What Is The Mark of The Beast? - Evangelist Tiff Shuttlesworth

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tonight I'm speaking on the subject of what is the mark of the beast and I want to read to you out of Revelation chapter 13 and as you're turning in Revelation to the thirteenth chapter let me remind you again that the book of Revelation is the only book in the Bible that guarantees a supernatural blessing to all who read it to the church to all who hear it and obey it and so again this is not my promise this is the promise of God and God cannot lie when you open up the Bible God said what he meant and he meant what he said and the fact that you've been taking time to be apart each night of these services as we have devoted time and attention to the preaching of endtime prophecy I want to encourage you get ready to identify something supernatural that God is going to do to bless you and how many of you know that God has limitless ways of blessing us but I speak revelation chapter 1 and verse 3 over every listener those that are present in the sanctuary those that are watching online many of you that are online have been flooding my phone with social media messages and letting me know that you're watching and you've gathered family together to watch and one friend mentioned that they had a family member that tuned in two nights ago and their elderly father gave their heart to the Lord Jesus Christ viewing these services here from Arlington Texas isn't it awesome that God's Word knows no barriers so wherever you're at in Jesus name may the blessing of Revelation chapter 1 and verse 3 be upon your life and if you believe it and receive it again give God a mighty hand to praise if you're sitting next to someone that does not have a Bible if you'd be kind enough to share Revelation chapter 13 verse 11 then I saw another beast come up out of the earth he had two horns like those of a lamb but he spoke with the voice of a dragon he exercised all the authority of the first beast and he required all the earth and its people to worship the first beast whose fatal wound had been healed he did astounding miracles even making fire flashed down to earth from the sky while everyone was watching and with all the miracles he was allowed to perform on behalf of the first beast he deceived all the people who belong to this world he ordered the people to make a great statue of the first beast who was fatally wounded and then came back to life let me pause again to remind you that the Antichrist is going to be according to the scripture a great counterfeiter and coming back to life dying coming back to life the Antichrist is trying to replicate the Lord Jesus Christ but everything that the Antichrist does there's a reason why his number is 666 6 is the number of man but 7 is the number of perfection and with all of his power and with all of his might and with all of his political prowess with all of his deception with all of his charisma with all of the world submitted to him and bowed at his feet God assigned him the number of 666 to forever remind him that on his best day he still falls short of the Lord Jesus Christ and the soon coming king who will devour him with the word of his mouth and the power of his great glory and though I'm preaching on some things that deal with the Antichrist I want to assure you I'm not looking for the Antichrist I am fixed upon looking for Jesus Christ and I want to live ready every day to meet him how about you verse 15 he was then permitted to give life to this statue so that it could speak then the statue of the Beast commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die now this is our text and I want you to pay careful attention to these next two verses verse 16 he required everyone small and great rich and poor free and slave to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead and no one could buy or sell anything without that mark which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name wisdom is needed here and let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is six six six let's take a moment to pray father I humble my heart and your holy presence and before these precious people I ask you as I have asked you before today that you'd give us favor in the eyes and the ears of every listener I pray that you would anoint my mind quick and mind body and spirit by the power that flows from heaven on high let my words be your words let my thoughts be your thoughts and father I ask you do not let one person within the sound of my voice those that are present those that are viewing through some media or technology I pray that every one of them would live ready to meet the Lord and I pray father that when the invitation is given in the moments to come that you'll give people the strength and the humility to do what they ought to do to turn from sin and turn to Christ I pray that not only every person within the sound of my voice would be saved and live ready to meet the Lord but I ask you in faith that their entire household will be saved according to the integrity of the Bible even all the way back in the Old Testament you said this blessing will be upon you and upon your descendants Joshua said as for me and my house we will serve the Lord release supernaturally and anointing in this house that causes entire households to supernaturally be attracted to the preaching of the word and be ready in these last days we'll be careful to give you the praise and the honor and the glory for we ask it all in the name of Jesus cleanse my mind body and spirit with the precious blood of Jesus don't let there be one thing that hinders the flow of your precious Holy Spirit in Jesus name and all God's people said amen as I have mentioned in my early remarks each night I cannot on any of these subjects do an exhaust exhaustive biblical study in one single service and I think it's apparent that I'm not trying to but what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to take each subject lay them out service by service in a chronological order and give you the most important gold nuggets of each and every truth that we address if I had a thousand services to preach on Bible prophecy here or anywhere else I could not do it justice there is so much in Bible prophecy that cannot be covered by any preacher any sermon any lecture any amount of time in a single setting so what I'm going to do tonight is I have done with many of these subjects is I'm going to address what or I believed to be not only the most important questions biblically on these subjects but they are often the most asked questions that have come my way with that said if you're taking notes question number one is the mark of the beast past or future the reason I want to begin with this is I think anyone who preaches or teaches the Bible should be honest enough to tell you that their view may not be the only view and when it comes to Bible prophecy unfortunately there are many people with many positions that caused much confusion in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ I'll not get into the reasons why it seems like with prophecy there seems to be more confusion on that biblical subject than any other but I've often wondered perhaps is that a part of the prophecy that said in the last days there would be great deception that would be my best answer from the Bible and not just from my intellectual reasoning it seems to me that there is an increase of authorship and books and false teaching and abuse of teaching that causes the body of cry either to have misinformation on end time Bible prophecy or to become so frustrated that they just lay the subject of Bible prophecy aside and say it's just too distracting for me to deal with not long ago I had a pastor that's a dear friend who told me he said TIFF I love to have you come in and I love when you preach on Bible prophecy he said but it's just so distracting to me and I joked with him a little bit I said well there sure is a lot of distraction in your Bible because almost one-third of your Bible is Bible prophecy so I'm gonna do my best as I have done every night as I pledged to you in the opening service to start in the Bible stay in the Bible finish in the Bible and be very cautious and careful as to how I deal with this I'm not going to get into things that I might teach at a seminary or a Bible College but in your study of Bible prophecy you may come across a word called preterists those are people who have a view and basically in a simplistic nutshell preterists believe that all of the prophecies of the Bible have already been fulfilled and they believe that this is past I'm addressing that in this message because several of the books that have been written in the last year and a half two years are written from this position or a blending of information that would cover some of this but let me just quickly touch upon this so that if you come across it that you'll have a reasonable biblical answer as to why we don't believe that everything in the book of Revelation has already come to pass because there are a lot of things out there and I could name some major ministries I could name some major Christian television networks that have swallowed this hook line and sinker and are bringing guests onto their program and teaching it and it irritates me if I'm just gonna be honest with you but I'll do my best to try to behave and not cuss tonight the reason that many of these people hold this position is they believe that the Romans Caesar by the name of Nero was the Beast they maintained that the mark of the beast was completely fulfilled during his reign which was ad 54 through I believe AD 68 printer is told that all or most of the prophecies in Revelation and the New Testament were fulfilled in the Jewish war which was AD 66 through ad 70 and they believed that it was finalized with the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 and some of you young people if you go to college where they still teach and you have to be careful because some of them you just sit around and pet ponies and play with play-doh but if you actually go to a university that teaches history anymore you're going to find out that Titus invaded Israel and Jerusalem in particular by the mandates of the Roman Empire and they burned the temple to the ground let me just give you a quick prophecy that'll help you to understand the integrity of the Bible Jesus said one day when he was walking out of the temple it was the second temple he walked out of the temple with his disciples and the Bible said Jesus turned around in Matthew 24 and he pointed up the temple buildings and he said see all of these temple buildings not one stone will be left upon another I don't know if you've ever seen the Temple in Jerusalem and some of the remains but they're not small bricks they're massive owns that wait tongues and Jesus said not one stone will be left on top of another even if you were to take modern military weaponry and drop bomb Busters on the walls of Jerusalem that would not be fulfilled because the foundational stones are so large that though it may destroy the temple if it were still erect there would still be parts of the stones and the foundations and the walls that after the rubble and the dust settled it wouldn't have been fulfilled so imagine Jesus telling his disciples back in an era where they're using slingshots Spears swords shields that the destruction is going to be so complete that not one stone will be left on top of another well history tells us not only does the Bible prophesy it but history backs it up I'm showing you an actual prophecy an actual history that matched perfectly Titus goes into Jerusalem burns the temple to the ground because so many of the structured beams in the temple were made out of cedar cedar is one of the hottest burning woods it comes up to a temperature that can melt gold because gold melts at a low point and so the gold not only melts like wax but because it's so dense it runs down into the foundation stones if I had a shoebox of gold on the platform how many of you would like to be able to come up and walk out of here with just one shoe box of gold well let me tell you not one person in here could do it because a shoe box of gold weighs 900 pounds it is that dense and it ran down because of its weight in its melting point guess where it all went all the way down through the cracks into the foundations and so knowing the value of the gold in the temple titus gets orders from the roman empire excavate all of the gold and do not leave one stone unturned and so the roman empire gets all of the gold and excavates every single stone and does their best to completely comply with that military order and history tells us they carped the gold of the temple back to rome and it's in the coffers to this day so that's just one prophecy in the Bible for those of you who think that Bible prophecy is not accurate Jesus said not one stone will be left on top of another and in AD 70 it came to pass exactly as Jesus said so many of the preterists that believe all of these things in Revelation and Matthew and the New Testament they're all done their whole argument is it's Nero and all of that was fulfilled now I'm just gonna bypass this very quickly because I don't want this to be a college lecture but neither do I believe in dumbing the gospel down I'm at a church where I know that there's intelligent leadership and I'm at a church where I know that intelligent people are magnetically drawn to an intelligent leadership and so I'm doing a little bit tonight that I might not always do but I want you to understand something there are multiple ways of unraveling their view multiple ways but there's one that I believe is the most problematic for people that hold this position and I've never found one that could give me an answer to satisfy me the book of Revelation was written in AD 95 the substance and the early church fathers and the evidence that supports that is pretty much insurmountable the book of Revelation was written ad 95 and so for their logic to hold up the book of Revelation wasn't written until 25 years after the destruction and Nero being overthrown so I want to just begin by telling you that if you hear any of this modern Christian television or any of these books that are circulating throughout North America and our churches that tell you that everything in the book of Revelation and the mark of the beast and all of these things they've already happened and you can't believe anybody that preaches that know you're talking to someone that's got as many holes in their theology as Swiss cheese at Subway with that said number two who are the two beasts mentioned in Revelation chapter 13 because if you read through revelation 13 and I read through a portion of it for our text and I have to pause I have been so blessed to see the entire front roll other than a few middle-aged people but I have been so blessed every night not only is the entire front roll pretty much filled with young people every single one of them has a Bible open in their lap and every single one of them are taking copious notes give God a hand to praise and not only are there young people in the front row there are young people throughout the auditorium I want to tell you if you are under 20 years of age and you've been attending these meetings I can tell you by the power of a Living God that you are setting yourself up for an incredible life of God's favor and God's blessing if you take this much time and you're this serious at your age to give thought to Bible prophecy and get it not only into your head but to get it into your spirit the blessing of revelation 1:3 starting at this time in your life I hope I live long enough to see how much God blesses you amen can you say a big praise God because in order to know what the mark is you have to first identify the beast if you haven't figured out by now I have a very analytical mind and to me I think the Bible is quite logical I think it fits together like perfect divine pieces of a puzzle the more you begin to understand how God works and I believe that's how God's people should approach the Bible so if you're gonna preach on the mark of the beast before you begin to unfold what the mark is I think you need to help people to understand who or what is the beast in Revelation chapter 13 now revelation 13 actually describes two beasts the first beast is described in Revelation chapter 13 verses 1 through 10 that refers to the Antichrist capital a now I'm not going to go back over it but in last night's message I showed you from the scripture quite clearly that the Bible speaks of Anti Christ's plural with a small way in the Bible and it speaks of Antichrist singular with a capital A and that oftentimes confuses people but just so that you'll remember God is in charge of the final timing of endtime prophecy and the devil isn't so the devil has always had to have had an antichrist waiting in the wings because he has no power to speed prophecy up or to slow prophecy down that is all in the hands of the Almighty father Jesus on this earth said that he didn't even know at that time some theologians allow for the fact that when he was restored to the right hand of the Father after his resurrection that knowledge is became identical but Jesus said in Matthew 24 and 30 six no man knows the day nor the hour that the Son of Man will appear no not the angels in heaven but my father only if the angels in heaven don't know then the Angels that were kicked out of heaven like lightning certainly don't know so it's absolutely biblical and sound to say the devil has to wait just like you and I do but because the Antichrist singular capital a will be possessed in puppeted by Satan during the Great Tribulation he has always had to have had in recent years he has always had to have had an antichrist waiting in the wings and many people wonder I'm actually going to touch upon a name that many people have asked me about in recent days just simply because there's a quote that this world leader is made that I'm going to share with you but again the purpose of prophecy though we learn these things is you don't want to be left behind I have failed God if I have stood here at this sacred desk and all week long I've preached on prophecy and all I've done is fill your head with biblical information but I fail to get it down into your heart that's why I preached Sunday morning just one simple verse be ye also ready Matthew 24:44 if you're here tonight and you didn't listen to Sunday morning let me just tell you if the only thing you learn about prophecy is just one verse let it be Matthew chapter 24 and verse 44 be ye also ready for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man cometh don't forget that when the rapture takes place it'll be in the twinkling of an eye the rapture is a sign this event we don't know when it's going to happen jesus said it'll be like a thief in the night over and over in the scriptures we're warned that nobody knows it's going to happen unexpectedly it's going to be business as usual that's why I'm committed passionately to giving invitations at every service because I want you to live ready every day to meet the Lord some of you that are listening to me right now if you'd be honest with God you're not ready to meet the Lord and I'm not criticizing you and I'm not judging you but the Bible said he's coming back for a holy and a pure bride and some of you are not living in victory over sin sin is living in victory over you some of you are living together outside of the bonds of marriage and the Bible says that no fornicator can enter the kingdom of heaven some of you still go to parties and get drunk and the Bible says no drunkards shall enter the kingdom of heaven some of you still have vile conversations and the Bible says that those whose mouths are filled with in impurities cannot enter the kingdom of heaven some of you were involved in the sins to norm numerous to cover in one service and I'm not here to take the Bible and beat you up I'm just telling you you better take a bath before the rapture takes place and there's only one thing that cleanses us from the stain of sin and it's the blood of Jesus Christ and people always tell me I believe in Jesus Christ well praise God for that but James chapter 2 tells me even the demons believe in tremble believing in Jesus Christ no more makes you a Christian than believing in soap makes you clean when my son was about nine years old I would guess he had been playing army with his friends and it was back during some of the Rambo movies and they were all dressed up in camo and when Judy called him for supper he came up out of the woods with his buddies and they had literally taken mud from the creek streaked their faces and he was filthy now my wife likes to keep a clean house and when Jonathan came up onto the entry to the home looking like he had been wrestling in the mud with pigs all day my wife wouldn't let him come to the table she made him come into the entry take all of his clothes off and she said leave all your clothes right here and go straight to the bathtub and take a bath before you come to the table now that aides Jonathan believed in soap but my wife insisted he have a personal experience with it and many of you believe in Jesus but you need to have a personal experience at an altar of Prayer I love you tonight I really do I don't know if my style of preaching is too strong for Texas I doubt that it is but I hope that you at least can discern that I love you and that I preach straight down the middle because I really believe in heaven and I really believe in Hell and I really believe in the soon coming of Jesus and I don't want you to miss it and I don't want your children to miss it and I don't want your grandchildren to miss it so I have a responsibility as a man of God that when I stand and open the Bible God holds me to a high standard I must love you enough to not be politically correct I don't know about you folks I am so sick and tired of people who are politically correct and it snuck inside the church house about a decade and a half ago where we've raised up this generation of so-called preachers who don't have enough backbone to stand up and open their Bibles and tell the people that Jesus is coming and eternity is real and you need to prepare to meet the Lord hallelujah to beast in Revelation 13 the first is the Antichrist Capital a I preached last night is the Antichrist alive today and I laid out for you the reason why I had all of the people that were alive in 1948 stand up as a visual for the young people how many of you remember that and those young people watched I asked them young people look around I wanted them visually to see everybody that was alive in 1948 because the Bible tells us in Matthew that when Israel is reborn as a nation that the generation that witnesses that will not pass until all of these things are fulfilled that was May 14 1948 70 years to the day our current president announces that he's going to recognize Jerusalem as capital and 70 years to the day by Daniel's prophecy Jerusalem is recognized as capital of Israel by America and allied nations of the world not all but we did thank God and because we did the Bible set out bless those that bless Israel and I'll curse those who curse Israel I'm glad I'm living in a blessed country and I'm glad I'm living in a place where you can preach the gospel so that's why I believe the Antichrist is alive today because all of the people that stood up last night are not gonna be around in 50 years 40 years and I stop right there but I'd continue probably if there were just people under 25 here so by that time line and again people would say well what do you do with Matthew 24:36 that you just quoted moments ago no man knows the day nor the hour well that's speaking of the rapture of the church in that same chapter it says if you know Bible prophecy you'll know when it's nigh even at the door and so the Bible condemns date setting but it does not condemn being aware of the signs of the times I'm not telling you I know when the Antichrist is going to come I'm just telling you by that prophecy he has to be alive and probably well positioned somewhere waiting in the wings that's the first beast revelation 13 1 through 10 now who's the second beast just before we get to that the Bible ascribed to the Antichrist 10 titles in Revelation chapter 13 verse 1 the Bible says he rises from the sea in verse 2 the Bible says the dragon or Satan gives him power and authority in verse 3 the Bible says that the Antichrist is going to receive a deadly head whoa let me read it to you revelation 13 and 3 if you have your Bible I saw that one of the heads of the Beast seemed wounded beyond recovery but the fatal wound was healed and the whole world marveled at this miracle and gave allegiance to the Beast imagine just for those of you that have a a way of identifying most of you regardless of your age have seen the assassination of John F Kennedy here in Texas and there's a lot of conspiracy theory around that that I'm not going to bother getting into but most of us have seen how severe the head wound was a lot of people that do ballistics make a strong case that there were two or three bullets from different directions but if you've ever seen the documentaries or the pictures he had a head wound from which there was no recovery imagine him making an international speech the day after he was shot dead imagine the impact that would have upon the world and his continued leadership that is what's going to happen to the Antichrist because the Bible says in verse 3 that deadly wound is healed verses 3 and 7 it says he'll have strong political power verses 3 & 8 he'll have strong religious power verses 1 5 & 6 he'll be guilty of blasphemy verse 7 he'll war with the tribulation Saints verse 5 he'll rule for 42 months and verse 18 says he has a mysterious number 666 now for those of you that enjoy taking notes on this and I've been asked this what does the Bible mean Antichrist it simply means against Christ most scholars agree on that there's not a lot of disagreement with Bible scholars they believe that the Antichrist will be the ultimate embodiment of what it means to be everything that Christ wasn't this one world leader the Antichrist is going to do five things in prophecy it's an entire message but I'll just give them to you so that you'll have them the Bible said he's gonna be a one world leader the Bible said he's going to create a one-world global government the Bible said he'll establish a one world economy the Bible said he'll have a one-world religion and establish himself as God and the Bible said that he's gonna have a one world military power that will brutally enforce everything that he dictates the second beast is mentioned in Revelation 13 verses 11 through 18 and that second one is the false prophet now if you remember I covered this on another night the Antichrist is the greatest counterfeiter in all of human history and because there is a Holy Trinity and the Holy Trinity God the Father God the Son God the Holy Ghost Satan will have a wicked or an evil Trinity which will be comprised of Satan the Antichrist and the false prophet and it's the false prophet that is the second beast that we read about in the last half of Revelation 13 what is his job why is he around he is the agent of enforcement and implementation of the Antichrist the Bible says concerning this false prophet in verse 16 read it there he required everyone small great rich and poor free and slave to be given a mark the false prophet will be the one who sells the mark he'll be the one who enforces whatever strategy they have to make the mark universal now I want to go down to Revelation chapter 20 and verse 10 because the second beast and the false prophet the Bible tells me along with that entire wicked Trinity are going to be judged revelation twenty and ten covers that it says then the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the fiery lake a burning sulfur joining the beast and the false prophet there they will be tormented day and night forever and forever and so is wicked as apocalyptic as brutal as barbaric as this seven-year window of time called the Great Tribulation and don't forget we're coming back tomorrow night and closing with that it's an incredible message don't miss it but the reason why it's such a short time jesus said if God had not shortened the years of the Great Tribulation that none could survive and again I can't cover everything in one service but for all of you that are listening there are about seven point seven billion people on the planet right now during the Great Tribulation in a short amount of time over half of the world's population will be eliminated through various judgments imagine approximately four billion people on this planet eliminated through a series of incredible judgments by the wrath of God question number three and it starts to get a little more interesting how close are we to a one world leader and a one world government that's one of those questions that I get on a regular basis if how close do you believe we really are to a one world leader and a one world government now just before I on for this remember the next major prophetic event on the calendar of God is the rapture so if we are this close to the events of the Great Tribulation the second coming of Christ and the millennial reign how much closer must we be to the rapture of the church if I were unsaved and I were sitting in this sanctuary tonight but unsafe but possess the knowledge of the Bible that I possess you couldn't get me out of this auditorium with a stick of dynamite until I had made peace with God the Bible said some safe by fear and if prophecy rattles your cage then let it rattle your cage but prophecy was not given to scare you it was given to prepare you but if you're not right with God I promise you there'll come a day when the amount of trauma and fear that will wash over this planet will be without measure the Bible tells me that people will hide in caves and pray for the rocks to come down upon them and kill them in the Great Tribulation the Bible said that there will be such an escalation in natural disasters the Bible said there will be hailstones that will fall where hailstones weigh 75 pounds imagine the amount of devastation that a hailstorm would inflict where the stones raining from the sky weighs 75 pounds on average the Bible said that during the Great Tribulation there will be an earthquake so severe the Bible said every island will disappear into the sea and every mountain will be made level think about that an earthquake so severe that Japan is gone the Hawaiian Islands are gone every island will disappear into the sea but as radical as that is it said every mountain will be made level tallest mountain on planet Earth Mount Everest just shy of 30,000 feet at its peak most of the planes I ride don't fly that high but every mountain will be made level what kind of earthquake in the Great Tribulation is gonna flatten Mount Everest Mount McKinley the Swiss Alps and on and on but the Bible has never been wrong how close are we to a one world leader and a one world government Pope Francis not long ago did an interview with the Italian newspaper the largest newspaper in all of it Italy called la república just a snippet of his speech translated into English says this quote the United States of America these are the words of the Pope not long ago quote the United States of America has a distorted vision of the world and Americans must be ruled by a one-world government as soon as possible for their own good that's the Pope a supposed religious leader who is also doing his best to create a one-world religion who'd have thought we would have lived long enough to see the Catholic pope and if you're Catholic I love you I'm not criticizing you at all I've had many Catholic people come to me with their concerns all I can tell them is keep your eyes under the author and the finisher of your faith get into a good bible-believing Church for Jesus Christ never put your eyes in your faith upon human leadership always keep your faith in Jesus Christ alone can I get an amen he is the one that leads us from victory to victory and from glory to glory but who would have thought that all of us would have lived long enough to hear a Pope promoting a one-world government a one world leader homosexuality one world militaries and we seek Kanye filled with the Holy Ghost and preaching the gospel and asking people to repent it'd be crazy if it weren't true but amid uncertainty over the United States trade policy's Frances president by the way I've received a lot of social media information on this and questions because his name the president of France his name is Emmanuel and I don't speak French so if I butcher this macron I've heard two pronunciations on that I'm not sure which is right but I'm not in France so I don't care but Emmanuel means God with us and macron means the mark and so a lot of people that like to use what I call newspaper exegesis always looking for some cute little headline to make an end time scenario out of it and there's been a lot of it with Emmanuel macron because his name means God with us and the mark and the Bible says that the Antichrist is going to claim to be God with us and he's going to establish a mark is Emmanuel macron the Antichrist I don't know I don't care I'm gonna be gone I have a reservation on the first flight out of here I don't care I don't care if it's a manual macron I don't care I live ready to meet Jesus Christ the Lord so those types of arguments to me are foolish and unnecessary but here's what he said he said amid uncertainty over US trade policies I am calling for a new global economic order decrying an unprecedented crisis in the market economy and he said that before the UN not long ago many world leaders not just a handful not just the Pope I'm not picking on the Pope not picking on the Catholic Church not picking on France I'm just telling you that multiple world luminaries are all crying for what the Bible said is about to happen many global leaders fueled by a UN plan they resent they resent American democracy that's why they're trying to rip it apart they resent our global influence they resent our military supremacy and that's why they're calling for a one world leader in a one-world government because they're being inspired by the spirit of Antichrist because I hate to say this but I've got to say it the Bible said that when then Antichrist comes into full rule and reign that every nation of the world will be subservient to him America is not going to survive to the end of time as it is now it is going to bow before the feet of a one-world government and a one world order and if you have any brains between your ears tonight that should help you to understand a lot of what's going on in the unraveling of American democracy in the cry for socialism in the attempt to unravel this country and what our forefathers brought to bear and you need to pray that under the rapture of the church that somehow God keeps America strong so that we can continue to send the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth while there's yet time question number four what is the mark of the beast the Bible states that the mark of the beast is a mark placed upon the forehead or upon the right hand during the Great Tribulation the Greek New Testament uses the word mark or sign eight times and seven of those are associated in the book of Revelation and with the Antichrist it simply means a mark or a stamp or engraved itched branded cut or imprinted again I'm not going to ever write an entire prophecy book trying to tell people what my opinion of the mark of the beast is because it's foolishness it is wasted intellectualism to try to forecast what the Bible has not forecasted if the Bible didn't tell us then we shouldn't be trying to read between the lines several years ago there was a huge movement where everybody was in the biblical numerology and if you take the verses of the Bible and you add this to that and divide this by that and this number if I could just get people to read the Bible straight forward I'd be a happy man I have to be at Rimet trigonometry expert to unravel Scripture I don't think God intended it that way all we know from the Bible is in a literal mark of identification so anybody that tells you that it's a barcode or it's a tattoo or it's a ink subdermal RFID chips etc etc etc you're probably not listening to the most intelligent prophecy teachers you should be listening to because people who preach on prophecy that fear the Lord should just stay in the scriptures and keep their cotton pick and commentary out of it because all you do is cause questions confusion and people lose their faith in the Bible if you're strong enough to receive that give me a big a met the mark of the beast is actually going to solve global problems it'll solve the problem of identity theft it'll solve the problem of data hacking it'll solve the problem of all of the things that financial institutions are dealing with today the leaking of private information I mean seems like about every two weeks we find out some major company in the world was hacked and all of the information of everybody in their data system was leaked and available to god-knows-who so you have to understand that by the time the mark of the beast comes it's going to be hailed as the next big thing it is being used for everything today the technology I'm talking about the technology of hand identification for head identification I mean my phone to get into my bank I do most of my finances online to get into my bank I have to take my iPhone and I have to do a retinal scan of my eyes that's the only way I can get into the bank but from that they used to do a fingerprint before that it was a series of numbers or a password but now it does a retinal scan of my eyes and then and only then will it open up that information to me and we're seeing these technologies evolving again imagine him preaching and prophesying that in the first century but today those technologies in the hand biometrics they're often called they're already used for purchases they're already used for security doors and companies they're already used for copy machines they're already used for logging into computers they're already used for unlocking your phones already used for sharing business cards all right used for storing medical information as a matter of fact many hospitals it's taking our country by storm multiple hospitals won't even allow you to receive medical care until they implant you with some type of modern technology but I always tell people don't be afraid because that's not the mark of the beast I had a lady in a meeting not long ago said I'm an executive and I'll not mention the company but she said the executive team at their finance company we're told they had to make a choice either they receive a subdermal tattoo or they had to resign she said if iris and they're asking us to receive it in our right hand she said if I received that subdermal tattoo which can't be seen she said is that the mark of the beast I said no it's not I don't know what the mark of the beast is but in a moment I'm gonna tell you why I'm so sure that it's not the purpose of the mark is twofold number one it is mandated and strictly enforced as a cashless economic system revelation 13 and 16 he required everyone small great rich poor free slave to be given a mark on the right hand or the forehead no one could buy or sell anything without that mark so the Bible's absolutely and brilliantly clear it is an absolute enforced economic system that you're going to have to take secondly it's a permanent and visible sign that you have pledged your life and total allegiance to the global control of the Antichrist in other words it is a mark of ownership and control and this marking human property is nothing new it dates all the way back to almost the beginning of civilization and slavery etcetera and the Jews and the Holocaust and you could go on and on people in evil high wicked places have always abused human control and it'll be like nothing you've seen before in the Great Tribulation I close with this Christians shouldn't panic Amazon just announced a few days ago that they are getting ready to launch a hand technology where your hand will act as your ecommerce almost like a credit card but it'll also contain all your data etc and a lot of people are panicked and I've received a lot of emails and social media contacts and you know we should boycott Amazon and and let me tell you you don't have to worry you're going to as we get closer to the rapture you're going to see the stage listen you're going to see the stage being set for the arrival of these things but that's why you have to be here tomorrow night because I'm gonna show you without a wiggle room that it is impossible with proper scholarship and interpretation of Scripture to say that God's gonna take the church into any part of the Great Tribulation musicians would you come and I want to close briefly with one last question number five what will happen if I take the mark of the beast it's sad that I even have to address this pastor but you would be amazed through 40 years of ministry how many people have come to me and say I'm gonna do my best to live for the Lord but if I miss the rapture at least I know enough not to take the mark well one of the things you're gonna learn tomorrow night in the last service is anyone who had an opportunity to be safe before the rapture cannot be saved during the Great Tribulation because the Bible says all who had refused the gospel prior to the rapture all those who had a genuine opportunity to receive the gospel before the rapture if they are backslidden or away from God or totally had rejected the gospel during the Great Tribulation the Bible's very clear that God is going to send the deception of the Antichrist upon their minds the Bible says they cannot be saved and they will be eternally judged because when God extended his hand of mercy they spit on it don't miss what I'm about to say you cannot get saved when you want to the Bible says in John chapter 15 and verse 16 he have not chosen me but I have chosen you the day you get right with God is not the day you choose God it's the day God chooses you it's a divine appointment that's why when I give the invitation in just a few moments you must search your heart and if you feel the tug of God saying this is your night to get right this is your night to make peace with God you say but if I don't understand all of the Bible there's so much of that's confusing to me I'm not sure about this and I'm uncertain about that that's all right you don't have to figure it all out I've been preaching this book for 40 years and I'm learning every day but you've got to at least come to the fundamental understanding that God is holy we are unholy and there's only one way to have right relationship with God and that's why jesus said I am the way the truth and the life and no one can come to the Father but by me jesus didn't say I am a way among ways he said I am the way he didn't say I am a truth among many truths and ideologies he said I am the truth he didn't say I am a life among many lives and world revolutionaries he said I am the life and you cannot have right relationship with God until you trust in the cross and the sinless son of the Living God who died was buried rose again and with over 500 historic witnesses said I go to prepare a place for you and if I go I'll come again that where I am there you may be also I'm afraid that the answer to this is not pleasant because the Bible plainly tells us that all who refuse to receive the mark will be executed oh because there will be people saved during the Great Tribulation a multitude but none who had had an opportunity prior to the rapture will cover that tomorrow night but let me just read two verses of Scripture before we give the invitation revelation 14 verses 9 10 and 11 let me cover all three then a third angel followed them shouting anyone who worships the Beast and his statue here it is don't miss it or who accepts his mark on the forehead or on the hand must drink the wine of God's anger it has been poured out full strength into God's cup of wrath and they will be tormented with fire and burning sulfur in the presence of the Holy Angels and the lamb and the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever and they will have no relief day or night for they have worshipped the beast in his statue and have accepted the mark of his name the moment somebody takes the mark hear me don't miss this no one will take the mark by accident the mark will probably not be introduced until halfway through the Great Tribulation after the Antichrist violates his peace treaty with Israel there will be some pretend shady corrupt political things going on as the stage is set but the Bible said three and a half years into the Great Tribulation he's not only gonna violate his peace treaty with Israel but he's gonna desecrate the holy of Holy's and then the wrath of God will come upon this planet in such fury again jesus said if God didn't shorten the days none could survive the Bible said I can't wiggle out of it all who receive the mark will spend eternity in hell a wise person will get ready to meet God before the rapture and live ready every day and when I give the invitation I pray that's what you'll do tonight if you believe and receive the Word of God give God a mighty hand to praise [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Faith Christian Center
Views: 105,571
Rating: 4.7808218 out of 5
Keywords: Faith Christian Center, great worship, positive message, Austin Lingerfelt, Dr. Gene Lingerfelt, Gene Lingerfelt, churches mansfield tx, churches arlington tx, arlington texas churches, mansfield texas churches, @FCCArington, faith, healing, Full Gospel, Holy Spirit, end times, last days, mark, mark of the beast, antichrist, anti-christ, revelation, book of revelation, tribulation, judgment, wrath of god, Evangelist Tiff Shuttlesworth, Tiff Shuttlesworth
Id: 741V3ewc3k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 50sec (3650 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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