Why Seventh-Day Adventists Are Wrong about the Sabbath

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but uh ray again just asking how do you feel about commandment number four i just want to know if you know the truth about the fourth commandment about keeping the lord sabbath as we shouldn't be arguing about this in front of your friend his salvation is so important we should be preaching christ by your salvation too because if we are going to go ahead and use the scripture as a piece of evidence to follow god's law we should go ahead and follow it as he intended which is the seventh day keeping it holy i'm often asked by seventh-day adventists when i'm reasoning with the lost why it is that i ignore the fourth commandment to keep the sabbath holy those who ask this can sound very convincing as to why we should keep that commandment they often say that god gave the sabbath as a sign to his people jesus kept the sabbath the apostle paul's custom was to go to the synagogues on the sabbath and history shows us that the roman catholic church changed the day of rest from saturday to sunday let's look closely at these arguments firstly god gave the sabbath as a sign this is from exodus 31 12 to 13. and the lord god spoke to moses saying speak also to the children of israel saying surely my sabbath you shall keep for it is the sign between me and you throughout all generations verse 17 it is a sign between me and the children of israel forever the sabbath was a sign between the children of israel and god there's no biblical basis to maintain it was given as a sign to a particular denomination secondly jesus kept the sabbath luke 4 verse 16. so he came to nazareth where he had been brought up and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day and stood up to read it was his custom to go to the synagogue on the sabbath because he was jewish that's what godly jews do he was brought up under the law and he perfectly kept every one of its 613 precepts thirdly paul's custom to go to the synagogue on the sabbath let's look at why paul as a believer in jesus went to synagogues on the sabbath then paul as his custom was went into them and for three sabbaths reason with them from the scriptures explaining and demonstrating that the christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead and saying this jesus whom i preached to you is the christ and he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath and persuaded both jews and greeks paul loved his people and had a burning passion to reach them of the gospel he therefore went to the synagogue on the sabbath to reason with the jews about jesus being the christ to maintain that he went there to keep the law flies in the face of the entire book of galatians look at the day the disciples gathered together to break bread to fellowship and to open the scriptures now on the first day of the week sunday when we were gathered together to break bread share communion paul began talking with them intending to leave the next day and he kept on with his message until midnight if we keep the same day the disciples kept sunday it has nothing to do with what the roman catholic church did in history what they did is irrelevant if christians were supposed to keep the sabbath the ideal time for scripture to have told us so would have been in acts 15 if christians should keep the sabbath the disciples need only to say and remember to keep the sabbath holy instead they said the opposite to whom we gave no such commandment there is not one commandment in the entire new testament for christians to keep the sabbath holy if there was i would gladly keep it and i would encourage others to do so what is a seventh-day adventist and what makes us different well in a word seventh-day adventists very simply bible christians i don't believe i'm saved more by keeping the seventh-day sabbath than i am by not committing adultery or by not stealing or lying it's all part of god's law and if we love the lord we're going to want to keep his commandments the problem is there are 613 old testament commandments if we love the lord why should we stop at 10 i would suggest to those who keep the jewish sabbath that they make sure that they keep it on the same day that the nation of israel keeps it that day would be on a friday or possibly a sunday depending where in the world we're located this is because of the man-made international date line established in 1884. when that was established it changed the days and times as christians we have a great liberty in what we eat and what we drink where or the day or days we esteem one person steams one day above another another esteems every day alike let each be fully convinced in his own mind i have no right to tell any christian what he should eat drink where what music he should listen to or what day he should esteem that's between him and god i should never tell him that he has to keep the law something the disciples said tests god and puts a restrictive yoke on the neck of believers when i take the loss through the ten commandments i use them as a mirror to show sinners their sinful condition i really mention the fourth commandment because the unregenerate conscience won't respond to it as it does the commandments that refer to lying stealing blasphemy adultery and lust these are obvious sins failing to keep the sabbath holy is not i also don't use it because jesus didn't use it when he brought the knowledge of sin to the rich young ruler he quoted five commandments and left out the sabbath i suggest that those who want to meet on saturday meet on saturday that's their god-given liberty and those who want to follow the example of the disciples and meet on sunday should meet on sunday because they too have their own god-given liberty and instead of christian brethren striving about the law we should put our time and energy into reaching the unsaved as did the disciples but avoid foolish disputes genealogies contentions and strivings about the law for they are unprofitable and useless but i've found my experience over the last 40 years that most seminary adventists are more concerned about the sabbath than they are about preaching christ crucified to the lost do you think there's an afterlife and after life in the plans depends on how you define afterlife do i believe there's a heaven yes you know i believe jesus came down to die for us do you agree with marcus yes i agree with marcus are you a christian no a heaven and a hell yes so where are you going do you think you're in terrible danger no okay do you think you're a good person yes how many lies have you told in your life millions what do you call someone who's told lots of lies liar so what are you liar have you ever stolen something yes what do you call someone who steals things slick they're a thief oh nice so what are you slick oh you're a lying thief by your own admission do you still think you're a good person yes so you think a lying thief is a good person that's a very low standard of morality have you ever used god's name in vain yes would you use your mother's name as a cuss word no tell me why not because i love my mom i love my mom and you respect her yes you don't respect and love god so serious it's called blasphemy punishable by death in the old testament do you still think you're a good person yes now jesus said if you look at a woman and lust for her you commit adultery whether in your heart have you ever looked at a woman with lust yes when's your last look at pornography a couple months ago have you had sex before marriage yes okay here's the summation of this little court case i'm not judging you this is for you not for me you've told me you're a lying thieving fornicating blasphemous adulterer at heart who is self-righteous which is a sin in itself and saying you're a good person when it's clear you're not you're like the rest of us so here's where we're going with this this is the big question if god judges you by the ten commandments we've looked at four on judgement day you're going to be innocent or guilty innocent why would you be innocent when you're a self-admitted lying thieving fornicating blasphemous adulterer at heart well at the time i didn't know it was that bad so when you had sex you didn't know what was wrong to have sex before marriage nope you didn't know it was wrong to blaspheme and lie and steal well stealing like from stores stealing in general which did you do both one you know you you plead innocent but there's uh something called men's ray and lore have you heard of men's ray no have you heard of men's ray i have not yeah it's a it's a point of law where the person has to have a knowledge of guilt or you can't prosecute them if a man rapes a woman and didn't know it was wrong he can't prosecute him under law but if he knew it was wrong and we all know that's wrong then you can prosecute him to the full and you were guilty before god because he gave you a conscience conscience means with knowledge so when you stole lied blaspheme fornicated or looked at pornography you did it with knowledge that it was wrong therefore your guilt will be short on judgment day god is justified in giving you the death sentence this making sense yes so can you see that you're in big trouble if you died today no well you are and i care about you man i don't want you to end up in hell the bible says all liars led their part in the lake of fire do you know what death is according to the bible nope there's a famous bible verse the wages of sinner's death have you heard of that marcus i have not yes romans 6 23 a very famous bible verse death is wages given to you by god for your sins in the same way a criminal will be given the death sentence by a judge after he's committed some heinous crime like murdering a couple of young girls the judge will say you've earned the death sentence this is your wages this is what's due to you and sin is so serious in god's eyes he's given you the death sentence that's how serious god is about sin he's given you capital punishment and after death the judgment so you'll stand before god and give an account of not only every deed you've done but every thought you thought and every word you've spoken that's what the bible says and it's a fearful thing to form to the hands of the living god scripture says all lies live their part in the lake of fire and the thought of you dying and ending up in hell horrifies me i've just met you but i love you i care about you and i don't want to see you in hell man i want to see you in heaven and if i had tears in my eyes i wish i could weep for you but i can't i'm not i'm hard hearted i just got tears in my voice now marcus what did god do for guilty sinners so we wouldn't have to go to hell do you know of course he sent his son jesus died on the cross have you heard of that yes most people have but they don't know this the ten commandments which we've looked at are called the moral law you and i broke the law jesus paid the fine do you remember his last three words on the cross i don't but actually have a question about the moral law because i know we keep bringing it up as far as that's how we are judged so um there's concerns that the first four laws are according to god love for god and the last six are according for man but uh ray again just asking how do you feel about commandment number four oh i think it's so relevant but i do what jesus did and use the moral law to bring the knowledge of sin and jesus in mark 10 17 didn't mention the fourth commandment he said to the rich young ruler you know the commandments and he named five of them and the sabbath wasn't mentioned you know why because a man can't realize he's sinned in violating the sabbath which he has but he knows he's sending lying and stealing and blasphemy and adultery and fornication and murder and jesus also said to the rich young ruler de fraud not and i believe that rich young ruler was a uh a crook he was an evil man who was defaulting people and that's why he's rich and that's why he walked away from jesus because he loved his sins so let's get back to the important question ten commandments are called the moral law you and i broke the law jesus paid the fine that's what happened on the cross that's why he said it is finished that was his last three words it is finished in other words the debt has been paid guys if you're in court and someone pays you fine a judge can legally let you go even though you're guilty you can say stack of speeding fines here this is deadly serious but someone's paid him you're free to go and you can do that which is legal and right and just and god can legally dismiss your case even though you're guilty you can walk out of the courtroom because jesus paid your fine and full in other words god can take death off you and let you live forever legally because of what jesus did through the cross and then he rose from the dead defeated death and if you'll simply repent of sin turn from all sin don't call yourself a christian be fornicate and lie and steal that's playing the hypocrite just deceiving yourselves you have to be genuine in your repentance and then trust in jesus like a trusted parachute you're like a man on the edge of a plane ten thousand feet up he knows he has to jump he hasn't got a parachute but this is his plan he's going to flap his arms and try and save himself i say that man please don't do that just trust the parachute so don't look on your goodness to save you on the day of judgment it's not going to work simply transfer your trust from yourself to the savior and the minute you do that you've got god's promise he'll remit your sins he'll grant you everlasting life as a free gift the bible says it's impossible for god to lie because he's without sin and that means you can trust everything he says especially the promise of everlasting life is this making sense it is you're going to think about what we talked about yeah if i said anything wrong well again just concerning ten commandments about how important they are because that is how we are judged by again these are god's commandments he put them on here because they're not only the commandments of earth but the commandments of his whole universe yes so again that's why i was inquiring about the fourth commandment because no matter what breaking the law is breaking the law no matter if it's the first commandment or the tenth commandment so again i just want to know if you know the truth about the fourth commandment about keeping the lord's sabbath i do keep the sabbath in christ and not only that i keep the same day the disciples kept in the book of acts so let me just go back to what i was saying about the commandments they're like a mirror they reflect that we've sinned the bible says the law is a school master to bring us to christ and we're not say by keeping the law we're saved by god's mercy by his grace and his grace alone and because we're saved we obey god we love him and we don't violate the sabbath we go to church on a certain day we do it as to the lord as it says in romans 14 we don't lie steal fornicate blaspheme we put god first we don't make a graven image we don't covet not to be saved but because we're grateful for god's mercy and saving us because god's rich and mercy to all that call upon him do you have a bible at home yes so when i said again think about this i want you to think seriously about it as though you're gonna die tonight at midnight and then you'd think man this is serious business this is my life 150 000 people die every 24 hours 150 000 aneurysm in your sleep heart attack so this is more serious than a heart attack and my motivation for talking you're like this is because i love you i care about you and like i said i want to see you in in heaven not in hell so thank you for listening i really appreciate it no no problem and thank you too marcus of course and remember it's the seventh day that's the sabbath and i keep what the disciples kept in the book of acts first day of the week okay thanks guys i just got it i got to tell you something that's embarrassing we shouldn't be arguing about this in front of your friend his salvation is so important we should be preaching christ by your salvation too because if we're gonna go ahead and use the scripture as a piece of evidence to follow god's law we should go ahead and follow it as he intended which is the seventh day keeping it holy like he intended if you enjoy our videos you'll love the evidence study bible we can hardly keep it in stock it's everything you've ever wanted to know about apologetics and reaching the lost including 200 of the most commonly asked questions of the christian faith it will arm you with practical training on evolution atheism the teachings of mormons hindus muslims and jehovah's witnesses and much more including how to effectively lovingly and logically share the truth of the gospel you'll find that it's hundreds of inspiring quotes from the famous and his practical tips on defending the faith 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Channel: Living Waters
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Id: He917KyQR1Q
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Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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