How To Handle Your Haters

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[Music] [Music] I'm reading from the Book of Luke chapter number six I'd like to begin reading with verse number 22 Jesus is speaking blessed are ye when men shall hate you blessed are thee and when they shall separate you from their company and shall reproach you and cast out your name as evil for the son of man's sake here's what you're supposed to do when they do that rejoice ye in that day and leap for joy for behold your reward is great in heaven for in the light manner did their fathers unto the prophets but woe unto you that are rich for you have received your consolation woe unto you that are full for for you shall hunger woe unto you that laugh now for you shall mourn and weep woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you for so did their fathers to the false prophets now I want you to notice something verse 23 they criticize the prophets but in verse 26 they spoke well of the false prophets you better watch a preacher that everybody speaks well of I've never had that problem never had that problem but in the context of our scripture early in his ministry Jesus has given us a very stern warning and really an awake call to prophecy and that is somewhere down life's Road somebody is going to hate you it's just the fact of life there are some people that do not like you and no matter what you do you are not going to be able to change some people's opinions that they've already decided that you are evil and unlikable I want to preach on how to handle your haters the word hate is means by definition it's a feeling of intense or passionate dislike for somebody the word hate means to detest to abhorred to despise to discuss or to be intolerant of hate is a very powerful emotion and force but not all hate is evil as some would have you to believe I'll prove it to you what are you going to do with psalms chapter 90 evil you know ye that love the Lord hate evil in other words he was drawing us a parallel that the more people love Jesus and holiness the more they will hate evil but what you have to distinguish is this God wants you to hate evil but he never wants you to hate people can I say that again you hate evil but you don't hate people you hate the evil that people have allowed the devil to place in their life but you never hate individuals I have three points I want to give you what is hate why do people hate and ways to conquer hate number one what is hate can you believe hate starts with a negative emotion there's something about somebody that you don't like and that can compound over being something that's just dislikable and literally turn into hate if it's not dealt with it could be somebody's personality it could be their dress code the way they conduct themselves it could be their conversation the family they came from you'd be amazed how simple hate starts off with just a private negative emotion inside of you that nobody knows about but you and God have you ever heard of somebody say I don't like that person and then you say well why well I don't know it's just something about them I don't like when they say that they have begin to multiply the seeds of hate that will eventually grow into their lives second it increases into despair and depression you can get so much animosity against somebody that you allow their negative emotions to affect your attitude and all of a sudden you become hateful because of your dislike of somebody else there are some people you can't be around not because they're hateful in nature but they're hateful because they hate somebody else and it's affected their ambitions their attitude and their actions and you can't stand to be around them because they've never overcome their negative emotions for somebody else and you might as well say man cuz I know some of your campaign [Applause] number three it continues into what we call an obsession your strong desires to dislike can become compulsive addictive fetish it can even become a phobia according to what scientists have discovered and it has the ability to consume your thoughts your attitudes and your actions can you imagine having such detest in your life that you allow them to control whether you're happy or not in life whether you have a positive attitude or not in life nobody should have that much control over you accept the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit of God no man no woman should be able to possess you to that degree and what's sad is some of the people that you detest hate dislike think are evil whatever terminology you want to use some of them don't even know you got on against them that's why the Bible said if you got all against your brother go to him because that brother may not even know but there is a problem you would be surprised what the devil can use if he can't get you with a joint if he can't get you with a pill if he can't get you with powder if he can't get you with a man or woman he'll just put a seed of stupidity and evil and hatred in your heart that will eventually destroy you and then he gets into a deep hatred which can lead to ultimately revenge and this is the Avenue where we get anger in our life that can even become harmful now this is very blunt brother James this is very bold but it's happened in our church we had got a man in this church today a father that his son died several weeks ago we have found out since then that his other son killed him that daddy's sitting in this building this morning and his other son killed his brother because he felt like his daddy loved him more than he loved him he felt like his daddy loved his brother more than he loved him so out of hate and evil and jealousy he slew his own brother right here in this auditorium I'm not talking about Cain and Abel back in the Bible I'm done by sitting right here in this auditorium today I tell you if you don't handle hate hate will handle you yes it will hate can make you do a lot of stupid stuff it can make you think in a lot of stupid avenues and it can make you get revengeful it can get you to the point where you wish evil on people where you want people to be hurt where you want them to be distraught where you want them to be sickly even where you want them to die I'm telling you hate is a powerful thing and you say well I've never had a problem with that oh yeah yeah right are you alright you think I was born yesterday you think I'm stupid you say that again I'm gonna give your husband a microphone right now and let him testify we'll see if you ever hated anything in your life it's an emotion and it can go crazy and he can go deep I'll tell you how powerful hate is it can take a young man and woman at a marriage altar totally infatuated with each other all goo-goo-eyed foaming at the mouth crazy can't wait to get with each other holding hands at a wedding altar putting rings on their finger but I've watched them 15 years later brother Danny standing in the echo hallways of a courtroom while they're screaming and yelling and foaming at the mouth and hating each other and wishing that each other would die what could take such a loving influence something that had such a positive beginning and turn it into such a negative ending it all rallies around one word hate despise evil you know I'm telling it right emotions can change your infatuation and your deep love that you think you have is only one situation away from turning in the hate don't you ever forget that I don't care how much Love's involved you are only one situation from embedding the seeds of hate into an individual and turning them against you that's what hate is all four steps of deep-rooted hatred that I just mentioned to you are sadly illustrated in people's lives in the Bible not only in the Old Testament but also in the New Testament so that's what hate is in its originality now I want to ask you why do people hate why would somebody hate somebody like you that's hard to believe that everybody doesn't love you well there are biblical reasons why some people might not appreciate or like you and I so I want to stay within the confines of the Bible in Genesis chapter number 4 it was Cain that rose up with hatred and slew his own brother Abel out in the field and Cain the Bible said slew his brother killed his only brother and the reason why he killed him was he was jealous of his worshipping God in spirit and in truth you remember Cain brought the fruit of the land and gave it to the Lord he brought fruits from the field and God rejected it because God sacrificed simplifying Jesus hadn't involved blood and when you worship you got a worship in spirit and in truth so here comes Abel okay and the Holy Ghost obeying the word of God and brings a lamb offering and sacrifices it and sheds its blood all of a sudden came gets mad because he sees Abel worshiping God in spirit and truth you think came with a repented and said Abel would you show me how to better be able to worship God but instead he allowed that to build up anger and hatred in his heart to the point where he killed the very brother that he was raised with there are some people that are gonna hate you just because you worship God and you don't have to do anything right or wrong you don't have to say anything right or wrong if they know you're walking with the Lord and you love the Lord and you're worshiping the Lord and you're honoring the Lord they're gonna hate you just because you worship God number two Genesis chapter number 37 Joseph's brothers hated him to the point where they were going to kill him but instead they threw him in a pit and you know the story they sold him to the Egyptians and the only reason why his older brothers turned against him was because he had dreams visions and goals in his life Joseph would go to his brothers and say I had a dream I had a dream one day that all of you are gonna bat my feet and I don't know when it's gonna happen or how it's gonna happen but I know God's a God that will fulfill our dreams God is a prayer answering God and I'm gonna take care of you and I'm gonna love you and instead of respecting the prophecy of God in their life the Bible said they despised him and wanted to kill him is what the Bible said only because he had ambitions and dreams in his life you know who's gonna hate you losers losers will hate you because they're never winners losers are haters and when you go to them and say look God told me this God's gonna allow me to do this God's gonna let this come in my life boy God's gonna fulfill something wonderful later on down the road in my life instead of them rejoicing with you they will hate you because you got a desire to serve God and to be all you want to be for Jesus that's nothing to do with the way your dress and your senility has nothing to do with the color of your hair the size shoe you wear it's the fact that when you love God losers late dreamers oh it gets worse than that numbers chapter number 16 Moses gets up one morning to go to church and there stands Korah with all this group Moses said what's the problem quarter said I have to take the problem we got a problem with you being the leader of this thing we think we ought to have as much authority as you do by the way let me interject this here Cora was the choir director let me say that again Cora was the choir director he was in charge of music but all of a sudden because he had the choir behind him here he comes to the man of God the Moses didn't want the job anyhow he tried to talk God out of it Moses was called not surrendered and he went before him and said now look Laura I don't want any problem God put me here I'm trying to lead the people and I'm trying to do the best I can of course at all--not in the morning I'm gonna rise up and I'm gonna have a crowd with me and we're gonna fight you and we're gonna rebuttal you and we're gonna we're gonna bring out against you we're gonna vote you out by the way look up here at me I know it's Sunday morning bless God Almighty I know I'm on television internet radio antenna and church at but you hear me well any of you stinking singers with a microphone think you're taking over this pulpit or you're gonna challenge me you have sought your last song 90% of the problems I've ever had in this church is some Yahoo on this side of the microphone that fakes God raised him up to straighten me out well if you got so much wisdom why don't you go start a church year-old or am i preaching now I'm a day some I've had a lot of people fight over microphone but bless God I had never had one of you ladies fight over a mop you don't like it I'll say it again you fight over a microphone but you will fight over a mom you want to be on the line like you want to be the lead singer you want everybody to notice you but when it comes to just functioning and making the church work you don't want anything to do with that then all of a sudden God's raised you up and gave you a divine revelation on how this church ought to be run I'm gonna tell you something I'll throw every freaking microphone in his church I'll throw him out in the parking lot and run him over with an automobile and I'll leave singing bless God with a tin can with a rock in it before I'll put up with hell on this platform so they get mad he's First Samuel Chapter number eighteen Saul got mad at David because David knew how to play the harp dance before the Lord and he was a mighty fighter in 2nd Samuel 18 Absalom David's old son got mad at his daddy because God blessed him financially I mean you think about how stupid that is when David died Absalom would have got it anyhow but he was so mad that God had established his kingdom and that David not only was but is the richest king that Israel ever had they hated him David never asked God for money one time in his life never did David asked God for financial gain and that's why God blessed him cause he knew David didn't care and when God began to bless him all of a sudden stuff folks are saying you know what I think he's in it for the money you know something about badges I'm preach I'm higher than one time in a year one time you look up at me I throw song book at you I'd say something about tide in one time of year and you bunch of God robbing thieves they'll go out of here and get on Facebook and say I'm not going back to the mess all he does is preach on time and the only people that put that on Facebook or god Robin thieves they do know their God you're the only one that ever gets bent out of shape when I say something like that then you are a thief if you're robbing God without giving what the Bible says will a man Rob God it's amazing your doctor can drive a limousine so long it's got to have a hinge in the middle of it to turn a corner there's nothing wrong with that but you let a preacher get a car that's less than seven years old and it doesn't use loyal and the tires aren't bald and all of a sudden he's in it for the money I want to say this to all you pug-nosed heathens that have said that about me look up here at me if there's so much stinking money in this why don't you shut up get your fat tail off the couch pick up a Bible and try this for six months itself victim telling me how much money there is in being a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ [Applause] until then y'all shut up if I wear a new suit get over it you didn't pay for it if I Drive a new car shut up you didn't pay for my wife has a diamond ring shut up you ain't got no money in it y'all be glad that she's not a preacher that's living in a way where God can trust him God can bless him and God can honor him for being faithful and preaching the Word of God in Esther chapter number 3 Hammond got mad at Mordecai because he couldn't control him well there's a lot of that going on around here you want to know why there's 49 churches on this little road we're on I'll tell you why it's all over power and authority some pot-bellied Deacon board thinks God raised him up to control the church or some lizard tongue Jezebel although she wouldn't dare smoke a cigarette ooh we're a pair of pants but she's got a tongue and a reach from here to Birmingham Alabama a man I know I'm telling it right and I'll tell you what I do I preach them Jezebel's out of here that's exactly what I do and then they'll call our members and say oh we're leaving and we're praying that God will open your eyes no that's why you left God opened our eyes and that's why we're still here and you're gone I am NOT being controlled by a paycheck by somebody that's got a lot of family members in this church you don't have a wallet thick enough you don't have a family big enough I don't give a flip how much influence you got in this country when I get in this pulpit I have no buddies I have no friends I have no favorites I'm gonna preach to you just like I preach to everybody else Nehemiah chapter number four all he did was build the wall but all the other preachers hated him because God used him to build a great work did you know the word Sanballat which was one of the main men that fought Nehemiah that word means hatred it's amazing to me you think people would applaud other people that God is using to build something great for the kingdom but you let one preacher letting the church start growing a little bit watch all the other churches in the community they get all bitter and jealous and bent out of shape oh I wonder what he's doing down there to get people to come he may be preaching the gospel praying all night fasting and winning sinners the Jesus and your church would probably grow if you were try it sometime Daniel chapter 3 the whole kingdom hated the three Hebrew children because they were different and they they were public in their differences and they stood for what was right and everybody turned against them and hated them simply because they were standing for what's right let me just clarify something here people don't really hate you so get over that they hate the God that's in you and the only way they know to manifest their hate for God is to take it out on his children so you're gonna have people that hate you just because you're a child of God just because you love God just because God's using you just because there's anointing on you people will get mad at you Sunday School teachers get mad at other teachers if their classes grow singers get mad the singers if they clap or shout more when they're singing than with another singer sings or if you use one singer twice before you use another I don't know why I'm harping on that but I'm gonna harp on it while that's on my heart just in case I got a problem up here I want to clear this out right now now I want you to notice the ways to conquer hate boy it's a nice quiet crowd we got here today we could put Catholic Church in front of this this morning and it would fit just fine it could be oh yeah I know where I'm at my daddy always told me a loaded wagon don't squeak I'm gonna tell you why you ain't making no noise this morning cuz I'm loading you up that's why you're not making any noise some of you need usually clamp it on your feet I can't even get a grunt out of you today now I want you to notice the ways to conquer hate how do you get over people that don't like you I get customer this is a pity party's reality every day of my life I get phone calls emails texts Facebook every day of my life and some of them are so filthy that I would not even mention them in a mixed congregation my daughter in her 30s stood up at a woman's conference not long ago and said this I can never remember a day of my life that somebody didn't say something bad about my daddy now you think about being in your 30s and being able to say not one day of my life can I remember somebody not saying something bad about my daddy so how do you get over this how do you keep from getting consumed and start hating back how do you stay positive when so much negativity is being thrown at you some of you are hated by your own family some of you are hated by your siblings some of you are hated by your kids your grandkids people you work with everywhere we go we've we have confrontations with people that really just don't like us so how do you overcome this I don't want to get sucked into the same level they are one man said this every time you're throwing dirt remember you're losing ground I think there's a lot of truth to that now I'm not a perfectionist at what I'm preaching this morning I'm a fighter I was raised on the street I've been cut I've been stabbed I've been shot I've been locked up I've been everywhere and I've done everything so it's my nature that when you swing at me I'm gonna knock you out that's my personality I'm gonna punch you and I'm gonna knock you out that's my personality it's called manhood that's something that's existed a couple of generations ago can I throw this in while I'm here cuz you ain't gonna shout anyhow I'm gonna tell you why we got a bunch of the feminine boys running around here twitching your rear end like girls and carrying baby dolls instead of talking ties they're being raised by mamas that's trying to make girls out of them and we're sitting into a school system that's trying to make effeminate losers let me illustrate my grandson went to a public school the other day and he was playing tag with another student and the teacher said you cannot touch another student that's called aggression now this is how freaked out crazy we are you can't even play duck-duck-goose anymore because when you touch a student that's aggression now that's what's coming on in this next generation they're not going to be able to take this kind of preacher and I'll tell you that right now I'm gonna tell you something you need to let that boy climb a tree let him fall out let him eat dirt let him play with top of toys put a pair of coveralls on him hey man let him break a fingernail make him stay outside make him break a sweat make him use more muscles than his two thumbs on his xbox teach them that life is filled with chores and responsibilities and they need to get out of bed get outside and find something to do with their life [Applause] now how do you get over this nonsense what do you do when people don't like you Matthew chapter number 5 verse 44 here's what the Bible says number 1 love your enemies outside of Jesus I cannot do that number 2 bless them that curse you at first I thought the Greek word was beat instead of bless but I looked it up it's not it's blessed him to curse you Matthew 5:44 pray for them that persecute you do you know I pray for the people that hate me it does nothing for them but it sure does a lot for me it keeps me from getting in the same condition they're in you say they hate me and I don't like it they shouldn't you pray for them it'll keep you from getting that sorry the old timers used to say kill him with kindness romans 12:20 said yo he calls a fire on their head so how do you get over hatred you show kindness when they don't deserve it romans chapter 12 verse 21 says this don't overcome evil with evil overcome evil with good show kindness number 2 shout in their face and i'ma talk about cussing here's what the Bible says great is your reward in heaven you know what God said every time somebody hates you because of me I got something laid up in the glory world that I'm gonna give you because they've noticed you got me inside of you the next time somebody hates you bless God quit bellyache and stay off the internet click put it on Facebook quit being a bunch of crybabies and say glory to God I've got a reward in heaven because you hate me number three share forgiveness Peter came to Jesus one day and evidently somebody had done the law had done Peter wrong eight times I tell you how I know it because he came to the Lord and said Lord shouldn't we forgive our brothers seven times he was one Jesus to say yeah somebody probably wrong Peter eight and he was gonna get the Lord's approval to launch out out it and Jesus said no I don't want you to forgive your enemies those that hate you don't forgive them seven times forgive him seven times seventy a day I said a day that's 490 times a day some of you puts mouth Baptist somebody did you wrong once 35 years ago and you've never got over it and you been a sourpuss ever since [Music] right just that's the I know [Music] in the [Music]
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 7,140
Rating: 4.9314284 out of 5
Keywords: Rec. 9-01-19
Id: vogr8W6xfSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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