Is Seventh Day Adventism A Cult?

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alright here's another question this is a totally different question it won't be as much fun I wanted to know what you have to say about seventh-day adventists they make a good vegetable dish because I stayed with some seventh-day adventists for a whole week and preached in there several churches and ate with them and they were very nice people very nice people I enjoyed it my 20 year old daughter is dating one there's something freaky doesn't it that's some scary she's and I have tried to research and have found that some say they are cult one man's cult is another's faith I sometimes hard to define what a cult is is it is this true and if so what should we her parents do sherry is the one who asked this question so I'm gonna have to talk about the seventh-day adventists I don't have to do that I got some good friends there seventh-day Adventist as you say down south and so I don't want to say anything bad about them but I do when the opportunity comes point out to them the era of their church so understand what I'm saying is not against the seventh-day Adventist people it's Ellen White that messed up and the religion she created for a bunch of Baptist by the way and she's the one that's the false prophet she's the one who spent her time better if she'd been home making biscuits and gravy rather than out trying to prophesy I intended to say that I know that's sexist but I like the way it sounds all right now Sheri looked up what the Seventh day Adventists believe and here's what she sent me they they teach that to be baptized in their church one must confess to three things number one do you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord I am confident many of the seventh-day adventists are saved maybe about as many as the Baptist's are saved I don't know it's hard to say but I've heard him preach the gospel of Jesus Christ clearly and claiming secondly they they teach do you acquire when you're baptized do you accept the teachings of the Bible as expressed in the statement of fundamental beliefs of the seventh-day Adventist Church and do you pledge to live your life in harmony with these teachings and that's going a little too far I don't like anybody asked me to make pledges especially with something but an organization or a system or some man-made written up doctrines not gonna do that the 28 fundamentals she says includes Sabbath keeping and belief in the divine inspiration of Ellen White's writings now by the way I've read Ellen White's writings not all of them but I've read their big history book and her shelter in a storm and two or three others I mean I said I read them analyze them so they they teach that to be a Seventh day Adventists to be baptized you've got to swear to confidence in the divine inspiration of Ellen White's writings and the investigative judgment that supposed occurred in 1844 now what is that a guy named will William Miller a Baptist had a vision that in Christ was coming back a couple of years later in 1844 she began to preach that to a bunch of people got a big crowd up they all got ready sold their belongings got up on the mountaintop and house talk wherever and waited the time came to date nothing happened no coming so they changed it we got laid off it's a couple years later and they waited and still didn't happen so being the gentleman that he was William Miller retired from his prophetic school and gave it up quit been the bailout teachers preachers and television need to do that but then one of his followers Ellen White very smart woman very brilliant very capable picked it up and ran with it she she had a vision she had an understanding that actually the second coming did occur in 1844 but it was for Investigative judgments whatever that is and no one saw it and no one left the earth it was a different interpretation as to what the prophecy was actually about and then the final thing the third except the fellowship of the seventh-day Adventist Church okay then she said the events of 1844 that you're supposed to believe Jesus entered into the second compartment of the heavenly sanctuary for the first time in October 22nd 1844 and began an investigative judgment this judgment is the fulfillment of the second phase of Christ's atoning work that they place their assurance of salvation in both imputed and imparted righteousness so this is why she's concerned that her daughter is dating a seventh-day Adventist now let me tell you what else the seventh-day Adventist is supposed to believe now if you were to take them what they believed in 1852 and what the average said the Adventists believe today there's been an evolution toward truth that's certainly true there's been they've dropped many of the things they haven't officially denied them you know like Ellen White was wrong but they don't mention it they don't teach it they've been bit embarrassed about it so I think there's been any evangelical movement of the seventh-day Adventists over the last 150 years so they teach that Satan is going to reign 1000 years on the earth not Jesus Christ John got it all wrong when he said Christ was gonna reigns actually Satan and the bottomless pit is actually the earth when they're casting bombs fit they're actually cast down to the earth that's John got that wrong - Jesus Christ death did not cover the moral Commandments written on Moses tablets so when Jesus died he didn't die to pay for the our disobedience to the Ten Commandments it only covered the ceremonial laws that God gave to Israel so the white throne judgment began nearly a century ago that's in 1844 be longer than a century now ah and the dead sent ago and the dead small and great now being judged there it was just being done where nobody could see it and then Satan bore my sins not Jesus Christ is what they originally talked because he was the scapegoat as in the Old Testament Jesus Christ was not the scapegoat according to them Satan was and then here's the one that they hang to to this day and that is that the mark of the beast in the book of Revelation is keeping worshiping on Sunday that's the mark of the beast that anyone who worships on Sunday and not Saturday is stamped in the forehead the frontal lobe not really you know like a mark but in the brain is infected with the sunday-keeping they got from Constantine and so they have the mark of the beast on them when they go to church on Sunday that's weird but that they cling to and preach to this day now that's not all it gets even worse that finished Church considers Ellen White's writings to be inspired commentary on the Bible not of human origin and it is unquestionable no Seventh day Adventists can question anything Ellen White said that's like questioning what Jesus said you don't do that it's written down it was inspired inspired commentary and you have to believe it and to be baptized in the church you have to consent ahead of time that you believe all of her writings to be the inspired words of God to you and then they call her writings the spirit of prophecy and they claim her predictions were directly revealed to her from God she claims that then her predictions were directly revealed to her from God now in Deuteronomy 18 it says we're to try and test the prophets said if a prophet makes a prediction out of many many predictions and one of them does not come true he should be stoned to death now I'm thankful we're not under that and the seventh-day Adventists say that part passed away just not the same Commandments I'm not going to stand why they'd be for it passing away so I'm glad we don't live under the Old Testament that we live under the testament of Christ not the old one any longer but a prophet that made a false prediction would be stoned to death now Ellen White's not the only false prophet are there's a great preacher a great Minister the Word of God will get more rewards in heaven than I will Dave Wilkerson I went up to New York in 1965 to see his work beautiful work he was doing but uh several years later he wrote a book with ten prophecies in it and I made a note in my mind he was just doesn't carry a lot of stuff but I made a note in my mind of one of them where he said the Catholic Church would begin to persecute anybody who spoke in tongues that has not happened the Catholic Church has fully adopted tongues and many many Roman Catholics speak in tongues and it's very popular in the Catholic Church so Dave Wilkerson was a false prophet poor fell that had to been stoned to death he lived back during that period of time it's a shame but a lot of great preachers great men of God get the big head when they got you some for other things and they get to thinking they're prophets and they start making predictions and you see it all the time on TV you see somebody doing that don't don't give them a dimes worth of attention much less a dime yeah here are seven prophecies that Ellen White made so we're going to see if she's a prophet because these are in the past they either have or have not been fulfilled number one she said this was way back in the 1850s old Jerusalem would never be built up it was done God was through with the Jews there would be no reconstruction of Jerusalem she missed that one didn't she gives the Church of Christ put on a book in 1948 saying that there could be no revival and God was through the Jews by approved by the fact that there would never be a rebuilt Jerusalem it wasn't even a year and Jerusalem was back in the hands of the Jews and they were a nation once again in the land where they hadn't been for 2,000 years second prophecy she made during during the Civil War she said England would attack the United States during the Civil War did that happen not in my history book Ellen White was a liar she's a false prophet she said the Civil War was a sign that Jesus was about to return that he'd returned in fact he'd return in a few months that's in a book called early writings in it's on page 67 for your perusal and then she said that the Adventists living in 1856 she said this clearly would live to see the second coming of Christ as some of them would some of them would be something a few of them would die but a large number of them would live the season there's not a seventh-day adventists it was alive in the 1850s that's still alive today you can't live that long not eating meat and then the sixth one was Christ would return before slavery was abolished Christ would return before and he would liberate the slaves the southern slaves hell down south that's what she taught and then finally this is poor jobs and Smith he got it wrong on this too she saw Enoch in a vision on Jupiter or maybe it was Saturn a place that was more lovely than the earth full of beautiful plants birds all kinds of creatures a beautiful place their Xenia cup there on Saturday well now you know back then you could risk making a prophecy like that who's ever gonna go to Saturn right I mean like jobs of Smith he said there was on the back side of the Moon Joseph Smith the Mormons there was a race of people he even said at the north pole that was a nipple there where the environment was perfect and beautiful and people lived up there but now back there in 1840s when Joseph Smith was predicting no one could go to the North Pole wasn't too long they started giving it a try finally made it but not in his time and then so the idea we'd ever get to the moon or Saturn and proved them wrong was preposterous at that time all right I want to say again I don't have any animosity toward the seventh-day adventists and I don't enjoy doing that at least not very much knowing that makes some seventh-day adventists that are good people uncomfortable but I do have an exhortation to you leave the seventh-day Adventist Church it was founded on corrupt causes now if you want to I don't know just leave it it's it's a corrupted institution doesn't mean you're not a Christian I'm not like you I don't think because you worship on Saturday you're out of fellowship with God Saturday's a fine day to worship on you won't do it great no problem at all Tuesday's a good day too aren't like the Muslims on Friday that's a good day pick any day you won't pick every day that's what I did all right that's all folks [Music]
Channel: The Door
Views: 144,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the door, michael pearl, bible, teaching, christian, christianity, god, jesus christ, bible study, scripture, doctrine, question, answer, ellen white, sda, seventh day adventist, cult
Id: WjKmcIiqD6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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