Channel: WillE
Views: 80,150
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Keywords: wotlk, wrath classic, wille, ulduar, ulduar guide, ulduar hardmode, wotlk best dps, wotlk dps, wotlk pve, wotlk leveling guide, wotlk leveling, wotlk pvp, dk, death knight, paladin, warrior, warlock, mage, priest, rogue, druid, hunter, shaman, toc, icc, dragonflight, wow, warcraft, mmorpg, mmo, best mmo, free mmo 2023, best mmorpg, best free mmorpg, best mmo 2023, mmo 2023, eso, gw2, ff14, osrs, ashes of creation, riot mmo, role playing game, rpg, dungeons and dragons, tabletop, gaming, pc, console, ps5
Id: kB6QmNGgqtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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