"Your Worth To God - Part 1" with Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection I wanted to take a moment and just say Happy Thanksgiving everyone from the Franklin family from Charisse my wife and our children and family and our king of Connection family here they bring you this telecast we just wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving you know we've got so much to be thankful for God has been so good to us all let's be thankful and I hope you and your family have a blessed blessed happy Thanksgiving this year god bless you if you have your Bibles I'd like for you to turn with me please to the Book of Psalms 139 this is one of my favorite chapters in all of the Bible and I'm preaching tonight on the subject of your worth to God your worth to God when you go back in the Old Testament you read and understand the Old Testament there were Gentiles and there were Jews you and I most of us unless you are of a Jewish background or lineage you're you would be considered as the Bible calls you a Gentile and when Jesus came he came for his own people the Bible said he went into his own in his own received him not he went and he came for the Jewish people as a matter of fact when he told his disciples he sent him out two by two and he said go pray for people go perform miracles in my name go heal people and he said when you do this he said only to the household of Israel are you to bless and pray for do not Jesus gave the strange instruction do not pray for anyone who is not of the household of Israel meaning if they're not in the bloodline of Jewish descent I can see in my mind a family coming and they were not and that's why when you read by the way the Old Testament and it says so and so begat so and so and so and so begat so and so and you're thinking God out of all the things that you could have said why do you go into such detail of telling us who the father and the great-grandfather and a great great great great great for grandfather what is that all about it's about a bloodline it's about understanding how powerful bloodline is and so stay with me watch this so so so here's a woman and she's got a sick child and she approaches one of the disciples of Jesus and he's performing miracles in Christ's name and and he says who is your father and it's not a Jewish name and he says I'm sorry you're not of the right stock you're not of the right background you're not of the right lineage you're not of the right bloodline you can I've been instructed that I cannot pray for you and your child that sounds unbelievable to us even Jesus one time when a woman came to him in mark chapter 5 she brought her hurt her daughter who was tormented suicidal out of her mind the Bible said she was possessed with evil spirits and she begged Jesus to set her daughter free and and Jesus said it's not right for me to give the children's bread meaning those of Abraham seed I cannot give this miracle to you and he said because it's not right for me to do this for dogs he called her a dog and I love this woman's tenacity because she said but Lord even the dogs can lick the crumbs under the table and Jesus was so moved he he basically said I'm not supposed to do this until after Calvary but I'm going to skip a whole dispensation and because of your faith great is your faith I'm going to heal your daughter because you're getting in to what I'm here for to the Jew please understand to our generation most of the people in our generation they see their family bloodline as an obstacle not an asset young people have no pride in their bloodline because many of them don't even know who their father is or they come from a background that that there is no pride in things that have happened in their family but to the Jew you have to understand their identity their credibility their stability everything about them was tied up in their bloodline the sum total of the Jew was connected to Abraham your influence with God resided in whether or not you were in the bloodline of Abraham because Abraham made a covenant with God and God said I'm going to bless anyone in your bloodline the seed of Abraham meant that you were the benefactors of everyone who came before you Paul the Apostle even underscores this even more when he says that we were alien speaking of us Gentiles he says we were aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel strangers to the Covenant of promise it means we could not get into the blessing we could not receive the blessing of the bloodline because we were of the right stock we were of the wrong stock the wrong inheritance the wrong genealogy no inheritance no part the power of the bloodline when you were in it was you became a benefactor of everyone who was before you an example of this is in the New Testament in the book of Hebrews because the Bible said that there was a guy named Levi and the Bible said God gave him credit for paying his ties and giving two hundred years before he was ever born because he had a great-great-great-great grandfather named Abraham who gave and God said I'm going to bless all the way down for two hundred years your son son son son named Levi I guess you could say it was in Levi's jeans come on that's the best joke you're gonna hear all night long he had Levi's jeans well that's good for the Jews pastor Jenson thanks I appreciate you giving me that little history lesson but what's that got to do with me Ephesians chapter 1 says that you were chosen everybody shout chosen you were chosen before the foundation of the earth before there was a generation of Abraham God chose you to each what did he choose you for to put you in the bloodline of a blood man by the name of Jesus Christ now now to comprehend what it means to be chosen to appreciate the scope of what it means to be chosen and I want to say to every person in the father's part of this balcony on the main floor wherever you are whoever you are listen to this preacher just a moment you are chosen you're chosen to be here you're chosen to hear this message God knew you would be here you're chosen so that's very important now watch this so so in Psalms 139 I think an example of what I'm trying to teach you is found in technology particularly when it comes to the study of Thoroughbred racehorses a thoroughbred is referred to as a blood horse and for over 300 years the people who deal with blood horses it's fairly expensive race horses name blood horses are called blood stock agents this is the article that I found blood stock agents and a blood stock agent is someone who buys and sales horses that cost hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars they have it's a it's actually a science these people study and they know horses genealogy like you wouldn't believe as a matter of fact the blood stock agents don't deal in in horses they deal in blood a blood stock agent is not looking for pretty a blood stock agent when he goes to buy a horse doesn't care how cute the horse is he really doesn't care what color the horse is he really doesn't care if it looks mighty and strong it may look swaybacked in his ears floppy and it doesn't look at all that he wants to know is one thing he wants to know about its bloodline he doesn't care about its weight he doesn't care about any of the outward characteristics when you buy a thoroughbred you're buying a bloodline North America's leading sire is a horse named storm cat and if you've got a mayor that you would like to breed with the stallion called storm cat it will only cost you four hundred thousand dollars and what do you get for four hundred thousand dollars do you get any guarantees do you get anything that that you know is going to return your investment here's what you get you get a coat that is born and it's got cloudy eyes it's got wobbly knees it'll walk around and fall down it it will tremble in its own weakness and shake and at that moment the blood stock agent will gladly pull out his checkbook and write a check for four hundred thousand dollars I'll take it because the blood stock agent is not put off by present weakness he understands that in the bloodline what is being inherited a blood stock agent please understand we'll pay $400,000 and he's not purchasing present achievements of that weak pitiful coat he's purchasing past achievements solely valued on his predecessors victories the worth of that little coat is solely attributed to the bloodline that he comes from and he may look weak and he may look defeated and he may look pitiful and he may look like he can't ever be an overcomer and he can never be in the winner's circle and he certainly will never have roses around his neck and he'll certainly never win the Kentucky Derby are any other Derby because he doesn't look on the outside like a winner but if he's connected and got the right bloodline the blood will overcome his weaknesses and they know it do you understand that that wobbly little coat sired by storm cat with wobbly legs and cloudy eyes and unsteady stance has in him to linguae Northern Dancer South Ocean Secretariat knee arctic native dancer something royal and Bey Lord Rose all champion racing horses they're all in that bloodline and the power of a bloodline is you receive all of the achievements of those who've gone before you now this is what blew my mind and I'm already more than half through this message turn to somebody say this that's good news come on watch this before a fault before a fault or a coke a fold or a coat is even born a blood stock agent pours over volumes of statistics he does evaluations and records and pedigrees and genealogy researching researching researching to ensure the probability of producing a quality coat it may take years every expense and effort to purchase a winner is spent physical measurements of thousands of horses are made and then a certain pattern emerges from the process Colts are measured at 14 months in digital screening is done to analyze see I thought they just let the horses hook up and they had a little coke no no no no listen to this they're there they're given a number to see to see how their parts fit together and then the information is studied and to determine their genealogy their geometry I should say they're given a number to see how their parts fit together they're given biochemical analysis they have a stride in in motion test their cardiovascular system is studied 58 different things from muscle mass to bone structure are used to study and analyze their efficiency for example if the back of the horse is too long the energy required to raise the front end is too great and it was slow the horse down if the front leg structure is not completely perfect it causes the horses projectory to be off and it makes him climb like an airplane if it's too low then his maximum velocity is lost from the push off from the gate and so the hind legs must be in perfect harmony with the front legs if the front hooves hit the ground too early it creates a braking effect that shortens the stride as a matter of fact there's a complete breakdown that's done of a mayor of the mayor and the stallion that they are thinking about letting breed stride leg angle foot strike acceleration of limb action size of heart size of lung other major organs and after thousands of mayors are studied and after thousands of stallions are studied and then their descendants are studied and then after all the bloodline is all broken down into individual components months and years even of research on the mayor and the stallion finally they are selected and what the cult will be in size in capability in height in strengths and weakness's is calculated on computer and on paper in the minds of men in virtual reality before they're ever born before they're ever brought into this earth they already know what their weaknesses will be what their strengths will be what they're the size of their nostrils the size of their heart the size of their lungs what their bodies will look like what their legs will be like it's already down in virtual reality they will not let a mare in a stay and come together to breed until they have it completely evaluated what they will produce every ancestor on both sides is studied and researched and evaluated to make sure they're getting the right size of everything that they wanted after months and months and months of research a mare is selected a stallion is selected to Butte to produce the kind of Colt they desire now get this big point the Colt doesn't exist yet just in the thoughts of the blood stock agents he's not even been given his birth yet but before he's ever born there's a purpose and a plan and before he's ever born the blood stock agent sees him in the winner's circle sees him with the Roses on his neck season overcoming every weakness sees him through the bloodline that he comes from more than a winner he's acquired his victory through another that's the power of a bloodline now that's the natural now let me go quickly to Psalms 139 this is why I love this chapter so much listen to the wording of David listen to these words Oh Lord verse 1 he said you have searched me the Hebrew word as you have researched me you know my uprising in my down sitting you are no accident I am no surprise you might have surprised your parents but you didn't surprise God and I need to tell you you didn't come from your parents you came through them you came from God listen to what he says my substance was not hid from them when I was made in secret God watched me being put together my substance the word substance in Hebrew is is embryo Kalume embryo when I was in my mother's embryo you watched me God being put together an unformed mass in thy book all my members were recorded all my body parts he can tell where you got all of your whole looks it's all in your blood in God's books then if that's not enough he says verse 16 when as yet there were none of them I didn't even exist but-but-but-but on the drawing board of heaven in the thoughts of my heavenly blood stock agent God was putting together you and your children and your children's children with a plan with a purpose with the destiny then he sums it up and he says how precious are your thoughts to me O God how great is the sum of them if I could count them they would be more he thinks about you more than the sands of the seashore do you know how long he's been working on you that's why you can't give up that's why you can't quit that's why you can't take your life that's why you can't waste another day on drugs or alcoholism are living some life with no meaning and no direction and no purpose God has a plan for your life you're better than that you're not a piece of flesh to be passed around and be used over no God has a plan he knew what you could be before you ever got here how precious are your thoughts of me Oh God me I'm a nobody I'm a nothing but Israel you wrote it he knows my name I am friend of God he holds me the Bible said in the palm of his hand hmm you're not the product of a moment you are not the outcome of a day you are not the conclusion of a year and you're not the result of a decade you are a child of eternity and one day you will still be alive in eternity you will never die you will be in heaven or hell but you will be alive somewhere Jeremiah in Jeremiah chapter 1 put it this way before I was in my mother's womb you knew me did you hear what I just said but that's why life is so precious that's why we need to understand God as the giver of every life and he said before I was in my mother's womb you knew me and ordained me and called me to be what you called me to be that's in your Bible in Jeremiah chapter one I was on a television program some years ago and I'll never forget it there was a little couple that was interviewed before I went on he's a 700 club program and they had they had told a story and it would caught my attention I want to give it to you real quick they said that they had just had a newborn baby they had two children one was about three years old maybe two two-and-a-half and the other child was newborn and they brought the newborn baby home but the two and a half year old began to get jealous of all the attention the newborn pretty common Charice and i've had five and five children and it's not unusual for for the the older ones to bite the younger one and let them know you're coming in on my turf especially girls I don't know what the deal is but girls especially and any anyway listen to this so so so they're sitting there and they said so we brought our newborn baby home and and and the little top little two and a half year old was not handling the new the new attention that the new baby was getting real well and and you know they really had to correct the child and all of that and finally one day the little two and a half year old got up and said to the parents I want to be I want to go say goodnight to the baby to my to my sister and the little fella took the door and he said mama I want to do it by myself and he he closed the door and little fella climbed up on the crib and she opened the door just to peep in to make sure everything was all right and she said that that child said to the little baby laying there the newborn infant quick this is what she said quick tell me what God looks like I'm starting to forget before you were in your mother's womb I knew you you knew me the Word of God declares I believe that many of you today are realizing the power of the blood of Jesus Christ to overcome everything you're facing whether it's disease sickness whether it's family issues we are standing here today pleading the blood of Jesus over your life the blood from from your from your relationship with Jesus Christ is more powerful than any curse or anything that's coming against your family today and I want you to pray just say Lord Jesus I receive you today as my savior heal my home heal my family heal my life through your blood I pray in Jesus name jeez a and a man we would love to hear from you pick up the phone dial the number on the screen or just get in contact with us in in many of the ways that you can do that even go online and let us know what God has done in your life today well I'm delighted today to be joined with my my campus pastors here lead pastors at free Chapel Orange County this has been an Karissa Prescott Ben is my son-in-law and Karissa is my daughter of course and they're doing an amazing job wasn't that incredible yeah to go to the Bren Center right here at the university of Irvine and see 5,000 people come together and 600 come to Jesus what were your thoughts as you were setting they're been watching the miracle for us it was just an incredible supposed celebration for us really salute corporately of really what God is doing to be honest every Sunday it's we have our for services that we run throughout a Sunday but for us to come together and do our own big service was just such a powerful thing and we're just seeing God move every single Sunday throughout all of the different areas departments of our church it's it's not a service it's really an encounter with God you know people are getting saved healed set free that's it so I mean we really want to invite you if you live in that even live in Orange County area surrounding areas come and join us if you're a little distance away we'll make it worth the drive I promise you that's right you will encounter God that is our heart that that people don't just come and have a service but you really encounter the touch of God and the presence of God and it's been so exciting and really the Bren Center really just set off a spark for us really absolutely it's just been so excited so exciting to see everything that's happened in such a few many years here to see how free chapel o'seas grown and expanded and I believe we're just on the beginning and we're just on the start of that and it's exciting to see where God's going to take us and we want you to be a part of that yeah come and visit us we have every we have services every single Sunday 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 4:00 and 6:00 feed love to see you yeah you guys are so impressive I'm just telling you I'm just amazed and as a dad you parents you know you just can't then get any better than to see that bloodline that I was preaching about it flows from Jenna raishin to generation to God be the glory he wants to bless your family - I'm in agreement with you and if you're in Orange County get here I get to be here a lot and I'm telling you the Spirit of God is being poured out there's an open heaven over Orange County we has believed that and we're just beginning to see the miracles and the outpouring of God's Spirit get here and I believe God will touch you in a powerful way thank you for watching this program we'll see you next time right here on Kingdom connection for 10 years for word student conference has been touching the hearts and challenging the lives of students across America now you can experience 10 years of life-changing messages from Jensen Franklin preached live at the forward student conference he's saying just somebody athlete for 2014 give me a vessel and I'll give you miracles and I'll give you purpose and I'll give you Holy Spirit power through your generation everybody prays and if you believe the I love foreign awesome former decade contains eighteen extraordinary messages from Jensen Franklin that have transformed thousands of students lives through the hope found in Jesus Christ our decade is available this month for your best gift of $35 or more or for your gift of $60 this month will also include Jensen's best-selling book the spirit of Python and Illustrated DVD as a bonus pack request your copy of forward decade now register now for forward conference 2015 with special guests steven Furtick back redmond reggie dabs rich Wilkerson jr. vanning Reacher Jensen Franklin McCray elevation worship and Jesus culture for more information and special group rates go online at forward Qumran so Archie life is real vivid alive eating breathing it happens behind closed doors and out in front there's joy there's laughter and chaos lifelong friendships are forged love is found moments cherished and never forgotten life is a gift and together we are real family real friends real people experiencing real life is free chapel this program has been brought to you by the friends and partners of Jentezen Franklin media ministries for more information on this broadcast or for additional resources go online and Jennsen Franklin dot o-r-g you
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 68,808
Rating: 4.8336635 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Kingdom Connection, Free Chapel, TV, Ministry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 21 2014
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