Are Dispensations in the Bible? or Does the Bible Teach Dispensations?

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hello I'm Robert breaker and every week I give you a new sermon in English and in Spanish and this week we're going to look at the topic of does the bible teach dispensations are are there dispensations in the Bible a lot of people online run around and say there are no dispensations in the Bible well that's that's something that's worthy to ask is that true does the bible teach dispensations are there dispensations in the Bible let's let go to Romans 16:1 17-18 and I ask you to watch this video because I'm going to prove to you whether there is or whether there isn't according to the word of God Romans 16:1 17 and 18 the Bible says now I beseech you Brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned and avoid them for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple unfortunately there's a lot of people that are simple and a lot of people will just go by what they hear and never study for themselves so what we want to do is we want to get into the word of God today and we want to ask are there dispensations in the Bible and if there are the Bible tells us we need to avoid those that say the opposite because they're there to deceive and we're to mark them and say hey watch out for them so are there dispensations in the Bible Well you go to a lot of websites and you go to a lot of YouTube videos and videos online and they say no no no there are no such thing as dispensations and one of the biggest things they say is they say that dispensations started with Darby a man named John Nelson Nelson Darby in about the mid 1800s and they say so before that nobody believed in and nobody taught dispensations and I chuckle and I say how could anyone with a straight face say such a thing there is a book and the name of that book is dispensationalism before Darby and that book shows you without any shadow of a doubt that there is a teaching by Christians of dispensations in the 1700s even far back 1600s and if you know the Apostle Paul you go back you can see it even farther back so are there dispensations in the Bible well we're going to look at that here in a second but their entire premise is a dispensationalism started with Darby in the 1800s and that's around the mid 1800s but yet history proves and this book explains it that there were many who taught dispensationalism before Darby before scoffield well just for fun I looked up the Webster 1828 dictionary and wouldn't you know it this came out in 1828 and here is dispensation now look down there at the very last one that which is dispensed are bestowed a system of principles and rights and joined as the Mosaic dispensation the gospel dispensation so even the dictionary in America the Websters 1828 the man who wrote the dictionary said yeah there's dispensations where would he have gotten it from because he was before Derby so is it right is it good is it true to run around like many people do and scream and holler and say there's no such thing as dispensations in the Bible and to say dispensationalism started with Darby is that true the answer is no so with that we see that those who say that are deceivers and liars and they shouldn't be listened to so that right there disqualifies them from continuing because their entire premise their entire Foundation has crumbled yes Virginia there are dispensations in the Bible and so it's interesting to me to see people still running around saying there's no such thing as dispensations and dispensationalism started with this guy named Darby who invented it and yet many believed in it before now our dispensations in the Bible let's don't look at man let's look at the Bible itself and let's find out so you go to your U es sword or you go to your uh word search in the Bible King James and you type in dispensations and guess what the word shows up four times in your Bible so are there dispensations in the Bible yeah the word is there four times now here's what they say here's another lie what I'm doing today is I'm going to be exposing the lies of those who are anti- dispensationalist or non-d dispensationalist or against dispensations first they've been proven Lying by saying that it started with Darby even Webster said no there's dispensations and there were many that taught dispensations before that but then they lie even further and say there's no dispensations in the Bible and yet the word appear appears four times how could anyone look at you with a straight face and say those things do they not read their Bible I don't know all I know is what the Bible says so let's look at them quickly I want you to see all four times that it shows up in the Bible and what they'll say is they'll say well well okay okay the the word is in the Bible no no no you just said they're not in the Bible so again strike two you've been disqualified but they said well they don't they don't refer to any time periods I'm glad you said that because here's strike three for those who are against dispensations but we'll get to that in the next verse but let's read the first verse when the word appears in the Bible 1 Corinthians chapter 9 and verse 17 1 Corinthians 9:17 says for if I do this thing willingly I have a reward but if against my will a dispensation of the Gospel is committed unto me so that's the first time we find the word dispensation in the Bible and they say Well that's just God giving something to someone well what is a dispensation it's God giving someone something that they are then supposed to go and give to other people so it's something new it's something different that God tells man to go tell man and yes that has to do with time periods look at Ephesians chapter 1 and: 10 that in the dispensation there's the word of the fullness of times okay a lot of these people that are anti- dispensationalists they say well dispensations it's not a time period here the context is a dispensation of the fullness of times so yes it is in the Bible yes people believed in and taught dispensations before Darby and yes the truth of the matter is it does apply to a time because it's right there that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might Gather in one all things in Christ both which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him so how anyone could look at you and lie to you without without blushing is disturbing and say there's no such thing as dispensations it started with a guy named Darby and it has nothing to do with time periods when we've debunked all three in baseball that's strike three you're out so there's more I'm going to get into but just looking at that how do people follow those who were non-d dispensationalists if you follow them you're following somebody that doesn't read the Bible and isn't telling you the truth okay Ephesians chap 3 and: 2 if you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you word how that by Revelation he made known unto me the mystery look at verse five which in other Ages was not made known of the sons of men as it is now revealed unto His Holy Apostles and Prophets so there was something in the Old Testament that God had hidden that he said I'm going to wait and I'm going to reveal later in a different time and then God dispensed that in in that time dispensation now the last time the word shows up is in Colossians 1: 25 so these birds out there that run around and say there's no dispensations in the Bible I have to ask have you read it would you maybe do me a favor and not speak until you've read the whole thing and be careful what you say because saying there's no such thing is dispensations and they're not in the Bible yet we've seen three times the word and here's the last time Colossians 1:25 whereof I am made a minister according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you to fulfill the word of God even the mystery which have been hid from ages and from Generations so there's something that God held off on telling man until later and God said I'm going to give him that in a different time so are there dispensations in the Bible of course and how anyone could say otherwise is utterly baffling to me I wonder if they're not following men rather than following the Bible CU that's how a lot of these people are they follow men and men say something and they hear that man say something then they go out and they say the same thing and they parrot it that's called parting like a parrot there no dispensations there no dispensation Derby started with Derby started with Derby and you hear people saying the same thing over and over and you go okay I want to know if that's true or not and you look at the Bible and you go oh yeah that's that's not true so why are they regurgitating the same Lies Over and Over regurgitate means to puke to upchuck to throw up to vomit have you ever seen a baby bird the mother bird goes out and eats a worm or something and comes back and she regurgitates into that and that's how that little baby is fed that's kind of sad but that's how a lot of people today are who claim to be Christians they a bunch of little babies little birds and they're letting other people regurgitate to them and rather than maturing and going and studying for themselves and feeding themselves they just want to regurgitate what someone regurgitated to them I'm really tired of that how about you I'm really tired of people saying things that aren't true the Bible tells us to Mark those people so I'd like to do that today publicly Mark those who lie in saying dispensations are not in the Bible I just showed you four verses word dispensation they lie and say dispensations didn't start till Darby I just showed you there's a man before Darby there's a whole book dispensationalism before Darby that shows you 100 200 300 years people believed in dispensations and taught it and then they go so far to say well all right well dispensations are in the Bible the word is there but it's not a time period and I showed you the verse where it says the dispensation of the fullness of times plural so you've got to be very very careful now you might be sitting there saying well brother breaker why are you so dogmatic on this because this does affect Doctrine this also could affect where you spend eternity so I find that this is a very very very important topic and a hill to die on if you will now I've been in the ministry now for about 32 years so who am I to speak just some guy with a little bit of experience huh do I get a seat at the table do I get to say something I guess so if I've had that much experience I guess but in my Ministry I have always taught dispensations I even went to some Churches and heard some pastors say you should never teach dispensations now that'll confuse people and I go when I learned it it took away all confusion it helped me understand the Bible how does that confuse people here I am now 32 years later and I look back at all those years and I cannot tell you how many times people have told me brother breaker thank you for teaching dispensations you opened the Bible up to me you made me want to read it you made me want to study it more all the contradictions went away I understood it helped me I said so it didn't confuse you no it got rid of of all my confusion and it helped me so another one of the lies that a lot of those people say is don't ever teach dispensations it'll confuse people and I have seen in my 32 years of experience of preaching dispensations the exact opposite people saying it took away all confusion now I understand the word of God so I want to be faithful continuing now first thing I want to say is this our dispensations in the Bible are dispensations I'll abbreviate here dispensations make sure I got it on there yeah dispensations in the Bible and the answer is yes the answer is the word appears for times so yes dispensations are in the Bible we see the word four times but also we see a command and that command that is given in 2 Timothy 2 15 is a command to go to the Bible and figure it out in a dispensational way let's go to 2 Timothy 2:1 15 2 Timothy 2:15 says study to show thyself approved unto God a Workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of Truth so the Bible gives us a command that command is study study the Bible and what do you do with the Bible you divide it you rightly divide so there are divisions in the Bible and those divisions we call dispensations because that's how we read the Bible we go oh well this is back here to this part this is over here to this part so this dispensation is over here then there's another dispensing later when God revealed some of those Mysteries over here so that it is not wrong to believe in dispensations and to practice dispensations it is a command of God and from God for all of us today now what I want to do is I want to draw up here the teaching of dispensations so I'm going to turn this off and then I'll turn it back on and then I'll show you what dispensations are and you tell me if this confuses you if anything it helps you go whoa so that's where that happened in the Bible and putting it up here as a timeline helps you more than anything to understand so I will be right back I'm going ahead and I'm going draw up here the dispensations and by the way I have lots of videos on YouTube about dispensation you just type in Robert breaker and then dispensations in the search bar on YouTube and you can look those up I think one of the ones that a lot of people really like is the one that says every dispensation ends in disaster that's a good one watch that one if you get a chance but let me draw dispensations up here and then I'll be right back okay all right so here it is on the board here are dispensations this is basically taking the whole Bible and laying it out and doing what the Bible says right lightly dividing and some people have seven dispensations some have eight well Eight's the number of the new beginning and well God starts A New Beginning here in the eight so I have eight dispensations up here the first one would be with Adam and Eve before they fell then we have after they fell the time before the flood then with Noah God starts uh the destruction of the earth and kills everybody but Noah and his family ate because they were so sinful with the flood then we have After the flood we have shim we have nrod we have all these things then God calls a man named Abraham and that starts this dispensation the patriarchal dispensation when God is dealing with the man and his seed and then we see Moses and God takes and he puts the children of Israel um into the promised land Through The Exodus and all that and then God uses Moses to bring the law well then Jesus comes and Jesus dies on the cross for the sins of the whole world but he came as the Messiah for the the Jews and they were supposed to accept him so that his kingdom could come but they rejected him and because they rejected their Messiah God said okay come here Paul I'm going to give you some extra Revelation and I'm going to go deal more with Gentiles now than with Jews now we're waiting for the time called The Rapture and then things will change again at the Rapture and the Rapture will be here Here Comes The Rapture of the church and God goes back to dealing with Israel and there'll be this 7-year period it's called the tribulation or the time of Jacob's trouble this is when the Antichrist is allowed to rule over the whole earth for seven years but then Jesus will return at the battle of Armageddon and Jesus will destroy the Antichrist and flaming fire the Bible says and then Jesus will rule for a thousand years during that time so isn't it neat to be able to lay out the Bible in a timeline in a way that you can see it and understand it how is that confusing if anything it's laying it all out to understand it and say oh wow that's where it is in the Bible so in the Bible there are dispensations this is how we rightly divide this is how we look at the Bible through these different time periods in which God spoke to people in different ways now all the Bible is given to us to read okay so read all the Bible but not everything in the Bible applies to us today you can't help but see that if you go and you open up the Bible to where it says Old Testament New Testament and then boom right there you go wow that's different there's a old and a new what what's what's the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament well there was a change something changed the Bible says it was from the death of a testator and when someone dies the death of a testator starts a new testament so how could anyone say there's no such thing as dispensations do they rightly divide no would they at least say that the old and the New Testament are different if so then they would be at least a moderate dispensationalist because they see two dispensations but some of them are so domatic they won't even say the Old Testament and New Testament were different let me tell you something this might be a little profound but things different are not the same okay I mean I hate to be the the the guy that points out the obvious but if one was old and the other is new then they are not the same thing so there must be a dispensation something changed it must be different so I believe in dispensations because the words in the Bible and the command is in the Bible for us to study and to rightly divide so that's what I'm going to do I'm going to rightly divide the word of truth how about you um if you say no no I don't believe in this okay well you have fun disobeying that command by the way do you know they change that in a lot of new versions of the Bible and they take out the word study that's why I'm King James only because I've studied all the versions King James is the only one that tells us to study it the only command in the entire New Testament to study the Bible is in 2 Timothy 2:15 and you can only find it in the King James Bible because they take that command out in all new versions of the Bible that's why I refer to them as perversions I believe God gave us command to rightly divide could it be the reason people don't believe in dispensations today is because they have another Bible that doesn't tell them to study and rightly divide H that's a good question okay so the third thing I want to say about this studying dispensation helps us to know the Bible to know the Bible so when you look at dispensations it's like a timeline laid out and if I said hey you remember that guy named Moses you go oh yeah that's that guy right over here oh remember Adam and Eve oh yeah okay there and see how in your mind you know your Bible already laid out past present and future so what's wrong with dispensations nothing it's biblical it's actually commanded in the Bible so why don't people believe in and study and teach dispensations the fourth thing I want to say about dispensations is this if you believe in dispensations it helps you to avoid confusion there's a lot of people out there that claim to be Christians that are confused and I've talked to many people and they've told me the ra breaker you're teaching and preaching on YouTube has helped me to understand the Bible and you got rid of a lot of confusion because before I look at the Bible I didn't know where to start I didn't know where to begin I didn't know what was for me and what wasn't and I just I didn't it made me not even want to read it cuz I couldn't understand understand it but when I saw it laid out in dispensations it made me go wow now I got it in my head where every now makes me want to read it so do you see how teaching on dispensations makes people go wow I think I'd kind of like to learn a little bit more cuz boy this this seems interesting a lot of people go to church what do they do they sit there in a Pew and they go because a lot of times preachers are just as boring as they can be but if you know your Bible and you study dispensations hey that ain't boring that's kind of cool hey show me more I like diagrams I like things like this okay so it helps you to know your Bible and it helps to avoid confusion a lot of people out there today that claim to be Christians and they're confused they think we are still under the Old Testament law no that law was for Jews are you a Jew we are no longer under the Old Testament law we're under grace and over here in the age of Grace We're saved differently under the law they had to keep the law in order to not go to hell in order to go to Abraham's bosom now that's a different story we can check out the last uh couple weeks ago video I did about that thief on the cross and where he went when he died so when you study dispensations it helps to avoid confusion the Bible teaches that we are not under the law Romans 10:4 says for Christ is the end of the law for all who believe so according to the Bible the law is not what we're under anymore we don't keep the law thinking if I keep the law I'll go to heaven because it doesn't take us to Heaven Jesus died to redeem us from the curse of the law so we're not there that's not our dispensation we're over here and a lot of people need to know that unfortunately there's churches all over the world which say no we're still under the Old Testament law can't eat pork you know can't can't do this can't do that um no we're under grace Romans chapter 6 verse1 14 for sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but under grace what part of you are not under the law do you not understand okay that's what the Bible says so you might as well believe it we are not under the Old Testament law we're under grace okay so we're not in that dispensation so do you see how that avoids all confusion I mean right off the bat oh okay so the Old Testament that's for the Jews this is for us now that doesn't mean we don't read the Old Testament we do we want to see what God told them but we realize that's not what saves us if we want to find Salvation we got to focus on Jesus and his shed blood then oh Jesus gave some stuff to Paul and some of these other guys this is what we follow for today matter of fact Paul said it's not the Old Testament law of Moses it's the law of faith that we follow today because we're saved by faith and not by works today okay so do you see why dispensations is so important right there that should have cleared up a lot for a lot of people and I hope it did there are some people out there that say well I believe in replacement Theology and so God is done with the Jews and all the promises to them is to us today because God is finished and done with the Jews and God will never go back to dealing with the Jews they say and I say you must not read your Bible if you go to Romans 11: 25 and 26 say this Romans 11:25 says for I would not Brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own conceits like of people that don't believe in dispensations that's what they are unfortunately that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles become in and so all Israel shall be saved as it is written there shall come out of Zion the deliverer that shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob so God's not done with the Jews because they rejected their Messiah God said okay I'm going to take the message more to the Gentiles they can be saved but when the Rapture comes I'm going back to dealing with them and I'm going to save the nation at the end of the tribul ation period so if you believe in dispensations you're not going to believe in replacement theology because that's not a Bible teaching God has not finished with the Jews he's going to go back to dealing with them according to the scriptures now we could get into who are the real Jews I'm not have time to go there I don't know who the real Jews are or the false Jews there's in the Bible it talks about false Jews there's a lot of them but there are the true line of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and God promised them things in the Old Testament and God's not a liar so if you know your dispensations you know after this dispensation God goes back to dealing with the true Jews and he will if you know dispensations it will clear up confusion when it comes to the ministry of Jesus versus the ministry of Paul now does Paul have a different Ministry than Jesus some people say no not on your life that's the dumbest thing I ever heard there's no dispensations in the Bible and and Paul and Jesus they all preach the same thing all the time and I go wow do you even read the Bible the book of Acts is a transitional book It Starts and they're preaching one thing it ends they're preaching something very different I call that the who versus what message you can look that up on YouTube Robert breaker who versus what and you'll get that you'll understand that you'll see that transition period but uh according to the Bible let's just go there so we can avoid confusion if you don't believe in dispensations you're going to be confused but if you understand dispensations you're not going to be confused it says it right here Romans chapter 15 Romans 158 now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God to confirm the promises made unto the fathers who is the circumcision Jews now verse 16 that I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles ministering the gospel of God that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable being Sanctified by the Holy Ghost so he says when Jes Jesus came Jesus was to the Jews and that was his ministry to the circumcision Paul says now my Ministry is more to Gentiles and I'm preaching to them something is what he's preaching to them the same thing that Jesus preached to the Jews no Jesus came preaching the kingdom message you can't help but see that if you read Matthew Mark Luke and John and he's telling the Jews except who I am I am your Messiah and a lot of them did not in fact in Matthew 15:24 Jesus said I came only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel that's what Jesus says if you go to Matthew 5: 6 uh well verse 5 and 6 Jesus sends out his disciples and he says during his Earthly Ministry do not go to the Gentiles why so you got to understand these things you got to look at these things and when you do you understand some stuff let's go to Romans chap 16:25 let me show you dispensations okay CU a lot of people out there some of them even claim to be pastors matter of fact some of them were pastors but they were kicked out of their church because they didn't believe every word of the King James Bible that's a shame but I believe in the King James Bible and I believe in dispensations but in Romans chapter 16: 25 Paul says now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was Kept Secret since the world began but now is made manifest wow so there was something that was kept secret before the world began and it wasn't dispensed until later to Paul what was it well he calls it my gospel what is Paul's gospel three times in the Bible Paul says my gospel Romans 16:25 2 Timothy 28 and then in Romans 21:16 look at Romans Chapter 2 and verse 16 Romans 21:16 Paul says in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel so Paul says my gospel and he tells us that whatever that gospel is it was something that was revealed to him from Jesus to go preach so it wasn't the thing that Jesus was preaching here it must have been a little different so back here it was all about preaching who Jesus was when Jesus came he said believe that I am the Messiah and that's what Jesus preached to the Jews trust in who I am but as you read through the book of Acts and you read through all Paul's Epistles you can't help but see that God told Paul Paul I want you to go give him the message of what I did cuz it's not just who I am that saves you it's what I did right here and what Jesus did was he paid for your sins in your place as the atonement for sins so Paul's message or Paul's gospel is trust in what Jesus did don't just believe who he is that he's Messiah trust in what he did Paul's gospel is 1 Corinthians 151 1- 4 and it says how that Christ died for our sins and was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures matter of fact if you go to acts chap 13 in verse 38-39 you find what was that mystery revealed to Paul in Acts 13: 38-39 Paul says be it known to you therefore men and Brethren that through this man has preached unto you the Forgiveness of sins and by him all that believe are Justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses so that is the mystery of being justified by faith this is so amazing because some 1500 years later around here some guy named Martin Luther goes through and he goes you know what I'm going to stop falling what the church is telling me I'm just going to read my Bible and he read his Bible and he goes oh that's what God told Paul to go preach I'm G to start preaching that too and people got saved left and right because that was what God told Paul to preach so we find that in the book of Acts and in the teaching of Paul matter of fact there are seven Mysteries that were revealed to the Apostle Paul and I might talk about those here in a little bit but the gospel that Paul preaches is the gospel of Salvation today so yes the ministry of Jesus was different than the ministry of Paul because Jesus was only to the Jews trying to get them to believe in who he was and then when the Jews rejected him he said okay Paul your ministry is to go preach what I've done and because the Jews rejected Paul God said I want you to go more to the Gentiles so how could anyone say there's no difference between the ministry of Paul and and and Jesus oh okay I get it it's because they don't believe in dispensations Ah that's why they would say something so silly maybe it's because they haven't read their Bible so it avoids confusion if you simply read your Bible and understand that God is dealing with people in different times and he's changing the message just a little bit here and a little there it's not so much that he's changing the message he's revealing he's giving revelation of certain things that were Mysteries things that were hid from before the world began and then God says you know I'm going to wait till this time right here to dispense this to this guy right here do you see why you have to believe in dispensations otherwise you miss the gospel of Paul which we saw is the gospel you're to be judged by someday if you don't come to Paul and accept Paul's gospel you're not going to heaven when you die Paul says that not me Romans chap 1:1 16 for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God into the Salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek and that is what Paul called my what gospel and look at verse 17 for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from Faith to Faith well there was a different Faith back then now it's this Faith what was the different Faith well under the law to get forgiveness of sins they had to sacrifice an animal and their faith was in the blood of that animal because when that blood was offered their sin was forgiven are we saved today by killing animals God forbid no we're saved by Jesus Christ the Lamb of God who died in our place for our sin different time different dispensation different blood so very different so for life of me I don't understand why there's people out there that say there's no such thing as dispensations in the Bible how dare you listen to anyone that preaches dispensations they'll confuse you no if anything that helps us get rid of all confusion and to see it exactly the way that it is in the Bible number five if you study dispensations it helps you to explain all supposed contradictions in the Bible now are there contradictions in the Bible well God can't lie the Bible says so there must not be any contradictions but there were some places in the Bible where one guy says this and another guy says this and they're not the same now if you don't believe in dispensations then the only conclusion you can come to is God lied because God said one thing one day and another thing another day through these guys so God's a liar well I guess we all might as well go to the bar and get drunk if that's the case if God is a liar but the Bible says God is not a liar so we better not do that we better think how can God say something here and then later say something over here and how can it not be a contradiction the only way is if it was in this dispensation God told this guy this and now God said okay now it's like this over here and that's what we see let me give you just two examples there's not time to go through all of them but let's go to um Galatians chapter 1 Paul the Apostle says this in Galatians chapter 1 and I can't tell you how many many people oh this is one of the greatest Joys I've ever had in my Ministry is how many people telling me brother breaker I I looked at the Bible I saw these contradictions I just put it on the shelf and I said I can't be of God because it has all these errors and mistakes that they they thought were mistakes they were supposed contradictions and then they said then we started watching you and dispensations and I started going back and reading it and then I realized oh all those things that look like a contradiction to me they're not because God said it in a different dispensation now now it's not a contradiction now it's God saying okay I dealt with these people this way here's how I'm going to deal with you over here I'm going to deal with them this way and God can do that people say well well Jesus Christ the same yesterday yeah he's the same but he can change how he deals with people and still be the same I've got three kids one's a boy two are girls I am the same father to all three but the way I deal with them is a little different because I'm a little bit more softer a little bit more gentle with the girls and with the boy I play a little bit more rough does that mean I changed no I'm still the same person but I deal with people in a different way and God is the same way God through dispensations deals in different ways in different times Galatians chapter 1:8 watch this supposed contradiction in the Bible Galatians 1:8 Paul says but though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let them be cursed all right well is there ever in the Bible a place where a gospel is preached by an angel in heaven matter of fact in the Book of Revelation 14: 6 Revelation 14:6 and 7 and I saw another angel fly in the midst of Heaven having the Everlasting gospel to preach unto them to dwell on the earth and to every nation and Kindred and tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come and worship him that made Heaven and Earth and the Sea and The Fountains of waters this is during the tribulation okay but if there's no such thing is dispensations then this Angel right here which it looks like is from God no doubt would have to be ACC cursed because Paul said any angel from heaven preaching any other gospel is a cursed and here he comes and he's preaching the Everlasting gospel and what is that gospel fear God fear God Paul says God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind Here Comes an angel saying oh no you better fear the only way that that is not a contradiction in the Bible is is dispensations here we are and in this dispensation any Angel preaching anything else is a cursed but as soon as we leave at the Rapture that angel comes preaching and it's not a cursed because now it's a different dispensation and that is the actual dispensing that God is dispensing is through that angel God is saying tell them this and that's what is to be taught in that dispensation do you see it let me show you another one let's go to Ephesians chapter 2 so there are no contradictions in the Bible at all if you believe in dispensations but if you get rid of dispensations then the Bible is full of contradictions and God can't lie so to not believe in dispensations is to call God a liar it's that simple Ephesians chapter 2: 8 and9 Ephesians 289 say for by Grace you are saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of Works lest any man should boast so the Apostle Paul teaches that for our dispensation today we're saved by grace through faith alone that means not of works so the Apostle Paul says today it's faith alone and it's not works that saves us all right is there any verse in the Bible that says sa by works yeah let's go over to the Book of James and and this is like what how can one Apostle say one thing and another Apostle say another well that's a good question the answer is dispensations is the only way to understand it in order for it not to be some sort of contradiction James chapter 2 James chapter 2 verse 24 James chapter 2: 24- 26 says this you see then how that by works a man is Justified and not by faith only what is Faith only faith alone or faith only today we're Saved By Faith only for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast that's Ephesians 2:8 and9 that's what God told Paul for this dispensation now we have a guy that says no it's the opposite you see then how that by works a man is Justified and not by faith only and then he continues likewise also was not Rahab the Harlot justified by works when she had received the messengers and had sent them out another way a lot of these guys they go no one's ever been saved by works in the whole Bible ever and I'm reading this passage it says this woman was saved by works did they read their Bible verse 26 for as the body without the spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also so this passage says it's not by faith alone it's not by faith only and yet Paul says no it's by faith alone it's by faith how on Earth could you have one say one thing one is the entire Bible a lie no if we look at the book of of James look at chapter 1 and verse one who is James writing to James a servant of God and of of of the Lord Jesus Christ to the 12 tribes which are scattered abroad greeting is that you which one of the 12 tribes are you are you isachar are you are you U um I don't know are you Judah are you maybe Benjamin could you be Dan perhaps um no I'm not any one of the 12 tribes so why would you try to apply this chapter and this verse to us who is he writing to well James writes this way back here when in their mind they're thinking this is what's coming and so James is killed very early in the book of Acts and so he's writing his book first and the transition hasn't taken place yet and as you read that book of Acts you see the transition from Jews to Gentiles from Israel to the body of Christ from Peter to Paul and you can't help but see that and so you see the Revelation given to Paul is it's not works now but is there a time when there will be some Works involved in the tribulation for the Jews so if you're a dispensationalist there is no contradiction it's Paul is saying it to this dispensation and James is applying it out in this area to that dispensation to the Jews do you see how important it is because believing in dispensations gets rid of all contradictions in the Bible but a lot of these guys they just want to lie and they said there's no such thing as dispensations okay you show that to them and they go you can't have it both ways it's one or the other God can't lie so why does one say one thing and the other say another well then they go into well it's not really what he's saying he really said oh you know you're dealing with a heretic you know you're dealing with a liar you know you're dealing with the deceiver who attempts to change the words of the King James B someone who comes along and says well the King James didn't translate right it should be oh now you're the final you know more than God do you I run from such people I run from such people no I read my Bible and I see one guy says this the other guy says this Lord it can't be a contradiction although it is apparently looking like one what's the answer and the answer is dispensations one's for us today the other is more out here to the Jews during that time okay do you understand that now if you believe in dispensations guess what dispensations shows you future prophecy so if you believe in dispensations then you believe that the Bible teaches not only past history but future history and you can know what's going to happen next if you believe in this compensations now there's some people out there that don't let's go to Revelation there's some people out there that when they come to the Book of Revelation they say well and they're called prist by the way they say well the Book of Revelation is all past none of that book is future so none of this is going to happen in the future you look at that and go oh my goodness really how is that even possible this book was written about 9596 ad but there are people out there they call themselves preterists who say no that book was written about 60 AD and all this took place in 70 AD so the Book of Revelation is a book about things that happen in the past and you just go you shake your head y so you don't know what's going to happen in the future because you got rid of what it's applying to in the future you try to make it all past that's so sad what does it say Revelation 1 ver1 the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass and he sent signify it by his Angel unto his servant John who bear record of the word of God and of the testimony of Jesus Christ and of all things that he saw blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand now they read that and they say time is at hand shortly come to pass so that happened back then wait a minute 70 AD is when some things happened but this was written on an island 20 some years later so it can't be applying to past otherwise it would not be a prophecy yeah yeah so you understand that now they say what but it says shortly and it says time is at hand well did you ever read second Peter 3:8 a day with the Lord is a thousand years in God's eyes a thousand years is like a day the church age according to the Bible Hosea chapter 6 is about 2,000 years so in God's eyes it's about two days that he's waited before he comes back for his bride at the at the Rapture so in God's eyes that's pretty short and our eyes we're like that's forever 2,000 years M that's but that's what the Bible teaches so if you believe in dispensations you will understand that some of the Bible is still future and it's fun to read it and it's fun to see oh so that's out there so please don't give into the lies of the non-d dispensationalist study the word of God because that's what it says to do well the last thing I want to say to you today is this believing in dispensations gives us hope hope gives us hope of the Rapture now I've met a lot of people who have turned against the teaching of dispensations in the Bible and most of the time if not all the time they end up saying there's no such thing as a pre-trib Rapture many of them end up saying there's no such thing as any Rapture some of them fall into the mid-rib OR post-tb Rapture but if you know dispensations you understand and how each dispensation ends and how everything changes and you cannot help but see that the Rapture of the church is the Blessed hope like it says in Titus Chapter 2 and: 13 looking for that blessed hope and the Glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ so we are looking for the return of Jesus Christ The Rapture is one of the seven Mysteries that God gave to Paul go to YouTube and look in the seven mysteries in the Bible Robert breaker type in my name seven Mysteries Mysteries I've got seven different videos and I think I have one that's kind of introduction so you have eight videos about those Mysteries these were Mysteries or Revelations that were given to the Apostle Paul and they are Doctrine for today and most of your non- dispensationalist never ever teach the seven mysteries of Paul probably because they don't even know what they are because they don't even read their Bible all they do is like a bird go down regurgitate no not in the Bible no dispensations in the Bible started with Darby no don't listen to dispensations and it's just like dude why don't you um get along with God read your Bible and study and see what those Revelations were that God gave to the Apostle Paul because one of them is the rapture of the church now people say oh the church the bride of Christ the church is not the bride of Christ it's never called the bride of Christ in the Bible and it's it's like uh 1 Corinthians and it says you know I have espoused you as a chased virgin to Christ as spouse means you're going to marry if you marry you're the what the bride and one of the mysteries of Paul of the seven is found in Ephesians chapter 5 maybe you should read Ephesians 5 because it says that Christ is the head of the church as the man is the head of his wife so yes the body of Christ the church is the bride of Christ the wife the bride is the wife okay I still don't understand but there's a lot of people out there say there's no Rapture there's no Rapture and one thing's for sure they're non-d dispensationalist well 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15: 51-58 is Paul telling us behold I show you a mystery and it is the rapture so if you believe in dispensations and you go through and you understand what God revealed to the Apostle Paul you can't help but see what's coming next and what's next on God's calendar is the rapture of the church and I believe that because the Bible teaches that and knowing dispensations helped me see that and helps me to understand yes I've got to get out of here so that God can go back to the time of Jacob's trouble dealing with Israel so the church has to leave and that's what you got to understand now second Thessalonians chapter 2 if you understand dispensations then you'll understand this passage second th cians chapter 2 now we beseech you Brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him that you be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by Spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us that the day of Christ is at hand don't be troubled or shaken in your mind that people run around and say there's no dispensations in the Bible they're just trying to deceive you don't let them deceive you it says in verse three let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come watch this except there be a falling away first a falling away that's apostasia apostasy that means a falling away from a standing position that's falling away from Doctrine and it says and that the man of sin be revealed the son of predition the man of sin now this is in the seven-year tribulation it's divided into three and A2 years and three and A2 years and the Antichrist has two names he's called the man of sin and he's called the son of predition and if you be the Book of Revelation and you understand that it is future it's not past the Antichrist when he rules in those seven years he's assassinated in the middle and he gets a deadly wound but his deadly wound is healed and all the world wanders after the Beast and he comes back with Satan in him as the son of predition so in this chapter of 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 we see two Revelations of the Antichrist it says that man of sin be revealed so just as soon as the Antichrist is revealed upon the world that's when the Rapture takes place now I don't know what that entails my thought has always been he comes in and he's elected to be president of the United Nations or something like that and as soon as that takes place the trumpet is blown and we're out of here and we who are saved go at the Rapture and this man of sin is revealed and he rules for three and A2 years then he dies and he comes back to life and he comes back to life with Satan inside of him and look what it says in verse 8 and then shall that Wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming so we've got two revelations in this chapter the revealing of the man of sin at the beginning of the tribulation and in the middle of the tribulation the revelation of the wicked one which is Satan incarnate do you remember a guy named Judas Judas the Bible says he was the son of predition and it says the devil entered into him that was a foreshadowing or a showing that the devil is going to enter into the body of the Antichrist during that time so with that stated what does the bible teach about the Antichrist the Bible teaches that the Antichrist is going to come upon the scene and he's going to give people the mark of the beast now if you don't believe in dispensations then you just might be so crazy and wacky and weird that you just might think there's no such thing as a Rapture and you just might think that you can go through the tribulation well if you go through the tribulation you miss the Rapture all right right but if you're in the tribulation and you take the mark of the beast can you be saved well the Bible says those that took the mark of the beast will be cast into a lake of fire when Jesus returns at the battle of Armageddon here what does Paul teach he teaches that we today who are saved we're eternally secure in Christ we're once saved always saved that's for today but that ends at the Rapture there's no once- saved always saved in this time period because if anyone takes the mark of the beast during the the tribulation that's it it's over there's no ability to be saved unless it's the possible exception of cutting off her hand and I won't go there but you should read that passage sometimes where Jesus says if your right hand a FY cut it off because the rest of it says that ye be not cast into hell H that's what happens to these people when Jesus comes back those that have the mark of the beast they're cast into hou hockey sticks so if you don't believe in dispensations why you just might be nutty enough to say yeah if you're a Christian you lose your salvation no according to dispensations in this dispensation we are sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise Ephesians 1:13 that means we cannot lose it we are sealed with it and so when we're saved today we are eternally secure in Christ so our hope is leaving before the mark of the beast and the Antichrist many non-d dispensationalists say that we go through the tribulation so God's going to pour His wrath out on his bride that doesn't make sense if so we could lose our Salvation if we take the mark of the beast that's not right because we are sealed the Bible says in Ephesians 1:13 so what should we do all right I'm going to close with this very quickly 2 Thessalonians chapter 15 what should we do what should we do there's a lot of people out there who have fallen away and they're teaching no dispensations we who believe in dispensations we need to stand stand on what the Bible says four times in the Bible is dispensations one of those times it's talking about a time period and yes there are dispensations in the Bible so we stand 2 Thessalonians 2:15-17 therefore Brethren Stand Fast and hold the Traditions which you have been taught whether by word or our epistle now our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God even Our Father which hath loved us and hath given us everlasting consolation and Good Hope through Grace Comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work all right now let's turn to Ephesians chapter 5 I want to finish this up here I hope this has been a blessing to you I hope you learned something and I hope you will get into dispensations there's a great book out there called dispensational Truth by Clarence Lin and maybe you could get a copy of that and learn more it's a great book Ephesians 5: 6 and 7 says let no man deceive you with vain words for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of Disobedience be not ye therefore partakers with them hm so what are we to do we're to separate we are to separate from those who say there's no such thing as dispensations because we found them not telling the truth I don't want to have anything to do with them many of them are angry and hateful and mean and attacking and call names and you know they say oh you you're one of those dispensational and and it's like wow where's all this anger and bitterness and and pinned up why are you like this the best thing to do is get away from someone who doesn't want to believe the Bible especially if they are deceiving you and if they are knowingly deceiving you that's pretty sad God says his wrath's going to fall on such people now let's go to Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 25 Ephesians 4 and verse 25 wherefore putting away lying speak every man truth with his neighbor if we are members one of another so what are we to do we're to speak the truth now how do we do it do we get all angry and upset and mad U some people might say well breaker you're angry no I'm not I'm just kind of worked up a little bit because I so want you to see the truth but do you hear me calling names do you hear me with anger and meanness and mean spirit I no I'm just being myself and just trying to tell you the Bible says speak the truth in love when you listen to these non-d dispensationalists a lot of times they name call and they put you down and they mock you and they ridicule you the Bible says that's not how we're supposed to do the Bible says speak evil of no man so if you go to these uh channels where they're non-d dispensationalist please don't leave dirty comments please don't name cult just give scripture and just say look I'm really praying for you and you strike me as a baby you know and uh what do you do with the baby when a baby's crying they're you can't reason with a baby you just go oh they they're there baby they're there that's where a lot of these birds are that aren't uh into dispensations they may be Christians they may be saved I hope they are but they're babies and you just kind of go yeah yeah mhm you no dispensation okay and just separate and say okay time to go find somebody who wants to learn truth cuz this guy is still crying and wetting his britches you know he is not a mature Christian yet so speak the truth in love okay don't ever get in the flesh second Timothy chapter 4 I want people to know the truth and I'm doing my absolute best as a Christian to tell you what what the Bible says second Timothy 42-5 the Bible says preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all longsuffering and Doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sound Doctrine but after their own lust shall they Heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they'll run around say no dispensations started with Derby no dispensations just like a bunch of parrots and it says but after their own lusts shall they Heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned into fables lies madeup stories like dispensation started with Darby oh really how come it was in the dictionary before him how come there's a book dispensationalism before Darby that shows hundreds of years before how come it's in the Bible itself how come Paul taught dispensations how how come and it says but watch thou in all things endur afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of thy Ministry what do we need to do well we need to suffer they're going to keep doing what they do attacking ridiculing lying you know sometimes they say hey I want to debate you Robert breaker will you do a live debate with me about dispensation I'm like no why would I waste my time you have your mind made up and you're not interested in studying and finding out the truth all you want to do is attack leave off contention before it be medled with I'll just suffer you calling me names and saying bad things about me but I will continue to stand and I will continue to speak the truth and I will separate myself from those that walk ungodly and teach false Doctrine now let's go to Titus Chapter 1 and if you're one of my viewers and you've learned what the Bible says through my Ministry and you want to go and and and you know deal with these people please don't give the Lord Jesus Christ a bad name don't be in the flesh don't attack don't ridicule don't be evil like they are and don't lie if anything just back up what you say with scpt scripture and move on because all they want to do is take you away from the ministry God's given you and that's how the devil Works he gets people just fighting all the time best thing to do sometimes is just get away from that and then they're out there crying and screaming and yelling and nobody's listening yeah it's kind of sad but maybe one day they'll wake up Titus Chapter 1 verse 13 this witness is true wherefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith sometimes people need a sharp rebuke but they need it in love see what a lot of these guys do all they do is go around and be mean and hateful and and cry out and yell and holler and fuss and name call and that is not the answer that's not the answer as much as lith within you live peaceably with all men speak evil of no men um you're supposed to show them Grace seasoned with salt and you're supposed to show them love and I've done my best today to do that but how frustrating it really is to see people that are out there saying the same lie over and over and over and they got to know by now that they're lying they've got to know that they're lying when they say there's no dispensations in the Bible and I showed you four times the verses they got to know they're lying when they say dispensations doesn't refer to times and I showed you one of the vers says the times dispensation of the fullness of times they've got to know they're lying when they say Darby started dispensations when that's been debunked so many times so many ways comes the time when they know they're deceived and they're deceiving others why do they persist we should stand we should separate we should just speak the truth suffer them to lie about us and say things that aren't true but when we have the opportunity we give a sharp rebuke and say hey why don't you just cut it out why don't you just stop why don't you just you know you could be out winning people to the Lord with the gospel of Paul instead of attacking other Christians and trying to put them down why are you wasting God's time it's so sad 2 Timothy chapter 3:9 the Bible says this second Timothy chapter 3 and verse 9 but they shall proceed no further for their Folly shall be manifest un all men as theirs also was we see it who are saved and who believe in dispensation that everything they're doing it's all just a great big Folly and what are they doing they're exposing themselves as people who have lied and as people who have not read the Bible because if you've read the word of God and you're following that book you know there are dispensations and you know it's a lie to say dispensation started with Darby you you know you're lying you need to cut it out you know it's a lie to say there's no dispensations in the Bible you know that's a lie you know it's a lie to say well it doesn't ever refer to a time period the dispensation of the fullness of time oh Lord help us I'll close with the word of prayer heavenly father I just come to you prayer right now and pray for these men who claim to be Bible believers who claim to be lovers of you and followers of you please God help them to put away lying ingesting and filthy uh conversations help them God to be humble humble them Lord if that's what they need and help them to preach the truth thank you God for the truth thank you for the King James Bible and thank you Lord for dispensations please let it continue to go out and people see it and Lord please help them to get rid of confusion may they understand and believe thank you Jesus for everything you've given me and thank you Lord for the Bible that I can believe in and preach I pray you'd come soon at the Rapture but until you do help me to stand help me to separate from those those that walk death orderly suffer their attacks and speak the truth and Lord when I can help me to Sharp rebuke with wisdom not in the flesh but Lord with your word which is a sword Lord may you pierce their hearts to truth and open their eyes to what the Bible says may they stop attacking Others May they grow in Grace and in truth I ask in Jesus name amen thank you for watching I hope this has been a blessing I hope you pass this on other people hope you teach dispensations in your church please do so it is a great way to help people to understand the Bible so does the bible teach dispensations yeah are there dispensations in the Bible um yeah so I hope that has been a blessing God bless you we'll see you next time [Music] byebye
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 54,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Are dispensations in the bible, does the bible teach dispensations, dispensations, bible dispensations, bible dispensation, dispensation, rightly dividing, rightly divide the word of truth, the word dispensation, command to study the bible, stand for truth, bible teaching, sound doctrine, sound bible doctrine, bible doctrine, apostle Paul, Jesus' ministry, Paul's ministry, gospel of salvation, Paul's gospel
Id: uQK8hsZ6DRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 52sec (3892 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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