Breaking News, April 29, 2024

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hi everybody I'm Don Stewart and welcome to another edition of breaking news it is Monday the 29th day of April 20124 and we're really at the crossroads right now today is going to be a very very important day it's going to determine basically what's going to happen in Israel's short-term future the hostages are they going to be released is there going to be a deal or is Israel going to go into Rafa with a six week at least Excursion uh Anthony blinkin says hope Hamas makes the right decision on the ages cuz supposedly they've got this very very generous offer from Israel and Hamas has indicated that the outline is satisfactory to them we have to to wait for today sometime to get their final answer we'll see what happens see if Israel capitulates but it's going to be very interesting to see now the problem of course in the internal politics of Israel you have some people on netanyahu's side on the lud side that say if you make a hostage deal now instead of going into Rafa we're going to bolt the party your government goes down so we got Mutiny within the ranks so what a what a day so uh this will happen later today the decision of Hamas and I'm sure tomorrow will be some really interesting stories on the Fallout of this but right now we're waiting to see what happens and will they go forward blinkin is in Saudi Arabia he's coming into Israel tomorrow and uh so much is going on it's never ever a dull moment is it fits what last days Bible prophecy says also our second program uh today your Bible questions answered uh we're looking at the book in search The Lost Arc the Quest for the Ark of the Covenant it's found on our website educating a world with all of our books it's a free download under the subject of Bible prophecy we're on episode 6 as we're going to look at the various Journeys now of the Ark as we've talked about some uh matters that are introductory also too I want to remind you on your Bible questions answered if you're new to us right now we have 71 videos 71 different videos answering your Bible questions so you need to scroll through them and see um the sort of things we answer I think they'll be very very helpful to you all right let's get to it uh headline number one and this one is um probably the most important of all before we get into the specific stories there was a u opinion piece in one of the Israeli uh periodicals and here's what it says Jews it is time to return home Pro Palestinians Reigns have been loosed in Europe and the United States leading to a wave of protest in cities and on campuses despite what we've been told it is in fact safer to be Jewish in the right-wing dominated countries of Poland and Hungary than liberal democracies like the US these days so Jews come home to Israel and again we're going to see more and more of this as we get closer to the time of the end that people will come on their own accord to the nation of Israel Jewish people from around the world and that is sign for of our 25 signs we near the end the nation of Israel will return in two stages in the last days we've seen that since 1948 when the modern state was born they have returned but they've returned an unbelief of Jesus and there will be an unbelief of Jesus till the end of this final seven-year period the 7th week of Daniel with the Great Tribulation we've talked about so all that's in the book 25 sides are near the end again another free download but we're going to be seeing more and more of these opinion pieces editorials time to come home Jews there's no place safe including the United States of America all right as the IDF gears up for the Rafa operation mediators scramble to reach a truce and a hostage deal this is what's going on right now Hamas says it will give its response to the offer today Monday the cutter advisers as Israeli officials who asked for Gaza Aid now accus of funding Hamas which they have cutter is a not a honest broker that's why they got the Egyptians in there doing it but uh blinket Now we move to him he hopes Hamas makes the right decision on this on an extraordinarily generous truce hostage deal in other words is will give away the farm he says the normalization deal between the US and the Saudis is close to completion C he hasn't seen the idea of plans to keep civilians safe in case of a Rafa incursion although there's another story which the United States says they're much pleased with what Israel's done with respect to the humanitarian Aid so again all this is coming at once it's amazing now it's all coming together now the next headline White House says Israel will listen to us questions about potential Rafa incursion in other words it says they've agreed to listen to their their questions uh let's let's translate this uh the White House says Israel is going to have to listen and agree to what we say they're going to do not what they wish to do they're going to listen to our questions and our demands because um as we've talked in the past these meetings with the war cabinet with blink uh like in the past he there was like these five hour meetings where the whole time he lectured the Israelis on what the US what the what the US has told them to do what they must do and we'll probably see more of that so Israel's military poised to evacuate the civilians in Rafa and assault the holdouts said a senior defense minister so they're getting ready to to to start this incursion so we will see but here comes the problem here's it ministers threaten Coalition over choice between Rafa op and hostage deal two ministers Ben G smotrich have threatened to withdraw from the government if the Prime Minister agrees to a deal rather than a Rafa operation and Minister Gan suggests he could withdraw if the government chose Rafa so on the one side you got gone is on the the war committee on the you know he's one of the big three or four making the choice the military Echelon as it were with Netanyahu and yab Galant and gun he says if you don't do the hostages right now I'm going to possibly withdraw and benir smotra says if you don't do the deal if you don't do the incursion right now they will withdraw so you've got reports on both sides mid reports that Israel Was preparing to invade Rafa which all offers also to postpone or forgo the operation not only postpone maybe even forgo it completely for Hamas re releasing certain Israeli hostages kidnapped on October 7th govern ministers have threatened withdraw from the Coalition should Israel propose or postpone the Rafa operation and many Center and Center left Ministers of the knesset said the government would lose its legitimacy if Israel rejected a hostage deal now again if benir and smotrich if they vote the Coalition the government collapses and there'll be a caretaker government there'll be new elections Netanyahu will be a caretaker prime minister and so um we will see um again back and forth we're going between these two factions there so God says uh he is a opponent of the uh Rafa Rafa operation he says h no he says he says gafa Rafa operation is important excuse me but hostages are far more important it's far more urgent that we get the hostages out which is absolute nonsense it's terrible what's going on with these hostages agree you got 6 and half million people there and their future is going to depend on what you do and if you you don't dismantle Hamas to the degree you can write now uh it's going to come back again like what's happened in the past and Israel did not do these things they stopped short of doing any type of dismantling and here we are today 500 miles of tunnel underneath Gaza they've allowed to be built over the years which very sophisticated weapons that are there very sophisticated system and hence the mess that's going on so um yir Golan who was seeking leadership of Israel's leftwing camp in the next election says whatever they come also call for the return of the hostages now writing that if israels do not feel it in their civic obligation to return their fellow citizens there's no future for Israeli Society in other words if you don't get these hostes back right now we have no future on the other hand uh the the right says look if you don't go into uh Rafa right now there won't be any future because there'll still be Hamas there so this is the mess that's there they're saying this publicly and it's funny the wisest mind right now is uh liberman abagore liberman who's usually kind of far out he's he says he's not part of the Coalition but he says it's time for politicians to take a moment be quiet to shut up you don't need to air this stuff publicly because what you're seeing is Hamas praying on this and that's exactly what they're doing they're dividing Israel on this and we don't want to conduct negotiations in the media he said all the statements and press conferences serve no one except the human monsters of Hamas who follow every statement religiously isn't that the truth so Israel as usual shoots itself in the foot with respect to its leadership they have a history of doing this they're doing it right now so we'll see what happens now we got two other stories that are great a beautiful scene from Arizona State fraternities are helping police dismantle the Hamas Camp Hamas Camp was started to be built in at ASU and the basically the fraternities boys are there and they''re taking it all down and get rid of it um I used to live right next to ASU in for a number of years in Arizona they became my favorite school for a long time my favorite football team so I'm proud of those guys the sundevils um so not everybody's agreeing with these uh um Hamas camps on campus so in ASU they decided to take it down and then the one I'm really proud of John fedman the last person I thought I'd ever liked you know he's the senator from Pennsylvania um that could barely speak of remember all the problems he had with the the mental issues he had during the debates and this and yet he won the election in Pennsylvania he says I don't believe but living in a pup tent for Hamas is really helpful he's been criticizing all the anti-israel stuff from the beginning going against many of his Democratic colleagues in fact in an interview he defended the right for American citizens to protest of course we have a right to protest but he slammed anti-israel protesters who were camped out in tents on campuses such as Columbia University and Harvard University so good for Federman he's speaking out he's you know he's speaking Against the Grain there what the Democratic party is usually in lock step with so it's fascinating watch all this all right so here we are basically at the crossroads we're waiting for hamas's response and then depending on the response and if Israel responds the response positively and tries do some hostage deal will they really uh give a six- week pause for fighting and then talk about the possibility of a final ceased fire will Israel really do something like this this is one of the things that's been suggested but we will see we don't know but we do know this and here's the great news we know how it's all going to turn out that things are going to get worse and worse for Israel they're going to be isolated from the world and they'll become a time where they will be invaded actually by a number of nations Ezekiel 3839 we know that is coming it is not on the horizon yet that is a Invasion like we said and we've talked about this and some of our um your Bible questions answered it's an an invasion led by Russia has nothing to do with Iran Iran is one of the participants there but they're not taking the lead this has not happened yet it's still to happen so um hang in there and don't let's not get ahead of ourselves and say this is the end right now it is not there's some things that still need to happen but the stage is being set for that so we'll keep you posted again I'm Don Stewart thanks so much for watching and hopefully you can catch the second program today in Search and the lost Arc the Quest for the Ark of the Covenant because there's so many wonderful lessons we learn here about God's work in in history uh with the with the arc and his word and just refers to Jesus Christ and his suffering on the cross so there's so much there for us to learn until then thanks for watching and may the Lord richly richly bless
Channel: Don Stewart
Views: 10,840
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Keywords: Bible Prophecy, Don Stewart, Bible, theology, education
Id: AUk8UNYw22Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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