Why are you gay full interview unedited

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It starts off kind of silly, but it's actually a great interview. There's a really heartwarming part within the first 25 minutes. I'm not going to give the timestamp, cuz you should watch everything before it or else it isn't as shocking.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/topcraic 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello and welcome back this is the topic of discussion on the morning reason and BS television my name is simon cargo angela and well we also weighing in on the raging debate on homosexuality in uganda which is taken another twist today with questions as to whether uganda is indeed becoming a safe haven for homosexuals President Museveni on Sunday while attending the inauguration of the new Archbishop of the Church of Uganda at namilama cathedral insisted that well he had no problem with homosexuals as long as they did not promote the practice well the media is also wash with stories of soccer s Chris mobile molesting kids and you know having unknown rather carnal knowledge with the underage children them to be underage we bring in the studio this morning one of the gay rights activists mister should I call you mr. Pepe Julian onziema thank you for coming in thank you good morning why are you gay you are gay you are transgender you are transgender and your gay rights activist and an outspoken um lesbian homosexual how can I describe you I am Pepe Julian onziema I know gbt I what's that activist I'm a human rights defender I'll get to what it is I'm a human rights defender currently focusing on LGBTI issues LGBTI means L is for lesbian which is described as women who are attracted attracted to each other females who are attracted to each other mentally emotionally and physically and then gay is to Mills who emotionally physically sexually attractive each other bisexuals usually attracted to puzzles of their own sex as well as the opposite sex this one usually it's not small tenuously it's one at the time one also tends to at the same period of time over with the other then transgender is basically an umbrella term to to describe people who do not conform to the sex that they assigned at birth an umbrella term in the sense that there are people who are called transsexuals they are transvestites there are cross dressers and they've default under this umbrella the oppo who who who dress up to express themselves as the sexes that what they were not assigned at Birth then there are those who actually go and have reassignment of that particular size sex that they were signed at birth intersex people who are born with two sexual organs and it can be expressed either externally as you can vision visibly see it or internally as in the organs can be one of them can be displayed internally but I'm not a medical expert so and where do you learn the common thing that what they use to describe intersex people is homogenate but in my line of work that is derogative where do I lie I'm a transgender transgender you are initially male or female the sex that was assigned to me at birth was female and you opted to become mayor not exactly opting it's it's it's it's something that I have been since I was I was young but yeah in terms of expression it's it's Who I am now how did you discover that you actually meant to be mayor well growing up you know a child is born and when you're growing up you're you're within a society that has a certain structure yeah and you see yourself basically fitting more in a certain box I said I was born female but I was my expression at that time and my internal sense of myself was me so have you realigned yourself into being a male or you still shared both both sexes I am within transition you're within transition yes now we're looking at the raging debate your gay rights activists why should someone be gay just for the record I am NOT a gay rights activist I believe there's nothing like gay rights there is human rights there is human rights and they're humans who are gay and those who are not gay so I'm a human rights activist who is advocating for equality for even people who have different sexual orientation or gender identity so as we stand today are you dating any female yes I am you have a girlfriend yes I do while in transition you're having a girlfriend do you perform the natural obligations I'm not sexually active right now so what I enjoy this lady choice by choice I've just not of chosen not to engage doesn't that make you gay what do you mean doesn't that make me gay I am I am ill and attracted to a female so who is gay I described a gay person earlier someone attracted to the same sex to the same sex mentally emotionally physically sexually so as a human rights activist what do you think of gays and then no more is it normal to be gay absolutely I mean most most people we had a chat a little earlier and gay people are born that way they are born gay yeah because you tend to realize yourself as or find out these changes in you when you a child but because of the structures of the society as it is now about male and female all those boxes that are placed there if as a male I am attracted to another male when we are growing up the structure is okay Simon sighs Simon has a son Simon will marry the sort of betroth view as kids you know they would be like Simon's son will marry Peppa's daughter yeah but then Peppa's daughter or Simon's son realizes that as his growing up actually this thing is not working you know he's not attracted to my daughter but he's attracted to my son but because society dictates that it should be my daughter with your son then people tend to hide who they are and then people think that it's a choice but the whole the whole feeling that the physical the emotional begins at a very early stage and when people get to an age of puberty where in in most cases people get sexually active most gay people do not express with the same sex due to fear due to that because they do not want to be seen as as not being part of the society but gay people are actually born with this orientation is this a disorder in origin it's not we have records from the World Health Organization we know a team of experts who also thought who thought it was a mental disorder and later on it was scraped off the list of disorders and I'm not just using that as as an SI unit or a yardstick to to to to say that it's not a disorder but it also backs up the fact that it's not a disorder I have lived for a certain period of time I lived as as a gay person because it was the easiest way for me to come out to my family to say I'm a lesbian and not a transgender you see and how did it feel what being gay then it's it's it's no more I mean it's it's human it's it there's nothing there's nothing strange about it what is strange about it is the way people react when you tell them you not like them what do you think of the stereotype that this gay culture has received in Uganda it's very disheartening we are we are humans we are your Guardians we've been born here we've been raised here we've gone to school here some of us have been forced to get married here so this is is a country for all of us but the stereotype is really hurtful because as a transgender person I've described to you that attracted to female that if it came to down to my sexual intention heterosexual but when people look at at me they automatically think you know the automatic thing is that I'm gay and they will attack me as a kid do you feel you deserve sympathy when whatever you're doing is very unnatural biblically and socially naturally it's unnatural I think it's it's it's the fear of the unknown people who do not understand homosexual people think all these things about homosexuality and people normally go straight away to thinking about sex and that is where the danger is and because of a lot of ignorance as well it's it's it's it's a bit difficult we wouldn't say we deserve one sympathy but I believe that as Africans as Ugandan we are a tolerant country we are our niches and I'm speaking as a Ugandan I'm speaking as a how many gonna die into this practice what do you mean practice okay this culture let me rephrase it and I say it this way how many homosexual people are there in this country there are no statistics they've been guesses for about 3% to 5% of the Ugandan population but obviously with the space as being pushed away from the flow from space to be able to raise awareness it's very difficult for us to carry out a survey to find out how many we actually are in this country so are you craving for attention or recognition craving is not the word I would use I would say that we are working I am working towards the Liberty the Equality of all persons and no person should be discriminated or stigmatized because they are of a different sexual orientation or gender identity so it is about equality which is guaranteed by the Ugandan Constitution don't you think gays homosexuals lesbians transgenders should instead be reoriented rather than receiving all this kind of recognition because society seems to deem them as unnatural as people who are maybe lost someone you are seated with me right now no one not sure is that well it's not you but I'm just baffled well we are not craving for attention and if you look at the attention that that that we are getting its totally negative you know it's it's of how unnatural we are how an African how and Ugandan we are all those things and you know it also baffles me if we with all this negative press negative press negative all the negativity why would they choose to be who I am before we go for a break President Museveni said that you can't go ahead with whatever you're doing with your homosexuality for as long as you don't come out in the open do you really feel he came out in support of what you do no I don't think he came in support because he's if for me I feel partly it's it's like giving and taking at the same time before before you you you touch whatever you're being given it's taken away he says no killing no persecution as in homosexuals won't be killed or persecuted but he adds Uganda is intolerant to promotion of homosexuality right and if I if we go to to to what they anti-homosexuality bill states right now about promotion of homosexuality if he says no promotion of homosexuality he's basically saying the persecution will still be there why do I say this because it means you can't speak about it we cannot have this kind of debate because it will be it will be deemed the promotion of homosexuality if I I went and sought services somewhere and a person knows that I am I am a homosexual they would be promoting because they are basically enhancing my existence so that would be promotion so for me I'm not excited about what he said and I don't think it's exactly are you living under fear yes I am so why don't you why don't you why don't you shift and no more life why should I see this is who I am why should why should they live in in a form that I'm not why should they do that I think I think it's my right to live as I am and I'm a citizen of this country so I'll basically do whatever I have to do to make sure that I can live the way I am all right let's take a quick break and when we return we'll be reading out your comments we will of course be hearing from an anti-gay activist telling us his side of the story good morning [Music] hello and welcome back this morning we're getting into a very controversial topic that's homosexuality in Uganda President Museveni says gay people should not be killed or persecuted in Uganda as a section of MPs push for the anti-homosexuality legislation Speaker of Parliament Rebekah Kidada promised that this would be a Christmas gift you'd Annan's the fundamental question is should homosexuals be given attention in Uganda before we proceed with the Pepe Julian onziema a sexual minorities activist would that be appropriate human rights defender where we have pasta semper online and anti-gay activists to tell us his side of the story hello pasta yes good morning everyone good to have you online how are you today I am doing well first I'm really extremely distressed that we are not having the anti sodomy bill passed in parliament we had been promised that it will be passed by Christmas second under tremendous attacks people who are fund these groups such as this daughter of ours poppy and so money is doing power unfortunately Pepe is a young woman who is suffering from gender identity disorder she is a girl who has been misled and confused to sing she's a man and so you can see the way she's dressing the way she is coming across he's trying to be a man but you know they are meatballs we have so many young girls who suffer from this it is a disorder and some of these people they press their breast or they go and get their breasts cut off they cut their hair then you end up with a pretty look young lady who is acting like a man so one day I need these our people are suffering from mental O'Dowd do you need psychological psychological and spiritual health and department boot Abeka for people like this one but they can be helped to come out of their madness pasta yes why don't you sympathize with such people who do not opt but one naturally according to on Zima and when you come up with this we can ask you to stay on line then we hear from on Zima how could you react to pass the simple no sound don't worry a brain will not I choose not to react and give [Music] [Music] oh we lost you know on Zima I realize you offended by the pasta statement and it's not the first time that is making such reactions to to your cause do you really feel your coziness is necessary in in the world it's absolutely necessary and there the allegations that the past is making the saying I do not want to go into that because he's already misled so many people and I'm a bit disappointed that he came onto this show but also for the sake of debate maybe it's it's it's it gives me an opportunity to put something right and that's the the mix the the miss information about sexual violence and sexual orientation so domi they keep saying sodomy sodomy so this yeah and we oughta may is one of the contents or is one of yes it's one of the contents of homosexuality sodomy as it is is normally a description of sexual Val scanner knowledge of same-sex people or carnal knowledge in okay in most cases it's anal sex that is referred to yeah and I told you earlier there are people who do not even practice their homosexual there they have a different sexual tension to the one that is popularly promoted and not everyone practices this and the whole promotion of this propaganda oh how do you read is not Romancing value that is none of my business what they do in in their privacy is none of my business what I do is respect people as they are and I'm even respectful enough to try in in create awareness about this confusion that the pastor is making about sexual violence and sexual orientation you're talking about people who have diapers and so on there are so many people who have practice and they are not and I'm really I'm really disheartened that the pastor keeps parading around people's children claiming they have been sexually violated by homosexuals there's this whole notion that homosexuals are pedophiles there are sexual predators and all that stuff yeah that's what I've seen is has revealed no there are so many heterosexual people who abuse people the people who is there's so many reports of defilement some in our neighborhood that do not make it to the papers why I feel this is like right just just just listen to me I need to fit two to put this correct there's a lot of molestation of guns and boys yes and we have an act that protects or can be used to prosecute such people and just for the pasta and he's in his click on he or his his group to try and focus that the boy child is more violated than the girl child for me I think it's but is this is justifiable for someone to sort of my someone's daughter or someone no absolutely no that is what I'm telling you defilement rape any form of sexual exploitation of violence is absolutely unacceptable do you agree I don't I don't I don't care if it's a melt male female to female male to female or female to male as long as it is violence against some properties surely do you agree that to some people at this gay orientation is a disorder and the narration thank you that is what people think because the public has been misinformed about who we are if you take time and actually spend time with a gay person you realize that all these things that you think about gay people are not true they are not true and and the people who are trying to who constantly promoting this anti-gay sentiments within with within your gardens are doing that because they do not want you to talk to us they do not want you to have this kind of dialogue they do not want you to to know that we actually make good friends that were actually good children over of our parents they do not want you to see that part do you feel no more I am absolutely normal I am absolutely no more I smile I laugh I I fall sick I get well I see the rights do you I told you earlier on I am NOT but I do I have and I will when I choose to yes how would you do it what do you mean how will I do it because nature cannot allow you what do you mean nature cannot allow me I am attracted to someone section that is nature allowing me why do you recruit young boys and girls into into this activism there is no such thing as recruitment of young people or adults or anything like that what is recruitment first of all what when you asked me about recruitment what do you mean by recruitment I mean trying to put them into your system teaching them what to do how to go about it we do not do that and actually what what has been happening is since these allegations of recruitment have been coming out there are so many people who have been you know contacting us seeking help we've saved lots of okay of people before we proceed let's take another caller from but rather pass the same prize back online for just a couple of minutes I don't need sympathy I don't [Laughter] yeah [Music] the pasta and Songhai treaty tacit W&G do you mirror a russian society absolutely not absolutely not if what you're doing is natural do you intend to have kids I do because the light show the man living with a woman is to reproduce what is what's all this about children and all that stuff first of all we cannot even support the population that we have right now hmm I might be able to support my own but with all you know the inequalities in this country why would I want to bring you know someone to be part of that if I want to have a child I can have a child so gay people do not I know and reproducing it's not about them well it's so many what we have something going into adoption there are so many people who have children so many gay people who have children I don't know why this this whole notion that we cannot have children we do not want children we how come in between okay can we just not biologically please we are not organizing this show but I want you to tell me how you can get a child when you're interfacing or when you having intercourse with a fellow man or a fellow is there only one way to have children is there only one yes there is really yes there is so what what what what what do people who can not for instance who are barren or sterile how do they get children how do they raise is not the way we should go I'm not saying that it's a diver it's a diverse world there are so many different things that are there there are options for people who cannot biologically give birth for them to be able to raise families so why not tell me what do you think of Chris movie row Chris movie role and his Oh keys that were captured on camera well that is his his stuff what do I think about him I don't know what his orientation is do we look at him as a homosexual miss secondly you guys do look at him as a homosexual hmm but and and you do that because he's practicing and no sex I was telling someone earlier that not every gay person has a no sex there are so many who do not it's what Chris were were whatever is being alleged of what Chris has done or is doing that has been splashed all over the papers personally if the people that the allegations has in in the papers are - I will hunt for Chris myself but these allegations and I don't know even if the people he's been engaging with are actually - Dolores fall for his orientation I don't know what his orientation is but as a human being I think he needs to see me well for me though that I don't think that is that is an orientation it's it's what he practices I do not know what his orientation is and I want to focus on on the way that the reports have been coming out you say he's his sodomizing children but you don't even care to protect the child's identity that is that that is totally absurd and I'm actually uncomfortable talking about this issue for for for for for those reasons because I do not want to keep giving it do you realize that you've received overwhelming moral disapproval from society absolutely I do and you're ready to stick on absolutely otherwise I wouldn't be here on this show why why did you stick on because this is who I am and I need to talk about it there are so many people who are like me who have been who have been pushed you know they are so oppressed they cannot speak for themselves and if I can do that why not take the opportunity to do so and try to create you know the kind of awareness to try and make people understand who we are it will keep going on but I'm not going to give up why wouldn't you support the legs of honourable Behati in their in their zeal to restore morality in society what kind of morality are you trying to install in society if you're actually trying to deviate from that thing that you claim you're trying to protect which is that the family alley around I mentioned something about tolerance that Uganda Africans generally it has a tolerant nature yeah but that is being taken away from us we are not fighting for that why why are we choosing this thing we did as corruption there's theft there's a lot of murders there's a lot of defilement and all those things this is like really on the scale of a homosexuality is uncalled for uncalled for totally totally this whole attention that that it's getting you know I've spoken to people you've talked of moral disapproval but I've talked about the boredom in when I've got any chance when they are not chasing me and they're like you know they seem to be objective about issues issues that affect this country we have spoken to someone that I can buy maybe tomato from and they are totally not in agreement with with with the likes of same parties it's it's it's sort of it's some group you know it's it's some group in in leadership that is trying to push the society to believe that this is the number one issue for this country that is not is it true that fighting for gay rights is a lucrative business for you it is not a business seriously Simon why would they we with all the inserts insults that Sam has been at me on air why would I why would I be in this just because I'm a gay person I should not wear nice suit I should not wear things that I desire because a scientist doesn't approve of whatever you're doing at the moment what do you mean so I shouldn't be dressed because of that hmm legally is there a legal justification for homosexuality I told you I'm a human rights defender and I see pass the samples come here when I agreed to come to this show I spoke to you I'm sorry he could no he cannot just owe me so if he storms in I storm out thanks for your time I cannot go on with this I'm sorry do you recognize some of these things here these are some of the things they use I want to give you evidence you see pasta and chipping - hush can't you realize I think about the paint will go through a landslide to ostracize escanso Cambodian watch at busi naginata baby intervener Vida baby no baby intervene oh the carrot is in a credenza or Chia backwards it's a carrot easy no never Oh Jung Hwan Abu Dhabi other words aunty Messiah she thinks she's a man but she does not have the equipment to be a man so what do they do to be able to try and penetrate the other person they use carrots because it's a carrot watching up back was a summit okay I think you're being a little high no no no no no back possessor Baba buckles essa be no virtue combi a same but they would ago I am a counselor for many years I can show people like her when I cancel them I discovered that they have problems some of the problem is when you use something like this so when you something like this and you put it inside you you reap your urine tract areas when they put it inside they're benign doubled up a Chris movie room a bond about utakata to Vegeta Oh God Yvonne balances a disorder right uh-huh if it's a disorder yes do you feel you're handling it the right way yes you're being too aggressive too harsh oh no no no no no no you see first of all we have the good Bible that tells us even the crew Han tells us that this is an evil demon engage in technology jam by body ochita TV Renee to Putin auntie momma rainbow good yeah where do I begin Oh Ohio you gotta make you batty bear pika I think about a kimochi a man cut your mother mallie centers arena Oh Molly we are innocent am cannon caddy bogie knock off a spooky a body ma-kun you anger buddy Moo Korea by remote pattern tobacco mr. Campbell would attend attend Oregon Oregon de a were fake names are yamaganda ninja whip Bango bottom um Ikeda t-wave Iike carry my dear Winona británico promise Allah muhammadun what did I remember the suit nation said Yoanna Moana a chifusa was intolerable a chana okay whatever Mauro morons now yeah a mutant am Watchi marooned emotionally John Mayer that yellow room said his claim is his biological is fitted to be a woman kikuchi what makes him on blackface bar I'm glad you let me let's maintain civility posture simple argues that these are the instruments you use you eat them on your plate yes you don't use them when you're having carnal knowledge absolutely no and sample should stop missing for me the perpetual Noreen bah me I'm a counselor avakov showed many of these first of all they start in secondary school when cancelling other than being confrontational this young man this one is an evangelist oh no this is a missionary of sodomy oh no mom in sunny maria uno moments and yeah putting achieve on to Charlie in October Uganda Africa so domain association you guys to Korean better buy in a budget yeah median yeah pneumonia is that Dora I'm a suture always a kind of a saint as I can what we know can you just say that second can you justify then yes let me give him a chance to respond poppy just translate what you are paid heavily to promote homosexuality in Uganda HECO what's your reaction I do not even earn the amount of money he thinks I do not even and a hundred dollars a month even onion I do not make the money that he thinks that we make are you talking joking is just a second just talking about promotion of homosexuality recruitment and all those things they do not exist it's just the pastas and his group where the propaganda do you believe that there's been sexual abuse in this country propagated by yourselves as human rights promoters this guy's does human rights provisions we do just as the question again do you believe that there's been sexual abuse actually sodomy unleashed towards me towards underage children and towards deposited by my work yes there is no such thing what's your one what what you want what does your working T it entails advocacy around sexual orientation and gender identity and this includes making sure that education that that people access health services the access education they access you know like like the so called no more yoga nuns we advocate for every person to be treated the same not because I am a transgender person you treat me differently we're all Uganda's and we are protected because the Constitution I do not mean okay so let me help you sir I do not need I'm glad she's talking about for everyone he know is a she you see a car this one is about know don't rub you someone's they said me I know her gentleman is no she's a female they are no true it is a the male or female let me first tell you sodomy is about confusion now I want to bring you to speed I'm Antoine amino KU Manya this person is confused and she's exporting a confusion it she's a woman but she's thinking excuse me feel like I've given you a chance to you see and a banana is different from a cucumber a carrot is different from a banana I want you to understand you cannot equate know you'll know these are not equal so for you to send we are advocating for everyone's right when you are a sodomite you are committing a crime and the crime that makes you social excuse me no no no no no you are you are my social obligations this is a truth you have a social obligation when you commit a crime if you knock someone you commit a crime so for you to come and say we want to advocate for anyone's right criminals and innocent people they are not the same men and women are not the same now so have you been have you been affected by what they of course how I am at materially these people have begun several ganas ations first of all the Americans and the Europeans are putting a lot of money in the Faculty of Law to train people like this one in now to come and speak now she is going to go back and ask for money again I could lie oh but then I follow you ardently on your Facebook I follow you identity so I'm not an informed this one is of sexual minorities Uganda but of their groups when they get pregnant they chase them away I've been counseling about five girls who because when the lesbians get pregnant they just then they come and tell me what is going on their life is full of misery but but a party after party she can never have children you love what you do don't you I absolutely love my work yes of course we are protected by the Constitution yes I am protected by the Constitution where's the constitutional provision that promotes homosexuality in this country I told you it's not homosexuality what human rights protect you ask tsunami she's a human rights we said sodamlg said did we ask ABC other she says sexual minorities perfusion of the highest order so what they do is they cover Boppity read the baptismal name for that word is so domain but they're giving themselves a new name sexual minority sexual past yes you're meant to know Bible says open rebuke is better than secret love this girl needs to be told she's a garment no this young girl needs to be told she's a woman not a man the longer you continue on addressing Gaza now attend ikkaku de bois aluminum whare addressing a managed novice Katya what tribe are you by the way whatever termina gwangalli what clan are you touch among a CDC do you have fathers and grandfathers of course it does petty man eternity demo Timo's Raza what is your tribal name yes in the black people we have ancestors and descendants they lived a living today provide grandchildren for our ancestors this young woman is denying her members of that family a chance to have children in Africa that is so bad buster if he's not country you son or daughter no way you see in Africa we don't go with what I do is what I feel I am because I am in Africa we I am because we are we are a community we always ask for mana one Kadima buuza or the mana wanna move Aziza oh no marijuana cadet Oh Savannah Cho Kirikou oh we're in Tsonga guacho natural about Nabi Ranga yoga BC agony bottom quarter cent a time when I once in a while guru bhai in Obama by in a David Cameron banaba zumba venerable ANOVA muchacho Clinton you know what I was in Clinton but Yahweh Kabir a saint an area of you Tala Allah in a visa again America where we see a signature pose a charm an apology you see a smile she is being given amid minorities what is minorities please I want don't you see minorities they are trying to assemble majorities and minorities you cannot equate okay a carrot with a banana and I want this year we want to explain to you let's give him a chance what does she use for sex why do they use for say what what what we use gender hey what do you use for six as a man this world in my food you see become become from no no become race for okay ladies ones he and I'll put this idea to sieve she will answer today you hear the sense of Rage the hey that is that's Africa Africa and several other Africans who believe that their culture is being eroded by your human rights advocacy it is not being eroded I told you alia we are generally a tolerant society and when I see people like Martin semper so disrespectful so outraged so you know so you know I was outraged yes because you to the things that I used was to discuss the pros and cons of this kind of advocacy today rather recently we had president myself in saying that these people can't go on for as long as they do not recruit or promote what do you make of the presidency the president is being pressurized me for three years they have open court cases against me they have spoken if against me they have no chance they could claim against a threatened death we know these death threats Americans want to bump me when you are alone they harass you so President Museveni has been at us for three years you remember when they've had a wedding in one again What did he say we will shoot we will arrest them we will shoot them they began pampering him and campaigning him to three years later when this bill came up his when they heard us this go slow all the inner rim said no mr. pres but we have a resisting winifred wait wait now he goes you see a momma Bob as he goes to Italy okay Rebecca kanaka goes to Canada when they come back Rebecca said no we need a retreat with no surrender but a mama bear said government will not support it you see what is happening they are pressurizing individuals but you see we have clans we have 5,000 years of known history in all my history I have never had in my clan is a new one Chima Oh Julia Trina motika got to suka to Monica gamma mo Human Rights human right moose is a judge away Yanni that's over a mud demo petty bourgeoisie Oh Julia I am dirty I'm nobody see the gravity [ __ ] what is abusing the way that's so what I beat them what you would eat up zum-zum second coordinate we're gonna round it do you have gadgets that you use okay do your colleagues have gadgets they use during its no that's their private life I do when you saw Chris mobile sodomizing did you feel that's no more for a man to have intercourse with a fellow man I did not see Chris movie rule sodomizing I saw pictures in the red paper of allegations of him sodomizing a minor and I told you earlier I am totally against abuse of children we have videos rather gothic now I wouldn't show them on TV it is a horrible of the person six yes I am against child molestation any kind of explanation what if there was in adults what if there were two adults that is what they do in their previous that's okay is that okay for me what happens between two adults behind their closed doors is none of my business OTO so in your advocacy what exactly do you do if you've asked that like three yes yes and I need to hear this again can the pasta shut up well I see yes interacting in probably he's quiet pasta is quiet pasta will you be quiet I am so great what will you do rather what do you do in your advocacy work I told you we talked about the advocacy is on the rights of human beings regardless of the situation and gender identity we have reports of people who have been molested within their own homes by their own parents by their own family members because they are different so those kinds of rights otherwise that we protect but when you're in your home you deserve that family affection and protection from your family and the law also protects against defilement against rape against all these violations that are there that is what we work we work towards seeing that every person is equal in how come so sad is not gonna wash on it towards you well because there are people like Martin sample analyst gives you do you give them a lot of platforms to keep promoting spreads over here I want to bring this issue I'm surprised Julie does not get on her knees and repent to the whole public on behalf of their member Chris movie this movie a part of you I do not know his orientation I told you valya you see they are denied have you conducted a census to know who belongs to you and who does it but why are you repeating these questions for them you see what is happening these people come in and they tell us that what they do is something that is known okay they try to equate heterosexuality with homosexuality as if it's vanilla and ice cream of chocolate they are not I want to tell you that using a gadget which is why she's afraid most of all most of most of you see she says you see these effects they want to discuss it in words but I want you to know what is your level of education by the console you see you don't know let me tell you the concept of ontology and epistemology epistemology is the sense of knowing about something ontology is the sense of knowing something when you discuss so domain in its ontological reality is the whiteness what is the substance and when you advocate for something you have to know what it is before you promote it now for people need to know atc Agata t because I'm an energy mucosal opanka if you see advocate Oh get up Oh Andrea Messiah excuse me excuse me let me finish yes you see a god no you see whenever she gets uncomfortable I invited mr. engine for you me I'm a counselor I know she let me come I want to tell you what homosexuals do in she doesn't want to talk about the privacy of their bedroom where HIV spreads you know that 70% of all homosexual listen 70% avoid the homosexual men in sub-saharan Africa research by The Lancet magazine two years ago shows that they have 760 70% HIV and no more heterosexual men are about 7% when you a homosexual you have more chance of experiencing death from HIV than in normal person why when you take a man this is a man's genitals and you insert them into andyc the intestine okay they put their genitals into the excretory system this excretory system is not designed to receive it is only for exit she maintained a vivace kuru Sonya Netta unique ability to converse I let you look at Amazon what did that is for men for women what they do is they begin one their sexual acts because she does not have the equipment they begin to use their lips so the mouth is used to lick the other person that's number one it created or gonorrhea many lesbians have organ areas or syphilis number two because they don't have the equipment every color they begin to use gadgets like bananas they use carrots they use bananas they use cucumbers and other metallized ones and they put them inside themselves may be tiny copulate Oh poop attract Daniel because they are not normal bit and ikkaku usin abanazar we cater una alternativa khulafa botanico Camila named Peck but let me first finish in Malabo today I have been in Morocco for the last four four weeks earlier yeah but is the era for sexiest magazine people like her being patched up Babatunde MA that's what it is that what it is uh no they don't want to enter into the window cut you know we know by Miriam pick economy didn't pick it in pictures and it's time to come on you Gandhi got Odia mmm Peck is anymore Oh Sonia tester on what you would eat up that is why you begin to see someone begins to change one a more than a year to come am I really about the Sulaco arena never carnival no camera window presenter Hanauma bid me begin the South Africa never gained away but the Sulaco they cut off their breasts to look like then you see a girl who looks like dress like a man and it confuses you for Europeans a to achieve a career-ender ooh I want you to know in why the Europeans condone it and we condemn it in Africa because you see for us it is a human vice for them they are calling it a human right Oh Julia favorites heb it's a human vice for them it's a human right they call it a human rights defender yesterday the European Union ambassador to African Union donated 1.8 million European euros for this one's everyday Weber was sainted finer more magnify the other side in blue ganda the first man and woman is Gordon Nam be Nietzsche into a burrito but some before you got there before you go there evil girl yes you can be auntie Jean do with the homosexual you've made the ground observer oh that is a validation that is right for Europeans mr. Payne you have them not from pepper you have the platform without being interrupted by pasta medically does being gay have any adverse effects every sexual contact if you expose yourself if you risk yourself beat heterosexual or homosexual they will definitely be a risk that you've exposed yourself to it's not limited to homosexuals that cuts across he's been claiming making claims and allegations about hiv/aids spreading how it's it's mostly among homosexuals it's not true it's a good disease get over it ignorance I know it would your parents are tender with where you are with a person of the same sex a person I love what person who cares about me yes how are they young let me tell you as I am here my family supports me we can watch me I know that we are here that we know are they supporting it this all I am what is that right I refused to tell you Oh Buster Buster this antique game know me I'm not an antique me I'm auntie so do me now girl no couldn't be what gay is being happy me I'm gay I'm happy but this is the confusion they say boo to be a sodomite is to be happy no me I'm anti sodomy then one is a VC Agha Silvanus a man to buy Sonia venom and sexual that I work Sarah choking which is a cioppino Concordat if there when it comes to that I avoided it well why don't you fight for heteros as well what do you mean heterosexuals what do you mean why what do you mean fighting for your rights yeah for their rights yes so I am a human rights defender leave me so don't make some a defender you are not leaving for lgbtq i buy as well and intersections only our quantum endurance and where's the inch a quarter Darian data for this group there are different people so it's a human right for human being we are dealing with a girl who thinks she's a boy gentlemen mm-hmm that is symptom number one of gender identity disorder if your parents are there and you have a girl who thinks she's a boy okay that is a sickness you need to guide them and bring them for canceling number two I'll give you my phone number at the end zero seven seven two six four ten twenty eight number two she does not have a tribe or them so there is a lack of pride in who she's an African by nature realizes that we have a historic we began with the gene to Anam B by the grace of God we have reached here and we who are living at the bridge between the past and the future we must be a children fort we know Buddha Ravana cut you know man Dominic one got yet no no no let me tell you can see caboodle a desert no a zone pieces a finger Badu Guevara Cambodian baka baka marijuana babudi sin Gavin Ababa do gavel Abbas Abba zaba Sedgwick Ibaka oh no simony Java alehrer Sindh owari Oh Oh a Managua no no Obamacare whoa chica Preta to mucuna Kabira moranga yo gabba a cranberry chica chain Mamba vertigo kunana Abhinav oh no oh no movie rocket hasta manana Uganda Oh yo movie ruh Swasey tsuchikage a Mamba Nabu - karma muruganna NGO Mauryan mom Bavaro Nava madonna ichika oh ma TC agave rogue navimag a notch HTC Yaga caribou ganda you know who violated phenomena biribiri don't wanna know know who I am be romantic ROTC no Mazda lava a motoki can okay based on SE Cupp B Nobi - company based on CEQA Abbas Zuma Nabokov Arakawa may become anemic Abby Clinton in Ottawa awardee banana banana but to gain deco in an Americana be video by musicians Maria Kirilenko and I have to pray for this young woman as RIT all right on that note we wind up [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Seprewa
Views: 975,692
Rating: 4.9609404 out of 5
Keywords: Why are you gay, Kay Benyarko, Why are you gay interview, why are you gay full version, why are you gay song, why are you running, funny interview, uganda interview, why are you gay uganda interview, why are you gay full interview
Id: liRvscK5vPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 42sec (4242 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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